HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-06-25, Page 6a I � Ok",` ", � � , , � , I . , "k �,,,�,,�� _� _!',.,�,i�,; , ;� , �,�, , I 1. .", ,W�, ___,_0 , ,, , " � ,,.��,, � I �' , ',� i ,77r77 ­ 1, _1 ­�,rl; -1 � ,, 'I ", , , , � � �� , ,, �,.,;'�', � 11 I , �� � I , I � , �', 'i , 1. I I � I , t4,1 I . , � I 1. . ­ I I I . � I , I- 11 9� I 1. . " � , �, q -;� , , � " I , " , I -;��,,�,P� IT I . I , , 1, . , MM, 41 " �, �, ,, . , " , ,,';�,' , 1 - , � � - � I , '.. � � , , �, , 1 I ,,�, � , , . : I , I, ,.. 11 1. ,� - I- 111� � " a, N � I � i - � �!.. " I , , I , � 4,,,,� "Ni. ��, , _� , I I I I I : .- IN". I ­ r,0., , ,,'V,�. - - �Ma ­ `4� `*Q,`.'t. E , �,l %%� - 1''UM, I I .11. J L , INAIN 1,`� i in , &� , Cthk *er.- M Chemical soclet , Q" 1. I , , , g-�, g � �.� , .'A y" , 1 S. At COAMA ', , ,'�A` OW, - I p�,­'�. � , W �, _,", RU Qb§eMtJVuo,.4-_�th07 an quot, , -ciao nears'.9Z !"",q"" �", - . , , M ,,� -,. VA , , I I ,'4 ", - %, 2 � � , ,,,,, , -4 �A= , m, V I i,44WVqTe-,K­ , 0404y, aw, DMIaeut ,�,.,'T,�"P: �R�� - Alp, , �_Aowers,', # , i , I ,.., '' _J , ''.k .'', I _. k_ - 01'. , - . n 44.`�;, N1115"'I" 0 , �',';�, . .o� I I I , ' 0d,',1A thi - ChriqUall 'Seiaoce Monitor, &a?*' ­; ,, PAY _ I I r�l - - .. 1.11_1.� , , I'll . , __1 �. -1A.". "' chickeni o ,. ,.­�:;,, i. I ., _ o V , " � � g�,,W. . . ,... 11� 11 . . . . . . . . " .. s � I I , " ;", � -, 10 �111 I . 11, �, � . 4we ,_ I 0 10, , g . _7777 in part6..4,s fg1lows. . I joy I the, civeit , W", � I !IZIM , , 1* - 441", * . . I X , I � 9kr-),T, ,1�,. ., �; �4,4 Bred Traub* a too. I . T'he need foo. �' 24 Will - ne,ver ". 4.1 �! 0, j .), !R' -, 111� _" , " q - , ' RM I , ., � 11 �rtainad,�,�,* '�, . ­* , ,,.,.A, p, ', - I , an aelp 0 � a , 11 N I V VN 1*11,491 "-'-' R' OR M wee Al F I IT ,;,�,)%"',.'-' � ;�,,,, rg"u'y­ni - � o ow, so long a# w. V � IrMNSK. 'M , � 11- I - ,�?'­­ -V 4 ' R I , 4 '00W.W-45 R*1 AIKWK-171 , tor 0 1 %,�, Y4 ': � `-Y L�- 1. .... '. W I , � ,W- , , . - � = Chemists; tl!V ha D ab , ... � ­ , IU 'Mm"'g, 11 W", . 100).A.0 .* - XV41 ,:� T Cus in e 1P I �,l'. 7;j�,,, - been � note To maze ir, synthoul 11.1 Rqi,*�Z R-V� W, " 1.0" 1, 4��, "", " ("m no - '� Lat Ue WstV . _: i "M , *on o % ,�� .. 11 - Parm I rom coal and water. But . f 4. � *0- - - - &041.3 ,�� '. re . . .1, . Ift NMI �. __A­VU�401,1::� .1�e !%--- + . I * . �"... -I lb I" '­ "' �R"` .MW '. " ­ ,. _,; first,. I , ` . I ,� Fmot �Tal 748 .1 ­. 11.111- ­ , n I 111 "N's I , ' ,� . . .. I L, -0 V" - 's , '� J , _ I , "I - I'll - ' , , I I , - Lat present time there is no need ior __ I I , I or abrilit 0�.; . �t 7 . '4,`,,,,� ��# .. ii # ,� _W -4.1-6 -1-1-11, I --;,--;, e, or abo,x , 71i.Y_11 ; _ ;s*9d for marm at his own Stable. - - ... .1-1 I 0- I—.. .. , i. A ���: �: �' ,I;L, "'. �___ .L . . I'll , . I I ' I 11 "" I , In 4. TUokeramith . .. ,.��.,� .ft "' ,�,�.�I., ,�,�.�I., "" _ '. - 4% '�� ! prepared ft -c ", ,� , �_L !".Ak",�'.4QWOOIo - veloping synthetic foods, iust as � I W, , * . I ,;­ . , , ,,. A , � . �,,q � I 1�4! . . . -July �` I I ", W�l I , I � P. -To In*%re a foal, $13-00. Payabb there is no reason for betu ':;f, , . I I , .orp An I ea "?", 4 1 I *6 , " 1".. ��41,­ %;W,'; ,nd, in M14 � -i A ': ;:17 .� ��, V 101410� I � " , g al,%rmed .iLn.4 r%jAZedlY demonstrated her abil- _ � 0 � ., ,�.. N 1..,;��. � i . ­ - 1, .1 �K­_ Ist, ligg. rarties wtm mares in IMPAR � ; ' - _ "I "� .. 9, . .' �L " over our consumption of petroleum.1 I , �, I�A e I .�i,� ,,,,, - ­ . �, I _�, ­- 111�:­_ � ', �,`. FObruary W, , ek,� AVOX' ; : , , a " �Ilavwip* of them before ,,,,'��-b.e prepaz,cd�, for-:: W - ­ � I __ $ ... , Nl!� I � differentily and warn that our natural ' ­ �,,� 0 - " , . A"'i'll . � [.'7, 1. - "n'; - "W'' , �tj b heJd responsible for insurance. am aware that the economists think Her fi#t 11outen ..�, 11-11-11 01 , 10 �,., �, - - , , in fact, the stra L ,., ��' , �, ,'4� , ., I ,� , . � . � ,�,t� �. , , . . k . � ant, and. 4L ' I �, ,; " ,�7 �1;. I ... , 1�11 , o , ,!R " F I �g��), 7­".� , ,�� I ""I-1:1.. 4C I,— �� 41 I` 9 L.- ­�, , �� 1' . , � �n eo,leadet",of'Ltli,i��;taw#,,�vm,6i%:.tt�,,6 ib to- qg,g�i,h 2V­J_W' #RA�; i4pi ` '' --' M, 5 L, - . &.': - i.; , " , - gigwx �11i"�"." 11,q " . 11 . , � . % was , hen �L� 61 't,"!�?,P% : resources are rapidly being exhausted, planning its activities . 19%,;,:;;��, * r, ,� Y'��,�',',` �', ` - -1, -� ". �,,, - , ' �� �: . - K. I - zl�l �: � .;,�. ftopriator and Manager. ,�r Me 701U;�Iff', .11, . `­-�;� , '. ­:� . ploi4liffig, is b Mash . ,J �, _ I ' '. . , 1 � "' " �X , 4 ". � " ".."' - �,�; :. � , but it is because they have never ap- -11 Q � ''. ,,; "r".', .., F- ­­. garet , ffughesl� better known as T,+.,: tablespoon of onw. b � "rf � ,.