HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-09-03, Page 8- , I ,� - I I-,- —.77 "'4*", � 'T-', �,­­- , 7-'r � 7'� ',!".�, :�: ��i�'�,,�t,'� ,Z I I , , , , , I I ,, . � . , .,:, , 11 �. ,,, - , ,�t I ��� ,,, .1:111. 5"jp; ,�, ...... 11 .1., ., .1 "", , I '', I ., - . 71T ;,','),I W'o;t . �, �! �, , � ri; %, 1� !'� &E ,,,, '� ,,�!� '7 , �`.�A 4� -`,4-,;" � _ - - , ; _ I.." � -� -4 ­ , " �4 -Tosionge, - 9X. . k'. - ' I ' '� I T I .11. -0 � �01V;!,�' 0 I 1 �6 "�j V, "m - .V,i#1 �p 'N "" " wiftl. ,ilp; , �-,.!At v�A`X, ". " I , . ) . , , �N� �,. , ", t 'K ,, Offi "' - , . , ', �. Zlwo . , 5 I ,�, , 0 , ;_`i,,""� �` I .1 . �- .. 4 11 Ii. M ., I I'll, , ,� I - 110 I�Tnvs,x. ,,"! P ."� � - �11,,' �' � eW � , . -1 6A Jouri :0"* ,'Mrs. I, I . ", 11 111.;111�,,, - il . %"� t I I �fl . � , , ". � ": I � .11 11 , - - .. I 11 . whia with Xr. Geddes a,44 ' . ",',,I . "I I ,`� �' 11N� �,�_C- I I � � I I , o�,�t � - . � �91 , I ' - I .", �9-', W-­i�4�t - I , 11 ­� . . - I �`151115`11��. , -.1; I to- m their I I , , � .)�. . have recently gone , - m . I . R,- I �, . . , - -.-,,,1r­R!a1 . I I. ". i�� �, - .1 __ , 4.il. 1. .1,111.1 -in .1, " �, 11. 410 N11,1- " � � I � �;; ­', !�,,­4.�`�r�� ,�I. h-ume ' SeAforth, wa, ,uted by � ­. PP , �:".� ""', 1�.,!...,:- I", ,.'a' : - . .. 5 preso , ,,, - I �� 1. — ,,, . . .. 1. __�,;. " , I ,M,� . " '. , ������ 11 thQ WA -811 I bf the, Frfeabytena;u ­:,,,��,,'�� .� �'. � 4i 11 . between PER , A.1 , - - T . .7 �-- � . - � �� k -1 I �­ , . Tpm"— I . ., - .. .. ". ... 11 �f .,ft , � I .� handsome , 1i ,,� 1 , :', , ,, � . "I � 1141�4f .... "I'll., .... ,4all , - ,,, '.. -­ . . . . . , jKINCARIDINS �, -, �, %4 . ., " "I ,,'YR� .. �. _� . ,� . 1- �� . , , ­ V � I . , .�,,,�), '. ", .11 , 11� 'I., �., Rl!l , . . I � . �43'0 �Q-�. I 1. church, Belgrgvv�e, With A � X 11 , ", Ni4APT'R Cn­ 1v t" I" 1, ,,, I lti t� I 51;� R . Ild - .� 11-R-14 . 11� 1� " __ ; �10 ". !­ �� . �_. . " I Tl� .. , ,; �. I'll I !,��., , �, �4 . School -� SU 'Res piece Of China, whlcn was accom 11 I 'I", I .1 W."10 � � .,�, 1Y I, I ,for. apron, ready PP igd by the following address, , ear , S4 I I 11 � !�� . - , 11 I �?,' .1 11 , I ,_-0011, .plia4l 9 I #T_ 7� �, , 421 � � �"�41 � � vm. . , � I J., Of . � 4 �. �,.L ' .'' . , � I "! "I'll 'th deep feeling of ' -wlfo '. � A, A .. :�,,` I-, ­ 1�-� !it , -T . "'.. "A.. A ....`�,; . � ,.- i I I ��,* "i, 6 1. � I I I. 1, �, ot 1. � , ,Atg%cilled, vnth 2 Packages re FOR Friend, -It was wi �.;i " N6:.", 0, '. , , � � . I ,� ��. � - 1:X - I eWl - . �-, - �:? . ..... I - - . , , , . ,VERyTHING NEEDED we, the members 01 the Jp"1k;1 I , - . ,1V ',,:. I . i.�.,,�, , . . I . . - ... �r! k' 11 I , � M"�, . I ,,4z - . I I , 17 , , , , F 4.� % I P, �� ; , , I ­­ , . . ,, . . � - -,�,, � �­111_41V: 4e �� - ,� .1 �!e ��, L . o- ­ . 1� , 'AR .. - � - - , lx�r5� .1 I I I I . - r , - - " ' ' Ill* 4",$ZI V� � t , ,. l; W."b Tablets at SCHOOL OPENING reigret that ocj�ety, heard �,t, ?"'. � .eaf NZI 011; �RyAA1*':J)rQl,&fr4T4,. � . . 25c 1� I I . I women,s Missionary S j�o Iki � � " T�.OY r,"-Aed- to , I'- I � 1�1' , ­ $ "'I'l.k t. , 'aints , , I.&I � ` -, . � �­ ..... .. :."',. �q V. 1.1i ­;�,�, 0111 , r'�,� `��16 �, � � I ........... .... ­­ of your removal from our " dut� " , '. , ' W_ 4W A I . : , ,,� , - � , ,'_ � �. I ., cr A 9 C�P� r If -V - * ' . � " midst, and Sprfh �, 1-11. - "', , ­ . � I 'r- Tieus'­ % ay.�4ifrg. Wilbe -t 0 . ,. s'Af it _�. . . " �, :, � , , I ,,",-,", �, ::7;� .� I � I E -If you desire' Text Books . - Pencils, , . ,d _1 . .,,T;A: ­ - 1-,i . , -, " , I , 1 r�,,­,q"V,�W,47�. ------ ��.. � '111kti ip 'r. . - . I ;,�; I ". . " 4 - ve WZZIUJI, ConvCULA-it., luable services. WA`t,5.q1w;;, . Compasiii ,. - . ,.,g �01,4,uve a "o I ,If. A, .. �1. , "I " 0*ethilrg , . Scribblers ,we wish to show ip some way our I "§_ � in W-01W,60A, .1_n-r.l WIL, , � , " W'!,;, '. M6 14 ,.,�,:., ! . -3141 ;W-, irenci I i'l . "�'. ., ; , ,�'.-�, ry F,)[ercise Books recognition of your va ARIWWRW &,;',,, -of Heil� Ill, T'.24 4 Witb. , . . . I . '. - . " I I 1'�" � , economical, absOlutelY you were always a fai-thful worker . I . � . "". ,� "­_­,��,��,::%V-, g" I '­ � , " I B6=S . wxertzie � R I I . . . � � . .. , ..-. ..., .1 I � "., , �,;-,"�_ , 0 ,�',,j*.!,4-,. . . 1 IU9��, ris p I ,i�,, .�',,;,!.", Mr. , "� lk�;- 40ndeused, Drawing Books . , ond Mrs. Alex. Rrciadfo6t"� I ,�,, ��,% , .. I . d .1. 