HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-07-16, Page 20
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W.N. 4,41"NAW RIO im
Revenw, and a I feroc tbQugtttr,,,;
k e, hung pioperly, have selpeted 0�77 -YOATO. �&A
turned, with extra quality steel
-were dead;
in Nor did he change, but kept in lofty
111"'d "' penelp to Pak back what �W,4
1or a Bedford. place 000 'On h�m- In 192�4 the Av�.i_49
The wisdom which adversity had bred.
length of life was 68,32 yearsw—al)o
BINDER TWINE Wordsworth. A0 w'rs in which to square the
Brantford Twine, 650 feet to the pound,
pat twine made by the largest binder twine F ANKE TO, 0 SMART FOR HIM
Joe, Teach us, 0 Lord, to know that it RE
for' Thine honor and glory and for our LY
the British Empire.
,A,� sta
own good that we- are led in strange rull,, The 466i ut commissioner of the
and sometimes dark ways. May we London,metro olittan police, Frank El -
Green, per pound .................. 45c ever remember that "All! unseen the UCER S&,kW:kT p
kott, tells an amusing story which gala (/,y
Mts .................. 40C Master walketh by His toiling serv- "for
I g , onate of Lead, per pound iucid+1d11
ants side." Amen. y c—P-YO 'a warning
for spraying, in bulk, gallon ......... $1.25 homeholdem
MWILA Sprayers ........................... $1.00 S. S. LESSON FOR JULY 18th, 1926 It concerns -a little man named Recipes for M diffevedt Mayonnaise
Jones, who was alone, in his'
Dressings — as well as recipes for
Files ........................ $1.00 Lesson Title—The Call of Moses. house one dark night, when a burly
AN tramp knocked at the door. Russian, French and Italian Dressings
fley Hooks . ................................ 15C 'Lesson Passage—Exodus 3:10-15;
""'Rafter Brackets and Hooks, per pair ........... 30C 4:10-12. "Im looking fQr work," he said in� are in Keen's Recipe Book, which
solently When Jones answered the
Golden Text—Exodus 3:12. knock, "and I want a couple of shil- we will send you FREE for the asking.
F�ffl Stock of Hay Loader and Hay Fork Ropes R 0
lings to help me on my road." So
Although Moses was to all appear- saying
ances separated from his he put his f oot over the, door- And Ofter Xecipaw
f waited developments.
yet the connection was not entirely ltep and a -
broken. Such a tie as to -day we WORLD �NIISSIONS Now the householder, though small, which it contains are for neiv and
Go A* Sills 8,011S often see binding a child to its foster A Missionary S —How to Get it. was a man Of ready resource, or so attractive ways of preparing Meat and
parents may have been permitted by All attempts to rnake a missionary he imagined. Fish Dishes, Pickles, Chow -Chows and
Pharaoh's daughter to continue with spirit predominant oi- Powerful in the "All right-im he said. "Wait a min -
his real parents. He l+ was awaie of church, which 'do not begin *ith the ute.pl - Catsups. They are all worth knowing.
and must have felt the great injustice individual drawing nearer to Jesus Therthe'w-ent into the kitchen where
of the cruel treatment meted out t:O Christ for himself are as vain and there was an alarm clock, and where Send your name and address and we'
the Hebrew peopl;e. One day he foolish as it is to move on the hands his voice could be heard by the tramD. will mail you a copy. FRE&
Causing the alarm to ring, he
came into close touch with this whpn of a clock with y,ur finger instead of shouted into the clock:
he saw an Egyptian smiting a increasing the, tension of the spring;
Hebrew. Resentment led him to you will only spoil the works, and as "Hallo! Are You there? Give me COLMAN-KEEN (Canada) Limited, Dept 176
wwte the police station, sharp, please!" Fod�. 1000 Amherst Street, Montreal
strike and kill the Egyptian. "The soon as the Outward pressure is re- lowed a short pause, thbn- "There is
Summer Shoes trespass originated not in inveterate moved, there will he the cessation of a tramp here who refuses to leave.
cruelty," says St. Augustine, "but in the motion. I have the profoundest
What9 You'll send a constable round
Keep them clean and white a hasty zeal which admitted of cor- distrust of all wtvmpts to work up at once. �,igbt!"