�, , _ ", _ _., , " " . , tA , -,- "i ' I , .,�p 00" ,. , ms 4 _­_,� " ­ ,�, , ,� I _. I - preciated the possibilities of in � r,V: "'J'i , %A; ,�4�,j!p4 ,1,, ��­?�.-­­ I Odern '!Baby -Faced Maggie." Mrs. Hughes _& dw,l V ,I " .i �,:� I "I 17 that r'equi . t, . , �,',% , r ., � ires commun- Woreestqsbire §4=4,�: � � ,� ­­ . qwq�,F,%-�. i _ �J? "', �r!R4 � " " - , . , 4�&,.` :,� ,;�-., , ..v A , � �,��w ,_ . �, .. til';` . I I chemistry. has already achieve a repixtation. bi 4 v prevent its spr�adjng. ,q I - - ­ , 0, I .� F" -� -,�,,�,�.�, I During the war they prophesied that , OQ,U -onion Juice, Add 1 4016' "W.v14. ��.,191 . , , �,,,,, P . 1, ­�,�M" - . crime that few men - can claim. She If 4wq, , 3 I 0 1 �It-­ 0 PF, �.-,�; �,Y'l . _Ae 11aiidsome Choicely Bred Clydesdale � I b d . - ithout Pais- breadermnW, Wed 44. but- � _ i, L�, ." :_ oftlil � ou _U L U. -U. K- 1, �� , 1� 11:14� I .1 - , all I , 4 03 , ". 1, _141 t ReQ, � .0 I , " , - _� . peop �. � , , ,�.��' -. , ., long war impossible by automatically trwenty times, on ,,,,.formed as soon as th ' that have previo sh4, , - �11 � - .1 ! k'El"WE or spoiling the bloom drained, , � �.:...,s. ,,,�� , the lack of nitrates would make a has been in the courts more than 18 c4]J:4ed . .� 1�aw. 11 _,i�� " I , W_40 "_ - gnp �, _,# 10 , �. charges ranging !;� IPI�44 I , &�!��! �, . I , � I " BONNIE GLENGYRE cutting off the supply P 4 � 044 P - , I ..".., I , h arse ead ten minut .. es in'' 1 . � 01r, �4i '11�! ��: � . � ,rt of food and from theft and shoplifting to attempt- -Pep, .4 i ,o I i, .4� , 0 .14� ,,, (imported) I h. - lu :� "I'll - I . . 1. ".'r, , 1P , I A , �i­ ­ -11. I ,�;., " , oil , .� !!!!;;;;. .. .. . 11 �11 11 ." .. I 101_�1'11 1 I r ­ 1� �' " I .i ,,, ,�_ I � " f�� - . -1. 1. �,�_ , 'I, � I '4e�4 ."ent_0_�_o &', ­ - , [23820] (19D38) A murder. But her crem'dre and dain- k Pol ads, chWap'zii6la-s- djush of cayenne peppo.,- .,a . . . . . . z__w . -'oAr.A40 ­sere.en­'­, _1411 1. ,-".,. ammunition. Sixteen years earlier c I I I . � 011� , , No. MW ; i,6,L. - .4 � I 111�i ,�ir-William Crookes predicted a ft-- ty beauty, combined with a child-4like Us,. 91�0,7,,, allon, and 40 gallons of 'bed of fmh 'Wa ** . cress. - witft`_�O* �! � _", �� ,_4 � Vo I . . I iCl � E A , .4 y Euralment No. 854 , Form A I .� ", ., it. �,­', ',-,�. �: '*­ , ine because he foresaW the exhaus- appearance of innocence, has always Wa,"t, '_��ng however, should b 1 � . � rqa*%­'trS��r6o .1 -------- � ..., I I " -� Will stand for mares for the season of 1926 e , _,* _ ,q,g-** ol RU V, z �, , "jup-Ar h� , Z �,�, . . P1,P .,�` I Lft mind'-CeUrY ` A@7` , ­�' .1��';' 1, I , � ig - - ­... .11, � qt",r F. . 11 Pf ., � " . - I ff�!�. ,, , , t - 31WOP 'so"t- I ",&""I', - . ...... - - , , , I re - _' -' emporary expedi- . it'Q' ;p,v6i]�dbjTd,.;Clubt",Bl�Y,DV'I I � , . . . , I tion of the world's supply of nitrates, secured her light sentences or coml ,9N_4t4;'0,7 I . 0 . , e�, as follows, � !F,vuly a -t ' - ' E - . , _ _14 , ; 0_1'1.1�,;�' , F _� ": I I � ­ ' - .. , "., , , - ... t job,,, which then came from the saltpetre plete discharge. It even caused iuti�W,:�chafer has- b4fi rhr�outht kem'Ove Y016 " from hard-eoOked that th, I e hand. Itutt roek's the ­�eradle son . in" - An!, I � . Manday.-Will leave his own stable a the '06t A ,�--,' 1:0 - t. avan"b" 'a's . � , Catrus, Lot 21, Concession 6, Hibbert� and beds of Chile. nd i vith finely c44 , ­­ I . � -, , 1. � , .0324i. � I :,� I hardened old sergeant at Old Bailey, under te' ppeds, pellp is %, Its competent at the 4t�wug- -za-d*s, 0:41. 'fleet 64sedr, 0 . ,�� I � ? *14 . . . . . -, ,., by cultural methods. eggs a x � p� . -d I 04, .� . T! . , '.. I . I . . .., ",t;:, � prop ,­ cry and I a, w1koet .. ­: � ; - 4 ,. .� I _ . , , . - , �­ - - '' oijU "W " ' ' "' .1i 1�� 0 . - . ,� `jj�, , , ead to James Hills, Concession 8, Rib- But as a result of this wa lio sse a rt- " . I polle W _V , 0 . for noon; then to Angus McKinalun'g. ruing w has pa d n an army of asso � , 3 li; &c�6dibi'.' It ddtir4 : . ... , , , . 11, , :�*." ImtkIlo, Concession it, Tuckersinith. for night. chemists began -to look about, for a ed cri nals, to remark: ,,you I . , W,"�.. I - . I - 'add cl;iopped walnuts. . . I 04016411y, inempA4. ", , . certain, t4te--ibiciber of �_­ . � '11­� Lot 27, Con- Mi Oak . 1. ", ,, ... !'One thing W mi�-Mg aw attack -bil JapaXAL , , I i . � J L' " . "day.