HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-07-30, Page 6ID
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"k, AIA,.kA - Flr,, t,%V '041*4M YATry4,,V .9 %A -VAI �.# it b. , V", % , "Ill �1�11t,�;,,�.1-1 `�, 1_,`
it, is weA 4:,
oulty, 9T ft. atte t W
WON" A*6 V, 'i,
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t , he
mm.0 boo to I
,"P mber ttkat to PlAly %three
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460�6kolon,, whiou azaoulit,4 14 -most A
In "n
k �;I, VIA
gg 911�1
ii. This is of the year Us' the gal a
V41L MO Anch0li Why." Vertrudo Ivy,
noes and,'
gh�04t of A ChitliQ6` Of sUM66, Xlid;�
% an
then upon only a Ps 'A *`-:0-004
10-16 fj� , Ederle, the Americ g
ir" Who W1
b�ut twelve 4UP:, 41 trai&i.:,
10.80 0�1' rooks the attempt shortly., wx f whom $he 00w, opp,04 0 �.-Arr"�V 40 Ot. "44104 in
.......... i1iJuly, August and S%ptomber. This 1
- 40� U-' "'J
. ........... 1010,5 648 a band along with her so that she coo
he V4"!�_ftftect. WOUT t bis r o P :r9T OOAV�a� 11hOTt.."i tit
is because of the temperatuxe of t ip W
......... 1.0.44 6.82 hbar music and laughter when the
-68 .46 dark hour comes. The year's biggest water and the movements of the that G ude as fore efii' 4010.4 1 'Ay 0111
...... world to oro ko'pt! I'D --11101=11 In' Jajo
tides. In August 64 degr ay b oh,# Ce Oro
Arl, sport melodrama attracts little atte-a-
oe's in
....... idered good ing,
expected and this is cons t f or twenty year4_, having,�Peop
LV . ...... U-16 4.09 tion. 'Sometimes the swimmer is of -
channel swimming weather. But it uuol t disposo of it I.Ator,
Jet . ....... 11#21 40 ter a purse offered by a newspaper, p
is often the fate of the swimmer tol through an honest gimbler And"OTf6j
arlou W85 7;U At other times he is merely
�'Abi & .... swim- HOUSE Qf the PIUJ�ort6ns, he ope-0ed -heffQ.�
............ 1.144, 741 'Ming for glory, imposing upon him- get into an icy cold current which' MOUS AUCTION
and makes tiationa. with the AgDeWs for Its re�,
chills him to the bone WORLD
......... 11-60 7.83 self a torture that is perhaps unap-
it physically impossible turn, and It was handed back to
for him to UR
12.08 7.46 proached in any other line o �,,R
In Jet., Ar., . f athletic
I it
remain in the water and retain con-, ;�,,�i*undred and sixty years them on payment of a rewaid- Ant,
sciousness It is nlain that a sue- since .ql 'retr d naval ofter opened A other romantic sale, was that Of
V4am Jet., Lv. 12.08 7.45 endeavor. Up to date, five men have
uggam .... 12.12
swum the channel -Webb, Burgess,
Toth, Sullivan and Tiraboschi. Two
cessful channel swimmer has to have
more than a slice of luck if he is to
shop ap 1i n Pall Mall, Lon-
ioneer i
don, hich was destined to
Mme. Murat, ex -Queen of Naples,
and widow of one of Napoleon's
......... 6.55
of them started from France, Toth
and Tiraboschi, and they made by
win through.
People who have not lived beside
beco'me.:ood of t he most famous in
the wprlo,� �nd the very art centre of
generals, wbo had been *urdered,
-he most
The saddest and perhaps t
Combinations at
wingbam Jet . ..... 7.01
veflo'mavet 7-15
far the best time, name134 sixteen
hours, the others reauired from
the sea can have no idea of the force
, ,
the uriiXorae, in a word Christie's.
historic of all the. sales at Chrlp
half price.