'R . ' . , _ , "' ' " , " "i, �'Ivl -1 ; - �il- ­C�_'­­,-,� � '41�1 1� ­' overnment inspected, We ,'k cl �� Loose Leaf Note Books in our Society .t - - ., ,� ": �., ,., � -.1. - I . , ever 'ready to give of Fountol �f-� ,O scholul, I veek.-Aitssi.0 J F' 1) , . "": � , I.. pure an .. 11-1 Pvoad� this 11, .. %ow.- �-Y,7'�J*DU,-�, 11110 , �- �'�,,q, - 4ii-�., I � ', .. I "' ,,41��. I I , ommeril our Summer SaUsUge Pens, Pencils, Eraser$ y6ur time -and talents, and to aid us �, �.��,�,., 11.1), _: '. i ­ -1 �- ­.- - , ". , � . . V 11. -1 -A. G rich . ­. , -:.. ,, �v--- _ " : . , . I !! - �, ", . , 1.�, , g 11 , -1 J. W, Beattie, wii,`,:xe�, - , 'i I W. t .. ... 1;�!,� 1. .. rec . . 1, � ,-�-, �� ", I ��.;. �.' I I -, -, . . " I � - I:- .- .. '! 1 . �L,� -, ... �.,:,­, , W..�11 ,0 �,,�,, ,'�. . . "I 1-111.,1111 I .. �1, � I , - '. "I �,�. I - I I..�., - _ .. � C I .; , ­­ ,K)"'. '111� .,A. I 1� ., - , " � X1. 1, Tr. _.," � 1� i�,, ". __ , - -, per I � , - - t, ic ".., . I ­� I S'- . , �- " -,":! _,.�'., " � I � I '.` ­ '' "" I � , is �h Derlilison ar . a I . " ;" . 11 ­ , � - L . , ." .. I � . . I 1; , . - : I . . '. �111 I 1, 'I, �11 I ��'p .. t 40C Note Books, Inks, Rulers in all -our undertakings, and we trust , I I 9, and X�q .6 in Timmins .. - ,�.,�'L, 1� � i � - - We . . . � pound .................. ETC. God will graci usly bless every ef- Jolmil- i, -�� 6k� Mr. jL ftOMPS011 S aiid_Kiik1and­-Lake this - - er . , i�. � Fil'. � - � I - , ­ . %.. ... I 11", put forth for the up- , and Mks. --.H. X Chesney have returri- - ' I . I . �, �',Tl/, . _� . , - I I fort you have ,; � .. . � I . . I . ,­ ". , ' . . .. ': I � .. I I -One Of free with is Kingdom, tba I .. � . I . . "I . ;". � W ' ' ' ­i� , .. 1, . .1 1, , I 1. " "77 . . . . . , S(YMME NAPHTHA SOAP building of H t your .!, � I ' ' ' ip to the .. .- - . . ­ 1. 11 . ., Z, , ... �,." - Ae in I I ,.�jj ...... ll.*.' ada FREE_ -A 5 cent pencil .. f�,., � -. �, f ' enjoyable tr I . i , .. - the very best, and *Made in an -exall Scribbler or Ex- our stay among us B � S"]r,oRT,H eA rort an . . . . '�� � � '13p.,�. every 10 cent R work during y WeataruProt�nces and through Wash- ­ E�ep Though- Y�VVJ)LO,�`,;' I ,,,,,!�,...'. 'L�,:. by Canadians 25C ercise Book (Extra Large Size). d blessed by the ooxl - , . . . I , . , 11� � 11 ­.1,11�illp, I il: � �:,,� I., ,!,�, will be owned an 4� � .. � ' ' .' ' � t ---� - '4 '. SubsciJpt104S taken for all magazines- ingtou and Or gon stat,6s. . Mr. Ches-, * V . . '. S".1 � � - I 0111 - , � :1 I . , , I ,Not e e tQ Uy , �-� �;,-`l ,, "E"4, 4 for ...................... Master whom you seek to serve. We ite' good, �. . � , . -1V I .1. ,.�,��',�, z'' � an , I �'. . I `.,t,� % � -AT- .�� at publisher's prices. ney says, the.w �,� , . - I , ' , I � ' , � t`!,7',. C."ESE_Choi,,, old at, lb .... 30c hope you have gained many helpful . and from piesent lud�,cations there I � I . .." , ­� , I i., ,,'�,, H PHARMACY eeting toxether as fel- . 1. ,� . " :" i�!,�, - Ja§� year. - "I 1;1 . . . - '-1 ' .. I '� -, . e -z, 1. .. " , �-., . ' ­­ � ited hei . I . .... 25c SEAFORT ideas by our in ---7- will be a luger yield than hib . . ! 1. � � �. L - 1� - I , - 11 , , ­_-!) , 1^1" - 'Choice, new, at Th ........ low workers, and trust that the*inter� ". " - :., The new StYlelg ex - , " * : 1- . � . .- . .... " , , '. ",,­ , -111, .1 '­ 11, _11� . I `� T%e Rexall Store . , f tratford, Miss Jane He also thinks that Vancouve� is the r . ", . I ' 40-1ve .'e, , %'r," . You Tain Wftp" 0 S I . .:. I . , itiona ly . attx .. t .. I � , i .� ap I !, I , IqEW EN - �­ .1 .. I - coming c a r e. exci , "I I � .1 . �. I . - .1, 'g .. 'i -, %,i�, ................. th, England, Ing '. I I , 't I 1 14�*":, ""' W-,, . ". 79 . ' "", GLAND HAM est, enthusiasm and knowledge I . -, ity of the West and is grow f , : . , -L'. " I 30c these meetings may �'�� '. .,Lock, Mrs.- BOwker, s..J. R. Habkirk and " Therl I '.... , 'ht $�a& 'I A� d from . Gurm, 40 1. rapidly -Mr, . .1 . 9 J t_� Ale ri j n - , -1 I I I " �_ h ` _t I . . I . , - , -Pure Lem Phone 28 - - Seaforth have gaine cial to you in your future D6yuton iff6lisu, near Ba nd two iphildren, who . I . . , i - � " OleagO ��,' .­ 11 ,� I , on and Van- nrove benefi .. . s. Fllei.tt a . P" EXTRACTS life. As a slight token of goodwill I M,.rs, &:e 'roron ending the summer at I -8 the r1&,t,!'