The Huron Expositor, 1926-08-13, Page 3K2 - 11" - ps A .0 J 'a � qO 5- � � 40 q gg gg, AN t�111�1�' '9, _4 VW .... ..... . .. "S 7 _ ; 'Al gr 55;, Ulm a A' the ar. 1"m ore� 4W'I I WIP, Tou"Or ;A Y� "'Ono a �.e 04 son, � 4 0, QL ol_ -o 11116 'd death Yap, -P lines. 'A ""A VbT Quqvp "o 4"'h 0., et oft, n 0 A xr;yrRearo to 4 We the fa er ;3t%v,% P4' Wert,, ;,U, i rxe i 'a. D ottl p of Rheiumn today And. th rew Asion w 4 0( .0 d' the JQ4 er g`e, fe co 111", t his family at A,'�,40 !* it ,,w,ira t y 414 t�4aY a satisfi6d smile on your face to, brought. Re mO fli 'his family at a UP 040l _PM Qyptex, Bay e news of the, re came A mos reports 'y 'k y a, "'$'park" for heri an It,$ a remedy that is astonishing death b t OggUd to, �bqi*l Manydl�e,�. tuorrow., 14-1 t$:ihnid e 04 onde p paiati A� b,". no., air,4, replied the'offenaer, Gould will %4d the whole country, and It's jus the despateh f 'l.th pa.rti t AS that aftqr w, HU -1 r on or. _�jy�', ass cular delight, It -good for gout, sciatica and lumbago It ure -yon that you're tljblll� publibitA` of 011y rather ckos�evelt we 4 ��,W' 111 oke the -Afterwards the .than as for -rheumatism. news. to hisi Yft' y hav',eroomi to display the'N� Vice that maddened Manville se, 'or, ��'Mistdkenl'l echoed thd injure, one W. it drives the poisonous waste from came uti of I '.40'�`!*ouse his 'arm o d - but he derived some' dOmPeuslUtion the joints and muscles; --that's the d her N "'Mlstak6n! I tell you, siri that y4ol �#f-4 t-i.ther they of -the summer goods m6 d mow whPA..;my.ow ;.injuredl" hi a S success, I 'from the knowledge that the last Nine secret of Rheum W11row"1Z down. thg ii eye if 0h which led to is name wu spread- roadcast, it Butwe doift'ask yoq to take our the woods. Thi rgain,g come in.now, eve 11Doubt10s':you-`doX, Vai_� the genial Was in away some ba" a 'big sense than word for it; go, to'C. Aberhart, oi any hours. When W ipl-'; i�iorkq, Apreditk ;answir- -Abutyyou�.dofilt kn6w my um pri qpturned Roosevelt yester�_ his &-aug4hter-,% L6riWI h u ed prices, ,e,.,.w q was told ',how good druggist and get' a' bottle 'of i0imediately prie'#`..­­4- to go to some _bi!ella, 4'borrowed this �0�1!e ne).wit out,par- Rheuma today; if -it d-beent do as we important Rep 1# at the new red c aiay." gathering for ental hbIp-brJp)ftgZc�, 'bad made a promise Ve ' t your. money back It which he had aO(j ,�`pn appoin m I ' =1 t ent. N'D' n 45,.'stage. � A -the -for you. Not even his eva; , I A'a forhierielf,�`* " th g' will be re'wattling Imin� bereave-' RU OWN, IN HE-AtTH . 1 1 ;r. L .A J., "M Of ling Ott 4 orra ne a e won a place As a inent could j'iiai`,e'1,,,.�h1M neglect a -War $25.00 -Bros.AWay star. Then she bec�mqr�,the k.,- Regular $1.50 to $3.00 Reg Are duty, and Mr.'A re Why Many Men and W6nfen wife'of a -nice young act or 4,�kfk relates that Badly Handicapped. nained4ay A, New York 1�w er, gazing idly when he erkt, d' 07hall, the crowd, Gould, and the , father . g6v6,., them, to out of Ins window I , y saw. the pretty aware of his soj.�r , Q'I , greet Men's Fine Men s Summer ,understand that -after he died ihey 7, rose to �"be­ao­-Worie­ off Ahaii stenographer across the street sitting him in silence. La*r he went on a twRXJ*yW .,*th� ij�at' mornen�. 'Mrs. Gould now' irr_ �y mpaig ,lfor the i6t It i your at in 'her einployer's lap. The law er vlgorous ca Liberty l V�Ork as weill as,your,powerto enjoy herits some,eight million odd, and a noticed the lettered name on the win- Loan, anti seiem6&,, i, the fighter of r leisure hours,. or'obtain rest, it like'amount goes t dow, and then searched in the tel,3_ earlier years., Amos was a - On, o her brother. Shirts suits itime you looked -to the cause, If Twenty years ago Manville went phone book. Still keeping his eye up- ware that somethin oug' him. had gone out of --�6u do not, a sciri"i n the scene across Only pnee breakd6wh is aln to New York from Wisconsin, where the street he _'0i, nearly broke down and that wai�.