-To"La,ther Revirold's. method of utilizing free nitrogen; and just I like a baby.,, . ­ -.L- 1060 4-hvidiv . Q in W,0t6#,AcWd#1i6*-v0rY Fqrmosat -it 18.1rit0i,irould be i I , .k I I . ,� � , Vsborne. for noon; then to Wil- DwjoA, "wLtIRLS - f i , or � l 1, Germany did not enter the war until p . , 11 .1, ­ ==`S, Lot 13, COUeeSMOU 5. USborne. These two women of entirply dif- I I ,.�Ir NEED NEW BLOOD . . I greatly'..'exceed? the 4pillber of wom- C�ljy ,V*Uin, fe4eh; �- but,' to- .. I I '­ . , '. ,,, 'for nigh�, Wedaesday.-To Fred Delb~s. she was sure of being able to avail ferent types led. their gang of wo- . _1 . . At a Disadvantago-Medostri"b en It I . . .11, I . . thatf'j f1e _ , # I I . . *. ­­ .. � . . , et would. ag.t.out, to attac �%- a have rights but - I - .1 � . ' 6� - Miles 1 'a j- - hatd, time 11 I ' .,� r., Lot 9. Coueeaa�oa. 9. Usborue_ for noon; then henelf of the inexhaustible supply of men along the two different lines they Which "-t.',, ' � they hive a 2 1 � � � ,� to J. E. MUIXteitVS, V be Had Through the I �, . . �_ .. .1 I li'DA ter'kitbry - 1 50,' Y, , . " I" . 1. I . . I I . I low; its baip, , a 'I . Lot 9, South Thamea nitrogen in the air. t d for. Scotland Yard calls them Uj* " of Dr. Williamst Ali qilto� . _�,,­_ arid,:Wheie it ,*6w , I.." Road. for night Zhursday.-To John GieuWa,, 00 11. enforcing them from under'. ' � fl, � ' ' . � I i­�� , " t NLPW-' .0 . 3T,os I d � to, 01 . ' ' _­ ; , I 11 .,.'� 1 Lot 27. Northeast Boundary, Usborne, for Three months before the war be- IQ two most,expert shoplifters in. the I � pink Pim mobfle,Niagara Falls RbvfdW. , . RUM � %FL_ VET.. � 103�1' , , "'d' in1k,bil-"t'"', ilifdii'�-b* , . . ,. 1. � I . . - t. I .1 . . . .. � . . ; .11, 'o . 11 .� , lic def,er � - f I ­ _�, noon; then to Oswald Wmd�s, ane-haf mile gafi, Fritz Haber, perhaps the great- world. And they were, each in a dif- Hardy. Tree* -It takes nerve for a "I ,04'. --''7,:. ­. , . 1. nam -W, A far h " 1 1 . e — , I.. T ". 'W'." , ._­ � , .. ' " " I , "' , . . . �, 3 11. , m � I �' � own. stable for noon, where he Will —in � . _' , ' , '�,, ,. _ - i tii . , east� of Crlanmrt�r, for night Fridsw -To his st living chemist, perfected the fam- ferent way). . spruce tree to grow up knowl ,� -%I 4 A , � � . I. �,I,ltoor , .7 " Under,-iiesi�n�i�17'-',.'P.0'4jd2iag"p,4�, *)m*ot' r", A;; � , - i I , — 6" I NELtit*'Wended every girl to be you 9 119 oLIA " . . . . . . ,4; FRIM COLQUROUN. Proprietor. Pyl. .go vt Yet too It many become paper for X ,,;:,-. or s6-re480044t 0 d;emoll tr& --- :�11, ; V`i` until the following Monday morning. ous Haber ammonia smuthesis that ."Diamond Alice" led the ligavy- hap * ". �fi " and healthy. a c ' " , , 33-1 insured Germany a permanent source weights of the gang, who took care ..,I) noveL-Frederic h6aV Britai's battle'heif id;�4*barredqi " , s . '.. � John malattey. manItger. MMY of, - �D �4m fi rid their lives -tDn Gleaner. . ,uv�� 4, ti�,Juq,ta"aft ' . - , ,4 . , ­ �.. _ - V,*"6,� u6" " ' ' An't �' h -, � , I sadden- 6.1 . . . . W tis ­ of food for her soils and ammunition of the "rough stuff' whenever any ed 1�_r's�,' - ' early In ftPlanation-Smald example of cruising in eastet4 wit6ri, li "the I ii, -a. ;-bosd­4t s' '' ' ' 10 ".,A' , I � , . . � 11 , lell 1#040#1AW . 40w . , . .. �. always be- what nations can a crisis: 19DaTn of suitable. poit amobilln6dation e af� '90�. TM ;; �; enng-n , *151"', T., 14 , . , I CA � * 'I 'a � "' held , ,,6�', 1 1-� I , 'I i " e -0.1"J5 , "'; . It' . a ' 1040ep - , ,I .'� �6 . ' ': I for her guns. In other words, chem- was necessary. They were all arm- cause � Al t blood is to blame. All unreasonaMe, th�rpforel argue9..R,c& be ' .1 _(_ .� �. . I 1. � d ' ­k�r' -JU`.Sa1 �# � 1, I 1. MAKWEItA ietry solved a problem that econom- ed and each was picked for her tough- those with colorless checks, dull him! If he won't dim his lights I 1.� 'It., .1 '' �, ­ ; (15938). VOL. ists declared could not be solved. . tor C. Bywater, in The-Faiiiin, to I �­ � 11- , I 2�0,-�;' , X;: 1_�as. They wpre qui won't dim mine." -Lethbridge Her- ex- Japanese 6 "" pa� ': � 'as _,(!, pl�� I , I , I The Desside Premium Horse te ready to meet pkins and lusterless eyes are in this . � - I laill rt I- SimillarlY we are told -that popula- an equal number of men in an under- condition, because ald. peet the Britiall Empire to - abstain otiental c . f4.. � �_ Enrolment No. 864 Approved Form I " . _ toe,, I ,� , " " t-�, , "I, . I ... �, 4 1 season: tion is increasing faster than food , from filling a seri6us gap in i# de- pily Rupt , 11 , I r '1_11, �,, I k.lqqly I WM travel the following route thi& they have ,not A Pause Needed -It's man's fault. .. ble, " _ - "� world argument, and by their heavy- ellough' re their veins to feuses- "merely out bf regard for ex- __ , - 'I F� , _w . _ - Monday. -Will lea his own atabh,, staws� Supplies, and that gasoline is being handed way of working brought the keep th _4 blood in If he didn't do all the talking, 9 Britain, J ' uls c c *ons I , I . and go north to thev7eth Concession. than west emi well and in the charm of ,rid aggerated Japahese misgiviligg and Europe -pius . t in y e e I , . fr,,�� 'A' ". insel r her C , i ' consumed so rapidly that in a few entire Aistrict in London lying be- health. -..,They suffer from depressing _ . 