Men's Cotton Hoge at
Men's fine Sport Shirts, 6//9_C
to clear at *
............. 7.27
twenty-one to twenty-six hours. A
the tides. In the channel the flow
Some, of '4�he romantic history of that
according to a London correspondent of isunearnod-J'Acrement 7 Valuable
LoAdesborough 7.35
comparison of the records suggests
16 "a turally swift and fierce because
house,bii� Uen published recently.
of the Philadelphia Public Ledger,
dipcoveries: and. -reoV6ries have ajso
Clinton jet. I ...... 7.49
that France is the place to start from i
large bodies of water are compilled
Not a,grext deal is known about
was that of the property of the Duke
been made vv hich nisdent'of
re romi
Bring to the boil quarter
Clinton ........... 7.56
and at present among the experts an
to flow through a comparatively nar-
James vNistic, the founder of the
of Buckingham and Cna. ChandoNi.
the Arglifan Nighti., Our 9,
o; woman
ping, � 2 lbs, treacle iiniI I iv�vkij�,
launfou jet ........ 8-08
argument is going on to settle this
row space. The strength vanes ac-
to the time of the month,
auction, now in Bond Street,
The Duke had ruined himself by. his
from � Wojjhing, U ro�ght,.,O'pkture to
Four this into a -a which
BruceAeld ......... &1 6
apart1r6m. the fact that was a
extravagance, and all property
Christie's to find out.what�she sho�ld
cup of flour and i'teagi` ut I
00 u ground
Kippen ........... 8.22
It is only twenty-one miles from
and this, taken with the temperAure
close friend of another young Scotch-
had to go under the hammer, For
-charge for it, as-hei doctor, *aned
gingptare inixed," Stir-wi
Hensall ........... 9-82
Dover to Calais, and there are at
of the wa ter is what makes it pos-
man, also A naval officer who too
two weeks the beautiful treasure
to buy it. , t� was in bad condi tio n
I, pq
ce in small,spoon n s
Pla on gr
Exeter ...... ...... 8-41
least a thousand swimmers who
sible to attempt the swim on only
twelve days in the The
made. business success. This
4 "Olt
house, Stowe, was open to the public
and had a hole in it. Christie?s pat
ba, mg sheet,, . leaviiij, gpace�,'
could cover the distance. But the
about year.
Was John, Murray, publisher.
and revealed marvels, sculpture,'
it.up f�r and it � fetched
as mixture 6PAeads,
must cover be-
strongest tides are the Spring tides
The seVret of Christie's success as
painting and ceramic art. There
nearly $50,000. -It was a missing
moderate oxon for fiom five
channel swimmer
tween forty and fifty miles. There
and they move at a speed of five
n auctioneer was his tongue
were 60,000 ounces of gold and sil-
Gainsboropgh. But not only master-
minutes. When cooked, III! t�tcar y
are hundreds capable of this effort.
miles an hour between Dover and
Chri,tj,,,s oratorical style suited the
ver plate and on a table twenty
pieces are sent to Christie's. ome
with a knife and la -y Jumbles on
The real test comes in the last two
Calais. This does not seem very
- his ros-
time he 'lived in. Mounting
yards long and a dozen sideboards
of the "eligibIe properties" offered
n pi r b'
i g n 0 ottle to curl, cool: a4fl
or three miles, and the men who
sw-1ft, but the power may be judged
trum he would say: "Let me en-
'were heaped masses of some of the
at different times incluie "a cat with
Goderich .......... 6.00
Holmeaville 6.17
have succeeded were men who were
from the fact that the Dover -Calais
treat -ladies -- gentleman - permit
most valuable china in the W0111d-
eight legs, two tails, dogIs head and
Cherry Rice Cakes.
Clinton ............ 6.25
strong enough to swim the last two
steamer$ with their twenty-five
knots and 10,000 horsepower in their
me 'to pu� this inestimable piece of
elegance under your protection-
The most interesting heirloom to be
disposed of was a lock of hair from
cat% smellers, which lived fifteen
Minutes!'; "a cigar half amoked by
Cream one-quarter cup of butter
Seaforth .......... 6.41
St. Columban 6.49
or three miles before the tide swept
them away from their goal. To be
turbines, find Dover Harbor very
only observe. . . . The inexhaustible
the head of Mary Brandon, the con-
Xing Edward VII"; "a picture'of -the
with one-third cup of fruit sugar and
Dublin 6.54
strong enough for a desperate ef-
difficult to make when the Spring
munificence of your superlative can-
necting link between the House of
' Battle of Waterloo with Nelson (1)
add one well beaten egg- Stir in,one-
fort of perhaps two hour's duration
tides are running. The only way
did generosity must harmonize with
Chandos and the Royal family. He
in cominiind"l- "a trained ora-ng-
qu arter' pound, ground rice and tvielvAm
after having been in the chiffing
they can enter is by the
the refulgent brilliancy of this little
body had to be disinterred to obtain
utala," and 6ny other strange
preserved cherries, put in quarters.:
a.m. p_nL
Dublin 10.87 5.38
waters of the English channel for
entrance at full speed, depending on
this relic, which the Duke never
things. As ou�ous as these , objects,
Bake for one-quarter hour in greasid
St. Columbau. 10.42 5."