.', po I 0 � .' - I----- __1 . ju .� - - A . 1. ''a " ,. : . I . I :"� - . ­ --- __ , ish you to ac- , ;unn, 've b 7p � � . - ., and anpreciation we w . - I . - , : " �­ - 35c . X 'a every ) .1, . alitip .� ilia with Community Mr. 4 p ( of Chatham, were ' h�unnvi-eleen, returned to their 1.1ome . worxi4n' and the , qui 6 1-1 . 11. . � . t I �'. I Sillver Spoon ........... .. ,,pt this gift, not. for its value, but Nt,,,k at the home of Dr. th� . I ,�, f spoon MACKENZIE KING AT here is week. -Mr. Jack Adams, of .- at ,Our vepi; . ,. le, - I . t the value o 1gU k� . � will, boo itation aS't1ie_,,, I I or just abou as a little reminder of the members C=It's-11111ac ly.-Mr. and Mis. Ed- I � . � ,". RTH of the Belgrave Missionary Society. arNes :'n nt Sunday Dayton, OhioJs spending his holidays I � I .1 . . I 11 alone. SEAF0 I � .." i )t' Auburn, spe � . I � � I I i I , , ,�. I n Jef- at his home here. -Mrs. Frank gills I ,�alue-g' in towh. - . .1 - I I y surpri%- 9 t , . and Mrs. Gordo _ e� 11�1, - greatest ivers. . I �� I , : I � FOR SCHOOL OPENING. -Splendid Definite word was received here Mrs. Geddes was completel in _. 1. ily, of Hope, North is visiting with friends -in Windsor and . I . " ... . .- � � "I". "I . � ., I . I . . 1;, - . ��:� " : , ed and appreciated very deeply the ferson and,., fani �-�, r1a 11, d, I I 1, I values in Pens Pencils, Scribbler.;, Detroit. -Among the out of town ik 4�, 7, I � ';11 )ks' Examination Pad', this morning that Holl. W. L. Mae- kindness of 'her fellow workers, in D46ta� ,And Mrn. John Maloney, of . t 0 . . . - -o 3 at the guests who attended the Kerr -Larkin "I'll I Come in—tr ­4ee �­ ., �� _y 6n a few . I .. Exercise Bo( etc., including a 1r)d address a public are guesrU �, .� -_ " 1. I I Book Bags, kenzie King would their remembrance of her." Detroit; Mirin-, ita, nce wedding on Friday evening last were . 11 . how ypu lo6kin them. - , .. � , of.Xr. ;Ln( Mrs. G. B. Dorra Mr. and .", p,t�� � . . .'� I -_ - , , ink for 10c and a 5e in seaforth on Thursday, home Mrs. Fred Larkin, Winds;6r; .1 I . fountain pen ------- 00— � - . in McKililop_ Mrs. Klein and-daugh- , - . . - 11 "'t . I I I . . , rora; .. g ,��Nl w 't ` � .. Ticil for 21�e. 1 rn-'etilig Mr- - Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Moffatt, Port Col- . �, . rubber tipped pe S".."ber 9th, in the afternoon. Notice.—The Public Library >vill be closed ters, Margaret and Evelyn, of Cleve borne; Miss Helen Larkin, Au I � 0 1 11. panied by other fr,,m September 7th tot Septt�mber 21st. Greta land, spent the week end at the Char- . I !a ro, � . You'll want a Ne ` Au. uznn. Hat ' &', V'- King will be accom Dr. Brenton Kepr " I , � - . T'h�mpson, Librarian. 3065-2 Buffalo; Mr. and 11 w, ter's hdine, Mill Road. -Mr. and Mrs. ' ��, o be sure, It -is a' good ' , . I 1rN Xy vrominent Liberal speakers. Brick For sale-FDr sale several hundred and little daughter, Mrs. J. Pattridge and Mrs. G. Barr, I soon—t I �� � � ;, utchison's == Red Rug Brick. Apply to Mr%. James cowan, D. D. Gagner Ubald Toronto; Mr. Parker, Wondstockq Mrs. 1. : . time right now to'begIn looking . �, , i A - - , � ;��,,� F. V ---.---.. - __ _­ ­ - Seaforth, or Phone 219. 8063-tf Yeonne, and Mi. and Mrs. d Rev. and 44", . . - y .,q- �rea .4441, I­ � I Carron and daughter, Rita, of Pain- A. Gardn&, Walton, an - dy, � . FOOD : PHONE 166 With The Bowlers. -An ideal spot Reamers wanted. High �cbool Pupils Want- - - 11 .. � . into . the matter. ., We r .. 1PHONE FOR , apply at The Expositor office. 'the we t the home Mrs. McCullough, Kineardine.-Dr. .. . I . and one of great interest is the lawn g"g rc�oms court, spent, ,ek end a , , . I I � � � - � I I . 1 3063-tf and Mrs. Frank Eberhart, who were I - to show you. " " .1. I __ __ -.-- - of the Seaforth Bowling Club. Local Rooms To Rent.—Apartment rooms with all _. here visiting the doctor's mother, Mrs. . . . . - . .i . 4k, � , I . I k, = — _ -_ tournaments have become very poPu- modern conveniences. Apply to w. E. Keys- - . C. Eberhart, have returned to Mea- . I ; .� . 16% * - . .... � . ,� I � . I , - 'p,i%", ­ i � I -, � 11 � I lake, Sexiforth. 3060-tf . ' . "' ""' 'i 1 ' �- . lar. Friday evenings Alice M. Daly A,T.C.M.. will open classes ford. -Mrs. C .L. Whitby and child- - - ww�__ -M 9,1,4W -_ 11 . � ,.,.. � . ay afternoon from The ND ". .. 1—i .. . _ . ,I. � September ren who-bave been spending the . . 