HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-09-03, Page 67
7'j 1 "T 17,11,
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OR, 10 t.
Onion, ano, 440� Q*1QA§1 5"
'R.,. skin anO bone ftvm a On A p!rfectly WaRced laxative
SUN, taut-Ki1w 4, the boome.."
Rral il*UU ake it of chop it t vithout dia-M
0- "4.4 4quare WbTw Wx with one-half tea- pressing effect
�� a . n and A ta season 'to taste.
obug millg,: $4,
t gos, of
)u Salt
004" aus. At 0410mol, 'a i pepper. Butter a cus mllqd 4nd,,,�ifted 'AQdg'
eajoru% tbftd X011447 in h person to be Served. SURE RELD
t,ard cup for car-
'tt, from 11, a, M. to 8 0.111, Shake over Itbo butter some finely small pi�e of butt4r.-
6"60 street, In two rol, DY
So�tj, Straderd. the custaX4�' mixture, Juaxe W:eAuY- in two L Oil
chopped parsley, then -fill the mOlds Constipation
,267, Stratford. five miput�$ in a fairly hot oven. fft.- VU.)dy W
loosely with the flaked fish. Make 890lon With Tomatoks.
LEGAL a custard of two eggs and two CUP-
fuls of milk, seasoned to taste, Fill 25 and 50 Cents Salm,00-%o4f.
Remove bones from one tin of sal-.
NO. 91. each mold with the mixture. Cover c -an salmon ch9ppea k6(bov.kes
JOHN i. uUGGAND At Druggists mon aAdsthen flake the fish. -Put 'a
licitor, with buttered Paper, stand =Olds In removed), SIX Soda bigeults.
Barrister, SO layer of �read crumbs in a buttered 4nd skin,
Notary Public, Etc. a -pan of boiling water to come half baking diV4 sprinkle with salt and .Clean to handle., Sold by all De eggs§'O�a Cwiswoet
up th molds, and steam very Druggists, Gr6icers and i6lIAd fine, thro
pe&ttie B�ock Seaforth. Out way e ith butter,.'thqn -put a small piece ofbutter, pe
slowly until set. Turn out carefully pepper, dot, W General Stores `4 `t�biespoons ere'Alni' 4 tAblespome
layer of Salmon, sprinkle with salt - and salt to taste, I teaspoon cho= M
HATS and serve piping hot with a good pelted �butter, I tPaspoon Salt,
then a layer of biscuit crumbs, and and a of lemon juice, then Parsley. P-aprft-
Barristery Solicitor Conveyanc sauce. 11, having more bread -crumbs, etc., until dish is until bvb�bling, then add two-thirds Method: , M1.x salmon and cracker k and breact
c. golicitor for th"ey Scalloped Salmon. so on until the dish is fu Matbpd- Retif the Tall
and Notary Publi - three-quaT Pour over en- of a cup gf milk, and stir continually crumbs. Beat eggs and add to sal- 1. 11 ther- stir'in the alightky
in rear of the Two cupfuls of sweet milk, I table- a layer of the biscuit crumbs on top . tprs full crumbs toge I
to This ough strkiped canned tomatoes to until thick and smooth. Add one mon, then Add the -butter, aalt, Pep- beaten egg yolks, add the n
)Ominion Bank. Office jpcarom,
Bank, Seaforth. money spoon butter, I tableslon flour, salt Bake twenty to thirty minutes. m for
pomiuion er dish. cover, put`:more crumbs on top, dot small tin of salmon, flaked and with per and milk, Mix well. Stea
and pepper- Melt butter, add flour, makes a nice supp, r'and bake for thirty min- the bones removed, and. one cu1P two h urs. This is good eaten cold, salmon, cream, butter and
bubbling, then add the Salm,= And Potato Scallop. with butte , I the stift beaten egg-whiteS.
and stir until �p flaked salmon, 11/z Cup utes. cooked rice. Have ready a hot pan or serTed v6th drawn butter sauce. fuld, in
-EST. & BEST uveyan- milk and, stir until thickened, then Ont, cu p boiled onions, one SAhnon With Rice. greased with a little butter, as You Macaroni And -Salmon Loaf. Fill a buttered mold with the mixl�as,-
Barristers, Solicitors, Co add seasonings. Flake one can of milk, one-half cu nkle witli paprika. Set� =old
toes, 2 tablespoons Melt two tablespoonfuls of butter, would for an omelet, pour in the mix- One cup milk; 2 cups stale bread 9fid SPrl and bake for
to" and Notaries Public, Etc- ollice salmon and remove bones. Butter a quart mashed pota r ten miniates, then place crumbs, 2 eggs, 1 cup cooked mAc- 1h 'a pan Of 110.t.watei
In the Edge Building, opposite The baking dish and put into it a little of flour, 2 tablespoons butter, 2 eggs, add two tablespoonfule of flour, salt ture, saute fo 'alinon, forty�five i
flaked, canned..
