The Huron Expositor, 1926-08-13, Page 5a WAAWDT bumb 0. 4.4��;r,�, a wa, I IbIrl, ; WER!'.1 F9,; 04 E Ole Z lv R . ..... 4�, Ildpri''Lumsam h4d also R ,W- IV -;eitft�seli an the first ejo)ri u Alive beeif th, .84 6 . 0 now, tw -a 00 loth b f Ce en Of 'Me, ptA'FWssIVe po m ntinued 21 I ted p 6*jand prospec. yel, tivo We; No" .4 yz*.� yward to re. 686 ctivi g, a ining-seCOng- to non� ir 'Ail-oadod. Drop, Pei short*, Per rio. "a. W7#ood feed rio oate-42. to. 44r� ;.*.b., shipping SCH06L F AIR DATES - vanu willing wbgaV-*.26 to $1.28 Grand Bend, Tuefid�Y, Sop't. 7th. . Xf vointq acecordift to freigbrW Dasbwood, Wednesil 1larley--malting, 59 to Ole. ay, Sept. 8th. Crediton, Thufs&yo Sept. 9th, b; Winchelsea, Fildilty, Sept. loth. flour -First Patent $9.10, Torun- Wroxeter,` Monday, gept. 13th. -ft. 4o., second patent $13.60. 4DuWio flour--Trowuln, 90 Per .9euL Pateirt Gorrie, Tuesday, �ept 25th '".98; sea. Bluevale, Niledn4dily, Sep boV , t. 15th. carlo%" 'Torouto, SEW, Ashfield,'Thua-sagi, Sep� i4th. t. Helens, Fr14q;,$jpi; ,. 17th. LWEiTOCK, i1A Colborne, Saturday, S6K 18th, �Buffod% Anau it 10ft-Cattlo.' lAft: active; 2 jfl4PPhw steers, $9.00 to. SIO.", 60� �, , butchers, Herwall, Monday, Sept t7Z.,,1o$ $0.50; yesrilur,' �med­i. sia.6o., Zurich, Tuesday;`S ­t,"Ii.lst. 6.00 to $8.75:; 'fair to -Wdice cows, Varna, Wednesda�,'� Sept., 22nd, 44.50 to 0.00. bulls, _tizq t..$"O. Blyth, Thursday, 1.600 : active, 50 cen ts, higher-. 4 14.50 to $16.00; fair b�'j4od, $12.50 Ethel, Friday, 4pt 246. culls, $8 to $1�; hes. t6 to $8; Walton, Mondiky,"Sepe,7"th. .ar-asem $4.00 to $6,00, Goderich Tp.,'Tuesday, Sept. 28th. How -Receipt&. 8,00(l-, fairly acq 1412.00, to $13.25. medium - - ye; heavy, ., $13.25 to $18.75; ' Belgrave, Wednesdity, SepL 2�'th. x1sixed. $12.76 tD $14.25 -, �Igs, 1114.21� -to $14.50. Dublin, Thursday, Sept. 30th. Sheep and lambs, 7,400; active,-2� cents Clinton, Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 11hicher- Lambs. $9.00 to $l4.25;,,,y-l1n- 4th and 5th. 'V.00 to $11.60; wethem. $8.60 to �16, mix- �ed sheep, $7.50 to $8.00. FALL FAIR DATES Montreal. August 10ith.--Cawe receipts -,- 1369-' Included in the cattle offering were a- Toronto -Aug. 28 -Sept, 11. "Ibout 200 left over from last week and trad- London -September 11-18. ing to -day wasevery slow. There -were very Stratford -September 20-22. 'few good cattl and one small lot of the Exeter -September 21-22. lbe,t butcher spers were sold for $7.00, and two or three small lots of common steers Listowel -September 21-22. ,.Vvere weighed UP between $5.50 and $6.00. Seaforth-September 23-24. 'Zod cows brou:ght $6,00 with one or two vlooke ones at $5.so. one small lot of good Lucknow-September 2:11-24. 1heifers brought $5.25 and some common light Blyth -September 22-93. lheffera were sold for $4.V, Common bulls Mneardine Sepfember 23-24. sold from $2.85 -Po $4.50. There were not Bayfield --September 28-29. -:6 6 1;t:old ur to teii orcloo to es - *=I Quotations. Q60tati Mitche�H-Septem,ber 2&29. Tr i common,- Sr.-I)o to 70.,oa: but- Brussels --September Woctobe-r Irs. good, $6-2F.; � me4ium, is .0 to Zurich-Sept4ember 30-Odtober 1. n, $4.00 to tl�.00; butcher cows, - medium, $3.25 1:6 $00: canners Dungannon -October 7-8. $5.00. 42-00 to 42.25: ciAters, $2.50 to sL;�;%. -IbVns, common, $2-U to $3.50. , bbhor Wingham-October 7-8. vim-Receipta. 1.913; calves 0�ld about OteadY. There were only a few small lots of igood ve L and these sold 'from $9.5o to $p.50. with . afew choice ones at 510.0o. common TM�PORTANT NOTICES veals and SkJm milk calves brought from --- $6.50 to $7.50, and graserE. $4.50 to $5.00, OR SALF_--ELKVEN PIGS 12 wEEKs accarding to weight, Quotaticm.:­Good ,al. F old- Phone 6 on &36. Clinton, or ft"ly _W.60 to $10.00; medium, $7.50 to $$-25; com- to AROME TIE&ODORE DALE, R. It. No, 4. Imon. $6,60 to $7.00, gm-, $4.50 to $5-00. Clinton. 9061XI Union Stofik Yarols, Toronto, August loth. WARN ING. -A-NTONE FOUND PICKING Q000tations:- be"I� a Lot 13, Concession 4. McKIl_ Heary steers. choice, $7.85 to $8.25: do.. good lop�, wil-I be prosecuted. MRS. JOHN 17.411D to $7.76; butcher steers. choice. $7.40 'MA -LONE. $061-1 -&a $7.85, do $7.00 to $7.25; do,, earn - I -, good, Imon. $5.50 to $6.60: butcher heifers, photee, FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SA.LE LOT go, $7.00 to $7. 