HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-07-30, Page 2W� Op, J Vor 0 War,41 bg d N 0" -i-, 1 .4171 VW -4417. q Q, t O� Arm h904; I 2 Eff%1" r h 'ierlyi have nkin NX0 shall drea�a'of ijM g % 0414040io; Tae wo rnee 'uvuLt'e�xv`tra quality steel in #y our, Captain ledl ele�ote�d s W4 Henry Alford. ,,M for a Bedford. PRAYER ous 'st, b f' �1­ W moth grija*ent. That I W, 400ed 'DER TWINE, Our Father we thank Thee for the '-V i times in our lives when we could not ie ave 4"�L I 'N' wqm� ropv pontl# A -6041L, WA *,-the has- pa­prantford Twine, 650 feet to the pound, our way through but were led.' Ito ic industry�, ana, 40v of. com. We have been guilty aining N gT its$ lvas�,Allqd with. -the flery� i 'a, in and of fearing and we seek T y par - real Of .1. U� e. made by the largpst binder twine AWE 105 don. - Grant to us more grace that Joan Of Are to serve what she m re-, z opp� 1- Wilie British Empire. hnu�Os arded As an ressed class at tha�t alai fear and distrust may be removed Vl period. pound .................. 45c from our souls. In Jesus' name, we S. Green, per pray. Amen. Woman uff-I was compara tively -ve�; AhZ t9p fourNenth par- ......... 40c 6 of Lead, per pound ......... '1*,kI v0do O'great point of tr o as _n4J. Taiip bl'o,", Aii ev- for sprayin , in bulk, gallon ......... $1.25 S. S. LESSON FOR AUG. lat, 1926 ljam�ent opened' arid there were s"' I P J 'q9AN"--,Tf ow.; ­C40105. n't 'ithokol, tone 0 9 eral--members w:h t , at all J MAX - 9.6 9 were 41) Sprayers ........................... $1.00 Lesson Tjtle�-The Deliverance at inqut, ore AdApted' to in Canada.,'? reconciled to Mat, let- alo�,e such a h"tho DIC time, A 41 -%v -wAdum. File$ ........................ $1.00 The Red Sea. political departure asa,�woman�o gm6s MAeph U; .P,, n ft , 1.41 Al In 11toleranep anO.modera 0 doubt., 1. 9111 ug is, De�leve Lesson Passage- -Exodus 13:17-22; sacred floor of the House. Her task 15ou t have gq? (I wX16 adhiri 't W3,1110 Hooks ... ............................ 15C 14:10-16. �4 �4z as A new member was complicated by 0 O.d aa- ri4di, les "All IN Golden Text, -Exodus 15:2. the necessity -for overcoming this oh - r Brackets and Hooks, per pair ........... 30c te jection, and at least one other very U� It was a most momentous night u c Or. e eivagrid a Stock of Ilay Loader and ay o opes when the children of Israel were r . , new group which was one A 30� roaching up - driven out of Egypt� but in to -day's I'M history of equally so in the -UM lesson is recorded the story of an- on the prerogatives Of the established other parties, the Liberal which fornfed the- overnment, the Conservative in op - A. Sills& Son S DER 9 that people. position. She was a bit open to sus - The children of Israel had so long picion on two"counts at -least. been in bondage that they were in no condition to meet and contend witli M40V CONTAINS She had the disa4vantage of too 146 STRAW HATS —A 114 much advertising. A little above full line at prices'from $1.75 such a people as the Philistines so medium height her abundant dark God, instead of illeading them the C�NAI��, to $3,75. ALUM ha I hair was brushed uncompromisingly shortest way to the promised land, SUMMER UNDERWFoAR,—Union Suits in short back from her forehead and knotted took them through the way of the at her neck. Glasses with heavy hor and long sleeves and legs at $1.25 and $1.75. wilderness of the Red Sea. rims concealed everything but- a look It was a strong band, about six No -button style at $1.25. Ala two-pieee,suito .