Office. the sauce, then a layer of salmon, one�quarter teaspoon salt, dash of and pepp" io taste, and cook together in a moderate oven for twenty min- aroni, 2 cups a
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin-
mber of
ary College, and honorary me
the Medical Association of the Ontario
Veterinary College. Treats diseases of
1! a
$tic animals by the ToOst mod- 1 R I
all dome try and Milk
orn principles.. Dentis
Fever a specialty. OfficO OPPos1tQ
Main Street, Seaforth
Dia's Hotel, . at the hotel will re -
An orders lef t
ceive prompt attention. Night calls
kmeeived at the office.
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin
All diseases of domestic
W College.
animals treated. Calls promptly at-
tended to and charges moderate. Vec-
byinary Dentistry a specialty. Office
and residence on Goderich Street, one OEM
Mackay's Office, Sea-
ijoor east of Dr.
f Ontario Ve
Graduate o nto. All
College, University of Toro
I&eases of domestic animals treated
by the most modern i night g Government
cbarges reasonable. Day or Cams InvesticFation still far from finishedg the Kin
calls promptly attended to. Office On "With the cusf 40;
Main Street, Hensall, Opposite Town w*th sanugglers, bobtleggers,
Hall. Phone 116.
MEDICAL already stands convicted ef having co -o erated i
DR_ R_ P. L DOUGALL thus been a party to defrauding the
�1`t Honour graduate of Faculty of dopesters and thieves, and of having
31edici-ne'and Master of Science, Uni-
�Versity of Western Ontario? London-
Nat"onal Treasury, strangling legitimate business9 debauching officials, high
Member of College of Physicians and
Igurgeow of Ontario. Office, 2 doors
"st of post office. Phone 56, He and low, thwa ting the administration of justice, and bribing, the electorate!
Successor to Dr. R_ R_ Ross --already proven
r., Graduate of NorthweGtern Unive To cite but a few instances
IlL Licentiate Royal
ity Dental Surgeons, Toront- Iteasance:
office over Sills, Hardware, Main St.. from its appalling record of ma
peaforth. Phone 161.
ar was the
A total revenue loss estimated at $35,0KOW per ye
Bayfield. Stolen automobiles, smuggled into Canada with the connivance
sity, Ire- of Customs officials, were sold for a pittance to friends of the 7 result Of the smuggling thus condoned by the King Govern -
Graduate Dublin Univer ment-
and those found guiltiy were allowed not
land. Late Extern Assistant Master ent,
Fottmda Hospital for Women and King Governm
Children, Dublin- Office at residence only to go unpunished, but to continue their nefarious trade.
lately occupied by Mrs. P—sOns. A $54,800 loss was sustained in one case alone when Mr.
Hours, 9 to 10 a.m-, 6 to 7 P---; 8 stoms and Excise, seWed for
flundays, I to 2 p.m. 2866-26 Smuggled liquor selling was engaged in on a large Scale by Cardin, Acting Minister of CU
$3,200 with a dishonest importer, who, according to Mr.
2 Customs officials whose duty it was to protect the Treasury
DP_ F. J. BURROWS Cardin's own officials, had cheated the Treasury out of duties
This deal was consummated just
promoted; honest
office and residence Goderich Street,
pW of the Methodist church, Seaforth. were unpunished and amounting to $58,OW.
Phone 46. Coroner for the County of 3 corrupt offic'als '
officials were punished and demoted. previous to the last election.
,C. Mackay honor graduate of Trin-
tty Universi�y, and gold medallist of
,T.jdnit.y Medical College; member of
$he College of Physicians and SUT-
Neons of Ontario.
