HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-04-30, Page 68l4llt:
is•. "lever sold in
r o ce ' sells this
nd. Tr.. ,A, LADA.
liaaty ,i
ire in bleat
1,��"Mop ,G,. tux Vach(saa ("Death tic,` t
R;lls" " 'T7 ea1t
of the' sh> c� tneu to i ee, 'the,
laud ostf their
IYL aof he
fn an ellaTbParkt ler with all sorts
of weird designs olndblaspho
mottoes. One .lifter., who escaped
the guillotine by' ' presidential con-•
mutation, had a blue -blank mark
running around This neck. Above the
line were tattooed the words, "Ex-:
ecutioneer, •when cutting, follow the
dotted line."
co>ivieis were tattooe4
In Africa a tribe o gia
whom would be:_ cal►alt
world records .far. reit r,
nd endurance, attroeto
attention. So far as' we are
r. Roome was the disaoveeer
etribe which he found in the
of Rwanda, near Ugandan
elation of this kingdom is a-
0,000, and the giant ath1'etea
bers of the ruling caste which
te about ten per cent, of the
on. Many of them are more'.
en feet high. The,aged king;
; who walks with a stoop be=
hiis years, is still six feet
Etches tall. The native name,
`este is Watsui, and in the opin-
r. Roome it is Egyptian rath-
negroid. The skin of the
Saskatoon, the commercial distrib-
latieg , eefter for the central and
northern :half of Saskatchewan, also
the University City of the Province,
is situated on the banks of the South
Saskatchewan River, whose high
hanks, dotted with trees and shrub-
If'erjr, and carpeted wish vegetation,
give a,touch of scenic beauty not us -
ley associated with prairie towns.
Tote` river which divides the town
is spanned by five bridges, three of
them carrying the three railway
lines of the Canadian Pacific and the
.Canadian National Railways, while
the other two carry vehicular, street
railway, and pedestrian traffic. The
latest of these bridges, opened in
1916, is a handsome arched structure
of reinforced concrete with wide
dimensions to carry double street
railway tracks, vehicular and pedes-
trian This bridge cost over
,�t7. 10,0oo•
''' ••?Tie .townsite was surveyed in 1886
and1•$89 the first bridge (railway)
was built across the river. The rail-
way came the following year. For
the next ten years all there was to
Saskatoon were a few houses and.
shacks on the east bank of the river
°and hardly as much on the west bank.
In 1901 Saskatoon was incorporat-
ed as a village and the next year
published its first newspaper, the
Phoenix, then e. weekly. It is now a
anoraing daily.
A town charter was obtained in
1903 when the population numbered
113 and the town area was 974 acres.
in 1906 Saskatoon achieved the' sta-
tus of a city with an estimated popu-
lation of 5000; at the same time the
city limits were extended to take in
an area of 2567 acres. This same year
witnessed the installation of electric
light and power plant and water
In 1907 the two sections of the
city were joined by a traffic bridge,
supplanting a ferry service. In the
same year the Grand Trunk Pacific
and the Canadian Northern Railways
came into Saskatoon, closely fol-
lowed the next year by the Canadian
Pacific Railway. For a time prior to
and especially with the advent of
Messrs POIIs, eJLtGHabil/toll lint.
'Jjasi[l01 JOS
aZpnf pug 'A14ualsTsuoa
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-.tato plows no uno
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the railways, thousands of settlers
flocked to the western prairies to take
up land—rich, virgin prairie that
needed only an ex and a plow to turn
the furrow ready for the seed.
From 1908 to 1913 the building ac-
tivities totaled over $20,000,000 and
the city limits were enlarged again
to take in an area of 8480 acres or
131/4 sections of land, During these
few years there suddenly arose into
existenoe from out of the prairie sod
a hustling, bustling western city.
Banks, wholesale warehouses, busi-
ness blocks, government buildings,
residential apartments and houses
were built as well as churches,
schools and theaters. Sidewalks
were laid, streets were paved, light,
water, telephone and all modern con-
veniences provided.
Saskatoon is situated in the midst
of a tremendously rich farming
country and holds a strategical posi-
tion as a distributing center. With
the continued settlement of the prai-
rie country and the extension of
branch railways lines, with the im-
mediate prospects of the completion
of the Hudson Bay Railway, which
will bring the products of the prairies
nearer to the European markets, Sas-
katoon ]cooks forward with confi-
dence to the future.