1, - -,, I . ', It I . . 1. I , -,, "L _­ and each Wedriesd� in piano and &ory on Monday, I ' I - , :1. _. .. .. %, , I , / " ;..� � ome, Victoria ftrcet� Seaforth. - . . ­ �, .. - - I , . I �.- . ,,:1, , , . N ' , 4, 1. � � I�M­�T. , ien will be found r with Mrs. Whitby's parents, �, 'l_, .. ­ 25 to 35 bowling n 13Lh at her h . 3065x2 summe I � �: . . . .11. EW" '-- I ' I '­ .. i , ­' _. .1 - , ' No bet, Phone 2G6. SEEN THE N 11. . 1-- Mr. and Mrs. John Robb, returned to . .- �. .- � '. there in keen competition. wship Pullets For Sale. -Pure bred Barred Rock Valtilishin . HAVE YOU . � -I.. I � ,;�:: I ter greens, no better good fello Pullets. March and April hatched. Apply to 9 their home in Vermillion, Alberta, on . � . :�' 4 and no better bowling men StirlLng. R. R. No. 5, Seaforth. Phone 0 Saturday. -Mr. John Reinke, of Tuck- .. . .., Club Alex. tion for �. FALL AND WINTER COATS I %_ " /( �, � found in Western Ontario. The number 32 on 228. 3063xI I il .. , I - The Ladies of St. Thomac Church purpose ersmith, underwent an opera , I ;.i- . - . I i., ,11ways very creditay)ly represent the vacant 6 tore, -_ - appendecitis in the Seaforth Hospital - I I . : -1 I . ) t -d at all Tourneys within a wide holding a Cooking Sale in Am'erican last week. His many friends hope he Id -, , ... I - I , I ( Fri. 11 have a rapid recovery�The Altar SHOWN HERE? � I ..... � � - ; radius and each week new laurels are north of Box's Confectionery St6re, on . 11 11, day afternoon. September 3rd. 3064-1 The giant ePic of the American In- -i , - 1�ime is played on Band, St. James, -Church held a I 5" �", . I being won. I The g . I wanted by the Seaforth Ifighl-amier., dian, written by ZANE GREY, and Society of e -prepared to see �%, I , I successful euchre If not, com, . , all absolutch level surface; all bowl- I new members for cians to start in Sevtew- e us most enjoyable and ; ­ 0 % , and all do their b,r Apply at once to E, *I). Reid, at Post produced by 11aramount, who gay -ish. hall on Tue5- some of the finest Coats it has .. L I ( r" mevt on a level " inion I � . office. or K W. E,Ige, at The Dow -The Covered NVagon" and "The Ten Plid dance in the Pat � I - . level best to win. 3066-2 day evening. The prize winners at . .. Bank. 'Comm"dinents." ever been our pleasure to Aow. .1 I . &__ -.1-',eaforth bowlers, we all say, Mus,ic-Mi- Anne G. Govenlock, graduate The "New )i,,rk World" says: "One the euchre were: Ijaaies, first, Mrs. . 41A �11 � ,I,i\e and bowl for many a day; Teacher's Coume, c,anadian -Academy of of the most livautiful and stir -ring McDonald, Wingham; Men, Jno. Nigh; . ... . 1. P_ I Congratulations heart and soul, Musie, announces the reopening of her class- hands, ladies, Miss Alice Carbert; . I �, I ." - in Piano, organ aml theory on September things yet 4 -no in films. Its action lone . . . . . lk"71" I 0h, '�eaforth bowler-;, live and bowl ,:h. PLLpils Prepar�d for Toronto Conserva- is swift and ,mooth. It moves with men, L. Devereux; consolation, Mrs. —SEE THEM SOON— �) 'i t,)l-y Fixaminati�in,�. cims w(yrk for beginners and James Purcell. -Rev. Dr. r, �, MjWr YOUR MEAT HERE, FACE Phone 103. Studio, North Muim Street. Ses: the speed of ,iii. wind and the power Cleary i". TO FACE IF YOU CAN f') rth. 3065-4 of a burric4T,,. it is picturesque. it Larkin returned last week from a .1 - � I .1 pass- months' holidays and occupied his own 1 �4 ; Record Garden 11roduce.-Mr. Wil- � itl_ a true story of a you,11 enjoy selecting a fine I comfortable Dwellinc For sale.-Slectric is sane. pulpit in First Piesbyterian Church I 1jam Duggan, of East William Street, 1 . I lights. hard and soft water indoors. Sthne ing people. Evem "The Covered �' roast, thick tender steak, or some . r in cellar. on Sunday last. At the morning ser- . I �` . i )ught into The Expositor Office on I ffiundatwn with c-ment floo In Wagon- mus! take second place. J , MacTa'vish , �� )ps. Youlal appreciate condition. Good garden. This vice Mrs. Joynt, of Lucknow, gave � . , juicy chc of our Monday morning a potato vine, the I fi-t ,Ims I I Reels - 1�1 the exquisite cleanliness e(Jual (if which has never been seen I pmperty May lie. inspe�ted at any time and two beautifully rendered solos, which I ��", . market. It will add to Your � ""' ill b .-ld ,heap. Mrs. George W. Brown, SHOWN'NEXT WEEK END tion. Mrs. - . 