rection, resentment against injury Christian emotion or Christian con -
with "Nugget" White was occompanied by love for a bro- duct in any single direction, apart When he went to the door again the
Dressing. Itremovesstains ther." The decision was on the right from the deepening and the increas- tramp had gone! But so had -his gold
and smears—it will not side, but the act was self-willed and ing of that which is the foundation mounted umbrella and new overcoatt
easily rub off, hence does carried heavy penalties, The out- of all—a deeper and a closer com-
not soil the clothes. come for Moses was forty years of munion with Jesi�s Christ.
exile in the land of Midian. Dr. MacLaren. SOUND STRATEGY
"And it came to pass in process of
time, that the king of Egypt died ; ----------- 4D.1— Field-Mlarshal Sir Willi -am Bird -
and the children of Israel sighed by wood, who commanded the Australians
A substitute will disappoint you. VMte DreSSing reason of the bondage. And God RED HOT JUL)' DAYS during the war, has an excellent coL-
HAIZD ON THE BABY lection of service stories. them she and her mother were re- to Muntaz Begum's lawyer, who took
20 heard their groaning, and God re- One that he is fond of relaJing con- moved to a deserted fortress at Man- up the case witk,various authorities.
membered his covenant with Abra- dleshwar, and 'there confined under and threatened to take action in the
harn, with Isaac, and with Jacob. July—the month of oppressive beat- cerns a corporal who was showing his
' be,
And God looked upon the c -hot days and -,%�,eltering nights- is st girl Over a training camp at Col- military guard. Not until last year, criminal courts on the ground thalk
bildren of ed when in their dungeon they heard of British subjects had been kidnappedl
Israel, and God bad respect unto extremely hard on little ones. Diar- chester. r te Eventually,
them." At this time Moses w -as in rhoea, dysentery, colic and chole'a He was explaining the drill to her the Muntaz case, did they succeed in from B itieh rritory.
charge of the flock of Jethro, the infantum carry (,tT thousands of pre- when suddenly a squad of men raise� communicating with the oatside world. after. action by the British agent at
priest of Midian, whose daughter he clOus little lives (,-ery summer. The their rifles—which, of course, wce un_ They then managed to get a message Ind ore, -the women were released.
had married. He, by his life of soii- mother must he constantly on her loaded—and took aim in their direc-
tude as a shepherd, was maturing fo,, guard to prevent these troubles, or if tion.
his destiny as the deliverer of his they come on su�idenly to fight them. The girl turned pale, and shrank
people. One day his eyes ;saw a pe- No other mediciiie is of such aid to back, but the corporaLls' Protective
culiar, unfamiliar sight — a bush on mothers during the hot summer as is arms were ready.
They regulate "It was the rifles," she explained, Am 1mr
aw a Xw= 'u. *do fire and yet not being consumed. His Baby's Own Tal,icts. H%F VV ithe Alleasit
milk b&bm w t� im curiosity led him to go near to exam- the bowels and �ziomach, and an occa- when she had recovered from the
ine the strange sight. A wonderful sional dose given lo the well child shock. "They frightened me.,, gTh to
will prevent surnmer complaint, or if The young corporal thought hard o'er
sight in nature became to him the for several seconds, then: 04111 sit U& NW s -*-em
very presence of God. "It is gener- the trouble does come on suddenlv 11C J
The Tablets are sold ome out on the lines," be said, "I
11 Sam W Am-, a MAM qkr
ally supposed that this burning bush will banish it.
9 was emblematic of the Israelites, by medicine deal. -r,, or by mail at 25 rather think _d like you to see the 40 T W40 onej
condition in Egypt—oppressed by a cents a box from The Dr. Williams' artillerymen -at big gun practice.,,
grinding servitude and a bloody per- Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Tests have proved important
secution; and yet, in spite of the cruel DINNER STORIES savings in fuel where the warm
policy that was bent on annihilating airfrom the furnace is properly
them, they continued as 'numerous IT COSTS OVER -$6,000 TO RAISE A visitor to a country village went moistened—tbe saving has reach -
Do - f &Py1i'ke Yom cooki'llod and thriving as ever. The reason was, into the Post office and, with the ob- ed upwards of 20 per cent.
