HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-08-13, Page 7h1h E7 .1 1W M ,�, I 1. I __ ____ , 4n - , � " ''. 11 � i � , , P " )-":, �,,�� � 10'r., � 11 .. �� 1 , � -, ." ,., ,­­- I , 'i I . I , 11-1. � , , ''. 1:�, "' '.. , " �,,� �:��; � . , " " I'll � , - _ _ , � � , , , . . . . . �. - , , t.7, .�:,,,,. � ',� I , 11 1, '' : 11 1� 1 � !, �i, � "�. I �! , , � � �,'),��.?..1.1,11.1`1 ,��, ,,', � " , - "," ;', , ��;�,,��`,,',�%: I 'I - .1 � , , , . , . , . � bv f , ":: I �1 , �., I 11 " , "; !� 1""s�',!T�l , � �,�;,'N, - �.�.,��, I .. , 1, ­ 1, � , I %1- �': � g :,:: -.1..", i�'��",-,'��,'�l��y�,���',,.,�,.��; jA:�;� I 11 I .:�: ." ,� . - "� 7. , , ., � ��,7� 1 1 It �� , � , ,�­ T� "', j�..'_. ,,�� . . 11 'P. :� ",-' 1, I 11.11.1i. _11 I � I 11 . , '�1:11. 'I, � 1"),O�:�­_ I ',�NAI' 4, , "" " lk� , 77 4 11 - ,. r, � �.,�.�', , " -1 � I :,:,,� .� ; �; _�, , , , t ,�,'i , r �­ � `4� , '� � � 4 , ,% I , , . ': , ..� , 11: I -.4 0 . , I -1, _T' '__ WT, �. . I , i " ': � '. 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': � .1; -1"�, �_Q-. _"_ )IM, the- tr4IX — A Wt,,, W -V�,%, � . �, 1,; " . .", ,�'�'.",L' ;� I "... :I. , - . , , , . lilt Ou#91 W01014 - L ,. -.q , ..O :,, ­ , , � - 14� - , I 'I., L � . �`, I il',l' , ;4 �,,, � , ". .1 -�!x,,",71��,;w.�� �,i�,� - � � � " , , -1.1 .f 11 ... e�� , " , _"_ .. , ;� .. ��, . . ,-J" 'i Wtmiirp -than 6gro te 7ested him .' " X 91X 40 - vpt,� Aiv9 M A � . .., I . 'V�,FW , ,e4wja,-� , .1 I . ,�. ��,�,� , ,. , I �, ': "I.. I � �, .1. ud btips ,, � , in g at Red ,B1#r11' I �� , I '­ . .11 I .. . . � . I.",�, , I ,� , 7. - �� .. I - .11 , " 1 '7.ffl Z4 � while gbr-' �. ,,,, , 14. , . � "J. t ,,,,'4r$1,ll,he reivark6d to his mani&i% for.hor knew zta )w ­ ":­ ;;,�� - _ , �, , I - 0, " -.1 "AN �1041r. *'* going -to rgaftPr. I , . L - W, , ., . ! bw6ver, that is 6fteir Ing due cve4 ti, �A,0'z �y � �, week), , 6pough) qo�j. $ "y ny lovely WaVAAOre..apout ten ye4 -4, � - . .1 " ': � %. , L' � ' . i , ne , t, Out,a,;,Irr,�R I t I . - - - ti_�, 0,-,,,: . �p ago� _ , , P .. ­ '_ - -,.­-�g­­JW1T_W ' " . I � erifig - the high ,post of this .- , g little citv I gr%u I .11_�. � I one, .damsels, of th# --�mijq .n": am# thrW - ., 4 "; 11 f�;.,;,,,1.!,l 0 . , , ",P4, � � . �, I . , ,. , I , , I - r'WAC1, 01-1. � , . I TT*y. 4A i th h - J�oSe logs wer-6 worth eight dollurs Bkgee haq a sn no former hand whi,*- -#.b , upile* -or, 1 4 ' . , pp , .ect.gra,vely I I . ,.." I . ,Mw , 0,4 - 11-1-0, I I � , ., . ,I ,:, � _ ., � X00it- _11 �::.:_ . "' §' � , 'R!,� %.-,-_,,-' � � ." , . "7, 1 . I ber edw d lumber." 0, ,thousand, feet,, b6hrol, Me6spte, in Red DION girl w W to invade 9 minute WOW ifiserting hers jn'i��. 'k , , , -11-111.1t..." , . ' for . , I 12 , ��i � ��;`. 1,,.,�. � 1: 11� ,, . , , . . i, �1 I I - . "i'vi ,in, no hurry. ' I can wait . 4 KAW%4X a A�Xvv .1, . ­ - , . the -millpQnd,i and I suppose we'vo lost the old home, t'OyMa - a French wonder", be .0414 I "if,* It -,is to he, . . , .. V i ", . '.." 1, ".- , ;, , " , - _ ' . , -:-,XH�o :: . � . . It' . . � . . Pr h4,��,-",,�l"",--"""".�",�� 'wi- , , =n.al ft. ""' 1, I I I - . � �'$ "g;". 1 - , , , ti I "I A thousand do ' ;eiti;! ��-', ence my du to '0016 you a ,.14 ,,, i��, . ,,�'� , " � ".. � - ride every " ��, 'A - "I -1 I He- turned'fiom th6'manager and of the correothesn" tilue You come, t6 Sequoia? The last :.� - �, � . .. � 11�1 -, " t". '.. 1- -." . W01, when better I , RpOpe-Dook p aais;-,-­­��Z,7 ��, -;-A ,g,j,_L�.IS ,.,. . *11".. 0. - . maid. He at '� , " _ ati* mes." - . I .1 VH. A I I - I �,: undrc llars-wo .� �i t -V , I V, - ,� ��'o . 44 ,r*" I . 9 times AiTive, S 11 I L'. - , . 1- I ,, �,��, " Afm you'll 'find that John Car Ag .owns . . . , , '.,�:.. - i . - 4000'Of .04tlinu vw� & an. Walked away -throfighthe. dryitig- yard that the ,youthful ,�6, time You were ther� You Wheeled me gives rec pes � fpF .1,0,'W& - W " L I . , 1 ­ . �,:­"��. � , , 0 1 , ,_ I— - W I U __ , " � , � .71_0,� member Of the only water -front property On this up t4e main.9tteft qf Sequoia, and on at the station f 11 `�..-t into giving You a ride 6n MY pony, of May.ionnaisgi ..I1 6*gs , , .0 , Me'ge' 04 'honorary - . . N'4 k . VI.A - " - ,_,, - " � . � a - ed _� - i he _rt � � �"4`�, ,-Qe , , _%,-_,�, : � , , " - -,� . "" , kosociation6f,the I ?!!t. 1". I . rol - , ki i 0 AM '1�1 . g ,g . I ! to tb,6 second -growth timber at the and was evidently. 'dg.'zg when, - an aninial: known as Midget. Do you, --for deliciou - 11 .