eighteen hours is what makes a
a quick full speed astern, or a
, circus" around the harbor to check
But it war a time when good
would have parted with had 'he -not
are the variations of the,' Christie's And. floured patty tim Verylight."d
Seaforth ..... 10.53 6.53
champion of the channel. That is
their weight, What a tide of this
mouth filling phrases, from com-
been down to his last pound, and
own name. They have -been addressed-
Clinton ...... 11.10 6.08
why only five men out of all who
kind means to a swimmer may be,
pliments to objurgations, were popu-
still head over ears in debt. In 1898
three days, Chinese!
as Christus, Chri-stius, Clirlsty, Munc-
Rohnesville 11.20 7.03
Goderich 11.40 7.20
have made the attempt have t1ri-
umphed. Jabez Wolffe. as strong a
estimated by calculating a man's
and Mr. Christie's style was con-
sidered r4ther chaste. Frorri the first
a sales of china,
porcelain, jade and ivory, followed 'by
ken, Chrlysties and Mission,
Works." All the letters, bowever,
Three ezg whites, 1 cup granulateil
swimmer as ever lived. has made
energy as one eighth of one horse
he sought the custom of the aristo-
one of pictures and a fibrary, was
arrived and are in the firm's museum
sugar, I heaping teaspootiftl corn -
twenty-one efforts to cross, but has
power, and the speed of a channel
cracy and himself moved in the
held for a mysterious gentleman de-
of jokes. But what the firm is most
starch mixed 'with 2 cups "a hto4dsa
failed. Once in 1911, he was within
swimmer, about a mile and a quarter
an hour. On a Spring tide, the
world of fashion. He was the sub-
I by Gainsborough,
scribed as giving up his residence in
to travel He
proud of is a letter from somewhere
coc oanut, I teaspoonful �auilla`.
Method -Beat the egg-wh1t,6q"ifA
Goderich .......... 510
Menset &55
tbree-hundred yards of the Frenc-i
coast when he found that he WP s
strongest swimmer in the wor!d
ject of a painting
who like Reynolds and Garrick, was
order abroad. was said,
to be a highly respected and wealthy
in the world addressed simply to
"Christie's." That, too',' -arrived.
stiff, add the sugar and , ..
Qok in doV.'
-4- %
MeGsaw ........... 6.04
loiing headway, and had to be
would be a mere bobbing cork.
one of"his intimates. He was a tall,
dignified Dighron's
citizen, with a great love of beauti-
ful things. He turned in fact, to
ble boiler until d, t�
it I crus " b 'dibr.
the mixture all the time iVU 5' '
Auburn ..... ..... &1
hauled into a boat. To get near
The weakest tides are the neap
man as cartoon
Then -add the other ingredients. MX
R130 ....... : ..... 6m
enough to the other shore to see the
tides which make a speed of about'shows
him, ruffled and laced, with
be a sort of Mr. Hyde, whose
well and drop in spoonfuls on a bue-
Walton ........... 6A0
people waiting to give the hero a
a raile and ii quarter an hour. The
I his spectacles pushed up on his fore-
yll" was an embezzling accountant
Following are a number of inter-
tered baking sheet and bake in a
MeNaught ......... &52
welcome and listen to their shouts'of
channel swimmer must, therefore,
head as he beld a jewel in his hand,
on a large scale. When matters be-
esting recipes for dainty eakes to
moderate oven until lightly 6rowned.
Toronto ........... 10J0
encouragement, is a heart -breaking
equal to the speed of the tide
and said "Wili� your ladyship do me
came too hot for Mr. Jekyll, of the
serve with fruit desserts:
but not infrequent experience of a
and cut across his direct course at
the honor to say .1M0,000 -a mere
city, Mr. Hyde, of Bayswater, decided
Navarre Cakes.