"Gdd was in the midst of them. Is- A CHILD TO 18 ject of getting in conversation asked
rael was repreqented by the bush: the Postmaster what his views were The Hygienic Vapor Pan in the
EMEMBER, flies are more than troublesome. God in his b-oly character in the flame It costs $250 to get born. Th's on vegetarianism.
in the midst; and it should only be figuTe was arrived at by means of a "Haven't any views of that kind," Allcast is designed to supply the
RThey come from filth to food. 'Get rid of them careful and ext.ensive study made hv replied -the official innocently, "but correct amount of natural moist -
with Flit- by a constant miracle of grace that� a life insurance company. A similar uired for health and corn -
in their state of sinfulness,. present- udy made by the same organization, I've got some fine postcards of the ure req
Flit spray clears your home in a few minutes of dis- ing fuel for this flame to seize upon st new farmhouse, the church, and the fort — atmosphere that protects HYgitvie Vapor Pan
ease-beariug flies and mosquitoes. it is clean, safe they were not consumed." (Dr. I showed that the average cost of food library." the family from winter ills.
and easy to use. Jamieson.) consumed by a child from birth to
eighteen years of age is $2,601D. The chairman of the gas company Other exclusive, fuel salving
God revealed himscif to Moses as A third study just pubdished shows was making a popular address. features of the Allcast are
the God of the covenant. The time the cost of a shelter and clothing for "Think of the good the gas com- z�
KAls AH Household Insects
limit for Israel's sojourn in Egy-pt a child between birth and eighteen the fre�-draught Shell -bar
pany has done," he cried. "If I were Grates which insure pertect
Flit gpray also destroys bed bu roachesandants. It searches was nearing an end. "And he said years of age is $3,400. This does no' permitted a pun, I would say in the combustion, and the fuel -
out the cracks and crevices w1ve're they hide and breed, and unto Abram, know of a surety that include the cost of'the first set -)f words Of the immortal poet, 'Honor
i on your rme t
destroys insects and their eggs. -Spray Pit n s- thy seed shall be a stronger in a land baby thing,;, commonly known as the the Light Brigade.— saving air - blast w h i c h
Flit kills moths and their larvae which eat holes. E.tensive that is not theirs, and shall, serve layette. That cost, estimated at $25,
tests showed that Flit spray did not stain the most delicate them; a�nd they shall afflict them four was made a part of the cast of get- Voice of a consumer from the audi- bums the smoke aud gases.
fabrics. ence: "Oh, what a charge they
liundred years" (Gen. 15:13). The ti7%g born.
Flit is the result of exhaustive research by expert entornol- words then that fell on Moses, ears The investigation sbowed that the made!" The All -cast is easily oper- zzt
ogists and chemists. It is harmless to mankind. Mit has caused him to bide his face ated. It burns soft coal and
for he -total cost of clothing for a girl is The apople tic and grumpy old gen- all other fuels equally well.
replaced the old methods because it kills all the insects—and realized the solemnity of the occa- $90 higher than that for a boy. All
does it quickly. Get a Fit can and sprayer today. sion and the import of the words as these spvoral items total $6,1N. tlemen in the crowded restaurant was It is reasonably priced. 9
C(,Ml efled to sit., much against his will Come in and let us show
God continued and revealed his pur- Anothor study to be published pres- nexL to the orchestra. His stare at
STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) pose in thus addressing him. His ently will show the average expen- you its many important fea-
heart sank as the commission fell up- ditums for health, recreation, includ- t' -f- leader as the jazz seltection came tures or write for complete
to an end caused that worthy to bow
Distributed in Canada by Fred J. Whitlow & Co., Toronto. on his ears, "Come now therefore, ing the Charleston, -sundaes, and edu- bef(4re his table, The annoyed patron details. 9
and I will send thee," Years befoge, cation. lVlipn these figures become snorted and then asked -
Moses bad offered himself as the de- available we will bave an estimate of "Would You be,so'kind as to play There is a size and type of I
liverer of 'hk brethren only to have the cost of having and rearing the 5omethirg by request?" Happy Thought
> his patriotic services scorned. Thosp average child up to eighteen years of Furnace
4:-_: ""I". '*Certainly," he replied, "anything for every kind of horne: Made in Pipe and Pipelen
were the day- before he learned hu- age. you like, sir.11
mility in the school of adversity. Now And now, what is all this about
"llien" srappea the patron,
ure shepherd he felt him ense—a
as an oh%c A person is a source of exp
self too utterly insignificant to wait fllmilY liability—until 18 year,-; of be good enough to play a game of Robert E. Reid
upon Pharaoh. And Moses said un- age is rfiache,d. At somewhere a -bout checkers while I 1pish my meal.,,
DESTRO to God. whom am 1, that I should go
FUes Mosquitoes Moths The joke makers, association bad a SEAFORTH, ONT.
