HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-09-03, Page 514. 1 P"i 7777� 'i, ?Iowr , , , -, 01 "aar �A �N� d, 4��. use 10", DOX R, _VU 'tug 40MV0, A Will Sale, %u n.90,! '(for- AJ4, e�'W, on lic. Aw Wn"of S on � kA7d AV.40.. AT be 0 the a r014 and 111008 he*r. Own, Y_ MOtION - as tp 7 4J WeVate. P,ut lil, , to ps guaran- L Z19 7 k;R, osed -of the West 1�81f,a the PA T ROGG, hie of ThIrt% !d on Ballo -T 80650 - ,, h in the te s well as so Wh Jurnislied lug qA; 1QU'of the TDWMbIP Or J4 C. a. Goo& �0 FIOW�rP 01C --igh Presspi �09 goo 4114. <> on Ishort e pl;U JAb a �S C. W. LEGRORN COCIM.R­ c III h, th County of Huron. coubain used. uoJioe_ kPW III rNu (W SATA - acres -of land more 0 " -halt RM, F Day Calls qp, . . . year factdry,,'��14 ke 014, si each. Tbeso are fyom one �.. � ��. Q ;, $ot 0, to V.5 �is ia ;ee .6.. XcIglits calls --H" rxoduoing" Hat Dry or less.; $6 to $14; m We make owance on t> pb 175.- Phone 43.. iverome,; so to *, grass, 44.50, ITho land is a tiob and there are one --f me '10, wheels on <> jl ;t and are bred from heavy WilatO AN fame house and 0 $12 was the mol HOWARD HYDE. —all =e% on the Prop erby is conveniently sit- ... Phone A your old 'tit on 6ai libs of lambs, av- 8068=2' arn. Tho'prov wheels. uate(L 410 to ebuxdb,, school and market� being new Balloon 'I'Vo* Can ift�. some lo�S.. of 71 - fairly --a :Lu qua e of W%al- eraging, %2.50, and �about three miles east of the ViNag g�llght $12.25 to, SAL -Von-,.SALO LOT 110, a 1�h. eoice -41 'Ps' �­ `11_1WI OF SALE. -Ten Per Sent. of the of 2QQ larnbe wa FARM FOR Mr. Elpfen- 0 of 'h Made jo 'p. �. i,,& Son The Last Lap t er e _p,', HlWr$ J s E-H.Eppi > <><> 1�. ;brep were -mcstly $6 '- $.6.60. `40t;9- frn died b mona 49 be paid on thei, day -of sale did talprov6d, 160" 1� n versa $5 to, srTr); 'lamba,. go prd. C�duty,,�'Welf f;"e�t and'-driRIV Mie P - S a al, t *,'�aance within three-weeh. theroaf- .-412 k to sIZ50, eo)� nno�u. $111.50 'ito �to, See 87MWiM A �,,Tements may 1,M made for part of tional 30th An ry )ap �gs *erw blsbbea� In to. rsmaln��rqn raprtg&ge. W. J. CLEARY 4000iPt JE� , , money- Va,. 3110o� .4'! ic.- w.76 wai"Ahe Seforth- PC IX -L�,wml 01 ve. so offeZ for suie oubdect pr.1cL_ with on- oad �Ie at' J512.85 and : . SFFRA'�BV ON TO LOT re6erved bid. Phone: C16to Licensed Embalmer and from 9.56 t6 $18. 1 Selects brcuobt S4.50 and Tackersmith, . Owudr , h terms, _Vartioulars and condi- r 21 0 & further Funeral Director. 3058-8 00 .,to $10.59 ipr better.'.,' provIng- P12�0VOrtY 4PU -Tr- AJOES a sale, arly ta Mawr Apply,! V Last Week -TO& Toronto, Auguet 3�st- by' sop EST & BEST, 0 'Up-to-date Horse and Unfon 'Stock PP%k, or phone U, on 19 seg Seaforth, Ontario. —Baled Ahrqbgh'ehtRe he_re'lto-aay a-ouuted SoIleitors for Vendors. (> Equipment. td I Boo b6ad,' th To. A 0 You to Participate in These Wonderful The mlarjoritr' oo,� SALE. and Dated August zoth, 1926. Day ServIce- We Advise UP" <> Night and 0 Thomas Brown, Auctio .0 Money -Saving Bargains. W00 t 8062-4 neer. IM, W end. e. M Li capiial being Lot 24, Phone 19-22, Dubl11L 61)9� head it W'a 'of Hibbert, contain- __gni�x waS, about , on Concessi6i i�6re itesda I class buildings and D. H. MINNES a week'Ako'Ao-dA.T-..,Pric wy no 100 ncl* 1, w cres of i I Uwd 1, trade was ve w.,� .0% -. <> <> �> <> <> <> 0 48 -grades j r cpWe� ined to be on butchers. It �T ev0r-N'"- -.hape; abou. a seeded to gra4s; well zslow draggy on sbackers: a nd I.IZ.!ncl ,ae b, . ;ned and in good state Of F-Mbs.