Cocoanut CA I kes.
swimmer who comes so near and yet
right angles. He does not forge
brilliant of the first water -an un-
to realize on his beloved art trea-
One.cup butter, 2 eggs, IY4 cup fruit
Toron% ........... ?AS
so far.
tl.rough this tide, but rides on it�
beard -of price for such a lot sure-
sures and "travelt abroad." Through-
sugar, 3 cups flour, -'A- teaspoon salt.
Beat to a cream one-iialf cup but-
MeNautht ........ IL48
The swimmer traces a course like
making for the other shore on a
1 9" S eb ere his powers that -no
out the sale he was a familiar and
Method -Squeeze the butter, sugar
ter and'l cup white sugar, add 11 ' egg
Wafts ........... 1U1
the letter N across the flood and the
slant, Even if he has made the
�d.ubt li,�,r ladyship obliged him. We
most genial visitor at Christie's.
and flour together with finger tips,
and a little milk. Flavor with.* one -
Blyth ............. U12
ebb before he reaches the critics'.
proper calculations about the main
do not know whether it ever crossed
Most famous art works have pass-
add well beaten eggs, and mik tltor-
half teaspoonful almond flavoring and
Aubwm ............ =A
spot which is called "the corner."
tides, he may be suddenly confronted
his mind,that more than a hundred
ed at some time or other through
oughly. Drop Mixture, in pieces the
beat well. them add 1% cilps flour
NeGaw ...........
While the tide is turning be must
with currents setting off from the
years later a picture by his friend
Christie's clearing house, many of
size of a walmut, on greased baking
sifted with 2 teaspoons baking pow-
manawk ...........
�-Pt himself in a favorable position
sandbanks with which the channel a-
jGainsboroagh might be sold by a
them more than once -sometimes a
sheet. Press on top of each half a
der and a pinch of salt, Add I cup
Goderhk ..........
for reaching the beach. If fails
bounds and whose force and direction
descendant of his own for an un-
century apart, The records of sales
walnut meat, and bake in a moderate
desiccated- cocoanut, stir mixtuke �P%
he cannot reach the beach for the
are incalculable. Many a swim ani
beard of surn and would become the
would reveal a remarkable romance
I oves.
a stiff 'batter, and bake in gem tins.
q Dry Goods
Starting Frida.-y, Ju1Y
Cotton Mercerized Broadcloth, Fine Bleached Sheeting,
36 inches wide; to clear, per yd . 29c, regular 98c, for per yard ...... 49c
Heavy Black Duchess Satin, All kinds of Curtain Materials at
wor..-h $2.25, for .... ...... $1.39 an extra bargain price.
Other Silks, worth up to $2, 98c ;(,A big assortment of Flannels and
for ... ......... ........... , rges, reg7ular up to $1.10;
Raw Silks, regular 98c, to clear at, per yard .... .... 35c
for .............. ........... 49c All -wool Sports Flannel, 58 inches
wide; worth $2.25 per yard,
EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN at per yard ................ $1.35
DRESS GOODS Pure Linen Tablecloth,
A big variety of the latest material bleached, per yard ...... $1.15
in Dress Goods, worth up to $2, Unbleached at
W clear at ................... 59c per yard .................... 98c
Voiles in different designs and qual- Fine Damask Tablecloth at
ities, worth up to $1.25; 1 to per yard .................... 85c
to clear 1, ab this sale from 15c 59c
Chintzes -of best quality; to
Worth's, Anderson's and Duro clear at per yard ............ 24c
Dress Ginghams in the latest pat-
terns at Cretonne at
per yard .......... 24c "' 27C per yard .................... 37c
Another lot of Ginghams, 32 Bath Towels, to clear at extra bar -
inches wide, at per yard ....... 17c gain price.
White Pkinnelette or Striped, 86 Best quality Satinette in Mauve,
inches wide; to clear at Pink, Blue and White at a real
per yard .................... 24C bargain price at per yard ..... 35c
Fine Bleached Cotton at Rayon Silk Dtessi Lengths to'clear
Vey yard ................ 15 '/2 C at two prices at $1.75 and $2.25
dress lelagth. .
The game, of a better quallty, Flannelett� Blankets to
pt, yard .................... 20c
clear at, per pair .......... $2.10
1�,nbletched Cotton at 12 V4 Tbex
................ $2.35
at.............. ........