*herk he passed a miost sure to result. 'In neafly all he had built up a tremendous' busi- called the gentleman up. In a 'fe tv group of weeping . .g - FOR FOR moments he saw him start violently, 91d -star mothers. kcases . this condition, which doctors ness, the Johns Manville Company. and take down the' receiver. "Yes", He stopped, and ;v � iisually describe as' general *bilkity, This came to be known as the asbes- his face work- -3s due to poor blood—blbod that is tos trust, and as a' result of long said the lawyer thrckbgb�' the phone, ing and speaking -*4 di culty, he 4efieient in red corpuscles. Whenthe advertising campaigns the name be- "I -should think you would start." urged them to t of nothing but �$139 170:95 Iblood is thin and weak your whole The victim whisked his arm from eventual victory. system suffers, You lose a e came almost q household word. In - ts former position and began to stam- The day the w'ar..ended Roosevelt PIP tite, 1909 news got into the papera that tner something. went to a hospital as the result of lhave no energy, your nerves trouble his son, Thomas F., Jr., had 'disap- an attack of inflammatory rheuma- :you and you feel restless. peared, and when the boy was found "Yes," continued the lawyer severe- tism. Amos had thgn� lieft his employ Regular $18.00 to $22.50 What you need is help to build UP he said that he was on his way to ly, "I think you'd better take that AR arm away. And while yo Ire about and was working,16i the Burns De - :your blood and you should begin al see his mother who was living in it, as long as there seem tcube plenty tectivia Agency, but �one day early in Silk Crepe enc;e to make your blood rich and. red Tdaho. This was the first intimation chairs in the room—" January he was summoned by Mrs. Men's lby taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pillis. 'hat the Manvilles were not living to- of Roosevelt who said that her husband YOU Will soon notice the diff The victim brushed the ladly from erence in gethet. Later in the year it was an- his lap rather roughqy. wanted him with hhi� again. He went Tour health by a better appetite and nounced' that Mrs. Manville had been -increased vigor. The reason is that granted a divorce, She returned to "Wilto—who the devil is this any- at once and resum�4 his old duties Dresses Fine Straw Hats the new blood created by Dr. Will- New York and continued to way?" he managed to splutter as valet. He balthed the patient and livelin put him to bed. T& following day liams' Pink Pills stimulates all the luxury. Her daughter remained with "Ul answered the lawyer, in deep, FOR ,orgaw of the body to healthy activity tones, "am your con- was Sunday and Amos, who had the FOR her while the son with the 'e- nig%t watches, slept. :and so the system tgains nourishment father. Two years later when the lad 8 lence!" and then he hung up. He thinks that ztrind strength. -If you are weak or out was seventeen he formed art attach- the dying man may.have dictated a eDf sorts, begin gaining new strength ment for Miss Florence Huber, then letter or two, but did nothing else. 41� A � U. " 117.- 114 , ": 11- On Sunday evenini?'Roosevelt said: 1-0,40 Half Price o ay ,y a ng r. ams n performing ifi e "FolDibs of 1911.11 "James, don't -you think I might go Tills. "I was in a badly run down She was said to be twentv years old. U1 to bed now?" this -being his usual condition," says Mrs. J. Potter_ of They'were married by a , New York Piles Go 0 , 'ck way of asking for a thing. So he was Winnifred, Alta., "when I betan magistrate. The next day they went undressed, and lifto out of his chair -using Williams' Pink Pills and they to Mar Ia A 1, �1, ReLrular S5.00 to S8.00 , . w ere . ey were refus- Piles are caused by congestion of and laid in the bed. About eleven Regular 75c fully restored my health. I strongly -d a license for another marriage- blood in the lower bowel. Only an o'clock Mrs. Roosevelt kisjsed him -3recommend this medicine to all weak Then they went to New Jersey and internal remedy can remove the good -night and retired and shortly people." 