- Were generally 26 Ito 50,cents high- two good wells. Prefers selaing'- er -than last weekleclose. - The bulk a* I * �La possession. ROBERT HOGGARTH, A few chi e lambs sold as `­ - -�Lrty. Phone 4 ri 3064-2 2 ing 31,L Suck aambe sold an3mvilere frorn SUITS TO CHOOSE FROM. to $11.75, Culls brought from fc.. I,., fro m '7 'p4 ARM FOR SALE-T17HE REAUTrM'LLY Sheep were steady at Situated 50 scre farm, 11/4 miles east of - %Wt. Common Sheep w(r- Seaforth, Lot 5, Concession 2. Tuckmmith, -to Moo goo ;were ete0v at car- on the Government . Mgh-y. Newly We drsined, ll� 44x69 newly shingled. good The receipts ;' Ile, I cattle, CL,638 and lambs. dwelling� 10 rooms; 8 acres of allaus. Is oalves, 1,81(7 sheep acres oats balance Seeded to mixed buy-Im- 'possession. 4Q"tlt 7.50 to $8.5,0; L good mediate Apply to P- DILL, 8068-tf '.41:4-r steers, choice,"'$7.40 Dublin. 0-.., $7.00 to $7.25; do., com- butcher cows, choice, FARM FOR SALE.-Folt SALs.. LOT 6. 'good) $6.50; do.. fair -to good, K00 to Lst Concession, Stanley TOwnSl1iP- on the I class land in a First butcher halls. go od, $4.50 to $5.50 , containing 97 acres. w high state of cultivation*, ell drained and $8.50 to $4.00; canners and cut- Urs, $2.so to $3.00; good milch cows. $70 , 00 fenced; 10 acres bush, small orchard, good frame house with hard and soft to 4100 .oq; springerB, choice, $80-00 to $115 ; $45.00 to $60-00; feeders, good- two Storey water. P,&ru &2x6O with good stabling under- cows, W-Odoi-I $6.50; do fair, $5.00 to $6.00; oalves, neath ; implement house 26x4O and Dig house windmill at ichoicV, -$1160, to"$13.00:- do- good, $9-00 to 24x4Q. Two good wells and The farm is s#uated one raile, from *U.00: do., medium. $7,00 to $9.00; grassers, ,T&.00 to $6.00: gooa lambs, $13.50 to $14.00: � barn. school and IIA nriles from KlpPen- Rural 4o., bucks, $10-60 to $11.00; good light sheep, d bucks $4 00 mail and phone. Will be so)d on redsonable terms For further partieulars apply to R CZEN � 'C h i re p r!4`0 or -9 r Jch risks and a0usting Of Business establislied 50 Years, HUNDREDS AND RUINDRED-5 ur AMIN store anct iu wi ijewre you uo at any SUITS TO CHOOSE FROM. I ElectricitiMsed 0 *,c, 0 0 <> 0 <> buying 20 to 50 Per Cent. Less Than Regular Price our of Wingham,.' be at 0 :z;, W. J. Walker & Son 0 T T LONDON ONTARIO HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF BOYS �jrtjnpr, pin e17 Orofwd boat MOtot'and Commercial HotA Seaforth 0 W. J. WalkeT, Funeral Di- <> 0 i&A& Let a visit to BLOOMER SUM WITH EXTRA TROUSERS I 04-L Monday andl*ursday 0 rector and Emb&lmer- 0 All Reduced 25 Per Cent. Less than Regular Price. Adjustments LiVen for diseases laws. 0 C> <> Motor or Horse Equipment Cars or Flowers furnishod. .0 10 AR NECKWEAR, SWEATER COATS of all 3054-tf 13 requested- Day or Night, PhOnO 07. 0 YNDERWE. WINDBREAKERS, PUL LOVERS, SHIRTS 00 All Reduced this Week 20 to 5014 less than regular Price. FARMERS' FRIPMIZER B AMONG THE I 11H.I. I IL D U -1 ki no A BARGAIN Having taken Over 'the agency of es, one mIle P. J. KELLY, STRATFORD the late james CoWou"Our the Farm- FOR SALE.