HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-09-03, Page 2f , g a
My Iaablvl Uumiltor, Ooderioh,
014, sAfe to the Uock. tUO 14, hlgh�r,,,
than 1,
My soul in its corifticts and sorr
IC D44
would fly;
So sinfitl, §o weary, Thine, Thine
would I be, %V01 'A
Thou bleat Rock of Ages, I'm hidin'
in oWbIcs. barm.
��4, PM 19 60 44 ,Of): in Thee. *40
'Wuc OT y des*ued
FIR Z PUT In the calm of -the noon -tide, in sor- KES f"
The geAer4l man4jd-of, i
row's lone hour, he "Glao..
amways, Mr.'
gow - Oo4,6ratioii Tr
In times when temptation casts o'er
P James Dalrymplei has igoued 4 Atafe-,
me its power; ment to the press to the effeet that
In the tempests of life, on its wide
the . 2d. maximum fare and"the abbli,
heaving sea,
Mon of the %d. tokeu wo4ld come
Thou bleat Rock of Ages, I'm hiding
into peration. At a recent corp
in Thee. 4�&, . ora.
meeting it was made quite �lear
W. 0. Cushing,
that a passenger was entitled to trav- if YOU vvant
PRAYER el from any point on'the sys.te#1 to r
any other Point --from Airdrie, for
FORSUMMER FOR WINTER Help us, Heavenly Father, to pray instance, to Paisley, a distance of 20.
bat "the dearest idol I have known, Hero,. *ho in despair threw herself ell, M&N., . who occupied twd4i-sev-
It is time to prepare now miles—for Zd. Onthe Glasgow tram-
whate'er that idol be, help me to tear a ways there will now be only three W -to --the watet. Lord Byron proved on -hours and twerjtY-three mmute -
We stock Crenoid in bulk. a 41*,
for your heating, and as the it from Thy throne and worship only fares—namely, Id., I%d,, and 2 d. fea,t of Leander wits no the crossing, swimnliug some fifty
Bring in your cans and have greater part of furnace Thee." So shalt my walk be close For the first two fares, the distance 'hat One by swimming the miles or more. . He 'had the ambitio6,
hen house and stable disin- with God, calm and serene my frama; will be the same as at present, while tr end"s �Imself, and indeed the to make the attempt from boyhOG(J.
jZ,-e He lesponi
heating is the location of so purer light shall mark the road the new maximum wi)4- apply to any distance between Abydos and Sestos and trained for years to fit himself_
fected for winter as no pre -
that 1,,I, me to the LOnb. longer journey. s' less tha" 'th 'distance from the
registers, the proper size of
paration reaches mici William Cowper. Probably he would have crossed earl -
.4j; 1 4 fOOt Of Bay Street tQ RanlaTils Island. jer had it not been for the war.�
-obes, Pit
pipes, we have no hesitailey From the time,, -6f Webb QUM,
lice, flies, etc., just the same S. S. LESSON FOR SEPTEMBER 5 SEPTEMBER ROD AND GIUN time of Burgess in 1911, some fo the Enrique, Tirrabocchi, a giant Argentina
In offering our opinion as no rtY crossed in -1923 and was the first to,
as Crenoid. Lesson Title --The Tent of Meeting. articles of real odd swimmers tried to cross 'the make the suceesiful effort fiom the
one in these parts have a A collection of Channel. Two of them dlaimed to 'Fre
sport in various 'parts of the Do,n- have done'so, 'but their claims were ZA S�Org, althbu& experts,,agrej�-
Per gallon ........... $1.25 longer, wider or more Sue. Lesson Passage Exodus 33. ion sums up the contents of the Sep that this is muvh- the easier passage.