� . side Af � the, bay whe th witter% ig - 5 $.dads,g ,,, P eep eno I " . � by anY ,chance, recall that incident9pr . ad , �,.Ir I IFO nary 06116ge- _ - I d" ' ugh to let a �Sbip lie at low eAge of -the town. ,- Presently .he - em. lowed by the gling with Sandwiches taw or. 6id ,, � — fm �'A V� suzoi- tide -and load in Saf,ef�y." I . . .,r Fsenclij, �. , � 71 ­ _111:-__ .,; , ". �t .. kk mestic dnimals by, the most *qd . ei Russian an4 U4in i2res- Ar "" "�', r" .i * I I . ,k,ed on the old, decaying �, gki-road- ,two suit -cases tadhed him She looked- up at -him r_q,sMg a,,Wuch: . ,­ t 'i ��. I ?, �.1.1�11 I - - 00 Pontf` I �'T,Wre is.deep, aci,ossthe bay 4itld continued on thirbixgli: -his logged- ,and in pure .., Y with the ,1 11 lk�! . . " riAc1P,I mcialty. stry and ,M* I . water th, h'al w6nderingly. Was ity. by - raa�qag:it,; 1.,-___ - plenty of, watert-front , for,'sale. O,jer landi, across, tlie' HUM 'diVide Italian A pre( Chow-cho*s , _�e - , , ,V41( 4 a Office opposite and 1, . (,�^Z. nglish (the "W1137-WhY, You're the bo ,ea- for Mustar flavo= � "ll'o Z�,-,!"Ii� � Lig ougin ATAnquired the beautiful auburn hair." she decla , .,,f,, I A�V­J. x -ith Its there, and to* my ionri I red. I - , d �, ,,.'�`,J I 1. I I An� down Into- the quarter section of .� ' best hotel He lifted hi& -list and revealed his " - 14 q!?� NO),"Street, SeafO ,, T'll I = attractive ralishes . I : �, I find -a mill -A � ";I­i­,;� � A , rders loft III � rl name and loc � ,Write for a copy. better, gmd thos D ­ - '. 4N�,4 -0. this.h6tel'wit - re- it I I . 11 m ­-, � XVKP - Vym- - f .1 I timber he had told McTavish -- � thick thatch in oil its glory. cls*,. , , , .� �, A. . In tl��L griaen and poi depa ure s,ltm " . ­ . �. ,-.2"..".1-11MI, � promiWattentiom.' Night calls , ij%, ,.I I �.... cost far less timm bq; k I I � , ,L.,41 I 0101111,101� , * - _ , .dump , ' 'L, n I , I 1111- - � - . nt.,.youive got tq em not to � cut. Once in the Valley of of the automobile stsjoi! or "an e- not SO Se Oitive about it now," he - � I � �, , , = sit. *0 ofide.. *0 aide.. By . Ing north th 'C lf,�,� ,, � explained. "When we'first met, ref- . - - I . ____ . I lr,1�4` " , 11 . *4,*,,r.Ont1u � I ,. 9,ryA bay. _ I I ­ , .�? Hants, he followed a well-worn drin. The youth baq-0. . .er her - 'I ,N"��a ,G- 11 ,�. -' of aardiggii1% -Iiiiiii jx,Aide-41at," -he foot -path to, the little a first question and w.4 ­A%.,:1 out " I � :, �- �:%-',��, � . 9, erence to my hair was apt to mile ,�j,­, Owt, *00A *. inphitheatre, an- . " .d me. 11_­� u1mr1o" "q0ma'- ' . He shook her little hand WWI I , I lRoilietArQuate�.vto jv, - ,PM%,V:-A1l,.,*0,,40P-p-W.,ate�r frontage for and where the sunlight filtered swer the second vhe�tv 60 ge Sea. Ot- COLMAN-KEEN (Canada) Limited, DqpL 175 �` , � a mile sou of .jSequolia, ..r i_4 I and after through like a halo and fell on a plain ter, in all his bartiar 1000 Awherstfitreet, Montical , ,,� .. 40,0011 - %1%AR diseases of domiestio . P2 ,4? splendour, cordial good -nature. "What a pity it . �� �1,3.p� I - I 1� �n X .. , , �'�0� 11 . i I �� that com4 more tide -flats. If You little white - � wasn't Possible for us to renew ac . 1. . - . I . I ") ... I o ing a� th . . - : c I I ­ I marble monument, he came PUSSY fo t' ' ' e corner - . . . I ,�'.�,�,'��, amea TO a ar , i " e . V6 dump youi! logs, on these tide -flats, paused and sat down on the now al- Of the station in old *@, Cardigan's quaintanCe On the train, Miss Sum- . . , . . , :il I . . ,,. . ��,­, .., a a] 1. ,4 nerlp, . I I ... � -1 .- , � ­-, I - on . pecia . ( 6e theJr1I bog down in the mud, and There most decayed sugar -pine windfall. regal touring -car. 9 I I . I I .. , .i, 11. , 1 � -- � � " j�-,, I . ,. ,. �,, ,�� " - Ldence on Goderich eet, one iSn?t water enough at high tide tD Vil"ve come for a little comfort, The Highest Living "Ihority, fol- "Bletter late than never, Mr. Cardi- , � .,.­�,��5� Aos � �* .1 _.. igoae.*aot of Dr. Mackay's- Office, Sea- float them off or let a tug go in an' - I . � ,�, '�.-­2,i`� - sweetheart," he murmured to her who lowing the gaze 4Df Ue' baggage- gan, considering the predicament in I � � '�_. A,", ',',I � I . . 11 I , ftv*- snake* lim off." M which you found me. V J mas �� I . 1, 11 �: �; I I , . slept beneath the stone. Then he smasher, turned and beh d George What became 1 I I , h I ­ :.:1.1 ;�� �� ��­, v . , � - , - :­ .. ,,��;, , 1� "You're 'a discouraging sort of leaned -back against a redwood tree, Sea Otter. Beyond 'a -..,460bt he WAS of Midget?" Ai& , .. ,. .;, I ., ., � . . __ �11' ". � I'll, . �,, I '. ,�,l .. . I , . 11 _ I �� I , ��' 1. "', , . A. R. CAMPBEL4 V.S. Person," the Colonel declared irrhab- removed ,his hat, and closed his eyes of the West westwar&-,,;1' She had "Midget, I regret to state made a _... 