1 in this district, or for that matter any I wuro7 Slireet� Seaforth. 3060-5 . � �!��. pleasure to know for certain that, The VVith Matinees Joynt is a datighteT of the late Frank �. place where potatoes are grown. - �`. what you buy here is so delight- Freeman, for many years a well . : . 1* fully clean. stalks measured seven feet three I Presbyterian NOW PLAYING - I - inches in length, and when pulled Kerr -Larkin -First known resident of Seaforth, and pos- - 9_11 - " ;! 9 the scene of a __ __ t, �, �, there were five good potatoes at the I Church, Seaforth, wa. sesses a beautifully trained voice.- __ . . - . . �l - '�' I ". " "61 t 2,' J't'* 'T , ` , 11 "I ! � It 11 -11 0141V,0,-__�A.Ti�S " .. I I . �, I . , ; ;� I roots. which were stail growing, I wedding Friday evening last when Jack 1i olt Mr. and Mrs. Norman Habkirk, of I = 2,�f 4 �1` � asi Beatrice Jean, daughter of Rev. 11 Grosse Isle, Michigan, ,are visiting - - . . . 4" . .1. . . � W� - D. 111. STEWART 1 the plant was not yet in flower. Mr. I I �?. - Frederick and Mrs. -Larkin, was unit- . 141 I SEAFORTH. Dugga n h .some 50 hills of these � ed in marriage to Mr. Howard Hillen Morence Vidor with Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Habkirk.- I I ' Dr. and Mrs. Briggs, of Cleveland, .-, ' a' ­ . - 't.to', P I po �s' and all have an equal length '.. i.1.1 PHONE 58 Kerr, of Galt. The altar was banked . are guest-, at the home of Mrs. A. '. I 11 � f stock. The potatoe's were grown IN .. ­ I ...; ..W. - , - - 01�:` , - ivn 19 year old , with evergreens and pink cosmos, pink McDermid. The'many friends of Mrs. .._... I - , sod land, and their - k".1- -.:-- __ __ - __ __ __ - marvellous growth has actually to � and green, being the l.otevailing shades McDermid will' regret to learn that I ' in the costurnes of the bridal party. 40 j> 40 she is very .seriously ill at present.- . '.-� � Ube seen to he believed. M Tames IQ " nir ". A A I - N.�. . i "', . P�,�, , IF: i" i�";- 111� � , I I I ,�,.,. - ... I I . . , � . , I I . " I1. , . " . : , � . : . . �, I � � � .:. . ': , . I ", ,�., ; ."', ,7 1 � , � �, I �, I . I ., 111. . , �� .. 11 I I.. :".,-,. I I j� I , , I I � , -� 11 I " 1. I ". I � .11 ­:. .1 . 1'. , i i " I �� ,,� � �,, - �.�_ ­�', , -The same day Mrs. Robert Haw- Before. the ceremony, . . %O CL Mr. W. ,I. Inompson re rne - - � � thorne brought in a number of pea stewart sang "O Perfect Love." The Monday from a two weeks holiday ii &A I - bride who entered with her brother I as a - I � pods, grown in her garden, which were r A Stor� of shipwreck and adventure ,,pent in Pennsylvania. He w c- 1_­'­� �-:-:` I I :1 1wautiful sarnpl�e of her crop. The Mr. F. R. Larkin, of Winso , to th; enmpanied by Mrs. Thompson and 4 J prids were over five inches in length strains of the bridal chorus from * on land and sea. two daughters, who spent the summer -11- I .�, ' I . .4. cut yourself a piece of and each one contained 10 or 11 per- Lohengrin, played by Mrs, Milne Pen- with relatives there. - Miss Erl"a . Parawounes nie, looked charming in a robe Mondav, Tuesday and Wednesday . Fro:Tman, of Toronto, is spending her , _, , _J'Tbe Oth A ... al Par- - feet peas - -------------- a-- de style of white taffeta embroidpred holidays at the home of her father, . - . 4 inount week is herel 15th Birthday Cake I - net with tul-le veil and coronet of Pola Negri M William Preeman.-Miss Mary * . Remember the pre ous Paramount Picture " - ' _� I celebrat1drial - when If it's a I blossoms. She carried a ' ' . . .- -vbere Judge Jackson Ill At Lethbridge.- r.range Mo�el.'nd, who spent the Sum theatres every it's the best show in town - showed nothing but A prv�s despatch from Lethbridge to, �,,hower bouquet of butterfly roses and Tom Moore 1,,,r home he,, has returned to New �= --- Paramount Pictures I � - lili, . the Toronto Globe on Wednesday , of the valley and wore the gift Liskeard. -Mr. George Stewart leaves Now here's anotberl _ " .,ay.q: II.Judgv .1. A. Jackson, former I of the groom, a -white gold wrist Ford Sterling (in Friday on a trip to the West.