HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-07-23, Page 34 I'M .1 11, - --kl , - . , 3. tU A M
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R,�_ Mi
-Th _fUliber-A0 xpected W, the poisQn
e 'hey'suff
�J'�ppeni 0ay suff
Wally, e professo4v,, D,�,i'
el 4
roduce, much yve,41tji,� knPv ro
in tuTu George D,,T, was partleg,lar
777, T Id- thorefdre taxes, whv.
-7, siblAr "tldl�
— will pr6vixle money for the' develop- sensitive 4, 0 Ighout. the botaaiz�,
Is wei alv",s
ment of the, rest of the country. One ing zeAso)a',
He has
reason for Liberia'a backward condi-
AA6*er. The s e.]
ce 100
fr4m�4 sk,34eraper had begun tO.TOVO- tion is the inability of the govern- p Of Lae
"V�esbytkilan pb�icl 4, tm;�_ , � j��i g.�, - t
luti6nize building practice with, the ment to co;lleet t��es from the na- treat 6nt" ku M solution.
Of, Dly*1 amt� Auburn, held'a unit9d, ��pdsoibility of a self-supporting frame. tives, and a--, in water instead
this, in turn is due to the Of ferrous 9 1
,_ A. .�4 � V.
c at Alle latter' place near e 6
th, work, to which thin walls could be'at- lack of I�rogreas ZiA has Plieft the of the ferio in alcohol and wa-
Vitlaod"Rivor Wednesday aft6rnoon., tached to keep 'out heat And cold- and natives poor. ter.
The re.§q the treatment are
It was -largely attended. Ideal wea- provide privacy. A few'drude experi. Liberia has,always,been closely re- the same, 'b.4, Wii tiller variation, is
ther keatured,�,t.6.- affair. A long- line more expensive.
ments in concrete construction, fol- lated t6 American ways because- most said to be, 4,4
of sports and novelty events, was'run
lowed by the, de'velopement, of special of thp officials edther were horn in or J. F. list of the United
Off. In a fast soft -ball fixture a apparatus and the fiavention, of -rein- are descended from negroes horn, in States Depawt of Agriculture,
**am composed of membersof Auburn forcing steel, started concrete on its the United States. From time to time paints ilvy pois- Patches of skin
-church de*ated the local Presbyter- way. ments have been launched for with potassiurq:�,#iimanganate, which
iian nine. The sports resulted as fol- From that rou move gives relief an�(,4" t the trouble
gh start, one of the the migration of large numbers of g
,reven s
lows: Girls, race (infant classes), largest industries in the country lias American ne%ees to the black repub- spreading. Tbis!�,�;kieatment discolors
13pryl Wilson, Franres Howson; -boys, grown. The invention. of the r4ary lie, but each they failed, largely the skin, but waiiffl'
&9 with a weak so -
race (infant classes), Albert Govi , kiln, huge horizontal olyiiiders, $m- because the prospect of living in such lution of oxali
ier po, 4pid restores it to
Harold Asquith; girls, 10 years and dreds of feet long, in which the pQw.d- an, undeveloped country did not ap- normal.