15; do. good, $6.75 to $7: butcher 7th C�n�csaion. Hibbert Township. Splen. -Cawlo� IbOice, $6.60 to $5.75 : do. fair, did improved 100 acre farm. bad buildings in to good, $4.00 -to $5.00: bubabor bulls, Perth County: vell fenced And drained. Come .190041, Sr�50 to $6.00; bolognas, $8.50 to $4 : to see 9 -rowing crops. Apply R-. S. HAYS, �runets and cutters, $2.50 to ".00; good Seaforth- S061-tf =Wch cows, $85-00 to $95,00: springers. choice $95,00 to 9116.00; medium cows, $45.00 to SOW STRAYED ON TO LOT 9, CONCES- -460-00 * feeders, good, $6�25 to 0.76:� do. fair ", Mon 8, Tuckersmith. O�ner may have 36.60 to $6.00: c7ldres, choice. $19,50 to $12 . same by Proving Property end Paying for crop -do.- good, $9.00 to 810.00; do.. light S5.of) injured by so-. Apply to L. PURDY, Kip- -to $6.00 ;$good lambs, S15.50 -to $16.00: do_ Pon, or Phone 34 on 134, Seaforth. 3059-tf 2nalum, lC50 to $15.00: d bucks, $18.50 to $14.00: good light aheep.oir..00 to $7-50: ARM FOR S&LE.-TEM BEAUTIFULLY lbeavy sheep and buck�, $4.00 to $5.50: hogs. F situated 60 acre farm, 11/4 miles east of thick smooths, fed upd watered, $12.90: ft.. Seaf�,th, Lot 5. Conceasion 1. Tuckersmith, 1I.N.. $12�": do., country points, 3,11.75: do.. on the Government Higbway. Newly tile "W cars, $1.1.00: do. thick fatq, f-a.b., SII.ro: drained, barn 84x50 newly abinkled, good Zloot Pre- in-. $2.46. dwelling. 10 rooms; 8 acres of alfa-Ife, 16 acres oats. balance 9�eded to mixed bay. Im- mediate possession. Apply to P. DILL, DEATHS Dublin. 8058-tf Jlinobley.-Tn Senforth, on 7hursday. Angus - Ifth, James Davidson llin.hlay,- aged tia� FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE_ LOT s, years. on the lst Concession, Stanley Township. Mander­ln D��hwood on SaAurday, July 31st containing 97 acres. First class land in a ' high state of cultivation: well. drained and Mna-cus Bender. aged 72 years and R month., _Uvingstone­ In Flullett, on Thursday, August fenced ; 10 acres bush. small orchard, good fith, Mary Tosephine To�n"nd. beloved wife two storey frame house with hard and soft of Thomas E_ Li,imirstone, gel 66 yeas water. Barn 52x6O with good stabling under - "d 9 month.. nesth: implement house 2fix40 end pig house 24x4O. Two good wellq and windmill at barm. The farm is situated one mile from BIRTHS school nnd 11/4 miles from Kippen, Rural Mrenner.-At Grand Bend on July 211th. to mail and Phone. Will be soid on reasonable Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brenner. a son. terms. For further particulars apply to R. Richards. -In Stephen on July 24th, to M r. P. Bell, Box 382. Seaforth. 8057-tf and Mrs. I_�lie Richards, a daughter. Joyce --loo Exeter, on July 24th. t6 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Joyce. a son. 33aftiftiffati-In Exeter on July 29th, to Mr. ,,and Mrs. Hannigan, a daughter. TENDERS WANTED r7de.-In Exeter, on July 29tb. to Mr. and Mis. Thomas Pryde, a�aon, Xillei%-In Hay Tbwaship, on July Mat, Tenders ill be reovived by the undersigned M to Mr. and r.. Sam Miller, a daughter. up until August Iltb. fbr the sale of about 'Bedaril.-At Lake Bond, Ha7 To-nghfp. On 75 acres 4 Box in the field. FA full par - July 22nd. to Mr. and Mrs. Tufflold Bedard, t'culan' apply to a son- H. B_ KIRKBY, R. R. 8. Welton, Ont, Breckenridge. -In Turnberry, on July 29M. Phone. 18-11, Brussels. to Mr. and.Mrs. Ue Brackenridge, a dauah- 8060-2 ter. MARRIAGES Iken.11-Balocock.-At Toronto. on. July 24%, by Rervo Dr. J. 3. Ferguson, Mabel EatAla, Niagara youtter ddughter of Mr. and Mvs. W. A. IlWocook. -Io Mr. George Miles Boanelol. son %it. smd 3W. Henry Bosmell, Exeter, Ont, ez& 4* pprt-14PL� , i SC PfMiol's Charch, Winc- Lim-estone -ham. an AuMt fth " b Rev. F. W. Shfiler, ;ZA UdbenI Unity, 'daughter- of Mr. and Af.rs, P. d�,LaVANdy, of lillyth. to PAYS BIG DIVIDENDS ON of 9ftattord. FALL WHEAT MWO DESIRABLE R9kb9NjdA IN It has givetri Satisfattio-n to S_eaforth SEAFORTH FOR SALE Farmers wbo used it this Spring. 1�ot number Six (6) on the Noith side of lWerich Street Woot it A&TA16 survey, 1% _TOU_ is is. a/vpry desirable and commodious also wfll be satisfied. Try it. 1�nce with spacious gmunds and every NOM019 betU* for Alfalfa and Clover, luitoderro convenleiime. - I I I kh fdftl horne i4ituated in SeAforth's finvat repWfttlal district. SOW by Tfie property w144 be sold und$�r Power -of WL"Ifiotna ftio, In a certain mortgage And iiiiist-be sold 9- roat lbe�pre August 28tb. 1926. Reag6nable t*ft&. rull particularb, tdrrna and �bndtticlua PhoA6 126-2 btf� ome apply t6 P. ROLUMflon. X-C., 34artgageo, or to BEST &-,B1z1§T. Brick Tile Ysid - Reaforth iDMO Auwjd Sth, 1:029, aaoi.2 806lx2 lvii-, Q IN, Ila h TON A R 0 RE Eiji %? 