- Seafo;rth joins in the Paramount Week Colebrationl . �T'residvnt of the Amateur Athletic watch. Her .sister, Mrs. W. W. Mof- Miss Foreman, who has been spend- Union ,if Canada, underwent an op- I fatt, of Port Colborne, who was ma- IN ing several weeks with her parents, ' �` Jeration for appendicitis at LethbridgPI tron of honor, wore a smart gowm of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keating, return- , - ; yesterday. His condition last night blonde lace with rose velvat hat and ed to her home in Fort William this I %vas f;ivorablv. Judge .Jackson has �, carried a sbeaf of Columbia roses. Good aind Naughty week. -Miss Ethel McDougall spent Princess Theatre I 'i !.f (,n particularly active of late in his 1 1,ittip Miss Barbara Best was a green the past two weeks with friends in . ! , !T,jrLR to bring aboul a revision of I clad flower girl, and the ring -bearer Special Added Attraction liensall and Grand Bend. -Mr. and � I t�,,, ronstitutio was Master Ian Clark, of Toronto. "LIFE'S GREATEST THRILLS" 9traut and Miss Edjth Beach, � I n of the union, and of I .Mrs. J., 'SEPT. 61 7, 8 � th, J+�finition of an amateur. He Tbe bridegroom was attended by his Two revis of scenes clipped from .. 'Dilld have amateurs REELS of the past t of New York, are visitors at the home I V. , . and profession- brother, Dr. Benton Kerr, of Buffalo, the NFWS en of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McGowan at 0 . I I '11- to compete wi-th or against one and the ushers, were Mr. Leslie Kerr years. I Roxboro. -Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hen- . another without the amateu-r losing and Mr. Gordon Kerr. of Toronto. The , d,rson and family, of Toronto, spent - hi- status. The Judge is a formid- service was read by the bride's father, S the week end at the home of Mr. and POLA NEGRI, in 1 ,bje advocate of the plan, and tb,z Dr. Larkin, and during the signing Mrs. R. H. Modeland.-Mrs. R. L. , . Pri -nee S n" " chances of it,q carrying will undoubt- of the register, Miss Florence Beat- Clark, Miss Ruth Pinkney and Mr. � edly -jaer should his illness 1w. an tie and Mr. James Stewart sang "Un- . - - and Mrs. W. W. Robin , � li, extencM one." Judge Jackson is a til." After a reception at the manse --- ------ Dorothy spent the week end with " Good and Nau�htyll I 11 , ondville boy, which was decorated with pink roses Aylmer friends. -Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 1� I nown Tn ...' ", wpll k old Eg : , . . - - �1 *1-: - - ___ _____ and spent last-sumnier with his si-S- and cosmos, Mr. and Mrs. Kerr left Gillespie and family have moved in- . : . i .... j�� .1� , . �! 11--, ter, Miq- Jackson, at lwr borne hL-re. for Muskoka, the bride travelling in a to the Merrier residence on North With Tom Moore, Ford Sterling, Stewart Holmes I , 1. i 11 �, 11. � any friends here hope he will dress of navy ebarmelaine with needle School Main 8treet, which they recently pur- �, , " l 11 I , I * . ". - DR. F. J. R_ FORSTER I , � , '. I h111.iv1_. rapid and permanent recovery. point trimming, and a black English chaved.-Miss Diavina Anderson is !�. 10,11 ��& SEPT. 9,' �J.- " v P. 11 Eye, Bar, Noose and Throat I felt"hat. On their return they will 'U. -0 - spending her holidays with friends in 4 ... ,;,�, .: I ". Graduate in Medicine, University of I a_ reside in Galt. Supplies Toronto. -Miss Mariorie Bickell has I'- Oliver Pete WiTLq Again. -A Lewi . 1.� I � ", Toronto. - been engaged as -teacher for the school . ; ;;; .. .%, I �,;, ,. . Late assistant New York Ophthal- town, Pennsylvania, paper makes the �' !, , , .� Schooil Will S60n Be Calledl at No. 7, Hullett, Harlock.-Mr. and I . .,��W�,'q , Moorefield's following reference to the race meet , ��: " . � . . - " 'I 1. � d Aural Institute Duncan McCowan motored to ZANE GREYS . "I'll, - llrl � met an Throat Hos- held in that city last week, -when Local Briefs -Mr. and Mrs. George Supplies Will Be NeedeAL M rs. I ""i. ", '.. �1� :z. . Eye and Golden Square - �, �' i, ". ­ -,. Ke_rs- Steet, of Saginaw, spent thie week London this week to attend the Wed- ,-.' , R-SADY WITH A FULL ,�.! 1 pital's, London, Eng. At Commercial Oliver Pete, owned by Messy '... 11 e of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. WE ARE ding of Mr. Archie Bryant. Mr. * AM -, ;_, I k of G , of Seaforth, won the end at the bom . . . Hotel, Seaforth. Next visit Septem- I - an. -Y AssORTMENT. Bryant is a nephew of Mr. McCowan's. 66 4 , ,." 1 - ' �Aj .. 119 pace in straight heat- "Ideal Broadfoot, Mill Road. -Mr. and Mrs. . - . , �;# ,� 4,; ,.�, � , ber 20th, 1926. . - The ,�!