HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-08-20, Page 2�, �,M 41�', � " .. kl'. �, . �k q ", �, 1 "M It I I I,j 1, �11N, 'I'M "a Eftk�4k '-pAg"Y"eme p; 'A 'ke Ms love, 6�kAVthe strain; to ear h 210 �Agaiu, Q � 110A 0, a shore to shore, A�, praise' Him evermore. W. AIOPAY 013100,1",ALtn%, F. H. Lyt,6. I% A A *,WREv 4XVI 44`R,*;qe3., zoo, I I J?0A#.r.0 ­ QT- )PAOIAZ the q PI�AYER 4 t coo We thank Thee, our Heavenly AM' th." y1hen they Are - Father, for all the blessing Thy love 0'. 44y, to porature.., i nomifiton, bestaws—especially do iif , thank thee for the covenant of love made meAt n, at K S t W 3i with Thy chosenpeople and which is of I E 0 vo years enriching the ldves of all who to b -day b On. tho Mrll�- 1%ee as a covenant-kee a .71 plym,I a 'A K. MUM IL A- �, i , " I " �, 1� I , ed hey P-4hr. for v 20.8 4e God. Teach us to give Thee the un- er, 00, 0 d '16M) for get6b divided service of our lives through FOR WWTER or, 11.79 for - ove er and 10.43'-Xot necembep, -with aLay, brat�i* -X $"MRR the power given us through the sacri- it fice of our Saviour. In His name we It is time to prepare now minimum "�mporatukd f -92 de - pray. Amen, ,,:'W -'A, stock.Crenoid in bulL 'Rot, or S tqx�il%­ AA VIM 0.,: r Nic. for your heating, and as the for Xdvieffib6i d" ift your cans and have te;, 360�% S. LESSON FOR AUGUST 22nd an 19.61 for ecember. This indicates tha-t-a greater part' of furnace house and stable disin- able storige temperattire.is possible heating is the location of Lesson Title—The Ten Command - if all possible ventilation is d for winter, as no pre- ments; Duties to God. liro�ri&d registers, the proper size of during cool nights, and the warehouse- C400h: Oratteh. Lesson Pasaage—Exodus 20:1-11. i *on reaches -microbes . i I , "I P I I I . kept clos' u . ) ni P.Q -wa bsr%ra yin 'hpa;+ Golden Text—Deut. 6.5 � �;. . t ed during the *arm part of R, SHARP, *anige' . :r CL&.n_.y a, etc., just the same i � 11 - I � - the day. in offering our opimon as no When Moses, standing beside the a $all Braltich': as Crenoid. _0 burning bush, received his commis- . ... ... one in these parts have a sion from God to deliver Israel he rUeefi tu Per gallon ........... $1.25 longer, wider orMOre SUC- was given the assurance that God eld is Ao 3 would be with him:—"And he sai& SOME OBSERVATIONS ON cessful experience, the bene - Per one-half gallon ..... 65c Certainly I will be with thee; and TROPICAL STORMS fit of which goes with our this shall be a token unto thee that I Q1! Per quart ............. 35c furnace. have sent thee; when thou hast Florida must be somewhat more brought forth the people out of vulnerable than before the boom to Egypt ye shall serve God upon this attack by tropical 'hurricanes Eke th6 mountain." NO ALUM ; "_ — one which ravaged the Atlantic coast That time had arrived. Mos Geo. Alb Sills So n s ELLETT CO. LTO. during last week says the Springfield V A Mount Sinai wall ONTO. CA". again -before with the Rep -Mblican. They are pra6tically un� children of Israel encamped at the known in Winter So that the season base. The great redemption act�h.d is not affected by their antics, but the been accomplished and M s 4.1 t up into the Mount to meet with God developments of an American :Riviera involves the construction of many and to hear his further commands. spac God called unto him saying: 'lye ious but flimsy buildings which offer a good target. It may be'gome have seen what I did unto the Egyp- ry evide�cg of being earnest en- time before the damage can be ap- ToW,Atuts in,�*es tians, and how I bare you on eagles' qu11`v1:b; 'tw'd"of them have since left praised. Specially exposed were the Poo wings, and brought you unto myself. the place -i�_O­gone to a neighboring houseboats the destruction of a num- has been reported. Many Now, therefore, if ye will obey my town t�. iQ e further instAmeion ber of whic voice in deed, and keep my covenant, from a misSiopary." of these are costly and luxurious, and Anoth ' ionary writes- "In a Florid with its sub -tropical inland then ye shall be a peculiar treasure eT �Wls unto me above all people." Village 4.1,) bought a New Testa� waterways is 'peculiarly adapted for When Moses returned to the people m( - Myit his time, when not at their use. Elsewhere the houseboat - and gave them God's message "all the work in the, fle"Ids, reading it and ex- seems to be going out of fashion. Why ]REAL VALUE people answered together and said, plitining it to groups of villagers. In some cases 4 storm may escape general the path of a tropical dipturb- re 0�11 .0neultured lad, it has fallen out of favor nobody notieeby developink in an unfrequent- ance can be so accurately &tted irt. Is the reodt of buying at the Dominion Stores. You a All that the Lord hath spoken we will Th ' gh an- " knowing seems to know, but it is conjectured, ed part of the sed; or after being re- advance that the presence of so do." Moses returned this answer to nothing but how to read Persian, he that the growing vogue of the motor assured of the best quality, at consistently low pnees. God. had a wondjaxlul insight into S i - ported it may suddenly increase in ships in the�'dahger zone may mun3r. c'P car takes the People further afield. needL NEW PACK On the third day afterward "the ture truth.�_-­I was amazed at his The houseboat is moveable, to be force and magnitude.- Occasionally, some explaining. For aviation a quit&.' NEW PACK Lord came down upon Mount Sinai, ready interTotation of difficult pas- sure, but Dot sufficiently mobile for a too, one -may swerve unexpected,.'es- elaboratWaysteni of avoiding suchr- HERRY on the Itop of the mount, and the sages, ana'.his lucid exposition. By generation accustomed to the motor PeciallY af, the critical point whA�1t stroms has been worked out, and sinc(P 49 PEAS Lord called Moses up to the top of the daily.Teaaing of God's Word to Its upkeep is rather expensiv . recurves for the second arm of ' its- their Progress is slow, an airman whco JAM 2Tims25 the mount," and there he received his neighbors he has awakened d real and it may have be e, too, Parabola and begin to move north or is kept informed has no difficulty ini 3 lb. jar CHOICE QUALITY the Ten Commandments. The first interest in C.hAstianity." en found that .,northeast' instead 0� west, But in giving them Reg. 59C four, ito-day's lesson, set forth man" rpore amusement may be got in other a wide birth. A 4 s - ways. Nowada'vs neople in — + -F suAwBERm34c 4 lh. S&hTWs MARMALADE 69c ST.GEORGE'S MILK 2tinx 23c 29 � IWON UX and one -1-ir-, foot of air intake i, �jj,an all(l We, Indies . so that Florida st OLIVES (PLAIN) 39c CHATFAULOAFCVEESE &34c XK0VA,H HEALTH SALTS I&C H. F. SAUCE 29c ut es towar 0 e c � ren of M . 0 PATRICO c TRUE HOICE QUALITY Israel had been su . rrounded by poty- theism and idolatry but God was lead- ing them into the fuller knowledge SUMMER blEAT pleasure do not like to be tied down too 608617 to One spot, and a home HARD ON BABY is chiefly a Point of departure. Un- cepts are not applicable as a rule." (Jamieson's Commentary). internal and Externa -1 Pains and one -1-ir-, foot of air intake i, �jj,an all(l We, Indies . so that Florida st of Himself as supreme. "I am the Lord Thy God." der favorable conditions, however, No season of the year is so danger- houseboat is one of the pleasantest of a are prom tl t-elieved.by OFFEE49cii, These words were first delivered our to th6 life