St" andard tember issue of Rod and Gun, the dis,ldowed. Burgess, 'a Lmidoner, He occupiO less� than, sixteen hours:
cessful experience, the bene- Golden Text—Exodus 33:11. succeeded on his seventeenth at- and a half and swam,not more tbalk,
Per one-half gallon ..... 65c of Canadian sport magazine, which
is tempt, and will be remembered as the tWen�y-seven
fit of which goes with our In the chapter between last day's just published. miles. He Bull'
.) 4-4: -, 1� - .1,17, and I --
Per quart ............. 35c furnace. lesson and to -day's we read of all the 0, Qualfty most persistent of all Channel chal- van each recei
?! An interesting article on ve&.�6,000 as a rdw, rd_
, 11 some lengers. On his thirteenth effort he Herman F. a
instructions Moses received while on h �.440qrl I, for moose experiences, -principally Hunt, of New Ha:ven,
'lun,jr , i n got within- a mile and a half of his noted long, distance swimmer, has
the Mount the second tinie commun- Eastern Canada by 'William J. Me- goal, when the turning tide snatched hoped to- be
110 -
ing with God. There he stayed for imO Nulty appears. followed by an amus- bbe first Am6rican to,
E ross, but he f6und it difficult to get;
4 11; - P- A ing story of a British Columbia trip, trainer of Gertrude Ederle, who the considerable fu . rids that a chan-
foi-ty days and the people began to victory from him. Burgess was the C
Y ears
think he would never return so they "Poor Fish," by C. J. Broderick. swam the Channel a, sho
approached Aaron and prevailed upon rt time ago, nel swim now requires.
0 Bonnycastle Dale in this latest issue being the, first woman -to perform the He tried to,
Among those of her sex who that he could not raise the money -
him to inak them a god like to what P deals with some experiences, "Living feat. commit suicide when he found out
was worshipped back in Egypt, Thi� at Close Quarters With the Moose failed is Annett� Kellermann, the Charles Toth, of Boston, also coached
they did, forgetting that MosLs hai of Nova Scotia." J. W. Winson Austrtlian mermaid and noted beau- Burgess who swam the last.couple..oZ -
tol� them that the Lord had said: SLAN4G BE( WNIES GRAMMAR writes an interesting study of the ty. Burgess had a terrible atrugg�e miles with him, swam fiorn Gris�Ners
'-Thus shalt thou say unto the chil- Most people it-gard a word as just Saw Whet and Screech Owls. before he won.
dr( -n of Israel, Ye have seen that I a word. Yet, z,., a matter of fact, Fishing Notes, the regular depart- to Dover in 1923, his elapsed tima
Burgess swam the Channel in ten being six -teen hours and forty-five
t c 0 Q' t�; have talked with you from heaven. words, like p(,,1d,,, have, hisWrie!s, ment edited by G. P. Sladen, contains minutes less time than
Webb, and minutes. Miss Ederle also crossed
Ye shall not make with me gods of Some, rooted h; iiambic origins, rise I several articles of diversified angling
probably covered about forty -miles. from France to England, when she
terest and C. S. Landis' Guns and The first American to makb the made tlW swi
silver, neither shall ye make unto you and become zio�
gods- of gold." The first th:i,g that happens to a �Ammunition department carries a m that will be as long
God directed Moses to go down word on the d.o%n grade is that or- number of instructive articles for the swim was Henry F. Sullivan, of Low- remembered as that of Captain Webb -
from the Mount, for thvy People which dinary people fight hy of using it inPihooter. In the contents is also a
thou broughtest. out of the land of everyday speek-h. For example, who good article on the slaughter of ducks
HAVE Fgypt, have corrupted themsulves," nowadays us, , thc words: "Tryst, � by floating oil on Hamilton Bay,
you ever experienced the pleasure and the savings you lie went, bearing with him two tables weep, Chide, mar " They have Rod and Sun is published monthly
Dominion of stone, written with the finger of been supplanti 1'!�v: 'rendezvous, cry, I by W. J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock,
make by buying your groceries at the nearest I
Store? You can shop there with absolute confidence in any (;oil. When he appeared in the midst scold, kilk sp, Ont. AM
Dominion Store and be assured of getting the most for of the people and saw the idol they In . the late e1_i,',-cnth century some. More. Economical
had mad6 he cast the tables from him (,ne invented thi, -�ang word "gamble." WEBB SWAM CHANNEL FIFTY -
your money and QUALITY MERCHANDISE, breaking them, showing them thereby i It has since , 1211- LIP in the world; ONE YEARS AIA The hilyher nualit -f A:
what they had done. By their mak- J S�e enLS.
Ao-day it is English. Other is responsible for the fact that you use-
ing of an image and worshipping it words which 1., once mere slang August 24th will always be a mem-
only half the quantity of Polish, when
,hey had broken the first and second are: "foggy, n;tv. fun, Clever.,, orable date in the annals of long
commandinent.,. AAron tried to ex- Look up Dr. � h;ion's famous die- distance swimming for it was on you shine your shoes with "Nugget".