—Fivc acr 7' house With era, Fertilizer Co., lwikgham, I will from Seaforth; modern " I- ()ne way fare paid from Mitchell, Dublin and Seaforth, either by 1$7.00 to $8.00; beavIr a eev an sma P to $5.50; hogs. thi k smooths. fed and water- p. Eell. Box 892. SSsforth. R067-tf be pleised to 1111 all OAM Of both old furnace bath and toUets 5. Splendid rail -road or car, on purchases of z�20.00 or over. ,ed, $12.35; do. , fe b., $11.75; do., off cars, SALE. -9.00 ACRES CO`M- and nevr eustomelm, ind give any good o;�hard. Taxes,41 I — — -312.75; select premium, $2A2. ARM FOR c� a. F I snd 8. in. the %til C;onces- ,,tion within MY knowledge- Al- Ie to Start chicken prising Lots I% Storey sion. Tack ith. . on it is a It is beat- so Agricultural Ltme. etc- Apply to bri& houseeremontaining 10 rooms. Wheat Growers GRAIN MARKET ed with a furnace, has cistern and woodshed ANDREW ARCHIBALD, HATS, attached. Basement barn, 56xlDO, with oot- Seeforth, OIDL Toronto August 31st-Manitubs W;heat- ragated -roof. galvanized granary, and cement R7.�therw, $1.50; No. 2 Northern, $1.46, a attached to Box 2W 2959-tf 0 $1.88. tabling; litter carrier. Hog Pen -nt floors Remember that Wheat pays only ---------- — barn, No. a Northern, rl 20x66, corrugated roof, ceML when you give your land the proper Manitoba sats -No. 2 W ri­in�l: and tank; large oaraga, pump house. These -Z. 11ot quoted; N.D. I feed, 4Sc ; No. 2 f"d' bu Uldings are all in first class repair and attention. I have what you need— Summer Requirem-nents 44c; Western grain quotations In c.Lf. Pori�. newly painted. There are 26 acres '2 yel- acres ftr1zW&tsr4e- American corn, track, Toronto --No. 10 acres sweet clover nd %5 Agricultural Niagara Limestone low, 90c; No. 8 yellow, 89c- on home farm of 16o acres. The 50 adJoing giving. big results wkere land is of M111feed--Delivered, Montreal frel9b4s. and is pasture. There are 25 acres of avlen- e. I will gladly test Your Bran, per ton. $29.26; shor I to, Pe did maple bush. The farm I,; in first class acid natur .21,; rr,44-411nas, $28.25; f condition being used largely for stock and Soil, if you are interested. -.11 ...... BIG- STRAW HATS, --A full line at prices from $1.16 rataing. It ts wfttn one-half mile of I alsohandle and keep in stock all hog &—,d to 44a. %.p -h.. a P m d Sea- to $3.75. adhool , idway betweent Hen"11 an of A. A. Quality Fertilizer. forth with 11[lPren 4 miles distant one' of COW milting wlbes,"I.I-8 to $1.20 th� be�;* grain markets In Ontario. Rured =has proven a winner wherever SUMMER UNDERWEAR.—Union Suits in short to, freights t614AcneL a good neigbIldihobd. Used. izer, ,pp!4;g Voints, according, InAh. amd I have a drill to sow ferdl Iting, 56 to 61c. Win be sold on easy te account of fil UnionLIBERAL Rally 7' ako a lime sower, and can deliver and long sleeves and legs at $1.25 and $1.75. health. Possession; this 'fall. JOHN HAY. Byer -No. 2. 88 to 85e- R. R. 2, Kippen. Phone 5 on 184. 8068.8 goods to your farm at a low rate. No -button style at $1.25. Also two-piece suits 11suitoba-floar-First Patent. $40, Toron- We aim to give you service and qual- to; do.. second I patent, 1$8.10. at 75c and $1.00 a garment. 0vtarto Hour -Toronto, 90 per sent. "fMA ity goo& BELTS.—A new line of belts in fancy and plain iper barrel, in car lots. Toronto, $5.66; Sea- WILLIAM M. SPROAT, South P&th--South Huron in bulk. S5.60. - MORTGAGE SALE R. R. 4, Seaforth. Phone 1,36-2 markings,,75c to $1.35. BIRTHS OF So ACRE FARM IN TIES.