The Huron Expositor, 1926-08-13, Page 8, � "" , , �,— , I � I � � b"M %-,�, i'�,*101 ;V1, ",� , 'I, ""Abl�". 11�r*'. "'i �, I" r 3�� �TMI�,�p,i,�-9471),M,;,��T(�M,7.�"'�RL�,,*,;;"tl�.'r�,�� S, tf._q "',at;, &g,z#g11` I R, � I 111i 0111*1111,1,1,51� 11,4 1, , � �,��:, :,',.J� ....... , -, 'i ­� Ko'�,�_ I � ­ ., i�;,4".�,�,I� , 4"ll ­.,,T,7�d,,AE 5, � � I io,;Z� A '. '01 Zmg '. m �r 4, re,,v, M � 7 , ,� , � - 6 1'�4 ": 411,111, ,,, 04 ,,% " wam , ,7 ,, 7 _ f "'� " �, It ,��, ,,��,� . " i,, - I " I � 11 !�'.. i ��. - �, ,,, � . I '� , , 3, � � � �, 0� , , , �c R I I, �N i ill, )"', 6 I "; 5 . , 'I '. ,-- , " , V&'1'7,n,% , � , I I � , �;,�,��I'�,,,�,,,�,",���,,,,,�i : " i 11 ......... "I'll, ......... ......... 11 I - "...." -.--..1__-1-.... -.1-11.1.1 i4 ,�;,, -.�,� �1,j� ��' I 'I '11i.1-1.1 _� � 41 ", ) � ,� 9 I Z , . - 1, �,.17 , 11 I , ,,, ,,,, c- ,,i- AZ� ,`,­,,1Tt1,,,�,. 1: 1. q ­i , ,"', , , � '. "I . ,� li�, . 1"';:", " I � 11 i ; �riil , ., ,:04 #4 I � - , i .i , �, � ,��,���"",7"1��,,�%�,,,�,19�r�����j� A", , t 31,10 'Q4, , : P51, 1&. I I I `- -1--_'j ...... .. �,,n­w;i� ... ... , [ A .10 - � ., www, , I I I W " , ­44YZIIII I , -df��'�,-.� , � , "" I "I ?� F"OB " . alwa � , !,_ �% ,� "I lot - , , 'I. ,$ 9 � ,.O ") . , X , � ,-,. , � I 11,1. I 1 '"" " it"T �,,w ,�",�", �M� �1 ,� I -'s, .(. �. " ",!,,R"`)� "I M,f��,� ,��.`!­,,� �AAI I ". ��..,_ -,& �, - .1 I �, " " , , , .), I 1, ,*,: 11 �1% , , I 4%, 0,11 ill .-..,.,� ��,,�,;,;�,�� �,'�,' ,`�,��!��:��!7 �- . I 1 i�' " .01. 1�1111�'��,: , p , " , "', I 11. — . - V i "A - -, -,, I0 , �` 4, , - - , I - , Alw'v ­,,�T,�", 4 W & 'T R,P , WMY . . . ,,, KX4�,,,,,�', I I - � i . "" ?�,, -1 V,V e.1, , - , I �,�'. , J " , , I. E i�,! "'m - � ir ITAIAXTS, -4-0 I, I ,, � �." , " , "I -A!,'. I -A; 404*� NX4 11'U M ,W "%16M � ,,�4' " , i, �' �� .. - � - ,,, , , , - ,., ,,�,',., -1 __ r V , , .. ..... , '' �`�, ,,,,t,,,,,,�, Mi` I'll , , a 'VAO . 7 M."'i ��, , . - - I ,,, I , � .1 �,_ I M ' ,�'S_,��` � �T,A#Tk.',Xe 11 -, "I I' I � -, , I , , I - 11,:, " �. ." , P`1111�11,N -T- , �',, 11�',, 1� P,�`i� ��!'��`, " I I ,11. , l.; -1 I I -1 .1. 4� 1-1 � -1 - - -4-9 e AA , �% 4�; I .1111.11�1­, -�.,N­m , � , A( ',r,­i4��R %, io .e� M� �� � It ug�, ­,�, T,!!��i,4,�,��, il o 'Or ,%, I a-7 P ,. , I 14, -,�, , . .,V IN111, ;f;'�t; -, �`1�1, , t- .4, jp'st an Ox �`a' P . 1. W 0 V �, �, '. - �I ,_ 7V 1 1_1 Q�f' �, , �, , , gaiw4uieut, ,% xig� I X4 r ;11�1 I , - .0. a IT P" , � - � I . �'VI.4, , gg", , �i .1�, , , I , ' �1 '� wr �; � , 'N � - � " I 6 1W �,,,,;,� j'L �W . ,q .1 1; till,"f` ..V;,�W­ I - ', �, I IAII� I If,"" " ,;%N -Q,� r X '. Beatrice Jean, tp,1 , gj,� I . , R, , , , I I "g , � ,t; "'' �" . '0 "'10, ...", g,� V1�51'., 1, ��,,�V'.'441,03�t,, �, �aave tue w4r,k. oin4 tlmo And Khoer-T� son of WX� and M*q. 4.,4, n' . %. for ,� 449�q�ViPl A 1, ttlt�: I fpt� 0A1**, I i I- , ,,�.' ',,,,�,,� �V`.,',,QT�Z,�l .. " !!', t *,�'I", il , I _�� - ,, ��1,','.',',Ok�;,'� ��, pop"OlAr". �,, 4 , N�! 11i"", I , . 16 "'it, �,,'�,4��'I,, `,',Ok�;,� _ ea� �, .tive6 OW""ki ,,, seleclAq ,A I ..""I"'rZ -,�,,���,��,��.',�'�"",�"I"�""',� � I - -1, I � ; ,�c , �V, I i �ff.11. i � � .- 1 .4, I , " ­` , "' , ta � 00"I'll .,. � I " li 11 , N, ft % cost of blueing. Bill - . forth, the marria$e, tq �*e '"'�, '. � '­ , , � A, � , � ,)AMMl - " � W v a 1-§ K 'L -47i,� ,� . ,;' ��, - �%,;, I - Xe Sea "I , �.. . I ., ­ F-l"'.4,1C ng, � X, '&"� r�� 1011'1�1,�-;,'t njid , '�111 1. 141, -11. I I ;L the latter part of August time� 4W4i �",. p '11W A %,-.4XII,� ,9 pigaw YT 1'-Z", $ , . ,V ,­ AN9*-`,4b0! 11 ry b0q�1`4 , *%1114� - pA "I ... ,1111��­ , ��, 1 R 1 14�'A ... .1 ... r4te " L �'Jq,, ::�,, _,� ", ... I . N11 �­-­ �: , g", ,A- to cloth while 'Place, , = 04#100 nig- eo"14 -,v l . IV qell�'.'�'L'1,1"11'-� ,,'��,�!��,,: �*,',' 401 T ? I ��-"p.,'-,I,­.,,� t to make , ; , A & � q .. 1 ,5. - I, ' , es' no .. make yellow . 44. '0'%j!V4 ", tyl�We-� 4A � " i 71 1 �.."!"4'_ "",r, R " 1WZ1 . V, , , . ,"Ll,;1 ,�'.., . � � � � a. � �� � , .1 _ i!"'.'ll _ ._ I � ,`�X'?,�:�� 1�,, '. ____ .11 � ,,'i .,-'.-:��,_� .11 . ... �� �­�.�, It I! ,­ 11* , I , , -� 1:,�.­,',,�,,, , 01' � �_I'T��r­"� I . I( I ­ � I I'll � I; 6 .." - I.. , . , 0;� enqr,'43 I- �'� �;­,, !11�., , 11 4 .� I � .. _ �. " 4 1 1 mi 4; r-URAC', FA.Ty OR 4"'R � )'�'� � L - I.. . '. "11"44A�'d."L-�'jk"l , , - 4,;,,��j',', � � � "�;�,",-�,.�--�4�9"�i,��,��',!�� , 10 e, but t I � - , ', _ � ,_ ,t*e, blu I'll, -I" J�",44, __ 1 ",�.­, . ,��!� ... � I , , , �, 711. ", -.I,� ,�` - -�­, 'L',;I"�, , (,-�"r�. :,�, -f " �� 11111t; .4p J � ��� ..". .� ', ­ �. �"' 11 ""4" , � . k"-�Q',.',� li`11"N' Rows white, (a combination of , , 1, N.4 I I - . LZ I'l-l'!" �� , , . ... .. .. �k. X t ", ` �Z L "I el� 11..�;�i� bite). A ,�, ":i,�, -�',,1'.7,,,.§ :, �.. - ", % f, _�­J . . . "t 11 _�­.. m" I , " ,,,,�,,-� 1" ,. 11 ..... . � �_,. ,-, ,.�, � , , _ ., _ ,�,,. _!,',­,�� , , , "'. - "I't 'ki�WTS'E&CH �,,­i, , ­��`.i .`, C *A I I'll, �2 'A" �, ,� "', ,_ , 111. - 11 IM ..� , .0. '. 41 �, , I L i 1 ..,",5", "I", Nice Trout,Mr. Scott R%w, 121.2 mills* Co . ;,�,,-;. - � ­-� .1�,� .; L', 7,�., `,�� I , - "I il V,i� ,,, " A "I' �, ,llf,lFq ., 1)11111*;� and vellow produces v ,g ', gwricto" .6 ... , -v, 1,11t, - MI Nh­ - -, "'t, : , , _­ I , ­ I I I , U."g , �,�'� �,R,,,.,,� -n,t, ", � , , � . , . - , , §.,.,* 'I, � �#� �! " ' - - I L - '_ ­. I i .. �i , , I., ... . - - ". �? �, , I , ,�_ �­_ � , "i I L, Iri I , ft . , � �,l V4, 1 4.