- to tionary and � it zo- that he stig. this day in 1875 that the English
cuse his weakness in giving waN
the peoph-, but �Joses sUid L . ma 99
UfItO th tises "clev� i ' �ls a "low word," I Channel was first, swum by a men.
PeOPIL': "Ye have sinnvil a great sin- and "fun" and --��jngy as "low cant; The hero was Captain Matthew Webb,
U p u n to the Lord, words." To -d:,,, they are very re- a statue of whom is to be seen i SGET
and now I will go IN
,e,advntur, I shall make an atone- spectable men,'., I-.-; of the English Dover, and whose name is the mo�a
nient ft)r your sin." language. illustrious of all swimmers since the Shoe 11ollsh
Mo";es Pleaded %viih God and pre- time of Leander. It took Webb 22 Black -Tan -Toney Red -Dark Brown
�ailc.kl and Nvas told to go forward in- THE GUOWING GIRL hours and 45 minutes to accomplish and White
to the land which was promised un- his Herculean task. Much faster
t, t 1, ; , 4' , r 1, , - A L,
) , oi L, at i I:; an t at an aT)gFI Requires A Illother's Constant time has been made, but all things
NEW PACK NEW PACK NEW PACK would go before them, but "I will not, Care wid Watchfulness. considered the feat of Captain Webb
tht, mid.,t of thve fur thou
was one of the most remarkable in
JAM LUDESTER 'a�z')t"a`st"ifF-necked iwoifle; let I con- In their ear'y Leens it is quite com- athletic history. How many in
iles he
o ce %,Zuahty 7ps SUITU ee n t v way, i hus were the
No. 4 Red Pitted 3 1b. Jar �/4's people wartied that His presence
Cherry o sg could blessing to
mon for git,�; to oi�tgrow their swam in crossing is not fprecisely
strength, and :!:nthers should careful- known, but estimates- vary from 39
rrom infancy he had a love of the
size prove a thLm only
, Straw6erry zx(c , 49c 29c
iy watch theh( alth of their daughteri to 60. In Webb's day nothing was
Pink Pills.
You can vvb these pills through
on condition of their fulfilling their
Star Ammonia 3 pkts. 25c Small $1.09 part of the covenant. If they failed
at this time, for it is when strength is known of the Australian crawl, the
sapped b$r --tto rapid growth that stroke to -day that every
for thou hast found grace in my
-,ight and I kn(iw thee, by name."
CROWN His presence would be to them a con-
LUX in Toilet Form 3 foir 25c Medium $1.19 surning fire" (I)eut. 4:24). The-peo-
anaemia dvvelotps. The first signs masters whether he is a speed or a
p1v whon they heard the divine mes-
Soap Chips 2 1 bs. 25c JARS Large $1.65
may be n,ticed by peevishness, lan- long distance specialist. Webb plug-
gour and hoRdaches. The face grox ged ahead with the breast stroke, oc-
overboard. From the age of seven
sage, mourrivd and humbled them-
Silver Gloss Starch 2pkts.25c Rubber Jar Rings 3 doz.25c Isolves, stripping off their accustomed
pale, brf,athlossness and palpitalio..�casionally resting by swimming on
follow, Nvith low spirits, �his back. The elaborate
Medicine Cn., Brockville, Ont.