0 a i!S' SQU Dr- asses 'Ea' %,hing vct� ll a 4- 4.1 al"ne4L Beautiful -:.es ' so,&Osp, and - 'Vou. would H Ig thbWAO had 64ver been worn Sw"tors 'hild soort Clafhes Phone 23 -AFORTH should be-4eazed now. Satis- 40 facqo# guaranteed and fast and piston to& built up and machined off like new. Al.] kinds of patterns made. gas service. Just Phow 227 TheJohi ankin 8VWfF,V:'! fDVNGEY Ago�,#c COMMERCIAL HOTEL Work Called For and Delivered Insumuce., I kinds. Of 'Me, ptA'FWssIVe po m ntinued 21 I ted p 6*jand prospec. yel, tivo We; No" .4 yz*.� yward to re. 686 ctivi g, a ining-seCOng- to non� ir 'Ail-oadod. Drop, Pei short*, Per rio. "a. W7#ood feed rio oate-42. to. 44r� ;.*.b., shipping SCH06L F AIR DATES - vanu willing wbgaV-*.26 to $1.28 Grand Bend, Tuefid�Y, Sop't. 7th. . Xf vointq acecordift to freigbrW Dasbwood, Wednesil 1larley--malting, 59 to Ole. ay, Sept. 8th. Crediton, Thufs&yo Sept. 9th, b; Winchelsea, Fildilty, Sept. loth. flour -First Patent $9.10, Torun- Wroxeter,` Monday, gept. 13th. -ft. 4o., second patent $13.60. 4DuWio flour--Trowuln, 90 Per .9euL Pateirt Gorrie, Tuesday, �ept 25th '".98; sea. Bluevale, Niledn4dily, Sep boV , t. 15th. carlo%" 'Torouto, SEW, Ashfield,'Thua-sagi, Sep� i4th. t. Helens, Fr14q;,$jpi; ,. 17th. LWEiTOCK, i1A Colborne, Saturday, S6K 18th, �Buffod% Anau it 10ft-Cattlo.' lAft: active; 2 jfl4PPhw steers, $9.00 to. SIO.", 60� �, , butchers, Herwall, Monday, Sept t7Z.,,1o$ $0.50; yesrilur,' �med­i. sia.6o., Zurich, Tuesday;`S ­t,"Ii.lst. 6.00 to $8.75:; 'fair to -Wdice cows, Varna, Wednesda�,'� Sept., 22nd, 44.50 to 0.00. bulls, _tizq t..$"O. Blyth, Thursday, 1.600 : active, 50 cen ts, higher-. 4 14.50 to $16.00; fair b�'j4od, $12.50 Ethel, Friday, 4pt 246. culls, $8 to $1�; hes. t6 to $8; Walton, Mondiky,"Sepe,7"th. .ar-asem $4.00 to $6,00, Goderich Tp.,'Tuesday, Sept. 28th. How -Receipt&. 8,00(l-, fairly acq 1412.00, to $13.25. medium - - ye; heavy, ., $13.25 to $18.75; ' Belgrave, Wednesdity, SepL 2�'th. x1sixed. $12.76 tD $14.25 -, �Igs, 1114.21� -to $14.50. Dublin, Thursday, Sept. 30th. Sheep and lambs, 7,400; active,-2� cents Clinton, Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 11hicher- Lambs. $9.00 to $l4.25;,,,y-l1n- 4th and 5th. 'V.00 to $11.60; wethem. $8.60 to �16, mix- �ed sheep, $7.50 to $8.00. FALL FAIR DATES Montreal. August 10ith.--Cawe receipts -,- 1369-' Included in the cattle offering were a- Toronto -Aug. 28 -Sept, 11. "Ibout 200 left over from last week and trad- London -September 11-18. ing to -day wasevery slow. There -were very Stratford -September 20-22. 'few good cattl and one small lot of the Exeter -September 21-22. lbe,t butcher spers were sold for $7.00, and two or three small lots of common steers Listowel -September 21-22. ,.Vvere weighed UP between $5.50 and $6.00. Seaforth-September 23-24. 'Zod cows brou:ght $6,00 with one or two vlooke ones at $5.so. one small lot of good Lucknow-September 2:11-24. 1heifers brought $5.25 and some common light Blyth -September 22-93. lheffera were sold for $4.V, Common bulls Mneardine Sepfember 23-24. sold from $2.85 -Po $4.50. There were not Bayfield --September 28-29. -:6 6 1;t:old ur to teii orcloo to es - *=I Quotations. Q60tati Mitche�H-Septem,ber 2&29. Tr i common,- Sr.-I)o to 70.,oa: but- Brussels --September Woctobe-r Irs. good, $6-2F.; � me4ium, is .0 to Zurich-Sept4ember 30-Odtober 1. n, $4.00 to tl�.00; butcher cows, - medium, $3.25 1:6 $00: canners Dungannon -October 7-8. $5.00. 42-00 to 42.25: ciAters, $2.50 to sL;�;%. -IbVns, common, $2-U to $3.50. , bbhor Wingham-October 7-8. vim-Receipta. 1.913; calves 0�ld about OteadY. There were only a few small lots of igood ve L and these sold 'from $9.5o to $p.50. with . afew choice ones at 510.0o. common TM�PORTANT NOTICES veals and SkJm milk calves brought from --- $6.50 to $7.50, and graserE. $4.50 to $5.00, OR SALF_--ELKVEN PIGS 12 wEEKs accarding to weight, Quotaticm.:­Good ,al. F old- Phone 6 on &36. Clinton, or ft"ly _W.60 to $10.00; medium, $7.50 to $$-25; com- to AROME TIE&ODORE DALE, R. It. No, 4. Imon. $6,60 to $7.00, gm-, $4.50 to $5-00. Clinton. 