9 were married agairL cause. That's why salves and cut- afterward Roosevelt said: "James, Women's Voile Dr. Williams, Pink Pills are sold bv The father naturally opposed the ting fail. Dr. Leonhardt's H*m-Roid, will you please put out the light?" Art Silk -mll medicine dealers or by mail at 50 marriage and hurried back from a harmless tablets, succeeds, because These were his last words. He sank ,zents a box from The Dr. Williams' Europe- to sinew his strong dis- it relieves this congestions and into a sleep, but about three o'clock Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. pleasure. He bad hustled abroad as Dresses Warrn-.a's Hos?. the strengthens the affected parts. Hem- the valet was wakened by his uneasy result of a practical joke', also Roid has given quick, safe and last- brtathing. He seemed to cease breath - connected with his son's conduct. irig' relief to thousands of pil,� ing. Then he began again, and then FOR FOR The man from New Jersey was tell- Somebody told him that the boy Sufferer'. It willk do the same for he stopped for ever. By the time ing the Utah man that the mosqui- was about to marry a show girl in back. C. Aberhart and Mrs. Roosevelt and the nurse could be 'toes in Utah were as nothing compar- London and he took you or money passage imme- druggists everywhere sell Hem-Roid summoned he was quite dead. -ed with the ones back east. In the diately. When he reached mid- with this guarantee. Mr. Amos retains " a prized $3,75 49c kkend he had made a bet that he could ocean he learned througih wireless souvenir a revolver Mrs. Rooseve!t -take off his shirt and let the Utah that the marriage- had allready gave him soon afterward. It war I pests bite him for ten minutes with- taken place. It was, therefore, a workmanlike weapon which thp .out even taking a slap at them. sore parents who arrived back in New ROOSEVELT A HERO TO HIS OLD President of the United Stateg al- Regular $7.50 to $10.00 Special At the end of nine minutes the York to put the financial clamps up- ways kept under his pilliDw. Most of 'Utah man saw a good chance to lose on the newly-weds. For awhile, Mrs. VALET the time when he was In the White the bet, for, although the New Jersey Manville helped them out, but Mrs. Tames Amos, for years a Body serv- House he went armed. He was not! wrian 'was covered with mosquitoes be Manville, Jr., was soon obliged to go ant to Theodore Roosevelt, ha -s been afraid of assassination, but looked, New Style Broadcloth 1hadn't even quivered. Something back to work, and she became a singer contributing some intimate recolliec- forward with certainty to the time inust be done., Picking up a burning in the music department of a store. tions of him to Collier's, which the somebody would make an attempt on :gglass the Utah man threw its says on Afterwards Young Manville patched movie -mad editor of that magazine his life. "If anyoric wants to get nip Boy'sSuits Dresses the New Jersey man's back. Th�, up a peace vn'tlh his father and got a has been dishing up under the head- he will do it," aid Roosevelt on from the east gave a yell and job in one of his factories at $20 a ing of "The Beloved Boss." Mr. rrore than one ocrasion. Yet he was *Smacked his back with his -band. week. Mrs. Manville kept on work- Amos was alone witN the former determined to rniik,. a fight for it it' FOR FOR ,,,"There's one from home," be yell- ing and later deposed 4hat whenever Rough Rider when he died, and he he had half a sh,­-. After leaving as he paid the bet. her hush a ... I would get a little moneY reports that published accounts of the White Housi. 