Ants Bed Bugs Roaches 1,2710 flello" cq�- ;�ith the Unto Pharaoh, and that I sbould bring feast. They exploited their humor -
forth the children of Israel out of ous abilities, and all made merry save 9—AT 6
-A Egypt?" God's answer, "Certainly T lftANTFORD! CANAD,
will be with Thee," overruled his re- one gl1um guest. At last they insist-
luctance; but his next inquiry -showed RUN-DOWNAFT R ed that this melancholy person should
his reqolvp not to go a warfa-ring at contribute to the entertainment: He
bis own ebarge. consented, in 'response to much lurg-
s. It was not enou;y', ing, to offer a conundrum:
to take a message, be must know the BIRTH OF BABY "What is the difference between me
name of the. sender. The answer re-
turned to Moses, 'IT am that I am," Ottawa Woman Made stfoug by and a turkey?" F0 PANY- LIP411TE
shows God to be "Personal, Indepe-nd- When 'lone could guess the answer, vomo WHIMCE
Ju- individual ex-Plained: wou
ent, &H -existent; it is the One ]ifo Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's he 9'
which can live without dependenee Vegetable Compotald "I "m alive. They ;tuff turkeys
and without society" (Dr. Parker). with chestnuts after they are dead."
FurtbeT -'revelation were given of Ottawa, Ontario. --.4'1 was terribly
God's power to enable Moses to exp- run-down after th"irth bf my third
cutee the mission. but even so 1'e baby. I had awfid, in -down pains WOMEN RETURN FROM CAPTIV.
MAAX YOUR ROME BEAUTIFUL doubted if the Hebrew people would and was afraid 1.ha*d=ous trouble- ITY OF MANY YEARS
—veith a Prautford Roof of Asphalt Slates. You can have a soft listen to him. God then gave him I was',tired all the time and had no
power to work miracles as proof that appetite. My sister-in-lawis taking To the sensational developments
toned roof of any color or combination of colorg that pleases your the "Lord God of their fathers, the Lydia E. Pinkhahi's Vegetable Com- which led to the downfall of the
1, taafe� They add permanent beauty and value to any kind of home Ma
and Ve years of weather protection God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, pound and cannot praise it too hi lily harajah of Indoi-6, a startling addi-
alzid 9a ivaistance. and the God of Jacob, hath appear,,d and asked me to fty it. I baveNad tion has been made through the ve�
unto thee." Even after thig Moses splendid results alid feel fine all the turn to Bombay
time now. A_ny .900 who needs a of two Indian women PpAroori IbOar
hesitated, Ris own unworthiness as- after having been imprisoned at In -
thorough pick-rae-42p soon learns dore for nearly twelve y
sail�d him, for the moment be forgot from me what to tAkb."—Mrs.Rrbm eats. The
God's proiniqe, "Certainly I will be p Nailed In larg6 boards dilrect to studdiii
Maharajah relinquished his position 9V
AQUIN, 320 Cuitberland Street, Ot.
with tbee," and he agreed he wasn't taw&, Ontario. as the r tult of the murder of a 13om- right jover datnsigeO Walla or f4ded wallpaper.
e he wasn't bay merchant, Abdul Bawla, who Was Plasily, qulel�f 'applliedt �without muss, at J_
fit for the work becauq
am slow of speech and Terrible0ackache acting as proteetot to MuniftZ Beguin
of a slow t"gue. And the Lord sald Hamilton Ont— "After my baby a daticing 0A 101'WerlY a favorite In surp�WjftglF low cost.
1111to, 'him, "Who bath -made man's Was born I had toitible baekadhe bind �tha M4hArAJ&h,§ Pralace. The *.Pjqg;,
mouth, or WhIlt maketh the dumb, t -he headaches, I couldrtbt do rAywork and 0 G1*601 urn, It Is heA, cold ana
wili ilat,
ned w6werl,,a Mother And a d4fth.
dear, or The igeeing, or the blind? felt tired from thei &#t tainute I pt ter nani9d Sokabal, *dt6 fok .g6,nio SoUtid t6#9#ftg. Makas -a contintiotts iva I
Rave neA 1, the Lord?01 VOW therefore luP' B t h1l, *Oro the pams
;. of idak
my, Sides wh0`,XJ06r*&d about I , '.1hitt Is Very light In. �relght., 15
to -nd I Will be',with thY Mouth an val 'ho I I I I
9a d witb A co - a �61 't p
t6mct thee what thou hAd to sit or U6 ota ilo af. - $n;,jjL
sligIt , say,,, ViWd6ull� , 1 1. 1 111- 1 hit" AA11 giadly explax-ft CAYOrIfft'll 01106pt-�
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