mnder,, Evelyn Marshall, Helen Cum- ered rock can :be cooked into cenient, peal. The new -rubber industry, which Mr. Couch d4 from Dr. McNair
ing; boys, 10 years and under, Bruce regarding the &4re of ivy Poison -
speeded up production.' Enormous wi)11I employ all native labor at the
IDiputill, Cordon Dohie; girls, 16 and crushers mash the rock brhught from start, is e�ipected, in time, to make Ing. . He says that while the blister-
-wider, Harriet Taylor, Bessie Wey, the quarries, the big kilns subject it residence in Liberia more attractive. ing is undoubW41�i,` caused by the
Iftouth; boys, 16 and under, Hugh to intense, fusing heat, and crushers The better class in Monrovia live toxin isolated fiy`�)le doctor, the red-
Cuming, Edwin Shortreed; -young dening and sw@jAg aid the inflam-
again reduce the caked cement to its in houses modeled after southern
imen's 100 -yard dash, Eugene Dobie, final powdery form. homes in America, read American mation of the lt,�Iious membrane of
T. Raith-by; young ladies, 100 yards, From the powdery dust, mixed with books and papers, speak English, a- the nose, as in, fever, are caused
Harriet Taylor, Hannah Dobie; girls' water, sand and gravel and reinforced dopt American customs and currency, by something 'Me. This agent is
three-legged race, R. Taylor and V. in houses, offices, factories, roads, but only a few miles back from the volatile and cap*1-01'� of acting at a
Scrinigeour, M. Taylor and J. L11- bridges, dams, canal locks, break-wat- coast such innovations are virtually distance, while"' the blister raising
:son; boys' three-legged race, C. Gov- ers, amphitheatres, grain elevators, unknown, except along the navigable substance is striAt
1.. 1. y a contact poi -
ler and B. Doerr, Hugh Cuming and coal pockets, barns, silos, chimneys, rivers, and these, owing to a bigh son. It is comn:iop knowledge that
X_ Cowan; girls' sack race, M. Suth- troughs, fence posts, ornamental light plateau in the interior, are not navi- many people wjifio'ut actual contact
�erland, Ethel Peffer;' needle rue, posts, We -phone poles, benches, sun- gable very far. The few backwoods with the ivy L4,4 developed most
Mert Doerr and Lizzie Stolly, Hugh dials, bird baths, vases, urns, pedes- settlements rejoice in such incongni- painful symptotas�. But common
40,uming and Eliza Machas; wheelbar- twis, lawn rollers, laundry tubs, stat- ous names as New York. Philadelphia, knowledge is soni�-times not accept -
row race* E. Stolly and B. Isaac; ues, tombstones And even outer cof- Bunker Hill and Hartford, but out- ed by scientists, "m-lio point out that
ladies' spike -driving contest, Sadie fins. side of them the influence of Monrov- the poison ivy Wqx so inconspicuous
-Howett, Mrs. MeNaul; saddle race, Poured as a liqxid, it becomes, in ia is little felt, and, in fact, the vast and innocent loOking people may
]Doerr and Dobie Doerr and Govier. a matter of hours, a rock that grows part of the country has never been have had accidental contact with it
-A deIigihtful lunA served in the eve' hard,, and harder with age. It re- explored or mapped. unwittingly. It is not like the sting -
wing brought the affair to a close. sists both fire and water and, when The explorers who have penetrated ing nettle in that anyon
properly made, stands up under the parts of the jungles have found more touches it becomes instantly
roughest treatment. On the sea it is than twenty varieties of wild rubber that he has made a mistake. One may
SOME SYMPTOMS represented In many ships, and it tra- trees and vines growing there, and, sport with poison ivy for an hour or
OF THIN BLOOD vels on land as concrete freight cars. �ince 19f)4, rubber has formed a por- two without feeling any the worse,
The amount of it used in the United tion of the exports, a British comp- The poison ivy plant has two
]Everybody Should Be Able to Re. States last year was sufficient to have -nv having started a plantation which principal habits. �)f growth. In one
cog-nize Them Because Early built thirty-four replicas of the great now has been acquired by the new ib comes up aS slender, stiffly erect,
Treatment is Important. py-ramid of Egypt, which 100,000 American company as a nursery and little branclied shrubs, arising from
slaves consumed twenty years in -xpeTimental station. underground rootstocks. The usual
Anaemia, or lack of blood, is a building, or a total production for The development of the million- height is from one to two and a
rtealtby disease and is often quite each slave of thirty cubic yards of nere lease is expected to take a num- half feet, though In rich soil it may
advanced before it is recognized. It masonry in twenty years. Compared ber of years, but the first tree -q be twice this height. The bark is