1). did not carry a he would disappear, and from stories Roosevelt's end are inaccurate. Also weapon and was �;narmed when the that he was unfaithful. $5,95 $2v50 she heard she camp to the conclusion mistaken is the idea that death came attack was madi, ij him at M;I- She said she suddenly and unexpectedly after he w-aukee. Speaking ,f shooting, Mr. Is Your Child had not married him for his money, had rallied from an illness and seem- Amos relates a hitherto unpublished but for I - ve, and that she had refus- d to be on the road to health again. incident concernlo�� the Republican Thin and Weak? ed a large sum of money to surren- convention of 1912. Victor Rosewater der her husband to his father. In 7 was acting as rha:!man and he had Regular 75c to 85c RWular 75 to 85c ,ECod Liver Extract In Sugar Coated 1999, Mrs. Manville secured her di-� consistently rulv�d ;ivainst Roosevelt's Tablets Puts On Flesh and Builds vorce. delegates and sup�­rters. He was in Them Up. A couple of years later, Miss Cyn -1 charge of the (­�, hii-ated steam r,]- Fancy Summer Children's C o t- thia Cambridge, also of the "Follies," ler. The night ),� f,ry he was to give announced that she was to become a ruling concvrniri�� a group of these In just a few days—quicker tnan the bride of Thomas F, Manville, Jr. delegates, which it had been arrang- tonadeffloomers 5roq,-bver dreamt of—these wonderful Thomas vigorously nied that there ed he would f�i%o� ;i�,rainst Roosevelt Men's Hose ]health building, flesh creating tablets was an engagement Another year andOveralls, age ual, Senkiw- fi,,,,;e Penrose said. McCoy's Cod Liver Extract. "Tablets will start make that rulinv - morrow you had 7 years,for got into the news columns when the iR us 3 to ,called to help any thin, elapsed and again thb Manvilde name jocularly: "Vi(t­-, as soon as you FOR vanderweight little tone. young man, who had by this time be- better take a -1-1 '119 jump off tho After sickness and where rickets come an officer in a bank, announced plAtform Wor,, w, -one can tak, , 3are suspected they are especially val- that he was tired of notoriety, and to shot at you." 49c )uable. prove it took as his wife, M Lois Why shouldn't 29c Most opecriple know that from the Mr. Rosewator. 1� 14 much unsettled givers of the lowly codfish vitamines Arline McCoin, a twenty%r-old they buy firom by the joke, hu, %,1, learned that —the stenographer. In the meantime things he wa- in gr:i\, danger of being ,of the first class are extracted bad not been going well with Mrs. kind that help all feeble underweight Manville, Sr. In 1917 she became a you? hot. It nPit-it, it one of Roose-', Regular 75c to $1.00 velt's old Rfli]JL�11 Piders had turnp,i� �men, women and children. bankrupt. with liabilities of some i� in chicag'', * All Try these wonderful tablets for 30 1 12 T) I ''d linarned hn-,,.- ,days and if your frail, puny child don't $12,000 and no assets. She wask re- Make " up your mind things. were vm,�, He saw thati iFancy 1greatly benefit-�et your money back. established without publicity and it to secure the trade Roosevelt had r - 1 chance in the i Men's Fine A very -sickly child, Age 9, gained wa-1 hinted that her husband had of the Summer cot- convention. S,� k� ­ok a few drinks I 12 pounds in 7 months. unbelted. The rumor arose that the tages near town— this and oiled up hi, -volver. Then he� Is Cod Manvilles were about to marry c-PlIed on his nId 'I Ask any druggist for McCoy mander and told i to again, some