�,­:�-, , - � X�'Ji-)ri"MoAtnii 0i % ., 1, 11 , , ,;�`�, . ji,o I ­'�.,� , , ""le. clothes are white and i volt , I I I " 64 I , f4w F*1 1�1i. 11 I., - I P %_ , " 4 -��t,�� *".Z:�-`�,4,, li�i',� 1�,, ` . I ,,� � . - x%- �4 'V,' "a , , ,,� I x" -1 - -.1 ll ,,�,.�APK 6 � " � �� - -E .� 1,9 Iii ',V`111, bo � ,,,�:4,0* ,0,46 7 , , - , .1, last week, caught a Rainbow Trout erato__50 p,� ' - " - ,,,aJ4.',' �W I , ,. . . r4T.4 Z=9,'0J­ I 'im plin , ,_ , '� 4. ,� ,it . . while fishing near Luckupw mWA�; ,r ,o ,4,q . :; , �, X I 111 t I 1-It'l- - , -­ - I , T 1 .5 N1, - ,v , ,V., ,"­ using Quick Wash Tablets. 'i'llor'le :� , ,; , ` , wi -, ", V 4 r 0 I I � � , . " . � I �� j� ;, , - I Leed no %-0 - � I 11.11t, "­, ,� , A � -, that measured 24 inches in length School So. I , �,,,-� , � ,� ,,� ,�.,,',i M"­�` "t, 9.­4op. - Al � , I " I , f��,6 . - � ur lilttlm I . _;' -R'�, 11'1'14� ,11 �L$ I I ,,,, :,i,�t��.�, �"':;,-..;.,, ?�;Pll. � 11 �, t�j,� . I I I 1. � : ". ", , i - I :'blue. weighed - , ,�,� *,�;',� -,�� �, "­� , , i, �' --,�!�,.�,l�-,,,',-'.,.;�,f�',', k,� ,* P'ii'-I'�,�.-�-',',',; " , � Is I I - ��. I �., , ," I I ,,, I—, � 1. - . - .. 1.11 '1� 1� - , ,I '.� ,,�.,� �, .,� � �r� BID I , , ... �.. gg�qi- �4­).'J,� ; , Z .. 1, I . 11 ,�, I , " 'I ", "' I", vi'-, , � , ,� 11 ��,,,�, t , , 0 * three pounds eleven Support.' 43 *1110. : I _'* J v'G.,W' I I PS I , . � , - te ." ," p* - a , . fo , rol " . , , �.� , ,lpo. , t � , , , . ) 11 A , and XbN'a 1), ., . ,� �1 "�.#4 ..p . k v K I" . .�, - ,a , , � - `.A. 11 .. _-,.�tV, " , ��_, It, . , � "'. �', , ;,_', '. �;_, -:,,f,, -�� Pti �,�, ,.,;.,. - ­ i. ,,�� . ;. . , � ''"PILIL. Ai " p -F." - , � UNUFAt SAUSAGB--If you desire ounces. It was a beauty, and the Turnbull, aecqxided�,bj, .T; , � I . .. , � , LL J,1� Z5 V11, 11`� " 3 V. 'O"ttle : , B" - , i�vm undAy--W;,.,, x4a , 'A"E 9_1�1�1 : � .1 �­­', �,:; , ";", �.�,,,�,�.x,, ,, ,,�'4 , - L 11. , Was 'he. pi _-1 i ) ,!'.�OV,". " * ' � �' I.., , lilftil.' . - :I,�, P. �, _711 I -?,�.,��,� V� �, something very tasty, convenient, first of its kind ever brought into that Dr. R. It - 6 I 1111.111. I ,, �*� �11�;� � , flr,�q,.� 4�`, AL - W ii*lrt, §qn.44y 4 I ". �--- ,- ;, ". . , , ... I 11 11 � I . 1. I'Y�, "", ., ;;,� !-, 1-11 . i L __ ., � I - *�i,!, � 1'. '�� X , 'i� , ,Jlt_ 1. . , i;'- � � , ,4; :�, �,`,,-,;�, '�;�k -,,',' P ,'�, condensed, economical, absolutely Senforth. Board of the Colle lui* histfWie �7 Aq - A"A".4-. F� . , " ., . I,.' k� , "! " �`*�,,, . �., 4 � 1�t Q� 0 I*# 0. 1 , , , F, �g i �'r � � , . . , � � ,, '.� - . ) "k , OIr " I t, �` -.­ -, � .4 - � , , , I r7, 1171- ,I ffl�;' I I *' 4t . ken for -,;,. 15 , -84' il . . ,, Jpul V. 40"i, F T , �,� , .,%.'� . �, publis k -100 Aoto*t%xis ,. � � j: , d. , , *6 � . �Z,,11111 ... IL�; . � , - . , - t"I , '. I , 1-1, �.!y' Z;;� I 11.,.,I� I , ,,��"": � � - �­ -, jbyl�," :t� - � : 0 loit,�,�,*U=#y ,a , 4 ,'e� �,, i-,_ , "' � - " , IL '.".1 � �-­_ . 1% ��, ,I 1� ­��', .. I '�111�_," _: -_ -_ ­� I ''. . " ,�, - - fill I � I , � � I 'a :, 0 ­ � L �111N�i�i '? " 11 � , � , f s",rd p"�f "'ff "jg . pure and government inspected, we place of t1m) boe X X� ,,, 01--F., "T J , lik"11;.1, ­�. 1 2. ,� X Best�- to , - , - and U, i, . . I , ,. 6 . e , 'or 10 _1104V-1,,!� I , 11 - I , " .r 11, ,,� L *�. I , I , V� _.�t� - �J recommend our Summer Sausage out the unexAred t9rin; moved, ;A " � ,'as �, I I . I 1,,.,,4 �", 'I't de'a,'biip�ri - " , �� " " "T. , %, � , , . t , . � ?�'WX� I I �, . ' -Y ­ "t., , t . �. . ,� .": �;, ,�� J "i, 1, 1, -1. I I ;'I ��`, �,,,'� 4o,: wil,jon Roars -Travellers on the high- by G. T. Turnbull, seconded by J. W. I ,. trip - t6 IV, i -#,,��Th -fo " ' "' - 11 , , A __ .N!, -, , , 44,06tOT" , � at � 44 , ip �' _11 P0 A ,V �TM�,;r I 11 I � I - ,, . , I per pound .................. ay east of Seaforth, are loud in Beattie, that the coi idlown to navqme� , -""�� 4'. ­ I - �.� . ". ,,,,,, 1'�_ 1, . mi ,,,Trom a month's, ys wh4atAarf"t-,JsJJgAt,, but t1le a4mPle ' ,, ` �'Iffldr 1'. "'1.--.-, �­ I � . " 1. I t ,,,Of �'1�011T "I'N., . � heir praise of the -work being done �, .�,, 7p ", W , � t - k, IS pod,,Th ..", 10-Im":, st ON , "T � . , ".", ,,'%�A ��."` -.1 , 0, �.. I 1. _ ,� , meet at the call of the, Mayor. 44� ­N!4,1","!�ffl',,,,� MX. alkd. ,�-' - as been � - " ' .. I .. 11 -, � !,,�: , �u, Ifi�41,� - I . I I " I I . . . I " 0�1* I " �4,,�._.,,� , � , - ' . I � 4�-.' . . I zqatl�,,�, tpi,London visi u 09 'ruined by. , a .6 turr . L M, .101 "I !.1 11.-:. � , . .... � , '104�,,'4-t,1#41y, rem, �r`!x �11 ­"",.­�'! ­'Al"R . _�;, tumip, crop h . .... O�-We recommend and guaran- by the Lions Club, under the chair- � �.;Zp 11 I ��O �% 1�_­ - , f - ,�, _ 1 - . om Ap bug'. which , I 11'� ar a, .. _,.d,�,,, ��. - 7'.", I,�,.', F � - � - � 1, . .. 11 A. " e, �,,,�.,,.., ;:t . , 4",..��!-�-,.. 1 - . " �C­ "', � 4 1 I �. - -11 Our IDUlk teas to be superior in manship of Lion Wesley Beattie. The - 4�;ent" v'v -Mss 04 i ia4ts thqt 10af in, clu 1 A -,--7- h,� -I,- 1 " L `4�'�$`­.. !, _� " -,�� I "., � , I "I .... , , ,..,. I I I I "I "Rek.- I i , - , ,�. � "g., ,P - I For Sale. - - . liteim, wili ,,4�,w - -1 , I.," 1�, : �;.',. -�',`,',,�' . �� . �. . . �h� � . v r . L' -IN',". I . .,�%." - I I , .a.�_,,�, '­ . , I - I - E. -L-"- W,g n her h lid ith ' . q ". ; ­:`­ " - ­­ :� . , � ._­... , ,;', I , ity and cheaper than package old, unsightly town dump on the Me- ---Pure eztxwbe4 clover h,oney. 9 a,�s,� wl - causes the turnip to diei�, The BXr, - �- . I I , , .. �, I 11'. I - I 1�, -, '. VanEgmond,, Fxmwndvffl. e. I , I �,,. ,. 