11 Z I 1; -1 I . I 11, - . . , , ... --..,. , I I - , lltl��-."� .1. - #a. ,,�k , I I, ­.. _. , '. - . . . .1 Sk Ggiduate of Ontario- Veterinary, ly. "I .suppose'you'll tell me now holding his great gray head the whil'e' heard, that CalifotniA' '0age-drivers, little Pig of herself one day'and died I I 1 11 � ,, .11� . I -- I ' ' � '11111 " Co&ge, University -of Toronto. All that I can't log my timber without a little to one side in a listening at- were picturesque feII6W9"and in all 01: aCU% Indigestion. She ate half a .,1V1, !�k " I ',a � , � I � , .. .."', ­ ... dh"4es of domestic animals treatett p rMission from Cardigan." �.",-',i� � . - - . I � titude. Long he sat there, a great, probability the displaci;i� . .. I .: I �, .:: rX I 'joe most modern pri . 014 All spat at another crack; his � , ,� of the old sack 9f carrots, and knowing full weil I . 1. .. ; . . `:.�, b � n,a � ,� I _�y ,, time -bitten devotee at the shri of Concord coach of ,the 7iAdvie-thrilled that she was eating forbidden fruit, � . I � 11111�" �, . ­_­ I'll. __ .111, A"'.. -_ ..", 11*4,� watsues reas,onlable.. Day or , � 94t faded -blue,eyes twinkled mischievous- his comfort; and' presently the bar- in favour of the motar6su#e had not she bolted them, and for her -fail,ure - � - NOON — , -'�3-,�, - " __ . i� . J_ � os* . .'romptly attended t6. � Oil I.y. "No, that's where you've got the k sturbed the ldlosyncrawgs of the to Fletcherize-but speaking of 1 ,5. 1 'op loo, left his strong, kind face and di ;�% slvm�� �tpet, Hensall, opposit& Town- bulge on John, Colon�l. You can . cherizing, did you dine aboard Plet- nose of -a thinker. His ears were erybody else to keep quiet about it, I �.". ­� _ ��_ �_ -1 ; was replaced by a little - prescient drivers in their Ch6f166­V'f raiment. the large, with fulk lobes-4'he ears of a " ;-. i *411, phone 114. � I . build a logging railroad from, the smile-,th - . _ Myself -well, I didn't want you to �� � I ,- . train?" - 'i I �. - ­ - 0 Sort Of $Mile worn by one She noted the Tifte-atock. projecting generous man. The. mouth, full -lip- go home and not know it , until youl ,,� � � I 0 �. 11 southern fringe of your timber north She nogded. "�% did I, Miss Sum- . " :, q� ,MEDICAL who through bitter years has sought from the scabbard, and"41rision of a ped but firm (most amazingly free met him." . - 11,. Z� ,,,�. ��. I k f' ' DIL IL P, L DOUGALL and up a ten per cent. grade on the something very, very precious and sts�geihold-ap flashed across' her mind. ner; hen-ce I take it that you are from freckles) denoted the man who ,�,,; �r� , far side of the Squaw Creek Water- has at length discovered it. Ah, yes, of course-tbe:,'6xpress mes- quite ready to start.r, "That was mighty kind and consid,:,' .11 .11 � , Honour graduate of Faculty of shed, then west three'miles around a would not avoid a fight worth whil,a erate of you, George. And I . lli �: I �, senger's weapon, no doubt! And "Quite, Mr. Cardigan." , I � you say I Medicine and Master of Science, Uni- ,,, Indeed, while the girl was looking thas man coloild Pennington and my, . ��, 7 5-111, , -:.*� �-::.*,� . . wersity of Western Ontario, London. spur of low hills, and - then south CHAPTER VI further to clinch her linitant assump- Then we'll drift. George, suppose covertly at ,him, She saw his jaw Set father have been having troubler �­ ',I .1 � Member of College of Physicians and . eleven miles thiough the level coun- It was on the day that John Cardi- tion that here was the 9dquoia motor YOU Pile Miss Sumner's hand � � j�'�,�; try along the bay shore. If you want . . -baggage and a sudden, fierce light leap up in "Yes----?' Here George Sea Oi ...",­ I I ... in the tonneau and then pile in there his eyes, which at first sight gracefully unburdened himself of a � , , , - Burgeons of Ontario. Office, 2 doors gan received the telegram from stage, there was the pennant adorn- had ,to " . - to reduce your Squaw Creek grade Bryce saykn that, following four ing the wind -shield! � Yourself and keep Marcelle company. , 1� ,�,,, .�. � east of post oVice. Phone 56, Hensall. seemed to her rather quizzleah Sub- fervent curse directed at Shirley's �� " - . � -, . to say two per cent., figure on ten Pii g I'll drive; and you can sit up in front consciouely he lifted one hand from avuncular relative- -whereupon that . . : - � entakrio. 