� I ...... *1 i t i O,7ffip re va i I e d for the third day P. Robinson, of Toronto, were week Some Real Specials. -Mrq. Charles Rally and two daugh I I , . , ,:::�� , 11 � f Mr. a -ad I., �, 1� " f the I n unty Fair. The track end guests at the home o tcrs and Mrs. C. Brats, of Albany, ��._ �,_" � - it - -��i;� ,�,�, .� — - Co riard Bolton. - Mr- J_ H. - SAVE N. Y., were guest's last week at the r,- I a . I " was in Piccellent condition. All three Mrs. Leo SEE BEATTM BROS. AND �. :il , 4 " Hincliley and his mother, Mrs. J. D. VISIT 11FAIVES, CHINA STORE home of Mrs. A. Young. -The Misses It $,, ,-t", .�,, harness races were won in straiglit Hincbley,* spent the week end with I. �.. Ella and Mabel Turnbull left this 2_n hing A m - e ric a n " K, *,,.�'. N is . I � ,., � heats, with the homes well bunclied. ".. ",.,I DR. W. C. SPROAT St. Thomas frierids-Mr. and M , 11 , ,c,.;;,� . t `,' . n the . week to resume their school diitlas at �_ �4�. ". A. B. Cummings, of Reading, wo ,"i v; ', �:,, `�:, - E. Lennon, of Montreal, vveTe Toronto and Huntsville,Miss Thelma ILSON 1. �1 _1'1� , With RICHARD DIX, LOIS-W . 1.� �1, . I �, .. 1; 'V'i UviVeTsity Of Western OntaAo, Loll- by the Lewiston Rotary Club. es a � � �__ . . �.:, �J ,�, Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, silver cup in the 2.30 race presented P I ., ..'4 , , Bul- gu t this week at the home of 'Mrs.- Beattie Bros Johnston, who has been. Spending the _1 - _.� , I, l �, 41 ,.11 - I . .� " . �1111 � I ... W rnber of College Of Physic- ford & Robinson won the cup Iyres- and Mrs. James Devereux. -Mrs. U. .. ­ I-— � — holidays at the home of her parents� - � . I , . V __ , �, I, 11 I 'i i; � ,dOt6 Me ; - - � I 1. il I ..1' .�, � wiston Fair Associa- D. Clark and two children, who have - ____ ____ -_ Mr. And Mrs. Thomas Johrist6n, re- "ir, ! , , �44 ;-,. inns and Surgeons of Ontario- Office ented by the Le I ____ - I., ; been spending the summer at the � I I turned to LI,W,e Current ori Weldnes- - — ��,,,,e,� I � .,4: - it, Aberhares Drug Store, Main St., tion, and Kerslake and Guy the CUP 0 � ! 0 0 ! I kl�h N "', 0 ome of Kra. Clark's parents, Mr. day.-Meagrg�. R� - M. Jews and J. E. ��__ . . I -, .. ­ �, � .,%,�,, " . . . ,� - $`. 11, � aeaforth. . Phone 90. presented. by Dr. J. P. Rothermel. h 'T'.. .1 ,� 4,11,1", I and Mrs. J. C. Greig, returned this Kilating wets hi Toronto on Monday. , � �;�! I .!....... - i - , Vd � I, 0 Nomp I � , _.. , A�!�t'� �,��:, I— John McGee, of Mt. Union, won tbo , � , .,',i.,� Red �� &i. -W h 10te _______ ,-"..., �. . l,�,,,,j1,1,, w,� , — - week to their home in Toronto- I I -Mr. M. McKellar is moving into the - I I I � - , - '­ 't- ,! � :! ! - mule race, and J. A. Muthersbaugli, I . . - . - It I 1 A Miss Ethel Daley, of W&IkOrton, is *.;I 1. -. , . I . ,� -,;; ��, -- f",(-. S! , I*sidence on Goderich Stir"t, Westy- , � .',� . ­ �,. -0, � �.' , ,� � I Lewievton, the pony race. F. F. Felk- � � -, �, VJ,Z,h . n a Buick sedan, and visiting her grandparents, Mr. and . cha'at., ores liased from Mr. � C110.0 -L OFT'COPRMERCE ,� . I '�, e which he recently pure S . , 1� I ­� . I � � -,.., � T 1�1 .. �1­ � �� . I)R. F. L lEtRCHIMLY er, Lewiit6n, wo :� �, , , � . I C "..'11W 1. .. 039T ... . � X i" ��,_,Ift - � �� �', ;'-�,,��"qlffil, 1�_ . �. , .. "I N ., ',77, 1, F. R. Hackenburv, of Thompsantown, Mrs. Poter Daley�A(Ts. , William . H. Edge. . L .0 . . 1(7, I., ,o�.V, It - � � 11 I ,,k��'��11 1'�. iait WE -Ex � . , . , I , I � . - "j, �11, ;�-,'� 0 Graduate Royal 0)llegO of Dental Morrow,and Miss Agnes Wright were OUS PRVCES,�� I . !�"APARRX 7, 1926 � ...... .. . . .11 " , ". . � an overldnd sedan presented by the T ___-de�_ - -_ . _-.9- � - I . I _ I'll" I g, "' S"T.)FAIABER 2rd � -11, � ;:�5,j,, P, Par W. IL visiting with Hamilton *ierld� this P.Eopms 10U§ 'I, � I �� , �,.; - .� I., ,4111 11 ".. - 810pous, Toronto. OI&O 01v Old Home Week committee in front __ - .. 111. I I ..; ... . I . .- �� .-­ �- .1, � . I I - t"11, 1 5" ­� " I ­ . . J 4� 01100 giv" W -AtWelds cou I ..., . �, oty, Mg1n Street, Ses- vreek,--My. and Mrs. J61M. Selaftrr LNLP,Y " . 1. ; � , , 1'. , '' - . �­� � �­ . I ---as, .. , I I �1;1341 ST) . dog from 'gea0flIt. ., - aq� -I_q*AW_# Groe of the' grartdatand. Attendarice, ' ' . , ­ !k �!�, . goo, �­ I � " �,',,.,�;,, '. , . and family are visiting in Toronto 7 Rol -'a to" �a '" A ';'l . "'. � . - ; 41 ... sr, ._--25C Notes. -Rev. 0. Vch0r. And f �TrrilYf Six weew oAdiflog 1-1 11'� r bs traili. - I . I'll, I. 1.