9061XI Union Stofik Yarols, Toronto, August loth. WARN ING. -A-NTONE FOUND PICKING Q000tations:- be"I� a Lot 13, Concession 4. McKIl_ Heary steers. choice, $7.85 to $8.25: do.. good lop�, wil-I be prosecuted. MRS. JOHN 17.411D to $7.76; butcher steers. choice. $7.40 'MA -LONE. $061-1 -&a $7.85, do $7.00 to $7.25; do,, earn - I -, good, Imon. $5.50 to $6.60: butcher heifers, photee, FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SA.LE LOT go, $7.00 to $7. 15; do. good, $6.75 to $7: butcher 7th C�n�csaion. Hibbert Township. Splen. -Cawlo� IbOice, $6.60 to $5.75 : do. fair, did improved 100 acre farm. bad buildings in to good, $4.00 -to $5.00: bubabor bulls, Perth County: vell fenced And drained. Come .190041, Sr�50 to $6.00; bolognas, $8.50 to $4 : to see 9 -rowing crops. Apply R-. S. HAYS, �runets and cutters, $2.50 to ".00; good Seaforth- S061-tf =Wch cows, $85-00 to $95,00: springers. choice $95,00 to 9116.00; medium cows, $45.00 to SOW STRAYED ON TO LOT 9, CONCES- -460-00 * feeders, good, $6�25 to 0.76:� do. fair ", Mon 8, Tuckersmith. O�ner may have 36.60 to $6.00: c7ldres, choice. $19,50 to $12 . same by Proving Property end Paying for crop -do.- good, $9.00 to 810.00; do.. light S5.of) injured by so-. Apply to L. PURDY, Kip- -to $6.00 ;$good lambs, S15.50 -to $16.00: do_ Pon, or Phone 34 on 134, Seaforth. 3059-tf 2nalum, lC50 to $15.00: d bucks, $18.50 to $14.00: good light aheep.oir..00 to $7-50: ARM FOR S&LE.-TEM BEAUTIFULLY lbeavy sheep and buck�, $4.00 to $5.50: hogs. F situated 60 acre farm, 11/4 miles east of thick smooths, fed upd watered, $12.90: ft.. Seaf�,th, Lot 5. Conceasion 1. Tuckersmith, 1I.N.. $12�": do., country points, 3,11.75: do.. on the Government Higbway. Newly tile "W cars, $1.1.00: do. thick fatq, f-a.b., SII.ro: drained, barn 84x50 newly abinkled, good Zloot Pre- in-. $2.46. dwelling. 10 rooms; 8 acres of alfa-Ife, 16 acres oats. balance 9�eded to mixed bay. Im- mediate possession. Apply to P. DILL, DEATHS Dublin. 8058-tf Jlinobley.-Tn Senforth, on 7hursday. Angus - Ifth, James Davidson llin.hlay,- aged tia� FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE_ LOT s, years. on the lst Concession, Stanley Township. Mander­ln D��hwood on SaAurday, July 31st containing 97 acres. First class land in a ' high state of cultivation: well. drained and Mna-cus Bender. aged 72 years and R month., _Uvingstone­ In Flullett, on Thursday, August fenced ; 10 acres bush. small orchard, good fith, Mary Tosephine To�n"nd. beloved wife two storey frame house with hard and soft of Thomas E_ Li,imirstone, gel 66 yeas water. Barn 52x6O with good stabling under - "d 9 month.. nesth: implement house 2fix40 end pig house 24x4O. Two good wellq and windmill at barm. The farm is situated one mile from BIRTHS school nnd 11/4 miles from Kippen, Rural Mrenner.-At Grand Bend on July 211th. to mail and Phone. Will be soid on reasonable Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brenner. a son. terms. For further particulars apply to R. Richards. -In Stephen on July 24th, to M r. P. Bell, Box 382. Seaforth. 8057-tf and Mrs. I_�lie Richards, a daughter. Joyce --loo Exeter, on July 24th. t6 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Joyce. a son. 33aftiftiffati-In Exeter on July 29th, to Mr. ,,and Mrs. Hannigan, a daughter. TENDERS WANTED r7de.-In Exeter, on July 29tb. to Mr. and Mis. Thomas Pryde, a�aon, Xillei%-In Hay Tbwaship, on July Mat, Tenders ill be reovived by the undersigned M to Mr. and r.. Sam Miller, a daughter. up until August Iltb. fbr the sale of about 'Bedaril.-At Lake Bond, Ha7 To-nghfp. On 75 acres 4 Box in the field. FA full par - July 22nd. to Mr. and Mrs. Tufflold Bedard, t'culan' apply to a son- H. B_ KIRKBY, R. R. 8. Welton, Ont, Breckenridge. -In Turnberry, on July 29M. Phone. 18-11, Brussels. to Mr. and.Mrs. Ue Brackenridge, a dauah- 8060-2 ter. MARRIAGES Iken.11-Balocock.-At Toronto. on. July 24%, by Rervo Dr. J. 3. Ferguson, Mabel EatAla, Niagara youtter ddughter of Mr. and Mvs. W. A. IlWocook. -Io Mr. George Miles Boanelol. son %it. smd 3W. Henry Bosmell, Exeter, Ont, ez& 4* pprt-14PL� , i SC PfMiol's Charch, Winc- Lim-estone -ham. an AuMt fth " b Rev. F. W. Shfiler, ;ZA UdbenI Unity, 'daughter- of Mr. and Af.rs, P. d�,LaVANdy, of lillyth. to PAYS BIG DIVIDENDS ON of 9ftattord. FALL WHEAT MWO DESIRABLE R9kb9NjdA IN It has givetri Satisfattio-n to S_eaforth SEAFORTH FOR SALE Farmers wbo used it this Spring. 