001 2% miles and north . that about hi f, he'd discove inteinational- criti6im.l! The scheme at, 19 " , 6,7, " to Joseph Atkinson's the supply will have been ex- -ween the 13�3phant and Castle and we once. But r rea ly P � nt,- " ,�: Hibbert, for noon; then west to Harry Tyn- Years dumbness before* the ceremony. -Re- to establish a gigantic naval base at lines ,*of- su ly in'War - * wo dbe It. ,­, airiness and periodical headaches. gina Leader. - ,,,, , 4311*4. Tuckersmith, for night. Tuesday.- hausted, but I seen no reason for be- the Waterloo road to heel. They ex- Dark Ifikes, form under their eyes - . Nb6rth be the 2nd Concession of MimK�p at lieving that there win ever be f Singaliore, he declares, should. prove not *ith. , - P 111,� 7 tly after . to be a powerful factor in preserving zhainfand, and these He well out Of 1, , I job KleWs, for noon -, ,than south a torted thousands of dollars from the their heart palpitates violen Knew the SY.mptonts-An elderly 0 but with, the Asiatic ,�'e, - .� k I vis-itor from back of Elmira who a the peace of the future in the pacMZ range of. a fleet operating from- Sing-— I P, to P. NeGrath's, land .mst dearth of either. We shall never smaller storekeepers of the neighbor- the 's,ligbtest exertion, and they are " t- 1, � St. Coldmbnal. for night .F�, t'.� ... , - have to worry so long as we have hood. They also took care of any often-itt��ked with fainting spells. Mr. Bywater, whoi by the way, is spore. On' UW other hand I , _ W,ednesday,-North to Wm2_ Moylan,s, for ,fended a dance in Kitchener last wee 11 " I noon, then north 1% miles and east 2% miles tropical conditions on the earth. trouble that arose when their lighter- These.ara..dal�y a few of the * * remaxked at the close: "I db,erve , L _ I I.. 1. I miseries the author of the work, "The Gteat fensbre value -to 'the Britis'hthzft�d'_� 1.,, . , ___ , , , � , and north to Henry Benneweis, Jr.. for night I believe that the great source for fingered comrades descended on the that epilepsy is now a dance. 1`V___XR, ire .1'.., � ­ Thumday.-East and south to FA Rme. for r,f bloodlessness. When the blood be- Pacific War" laments the delay with of a great iliv I " noon; then east and south to Norman Bush- many foods and industrial products larger and more fashionable shol-s. � chener Recorl& .1 I al base -in Malaya , . I.." oesdilon of Hibbert at Grey Bros., for no n. W' that the sitheme,11irough obstruction ingth- would be difficult to oveiestimate4? I ,�:�_ . . - od,s in the British House, and gives uz - .. � field's. for night F,ziiday---S..th to 4th C -n- of the future wij,l be the tropics, "Baby -Faced Maggie" led her part riched through the use of Dr. Wil- Pinkerton, the absent-minded detec- this descri With a stron 1, I comes thin �gmd watery it can be en- TragaY-We regret to report ' 11.� " I then s 0 here climatic conditions make pos- of the gang into higher class but no Uams! Pink Pills and 9 British fleet pivating outhwe3t to Staffa at his own stable I - I day rnbrWng. the troubles tive disguised himself so cleverlythat I.Ption of the Singapore biise On -'that base there would be no fear . . I i. � source of revenue will- find l some formerly ailing girl aw Times-Irer- triw*n .has utterly no invasion. of Australia. _' . . I Proprietor and Manager. was rejected. This beauty of depaTt- who has a,g . ald. designs oil Japan in the matter: . . � lIi' '­ wb�6re he will remain until bhe ton.wing mon: sible an extraordinary abundance Of less remunerative cb#nnels. While that com�',from poor blood ditappi6or. w#h his own eo ��, nitrogenous materials. , , I I mment in which he of an Asiatic Power attempting the �; , � 'Very net,ghborhood you argues that . .� Terms. -$15.00. � Chemists will the foundation of the gap laid he thought he Was the criminal and . g was in -ainxps� �* JOHN LrVIN4GSTONE be able to do great things with this on shoplifting, no , shot himdelf.