�W�.GILLETT CO. LTD. 0 eter�mination in her dark eyes, 0 ROWS hundred thousand men, beside women TPRONTO. CAM. at 75' arliament's greatest n6irelty, a wo- c and $1.00 a garment.' and children. They were heavily laden, having received from the I man member, rather discouraged ov- BELTS,—A new line of belts 'in fan�y 4n& plain sft TinyWUtefto" ertures of friendliness by severity of Egyptians jewels of silver, niarki to,. $4.35.' will not soil your dress if you els of gold and raiment in rich abun- expression and attitude. -It was only TIMS, 'I the other day she confessed what few n new patterai and color combinations* clean them with dance. In spite of their being taken eringue way be made of the egg- people even suspected that "she wish- $I -Q0 4,nd .50, by a different way than they expect- a In ed she had kept a -diary of those first -'A ed they had visible signs of God's whites- NEW SHIRTS,- t. 5 months of agony, of loneliness shy - presence with them. "And the Lord MUGGff ' , - like INVISIBLE SUSPEND9RS—In two' and,four went before them by day in a pillar A DeHci0qs Summer Dessert. nesp and bitterness which w of a cloud, to lead them the way; and Fruit squftlie: Three-quartexs of a acid in her sotil." The chamber be- styles, at 50c. VVE= CLFANM t Pulp, sweetened to taste, came a chamber of horrors, large!y by night in a pillar of fire, to give CUP Of frui COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR N It does not rub off. them dight, to go by day and night. one-eighth teaspoon salt, three egg- because of the galleries, of which she Ew", He took not away the -pillar of the white& 'Presi the fruit pulp through was acutely conscious. She was a- SUMMER SUITINGS -fold into it the stiffly beat- ware that people were pointing her A substitute will disappoint you. cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire a sieve arid. 23 by night, from before the people.- en egg� . whites. Place in buttered, out as 4'some kind of queer new furn- sugared moWs,in a pan of water ani itum." God then made known to Moses how "It was fully three bake in a ifioderate oven until firm. years and a BRIGHT'S, S, eaforth Pharaoh would pursue after to again half beforel� I could Serve with custard sauce, for which relax, breathe enslave the people. His grief was Tailor and HaWdasher the yolks -of the eggs may be used. freely andbe myself," she said. DresSwell and Succeed dulled, his repentance was of short 'She addled this information: "I had duration and he soon began to think of the loss entailed through the de- Cherry Mock OHves. always been friendly and forid of parture of such an arm- of workers �Select large ripe cherries and pack people. But I'found the official at - W. and be is become my salvation." t.he ideal of peace. The peace con- better when� the woman member star�- ference in Publin was one reason for ed to speak. "You made changes in hf.- pilgrimage. that resolution," he ;Aid to her After - Soon before she sailed she had just wards, "I didn't agree with you last arrived at her officla in the parliament year, but I voted for it to -day." WORLD MISSIONS buildingcl after a week -end visit to "The same resolution and the same I . . her parenis. They had sold their speech," she laughingly replied. "But - During the Boxer uprising . in farm in tho constituency which she you are growing nicer every year." China, some missionaries were in im- Strangers at the opening of parlia- minent danger of their lives in a large city, and knew no way of es- ment this year were still looking for cape. But their- Master had known Miss Macphail as one of the "sights." long before. A native Christia She was wearing a green satin gown n YOUR OWN and string of pearls and her hair was came rushing into the compound and he ordered out all the chariots of with their stems on into sealers. To mosphere unbelievably oppressive. I beautifully marcelled, as it has been for the past three years. (She Egypt to go in hot pursuit. En- one quart jar add ohe Pound salt and was fiterally frozen 'by rr�y strange SUFFER. MOST camped by the Red Sea the children fill to overflowing with liquid of eq- environment, so my, brusque manner of Israel, were thrown into a panic when they saw Pbaraoh's host ad_ vancing. Surely they were trapped Lial parts of water and -vinegar. These was my wall of protection. Certain require no cookin�� and are ready for publicity people exploited -me and no use in a few wevks. one could realize how deeply I was V 0 Be A Musician" and although they cried unto the hurt or how many sleepless nights 11 ociv Lord, they upbraided Moses for