of little ones as is the homes and in Florida and some of SP D6 THOMA ECIETRIC melasuring 11m feet by 40 feet tlicr.? �Jefjnite type, and while they differ are 11su,,1;,y f�x,I to dollars, orally and afterwards inscribed on summer, The excessive heat throws the other gulf states the conditions the jittl� stomach Out of order so ar6 ideal, so that the fashi * T 'T N 8 N 10A All CE FO" """Ly F "rO-DA six and if in mag -nitude all of them are violent these he fk,rri��hed with latticed opn-i- two tables of stone. "These words comprise the whole duty of ma n on may quickly that prompt aid is at last there as long as an Ywhere ex- A4D is y A EL ER T MIER a "AT BEFO 16 A T"T.", O"E AT SPELAKS FOR IT& M MUM",., enough to do -serious damage if they ings they will provide the necesqar� get a chance; whethe)r they pass un - intakes. The ; and , as interpreted by Christ, they are SO hand, the baby may be beyond all. cePt China. A r houseboat, human help before the mother realizes with all the comforosomy of 0, RA F T _ O"LITIM FLY C 43 comprehensive that there is no cOn- ceivabie condition in which the hu- civilization, he is ill. Sumnwi is the season when is an admirable base for expeditions and' notable keep baby h-althy. The Tablet.,; ar,­cal disturbance" of the season, but by open at. night has not been fuily aP- great disaster depends largely on the man race can exist, where these pre- diarrhoea, dholern infantum, dysentry by motorboat or canoe. But sea- .-A 11; DRANGEADE 1spRAy PATRICO c TRUE HOICE QUALITY SPECIAL BLEND cepts are not applicable as a rule." (Jamieson's Commentary). co c are prevaLent. Any of wort,111nesS, of course, is not its these troub!W,niay prove deadly if strong point, and a hurricane like and one -1-ir-, foot of air intake i, �jj,an all(l We, Indies . so that Florida st jumcTs23 6L TOMATOES OFFEE49cii, Thou shalt have none other god s before not promptIt' , treated. During the the one which has just swept 9�ong summer the in�t`hersl best friend is the coast must have left melasuring 11m feet by 40 feet tlicr.? �Jefjnite type, and while they differ are 11su,,1;,y f�x,I to dollars, GOLDEN,GATE six and if in mag -nitude all of them are violent these he fk,rri��hed with latticed opn-i- me; these words prohibited the formal worship of rival deities. I some costly Baby's Own Tablets. They regulat-i wreckage in its path. the bowels, �%eeten the stomach This was the first "tropi- third and fou generation of them that. hate me, nd showing mercy un- enough to do -serious damage if they ings they will provide the necesqar� get a chance; whethe)r they pass un - intakes. The TANGLEFOOT LEMONADE or 941 C &W%A 2v2,s 2 tins25 FLY C 43 Jehovah had proved himself very real in Eg-ypt and to -have another beside and' notable keep baby h-althy. The Tablet.,; ar,­cal disturbance" of the season, but by open at. night has not been fuily aP- great disaster depends largely on the DRANGEADE 1spRAy course they take. This in turn him would on the part of an emancl- sold medi(me dealers or by mail at the season is still young and it is too ---!�Jseerns to depend in Some degree oil on Brantford Roofing rendered by the race. Sins of the flesh are visit- the season of the year. The burri- pated people show ingratitude and treason. God asks for love -and tfust 25 cents a IMN erom The Dr. Willianis' Parly to conclude the weather con- Medicine ( (I. Brockville, Ont, ditions are abnormal in the Carib - cane months are recorded in the old the temper are felt in the mental nructure of the race, there her- WHEN YOU VISIT THE CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, BE SURE AND VISIT OUR BOOTH August, look out you must. and whatever steals away these from boan. That they