1,�, , ; ;,.; ", ': _i . . . - ,� , $""�,o 1 , L : � .. '. , 4�_ .11 4_� "� I .. I i�. . ,�" �, " , , Ir�." lnenua� W'A J .' V � ,,, .11, 1. ... 11� . � I ".. . ,;,�, 9�_ - I , ". Lrly oblil- , ,%N is - r, nit XTS. " (4'Sle �Pr W_.'%�, " �`, . , 'a 8061NI �lvT, g n ,.- � ��, I ", . 4 M then e 64 , - Mann farm is now very net JT_ "', 0 'Palo. 6erimental Farm nOght, r � , kg, Q�,u t ­--. � �- 1, I �-,', � I n ,t , ,_ I'll .11 . ;- I I - , , I I ". Crated and with the grassing over of apply at The Expositor Offi w' are spending a few forniation 'to a remody for the � � 4 ` " ,�­' '' , " _�..'�,L'�'; � ..... j.", Bearden Wanted -Anyone Luting board, Ha , -ove some lnt . I ,� :411' . ""L L'. . _. .� . I - ! - . �� ' .1 ,'T Y_ �� "', _V, 09 .11, , , e 'S*rM_,0n,$. �:_ 'L' �; ,,-,, ,�­,'4,1 .1 I ;­ S059X2 - 4. � . � ­ .1, � . ,,� _&� ", �,�_ .11 - I 1, 1. � , � BROKEN BISCUITS at 2% Tbs. the covering this eyesore to our town Wanted. -A good efficient m th Mr. and Mrs, I , - , , ,'.'.� I , , - -W � .; 1, , p '-, -, If'', L M . Gays U114 1"_, * wi - C. I , I , �,.L,�A 11* � I I h L"I -Pest��Tbii,eav LL , - ,;" . , 0., , I . . , ., 1� . . 25c A.., woman to help on ,4j_ ­ "", ly,,potato'orop. has beeAL � - �`� _'� '"' L '' �� �', -1, ,?:� �'.­,, 'o " ,,:' , � ,� .1 , , 't _ I , . � I ,,, I I 1, I - ,� ', . . . . . � ­�' . ".., for ............ .......... approaches will be done away with, a farm for a moubb- Aber eir summer -home , It , ... ". - 1� ­`_ ;L !�, � . I , ''t , � I I � ,-, r� . 11 " � � "5,.,- �, I I . I � � .. . ­ I , _ ", ,Ji�- 1 . ,. �'- ` .1 .. 7 L -7 . ,:� � , , � - � - , 1. ,.n *h I in 'T ' � - "I .. in stficken W,J . jig _ y at The Expositor , a b # and it may rj� I )� .1 Office. 3061-1 , I � . I ' AN T ft', t _,:"�L��,��,­ 1. . L 1. 11 tha ks to the Lions Club. That the Bayflel& ,'�' or and Mrs.'R. S. Bays suit in a - rq�;-'whi�h, doegret help ffie., � , I T .., COA, -','Oft A. .,, $ �'�', - L"''.. !;,.. - , .. FANCY BISCUITS -Specials at 25c, _h aW , Tan%114. ,� - I . I'— � . I , �: . � �� . � ,", -11: L ns' work is appreciated by former Boomers Wanted -Comfortable home wit � �,,V .he week end in De� tager any. � 11 � . I I , � -, 'I, ,�' ., 1, � ,� " I . . all modern conveniences. Apply at The Ex- triolt.., I I " ' , 11 ,;, I �,' I I - . ".. ; L I � �� i �1.' I I I ' -11, 11 . - Dos bDr Office. - ,Pnt t ,Is Vial Ing . I . . . L; "V _00:-L�f `."�: �'i'Z�Ip�::`:"'$ ;9 L , ' . , usually 35C iltie shor N LL ­ 1 .1 i -- , 1 3061-1 * _1y; ,. M. Chesney" ' "it* . Ps Up to '': 'or 11 -, " , ." msidents who visit the old town, was & 4lit", . . . �. . . . . " ..� �: , � ­ .1.1� � . "', ,�ii, _­. , � I . 11 It , ". I : a. 1 WO"'Of her daughter bi Ro., . " * , , , , , � , . , i , 4GINGER SNAPS -2 Th amply demonstrated a week ago when at thiP,,' '' " � , � 4� ' . ri , I I . ' . ' - Rooms To Rent, -Apartment rooms with all _io� " �, , , 6.10 . . ... , I I I � �L I ., . � , ' ' ­­_ I I DES80110 l4es,vili: to siff.00 - I 'I� ': L LON � . ;,�;..: for ........... .......... 25c two former residents, looking over modern conveniences. Apply to W. R. Kens. Clkester,-_4M,kk� Garniss, of Bluevale, I Va .� . I f4 ....... .� I, " - . ... :. . f, I , t''V I , 4'1l,e$. iff L ., P to �_$15.00, ' "L '7 .11 _6 I, . � �.... "I'. '. ,.- .. �.?4, . . � was 'AT. Notes,_X ' , for ,,'.�,.,,%, . . L. $#��, ,� .��:� L " '.. ; . . lake, Seaforth. 3060-tf -0 - r; R. $haddick spent the . I what has been done and seeing th, 4316'' A � , �.. .1 4 of Mrs. Thomas Dick- . I . ., L ��", I I �_ _I,� , L For Sale.-40ne steel hay fork track 65 feet Son, C 'Orid'h` Stre week , end in Loullon,--Mr. Thomas , - -_/,� xod - et, this w4ek-.-­�Mr. . 11, � L. LLL... ... I , I ­� SCRUB BRUSHES -at 10 to 35c, dozens of kiddies enjoying themselve long wfth car. Apply to Walter Murray, Sea- . - Fairservice spent Monday in London. 0. Values up to $20M . . I I .. ,:,-", . -1 I I I which are i-egular values at 15c to in our swimming pool, very generouss- and Mrs�,­. . , ,46r , . " �,Z forth. I , St -w I L L . ". 1, ,,g, art Scott and son, of - ' .. . . ,$1,00,!, �., . 3056-tf � , ; 'L� k� � . " 11 , " �,� . . � . U, the L I a ues up . 11 � , . I �A,�­ comer of ' " L "," L I - . I . I I . � ; �:,.; I h V I i ` $25.,K for . �. .' � .... $1. , i ifteen dollars toward& House For Sale. -Frame house on llamktoN.�,�jre guests this week at - . and A. Sha4­ -to 50e- Our 10c Scrub Brush makes ly donated f -Xessm Cecil.! Griffith I , "I'll, 111,�. " an excellent horse brush. v0fJh,e Misses Brilie� dick spent �Week- t end,at their, - 646 1 � , � . " I .. . �," helping on the good work. it is Victoria and George Streets, Seaforth. Seven the OZ14, -,Mrs. '- 1�, . � - _-, I .� 11 L � . � I 11 � I � . I ; � I.. L , , " . confidently hoped there will be an ro`m",,,, large barn and two aots, Apply to Camer(* , ho`me� here. -Mr. -Clia,ries Lee� �'�f. In- - - " ­ �� M . . -- ;--i-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�im �,; - 't I . ! " -is a requis I ew`,� -. ' . I I . . . '11� , VINEGAR -Good vinegar - Mm. illiam Habkirk, Seaforth. 3059x4 gersoll, LSpent 14-1 " daly's ' mf�;. -- , , I . . : - '. . ", - r ... L I!, I , at1fgo-homii, - . I . . ,. '. I � .� �_. 1. �' f overflow turnout to the tattoo towards of MQnti*af,7tAre guests at th� home ..I �,, � . . -1 ­ I . , , . , ,,, . XT_.'