-XiiIose J luxuriant plant g-rowth. Mator fuels, I . I - . ,, It", for example, will probably be made ood word to say for this The Simpler Part -year, There is nothing obsc�re. as �ta:the . . & � , . �, :�. I The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion from this source; in fact we are much ment of the "Forty Elephants" fre- medie.%e. Aniong them there is Miss _ ago it . was motives which have prompted Great - I 1� �!�` quently went in for innovations in the Ida V. Wit said there were onlk'three ways for . I _______-k11�9.14 . . I it, . GLEN -RAE better prepared to make foods and "bagger game" and indirect black- N. S, firow, 110dwood. Lands .. . Vr Britain to develop at Singapore a fleet . �_, Ii. � Enrodment 'NO. [82s3] fuels from this source than we were mail. - Who says: --"Dr. . WillIanit; a woman to ac4ttfile ealth-patri- base of the first -rank. . 6 , ��., Will stand for the impr�ovoment of stock prepared to fix nitrogen a few years � mony matrimony and parsim' I .. � � 1219 Approved Farm I The police report in seveml Pink lift did more for me than all r .Vr Orly. And The.iudgnitude of BritaiVs stake in 11 . I P. . I � i". I this spason. as follows: . instances wealthy victitna took out the Other i"- � now il;�� is all '10,ny— ludsor Bor- Eastern waters sufficiently explains 11: .�� I I � �_i �� ,dicine I took, and\ I can- der Oities Star. . C. ago in the emergency of war. one of the pretty members of ,the not pra�.Jhem too highly. When tU anxiety ofher strategists to'bring . 1 4. .,� .. . ��- MOnday--Will icave his own stabl% Lot 3. When we consider how remarkable gang ended up in the hands of the began the ` ' lw�:­ , ". Concession 3. Hullett, and go east throurn 1 The Long Quest -A kid came hame I 1. Seaforth to Jbe Carlin's. for no=: then east it is that chemists have been able tougber members, and were stripped use Of these Pills I was in that sea within the uav3Ps radius of � . I ... % r� and north 0. Fred Eaart'.. for night. a the other night and said the teacher -, . - _::: �, i� ­ ". � . . . terriblr-,�rft, down condition, tion. She� has vast tuTlt�DAM pos- - ,� , .� � , ', - ­ . . .1 V, Tees- to make ammonia from the air, syn- of everything of value. very told him to find the "Common divis- mu � � Benneweig. . � , ., '1'11'1�1 " da7.-North and wes;e to George thetic alcohol and dyes in great quan- Police tell a typical story tbin and virk pale. MY appetite was ion.,, Dad wanted to know if they'd sessions to guard; the Stiats Settle- . , . .11 � , .. I I for noon; then west and north . Mosee. for night- 10edne%dAy._We,,t through tMes fi�om coaL synthetic perfumes . _--th.themsdves, AustraftX - I . . I ., . I I I to James I of how gone, and .T -W a tired, worn out feel- been looking for that thing v , , ow,&a� � . 1`61 , . . ", . _4,,,��:,,�_�$,; � WZiaton to Cleo "Diamond Afice" carried out a sh,dp- ing all the-t.aw Doctorls. medicin-� -v "Ll"';7 land Hd k6 ' ' and . 11 1, I -� Im. Times-- I Ong n numerous isrands, ",;', .. F - I ..." .. - � - ' ... I � . - '. - . ..: �. for noon; then and flavors unexcelled in nature� ray- lifting raid on a famous stare simply did not seem th Improve my condition Star. ;Ihvloak to her fok. pr_o�,'� - .. R: lglestmtilll night, where he on , he was in school_ -St. Jo ' " sDutb to his r ,� . .. . �, . . . . - . ". �, - � I .wm remain unto the foliowirX Monday worn- (axMfic"' silk) in same ways su- in a At of pique. She was waiting and I was getting gteatly discouragel tection, and must look in Vain' so bour; I I.- ­ . j. ,�_ . vng� perior to silk itself; when we consider at the London Session for her name when a friend a4vioed me to g, ­ . � ".. .. ; .. Term"12.00, these almost incredible triumphs of to b,e calded when I , ive Dr. - �­-- . as her fleet is tied t* Europeaq seas I I I ­ � 7.. ". . ' . . 30S1x4 T. J. CNAMr, a woman detective WilliAms' Pink FUU' a trial. After through want of reqUW2te base accom-, . � . X-9-- chemistry, the production of synthe- employed by one of the largest de- some urging I decided Ja do so. After SAYS WOMEN DO NOT JOY RIVE modation ­ I I . .1 .. , � Imparted tic gasoline in no way seems unlikely- partment stores in further aftld. 'Britain'& � ,�. , � 1.._: �11 . - .11, i 11 The Pure area cii,A,dal. &sni.. In faet,, chemists in Europe who have to her. London walked up taldlig six bo*s I fel�- .Hke a new ' trade with the east -is not only -one .1 . I , I .. � I penan- I gained weight, Incompetent and reckless men driv- , � .: I : . .11 1. . . * onomic : , ;1 � I 11, , ers, and not women, are redponsibbe the main Pillars of her ec , -, Aftyle PATEaTINDER been working to perfect a synthetic -Hello, Alice," the detective ' ex- color, and an improved appetite, and struetm-.6, it is at the Same time I'll- ��!