Saskatoon is justly proud of its
schools. In 1903 there were three
teachers and 136 pupils; in 1924
there were 136 teachers and 5352
pupils enrolled. There are in the
city, 17 public schools, two collegiate
high schools and five denominational
colleges besides the university.
The city has 17 public parks con-
taining 396 acres; has wide streets
and boulevards and the ever increas-
ing attention given to the planting of
trees and cultivation of lawns and
gardens is a tribute to the athetie
development of the city with a pres-
ent population of 30,000 people.
"La Mariniere," the last convict
ship afloat in this twentieth century
of the civilized world, sailed recently
for French Guiana carrying 340 lifers
and long -terms sentence men. It was
the first shipload of convicts for this
South American station in more than
two years.
"Ira Mariniere" was painted a weird
combination of red, yellow, black and
white and seemed to have emerged
from the Middle Ages, until one con-
vict, under stress of emotion waving
good-bye to his sweetheart across a
port, collapsed and died, bringing
back the grim present.
No joyful welcome or fond em-
braces await the shackled passengers
on this sinister ship, for their des-
tination is Devil's Island and a liv-
ing death
They were trotted out of St. Mar-
tin's Penitentiary between rows of
steel -helmeted soldiers with rifles
and fixed bayonets, and their step
was heavy and faltering. They look-
ed about as if in pain for a kindly
glance, but the eyes they met were
hard and unforgiving.
They were grotesque figures in ill-
fitting, coarse woollen garments, as
like sheep they were herded into a
small lighter with tem square feet
each in which to huddle. But there
never was a whimper of revolt from
^se broken spirits.
One man stood out among the
spineless, dejected multitude, stolid,
erect, r -i• i fierce moustaches ruffled
by the wind. He attracted the atten-
tion of all.
"He is Gabriel Mourey," a guard
responded to a query. "He is the
man who robbed the American bank-
er Shattuck."
Mourey heard the comment and
smiled confidently as he recognized
the Associated Press correspondent,
who had attended his trial.
"Tull them," he said, "that I will
be the butler for some high class so-
ciety people in New York City in-
side of two years."
Five mothers and seven sisters
were there to wave good - bye and
a fore•lorn hope to departing relatives.
There were no wives. The relatives
were not allowed to wish a final God-
speed to these crushed men.
There were final interviews with
families last Saturday, but soldiers
with bayonets and rings of steel could
not keep one little mother from the
side of her son. She had hired out
as a was•hwoman on the deck of the
lighter, and threw her arms around
her boy of twenty -two --a murderer—,
and kissed him.
Captain Louis Grenet of the con-
vict ship is a man of steel. Standing
hatless on the narrow gangway, he
supervised the .arrival of every one
of his passengers, without scrutiniz-
ing their passports, for "moral tur-
pitude" is an open sesame in that
part of South America to which the
ship is. proceeding.
The convicts were being pushed
into four steel cages two small ones
forward and aft and two larger
amidships. Silently they filed into
the dark, yawning hold, with dull
glances and impotent hatred in their
lifeless eyes.
"1lfntiny, no sir," said the captain.
"B'�at steam from ten pumps into
the, cages soon melts any revolt,"
"dr indivrdtal hothhead5 there -is r3
"d iu t• atatterbornt;'r The , cugiip 'it
intuit a .uat half erect; with both feet.
trust 1 hrongli steel bars five inehes
Byatt. •
fey last Add tt thirty '11ii lines,",
sattl the nook& r'A red C'ur'd ".
Liniments 'of No Avail — The
Trouble Must be Treated
Through the Blood.
The most a rheumatic sufferer can
hope for in rubbing something on the
swollen, aching joints is a little relief
and all the while the trouble is be-
coming more firmly rooted. It is now
known that rheumatism is rooted in
the blood, and that as the trouble goes
on the blood` becomes still further
thin and water -y. To get rid of
rheumatism, therefore, you must go
to the root of the trouble in the blood.
That is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
have proved so beneficial when taken
for this trouble. They make new,
rich blood which expels the poisonous
acid and the rheumatism disappears.
There are thousands of former rheu-
matic sufferers in Canada, now well
and strong, who thank Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills that they are now free
front..the aches and pains of this
dreaded trouble. One of these is Mr.