-! 11 I . . . , - i �, ,�. I ite for good health as well as or Cottage For Sale or Rent -On east Bids of of X$�4. ,�4. L, J30YCL . , ." w yo .:O , .. " ,%.Y ". the success of which the Lions are Jarvis Street, 5 -roomed frame cottage: hard _M ' herii.-m-Mra. Tw - M-ajlii,'a!:qd-faX- -1 '' f'' ' , , -'.:, " 1_�,;,A. VLEAN-UP 0 , -- % . tv"', good pickling. We have always at L'the , honl_ " � . , ,, � F MM . ; . , - WV �­ of vinegar. working overtime. and soft water, cement cel,lar, electric lights, Suv�u&E4�",l �b.l "- M�urruy Stratford- are'visiting _ . -1, 11 � L .1 I . . , LIM XY . I , I ,� .. .# y, A. Edmonds and ; _,., L I I , . .1 I I . I ., !" � I - - made a specialty We garden- Just recently decorated, John Ran- L Robert of Miss 4Z - Ref. Xn. 'G'rie'r'%X�i ' . _ . �, .W. it ". � �11 . I " -1. �� I -, I L, I'L" - � - . ?', Wlii. are camping at Bruce X, . .1. .� - - M I I , � . 11 �-!,, , ­ ., . kin Agency. 8061-tt .1 , I __ f" 1. .. ­ I? rep - 1. . �� .. . ��� . handle nothing under XXX strength - Keys Loot -Lost between Clinton and Sea Beach.7-�_�.�ard Mrs. A. Middlemost and family, of- Korea, are visitfuli : - , I par values . I ,. L!! ".. I , L ,, I - . . I - I I . . . - -1 1, ,. for which the price is Dr. Norwood's Lecture. -The lec- fo h on Friday, Augivat 6th. 1926, a key ring d , % L 4fi& Miss M. J0 L hnston, of their parentS, Mr. and mks. 416hil . - L , . -up to, � $ I ;7&,.:.,L, , ". � , . I I L . I L - , : I I . .`I, . 11 ��,, an Sol , I L' � 7 I � 1, 1. -, � I : : I � �', per gallon ................. 50C ture given in the North Side United inrt '*6re week end g Fingland,-A. large nuMber-from. here . L . I . ., `.�,. . �Z,- � , . ... I.. . . .. I I I black parse. also contained a small surd HaWlton, nests at , - . � I I � �.t%- . ' , �.! ". ­ I � . , , - , I . spent Saturday -at Niagara Falls. ` , - I t . I IL - .",L I Church on Wednesday eveiling on of money. Any information leading t* re- the 114mii of Mr. and Mrs. T. John- __.: .- I .p' 4 � . , , I �, ; �­ . " . , I � - - I , �' ..� '' - , I - - , of covery. Please leave ed Expositor Offim Mrs. John Grainger and Miss Gladys, - ,d11:1.1 �11 ", "_ - I - �­ t "I"I"".. Austratlia by Dr. F. W. Norwood ston.��Mr. 4mieson, a student at , � �: - I I I I . . . . . I . L � ... 1 _�14� � ',,"� L - . � - , � the City Temple, London, Englund, por sale or RontL_Eight�.roomed 806l)a . it iu#jl�nng at BI returned last Tuesday after a pleas- iplk § ";,", , , � 7, , , , . -,-, ,, cmitage in presey . . " V . - $4 ` , I ,; .7 I �� L , � - ., . . , ' ' , 4 uerale, occu- I A _�,.L F. D. Hutchison's ant visit with friends at Shelbofi�rue. I I . -­ � �. � " L'. : - L ;1. '. I _ . , was one of the finest the people of good conditkyn, on Market Street; good cellar, pied the I-p*it very accyptAbly in ][US ""�. " ; , I ,�': - . 'i - . " " ;; I . .. - 1�$SSOJR ' ' , , _ L .. 1�:, 1.01, . A ., . - this vicinity have ever had the priv- bar"' two 'lots, "Property of the late Mrs. M. First Pft.sbyt'etian Church on Sunday -Mrs. (1*.) Sloan' is in ,Lt;ndon for AC I - 1). . 11 _.11��, I ;1 . Lam� Apply to Mrs, A- Faulkner, George - . - -, :._�. ,, rMNE FOR FOOD : PRONR 166 ilege of hearing. The lecture was Strest� Soaf.,th. last.-AG'_O. McTaggart is vis ew d .-Mr . el and I . I 't 11 ", �i it ,� q. � , � � 11� I 8061xZ iting a f ays 'a K ly Miss L I � ' � I - LI, .". t," V_ advertised to be held in Egmondville DW Margaret, of Renown, Sask., returned The little things co - � �,,'.. 1: .. " I Y. —_ ComfortiLble ailing For S.l..-F,Ieotric at the home of her sister in Toronto. therefo ­ ' , !bi Much;" " 11 I . "I ' ' ' ' I . I I . . '��, church but it was thought ad lights. hard and soft water indoors. Stone to their home on Monday after a - mean ct , , . -Miss Ella Turnbull is visiting with rel. by all - I- - '3 , s S - - f - 7 v;=', foundation. with cement floor in cellar. In flie., . 7 . _ . � - i ..,� '. ­� -, . to hold it in the Seaforth It _ pleasant visit with the former's bro- I . .." , I �, � �:� - I first class condition Good garden. This idff in, Ingersoll and Londoil ' - � .. �, � � . I I .. .1 I - L . ' , � .. " -4� . " I which would give greater accommoda- nd ia-Qly. thers here. , . - Mr.and Alm"N. R. Rennie a GLOVE9, HOSIERY, NELC . 11 - party may be inspected at any t d ,,XWEA �� - I i.;_. . . - �R, " . �', �_ 1� witl be sold cheap- Mrs. George W.Vioau. have returned from Grand Bend where - � .11 I . tion. And it was well the change pro - . ,....- , , I was made as the large church was Huron Street. Senfor-th. 8060-tf th . GODEJUCH . CORSETS.' UNDERWEAR a In d, -, . . I r.- ey spent it month at their summer I .... " " I . WW Alled to capacity, and not one of the Special Optical Offer. -High grade To Pave Streets�At a special th 'details - carefully -and 'frora -_ L, I �­ gold -fill- cottage.-Mr.'Jack Jarrott is spend. o er .11 ,.. ed spectacles and eye glasses with best fiat - . I 1. ". large audience was disappointed. Dr. spheridall den�- for only 14-00. All other ing his holidays with his father, Mr. meeting of Goderich Town Council, it " I - 1. stock that afford - ' . "', I Norwood is a very fluent and eloquent &t3lie of frames and lenses at lowtat Prices. Robert Jgrrott.