1�ot number Six (6) on the Noith side of lWerich Street Woot it A&TA16 survey, 1% _TOU_ is is. a/vpry desirable and commodious also wfll be satisfied. Try it. 1�nce with spacious gmunds and every NOM019 betU* for Alfalfa and Clover, luitoderro convenleiime. - I I I kh fdftl horne i4ituated in SeAforth's finvat repWfttlal district. SOW by Tfie property w144 be sold und$�r Power -of WL"Ifiotna ftio, In a certain mortgage And iiiiist-be sold 9- roat lbe�pre August 28tb. 1926. Reag6nable t*ft&. rull particularb, tdrrna and �bndtticlua PhoA6 126-2 btf� ome apply t6 P. ROLUMflon. X-C., 34artgageo, or to BEST &-,B1z1§T. Brick Tile Ysid - Reaforth iDMO Auwjd Sth, 1:029, aaoi.2 806lx2 lvii-, Q IN, Ila h TON 0 RF - sbaue Money t4,loan 81wrowm � om pi 9L Tuckersmith Voters' List W T -�N S_ 0 61% P on lovislo t� vo Q If mommoond mhoiild send ®r"i oy# written in tkis *OAR, send D"wt aft"so rs. or, FallomInst is 0, Ponw no"P or -W 0.0 so win, xrt" or rida"'vef'- ft' 07 can goloweetod with W% r4t SWA~WWAW"t to sub. Am, W" sonowers to the 0 W_ ,0 eve am win s. prim =ban of Aht family ume wll� be awarded in NOW TO CAO ABOUT XT First TtOrl sward will be made by a �,&Il Of theme instruction, b1*6 Gran flaroukh tharouglay. You a *�&� 5111 thr** Toronto gentleman. Take the letter you wish to =4,ftt P� I'll, I Nave eonnoctlon� with thho firm Find ft in the to 1-7 te 01*04 line of 411&= will F .. ;W.I*r 7" ova 370 Their Asmes Will be madg known to all down this columpn unto so the effort you put forth V=#: EtAw clan you It 1* !j::t:�_d. t4stants must agree to key letter then move to he 111ft Of ps,"'Wep 1P1=NrL!#: islons of this committv'r- and you will find the message iett4w. ...... will be awarded Aosor4ln . I 9 FM HUNDRW PORM' the numlott of Points sained by i;�h The key letter Is the saw* letter throng& 4. `A . 7'4-�t entry. Five hundred pointo in the mazi- out. Once you have it youbave the key n0um and 'will take first prize. Forty letter 'for every god@ letter. Points will be awarded for cash word of For ftommile, 911 The imoxoneerit A" vosw*blo rose our OD& I iwa . g . 9tt6r bD ount"t;w1a be miwsr�w, the secret incomase, correct. Twenty Points be I,, and ear k7lietter to be 0 - and 8 the. number qfr ''I tA (Or Vmtral neatness and appearance f In 'no top line of the ebar.tL, move down to the entry. Tem for handwriting and 6"o The out". or G Ikey-letter), then move to 4xtg_n". left vin, thst istise an tr vu. Be elltY tot fulfilling the conditions of the CthtLl=r On the Ox 40110 left would aage *h1k c000tsmiL , Contest clases December 30th, be letter. Sol* of In#. Illatries should 16 forwarded fmme_ competitor will be sent a Copy* of t%e 'Paragon Knitting Catalogue and wpl be asked to select therefrom right WIN THIS _CAR Pollars' worth of ]Paragon Products a NOTICE is hereby given that I have trans- 0 0 0 -0 0 0'1>��O 0 0 0 0 locia. Name amons:t friends and neigh- jorittedl ordeliveredto Me persons mentioned <> TbL11 is not sides Contest The only Qualifying condition is tuifined upon in Section 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lists letto of the above mrouirewents. Aot, tba copies required by sold owtions* to S. To rlolw�* & Son <> =(Wns opportunity of nninc is be so transmitted or dellivered of the list * .. --- made. pursuout to said Act of 101 Persons ap- Funeral.0 and 0 The Company ajz,� to pay YOU for every ffort put toth furthering <> ,pearing by the last revised. Asassameat Roll 0 Licensed *aImer Zrlioale of Paragon Products. of the saM munictioulity to be entitled to 0 Finegt M vote in the said municipality at elections for * dr otoltr! A#d iy.rse- <> THE OBJECT OF THE CONTEST the Members of the Legislative Assembly awn equipiookt' Beattie 0 larankly this is an Advertising Contest. anif at Municipal Elections, and the said 4�> Block, Main $6*4't .0 Its Aim beinvotmto further the popularity of opposite Wh and guaranteed Paragon list was first Posted in my office in Tucker, <> The Expositq*' e. S. T. 0 the wall know loth day of A gust. 1926, and 0 Proftets sold from the raill to the con. for inspecticaLu I hereby call Holmes' residene, 0 Goderich sumer by catalogue and peronal service upon eAl voters *o examine tiie aWd Fwt and '0 Street West; Holmes' <> direct to the home. Thousands