is much easier to correct in its early to that, working with liquid stone planted this spring, will, be ready �� rather smooth and light gray. In
ztages, but if unchecked causes weak- and modern methods, five cubic yards yield rubber within five or six years. the other phase the plant is a real
mess, loss of weight, lack of vigor and can be laid now for each man of the Rubber trees are planted in open vine, the main sum coming from
ambition. crew in a ten-hour working day. rows, like fruit trees, and, if desired, underground. It clambers up trees
Some symptoms of anaemia are Roads alone, during 1925, absorbed a plantation can be mede to yield dur- and over rocks and walls, sending
loss 4 appetite, indigestion, head- something more than twelve and one- ing its eariy years by growing other out aeriab roots that cling like those
aches, sleeplessness. shortness of tenth million cubic yards of condrete Crops between the rows. of the true ivy. Linnaeus named
lbreath, after slight exertion and often paving, but the production of auto- Not much relief can be expected the vine as a separau, species, but
#extreme nervousness. If you have any mobiles more than kept pace with the from the new rubber plantations for modern botanists consider it merely
Qr All of these symptorns begin treat- extension of the hard highways, go -everal years, but the fact that Amer- the climbing phaie of the shrub. As
anent now with Dr. Wilhams'-Pink that the immense surface of roads ican interests are getting into the a rule, the plant appears as a shrub
Tills, the tonic which will -make the laid was not much more than enough field will probably help stabilize pric- where the woods are open and rather
lblood rich and plentiful. Every part to stand the new cars on. The output Ps. During the past year the unu-9- dry, and as a vine where they are,
�af the body will resDond to this treat- of roads equaled three cubic yards for -,Ilv high price has led to smuggling rich and rnoist. It is said that in
anent as is sbown by the cago of Mrs. each car built during the year. of raw rubber on a large scale in the Florida there are poison ivy vines,
Isaac Bell, Sr., Port Anson. Ont., who The total consumption of concrete T)utch East Indies, where operations with trunks a foot thick, but the fact
-says:-PA few years ago I was a very last year, according to estimates of eq the smt1gglers have been as ex- is rarely mentioned by the Floridians
zickly woman. I was all, run down the industry, was IN3,000,000 cubic �ensive and picture-que as thoge of or real estate sak�smen. An even
-and my nerve�s badly *shattered. I yards, which fell GnlY a few milliO'l 'he ri,m runners off the American more vicious rnembi,r of the family is
liad taken doctor'q medicine. but as I yards short of enough to have dupli- coast. Native boats ply�ing betwp-n poison sumac. Fortunately, it grows
-got no help from it, I tried other med- cated the famous Great Wall of China, tbe islands were used to run the rub. only on the margins of bogs and the
icines, but with no better results. One a job which took 300,000 soldiers and vier rargcws past the customs. other sumac nev,,r g -rows there; go
,day while reading a newspaper, I a,ll the convicts and dishonest officials that a knowledge ,f thk simple fact
�came across an Advertisement of Dr. in the empire fifteen years to build. will prevent ariyOT11 mistaking one for
Williams' Pink Pills describing a case I With modern concrete equipment the the other. There i�4 a4so a kinsman
-very much like my own. I decided 80,0,000 soldiers alone could have mix- POISON IVY CURE IS FOUND AT called the poison ,ak, charged with
to try them, and by the time I hai ed enough liquid stone in eighty days LAST the same kind ,f poison, and amen-,
r taken two boxes I could feel the bene- to have built the wall. able, we suppom, t- the same kind of
fit I was getting from them, so I Poison ivy being an American con- treatmenL
,cheerfully continuf-I the treatment tribution to the world's flora, it was
mnd was soorl.,a well, woman in better notJ reported until long after this ------------
"bealth than Thad enjovcii for some Great Rejoicing by continerk had been discovered by Col- A conjuTing feltl rather flat'
-years. In view of wbgt Dr. Williams' umbus, or by the Norsemen as seems recently, The o,� I iror said: "Now,
-Pink MIN have done for me I cheer- Rheumatic Cripples likely enough. It was Captain John ladies and genti, men, I will show
'fully recommend their use to all Smith, the Englishman, and hero Of
-weak, rim -down people." the adventure with Pocahontas wl,o you my very latc- trick, but to per-,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold made the first publisked note about it form it I must ;i-� some boy from
'6y all druggists, or may be had by If go Crippled You Can't Use Arms or wh,en he wrote: . the audience t,i � o up here."