-Mrs. Ed. Hunt has was decided -to pave Kingston Street, � arnple, 6hoice—'In - I 11, . , I speaker possessing a keen sense of Eyes examined by our well know returned fo her home in McKill,p ,f- Elgin Avenue and Huron Road as far other ' . ,,� I Mr. Hughson, f,om�crly optical n eipecialist, words, select here, 6 `�_ :1: I expeTt for . I I rgan & C. Ter a pleasant visit with fnends in 4 1. , - :_ facts, both historical and geographic Montreal. You are assured of the best apt:' London�Mr. and Mrs. Charl,6s Clark Pavement will connect with the pave- . - ", e ... . . ___ - al i- - - . .." � t' humor and his lecture bristled with K.�rts. Torooto, and Henry Mo a 8 Walnut Street, at Which point the . I I ,_ I - I .� presented so entertaingly cal work to be obtained and t moderate of Ayhner, spent the week end with ment now being laid by the Govern- ,-- I � that the prices. rwo days or,ly, from I P.M. Monday. . . 0, j . � I k audience was erytirely his from his August 23rd, to 12 noon, Wednesday, August Mr. Clark's- parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. ment- This matter has been before . . 11 25tb. B�eabtie's Fair, Seafortb, -4 1; first word to his closing sentence. Mr. 8061-2 L Clark—Mrs. William Cha,.t,r, of the council for tle past few weeks. 2.1', I - ' I 1�­ . A. E. Greenlaw, America's celebrated 0 the Mill Road, received th4 sad news The ra�epayersi along the streets took "Y" MacTav" 's - ' � . this week of the death' 'i I ��,�, - negro baritone, was also on the pro- ish i ,,. .. ­ . . Local Briefs. -Mr. and of her sister, exception to the,iWork, which would - ..." ��; rince Albert, Allen before,,lier marriage cillors, findinto ltid$, -had not time to I .e ____JPMW_ gramme and gave a number of selec- C. McKay andifamily, of P. Mrs. Melvin Mrs. 11. B. Allen, of Vancouver. Mrs. come out of t�W tak,k, and the coun- � U, was Miss I . tions, which added greatly to the eve- Sask., are guests at the home of Mr. Isabel Jamieson, of Brucefield.-AL7. Put it to a 1�ote t� have it come out. I I 11'�­, 0CWr YOUR MEAT HEPM FACE ning's entertainment and delighted his McKay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Seaforth . 511,�,., audience. . and Mrs. J. J. Huggard and family of the general taxes, settled it agree- 11 11 I_ �.: , , I '.!e McKay.-Mxs. (Rev.) Neil McPher- have returned from a visit 'with ably -to all. The'iAtimated cost is - 0�1 --a.. son, of Spring -field, Mass., was the friends -at Toronto, Buffalo 'and some $18,000.for a 20 loot strip. The . . . 1, I-. I :­ . You'll enjoy selecting a fine Tattoo Notes. - Membe e guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coven- Bridgehurg�Alr. and Mrs. Henry f, the town - - �, rs of th B. .. 'W -%�,.', roast, thick tender steak, or some Highlandem Band and the Uous Club lock, I&Killop, last week.-M,r- Joe Peckeelder, of Cran4 Rapids, are vis - .E , �`, - 'Ifg 1, ��� , _,,�, juicy chops. You)ll appreciate 46 per cent. and the prope - I are working hard, paving the way to- Carbert, of Detroit, spent the holidays iting at the Chartcr'shome the street paved five PC ow � .-,, ­'�, ur � I Mill Road. " ;�.enit. Tr, � 11 - il, , I " , the exquisite cleanliness of o wards presenting a programme on the with his mother in town. -Dr. Everatt 'Hohlbein, Seaforth', noted - . . 1W ,�g. market, It will add to your � -Mr. C. work will Commence at the head of . _',� , , evening of Thursday, August 19th, Rivers, of Windsor, spent the week gardener, -has, ,rj tomato plant in his Kingston street immediately. I N I . I11 pleasure to know for certain that, i excelling anything in its line and any end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. . , ,�,_,!: - . � __� I - , "' what you buy here is so delight- ' gaTde'n that bAS -41 tomatoes on it and . . - I ' , " , 46)�'1111'1`1""',�,l 11 �`, 11 1`11�4,1 lli�;_ I I I 11 . � i .1 � � , W fully clean. � thing yet undertaken by these or- James Rivers. -Mrs. ?&Connel% of 40 ----. I . . . I . - . - ­ ,,- - Windsor, is a guest at the homi� of FULLARTON -1 . t I ganizations. The tattoo, with all of them the size of "hen's eggs. - - . I 1, I � � . hands present, will undoub seven her sister, Mrs. F. Devereux. - Miss Mr. Hohlbein would like to hear from - - - I ,- . ,� ­­ The Council. - FuRarton Council � ��Il, �, t-edly, be � . . . . . . , � D. H. STEWART a musical treat, especially si Mona Sills is visiting wit ,anyone who has anything better- met at the towhship hall, Fullarton, I :11.� nee there h Windsor Mr. and Mr,. Walter Robinson and , t';-�­ ' 11- T, 't" SEAFORTIEL is included the Guelph Regimental friends. -Mrs. Kent and two children, on August 9th, with the members all __/ I . 'A F� I , _ �� qr , PHONE 58 Band, under the leadership of Mr. of Toronto, are guests at the home oi � present, ; 4�,',� - Thomas Mihler, conceded to b,e one of r*r- and Mrs. W. A. Wright. -Mr. — __ The minutes of the last �i 't" �.' meeting were read and signed. The �,'��,,, _____M�_ ,,:� ... the best band leaders in Ontario and Mn. Stewart McIntosh anJ INOW SHOWING communications were ad and ,114- $1000 Given Awav - , ,�,­ . I Pr"s notices concerning Mr. Miller, daughter, of F)Letroit, spent the week � work as a band leader, as also of e th �1 end with Seafort.h relatives. - Miss 1 e,<cellent quality of the Guelph Band, I)orothy Wilson ha-, returned from Johnny'Hines - Posed OL Messrs. Dunbar and Otiver waited on the council in behaff of the St- Marys r I -, BIGGEST USED CAR 1 Muskoka. �irl­ -Agricultural Society. Re- - are very flattering indeed, Special I -Mrs, I'llison, of Toronto, solved that a grant�of $?Z.00 be giv- 4 I attention is being given the fi7 ' 1 -ework " display, and entirely , � new -feature, - is the guest of Mrs, J. G. Mullen� Mrs. L. C. Jackson and family left The Live en to that organization. Messrs. Makins, McPherson and Marshall, of - � � SALE,.,OF THE,,YE' AR will he introduced. This part of the last week to spend August at their Stratford, waited on the council in I . -. , . - I - - Programme will be given at intervals summer cottage at Bruce Beach.' behalf of the Stratford General Has- - i between the musical section, conse- . Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Spencer'and fam- 0 Pita]. Resolved that the usual grant I quently there will be no moments of 1,­-ning. From the lulling ily have returned from Port Colborne, where they spent the Wire of $5,0.00 be given to that institution. 4- We have 32 dependable cars I to choose hush of --vetly rendered music, the spectator %-ll ly- instantly pa-st mo.nth.- � Mrs. Evans and daughter ar sit,' nrg with friends in Cottam * 10FINNY'S IN TOWN -i - By-law No. 2a6, a by-law setting the � rates for the current year, was given 1^ - fxom and are willing to � lose $1,000 to move — transport -ed t,o the I crashing cre,,en.10 of the Pyrotechnir andVnd So .� _ Mrs. Ketchen, of Fxetei, is a guest , ith a wholo circus of freaks, eleph- the necessary readings and finally passed. Ord" amounting to $851.40 : . this stock in 10 days. A-11 cars have been ! - d-PlaY. Provision will be rnad�-. for , at the home of her brother, Mr. Robt. ants, ch,wnq, acrobats and bareback were passed. The council then tarefay reconditioned and pr*qed--lower . I I Mirk -19 all cars in the tattoo grounds Bell. -Mr. Henry Draymore was n !riders, it, his high voltage fun show. ad- journed to meet again on the Second . I I La tor IJ (Is. sale. Terms arranged to suit , at, thka nominal price of twenty-five cents. No parking will be allowed on visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wtestcott. Mrs. flart accompanied Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Monday in September at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. pur- l Fhaser. Come early and 4'Ave the best . thc ,;treeLs adjacent to the tatto() him this ,week on a motor trip to -R. H. Pomeroy, Clerk.. Notes. -The official board of the . . � ehol6e. I Ki-nunds except at those rini-tions laid out as parking grounds by the Tattoo Committee, Michigan State. - Mr, and Mrs. Humphrey Snell and son, Earl, of Londesboro, VOLCANO A W"t Indian melodrama with thi; catastrophic Fullart,on Circuit United Church met i at the parsonage on Monday evening. .` . I . . ' . . ... -SALE HELD AT- , and for which the aho ve I and IM,r. and Mrs. John cruption of Mount Pelee I There were about twenty-four . , n lentionc-d 9-5c charge will be made. ___________-0_ F. Hend--rson, spent the week end at Niagara Falls. -Mr. and M rg. G. reproducc4l, and featuri ing BEBE I)ANIBLS- present. After the business meeting the mem- bers were kindly treated . - , � THE CLINTON GARAGE Death Hood, Miss Gertrude Hood and Mas- Rl(',� RDO CORTE7 to lunch by Mrs. Hoppr. The board have .� ' of .1. D. Hinchley.-I)eath earn(, to one of Seaforth's best known t�er Milton and Mrs. De-eks, of To- ronto, .spent a few days visiting their recent- ly had the parsonage and barn paint- I I , , Open evenings till 16 � citm,ris at. noon on Thursday, when cousins, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Porteous. ed which adds greatly to the appear- P.M. C� I Mr. James 1)avidsori llinchley p,,.,;s(..l --Mrs. W. Steep, of Clinton, , Prinno,qR ance of the premises. ­ I away at his ,home on James St , was a - �+ fl,; :;A"�C! . ree . F; I S w0ek at the nome of Mr, I V1 a. %aialaittumvi, I � .11", . _.; Mr. flinchley hao becn in poor health and Mrs. P&er Dalpy_ -Mrg. C. F. , � I VARNA . , �, t,��. - I . I I , �,,��, D_ R-,, �._ J. R. FORSTER for a year or more, , -- — — ____ J, -1 _ � ,,1 �,,,�,,,,,�. and since last Grant and son and Mn. W. R, Cook Notes. -Mr. and Mrs, W. McAsh, Dodge Brothers Deader � . : I ar, Nose and Throat 114�en confined to his and children, motored up from Barn- ,_#1 .4 " ..,. , 44 Eye, R Soptember had Miss E. Beatty and Miss Pearl Reid, 7q, YOR.K ST. - � - : : q -, � LONDON , ,�� Graduate in Medicine, University of, r-iil,ence. Previows, to then he had ilton and are visiting at the home of of London, spent the week end in the 1.�, . � . �,,I-t% �7i.7.�,�, Toronto. b(,Pn a .strong, robust man, a famili.q, the latter's father, Mr. Robert Jar- village. -Mrs. James Webster and I .. 4 9 ", . ,�..O' - ,;,Jy"'� '- ­­­-, . I., I . , rott.-Miss Do y --- - �;�, Late assistant New York Oplithal- figure in town and country alike, and 11 Carlin is spending Sale'.� Days son, of Lucknow, called on friends in � - . � ,�­ .1 I �, ,,­� mei an 1� � I . ��V,F. . - -1 � , , d Aural Institute, Moorefield's one who took an active interest in the a week at Brant Inn, Burlington F the village Saturday last. - Miss I .. . � ; ,;k�� I , Eye and G(,Iden Square Throat Tlo,�- r0mmllnitY's welfare. Mr. Hinchley Rea,ch, the guest of her cousin, Mr -s ,vt'ry article bears a plain price Betty Bates, of Toronto, visited with i � � 11 . � �, - 11 " �;: ',,�o,,� , rnark -that .:: I - ! t, �,A , 14, , pitial's, London, Eng. At Commercial was a ston of the late John Hinchley James McCormick, of Londori�Mrs' price means bed her grandmother, , - . - . g f� I .T,,-�-,'� Hotel, Seaforth. Next visit Sep,,em- and was horn Mrs. W. Clarke, last - -.,, [1 I . � . ., i �t i. � on the family home- L. G. Krusr and son, Billy, of Gal,* .rock. I . I "r" b week. -Miss W. Thompson has fe- I ­ ,11 . � I . , ,�t�, � er ' - . � � . 