� �'­ I I .. No. [LSUS] (IL147g) motor fuel have already Produced one claimed. "You haven't been around the constantly tired feeding that had for the majority of motor accidents, dispensable to her ve ��. . � .1,; 04eaf I . Ennalment mo� "a Form i that is looked upon with high favor to see us lately!" according to statistics rece . . I . � WM stand for the kmVm...It of otw& ry existendee. I 1.1 11 a ; I this sessou at J�js own strjhle am mile Dw as a substitute made me 9-0 miserable was gone. ntly Pub- Inleffect, �heiv� is no reil foiindatioli : ....... . AS, I -1 . , . for petroleum oils, "Diamond Alice", wheeled around I lished by the Times (New York), I,, for Japanese Misgivings ­ 1. " ... _f . I I I 1. I *f 'Ronzam Terms. S15 to insure- many of the qualities of which it on her sharply and replied, ' took a fewboxes more before I ston- which that paper cluotes Vice-Presi- to Singapore, A glance WM reggirdt- � I I i, . --,-�, 11 I , at the 1,, , . . . . - - . - #V � " 11 -.Z '­, 6 .. " I , . I � , As a --'-- Pathfir'der has Pr- hhaalelf Possesses. When the demand is suf- I will!" 'NO; but Ped, and by that time I had never felt dent Clark E. Woodward, , it; i, 11 T . " .. - , , . so well in my �Iife. I shall always of the L'b- will make this plain. if Botain , I! 11 . e:%es'sufrel binan-t-beh'sstmstwDckrinhzav'ng keen very sue' ficiently acute synthetic oils will as- She left the court, collected a 'half ertY Mutual Insurance. Company as - hcd nollf- L " '.1 " . amd buys wam at feel very gratdub to Dr. is . . I hic figur"ill For farffi,!� D-ruoutsm. ph.. suredlY be provided. dozen members of her gan gressive desi _� V 'in 91, Reusez. g and told Williams' stating that "'Women were much . grJ6 against Ja_ .. I UX & HADAML If the synthesis of gasoline skould them of the incident which Pink Pill,,; 'and strongly , recommend bet- pant A=2W b not the -J$ , she I `,\ �, ..., COLW ha ter driven than generally conceded." W*1 - � 1, . . . . � FraviiWw"L prove to be a long and difficult pro- wounded her pride. 'I them to those w'ho are rum down.11 Mr. Wood'war,d said tha . t examination -MMMNNI_ - *e�P!t""!, ! !: , " �;;I � , '1� i, -10�i' 11�1'111�Y�, 1::'1421.iir�l - 1, I I I 1. . , 'll ,% You can get these PIN from your _________,___,__�_,___1__- , 11, _.1_.....44e-_., - �4 of the accident records of his comp- . 11 I � I . . ,.L I . I . . I . ­ . .. . 1. -1 . J � I " ! ___ - cess, we have a cheap and abundant -"I'll show her that she can't taunt druggist or Wmail at 50 cents a bo ., . 11, ,,, . ., � . .1 . - i . ! __ I.. . .- I . t. � - I x any bore out his belief that 'women � ­ . '. . . � , � �� source of methyl alcohorl from coal. the 'Forty Eleph2ntia'," she added call- from The Dr. V11tams' Medicine Co., . I . . I 11! ' .. . ,�: Methyl alcohol, made possible by the Ing a couple of twdoa . Ali and Br kvi I , t, , ::. I .� �,� .11 I -- � 1. . . , 0 ... , . 11 _� Ili 19 ".1 lis ce oc le ()a are much safer driven than men." . .... . . I . '.11;- patent process of alcohol synthesis her confederates drove to the depart- The 'nines article continues:- I ". .. - . 1. I- �& � I . . , . I 11 I r, � I . M from mrbon monoxide and hydrogen ment store, and went straight. to the I 1?1 MT. Woodward asked the motor- . I . I I ... . . _.:'. �� .1. - � , ,� : I , � vehicle authorities of seveg :� . I � I I.. - - sure and , L . . ,. . . (cOmmOn water gas) under high pres- silk depaitment. Lat--7 thikt after- GG ALA G D AS SUNXBR to expircts thErit views on 1, I .. I � ". , I I . I I �. e .,.-. . ted to tho storels ' DISU, -11 . 1 41 "I - temperature, is one of the noon it was repor - E 8 1) 00 states - . . "I ". S - I " - lovioonii�edodt� s1iia "t -_ -1 , greatrst elhemical itchievementh of re- detectives that foarteen bollis of milk � tion. Commissioner Robbins 4ues- I - " ��", 9"M TMDMS addressed to tk. usdek-- cent'i". , � I I B. ... - �., "I'll �.e, ed. and onaws6d ,-rend,,r for � , r, �, " - stgn North It had been stolen, I Egg salads -4re a particular,ly use- - _ or, $ . . I- I ", Pier Pa_�truetioa, Goderich. ont-, _"kes Possible a vast source of The gang had its male sesoe.wtes ful type of r s 28,500 welfi6ii qOete fi�6jjed: to 0.*r,�, I � . , r be - .,.", . :,',:� isr), Tuagday, July 6th, � i of WROM . - ' �-,,, rec,6i,md until 12 edock noon iglit saw- ftW,, f6r motors; in fact, alcohol U &h 10 erring in the ate in I' Codne&Udut *" , I � , I fi.,;. 