lead- endured." These Two FoAmd Relief by This is what she herself has to Flav of the famous blue serge dress ing them straight into, what seemed CHOLERA INFANTUM "Going to England, I am going to nothing else than, the jaws of death. realize my wish to see the British h'ich in reality was a symbol Over against their dismay stood the Cholera infantuni is one of the fatal parliament in action, and I am hop- and "there," as one of them said undismay of their leader. He stayed their panic by his calm trust in God ailments of childh,,od. It is a trouble ing to seeLady Astor. It was dur- that comes on suddenly, especially ing my early -and very inexperienced One of my customers said to me the other day: whose presence was still with them during the summer months, and un- days in parliament that she pa4d a to Ottawa. "Say, Hugill, if I couldn't ge, another Player Piano in the pillar of fire and of cloud. They could only see the pursuers un- less prompt action is taken the little visit I was to a`ppear on one may soon- be beyond aid. Baby's the platform with her in the evening I why twice the money wouldn't buy this -one. It til recalled to their former trust by Own Tablets- Ae ard ideal medicine in and the Ontario Progressives most Just seems to fill a place where neither Moees assuring them of God's power. "F'ear warding off this trouble. They regu- kindlly presented me with a dozen late bowels American Beauty roses. Duriirg the phonograph or radio can, and to think I am al�le to sit down. -and. ye not, stand still,] and see the the and sweeten the stom- salvation of the Lord, which he will ach and thus prevent the dreaded reception I gave one of them to Lady Play off an old-time tune or one of the latest, that show to you to -day; for the Egyptians summer complaints. They are an ab- Astor because I thought she might its Ifas fAen-years to be master of, and do it so accur- whom ye have seen to -day, ye shall. see them again no more for ever. soiute safe medicine, being guaran- enjoy beauty and fragwance for teed to contain neither opiates nor a little time at least. That evening ate, is simply wonderful. And then to think, my The Lord shall fight for you, and ye narcotics or other harmful drugs. "he wore one flower, the rose I had children can just use it the same as an ordinary shall hold your peace." - They cannot possibly do, harm—they� given her, and it made me so happy. But there fy piano, for their lessons. Vy"hichever way they looked there always do good. The Tablets are sold was a rather unhappy se- was no way of escape so they by medicine dealers or by mail at 25; quel. A certain newspaper Comment - thought, but God had but to speak to Moses telling him to bestir him- cents a box from The Dr, Williams' I'd that Agnes Macphail had a whole Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. c:oxen roses but could only spare ONE It will pay you to just write or phone me and I self, not even to cry to him for help for Lady Astor. It seemed incon- will explain how easy it is to buy one from at this critical moment but to com- ceivable that any such construction mand his people to advance while he found a way through for them. He could be placed upon the -little act, THE REAI. AGNES MACP AIL &nd it did hurt. Jonathan E. Hugill did as commanded and the sea divid- "When I came to Ottawa I was ex - "I wonder if I will really find my I pecting hostility for the I ed and the children of Israel crossed measure� over on dry -ground. th they "By fai self on a boat on my way to Ireland 1 had come to advance and I had an SEAFORTH R. R. No. 2. passed through the Red Sea as by with my things packed up and time, idea that the only way to get things dry land; which the Fgyptians assay- to sleep." The speaker was one of - was by fighting for them," she said. the most talked about women in Can Miss Macphail has had the Three miles west of Seaforth, ing to do, were drowned." (Heb. 11:29). satisfac- ada, Agn(-s Macphail, M.P., who haf,�iion of finding out that convincing The Lord Jehovah heard, answered gone her xay overseas