4 I _90th, 1926. qteacl in Hullett 66 years ago. For and Mrs. Fdgar Lawson and daugh- turned to her home in Clin 1� � "'M 1. 111111111111101�11111 - - � I 1 1 1 /� . ��r',�� I -.1-1 -1 ,a -EVFRY DAY .A SALE DAY- ton af ter � 4 ." 4 �� " " ,,,� ­ I . I '. � S �, � n'-*.!�,"., - - number of years he farmed in that ter, of Auburn, are guests at the home . spending a few days with her sister, I 11; $ , � I �j-j,'� - __ ___ - - —__ ,�, �. - 4,_, ­ - - -- --- _� i township, but in 1906 he moved to of Mrs. William Sclater. -Mr. J. F. The Store of - a d Bargain- Mrs. L. Beat ­ � . I - . I 1, 1..��',: , - 4 !%on an s t , ��A,",,,,��_ . I y.----qMrs. Ferguson and lat- I , ,',�,�, DR- W. C. SPROAT Roxboro, five Years later coming t4) McMann and daughter, Miss Florence, VISrT BEATTIVS CHINA STORE spent the week 03M14 C :,�,,:i�,�:;� daughter, of Lucknow, I � �,,,,, f4�,�`I:_,,- %fit ...I � I � I I .111�1�­�. , Seaforth, where he has since resided, were in London this week. -Mr. and The Variety Grows end with Mr. and Mrs. N. Reid_bBas � ,� ­�:�, v Medicine,' - M -M sts - Graduate of Faculty of U Reanirpine , In 1895 he was unit, -d in marriage to Mrs. Chaxles Hall and Mrs. J, F. Mc- the guest A I . I , li� .4 111P I. University of Western Ontario, Lon- Mias Jean McDougall, of Cranbrook, Mann spent Monday and Tuesday in at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Me- � I - � . 1AV �,',Sl M. Johnston, of London,, is - ,�-,Z;,; . , dm Member of College of Physic -1 _,C6iR_ y �,,�,�"r,�,fy�� . � .. I ­ % ,­ `h�Z�,�` who survives him togetber -with a Niagara Falls and Buffalo. -Mrs. F, Connell -A most enjoyable "tilme was I I 't"t".11, 0" � ' . , I. t­llil .I I � ' . . & Ung and Surgeons of Ontario- Office I family of two sons, John, on the qtaff G. Livingstone bas returned to her " Spent at Jowett's grove ,STXb I , %��-`�,��. ft Aborbirt"i Drug Store, Main St,,! of the ]3rantford Th ,AW � OATS.—A full .Hne at,�kie s'-fronlV-15 (. . -,� ­ " �, Q - I L1, AM tirsday af� i I � -0, .1 ,:, I . . � :.-�� lj',�,�t";.� Seaforth. Phone 90. Collegiate and home here front Detroit -Mrs. Jaq. ternoon where the Sundaysellaol chil� 1,; _ ,",��i,�, . Beat' Vo- Bros i to.0.15. � . ,V�" l Harry, of Sharbot Lake. He Is also Sproat has returned from a visit with dren and mellibers of -the Anglican . . 1�. I . P"'. v,,%,,�,� " - - - � sum .. . . , ____ _. . 1�e sis- friends in Detroit. She was accorn- A—UNDERWEAR U" 8 '­,�.�I�Q�!;,', � �, . ved by two brothen and o slum" �"-�,,`,M',,',I,'.'�,�,�. '. ter, . �. church held theii annual pjcnje�_Mr. � .— nir in short - . a'... hat ,. -------- �� - ____ . �, I - �� .�, ­,',,!e,;-"�, � Mrs. William Leitch,.of London. panied home by Mrs. W. B. Harton .", I a ", " " I - I ,,,-,.'i ­­�, DR- F. 1. BUCHELY 1 Mr. W. E. ffinchley I I William Reid has' -completed ,his work , . ,�:Zdhg sleeVLes and,le­g "C$1.20�','and $1.75. , ,­�'.,,L . ... ... � 1, _i_ ". � . % . I " . , , ­,4�',,`,IS�?�;:, "t-un,ft 6 "11*0' ts "' I 4 . , 1"�,`, ,,�,�f.;�," . t -aughter, Shirley. -The young �,� 11 0 on the publfo� highw4y._0 � villager$ k . � . "IR,'.1; ' of Seaforth, anj and d A' le at $102 .1 .. 11 11 . '_��,, '? - ur I '04� '' Alk -Piece sui - . � ", ":R . Graduate Ro7A do Mr. John Hillehiey., of Stratford. The ladies of St. Jarnes' Aurch are hold- were someWhat startlea on Satuiduy, at '� "A -4 1 - , - I". _1% - . . I - :, , "'. f,;� _ , , C:, I , ,%00 � 4L "44, 1 .-� `ntsl funeral will be 'held from his late when 'a team -of ,horses b6lon"ging"to I rMent. - I llege of DL I � , - ,11,�,,X,�, Surgeohsj, Torol3ta. Office over W R_ ing a social, evening in the Parish Hall Red &.1 . fT . 11 I , . home on Saturday af .,; I'nite r R� I...", I � � . - .1 I - I - ,Tr - So -a- Stew- , Mr. A. Xtyes took 13 - A .. . 1ifie'd Ults 111 fancy ajad Plsa� I � I ��A`,, 9�,�, smwd Groe�a7, Main Stroet, and interment will be made in Mait- art Harmony Boy . ,!,�,,c I . ftig1vt at, a aot � , ,,,., ,. ternoon at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, August 17th. The , .� W, , " " "m" I ' . 11­,� 1, , I I , �, , ." 11 - � 14� .1 I . ..... . � �, , ", . I S will furnish the whileh some boys had;-_&eot&W. I , . � ," 1� �, . " '�i� � - , , , . P ,1 1, 4, "k 16ML' Phondg' office 185 W`;; re.si- ]andbarik Cernetery. Chain' Stores With , I " I I I - I Z- . 1. . � "I '­�"­',�­�;� - d'eitoe': f85- J. e'st R6yriolds, of 1 � I ­ ' `4,',' . ,�­ab,.­ 905&tf mugic.-M-r. Ern - ar - I ,�,�� . , � I tin CaTIS, ran fn :tCont'6f th& hora6s I . _0". I , Ap., I , . . . .. �;." , ;_ I e. I , . "I'll _� . 11 '. . ..... - . � . �. 'hey went West 611 e B#, a and color coMbinitigns,, I " ' ' . . _IVY"r, ..,­ �.:­ 9 A� ,!_44"! : ,-0- - Niagara Palls, 114. Y., is spending his OUR PRIe,.&_, EX , TIUE$,�_l � �� '' . %,�''L,�",,"p ,;J�­. 4�__�_ 9. . and avay t - I . 'n'� � � W , H _��t W - . I � . ­ , , I , " ' , : � � �'; `!., v8fatio'n at his bome in Egmondville. .