of people if any errors or omissions are found therein <> residence, XO Srest 0 buy Paragon to take -immediate proceedifttga to have same I:> sh thou" ds corrected according to law Flowers furnnis d on short 0 more. that they way become acquain`Zmd PARAGON KNrITING & TEXTILE MMLS Dated at Tuckersmith this Ilth day im <> notice- All ]a of up- -0 with Paraffou Products for value and e". The" Is a Paragon Product for CONTEST DEPT., 71 QUEEN W., TORONTO. ONr. August, 1926. <> holstering nes. 4ne. 0 014ry member of the family. D. F. McGREGOR, Phones 11 .254 J. .0 Clerk. <> <> FEM-AIX AGENTS WANTED Part or full time, appointing sub -&cent@ PUBLIC NOTICE <> <> <> <> <> 0 <> <> Steady income assured. Write immediately THE SANTILLA Co, Take notice that I have a portable electric Dept. 33. P. 0. B. im. M..tr.&L welder and can do,.-VJ9ft)rlc welding right an the Job anywhere, an shbrt aftice. and at a W. T. BOX & CO. School of Commerce 2_ T sav, or 25 per to 75 per cent. Cracks in boilers welded; heads on stay bolts and R 0 RE Eiji %? 0 a i!S' SQU Dr- asses 'Ea' %,hing vct� A_ d P n. al"ne4L Beautiful -:.es ' so,&Osp, and - 'Vou. would H Ig thbWAO had 64ver been worn Sw"tors 'hild soort Clafhes Phone 23 -AFORTH should be-4eazed now. Satis- 40 facqo# guaranteed and fast and piston to& built up and machined off like new. Al.] kinds of patterns made. gas service. Just Phow 227 TheJohi ankin 8VWfF,V:'! fDVNGEY Ago�,#c COMMERCIAL HOTEL Work Called For and Delivered Insumuce., I kinds. 0 RF - sbaue Money t4,loan 81wrowm � om pi 9L Tuckersmith Voters' List W T -�N S_ 0 61% P on lovislo t� vo Q If mommoond mhoiild send ®r"i oy# written in tkis *OAR, send D"wt aft"so rs. or, FallomInst is 0, Ponw no"P or -W 0.0 so win, xrt" or rida"'vef'- ft' 07 can goloweetod with W% r4t SWA~WWAW"t to sub. Am, W" sonowers to the 0 W_ ,0 eve am win s. prim =ban of Aht family ume wll� be awarded in NOW TO CAO ABOUT XT First TtOrl sward will be made by a �,&Il Of theme instruction, b1*6 Gran flaroukh tharouglay. You a *�&� 5111 thr** Toronto gentleman. Take the letter you wish to =4,ftt P� I'll, I Nave eonnoctlon� with thho firm Find ft in the to 1-7 te 01*04 line of 411&= will F .. ;W.I*r 7" ova 370 Their Asmes Will be madg known to all down this columpn unto so the effort you put forth V=#: EtAw clan you It 1* !j::t:�_d. t4stants must agree to key letter then move to he 111ft Of ps,"'Wep 1P1=NrL!#: islons of this committv'r- and you will find the message iett4w. ...... will be awarded Aosor4ln . I 9 FM HUNDRW PORM' the numlott of Points sained by i;�h The key letter Is the saw* letter throng& 4. `A . 7'4-�t entry. Five hundred pointo in the mazi- out. Once you have it youbave the key n0um and 'will take first prize. Forty letter 'for every god@ letter. Points will be awarded for cash word of For ftommile, 911 The imoxoneerit A" vosw*blo rose our OD& I iwa . g . 9tt6r bD ount"t;w1a be miwsr�w, the secret incomase, correct. Twenty Points be I,, and ear k7lietter to be 0 - and 8 the. number qfr ''I tA (Or Vmtral neatness and appearance f In 'no top line of the ebar.tL, move down to the entry. Tem for handwriting and 6"o The out". or G Ikey-letter), then move to 4xtg_n". left vin, thst istise an tr vu. Be elltY tot fulfilling the conditions of the CthtLl=r On the Ox 40110 left would aage *h1k c000tsmiL , Contest clases December 30th, be letter. Sol* of In#. Illatries should 16 forwarded fmme_ competitor will be sent a Copy* of t%e 'Paragon Knitting Catalogue and wpl be asked to select therefrom right WIN THIS _CAR Pollars' worth of ]Paragon Products a NOTICE is hereby given that I have trans- 0 0 0 -0 0 0'1>��O 0 0 0 0 locia. Name amons:t friends and neigh- jorittedl ordeliveredto Me persons mentioned <> TbL11 is not sides Contest The only Qualifying condition is tuifined upon in Section 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lists letto of the above mrouirewents. Aot, tba copies required by sold owtions* to S. To rlolw�* & Son <> =(Wns opportunity of nninc is be so transmitted or dellivered of the list * .. --- made. pursuout to said Act of 101 Persons ap- Funeral.0 and 0 The Company ajz,� to pay YOU for every ffort put toth furthering <> ,pearing by the last revised. Asassameat Roll 0 Licensed *aImer Zrlioale of Paragon Products. of the saM munictioulity to be entitled to 0 Finegt M vote in the said municipality