HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-05-28, Page 5VS " b or " '11 R. R. �2, usk- by -tender the % X N y AIR VI., own stable, '418.00, payable,i with mares )ef ore Februny DEW. gw� for insurance- 1. Nr R �#t`tf tpl. #�_ MW ter �4 4. 9101r" names, 111:tP -s: m -000, "M ...... �t,.,�','XRD lit, - -,-at �440tft j-4 i It W VIVX�.� All d6IV V 0#0 r IVA& Vix AN OnCE -,*'at After tbp- optid awe Sul JA 'MA N r '4 flowe ate the eald AdminkAr4AU os o,ivith. AsK deceweVapioW 49 The Han_dsoiqv�;� n �t t DETTIE, ND", I iiii* proceed to distribute I es,04(i of thA, S r Pivoident. r Cl 300-4 ydesdale p j �s;v goc�L bavarg re"t'd to gw se I aael"WiW ol,id - ' #d buffet, 0,he, shall bevve r -ed,,Rne f4 'Iftift 'gut, sqhd v4 1 diulr4 �w . Onts, I . pi V r, 401 xesemir cordanooAh",'Itim. T BONXA�j, �(;YRE I 2kurrter, . ci�al oll,,stove. DATED,�nv ClVdDn, 040ta-4p; tW' day D CARS 6.1�',Wjth ;&� ehairs;%j stavo wl�h ov.T� almost new, I Ajnner apd toa,� of May.' A.D,; X-090,, p - I Rupture ZXpert 4*4 'n' And V(ild' eltim- o W. � BRY.00M _41 est of isfii�a aud� glau'' S61Ic16or,-1;r­Vm js%4V Admin'is 'd gres tratrIX. ��'F wR'Voi *V kood I.. A I For Sale fit � for Om. 1M d4pl,aOd mi, kind ;0 85 cooking Ntms11% -Al* Here rtand for mar W��. season of 1926 �ihiel kitthou- tAbIg. s at the M J.bjped,,�,v' 4A& Wonday—Will le 6�V stable at John Do you suffer from ptwe? if S,6, plush Calrils, Lot 2 On Hi4bert, an.1 new. T14 011" CREW (W proceed , to 6,ces*ion 8, Bib - rob _N0 ­', -on 00 4 ;: "' 014 , I, I your b g oppoTtunity has now arriv U&D, -'. , .', ", Clint' Garage i o 8� ' 1'� ed. Mr. Reavely the noted rupture bert, for noon; thew, �� b$318 X KiinnDn,3, AINIXe."r 06'' ,or ,A Lot 10, Concession R gni niobt. IN­-�.ITM .10TATE �ve, Used Car we offer for sale expert will be at the 'Ov� JoHN' 0E` Tues(liw.-To Lathit, I Lot 27, Con- cession 8, Usbori h n carefully -a�pralsed, thor- 1�, then to Wil - 2111 LAMB, 11 NoTXW Is be�oiby jji,�en that al, persons TEL oughlk Teconditioned and warranted COMMERCIAL HO W Lot I o1oll 5, Usborne, Iiiving !,cwma against the Job" for night. V.&dnes4f, *W�-j Delbridge's, _�stube of- "am Mo"d'e's. Laml�, 1AW of, the Township of Tuckersmith. ei P_ for noon; then Pred for one day only RO T O.K. at time of delivery; except only _,,&t 9, Conces on � , , fifll,,tim6m for $400. -per in,,the County of guron, Faqpdre. ddce-ed, to J. E. Montelelp,* , South Thames a few very cheap cars sold "As, Is." 1 �.mppt rrhl Q , �, who died og or about the ninth day of Janu- Road, for night TIM John Glenn's, See our list this week and the - Made frons _ Water $14'. .12 TIT* THURSDAY, JUNE 3rd ary, A.D., 1926, are required th deliver to L1,ot 27, Xorthenwat�. U6borne, for Pull M 'anag'-TeSi8tftUt 610111 Oiitwears three ord- James B.- Reynolds, the the s,a:mpli.-. g"d values offered. s. one-half mile noon; then to Os�. juary suits. - N*��collecting or delivering. said estate or -his solicitor, on or before me seat of Cromarty; -ft;`- �,.�-,rriday.-To his Ask 'For and will be pleased to give free ex - an oney paid dilly. Salesmen . and ,first flft� day of June, A -D., 1926, a fall state- own stable for. uoou;�_ be will remain L. E. RODWELL' amination to any sufferer and to 6 ",'County kai�agepsl wa'ated., Vfrite quickly ment of their claims together with partloulars until the folulov-Vinlor", Mio Salesman in Charge. demonstrate -his famous appliance. 'our disktrict " Is taken. thereof, and the nature of the securities, if FRED COLQU00 Proprietor. W. J. CRISAOLM, This appliance will contract the open. home, i Nagar Clothing Co., Toronto, Ont._ I any, held by them, all du3y verified. by affi- ,Ater,, tMr J9h1V Mil 9 tee)f% dayit four a DODGE BROTHERS DEALER ing in 10 to 15 days and will cure eases AND TAKE NOTXCX that After Ibbe said 70 York St. Landoii� 4. This appli- last mentioned 4to tibe a,&1d`Adn34z&tr&tor Ont. in from 3 to '6 month. ,AX M.P., & wi4 V,;oC.Cqa. to, "#jbUte. the. eistate of the ance, ip positividy. doM0118trated to yo.0 7 -80504 COURT OF R VI$ The I.mporwd -of le Swli.. AF ION, d-aAd aseessea, amongst the persons, entided right on yoVr oWn perSQ4 Wlt'Aotrt any gard only to Such cbaftnS 28 MAX,*,; �Aige. Ydu do not spfnd g peM therdto having re - TOWNSHIP TUCKE119MIT11 h*-- fliall'havo. rupdvid dw iftotiov ond in, aS- of cordance therei0th. U-Dl@*s you ATe fullY.Satiqfled that it : - - bwoutord'',offek - I ­Irl�_ I DATED at Clintoji, Ontario, We i7th daY VOL.