color being given to yeax. Think of all the "'' I Voile Uver Extract Tablets—as easy the report by the friendly relations - hih frankly that h,, intended to he Suirts Itake as candy and 60 tablets, 60 cents. which Lorraine maintained with things they will be buy pmqent the Ti(,,(t Iq ' v and fill Rose - both her parents. She continued tol ing! Why shouldn't they water full of -hen the obnox-i, FOR - live with her mother until her own buY them from YOU? In iouq ruling ww� ma -,Io. He then pur- FOR ,MV,kiVILLE MILLIONS GO TO powd to take , ,. upie of shots at marriage but saw her father fre- the city they are used to Flibu Root. Col. R,­evellt was great - CHILDREN quently. When Manville's will was ordering goods by tele- lY alar -led, ard hqfl Amos follow the 59c 20 per cent. off Pr&bated it contained no mention of phone. Call them, even man when he Ir -f- his hotel. Amos Thomas Franklyn Manville, the so- his former wife, but left his estate called on a crkuDl� -f detectire,, wh.1 ,called "Asbestos King," who died the to his two ehildven. using Long Distance instead of trvit,,.r In lock the West- ather day had a hatred of publicitY JaY Gould, tbe busbaud of Lor- where necessary and tell Crier up, which w-ild probably h,,�,, Regular 25c Special that is not common amonkg million- raime air,". Yet he got quite a lot of it, Manville, was chrifsterwrl Clare, them what you can do led to prematurr hloodsbed, conceiv- ed the idea (,,T Z(-tti; ;Byrd of the sort he least relisiied. Me but he disliked the name and pre- for them. Remind them W him so druTik fer-red Jay *kh -his -boy friends that for week -end par- - that Ile wou'ld he �'­Pacitated on the 32 in. wide Boys' Cotton ivorced by his wife; Its son ' was d7 morrow. Thi'; P11-1 Succeeded, and made a foolish marYlage when b17 wished upon him. He was a stage ties you can give them the nervous Mr. R ... )qewater made his &truck lad, and when a Preshman at prompt delivery. ruling and escaped wit(h blr, life, the Uhfyemity of Michigan, fell in .1 love wii& Flo Lewis, a vabd6ville When t1tey see how easy Gingham Stockings sivger and dancer. He followed her it is to order f r m you about anil kwld cigapottog hi the 'o tkentres wheve she played In order by telephone they will A strapping wowrin boarded a FOR FOR 4;Pee0y., to be fie -&r bw. Evdiltually she be- likely prove good CUS- ley Car in Donvor. (:olo., settle trnl- I d into A Milh FOR Half PrIc RegWar $2.50 W 45.00. Last Season's FeltHats FOR $225 Regular 75c Men's Balbriggan Underwear FOR N Regular $9.50 to $12.00 Women's Voile Dresses FOR $6,95 Regular $1.25 to $2.50 Child's Gingham Dresses 2 to 14 years for 79c All Boy's Regular Suits FOR 20 per cent. off Special Fancy Silk Crep, e FOR KelleT eatne hi -,4 wife, and her ithotber and tomer8 all Summer. R SiMt, anil pAi(I rier fate. The car gilikapfatber, vrho were also troupers, bad not trAvellod mnre than five blkocli�iq when she rrise an I rang up a s h hied t6 give him an education as a CA 19C 25c $2.98 I " 0,Vr" TO COU014111 cot.09 AND 11111PRI114. vaudeville 'perforiner. He could not fare. WbPre-upon. thP conductor strode. C041'ris W"KN Irp..ran -Is" V".,*,r L up to, her. W".0meul-Ly w1roirrivr, ,40081tVIOLD sing and he dould not &Ikae, and his wite usa to fiach him gilepa h hotel "Madam," he derkra�d, "do you know 1"'OSO4 S corrWors. L?"figemwts w0re hard to that I must turn in every fare rang got but t1he couple used to eke but up upon that rk�gisterl'l lap fheir scenty MMMa Ur going to tbomras where tWey -ftre having "Certainlyl" the WOmwn STEWART BA eadort towo *ottesAs, aud as she was a tbrowing open he.r coat and showing �et the new Inspector.1p dlever dancer and as her busbandIg .................. Zlh ability improved they were We to 7774777. �g �,k "A_ A211 'm,,kt, �,u