are more or less de - In Rolls. Tale Surfaced eptember, remember, October, all over. NO MORE are visited upon the children to th�, IN THE PURE FOOD BUILDINC. the Lord is really his rival and an- other God. T'hou -halt not make. unto thee a ranged elsewhere in the northern VEINTILATION OF THE A I"I'l, E Fernisphere is shown by tremendous Iloods reported from Europe and NVA REHOUSE A�ja, while on this qurnably due to characteristic atmos - Light Weight 35 lbs. S.O.S. TE �S, 13 oz. PAIL FRY'SorCOWAN'S The Magic Cleane FRUIVF PEANUT CHOCOLATE graven image, thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor continent some - thing like drouth has prevailed. Per- In COMPETITIVE QUALITY For Pots and Pass I SHORTCAKE 13UTTER BARS serve tlem� This commandment prohibits Order �,, provide the wfather is always abnormal, ventilation f,o 2 Pkt-. 35c i 29c: lb. 21c 3 FOR 14c any attempt to help our worship by representing the object of adoration to the senses. an apple warehou.,,. hut recent eccentricities have been direct Ught witlet fl,ies from the :e�! ufficient to make a good many con- ing (if Lhe r .... m to be ventilated t,) vvrts to the sunspot theory. Th re- hig�t,st e Medium Weight "ll, 45 lbs. - Theie Prices in effect for one week from daite of this pa C To this command is added—"For I the ,wside point in the r ­)f cent, hurricane, however, was per- are It is FINE QUALITY the [,Ord thy God am a jealous God." lestimatcd that fectly normal except with respect to an a�iPle st,,,;tge house should ha�--, the When God tells us Ile is jealous, He that Ile condescends to love course, which wag exceptional, for eaui, 12o,) cubic feet of aithough not unprecedented. It was room volun-, ne square foot (if io,_ (if Heavy Weight 55 lbs. implies us, to look for a return, to clp.-,ire (-xactly the same sort as the Gal- let. v es t (i n s t ri l, more Irom us than Outward service. To us, as, to His ancient Israel, He r- u, 10ilowed a more The intaket, are of equal importa,wo W)rtht,rn track through the Carib- EXTRA FINE QUALITY says, "I the Lord thy God am a zeal- and one -1-ir-, foot of air intake i, �jj,an all(l We, Indies . so that Florida st OUS God, because I am thy God." The Lord goes on to describe Him - nec.eqsn�ry f(,r ,ach 700 cubic fee- Of ' Instead of Texas bore the brunt of it. atorage volume. In a wn re iwns, All these storms are of a perfectly Extra Heavy Weight 65 lbs. se'rf as "visiting,the iniquity of the melasuring 11m feet by 40 feet tlicr.? �Jefjnite type, and while they differ are 11su,,1;,y f�x,I to dollars, fathers, upon the children unto the six and if in mag -nitude all of them are violent these he fk,rri��hed with latticed opn-i- SUPER FINE QUALITY third and fou generation of them that. hate me, nd showing mercy un- enough to do -serious damage if they ings they will provide the necesqar� get a chance; whethe)r they pass un - intakes. The BftW0rd_1RoofingC*1iwwa to thousands of them that love Me need for leaving do,,,'.;* i notced or are commemorated by a Brantf Ord, Onta d17o and keep my commandment,,;." This open at. night has not been fuily aP- great disaster depends largely on the assertion so early made in Scripturo course they take. This in turn Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service is confirmed in all the experience of ---!