others is more effective. Her influ- and saved the children of Israel and one of the aims to which ence in the House has increased as a when safe on the other shore they icated her life—namely educating theiresult. praised God in a song of rejoicing. public. and eqpecially the children a - The genial minister of ag-neu I "The Lord is my strength and song way from the idea -of war and towards � changed his seat this year to hear and be is become my salvation." t.he ideal of peace. The peace con- better when� the woman member star�- ference in Publin was one reason for ed to speak. "You made changes in hf.- pilgrimage. that resolution," he ;Aid to her After - Soon before she sailed she had just wards, "I didn't agree with you last arrived at her officla in the parliament year, but I voted for it to -day." WORLD MISSIONS buildingcl after a week -end visit to "The same resolution and the same I . . her parenis. They had sold their speech," she laughingly replied. "But - During the Boxer uprising . in farm in tho constituency which she you are growing nicer every year." China, some missionaries were in im- Strangers at the opening of parlia- minent danger of their lives in a large city, and knew no way of es- ment this year were still looking for cape. But their- Master had known Miss Macphail as one of the "sights." long before. A native Christia She was wearing a green satin gown n YOUR OWN and string of pearls and her hair was came rushing into the compound I belief which nve years ago assumed "was tine caravan which the Lord Vegetable %4=pourld had provided for as," even servants the proportions of a creed: "That FOR YOUP BARN ROOF' and provisions. Thus weeks ore Ayer's Cliff Quebec. I have blue serge dres" cost me almost twice bef been teaching'for' three years, and as much as the green satin and was these servants of the Lord had at Me end of the really a better dress. When I came Use Brantford Arro-Lock Slates. Neither gales, min, known or thought of their futuro Year I always feel to parliament I had an exaggerated snow not frost can budie them and they list for years. need, their Lord had been prepdring tired and have mo idea about the importance of being for them, and after several weary appetite. I was plainly dressed, I wouldn't even e -n - The low price and smaU laying cost make them the most weeks, be brought them all, men f u I sick each ecoilomical roof of exceptional value. You can lay them over the and women, in safety "unto the hav- �m6nth,too,havin joy the comfort of light dresses tha In in my bael first summer, as I had always done old shhWjes. en of rest" and civilization, "whefe before. 1 was afraid cd� attracting at- '1111to som etimes I they would be." Before they had tention, and that is exactly What I *a0bblged to s them,�" called, "be yvas answering Vdrking. A fri n� did do. I used to be indignant when and "he is the same Lord, yesterday, 'or and k�'t,c o n! m e n d e d women spoke in public and so much Won't bum or V Sal di E Pi to -day, and forever."—S. S. Times. nk- t&C, I AV - I space was given to what they wore §1 'rall. I - and so little to what they said. - I j�, L ible /0 $0,": UOMPound to me was determined that could ebt hap - and I heard- -m—i* 41ing how pen in my- case. I have leaTnod that m;1A Omen te TEST19D RECIPES 94 d it OU htit Would bely , R to be- iiulfablry ftessed for tfid obea. me. And it dl&�'- - 6W I take six bottles ever Queen of Puddings. is really the least congpicuots yeii,46d"feeornmend it Sion UXTHU4 thing after all.11 Line a deep baking dish -with pAs- A—yer—'sZMa., Qjf�ih&-,; Wlddh ho -doubt eitikaffis; chatn0tig ing froel' try, spread over the bottom of it a everu �s,ift the "4t �t*o tit Vnablelb. oric - layer of strawberry Jam, or the fruit -thrpo years tot the-- doolal 6eeaslbiftff % Canning, Not 0' t from any pres*fv#s,, drained from the had ir- which rdhe*� 4be t6fltidal 6-,mr!Dt of regular po-riods, 2 (W V Agnes Juice. Make a eustard Tal3ftre �of f"r'ng the togsloji In, -,tho d4pJtal­ at t4ose. timer 1 h' diree egg yol b And one-, White, 