3004-tf years at neeton and two years of Dismissing t6 baggage-sma,h,, 11 . , ... re ;� ­� " - additional miles of railroad and a travel abroad, he was turning to with a gracious smile, the Highest with me, Miss Sumner, snug behind the wheal and clenched it; he wagged young lady- Promptly left the window ,.:::. - I DR. J. A. MUNN couple extra locomotives. You un- Sequia, to take over his redwood her- Living Authority approached George the wind -shield where you#11 not be his head a very little bit; consequent- and heard no more. I : 11 �� "I I Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross derstand, of course, Colonel, that no itage-that he discovered that a Sea Otter, not�ng, the While, further bl-own about." I _,,�v ornotive can haul a long trainload ly she knew his thoughts were far They were on the road again by ,;.�! i _ Gimduate of Northwestern Univers- I Oc "Im sure this is going to be � �-, . .. stranger and not the flesh of his evidence that this. car was a public a far away, and for some reason, not quite eight o'clock next morning, and just . .. '.t "'� . ityl Chicago, 111. Licentiate Royal of redwood logs up a long, crooked, flesh and the blood of his blood was conveyance, for the young man who pleasanter journey than the stage clear to her, she would have preferred as Cardigan's mill was blowing ,.J I College of Dental Surgeons, Toront. two per cent. grade. You have to the �.. ..., 11 ,,5 to reap the reward of big fifty years bad been her fellow -passenger was could possibly have afforded," she that they weren't. As a usual thing, six o'clock whistle, Bryce stopped the _!l k- . ;.. �, I .� I .. Office over Sills' Hardware, Main St., have an extry in back to push." of endeavour. Small wonder, then, heading toward the automobil-e also. said graciously as Bryce slipped in young men did not go wool-gathering car at the head of the street leading .e. ;- 1. "I Seaforth. Phone 15L "Nonsense! I'll build my road from that he laid his 16onine head, upon his She heard I -Am say: beside her and took the wheel. in her presence; so she sought to di- down to the �.: , I t Squaw Creek gulch south through desk and wept, silently, as the aged red "You are very kind to share water -front. "JI11 let .­._�...& .. . "Hello, George, you radiant the vert his thoughts to present1company. ' you drive now, George," 'he informed ...... . ", ..- ; , �.. -2 '.1 DR. A- NEWTON-BRADY that valley where those whopping big and helpless weep. rascal! I'm mighty glad to see you, pleasure with me, Miss Surrmer." He "What a perfectly glorious coun-' the silent :,_­,� I ... Bayfield. trees grow. That's the natural out- . Sea Otter. He turned to ,� L ;,, ��, For a long time he sat there leth- boy. Shake!" wt,nt through his gears, and the car try!" she exclaimed. "Can't westop Shirley Sumner. "I'm goingtoleave 1. � I'll � ��Z Graduate Dublin University, Ire- let for the timber. See here:" argic with misery. Eventually he 1hey Ishook, George .Sea Otter's glided away on its journey. "By the for just a minute to appreciate it?" , you now," he said. "11hank you fog :1, - i . . "�,, � ARnd, Late Extern Assistant Master Colonel Pennington took from his roused him'self, reached for the desk dark eyes and white test, ,.- flashing way," he said suddenly as he turned "Yes," he ,,p,li,d abstractedly as riding over from Red Blbff with Me_ I `;.rn g ­ Itottmitia Hospital for Women and pocket the rough sketch -map of the telephone, and pressed a button on the pleasuraJAy. Bryce tossePhis - ba west toward the distant blue woun- he descended Irom the car and sat at My father never leaves the ,office I , " . ,,�-, . 11 Childzien, Dublin. -Office at residence region and pointed to the spot num- un- ...�,,� office exchange -station. His manager into the tonne4u; the half-breed OP- tains of Trinity County, "how did you her feet while she drank in the beau- . til the whistle blows, and so I'm go- . �11 � Utply occupied by Mrs. Parsons. bered 'ill." one Thomas Sinclair, answered. ened the front door; ano tys young happen to connect me with Cardi- ty of the scene, "it's a he countryi I Ing to hurry down to that little-bu �: .11 ; � , _: r. ­ Hours, 9 to 10 a,m-, 6 to 7 p.m.; "But that valley ain't logged yet," "Thomas," he said calmly, "you master had his foot on ffie'Tu'nrung- gan's redwoods?" .P& . . '! love it, and I'm glad to get back to ; ing you see at the end of the street '.., 1, RuWays, I to 2 p.m. 2866-26 explained Henderson. know, of course, that Bryce is coming o nter the car "I've heard my uncqe, Colonel Seth it.,, . - 11 "Don't worry. Cardigan will sell h when. a soft voice spoke at his elbow: Pennington, speak of them." I and surprise him." ,2� . �� .2 � . 