1926, for tke romm . W&A6 11 be I—— U 0 111, �%% a ' 90 y6s*i1ofacel- ' &_��P' ' . %�z forehand,- tho tgjj� may be Mixed 'eln are more than � ­ � , I 'f . 'm eet. -at Goderich, Huron county. out, _ If it became necessary to employ this ctbianiond Agie,_ _1�ab,y in a few moMen'ta,-sud when sei-0ed Ift V T1. I - " struction af the mor6h pier for a leactb of gines in Cuba and, I am told, in Paris. on all Inexpensive; thAy- Inay be prEiPared 500 f men outside its criminal- ch-cle, he go I ,� , ,� 1; . , ans and forms of owitrzet can be teen _I ,and A _jF 60" Le�j 4 206. ,,,�,� andspecification and forms of t,ende, obtkhwd fuet a different type of engine could ae� wi 1:3 - 0­ �1; . . '�,,, 3 DOA'tauent, 'Vegetables and a � "3% 'eig t UM68 an mutly .. . , * ,%if � I . ' , by It good rich dredd , 'I . th fresh, dift X, , " G Maggie" fully realized thc ruhi that j ­lk' A,`ow�,-: ,, �A,1,-N ' (dayl is to fight and bicker over,but it'f�ovrn_ w rm weathw�. The ingredients are alread& used with ether to ran en- ed in true Amazonian fashj"* w at the offitAw of 4be be devised to make it more efficient. might be brought to their pin I � I . S �,!., Z'stTlOt 14411-5. Custoin. Building. as - ubod, to operate ?­ I U iig, it ip n6t only ap- men L � i �.,� ut'' . 1. ., v, �. I I ­ ,_ - . , ib F9%it7 Ruildinz, Toronto 0-at.1:11% - good lobldmg detective and a 11ovegick Petizing, but, ..,,Vdib Its combination of indtor-Vehicled N�kmedtietit last I 0 1, , 11 -,,:�� e�,Post Ofilee. Goderieh OnL' ______-6_ ­ if, ; 1% * . � . S , ­' member of their Woup. They dig- eas'] year 11 said " _*,. St6e&64 "and the , , "o, T�uders vhn not be coy�idered unless mad ' Ly digestcd��_proUdn and fat and t . I 110, or , � . . 1� ent . , '*"" *t ,1�!,':, on brinted forms supplied h3r the Departm e AMAZING RAMPAGE OF LON- couraged outside- love affairs on the valuable minetal,"siAts, is very nutri- fim,Wt* oPer4tb pr6 r04011161ble for . S - ` I'll . 11 - , � ,MYA' in aceordance with oonditions cei, , - - �'. . ; -;%, . therein. contained part of their followers in the direct tious as welly.-iiidmAy be served, ac- tbk& as' many accidents as , T --,..h, -,.,I- 'Ile � ,""', I .� � - Path tender must be accompanied by on ac- DON'S "40 ELEPHANTS'- and conclusi,ve fashion of the under- companied by �� � p rolls, as the ni%in thOig'Asci%64 to Women drivers. Out . I . I . . W, 011A. I - . ," I , L , I -cepted aheqoe on -a cwrtsted, bank Payuble, to The "Forty Elephants" -have at -last world. In lad, the downfall of those dish. for luneSOX . !"or supper. I of 14A0 -accidents, 13j686 weri-caus- ­­­­.- I—. .. . '. . F ;;� S, I IthL, order of the minister or publie " .. MWOM I _ I .11 . . ­ �- . "'.. I WorTIM. been trapped! two leaders and the sma up of the Egg . Cfil ed by men 4nd 873 by women. Only. . .., - I .., I � ,-quai For months London's gang ,Ofte Salad. I . I � 1." , , to 10 Per clmL of the sna6unt of the _ � I I I . � . ..1. I . � . 40 . ost notorious gang, made up of resulted from just such an af- Split six W-',-' nine women were involved in cb-.1 A V_ . 11 ., i. tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or I _0�ked eggs length- fatal ' * ' "' , '" , ... fair. driving aceidents, as compared to 178 01 r 1 12 i , � , I ... � bo"& of the Canadian National Rallway women picked for either beauty wise Mash t9'""'blik with one-half I . -� A I . . I �:� Co, , u7 will also be aceibted ; -, " ed, itetW911. ,. _ � #�. 6 i , ,., and a obeque if required to make up 1 4C! � , � I I , to IV as G`Oar4ty, Or brawn, terrorized the 'grated c i "' , * , sm I or The trial of the women ,gangsters CUP " 0,� , �,, � . l32eJLIV each ' ' ' ' ''' , i , I . � ,f, 11 I ?, , . Elephant and was one of the most sensational that Mato ca �0�' ' a tablespoom to- Frank A. Goodwin, registr* of m W , , ,- 11 I . . "12 . an iddd amount. tch1dp,-'�!4'�;'i,,*,' . . ,.�.,� . .1� _ I I - � Castle disitrict, in which they bad London has had- in yean. For a a- 4��wft I I , . ., beadquarters, and played havoc ' a nb 0 pep- tor-vehiCles in Massachusetts, report- Wig Ple,f " - . I , ,; � I 46TE---Mue-Drinto a= be obtained at this '&, gr � ly id".- ....... �.�.ili ........ �..�_'r . . .......... 1­....�A.. . � "' . . . .� . R'lz ft ' I " S add a few ed.- . . I 1. � .. - � ­ .1. ."