6ile g Volt, CIO 4 vomiting abd k" 6 and, bne�hhlt k'r ,,i P 6porl draw'. *b -fo- bftiw 46 U14i, tear6ong of au&r, y1av6t:lt I Ift "evel t6 A, i/4 C�Ps 61 inilk 411d. 16V ing achool an" It' likd, A bo with' Vat'� lft,' hdd to it one e'dp 6f w6fk, 'm6t "'VAbil 1, A, 0 N hr6aderd*b,§ (61t), "odor et2eitAfA lmo tb# fA I Eft Rv, the Ole 0,641, AM bAke in ti -hbt 6*e" "17" un "an kb --- Elm *011 r.edtt�o "the lea� 2t A �q � �2� with the news that a caravan was at beautifully marcelled, as it has been for the past three years. (She the gate of the city, ready to. start upon the journey across the Desert SUFFER. MOST still wears it long.) And the strangers "But of Gobi, but the trader was unexpect- said, I thought she wore a navy blue serge dressl" ociv edly� unable to go, and was anxious t4p, dispose of the caravan. The These Two FoAmd Relief by This is what she herself has to Flav of the famous blue serge dress migsionaries hastened to the spot, Taking Lydia E. Pinkharn's h'ich in reality was a symbol and "there," as one of them said of a I belief which nve years ago assumed "was tine caravan which the Lord Vegetable %4=pourld had provided for as," even servants the proportions of a creed: "That FOR YOUP BARN ROOF' and provisions. Thus weeks ore Ayer's Cliff Quebec. I have blue serge dres" cost me almost twice bef been teaching'for' three years, and as much as the green satin and was these servants of the Lord had at Me end of the really a better dress. When I came Use Brantford Arro-Lock Slates. Neither gales, min, known or thought of their futuro Year I always feel to parliament I had an exaggerated snow not frost can budie them and they list for years. need, their Lord had been prepdring tired and have mo idea about the importance of being for them, and after several weary appetite. I was plainly dressed, I wouldn't even e -n - The low price and smaU laying cost make them the most weeks, be brought them all, men f u I sick each ecoilomical roof of exceptional value. You can lay them over the and women, in safety "unto the hav- �m6nth,too,havin joy the comfort of light dresses tha In in my bael first summer, as I had always done old shhWjes. en of rest" and civilization, "whefe before. 1 was afraid cd� attracting at- '1111to som etimes I they would be." Before they had tention, and that is exactly What I *a0bblged to s them,�" called, "be yvas answering Vdrking. A fri n� did do. I used to be indignant when and "he is the same Lord, yesterday, 'or and k�'t,c o n! m e n d e d women spoke in public and so much Won't bum or V Sal di E Pi to -day, and forever."—S. S. Times. nk- t&C, I AV - I space was given to what they wore §1 'rall. I - and so little to what they said. - I j�, L ible /0 $0,": UOMPound to me was determined that could ebt hap - and I heard- -m—i* 41ing how pen in my- case. I have leaTnod that m;1A Omen te TEST19D RECIPES 94 d it OU htit Would bely , R to be- iiulfablry ftessed for tfid obea. me. And it dl&�'- - 6W I take six bottles ever Queen of Puddings. is really the least congpicuots yeii,46d"feeornmend it Sion UXTHU4 thing after all.11 Line a deep baking dish -with pAs- A—yer—'sZMa., Qjf�ih&-,; Wlddh ho -doubt eitikaffis; chatn0tig ing froel' try, spread over the bottom of it a everu �s,ift the "4t �t*o tit Vnablelb. oric - layer of strawberry Jam, or the fruit -thrpo years tot the-- doolal 6eeaslbiftff % Canning, Not 0' t from any pres*fv#s,, drained from the had ir- which rdhe*� 4be t6fltidal 6-,mr!Dt of regular po-riods, 2 (W V Agnes Juice. Make a eustard Tal3ftre �of f"r'ng the togsloji In, -,tho d4pJtal­ at t4ose. timer 1 h' diree egg yol b And one-, White, 6ile g Volt, CIO 4 vomiting abd k" 6 and, bne�hhlt k'r ,,i P 6porl draw'. *b -fo- bftiw 46 U14i, tear6ong of au&r, y1av6t:lt I Ift "evel t6 A, i/4 C�Ps 61 inilk 411d. 16V ing achool an" It' likd, A bo with' Vat'� lft,' hdd to it one e'dp 6f w6fk, 'm6t "'VAbil 1, A, 0 N hr6aderd*b,§ (61t), "odor et2eitAfA lmo tb# fA I Eft Rv, the Ole 0,641, AM bAke in ti -hbt 6*e" "17" un "an kb --- Elm *011 r.edtt�o "the lea� 2t A �q � �2