Graduate of University Of Toronto
Faculty of Medicine, member of Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons Of
Ontario; Pass graduate courses in
Chicago Clinical School of Chicago;
Royal Ophthalmic Hospital London,
L*ngland; University Hospiltal, Lon-
don, England. Offict—Back of Do-
ininion Bank , Seaforth. Phone No. 5.
Night calls answered from regidenC8,
yietoria Street, Seaforth.
Licensed Auctioneer for Perth and
Huron Counties- Sales solicited,
Real Estate Farm Stock, Ete. Terms
iDu applicaifon. F. W. Ahrens, phone
684 r 6, R. R. No. 4. Mitchell, Ont -
Licensed auctioneer for the Coun-
Ojes of Perth and Huron. Graduate
bf Jones, School of Auctioneering.
IMeago. C barges Moderate, and Sat-
btaction guaranteed. Write or wire
Ogcar W. Reed, Staffs, Ont. Phone
Licensed auctioneer for the counties
j&J Huron and Perth. Correspondence
arrangements for sale dates can be
made by calling up phone 212, Seta -
forth, or The Expositor Office. ChSTg-
*6 moderate, and Satisfaction guar -
ot GTaduate cal-ey Jones, Na-
&hool of Anetioneering, Chi-
pecial course taken In Pwe
Lire Stock, Real VAtat*, Mer-
-n&e and Farm Sale& ltatxm IV
I prevailing Market. gat -
lug witil
assured. Write OF wire,
ont. Pbone
owal RIOPP, zurleb, 986&52
%"t"IdeMed &Idgff#nger f6r the Cmn#
tt,"v4i, SInUm attended to In 1611
i Nil �
Prison -made goods are on the prohibited list, yet tons and
4 tons of such goods, produced in pr-isons where contagious
diseases were prevalent among the inmates, were smuggled
into Canada for sale to innocent Canadian consumers, with
the direct knowledge and co-operation of Government officials,
Police office rs—rn embers of the incorruptible Royal Canadian
5 Miounted—were w1thdrawn from the Quebec boundary line at
the request of the smuggling ring. Honest traders had asked
for increased police protection, but the King Government
preferred to grant the request of those who were defrauding
the public revenue.
Guilty knowledge even in 1923 of the frauds that were being
6 practised has been proven against the King Government
beyond the shadow of a doubt. Time and again, in 1924 and
1925, the Commercial Protective Association --an organization
of business men ---placed before Mr. King irrefutable evidences
of it, that they had succeeded in tracing down at their own
expense. With his Government hopelessly entangled with
Canada's criminal element, Mr. King did not—dared not—
take any action to remedy the appalling conditions.
9 Free liquot, from Government warehouses in Montreal, was
supplied in generous quantities to members of the King Gov-
ernment and to Goverm-nent officials in Ottawa, in contra-
vention both of the Federal Law and the Prohibition Law of
10 The h-abit-forming drug traffic is one of the worst curses in
the world today. -Under the protection of the King Govern-
ment, Montreal became one of the great dope- distributing
centres of North America.
The peak of this corruption, and of this interference with the
customs collection and the administration of justice, is proven
by the evidence to have been reached just prior to the general
election of October, 1925, when, at the written request of
Liberal candidates, Ministers of the Crown called off thd'
Royal Canadian Mounted Police because they were enforcing
the law, kept convicted crooks out of jail, and sanctioned
Treasury frauds as a means of securing the return of the King
Government to power. -
Despite the fact that with Mr. Kennedy supporting them, the Liberah; had a majority on the Investigation
Committee, that the Chairman Mr. Mercier was a Liberal, and that the Prosecuting Counsel Mr.
Calder was a Liberal,candidate in t* last electiong and despite the further fact th at the committee sat
jedmost daily for five months, thus aff6rding Liberal members jimple opportunitY to uncOver malfeasance
on the part of previous ministries, not one word of proof, not one breath of su�picicln, was brought
against the administrafion of the Customs Department under the Laurier, Borden, and Meighen Govern-
ments, but only against its adm"tration under Mr. William Lyon MacKenziie Kwig!
Has anjivrthing more disgraceful over besmire I hed the pages of Canadian
d honourable nation, whose people fear God
history? Can a proiid an
and eschew evil aff&d to condone such dishonesiy, such c4ruptiont,
.111t. is to* 'n 4a 6AAois and Dublic'servants -r
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EZ 0 J 1,40'. �11,
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