2 '� Ville. Tell George to take the b . Upon their arrival at the reqt � I I I I �:,. � DR, F. J. BURROWS that valley to me -also a right of 'g 11 (Continued next week.) .,rl, . -�J car and go over to Red Bluff for Driver, -this is the stag for Se- "Colonel Seth Pennington means house, however, Bryce cheered up, and 1�1. , ade and him,, T ­�_ . Office and residence Goderich Street, wav down his' old railroad gr quaia, is it not?" nothing in my young life. I never during dinner was very attentive and " , , Aast of the Methodist church, Seaforth- through his logged -over lands to tide 44 I'll attend to it, Mr. Cardigan. George Sea Otter c-obld scarcely heard of him before; so I dare say - I I 1, I 11 . � .. - I'lione 46. Coroner for the County of water." credit ,his auditory nerves. -This he's a newcomer in our country. I'v . c� mildly amusing, although Shirley's 11 ". I Auron. "Bet you a chaw ol tobacco hewon't. Anything else?" keen wits assured her that this was I � .. .. I �, � " Yes, but I'll wait until Bryce gets car?" the demanded bluntly, "this- been away six years," he added in ex- merely a clever pose and sustained - � ... - — Those big trees in that valley Sin it home." the Sequoia stage! Take a look, lady. planation. �� 9.- 'I., DR� C. MACKAY with difficulty. She was confirmed in I I 1', , goin' to be cut for no railroad right George Sea Otter, son of Bryce This -here's a Napier imported.Eng- "We're from Michigan. Uncle was this assumption when. afte .. ­ , uate of Trin- I r sitting, . _ - lish automobile. -ate ca po . ," C. Mackay, honor grad O' WRy. That valley's John Card!- Cardigan's o4d halfbreed nurse, was r fornivi-ly in the lumber business th , . .. Ity University, and gold medallist of gan I s private park; his wife's buried It's a priv ere with him a little on the rch after i . ''.` , Of up there. a person in whose nature struggled and belongs to my boss here." but he's logged out now." dinner, she complained of being 1 . .:,� I i I . , ." I �1 I Trinity Medical College; member Why, Colonel, that's the the white man's predilection for ad- "I'm so sorry I slandered your "I see. So he came West, I sup- weary and bade him good -night. She � I She College of Physicians and Sur- biggest grove 6f the biggest sequoia vertisement and civic pride and the cnr," she replied demurely. "I ob- po,sv, and bought a lot of red -wood c � ,,N c :.� "", . geons of Ontario. sempervirens in the world, an' many's had s ar e1v left him when he called: A 11 I red man's instinct for adornment. Fo served the pennant on tht. wind -shield timber ch<-ap from Some old croaker "George!" - � I :,�' ', r 11,� �. ,�. � � I the time I've beard John say he'd al- three years he had been old man Ca r- and I thought--" I l/ DR. H. HUGH ROSS who never could see any future to ", .'!. , - , ; most a lief cut off his right hand as The half-breed slid out of the dark- i � � " Graduate of University of Toronto digan's chauffeur and man -of all- Bryce Cardigan turnod and lifted I the ri-dwood lumber industry. Per- -4 sm_ I � � fell cnie o' his giants, as he cal -Is 'em. - I n(, -q and sat down beside him. A 1 Jbi Your ,� .... 1 . Faculty of Medicine, ultinber of Col. I tell you, Colonel, John Cardigan's work about the latter's old-fashioned his hat. I sonally, I don't think he could have , moment later, through the open win- - . I ... 1. � lege of Physicians and Surgeons of home. and in the former capacity he "Quite naturally, you thought it! made a better investment. I hope I "I&S1110 . .1 � _� Ontario; pass graduate courses in mighty peculiar about them ,bigtrees. drove JohnCardigan's single evidence was the Sequoia stagE-," he said to' -';hall ha�-e the pleasure of maki g hi., I (1,iw of her room jusl above the por,--h - . -1,1. . wher,� fir-yre and George Sea Otter - . :1� I .. . Chicago Clinical School of Chicago; �ny t;me he can get a day off he goe's of extravagance -a Napier car, which her. Re turned a smoldpring glance I acquaintmire when I deliver y'(')'U t,)f . ;v . I :, up an' looks 'em over." upon George Sea Ott, r. 11 neigh- I ,at, Shirle-, board the former say: I � 1; Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, was very justly regarded by George George," 1 him. Pcrhaps you may be a of �r . :,'.' England; University Hospital, Lon- "But, my very dear sir," the Colon- .Sea Otter as the king of automobile . h,our of mine. Elope so," "Gporjlro, when did you first notice line C#�� N . .1 - "I protested, "if the man will r-ot - . S he declared ominous],., !oit with a sly I I that my father's sight was beginning I .... I . don, England. Office Back. of Do .since it was the only imported car wink that drew the �',:�w from his At. this ju-neture George Sea Otter ' / � _1 " "........ I , listen to reason, the courts will m2ice in the county. words, "if you're anxiou, t�, hold down � who had hv(-n an intvrest�ed lis ' I ` fai I ?" I -5-un(s. Z4 - .--" 11 � adnion Bank, Seaforth- Phone No 5. Upon receipt of or- tencr -1 - 41 I" 61 Might calls answered from residence, him. I can condemn a right of way, ders, therefore, from Sinclair, to drive your job the next time a lady speaks! to tho conversation, (�ssayed a grunt, "A ho u t twn voar�; ago, Bryce." � --- -11 is- I;; Ili . , . X . I 1. . � . . Victoria Street, Seaforth. you know." ' you notice it?" ��_:" I i, � the Napier over to Red Bluff and meet to you and asks you a simple que-, from thv rear seat. Instantly, to "What made . - I � , .1", ,, ,, ,, ,, � . . . . . � . - "We -I%" said old Bill, wagging his his future boss and one-time play- tion, you answer yes or no and re- Shirley Suniner's vast sutprise, hor "11(� hownri to walk with his hands ... , ,, �. ­ ..., - -, arrayed him- frain from sarcastic n,marks. Don't, host grunled also; whereupon George! held out in front of him, and some Thai delicious .,, AUCTIONEERS head sagely, I'mebbe you can, an'then fellow, George Sea Otter - F. W. AHRENS again mebbe you can't. it took me Sea Otter broke into a series of grunts t i m e,; h,- lift(41 his feet too high." "', - self in a pair of new black corduroy let your enthusicasm f,i :his car run , �'..',,, ,� � . Licensed Auctioneer for Perth and a long time to figger out just Wher? trousers, yellow button shoes, a blue away with you." Re fac,d ,the girl and gutiural exclamations which evi-1 "Can he -ev at all now, George?" flavor of fresh ... I . Huron Counties. Sales solicited, I stood, but mebbe you're quicker at woollen shirt with a large. .scarlet agaiin. "Was it your i,...11tion to gol dently appeared quite intelligible t,)' "0h, yos, a little bit--priough to ­. . , , , , Real Estate, Farm Stock, Etc. Terms figgers than r am. Anyhow, Colonel, -silk handkerchief tied around the neck out to Sequoia on thi, rwxt trip of, her host, for he slowed down to five mal- his way to the office and back." min� gives a new ,­ 1, , I :.:.. - . on application. F. W. Ahrens, phone p mile-, an hour and cocked one ear to " Poor old governor' George, un- All � ,ond luck to you, whichever way the and a pair of headed buckskin glovei$ the stage?" , . ­.. 634 r 6, R. R. No. 4, Mitchell, Ont. cat -'ump9.1, with fringe dependent from the the rear; apparently hi- was pr)- til you told mo ihis afternoon. I had- thrill to every bite. , �,� � T�is illuminsting convPirslititin had r a a hn a] .1 .. 11 ,� OSCAR W. REED , gauntlet, and a broad white beaver "That means you ,A'!! have to wait, loundly interested in wl,,t,,,r info - 1 111t. h -rd ,,,,,r,l , ,it it. If T h , , . i-ley's is good . 1. , '. I ore effect on Colonel Seth Penning- hat with , wo � wr,( . Licensed auctioneer for the Conn. ton. rattleqnake-skin band. here three days until !Ili- stage re- mlition hi,; henchman had to impart.. f om-or woli'd linvo tak-on that t - �, . It decided him to make haste Across the windshield of the Napier turns from Sequoia." Itr­e replied. When Goorge Sea Otter finished his �,nr jImn' nrrmd tho Nvorl(l." ..i\ ( . �'..i.. . . I � . . . � 1�1 tiah of Perth and Huron. Graduate slowly; so without taking the trou- lit, fastened an orange -coloured pen- "I rea,lized, of coursv, iiiat we would harangue, Bryce nodded and once (;,orgo S. -a Otter grunted. "Th.it's . and good for -. I :_,�,, ,��, �' 1. � _, ,� of Jones, School of Auctioneerin . ! I . .�'...;.i " ,t I'., . 9. Ye to make the acquaintance of more gR\-(, his Attention to tossing'Wbn' \,ill? fiither said. too,. Iff, 11" - ,,-. , 1) Chicago. Charges moderate, and sat- nant hearing in bright green letters arrive here too latA, to i,,)i -it h I --k I .... ��i f JOhn Cardigan, he returned to De- the legend: the stage if it msintainf-,ilc' c the miles behind him. %Nouldu't tc:1 N.�-u. and he ordered C - ­ %�­� - o .0 lieftetion guaranteed. Write or wire My City -Sequoia. As I the ,is_ . ev. ..", A­ troit, there to await the next move , safety -first precaution against man tornitry schedule for il, �11 0 'Oscar W. Reed, Staffa, Ont. Phone �- . departure," "What language was that?" Shir- - . - 4 _� I �, U-2. 296,5x52 ' n 1 is gigantic game of chess. and bveaGt en route, he buckled a gun- she explained, "but. it, didn' c ley inquired, consumed with ci4riosity. . . . . . I I'.,. . - I . , .... .... - .scabbard to the spare tires on the me that the stsge-driv,r wouldn't, "I)iggi,r Indian," he replied. 