�IXXIII ving desirable The Township Council will m6et as a, Court of May, ILD., 1026. The Deeside Har,e Sod Land- i�s the right 11ppliance for you. A ibert Sqarlett. of Revi6lan on the Assessment Roll -at the, �Y...BRY -- Consultation with uncil Chamber. Seaforth Saturday. May _,DONE, Clinton, Ontario, Mr. Reavely Will ]MIK Is �o M S t -present occu- 29th. at 2 p.m. Appeals I against the aaseas- the said Administn r. men V onn I cost you nothing. Don't let this op - 3049 -3 Will travel the follo\vftjr,��mlaute thie meason: -r_ lHvIW, -i"_ 'a�ei Psktoro�'- For; further iar,_ Iftent. must be In ther a da of we Cleris an M"'Y.—Win leave hig"16wn -tablc� StAff"4 11 Y 6� away om you. Re- goWa ply to WALTER (l, WILLIS an(, or before May 20th, 1926. and go north to the 7th Concession, then west 4111 LUU member the date. Br D. F. MoGREGOR, OF HURON 2% miles and north tW-'.Toseph Atkinson's, .,A . i� or M2 - R, S' 804" - Clerk. Hibbert�, for noon; the4_weat to H�rry Tyn- SoIjejjWt, for�"_]KX &W� 1 8042 MEETING PEMBERS CO3MTy COUNCIL dall's, Tuckersmith, f0i night, 'ruesday.— I A %X A XTXr IMT A %IT North to the 2nd Co,0,��­&im of McKill at qeaqnn nf I Q ­ IXLE�l imri.L-4, A rW.Y to learn Garage work and BarbLring. We John Kdeinfs, for no,��, jb[1W S�Uth and east to P. McGrath's, St�'Qidmban, Men's strong Cot-tonade Pants, al - F#aw VoIr Smm F61t' Lot 11, paneemion r, -molturov, containing 100 are offering spei�ial amrang4iments by which you can earn some money by work furnMed The Council f the Corporation of the for night County of Huroo will meet in the Council WednesdAY—North Moylan's. for Springor fall ploughed, for acres, Theib -are, on the &XOnised" A good -baiia.- while attguling our 'sehoW - HEMPHILL M Chamber, Goderich, at 3 o`clock in the after- noon; then north 11/4 m1i And east 21., Miles noon 0 f Tuesday, the let day of June, 1926, and north to Henry Beuri�aweis, Jr., for night. Flax growing purposes, UxG(;; hen house and Implement. house, 'first TRADE SCHOOLS, LTD,, Kinc St. W., Toronto. "I or wAte for particulars. All accounts against 'the County must be In Thursday—East and south Ed. Roee, for &n* to Norroan Apply to 4h- class repair. The farm It all ti'll Strong boys' pants at 89c, 98c and the hands( of the Clerk not later than Monday noon; then east and Bush- from .............. ArAlbed and well feveeiL :Pleqty of water; preceding the meeting of Council. The Coon- Reld's, for night. Fridayt nth w 4t)h Gon-4 Lro at this sale 75c '0 $1.29 VEMALV AGENTS WANTED fall ploughifig'Jone. Six miles from cfl at this meeting will Atipolui valuators to cessit)n of Hibbert at ications Gr�*' Br-., for noon; AppI be then to Staffa,'kf hie J. A. KERR 5 miles frojn Dublin, 1% tnilea from 91, '1 fro%L ehiilih: rural, mug and a nu I Sol On 'snay ph"e. 'Will be terms. For Part or full time. appointing orb -affents equalize the courdy, may south -est i -n atable, made to the Clerk or any member of the here he will remain e following Mon- ounciL day rnorning. Seaforth -furIfier particulars ai>yly to me- WILLIAM , steady income assured. Write immediately GEO. W. HOLMAi4, Terms. An extra fine Men's Dress ShirLs, ZVIU,k Staffe, RKeedtor, of the Estate of the THE &4,NTILLA CQ� Dept. 33, P. 0. Bpx 496, Montreal. County Clerk. JOHN LIVINOST-ONE �b%anager, Phone 269 P.O. Box 87 I& awes Flanagan. 480$6_te . G6derich, May 14th, 1926- Proprietor and A big variety of fine Men's C_qps Nipely-made and street 710"d to $119 at ............ frorn .............. Dry Goods Silks, in black, blue and brown sbades, worth up to $2.00, for per yard ............. ....... 98c Heavy Black Duchess Satin, worth $2.25, for ...... $1.39 Raw Silk, regular 98c 49c for............... ........... Extraordinary Bargains in Dress Goods --A big variety of the latest maiertalk, in Dress Goods, worth up to $2, td cleat at.... 59c Voiles in rn�ny different designs and qualities, worth up to $1.26; to clear at this sale 15c to 590 - :from ............. _ Wortb's, Anderson's and Duro's Dress Ginghams in the latest pat- terns, also Chambrays and Cretonnit, 32 and- 36 inches wide, regular up to 65C per yard. To clear at this sale at, per yard ...... 22c, 24c and 27c Another lot of Ginghams, 82 1 1C ,inches wide, at per yard ...... Wbite Flantlelette or striped, 86 '-inches wide, to clear at �per yard .... ; ....... I ......... 22c C H IFET BROS01' Fine Bleached Cotton at per yard .................. I 5/2c The same, of better qualoity at, per yard ................. 20c Unbleached Cotton at per yard .................... 14c Bleached, fine, heavy sheeting, regular 89c,for per yard ..................... .45c All kindsof Curtain material at an extra bargain PrIce. A big assortment of Flannel and Serges, regular up $1.10 per yard, for per yard .......... 35c Pure Linen Table Cloth, bleached, per yard .......... Unbleached at per yard .................... 98C Fine Damask Tablecloth at 85C peryard .................... I Linen Towelling at 14%c per yard and 16%e per yard. Best quality Satinette in mauve, pink, -blue and white at a real bargain price, per yard ........ 35c Our Aim at This Sale is not to make money, but to raise money. You are, therefore, offered at this Sale the grandest bargains of all time, and every dollar will buy more than two dollars' worth of merebandl--,(,, as this is a general clearing sale of everything that we carry in our store, space will not allow us to mention every- thing in detail, but we can assure all our patrons that many big surprises are waiting them at our store. We are only' going to mention here a few items of all the lines that we carry, so as to give an idea of all the great bargains we are going to offer at this sale. We invite each and everyone to come and be convinced. We sell the "Ideal " Patterns. They are the Highest in Quality and the Lowest in Ladies'. -Wear price. Any Pattern only Twenty Cents. Ladies' Silk Scarfs marked at half price. Ladies' Hats, to clear at this sale froln,� ........... $2.49 to $3.95 at L . ftdle�ll botion ROS6 20C ......... .............. usl� Rose at per .......... 32c 'In' 42c 'J ROBTYEID Eavetroughing Plumbing Heating Phone 23 SEAFORTH The house with the unrivalled repu- tation for quality haix goods. Free Demonstration and Display Commercial Hotel, Seaforth WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2nd See Dorenwend's Patent Structure with the new sight proof parting Telephone Mr. Knight at the iItel for appointment. The W. T. PEMBER STORES Limited 129 Yonge Street, Toronto. In fact the Biggest that was ever witneS'Sed, will start May 28th at SEAFORTH Men's Ladies, - $piing, �Ooats, worth up to '*9._',cbaar A very ftne Brassier 29c Men's strong Cot-tonade Pants, al - grey, brown Serges and $11.49 at this sale at ....... I ....... .. .......... grey and blue and white stripe; the Men's real fine to $15.49 $22.50 145.00; roth to $2�.50 SuiW from.... ity to f rom .......... $4.95 $9.50 Men's Pants of a better quality, at Ladies' '(faftW4 Satin -faced Other Brassierso 45c He each ............ . ......... 49c f rom ............ Strong boys' pants at 89c, 98c and and OeorgottA, Di6qg""* 411' made in from .............. Ladies, pure silk 'Underwear, rega- . ........... . ......... Lro at this sale 75c '0 $1.29 the latest styleo -to olear "from f6 Satin and Silk 79o'$1.69 lar up to $2.25 Ste 1,39 4 Men's fine Dress ShirLt, worth up to Othor Ties of better quality at half $12.50 Princess Slips from from .............. at Udies, Silk WaUta," wle-fliiird oll! An extra fine Men's Dress ShirLs, Ladies, Silk Hose in 411 tke new - inrluding broadcloth and Silks; regu- the; regular pAce. All kinds of Ladies' Night Gowns est shades d 16 I'll 46c ity at, per pair .......... .. A big variety of fine Men's C_qps Nipely-made and street 710"d to $119 at ............ frorn .............. The heqt all-wr�ol Cashmere Rose porch W, frora .............. nf Men's S-vwater Coats and Pull- from 45c ' 79c overs. iii dresses, at ........... Ptore Silk thread 11406i�,- 86,C of the beat makbra bi th& Ladi,", Vests and -Bioombra. toade regu lar for; .... V 98C " $L 2,29 ii all kinds of styles t2c to file Ail kinds, of tAdfes)' dlovwk tit a from. i ......... ... special 90901111 .1`rlfholl�'. 4 Ladies' Silk Scarfs marked at half price. Ladies' Hats, to clear at this sale froln,� ........... $2.49 to $3.95 at L . ftdle�ll botion ROS6 20C ......... .............. usl� Rose at per .......... 32c 'In' 42c 'J ROBTYEID Eavetroughing Plumbing Heating Phone 23 SEAFORTH The house with the unrivalled repu- tation for quality haix goods. Free Demonstration and Display Commercial Hotel, Seaforth WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2nd See Dorenwend's Patent Structure with the new sight proof parting Telephone Mr. Knight at the iItel for appointment. The W. T. PEMBER STORES Limited 129 Yonge Street, Toronto. In fact the Biggest that was ever witneS'Sed, will start May 28th at SEAFORTH Men's Wear Nicely tailored Men's Suits in blue, Men's strong Cot-tonade Pants, al - grey, brown Serges and $11.49 so a good heavy overalls in black, Tw&ed.-,; to clear at ...... grey and blue and white stripe; the Men's real fine to $15.49 $22.50 same in ,-ocks, worth $2.25; to clear at this sale ........ $1.39 SuiW from.... ity to f rom .......... $4.95 $9.50 Men's Pants of a better quality, at Men's summer weight Underwear, separate at thig sale t $1.75 0 $4.95 each ............ . ......... 49c f rom ............ Strong boys' pants at 89c, 98c and Working Shirts of all 1,inds and Combinations at each 98C makv.� and of different materials, to . ........... . ......... Lro at this sale 75c '0 $1.29 Men's Silk Ti,,.s to clear 19C ............. at Men's fine Dress ShirLt, worth up to Othor Ties of better quality at half . 7, _1 ; to CIP R T a t 59c Price - cach ............ ........... at Men's Cotton Hose Fit 19C An extra fine Men's Dress ShirLs, per pair .............. ..... inrluding broadcloth and Silks; regu- ILr up to $2,95; $119 The same in a heavier qual- 22c to clear at ................ ity at, per pair .......... .. A big variety of fine Men's C_qps Mpn's heavy ajjL d 29c an 35c to clear 15c to $1.10 wool lose t pr p.ir frorn .............. The heqt all-wr�ol Cashmere Rose An extra big reduction of all kinds or Silk and Silk and Wool Sport Rose nf Men's S-vwater Coats and Pull- from 45c ' 79c overs. per pair ........... Children's Wear Boys' Suits, made of good strong Boys' Underwear, separate 45c tweeds with 2 pair pants, $4.65 at .............. ............ at .............. ......... Com bina tions Other Boys, Suits of better qual- at . .. ... .... . ......... .75c ity to f rom .......... $4.95 $9.50 Cotton Jerseys at an 29c ' 35c each ................ Strong boys' pants at 89c, 98c and $1.10 per pair. Boys, Shirts 49c An extra bargain Girls' Dresses and Suits; in %11 kinds of Children's Wash at .............. ............ 95c ' $1.45 to clear from ..... Boys, Caps from each ............... 15c to 59c Men's Umbrellas at oach............ ........... Doys, all -wool Jerseys at hft ,m�h ................. ........ VOC Ladies, Umbreil as sit............. .......... BOYS' and giVIS' hose, to Cl4ear at this gale at per pair ............ Ik and 22c Salf-dpener%f, with double 0�ir tvires, at .................. #1 24% V