at elections for * dr otoltr! A#d iy.rse- <> THE OBJECT OF THE CONTEST the Members of the Legislative Assembly awn equipiookt' Beattie 0 larankly this is an Advertising Contest. anif at Municipal Elections, and the said 4�> Block, Main $6*4't .0 Its Aim beinvotmto further the popularity of opposite Wh and guaranteed Paragon list was first Posted in my office in Tucker, <> The Expositq*' e. S. T. 0 the wall know loth day of A gust. 1926, and 0 Proftets sold from the raill to the con. for inspecticaLu I hereby call Holmes' residene, 0 Goderich sumer by catalogue and peronal service upon eAl voters *o examine tiie aWd Fwt and '0 Street West; Holmes' <> direct to the home. Thousands of people if any errors or omissions are found therein <> residence, XO Srest 0 buy Paragon to take -immediate proceedifttga to have same I:> sh thou" ds corrected according to law Flowers furnnis d on short 0 more. that they way become acquain`Zmd PARAGON KNrITING & TEXTILE MMLS Dated at Tuckersmith this Ilth day im <> notice- All ]a of up- -0 with Paraffou Products for value and e". The" Is a Paragon Product for CONTEST DEPT., 71 QUEEN W., TORONTO. ONr. August, 1926. <> holstering nes. 4ne. 0 014ry member of the family. D. F. McGREGOR, Phones 11 .254 J. .0 Clerk. <> <> FEM-AIX AGENTS WANTED Part or full time, appointing sub -&cent@ PUBLIC NOTICE <> <> <> <> <> 0 <> <> Steady income assured. Write immediately THE SANTILLA Co, Take notice that I have a portable electric Dept. 33. P. 0. B. im. M..tr.&L welder and can do,.-VJ9ft)rlc welding right an the Job anywhere, an shbrt aftice. and at a W. T. BOX & CO. School of Commerce 2_ T sav, or 25 per to 75 per cent. Cracks in boilers welded; heads on stay bolts and runerat Lluecl;or ana Licensed Embilmer. %? 0 - thin Plates built up; gasoline and hay loader IL C. BOX claims against Leonard Albert SmilIle. Harmer, A BARGAIN crank shafts welded; car frames welded; all kinds of malleable li-on work- cast iron and steel teeth welded in tears; worn line shafts Rest Motor and Norse -drawn equipmea 40 FOR SALE. -Five acres, one Mile and piston to& built up and machined off like new. Al.] kinds of patterns made. gas 401 Char t48. gm M46M I '4h 0 from Seaforth; modern house with furnace, bath and toilet, barn; engine cyHndtrsUxz*d out and fitted willi as. Pistons anil 44ngs like new and everything 0 <> FloWen ftiruisb84 ghort notice. * * small good orchard. Taxes, $15. Spkm&d m the machine shop line done hem. Satia- faction guaranteed. For further particulara. o Nights Calls Day Calls 0 6ance to Start chicken f"n, bees, c,ll TFIGMAS SANDY, telephone 10, Gods- "4:� "', Pholile 176. phone 4L 0 etc- Apply to rich, Oat StO69XIS O�t <> PL & RAYS, having regard only to the cia 0 * 0 * 0 0 le., 0 he then shall have had notice, Searorth, "ORIL 29mtf NOTICE TO CREDITORS <> <> <> <> of August, 19M. R. S. HAYS. 0 0 0 0 <> * 0 0 0 0 0 .0 Solicitor for Administrator. 0 NOTICE 6 hereby given under the Statutes W. J. CLEARY in that beWf. that all Persons having any claims against Leonard Albert SmilIle. Harmer, late of the Township of Tu.kervarith. who Ucensed Embalmer and <> died on the 6th of July. 1926, are required Co Funeral Direct6r. to send to the undersizmed, Solicitor for the Administrator of the will of said deceased. 0 Up-to-date Horse and Motor fall particuism, in writing and verified by o Equipment. affadavit of their allaims nd the nature of the securities. if any. held by thQm. on or Night and Day Service. before the 25th of August 1926, at -ter which date the said Adminisitrator will Proc to Phone 19-22, Dublin. distribute the assets of the aid d.= ed. <> having regard only to the cia <> * 0 0 0 0 0 0 <> <> -0 he then shall have had notice, DATED at Senforth, Ontario. this 3rd day of August, 19M. R. S. HAYS. 0 0 0 0 <> * 0 0 0 0 0 .0 Solicitor for Administrator. 0 0 1> 0 W. J. Walker & Son <1' 0 CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST 0 W. J. Walker, Funeral Di- 0 POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST 0 rector and Emballnew. 0 0 <>; Voters' List., 1926,.Municipnlity of Seaf-th. 0 Motor or Horse Equipment. 0 � County of lHuron - ___ 0 Can 07 Flowern furniallod 0 1 Wotice is hereby gi�en that I h -P com- Co as lreqt3emtedL 0 plied with Section 9 of The Vot�m' List Aet o Day Night, Phone 67. Z and that I have posted up -t my office at or Sonforth on the 8rd day of August. 