1, , g, ", �", ,,� "I rHAPTER V running-b-oard and slipped a rifle in- wait until our train irrived. I had; "George',; mother was mN- nurse, anti -, , � , g., THOMAS BROWN . ­)�, L,j,. .1i'T", Licensed auctioneer for the counties No man is infaLt�blc, and n plan- to the .scabbard within quick and easy an idea his schedule wa� rather elas- 1 he and I grew up together. So I ". " . ; "` 11 can't. very well help speaking the I ,1.11� i� ,,,,�, of Huro-n and Perth. Correspondence ning hict logging o'perationq in the reach of his hand; and arrayed thus, tic. : , op- . .,.� . I - , , , , ,. � , , �tage-drivers b.qvf, r,) imagina- language of the tribe." �, I b�, arrangements for sale dates can be San Hedrin ­.w,ished, John Cardigan George descended u 5'. ­� �e7,1, ,�,� , , pi -idv the discovery thr.l. he the helm of the king of autorhobiles. on, to speak of," Bryro assured her. 17 �� Made by calling up phone 212, Sea- ,sently rr. ti They chattered volubly on many I :� !, ,, � ": --d - �`A� forth, or The Expositor Office. Charg- had erred in judg-rient. That se.a,,cn, When the overland train coasted To himself he remarkod: "She's us- subject., for the first twenty miles ; .:r," !,,!� I then the road imi-rowtid and conimpnc- ;'., �. , , es moderate, and satisfaction g -oar- frcm May to Novcmber, his. %vo-al.- into Red Bluff and slid to a grinding ed to having people wAil on her." � ". 11 anteed. crew put I , ty r�.!,,, n feet ,- r I ,g4 halt, Bryce Cardigan saw that the A shade of annoyance passed over ed to rlimh ­,tvadilv, and thereafter. 11 � , r4 . I � I ... ' I Bryce gave all, of 'hiq attention to ��', I int..) the San Hedrin River, while thp. Highest Living Authority bad des- the classic features of the Highest �Z OSCAR KLOPP I the car, for a deviation of a foot' 4'� q of cended from the train also. He had Living Authority. "Oh, dear," ... III' 111 mill sawed on a reserve supply Proted Your Summer Collage From Fire I ''I .1 Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na- Sbe 1 from the wheel -rut on the ouL-ide of � ,,.''. r logs taken from the last of the old Pleeted to designate her thus in the complained, "how fearfully awkwardl 1 1 tioual School of Auctioneering, Chi- absence of any information anent her Now I sliall ihave to tnke the next the road would have sent them hurl- Underwriters give lower insurance rates I 11 , i. : %1,,� ,, '.. e&ko. -Special course taken In Pure choppings adjacent to Squaw Creek. Christian and family names, and for train to San Francisco and book pas- ing over the grade into the deep- on summer cottages roofed with Brantford :..� � :,: Ir I I ' 'That year, however, the rahifill in Asphalt Slates because they are fire resistant ". , 1. :�. Mkod Live ,Stock,'Real ,Estatet Mer- Sage on the steamer to Sequoia -and timbered canons below. Their course, � �.' ri the. further reason that quite obvinin- ��', , &ten In the San Hedrin country was flff.v Tier and cannot be ignited - . , . . �"r. ehoudise and Farm Sales. eent. less than normal, and by the ly she was a very superior person. Marcelle is such a poor sailor. Oh, led through a rugged wilderriess, wide-: 1� r. I"', _ I �� " � - I " �r I g with pfevalling market. Set- dearl" ly diversified and transcendently � by burning shingles or - � ... �; , .� � 11�� �� , . I . assura"Ai Write or Vile, first of' May of the followi 16 Y�01. tip had a vague suspicion that she was Bryce had an inspiration and hast- beautiful, and the girl was rather- flying embers. 19 . '�� .. I 11 L" Cardigan's woods -crew bad au'cCeed,d the kind of girl in whose presence a . ,� - I - � 1, �, - , ch, Ont. Phone I �0:9 -1 -1 Z101 man always feels ened to reveal it. gled of the opportunity to enjoy it. 1, 1, - lox, I . 11 gSW52 in driving slightly less *am half of that he must ap- , '\ . � . "'. ­� . : ". I 1. i� . - I "We are abotit to start for Sequoia in silence. Also by reason of the' � d. ,f. . parade --one of those alert� I f", ,,-, , � IV- � -., .­_... , ­ , �_�, I—- — the tut of the preceding year to the . .V�, . highly intelligent young women so now, altbough the lateness of our fact that Bryce's gaze never waver- ;) � , I ',�. � . I * - . , i boom on, tidewater at the mo-uth'of start will compel us tx) put up to- ed from t -he road immediately in front �, �,* k k "I , ,�' " , -,�' I 9. T. WRIM the river. extremely apt to reduce an ordinaril-y . ill .. ' . IN I I I .. I I Licensed auctioneer for the County "Unless the Lord'll gil us a lot intelligent young man to a ,state of night at the rest-bouse on the South of the (-.Ar, she had a chAnce to ap-' - ��, . - . Immobil- fork ot Trinity River .and comtin,ue prais 'l- X11- - - I I ,,-� I of Huron. Sales attended to In all more water in the river," the Woods- gibbering idiocy oil stupid e him critically while pretend- I , - . ,*" , I . . !di ity. the journey in the morning. ing to look past him to t,b t bl d -11 I ��.