Robt. A. Smith, Mersey Point, N.S.,
who says:—"Some years ago I was
attacked with rheumatism, which
grew so bad that I could not walk
and had to go to bed under the doc-
tor's care. • It is needless to say that
I underwent a great deal of suffering.
The doctor's medicine did not seem
to reach the trouble, so when I was
advised to try Dr. • Williams' Pink
Pills I did so, and after taking them
for some weeks I was able to get out
of bed. I continued using the pills
and Was soon able to work, and I
have not been troubled with rheuma-
tism since. In other respects also I
derived a great deal of benefit from
these pills and I think them a won-
derful remedy."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pi1Ls are sold by
all medicine dealers or by mail at 50
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
than '
Wats k- is reddish brown or 'bronze,
and iheir art bears a striking resem-
blanoe to that of the Egyptians. Mu-
zingat'',lhimself has a profile exactly
like that of a Seti I, the Egyptian
rnoneeei , whose mummy is in the
reuses n' at Cairo.
Their kingdom is remote from civ-
ilietutlotr; but the Watsui have a civil-
.izsitioinof their own. They dress in
longr-kite robes, something like a
Itonutttoga, and these are often strik-
inglydecorated. Their great size, in
the opinion of the exploreer, is due not
to any herb or special food, but to a
life iitt ",the open. They are very ac.
.tive, •gery athletic and live outdoors
most of the time in an open stretch of
country. It is doubtful if these hab-
its .alone would give them their great
sieee,, and one might expect that in-
bteeding had been practised to some
extent:" Mr. Roome was amazed at
the size and agility of these men, and
conldntot help speculating as to what
they would do to other contenders
shoutldethey be trained for Olympic
sports.." Desiring to see haw they
meg&t..show at the high jump, and
supposing the present record to be
six feet six inches, he had a bar rais-
ed at` this height, and to please him
the icing ordered several of his young
mea to clear it. Several of them easi-
ly juiinped it, and one cleared it by
what appeared to be a good foot, In
a photograph since published this
giant is seen soaring at a height of
well over seven feet with the grace
of a bird. As a matter of fact the
official' record is six feet seven and
five -sixteenth inches, held by E. Bee-
Apparently there are hundreds, if
not thousands, of Africans who can
jump a foot higher than ever a white
man jumped in official competition.
It seems astounding, but is it any
more astounding from - an athletic
point of view than the fact that an
unknown eighteen - year - old boy
should beat the Olympic champion
long distance runner more than half
a mile in the Boston marathon and
cut Tthe world's record by more than
four Minutes? Mr. Roome says th.it
the• strength and physique of the
Wat#tsi are incomprehensible to one..
who has not seen them. To a
traveller they are hardly more inter-
esting than the race of pygmies which
he ran across. These are the forest
erygmies or Batwas, perhaps the low-
est of all human beings in the scale
of intellect, yet canning enough for
their own purposes, and remarkably
adept at certain things necessary to
their own preservation. They live in
a dense belt of foresta thousand miles
long by six hundred miles wide, and
because they rarely see the sun they
are of almost an ochre color instead
of being black. Even travellers in
the pygmy country rarely see them,
for they have the ability of wild ani-
mals to keep out of sight and they are
as timid as rabbits.
Mr. Roome, in an interview with
H. C. Norris, writer for a Philadelphia
Public Ledger syndicate, said that he
came upon the Pygmies at about the
point where H. M. Stanley was almost
lost. Ile found a tunnel through the
hush about three feet high and fol-
lowing it was led to an encampment
of pigmies. The pygmies scattered
and hid at first, but later ventured
outwhen assured that the white man
meant them no harm and he was able
to converse with them through an in-
terpreter, for they have a language
of their own, though most of their
communications are made by signs.
They gave him a tribal dance and
showed how they telegraph messages
through the forest by beating their
fists on their expanded chests. They
use bows and poisoned arrows and are
extremely expert in their use. At a
distance of fifty yards they bit a piece
of w•h i to paper two inches square a-
gain and again, some of them driving
the dart through the centre as ac-
curately as Robin Hood might have
done. Mr. Roome indicated a tree
about eighteen inches iri diameter and
fifty feet tb.the first brancheed� They
swarmed 'up it like cats, using their
fingers and their toes, and hardly
touching it with their knees. Once up
they ran out on the limbs like mon-
keys. Half of their lives are spent
in the trees; ..and half beneath the
underbrush of the forest.