—In new patterns and color combinations, 0adiriff.-In Seadorth. an August 21st, to TUCKBRSMITH In the interests of $1.00 and $1.50. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Golding. a daughter. FEMALE AGENTS WANTED ,4Staphenson.-0n the Parr Line. Stanley. on Under and by Virtue of the powers of sale McMillan NEW SHIRTS.—At $2.35. ur-point .August 2M. to Mr. and Mrs. William R. 00latained in 4L certain Indenture of Mortgage. Part or full time, "Pointing -Ub-48entl --In two and fo 9"henson, a sort. which will be produced at the ' time Of sale, Steady Income assured. Write Immediately Fred Sanderson and Tom INVISIBLE SUSPENDERS there will be offered for sale. by, public Nine- TUR SANTILLA CO- Styles, at 50c. tion, by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. at Dept. SS, p. o. Door 436. Montreal. To be held at Dick,s Hotel, Seaforth, an Saturday. the 4th COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR NEW CARD OF THANKS se,,mb,' 1926, at two o'clock, P.m.. the ,.,do namely: The West halt Of SUMMER SUITINGS foNowj Ag ' 'C;uccasdon. Huron Road SNr- -Airs. T. F. Measeher and family, Dublin. Lot 4, in 8rd ckeramith, in the -wish to thank their neighbours. friends and Vey. of the Township of Tu 17HE McKILLOP MUTUAL ]relatives for their kindness and expressions% ClountY Of Horan. containing by aameas DUBLIN Of sympathy during their recent sudden be­� ment fifty (50) a,,ra of land be the 3065xl more or less. ME INSURANCE CWY. BRIGHT'S, Seaforth rnere, are erected on the promises a d iing house-and"Nm and th- Property Is veniently situated near the Town of 11BAD OFFICF-SEAFORTH, ONT- Eve., Sept. 10th forth, onogood gravelled roads- be In Friday Tailor and Haberdasher DresSwell and Succeed U. F. 0. MEETING Tera'a f sale. -10 per cent� to psi cash on the day of Sale and the, balance, OFFICERS: The unfted Farmers wifl hOld their regu- without inIerelt, within 30 days thereafter Sat meeting in Carnegie Hall On Wednesday. and the purcliaser will be required to Sign 1. Connolly, Goderich President Soptember 9th. Directon meeting aftervmrd. an agreement for the otonvoletion of big pur- . Evans, Beechwood, Vice-president Addresses will be delivered hy the Candidates and also JOE FOREST. Secretary. chase, rna property will be offered subject JUS to a reserved bid. D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec.-Treas. by Further particulars and terms of sale will AGENTS: be made known on the day of sale and may he had in the meantime fxom the undersign- Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; WANTED ed. at Seaforth, Orytarlo, this 14th W. E. Hinchley, Seaforth; John Mur- U. A. Buchner and A. Robson, Dated ray, Egmendville; J. W. Yeo, Gode- 10 men to qualify for work, paying August, 1926. R_ S. HAYS, rich; R. G. Jarmuth, Brodhagen. Two of the cleanest and most forcible, platform debat- Trem-endous :*100 to $200 nionthly as Motor and Vendor's Solicitor, Ignition experts, Chauffeurs, Welders ' Thomas, Brown, Auctioneer. BOG2-9 DIRECTORS: ers in the Dominion Battlary and Tire work- also Barber- William Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; ing. ing. We pay money part time, while John- Benhewies, Brodhagen; James Tho Ladles ,tre specially invited to this meet learning these trades. Call or writs Evans, Beechwood; M. MeEwen, CUn- -for info-rulation. HEMPHILL'S LTD., ton; James Connolly, Goderich; Alex. (;0D SAVE THF, KING 163 King St. W., Toronto. Broadfoot, No. 8, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton', Robert Perris. Elarlock-, George McCartney, No. 9, AUCTION -SALE 3eaforth; Murray Gibson, Brlueslield- anI ON gAM�op LAXD.