�,,� : pogft of the county. SeV*ii yearO ev- ,bogs McTavish complained, "I dinna __ _., ,,, � ", ... ,� . .... . k . , � ' � . iWetee In Manitoba and 8skskst4be- see the food and accoMmo- _. '. , li, � � � � ,�. � , " 1. ' Terms reaisonable. Phone go. He was taking John Cardigan up the car with the Highest Living Author- datiens are extraordinarily good for of twenty-five or six, with the bea7-! _. I "�!., "R "' ever, this rest -house is em She saw a big, supple, powerful �ht, ' . A , I Im., I I _ iWiL how I'm to keep the mill runnin'.11 Btvce had travelled in the same spectablo and ittiently re- snow-covered ranges to their rig � I IL .7 � _1�1� 101, 141 I �,� '� r 11, Exeter, Centralls P. O., It. river bank and explaining the situa- if.V from Chicago and bad made up mountains; so, if an invitation to oc- ing and general demeanour of one I . I .11, - � �,�� Y, X,6 I 11 � I _�Is .� �, , 1), f?" ,, 1. Orders left at The: Huron tion. "The heavy butt -logs hae sunk his mind by observation that wi,th A . R11111IR1111111111111 � 1: " " , ,11,� IN , . 12�;�_ ft it Office, Seaforth, Promptly to the bottain," he 6-titinued. "Wie little encouragement she could be in- � I many years biq elder. Hi's rich, dark I . , '-11 'Z "'" * ___ I 1 ,�yl,u , ,00$ Or i — - � �, ,�,�-��,;,-,-�'�'�,,i"14v"llli ; ,`,i',�'. '11d 'nt a so -box and make auburn hair was wavy, and a curling, .� � i., .1 .; . I q, ,,, 1� ,� , ,4 tj 11, :!�,�. a iioTmal head ol water, the lads'll duedd to mou ap I I 1- '.' , ". 4-,' I i., lock of it had escaped from the band I . .". � , " ,�,� '' IiZ , "I � � � . i .1. 1� Z11 ��._ . ___� roove'them, but wil the wee drapple a s�eech about Women's Rights; Solid flu" , . I I ab A".11 :%�J� ..", iry ' ' - - ,f.p, Ir. W. AHRENS *o have the ro6----jl He threw up that when her native State should be giving Pi t of hia cap at the temple; his eyes " -_�'��L "..... i ' 'Ll i:,�:"�-�Al .. rt" , I ulara ql� Tre.. - I I . �' . his hamlike hands despairingly. granted equal suffrage she would rull 111M wpre brown to match his hair and ' �_ " , . .­,'�; M World f nib I � . , .'� ;��a _ ' ? torr Ad ,, i"', " P -e the striking feature. of a strong, .1 11 � I I .J ',%" . 'T JUeentM Auddoneer for Parth . arad Wei WaMfard __1 -, -1 i,qlll� * * for oftlice or manage somebody's po- _00ain CAWdWa . BralatfOrdo Ofitu 0 , "k" , .: and, Hnrou.Cofttlos- - I I � It " ��W__� , , , . . I Sales. .86110ited, , , Threo daya'lattr a doud-burat fill- litical campaigh; that sh16 could drive O,nd I S. rugged countenance, for ,they were . -,,Ii��­,,��,,��t, 1A, . - !1�i . . I home ,--- , Stock Carried, Information Furni.1hed and,gervAlt"o ,, . . I I "'I'' ,,V11. Mulent. ^ I �.,%w rsto,* raft' -stook, Eta ed the river to the briiii; It eame at. all awthmobile and had probably boall tre spaced at that eminently proper in- I ., 11 lf.,41411 1, ,I 1. toloft TeAmoinkile il . 1:." ,k) .1, �1.1 . , "`r'�2�7,7 - 0 i 00 t* on Brantford Roofing rendered by I ,, ',,#, torval which proclaims am honest � .� 1, .,.. _­ �.,7� 1 4��41 . Tdfto'bb AVVIIOXM611� ' night and swept the rfvdi, clean of nrrds�ted farspeeding,- that she could E 1ORM06 , .�'A A;., � ., , . I 0. - I " ". 'I a 'a . xi,_�- v , ,F I Man. His no" was bil , of Medium - W M P.t. 4 �, I . 1� ,lardigan's clear logs� An army of go around anr golf Iith� In tho ddititj� " L%L; f4p0% , 1, 11�. 11 ,111 ,� - AA� "' W. a ItaxaW.9SOAH Irb N. Cluff & Sons, 5eafo , I -111-11 ..., : %4* " 104 ,,, , . t7. 4'nd_ ha(14 mwo* IDAWO ,`: �11 V-11, I . . just a trifle IoTig­-Ahe .11 , -4- 11 ,, -, , I .. � I 1-11", .� , .1, ;.,� � 11 ` - . 114r9oftauft Tend Mdefte- . .;, ., , . '. 11. I - I *%, " % . � � I., , gy 9*6p� d6" on _ !". ., '' -1 �, �hicknes% and I . I I I 1-1, I ,� "" I .;�,f .!" . . I , , ,% . .. � � I , , " ;,,"'. I 0 - .. the, try J�_A!;J# I . 11 , , ." -�,�, -�, i � �;�� ! "* . ,�, " "' , 1. . - 1� , �...­ I—, I . . - , , I I I I . . 11 I �ilrk, ! I - 4 I , - .1 I I I . 1, - I . � ''. -1, I ." . . .; ,'�,* ,�.(Wh' � ,, �.."�. , ", X � � I � - 11, .. .1 I . � *� I ., :,�.:.' ". � .. � " . I 11 � ;�� . � ?, - , , . , 11 . . . �,.­­�,!,­­, �11 1. . i .1 '­ -,� ­� . .:­�.111 � .1 - � , , .I ., - , . 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