-mail at 50 cents a box by writing The Legs, Rheuma Will Help You or 'The poi�sonoun weed, being in Almost at onc, �i 'Yoy rose from his
Mr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Nothing to Pay shape but little different from . our place.
*Ont. A free booklet, "Building Uo English yvie; but being touched "You'll do," s;iid he conjuror.
'the Blood," will he sent to any ad- causeth reddinesq, itchinge, and lastly The boy manh-1 up to the stage.
"Now, my man," began th.�
idTess on request. Get a bottle of Rheuma today and blysters, the which, however, after a
wear a satisfied smile on your face to- while they pass awaye of themselve3 conjuror, in a i� I voice, "you and
morrow. without further harme; yet because I have never s,, i� , ach other before,'
have we?"
TOMANCE OF THE MOLDERS OF It's a remedy that is astonishing for the time they are somewhat "No, papa," r, ;,�,,-d the boy.
the whole country, and it's Just as painefull, and in aspect dangerous,
STONE good for gout, sciatica and lumbago it hath gotten itselfe an ill name,
as for rheumatism. although questionlesse of noe very ill
From a crude and little used pro- It drives the poisonous waste from nature."
Auct hardly tkirty-years ago, in the the joints and muscles—that's the- From the extreme mildness of his Getting Skinnier
,days when the automobile was young, secret of Rheuma's success. language it is to be inferred that
,cernent has leaped to the fore as the But we don't ask you to take our Captain Smith merely heard about Every Day!
-world's most amazing building ma- word for it; go to C. Aberhart or any the poison iv -y or viqwed it from a
terial. Hardly a day passes but some good druggist and get a bottle Of distance. Had he made an actual
mew use is found for poured and muld- Rheuma today; if it doesn't do as we ot,,t big observations would have SOMETHING N1 I ST BE DONE AND
jed stone, one of the latest being the promise get your money back. It been charged with more fire. We DONE RIGHT NOW—QUICK
-construction of automobile bodies in will be there waiting for you. presume that for many ge-nerations
Virrope. befo-re his time the Indians had been Hollows in Ch"kq and Neck Growing
Thirty years a -go cement had begun trying to find a cure for the atings Deeper E%Pry Week
to supplant stone slabs for sidewalks, RUBBER FARM TO CUT COST OF and blisters of the weed, with what
and the government built a small success we do not know. Medical Tens of thousnn�i4 of thin, run-down
'barge -canal lock of it out In the Il- TIR98 qcienoe for three hundred years, off men—yes, and %� man too --are get-
linois prairies. The material was not and on, bar, been turning to the ting discoursgpd nre giving up all
sq hope of ever bvii,L� able to take on
-mew, but bad been knDwn, and used, The world-wide search for more problem but without much qucce .
lor ages. Foundations of the Rom a d b" er rubber for automobile It is our grivilege to announce on flesh and look hrn 'hy and strong.
'temples, made of poured concrete, s " All such peopir can stop Worrying
::e tinre.chsPn4.d the century -long nap the authority of Dr. James B. Ma- and start to smili, and enjoy life right
ttill standing diong after time and the I of Liberia, the hermit republic on the Nair, of the University of Chicage�
q been Tablets which any druggist will tell
elements have cracked and felled the I west coaxt of Agrica, where English is that a cure for poison ivy ha, now for McCny'A ( od Liver Extract
i�harble columns and arches. Tkelspokien as the official I"guage and discovered. Hitherto the most popu- you all about aT:,, putting flesh on
walls of the I -louse of Augustus, pour- I where towns are named for American lar lotion with thp. victims has been hosts of skinny f:)J,�q every day.