�Jseerns to depend in Some degree oil on Brantford Roofing rendered by the race. Sins of the flesh are visit- the season of the year. The burri- N. Cluff & Sons, Seaforth ed upon the bodily system, Rins of cane months are recorded in the old the temper are felt in the mental nructure of the race, there her- nautical jingle: July, stand by. THEY SUFFER e-ditary results stamped on inadrievidual August, look out you must. and national charact�qr. But there is another side. The qins of the fathers eptember, remember, October, all over. NO MORE are visited upon the children to th�, t Bus there is the difference, pre - third and fourth generations, but qurnably due to characteristic atmos - mercy is shown to them that love God Two Women Owe'Health � pheric pressures at different seasons upon a wholly different scale. Even i of the year, that a tropic "unto thou, which al d turb- Rands" would enormously to Lydia E. finkhams nnc develops in "P counterbalance three ge I , temb" -nerations. Vegetable Co'mpound or October is much more likely to 4 ZIN OVAL -halt wander from the Caribbean intoo the Thou s not take the name of 12 the Lord thy God in vain. The sac- was !Gulf of Mexico, pIDYAL St. Adolphe, Manitoba. ­'I I while one whichl IP MAIL red name is not honored by being un- very weak and had greiit Pains during I starts urlier in the Summer more oil MAIL .spoken, but bY being spoken aright; myperiodasotha. -i frequently turns north before it for Out Of the fulness of the heart I could not swee reaches the mainland. If it happens the mouth speaketh. P 4; the floor� to get as far as Florida and then Ile Rerneinber the Sabbath day to p were in the turns, as the recent one did, side- HIS' keep it holy. It is to be a day of right side and ex- swiping the Atlantic coast, it may Flakreproo, rest and refreshment for both body led to the left Work great havoc; fortunately this 11rXr 9 oar. and soul, The Lord sanctified and -then down- does not often happ,pri. MAJES4. .1 S hallowed it, We are free from the *Ablo. It seemed There is no essential diff r e e enc letter of the precept only in so f S . 9 if the body was ar as betweeti, thb hurricane of the Carib- SAFE AND, SURF, we rise to the spirit of it ' heAVy and upside bean, the -typhoon of the China Sea, and true Communion with In loving do*A. It is for or the 0 -It brinp to yo 'doo the Father these troubles I gs of spirits. 1�lone of the Indian Ocean. ur very,, r our Savin (Condensed from The All are loega names Ook the Vegeta- for tropical servfce. Expositors Bible). hi -A P.Amm"eft— I ocean -born St,brnis devel6ping on it P,or air&, side G AT WOULD MISSIONS saw about7it the eastern, of a T—NING The Word of god in Persia. air&, great land- asy to operate a banking account a e to take it It mass and rnoving ffitt t6w4rd the by maiL Wtite to our nearest branch for A missionary in Isspahat, PersiA, is haO I every way, the land and then afty frorA the- equa- irnPresRed by the foothold which the Dams ar( full partieWarg. less' and�"'htwe tuore aPPe' I tOr- ThOge i?) Our bemisphere, spin Rible. is gaining there. His comment tte- It Is a Pleat to teOwrhend counUr-doelewlse, and curve to the Lydia E. Pinkb Is PF. follows; pound to other v ' hfi� vgew]Dle C*m- Tiorth, wbile those of the southerri Vt We* "—LBA Do- bdXisphelt roitkte,"wifh tho h f, . , "Less �hsn.a doten y6ars ago wiiell SMA St Moto) the colporteum visited the sacred cit- of the Clock Aftd,cut'Ve to the south. % ies of this land they had to work ged- A%und But in 'ehArattet. they & Orft.is'e- Tetly, and if &Y dispd4ed I hall g, 9, 0, ToronU,Ont." tMi,46040hange ly the -swAd,*hV1Ah6r thek,,lilt Plori- dOz6n WPias thoy thobitight tboy b4d RGS, I E M with ho w� 49 -db*60 da Hongkdngi� 611 the __ IjAttgl(an _A� ULAT01 of L A dOnA Welf. Within the pAgt t,*, Vealmega 04d oumem. I do;A, vy, PlOntbs� one of these citka *�gg Vfg11 now 116i8eg d sda 000 ed s I bha*_4,� t0 kobli, 6a Q46% NA ITY A Arorker from t116 pritigh, of 4 , And '211 k op F,7,7 T", 1 't"_ - ___­ - ­ � � , , , ­. . V, I tor;Ar ftle Society; '40& iv. 0 F t 0, 11 7i VXV1 51 _0 �� � � 30 � " —Jr -( 1_ 1 -4