-THERE WILL ola by public suation on Thursdny, Ileptamber 16th, at 2 P.M., an the premises, JAMES WATSON AT 1,&U S, Coneesainn 6, M*Kinop. The laud eon - a derq 41nd is cm corAer lot 'and a SEAFORM ONT- Cie ssesNow in Session for sm9l herqe.- Them Is erected a a 0anw.eftTile and drive shemL AGENT 103t45 fe6t T�ej�e. will,.Wso -be,9014 at thO GENERAL INSURANCE Commercial, Secretarial, "we tftne and plate about 6ve.ecre of Part representing only the best Can- CoUrseS: Stenographic, of tot 6. C&uessGioli A M1610110W The Paton sAlan. , British and American complete Office Training, Teiegraphic. t%6 Companies. riakes it possible for students to enter C h el"f e z Bros. -]dAlt"i All kinds of insurance effeeted Our individulal instruction n E,:" or cflouses there?, Write for free catalogue. loll, at the lowest rates, including at any tirne. Those sharp, shooting painaL FIRE, -LIFE. ACCIDWVf, AUTO - across the ball *of the foot, MOBILE, TORNADO AND PLATh CENTRAL JIUSINESS COLLEGE, Stratford, Ont 0rwnJ)ed`t6es, and Callouses on GLASS RISKS. AMALGAMATED WITH MeLACH-LAN BUCINEgS COLLEGE Seaforth the soles warft 'you that the - Abo.- F. Litruden, B.A., Prineipal. Harveste afelli dCroft tjiebA of the, foot REAL ESTATE and LOAN AG dbWft. Uditer See ReprooetOig 1411aron and Eris" 'is breaking, Mortgag6 '06rporation, of London, A -L00 LAT�L*HEAT S6WING u . 9 about Ontario. -1,-4,- Finely GTOV --lon aid'to nlAcing �muper-vhos Niagara Llme' *Ill bring yout, late telighbora sown' -9 r Jch risks and a0usting Of Business establislied 50 Years, septiember 1 -1 t n L 0 store anct iu wi ijewre you uo at any -Wh6it even with rftir- Without fertilileir t4li d ' 091 'day lief, 1ave fresh SdPe ft�s ha't6'aud Lime In alio, dtzie SM, A 4' Oft"; I 'D,�, "r iroot deviceli have guarallibeetlog gpod seMee. i oppICE PRONE SO. REBIDENCE Pfiiiii,, ft ESTERN FAI R W buying visit our st,,6ek, Jg*r. We delivtl _:Dli i.-JUIVI'll save you doflauo- rh��c scientifk rebef to th.ouse�ftdit of T T LONDON ONTARIO �jrtjnpr, pin e17 Orofwd boat MOtot'and D6ikj6*ftatf6# Bonds, Real tst*% piiee. If you attend Lolid on, ...bt4Ught i&A& Let a visit to I 04-L �]puln information all Railroads. -e6n see, Niagara Lane zKone �Qqul Our t -Ad's proof Of what it has d6ii6 - for f0ir'yiu- jbiti to& coVfort depattmellt -as TheJohnRankin septiember 1 -1 t n L 0 store anct iu wi ,d&ers, It voill do 66 A&WO . -We ard PreOax�d to sefte' you 'Way with:zvolrlast, at U wel wo aft h"AO ior the St4drs Agency eek of educati6n, and profitable entertainment. I . A) w e nd entries than ever bef ore. More exhibits amu§O%euts, PriF a a in London. ilk timod in any U4 Clay Dj�gu Tild, A. A,. Quality Nfaota Poot .60 , servie". TWftrauee of idl. kinds. plall NOW t; spend the whole, week IN PRIZES AND ATTRACTIONS save you doflauo- �jrtjnpr, pin e17 Orofwd boat MOtot'and D6ikj6*ftatf6# Bonds, Real tst*% $401000 and ftkio, List sent on request. Closing Date and qval" �]puln information all Railroads. ley TO Juoxt ge.pteTabor znw � Itteutleed 41. W1 ecretall. — .-N, W. D. J 04a 'Oft 'gild. E ACKSON. Secretary - .4 A, k