- . ;;; -I. _1. . ,�!, , I , , I �LL 1k, 11 . . , J . ,,_-?'V,,.?,-. - fI, ', 1. The Town Council -The regular sTARTTf �A,i troT is field noid �gud turnea, - 11 I - I - I , , � .. '11christ Livingstone, of Do- �, _ j, . , I � . I , . C I I . . �; , " I 1 ��1'14�4',"�j_ ­. . , ­_­­ . -Xiss 6 _ I th I to - . I 's . , . . I ,. , . I nieeting of the Torwn Council waz held Cothell"A gate, wlierl,d �Iiey 64�w Lit . .1� j, '' in��L'U$2 1�_ . .., , " , t�,,`11",�., -11 I 'i"': .1 . � 7 . . ­.M�,.uy,�. . �. . - W . .. , ,. " I on Monday ev4ning. The minutes of troit, is holidaying at her home here. I " 12 -ft, hotil,g .......... 30c standstill *heli lhe'y strtMX, g. a0d NEWS , . � I v�. ,. ,,"O,_ 9 �� I . _Miss � I , ,35 . �. . . . . , , 1 � i � t 1. .1 v 1�.w �, , "V� P I . '. � , - , - 'e", " .1 � 0 of Detroit, C=01IM's S01V*: L`� ........... 10C fel`16C�. Portilt.lat6ly, 1100,41ing US' INVIST , V ", " , NDERS—In tWp and- f o ' " , . , " I last meeting Were read And confirmed. is tli�e gueSt of Mr. and Mrs. R. Ff. Matches, 8 PRCft$,,6 .. ........... 25c b6ppefted but, _ 41 I Has SIRE ur-P nt. , .14 1 1. I I ,�, 1 .X-1 The f0'90fffig accounts were 6rdefred -it omfired ott .9 thii6l. I" . � ,,�;�,� 17�� -1 16 , I 'k - - " , �,:h - , . I I I I �_ i. f4-:#ftftd . ago . . . I . I � ! , ,. 1� -1 4 - - , W, tal ve - 15-W �11 . ., A " D.LO01K I I , f , -11,0.-l'. ,�11 , I t,t � r v66A ' , ' - , " , . , �' ""',,,'I X 'N � �0"g ' � . �� ­­'-�.�',','�;�'_,L­ I I 11 . I , _OVEL" L:,t� "' �;� ,� 'A foi* 4 ......... Me —Xfsgl� *,"1F$q0­X * I �,'.` , 11 i J'�" �� . , , De Eckert for the tbreffh- b0mme Soap, 5 .� � , '' ) , k, , �,�'. . 41, ," K,�,,& 1, Son, Salary, -, Johit ; Yfi�'15,y6tidz� '.. . W 9� " ,�,.L,�, I = , , . � . 11 _W,Wy,VU"_*#," Jno. A. WU $75 ;. � , , " ,:, ., _ 10" hist *1 X_ __ ,-�-�,T, : . I I ­ - . V!, / I!. -1 -;. " I . "I I . �� �4111' , . "' t 1 ,17�6 , i',' ,­, K- " � - ` t iM­,". ;, I itlgsdA,§0li,-?drS. C. V,, Grant and W. I So - V4%6..- , ii % fift 61w li,w '�* � I I 11).111-1, Woate--Mr. A' Matthews _�',', �. ,0� ,,, , paid., WTn,, Gillespie, salary, ' -hag enrag- Make Your OW�&­;� -.4&1g for $2.15 h t '.Leos'Wor�: On.' I p R4 ed with Mx. 3 , ) R o',.' �'�IIN4F�,"�A', -, Knight, $66- - .� l4kb , , I . . . �.� ...... ;, '_11� " , I ,) ". �, 9 V!, � " Call' 'Nat. Rai"Ways a0s- R. Cook, Of 11AV111tort, spalit the wmk � , RUMMER, W.1 MI. G ,,,V,,i!',,�,,,4' . �� W Bing Protection, $7.27- tftt $6- llajoty and I - ,q 'M�t�m I i4111l9b, m -D r `,'A . I I .. ! I .�. "" z .77 ., . for Jo. 1 6. � , "r, -, , ­ I � '­­,", I., :-., , - ,;.-_ - Z� - 1�� . 41. -y . iN4,��,," '.4 'T MI I , -1 _ ��­ -1 L� ) " � 0 , w� ; I -, ".�: �,�,4, j, . ,:, Vhih *Ielldil ho,re,Xestrs. o. These Prices .,."�k, r _',. , 4 , , , teld; , �, � .. i,l� I � ; , �� �, IL 11 I I I -v , -1 ­ �, �gA�,,,,','­;,; ,� ,�, , ,, I .. I I 'altilt Pd1104TAR-A, ." I ­, I - I %�Azo � T-d%1Ut6# jJ%-'%W -**;,p,- I - �, L, � p 1:, I � I ; �;- 'T,� .", * 'i i"'v I , , - " , ' �' . I 'i ' I I ,, . , , I" 4" 1 �'] "L',�,��­_L i "" " - . MC , I ­ . f . , , �.'.,Vw, �,J ;- ; I , �., ­ - �,� - 1'.1 ,� I T,np to � RX : - " G"' X XiiVragg, *45,',, Bell TO - , "i'61y%,4 - ": � ��,,;,��­,*Q V", -,-._11.11111 ... . I IT',",, V,0 U40; � - g � I � �,-, � ,,, . ,� � i',� 11 0 "',,v"�,,."�b"­ 'wi*� , I ,O� ; ;,� ,I �,,, -.,�,.11Zft­ I �,­ 10i��&_;R-11# & Sojj�,,. D,6jjVar,_1g U gbogf " m )4 'P�1'0.�'i,�,�t,At4i,5 �� ,,, �:, ;X,;� �6­ , � 11 .�. , Roj", i r ff " ,L .1 �. 19.%, , , " ;1 -oft.-Jut It. P'. areliqwell . of Ross J.Spro . , '� - mmk " to'lisl , " g. A: ,, � , 6 - , , � "t, ; !*A I I I ` t �,: , '.. , `��,�gMik. � , I � I., oft:"104100.1 I . . . Y' , , , _ . g�f I - - ­­ - _ �. '. - , ... �; , ', _f," I ,. - ".. � .W.V.1119,� $7.406; $, r'"Im, 71 ." ", 1, `�.11�011 , _- '' , '7", '.. -,�, �� ." � 0". i �! " ., I � �� I I � o - , _ Ot., I .. - " X,&S�� %", i""�,, '' ,� . � - - .-7" : ,�:_ 4 itch -1, , , ,,�` ,- $66:1"Y:6 tte M1 -ell drd Y � D1 1, an,J s,ott Hawthorne � � :7 � , and Flotal co, - 4, -�"*R; 0*1 �dj'4,t'4 �' ",,""'; , � .. T S11, Seat, od , faft Tiat W��& - . ___:�". ''t , I '6n f 7_7 , ,,, ,GH h 1, ShiA I , , 2,.b fU I , ", - I l6bta bf ills , .1 - i-- ,1. *':I� -1 � ­ 1�1 � . ­N',�.ttl 't 4 W-7, th, . kw- L, , l?p*A,6J,� . .. - i�, "," �, ­ . , k. "a 8 ," ," " _X1,4 i ,,1',.',,L A ft M V .t , '� -ow �ft- , 36 "4_ , � � L _''�� . I 1'1� . . " 4 . r1lor8ftee 11 � 2 I . 1 ltjgc#Q_-.� ", "�7'am,t4UPO'u, '� 1-11,111,111,111,111.11,111,111,111,11I _­������ ���� I'll . ie, #11,11 1 410P60 _... I � ,� ' " , , I. VI-10ur,-'= '110' 't'� -0 $ 1 ',*� .'W, ut9f, Mat' 01 , , __ , - ­ I . "I I , , %,,I�,,,,�� , . ''; .... i" 1, 1�411111 �,.V,,; ,. � � , ;;, . I I 11 .'111 ln�;,4!1?26 I 'i , , ��� I '�' i", , "I %�, it W I I,' 1�1,.�'� , , , - d � ,atpy�. , . '4',�� , �, i., , .o, 4,�Pt,-),l , �*)�, _L%� - I �, : , _w ... I . - , ;t � �,�._11 ;''�, . ��. � Ill, ��, , * � , "" '!�,' ',N'A'.,,!1`,-,§J�4��3 4,-�i`,,*,,A�,� 1 �` . -.� ��:", .1 ,�"..,p W " I I'll, � � .. I , "I'll" , � "L'�,.;�, � I - I .. , ,0 � " � "'."."; , , 08 � ,!�','P�1, - 1- __ N.. 6 W � , ,, , , , , , 't , - j,."., " %,.'�, le� 4,..�,,,,__",�, -,,t,,,V:�f� , -� 0 SEP 11 . I -1 I . I . . . . . ,.; 1-1-111- 111""t-, "I'66"i'li ,�� .-:�� I � � , , �,,� -, A..� 0;ei '. �t,f� ,'�`,��`,'��,�t�,',� , 'L"l ­,, �,! """'........""P ­,­­ ­­­­ ­­ .%,�:��, _,' , � �'t,� . i, - - ,. ­ , T I a, i�� "' L ', ,,"� L!",,''.� 1. . .. . .... ��,­�!,�_ �­ . , �., , " � " , ".1 ,.'­'� . -:�"I.I��,�4;,"�",,I,,',,�'.�, _j�,,� �l.,;,.,.I,,,�l�,".,�,�",��,,�'I'L.�"'_". . I ­,­­,. I .1". ,".,L�,;'1,:" " � ,�­� �,,i. .1 � -.1, ��­11 "; ), - I _. "I � , " ql.',_;­�­', ,­,i,V*,,, 1" ,.'' ,,I, ­,,V,­._i­�!,'! 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