� , I �� gidox ­Phazes�. Offted �18r), W.- rdsi. , L I . �` t ir, 1���... 25,000. 8 Ibis Redi otivVitaw,ft- for.. .,.,29C . 1. . I I'll iol�.� t". �. , 1. zN j�'. gowtf this week.-MI-qs Marie Sm rf De- rak, N. T., lifte. bedn;, y1sitIng . ". I . - I I , �. � � I, - .v 't_ ,, . . � tit, #A WA Z ,* I.'- � ,'., , ".. %.� ) "I", .. . after visit- Why Not A#0,4, 01 ' ,�', V _� . 1. . 06*0 I ,1. 2.19 Pace --Purse $400. ith, o gtMme N ffi"' 600. "- f6k, , --it df N) '11,61V9 � . ,,.' ,�;o [OoVthat Ilas the Highly�., �­' - ' -L ��'. 11�4";�,�, .1, Pete, b. g ...... I I ... 1 1 1 troit, has returned hdme � ,_ -f o'r a fq re, vith mis,.­ W " , - It is I., � , Oliver 1 16 -oz tin 94W�ii­Bilftg r0Wcwr Ouc' �* da 'M I real % IN . ..... I . . ,h PRAMICAL OU91 IN �`Tji � 11 1�: .... 11� , � ­��, .-­. �Z,%,;�,,.Y�,� - � I on, h� m ...... 2 2 2 int 0A Sojap -tiatei .1. �,;._ _� "ANNG, FRO 9 , " .11 , , _­ 11 , - I � I Hatvu ,,, her aunt, Mrs. X. Cirrbert,-Miss ' re" W ., :V,d, JoltyAdn po Tht 6"Iy , � 661 2. TIT TO., FINISH .,], �. , .1 an Dill Ind 1 Oak' `10A*..ds'r4bA` ., 4� . lbir. I �,&R I , I ""' -1_1-1-1. ­­ � I , �061ng'mt. � �, 0 ' `�" , , . 1 .. *T. 0.1, .­�% -1. .1.1 . '.. , , _ ,;� � -ya (In $6d6j-,A_ . . -.1 N' 114achisig a�a tati&t 031"CiAt'UtO �� : .. . To- _ # I ­ - .� , Don G.. ro. g . ............ 9 7 3 Leona Box Is visiting friends in , 1. 60119�4)1 its i64go,tory Woo K4 . 1'�� 90 � Free, ThM., 40', ,het &' lik", 'the whoie 10'011WQ-elitg an . , �� -��. I rorito-Mias Harriet, MYtry super- . 1. 1 , M� ftv10,.%e,,*d, ,,, -ft, 'J.k"DVb1, tfta TION . Od StOfti- �� :��;, � _E ",7, , Chesney, b. m..... 7 6 4 , 7. 1.�',�­.'-�,.%i�,',­_ .. - olh'-�i A I - '� L 1- cw�Fw 1* t� _, - � . - 11 .,�', Pearl Yk _, �, . one 0111 " ' 'd U led X _ , ' 1, t� , Tg��I, taDra We,, b. rn . ........ 5 4 6 intendent of St Aarebtig WSPIM11, . *� �d-6tJ1en,tT4fAd U100 M , �'�.; � won, wittia prombmw � z, t� V . I t "I " !,�, ,� .. �. - 6tl�bjj'�:!!,;, ,!&. t . ", OW .. .. -t "44, X. . '$V Fridn' " 5rotmPm. . . .,_ ,V,;:ftd at(061* 9fa 960409 . I Minneapolis spent the W*ek 0111d a , I �, . �0 ,. , . - I I .. ­ I'L,";I�V ­­"..., 11, -1 � , ftiff . - . �� 2 . - ,R�,,�-vq I 1 ,4 t&.,X" .": _� the h*=L- of her counriti, Mf.'. talulw� -1 '% A') ­ - A 1,617 W, N AA.11 .i,�,�, '. �, .. � . " , -,.. . _ �, Abprde6l. b,'g . .......... 8 8 dig MPATH '41 'IE6��, ­ - "' , I'll � " � I " .1 , ., I , 1��.-&-;;�4114...O,fvl W-0 J§,` - ,,%#� ej geii6tAH4 Gbi*id Offide , . I � , ,,,,­;�,., r, , , �,,.: VI -F "I"', 4 1* I , - 11�q ,, Arfttron-g andlllmli r 'Pop_* : �.� , , .1 I I 11 � � "I _ �� . I . 'I'll 11��M I – _ . , V.. ,,, - .1. , � � �, I I . - m , -; Vkt. � -4%wto, _- -- 6 t1f, Uiftb, , 4 . lat Vou"�,A Atrd -i - , I I L q g"�4 '�r . " � 'A L *11-M. . .1!1 .11 % , � - I Tfiiie, 2.17% 2.1714, 2-11q� 'ffA#ryL,-Th'4g last ba-Ad.do-964ft,01 the - .,* P�;o " .e - X 11" 160 ,, R� I I ,,�",2,,�t I spot cash at -00 .M*,14 ­` . , 'I V �, , r 1 , a . - . !� � �4 �, .0 ,a held it I bAs T`4rk Z �, . . . , PteEreptatione-The i3eWave cur- seagoir �All I 11 . � , , 1­­11�1.1 "I W I - � . T-14day, ev4rdng, - , . .. ,,,, ��, �t, .. ,��111'1" V,011190: �_ N gg" , I I . �� ,��: , : . 'Ati.44. � , ,�v - �, "i, 4, -W *-§P.61 t 6f vtmee OA ims *"Ir�-Vr, - . '' � I I I � '­­.:�4�:._, ���, , " - 11, � . I � I 11A � I.. � nctiag .4bh-el'.W.1tg1 1 111411,111 i", , �, g, . g,� � _Aods, Ad . .r I I- ,., ..il;, � , ­;� - "ftd 16110 , . . iftit 1%W- Ava,-�Ws�, Amor&w -PA - ofivo* , ww In is W� ,. , �1� . I � I -1 ,. d. , i � 11" - "' . - _111 _ ­.;:� J;6,St ,WdeR MA40 ',t *I I IV,�`L,11,4,.� ", 4,'� 1 11. li.�,�'. , � .. '. o. K­ '!�41�.� I .1 . I r, �!,�44�� "; - - " T. _,'.-� ­� I ,; " ,6 Rave ippel I ­ I � I MY I � If -,,$,.- ',�.` ", I e ; - ',, " J I __�: � �,'�,� ." , , , �."'L - - ., " �_`,_,QL,i.._,,�,,10_ � w , ,, I I , �A - **io�ftflft .. X, . 6, , ......... t�L,g�1%0- To 4� ,� ,�,,,wlldw,Z - � I 111. "(', 4 , ".. � - o', ­". -_J ''. - . . " � ... ... "... dl- 11­11,4111� . � . � I ��,41. ,,� _ � Iffft4t rdbyfth.� At0l � 14 -, tiext : I _ , "M .rmzol : 11 i � " R � '1&*%k.AAAV,1. � 1; ... . 'I' �M a vimungt *10156 1*6� tdr tho ' ' . I" "I ".. I 1.0141110d, "Ll. "s _�, � -� � I il".� i'll", .i 11 ,, I p, � , I � I I I I I , , , . '. I , '� I "I I � � " � ' ' � . % ' !� � � r . : . 1, r , I , " I I , � I 1. - �� I � I , " � " 'S 1� �, , , '­�A.­I�_,