_ I I ''. .. I . . , f6r'tb 0, -illoist0tit'god salt - theiT. time Per, mace and; . V "'C"t. naive on or f . of the secret drops of olive�,)6 !T I Dit4r nent by depositing an seelsofed cheque with the stocks of expe It 'Was hinted that some '.. � .1 e MU of U0.0R, payable to We order Land rec ds , th e #i y. j 0�-,� �- �, \1 � .., �. _ Of -the MAIlster of P"lk w,b-rks,, vmch will .stores. BU -me to to taste �;fl"*I` "OVal" balls "Our registry aow. not show ex- - ... I , .. I � 'P,� I �., light dmdng the gang Might co . fitd ' lay actly, how Infi I "I it. ",,- ��., _ , � � I..', 1 ber t a mass attack waged ily .of the. 816'athtt, , 4-a- .. . . - 624,M per- .11 - I ­�_­.­ ,� ,,, L � *tUrned if the inimnaing bidder submit a against the fa -frial. A 'number of them in the % 1 4 the eggs' and i, - - �, 1�:;.. 11 . ': ,. I [ . - . , . 1 1, '?`.: . ,"d I . � . I � . I I . � .1 , �� . , A �. .1 I * Oder, . tight -the po- *bo bad IaNen victims of the gang's olive. Serve I ' .1 W0MeZL I lk — 1, , , id" , , I., realilar b1d. mIIY Of a renegade 'k � / T,.4,: PrOlninftt Persom in London society garnish , 1. qfk4 ; , 0 sons licensed in 1Wgilehilietts a26. ' I , , , W ...".11- .............. � .... Ill ............... !.._.......-._..#.-._-.V ... � � member of the gang br,ro eqcW��,*`Itfi hallf, a stuffed � Pe. �i. y !12 11 I . a. r. omamw, lice, brought nine Members fixto court blackmaili viti ' It � Is s9f f -15 C, , , 16 to sA7,'-UdW6ver 1w ,. .. .. . , I I :!," I ng acii es . of lettuce, with � ; . ,11.� ': "', . �_ I - . , . ,,, ,V " 40 , � , ", � � .. I . I � . . " 1, 1111-11 "V", ­ - . I � I 1. I . I .1 "I. &�=� , and brought jail s6utcAc*s for,the six or WIrb, fidd be- cheese straws�� tut not r"s t A 14,or IS , -1, � . �, I I ., I .1 � - 11 -1 . I �, 0. * pht of Pub � - are, w . . . � _pgr elent" 7 ,10, i : , . V I Y%IL a � . � I .!..:- . ­ I ,,,',, wall, � 1926. r%� g may be used . . _� ' - � 1. W ' _ , ,I- 11, . V N& Wftlas, Come involved with S me of the pret '' 1.1, I rl , � 'If "'. Ame 14, leaders. London 6 _ Any le omb '01ficho' I "'06tild thet ­tW fair t6 ,� ,- � �� ­ ,It I ,* ONI# 4�61�' " I I I ­ � ., � I � , � I 5A,i" - eAi­ �,. �.',, "I'll, .1.1 . I I 91. , _61-q- I' .., I . , V, . . I .. I! L t ;",: i I �, ­ I 1�� , oft , � � YUF L-. ­­ ........ � � I I I , �i . . � ra .., . � d 1- .,., I I __ ! ___ ovy, Salg& "q ,� .- . I _�,, �! " �'' -- � .ii--= Th% "Forty EbsPhalds," police be- Many a the members were given � would ftd-,'Ab6ft'A4'Vf 16'� 7 , '-',. - ..... ........ ............ . .. s4 ��?,,ll-­­ . ii ----77 .-I.-I ­ , t I �.,." 1, ,1,�-�,, ­�'- � I I �. I ., .1 '' ,_ _ � I , . � I _, n 4; IWI f�,,,��5, _ . ..: I" . . .1 I - I I 1. :, - " ,�� I , , , 11 � . . lieve, is the fimt eUe of a ging, of long jail s6ftt,aWe 11DI'at Remove Yo , 0ft,4r,4,ieoOked I � ;��L,�y ,;: , . 1. , --------- . , ,; , 'At least breathes tier Members wer� said to hav,e bee n for sandw,e assume that in"thol,gtt A , 4 in., - ." . , ,, � 1� I S9r,s,g more easily- . _h . � I . mu 11 '��,:��;", � named In tire gang"i; records. Egg a delau of which W h I __� ;;1-i' 61 - , ,� - _§. d6tid A of thd drA*ojsj , - " - - , , , . ", �, � _ _ __ '11 ,,4 _ � � . �` I � this size and vicibilaniss being,c6m- del eggs and , .. 1, , - in sliq , � I _V . . . ,� -.1 1, "�,�, , � J I , . ;, �,'."�� -, �, nd "�OY­Faced Maggie', were con- anchovy esi' `Q4 -0 t*bl'e"On dette- to bb wM17ed" I _41, I , " , 4 ;J`., I .1 1,14 .� ;, , � , , I ,, 1-1 I I . " A C i , Z V." , r 11 .. 'A 11� AMA I 9, . � . , �' 4 f i" V, .,� . _ . reet#d � . ., ­­ vp 11 t- th - twill-, '..", �,7, 3# ` w -r- � . I 11 I .1. . . - - I . W It a N _RP.,. ­M;;, , wlv , 11 I . I � � ' I - - � ie'k� �, . "', , , - -,---- , -alt 'i M - 1. . *21, �-,� , .1 I 01 1 ,j4 W2,11 mix- �.� 4� W- --, I—- - � I ,�%%*,, ­ . ,­,, � � �.. - " I "'.. '!�` I . The k. the h6ui� "of Britw ,N& VVa# Q, Pack t L" STo-wWrelff, 111 , , , __,�"10­_11 . ___ - " , � ril� ". ,by *0014n and vlotad$ -of, leading a erinif 7 . _ " , 1t*$t00bqv io . te , f . � , 9 t -, �' � ,?',� I " iiT� �, .;� ' I X, .1 I N ,...j.', ,ri,%_ I UM leadeils of these, Amazons give, '6 Af-W e, ejog- 1, - I � " " - ­ I '. .s.�4�iit.4i� , " ­ " I �. "" 0i. - � .#j,,_.."y_'* ... ­ 11 .o�- . . � , � _, � 'WX�, py'a- 0�10 -. pe - - " , '. -.t I , ., , !m es r_ ­P Ar1.,..,il"­'+,4 U 1-6* t0r* at hard 14of urfa whites. p ,i , ' r- n, iv� . 1% e-- ­.r. " � "'We act �'"4 from ends �'Tqw_',xe, -I . � I—- .". , . . , .,_� r. * : � e 7J'_V . I—- �,-:', . '' , ,��.::. 4� �,, .�;�X% '.'- 4.. q t ?., ;, Wel* typical 01 '"'r 6 Ivit- the W%hes of th Cut � ' ' 11#11,re __ , , . . , I I . , " .... ...... ,­'. ­ � � I _' , li, �., .- 14 I , I.. I 12% 11 � , 11 .1 _.��,;', , "k , . ludge, that It Would Of whites so '%tand eas. , ' � r . i l'T '��,'�X�f-,T_­n,t��­ ,� , .1 I I . . :'., 1; I �1. 11 . 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