Vd in 36 D.C., show every grain of the cftids. Liberia was fourkled in 1822 a solution of lead in alcofioll, but this One woman, f;rod, weak and di.,-
ttbde tvooden forn',is in which they, by an Amorioan who took a flew freed was at best a palliative. The absolute couraged, gained' 1-i pounds in five
were nrdlfided. ' I slaves back to the African coast-, and cure is a five per cent. solution of
4W 1 Concrete really car& into its own been weeks and now fpol�z fine.
' Teroginized as a rePubliic ferric chloride in a I-mif-and-half We all know tha t the livers of Cod
Vbout the. time that the automobile Isince 1848, but it remained for the mixture of alcohol and water --4f t;he Fish are full of vi!alizing flesh pro -
,made better roads neoAgsary, and at demand for obeap rubbet to give it a 'alcohol can: be spared r glyce�rine
the same time eng-inee1% As , arching for place in the bu-9iness vforbd. and water. If the hands and face ducing vitamine� and these same vita -
mines of the hiizhr-t class are found
9 new, strong and quickly erected- An American tire maker, seeking are bathed with thLs solution eith-tr in McCoy's Cod T,;%rer Extract Tab -
factory building material forned to go -me escape from the high prices flx- before or immediatelry after one goes ated '
ed by the British robber trionopoly, into a poison ivy fieigtorbood , no lets—sugar co, mid as Oasy to take
found ideal rubber land in the hermit ll-resultq wfll follov#. The ingredients as candy. t
And this sl�inws wba faith the
11"T sm'd republic and has Tedsed Pmg started are cheap and easily obtained And m1kers have in MrCr�y's for they say;
sivin nrl, 6veloftotit on a million seveg, cap. with this knowledge available thete if any thin person don't Lrain at least
Mtn g r 00
'Able 6V ro*inc 100.00O.D00 tredg and, should be no more suffering from ivy 5 pounds in 10 day,; your 'druggist
012fOrEp 6, "within tho jaoxt decade, 4LvP#lyI
bw y h* poisering. We do not know Whether will give you your money back—and
014le te(ftv fit W of tkdi *69d's ftb- a recurring poisoning such at tor- only 6 C nts 0 6() tablets
rug,=1 A Ck -4 0 e f r . Ask any
lipart No **d Vw
�bs% vo b her.
WfTI to ments many people -will yWd to the live phaTarAaCiRt an. here in North
10 wftr.6r1r.N6be0ta m� aw of Ived, game titeatment, but Vre abould "- 6T South America.
the laef nedt the relief to be the mame. M. ]But big sure to Zet McCoy's, the
T9041CH'S AVM 2jit.96 1.9nd a 014 , I
it*04' MeMitr'bag been invc�stiga-VbAg poison original s7id Z n
F e uine.
... .. .. ...
JVf* W1W -Xffl'�
a" A* �*!A.k Ft
4 Of
yle re.a.
correo to at aitd 9' : --
`7 �j
7 7" 7 7�
It will pay you- to come in and see this great d
then you will realize just what wonderful Vain S, e zrelff
Regular $1.50 to $3.00 Regular $gSAOI
Men's Fine Men's Siummer At
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A "I
17. 90' 5
Hiff Pr`
Regular $1&00 to $22.50
Regular.12.50 to '$5 #0
I .
Silk Crepe
Last Season'$,
Fine Straw Hats
Felt Hat,�',,
Half Price
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Regular 75c
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Women 9 s Voile
Art Silk
Women's Hose
Regular $7.50 to $10.00
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New Style
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Fancy Summer
Children's Cot-
Child's Gingham
Men's Hose
3 to 7 years,for
2 to 14 years for
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R.-gular 25c Special Special
32 in. wide Boys' CottQn Fancy Silk
Gingham- Stockings Crepe
19C 25c $2.98
"TEWART BROS, S-eaforth"