ornaments in aevordance with the
Whole Pickling Spice 25c 1b. Zinc Jar Rings 20c doz. command (verses 4-6). Moses then
At th,- first symptom of ahacniia nalia now at the disposal of the
vision of the divine nature. The
Compound Mustard 29c lb.� Parawax 2 pkis. 25c appointed a religious service of a
mother,; Aould act at once. Negli-r! Channel swimmer did not exist when
ed anaernia often leads to decline, bu' he crossed. His first attempt ended
claimed in Englan8, and Webb re -
ceived several medals and other
pecilliar kind, &Aivating a tent he
Maple Leaf Choice Santa Clar. pitched at sorne distance from th,
SOAP 3 29c camp, as a inceting-place for Jehovah
if you (-v that your daughter's blm, 1 'in faliure. Then on the second, he
is enriched there need be no chuse f was accompanied by a single boat,
pther children of his age would be
P & G GOLD and himself (verses 7-11). Here he
anxietv Thi- finest blood enrich",;, and only a handful of people knew
ir, Upper Badenoch, was the scene ,, e
SHIRRIFF'S 3 fo again interceded with persevering
fervor until hi- obtained the answer:
10 5EVIC Jelly Powdeirs 2 29c
ever is Dr. Williams' Pink 'of his intention. He suffered tor-
pills The pure, red blood created by: Mentz in the water and was almost
there shall -no man see me and live',,
25c" ibs. ".Mv presenop shall go with tlTee and
- e pi)k will quickly banish Ili, blinded by the sabt before he reached
mother of elev living children,
and my baby is
Theme Prices in,effect for one weeir from date of thio I will give th(,e rest" (V. 14). He
aPer 141-C
sig7is of amii-mia. They will build up! his goal. But he was a rugged young
your girl's hPalth and ensure he a ' man and
r recovered.
-strength increased would impose
thon dared U) reason on this answer,
and to prove its necec-,ity, as one man
robust girlh,,A. Give your daughtcr Matthew Webb was a Shropshire
might discuss terms with another:
a course of Dr. Williams, Pink Pill, i lad, bor?i in 1848, and was thus
himself a -R the gracious one. The
"If thy pn-sence go not with me
now. her strong like thous twenty seven years old at the time of
'.-: ". I am only 38 year a
old and I have
carry US not up hi�ncp." A still fuller
ands of girls and women throughout his exploit. He was the son of a
China nnerchantmen, and in 1873
and more gracious aw;we.r was g.
Canada who have been rescued from'%urgeon and one of twelve children.
, T_ I L
to this intercessory prayer: "I will do
e c uIr vs of anaernia by Dr. Wil-,
rrom infancy he had a love of the
sea. At the
time the vessel was making almost
this thing also that thou hast spoken;
Pink Pills.
You can vvb these pills through
sea, and when he was a lad trained
I the Conway. In this
ion and so God made all his goodness
to pass before Him. Hkdden in the
for thou hast found grace in my
-,ight and I kn(iw thee, by name."
dealer in m(Aicine or by mail at 51)l
Ion service he
once rescued a man who had fallen
having thus proved himself a worthy
cents a box from The Dr. Williams"
overboard. From the age of seven
PraisesLydia E. Pinkharn's
Vegetable Compound
mediator,,he is rewarded by a special
Medicine Cn., Brockville, Ont.
he had been an expert swimmer, and
vision of the divine nature. The
— ------- a—
as much at home in the water as
claimed in Englan8, and Webb re -
ceived several medals and other
glory of the Almighty in its fullness
The hisho-ir churchyard of taggan,
pther children of his age would be
was 'not to be revealed to him, "For
ir, Upper Badenoch, was the scene ,, e
in a sandpile. He swam at every
there shall -no man see me and live',,
an intAtresting ceremony, when a
OPP-ortunity, and as he grew and his
mother of elev living children,
and my baby is
but a further revelation was to be
striking memorial' to a distinguished
-strength increased would impose
given him. Jehovah wa-s to reveal
native or the h, the late Dugald
severer tests upon himself. He be -
himself a -R the gracious one. The
S. Johnstone, Mori: J . P., who was for
came apprenticed to ibbe India and
'.-: ". I am only 38 year a
old and I have
scene described is one of the most
The Roof of Your Garage
China nnerchantmen, and in 1873
solemn and mysterious in the Bible.
As far as; the weakness of fal,hen bu-
shipped before the mast an the
Cunarder Russia. In a violent storm
Ptit a toot on your garage that will harm6nlze' witb
manity would admit, Moses was given
a man was swept from the deck,
ham s Vege-
a dL-,play of God's Majesty. He had
seen r.41� ? A.- er
your home, and fit 'Into any surroundings —a Brantford
and Webb, merely shouting a warn -
ing plun -.4 ;r,t -
r, 0 ry on erent occas-
ions, but be longed for a fuller vis-
uuuu nERLin
sea. At the
time the vessel was making almost
ion and so God made all his goodness
to pass before Him. Hkdden in the
Mother of Eleven Children
fifteen knot-; and was turned back
with the greatest difficulty. But
cleft of a rock, God covered him while
He passed by." (Bible Commentary).