1926. the 0 li&t of all Per"ns entLtlwt to vote in the said <> <> <> <> 0 <> 400 <> 0 MuniciPalft for Members of PRrliament and at Muqvicipal Elections. and bhat such list remaTis there for Inspection. rHE McKILLOP MUTUA.L An I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate Proceedings to have any erra. or JAMES WATSON .omissions corrected according t* law, tile last day for aPV-eal being the 24th day of August, SEAFORTIT, ONT. FIRE INSURANCE CO`Y. 1926. Dated tKis 4th day of AZW, 1926. JOHN A. WI GENERAL INS17RANCE AGENT EIRAD OFFICE-SEAFORTM ONT. Clerk of Seaf.rth. representing only the best Can - 3060 -9 adian , British and American OFFICERS: Companies. J. Connolly, Goderich Pregident All kinds of insilrance effected U -A A at the lowest rates, Incluffing-- FIRF, LIFF_ ACCIDENT, AUTO- MOBILE, TORNADO AND PLATB GLASS RISKS. -A h; o - REAL ESTATE and LOAN AGIOff Representing "Huron and Me" Mortgage Corporaticn, of London, Ontario. P'�mp' att� n paid to placing 0 Asks and djLting of claim& Busiziesa established 60 years, guarantMlog good servlee. OPPICE PigoNg so X11SIDENCE PHW, Jas. rNans fluee wo , ce-vx�, ent D. F. MciFregor, Seaforth, See-Treas. AGENTS: A.lex. Leitch, R. R, No. 1, Clinton; W. E. Hinchley, Seaforth; John Mur- ray, Eg7mondvile; J. W. Yeo, Gode- rich; R. G. �,armutli, Brodbagen- D RECTORS: William Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; John Bennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. McEwen, Clin. ton; James Connolly, Goderich; Alex Broadfoot, No. 8, Seaforth; J. G. Griev-e, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferrii, aarlock; George McCartney, No. 8, 3eaforth; Murray Gibson, Bracefield. OUR FUTURE FARMERS' FMTILIZRR Having ta'ken over the agency of Next year and all the years that are to come. - What will the late James Cowan -'or the porna. they mean to you ? The answer depends upon the prepar- ets! Peftilizer Co., Winchtam, 1-wiD &tilon you have mada and will make for it. The completion be pleased to All all orders of llo*�h old of one of our courses wiH assure you of SurcF.ss. and new customers, and give lk* Ina formation vrithin my knowledo. Al. go Agricultural Lime. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEG"rE, STRATFORD ANDREW AWMALD, R.F.tumsden, B.A., PriDcipal 80*262. ftfts W. Amalgamateld with McLachlan Business College I I �% W - - - ", , . , - � � - - -, ., �'& �1 � � �, I M g X ", - 41. I IN CLINTON, ONT. RE40PENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 192.6 Why Not Attend the SCHOOL that Has the Highly qualified staff? The only School that Teaches real PRACTICAL RUSIXESS-TVa-Mi- ING FROM START TO FINISH Where you are taught SPECIALIZED expert training in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION and SECRETARIAL SCIENCE, and are sure of a good position, rapid Promotion and big income. COURSES: --Commercial, Stenographic, Secretarial, General Ofike, Civil Service, Com. Teacher's Course and special Work - For full information write- to B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Acets., Principal. Phone 198. Ylid-Summer SPECIALS YOU, TOO, SHOULD BENEFIT BY PURCHASING YOUR REQUIRKIVIF-NTS IN SUMMER FOOTWEAR AT THESE VERY SPECIAL PRICES. Udies' White Canvas Strap Slippers and Oxfords at ................ .................. ......... 98C Ladies' White ('anvas Strap Slippers, value to $3.75 �t . .......... * , , * ........ .$1.95 Mens Oxfords, newe�t styles, superior quality. Regular $6.5() to $7.00 .......................... $5.48 M( -n'.- Oxfords, ri-grular $5.00; exreptional value Ht. .................. .................. ....... $3.95 ALL RUNNING SHOES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES J. H. Smith & Son THF SMALL STORE WITR THE BIG VALUES 35 M&N'S AND TOJTNG MFN'S LIGHT COLOR SINGLE AND DOUBLEBREASTED SUMMER Suits on Sale this week 1-4 off, 25 per cent, less than regular prices. $20.00 Suits for. .. . ... . .. . .. .. ..$15.0,0 $25.00 Suits for ...................... $18.75 $30.00 Suits. $22.50 $3i.00 Suits for ................................ $26.25 Get one this week wbile the assortmeDt is good and your size is here. P. J. KELLY, STRATFORD Sole Agent for 20th Century and Fashion Craft Clothes. One way fnre paid from Mite -hell Dublin and Seafotth, either by,,,. railroad Or car, an purc�ases of $20.00 or over.