'a heAv1W Extra heavy all-woA klankets in
dark colors; t6 clear at
T49- A
per blanket ...............
il: q , 't I'v
X g
Though our sales and the big savings that can be ob.
taingd. by buying at such sales as ours, are. already well
known to everybody in this district, and we do not really
need to say any more about them, yet we wish to add that
the bargains obtainable at this sale of ours will be posi-
tively by far the biggest that were ever offered yet.. We
would especially recommend to all our friends and patrons
to get their full share in the big piles of samples in all
kinds of Ladies' and Childiren's Underwear, Sweaters and
Hose, that we got in lately, from one of the biggest firms
in the Dominion. They were bought at.such a low price
that enables us to sell them at' from 30 per cent. to 40 per
cent. less on the dollar than.wholesale prices.
0 , 4
Men's Wear
Nicely tailored men's three-pi�ce
An extra big reduction on all kinds
Suits, made of the best material -it's
of Uen'�s- Sweater Coats and Pull -
a real good suit;
to clear at ................
Real nice Men's Summer Under -
Another line
$12.50 to $22,50
wear, separate, at
to clear at....
each ................ ........
Men's strong C"ottonade Pants, al-
Combinations at
so good heavy Overalls, in black, grey
and blue and white stripe,- The same,
per pair ...... ..............
Men's Silk Ties and Genuine Solid
.in smocks, worth $2.2,5; to
Leather Belts to clear at
clear at this sale at ........
Work Shirts of all kinds and makes,
each .............. ..
Other Ties of better quality at
to go at this sale
from, per shirt.... Suit, to $1 @05
half price.
Men's Cotton Hoge at
Men's fine Sport Shirts, 6//9_C
to clear at *
per pair
Of a heavier quality at 220
.... ........... 11. 4,
Extra Fine Men's Dress Shirts, In-
per pair ......................
Men's. real heavy Wool Sock, to
eluding Broadcloth and Silks, regu-
lar to $3.9a;
clear �t
- $1,6 9
3 pairs for ..............
to clear at ................
-A big -�ariety of,MeWs Ups, to
The best all -wool Cashmere Itose
nr 'Silk and Silk and Wool Sport Hose
clear to
from 45c to 79c
from ..........
per pair ............
Lawes w ear
''Childtoefi's We
A vaiiety of Ladies' Coats and OR Ladies' Underwear, including Night
kinds of Dresses, to cleax at an d��. Gowns, in different weights. and. ar.
traordinary bargain price. styles. These are all samples and
will sell, at a sensationally low price. Boys, Suits Z;ado.,of 'good strong Coutbibationg at
Porch and Street Gingham dri tweeds, some of them with two pair per palf: ._ ................... 06C
to clear at Also a big varieti- of Wles' of pants; to clear 'A lof of - Boys, Drawers to
a dress ...................... Hosiery as samples, Will, soff at loss gt this sald ftokn. . $4035 to $8A 4%1, 1 pair ............
thm half price.
Corsets in the beat makes of *e, Strong Boys' Pants at 89c, igel f*s"jitid Girls' Hose to clear at",
Dominion Lad' a' Silk Hose in all the ne"t and $1.10 per pair., this stile at
s at ast and Boys, Shirts
from ........... 98c to $2.2,91 hado- 1-e 4t 1 Be and Me
per pair ........... p pAif-4 ........... -77
I I at ......... .... ........... 406
Very Fine Brassiers io clear Pure Silk Throad.Hose, dt_
104C. � 2, ,, .4Ln extra bargain in Girl8P �Rayon,
at ............ .............. 20p; regular $1.60, for ...... ... 0 Boys' Caps from to, -silk Dross",
1 69 ,
each.... t clear at ........ ........
Other Brassiers A44 kinds of Ladiest qlov�ea it a 0
AR to
from ......... , ..... 7 special barga -p ee.
40C Boys" all -wool Son* Men's Umbrellas at
Wiwi, Coaonj ose at 4#1 ch ........ eaelf ............ .....
Princess slips and' per-Jimir ....... cut,
................ 0,#ton yerieyo_A�1' ata Lit&e UrAtallaa
6603 Lisle 11(�6' 44 kha each ..... . too
IRA. at. ......
An extrao4nary bargain In 9 pair boys, Undftis kepal%te,,
kin& of Silk Underwear and all kil & :ib �, I lf-bPefit#g �Hth. doabla 41"A
An 4:Rwk rd, go
X"Ary .1, 11 � . 'I, -
-t . . 1h
of gilk Scarfs. Don't mists' it. unis of Liles, 8*06, eac ........ Go, 9 .......
X l I'lu
1W I 1W