PraisesLydia E. Pinkharn's
Vegetable Compound
Webb kept himself afloat for thirty -
five minutes, and eventlially was
picked up. The heroic deed was ac -
Moses aq the mediator between
Jehovah and the children of Israel,
Her Interesting Experience
claimed in Englan8, and Webb re -
ceived several medals and other
became a type of Christ who, seatei
at the right hand of God, is ever mak-
Buckingham, Qudbec.- "I am the
honors. When he conteived the idea
ing intercession for sinners. As Mos-
mother of elev living children,
and my baby is
of swimming the English Channel
he made a careful study of the tides.
es longed for and was granted a new
and greater vision of God's so
ve months old.
Others had tried before him, but
the lariging soul feeding upon Christ,
the Bread
'.-: ". I am only 38 year a
old and I have
none bad gone very far. None was
so well qualified for the enterprise
The Roof of Your Garage
of Life, is given to -a ee
X en din E.
as Webb.
Ptit a toot on your garage that will harm6nlze' witb
deeper into all the goodness of God.
ham s Vege-
After he had been in the water
your home, and fit 'Into any surroundings —a Brantford
table mpound
ME or we kness and
I knew
for seventeen hours he saw Ca e
Gris-Nez immediately . in front of
ROOf of Asohalt Slate.
Fire resist&A la4fing and economicall.
Here is a wonderful, now sheathing that
m nerves.
?.it from
him, but it was more thaV five
Will 2�va your home comfort, strengt-b and
A missionary of the American
NOW sister, I)ame Ed -
hours later before the tWe event -
u -illy swept him by and he
permauence not possible with wood sheathing.
Cheaper, lighter, eaaier
Board writes thus of one fc-a ture at-
tending a recent revival among the
ed ashore at Sangatte Beach.- It was
on July 24th, 1882, that be lost
to apply than lumber.
KeSPS out C*ld and heat. Makes a
Zulus: "They do not seem to be able
Fbt five years I
was in mi as always ready
life In an a t m the Nia-
bilc1dug for wood, stucco or brick. No felt
pray silently. At their b4itnes
they often go into the busth and pray
to cry. Now I :,#a 'happy to have
good health. '-diaugh r, who is
gara RapiVinpte= � has been
Mentioned as a notable swimmer,
aq A;
Or bUilding paper required. Savea time, labor,
ftk6l And m6n6y. Sold
aloud. So in these meetings, Vhen
they pray, they PraY aloud -40 or 50,
18 -Years old h ta en it and
will it to all
be �bspp
but this is chiefly because his fame
bag bee7k in the keeping of the, poets.
perbaps, at the samb drn& They do
not pray so violently as thre,6 years
Y`111 g, girls. WILLIAM PAR-
NUT, Box 414. 9Wkifthafn, Quebee-
It is reeorded that'he was in love
*ith Mro, a Aphrodite
ago or break OTLt into disorder. They
an intent fU seeking 064, 4aehlone,
Why suffer 4ot ybdra with back-
sche ineri 1 0 'd other ailments
priesta§s of
at sesto's, while, 'Leander Rvgd at
For Sale By
bit"elf. It 11a featful Confusion amd
eonivoon. 4* earli led to
middle vae he1j,,L,.'diA E. Pixikbaml
Abydos. Dgwe6n tNm
tke waters' of the ltiNopotitl
disiftord to one accugtOm ed W. qt1fet,
Vj$�UbIe'w -*ill tive, 4
]mown as the Datduzelw uandei
Go Sit" —
but one can forgot It and f6rgive it
whidu lea seas, their pdeulfat iftittIre
in a r t te-, *I& d"''Vass
C 'WrIfift
wed to swim
!see V06, ivho 4*4Y4 -umpt
gi 0118
romombers man AwA.,k611ea
rdw 8146ty +A jl�m I",
of pureh=s J,!i,
to &Id#. 4hd liqfteoura#,�
ZrobtfordVftt aria
In tho, deep *-Ijt�ot woll1d, �oy ot1t 1,or replies -were r�
1A ZA tep
04d by fU tuie
pxmi� One, ApfAhs-'Ught *aUt otit I 1 .1 - W I I
old d
de� ,� V .
, *6*40&
q C4`r
11 71'1:, 1,11, 0