Mr. Roome has traversed Africa
from Cairo to Cape Town five times,
and has gene from the east coast to
the west ceestifiye tithes by motor,
train, hicyel'e, boat and on foot He
has seen tribes never before visited
by a white man: and he has never
been molested. He has often walked
within fortf,yards of lions and leop-
ards but they ",nave merely looked ea.
spectful'ly at each Other. Ile tb,inke
that a lice z'gttme cabers an inlet,' for
about three weeks, and if he has been
injured or fr g1i1ebted by a white man,•
he will etttac'it;'htly' ,other white man
whom he li'Ieets .before the incident
pusses feolie',Vil, Mallory. "Never
bully a wild man er.a wild animal" is
the advice-Meee elite gives to all who
m,It to dui taming when it
is notmaybe toteba no, , ncludeif, the writer. One
of the cute b eau travel is tint
lief t►i ? .• ` tette Et3te
hundro �r,+ltalcl aw .otditttee hg
has hada ,1 es dig guides after
going a le r' + apse they Olt*:
ed a count
/� Sa��yyy�Sd all bmf"
toms then, O k tw
Cooking a head of cauliflower
without breaking is possible with a
new holder.
The government of Iraq has lifted
its ban on importation of radio
Turning the knob on top of a new
teapot stirs its contents after they
have steeped.
Experts will investigate reported
petroleum discoveries in Portuguese
East Africa.
A simple tool has been invented-
nventedto remove automobile headlight
doors that have rusted tight
Vienna has been equipping its
schools with motion picture ma-
chines for educational purposes.
Getting Skinnier
Every Day
Hollows in Cheeks and Neck Growing
Deeper Every Week
Tens of thousands of thin, run-down
men—yes, and women too—are get-
ting discouraged—are- giving up all
hope of ever being able to take on
flesh and look healthy and strong.
All such people can stop worrying
and start to smile and enjoy life right
now for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract
Tablets which any druggist will tell
you all about are putting flesh on
hosts of skinny folks every day.
One woman, tired, weak and dis-
couraged, gained 15 pounds in five
weeks and now feels fine.
We all know that the livers of Cod
Fish are full of vitalizing flesh pro-
ducing vitamines and these same vita -
mines of the highest class are found
in McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tab-
lets—sugar coated and as easy to take
as candy.
And this shows what faith the
makers have in McCoy's for they say;
if any thin person don't gain at least
5 pounds in 30 days your druggist
will give you your money back—and
only 60 cents for 60 tablets. Ask any
live pharamacist anywhere in North
or South America.
But be sure to get McCoy's, the
original and genuine.
Being a fellow of the Royal Geo-
graphies./ Society and East and Cen-
tral African secretary of the British
and Foreign Bible Society, William
J. W. Roome, of Belfast, will not be
suspected of bearing false witness or
even of exaggerating. Therefore, his
statement published recently that he
le O1vSN 9'O cOUONe, COLDS 1 AND 1Ji16...
C4111e WMEN '('al6Ai'L+O WPM THAT
WONDERFULLY reeve—roes Houea neve
An investment of .$25.00 In the origltr,
Synod tate realized $14,000 in a v' r
months. There Is still, big money' to
be' made • n'Red Lae . file' `tli'ORe ..
who' "get In on'the round .fo!ar"
Red Lake -
Public Qlbe%g
Today's Price
9*or' gra
the a edical:i
feat's Uotc
Ata ceders l
rec1iq'ed at
per unit
This offering IN
limited to 5500
units and has
sonal liability. er
Working capital for development purposes is necessary —
Chukuni RED LAKE MINING ASSOCIATION has been formed
and are offering to the public 5500 units in the Association at the
remarkably low figure of $10.00.
Don't Delay —The offering of Chukuni Association units is
limited and the price may be advanced at any time. Wire or
phone your reservation today and make stfire of the advance when
it comes. Send your order today.
e47jaaatt scurf
tth. amnia. Howls
iev • to on 6bthe
mane "brill"' Eucoue
ria pmctfdallar atsgla
E. B. deP11108. M E.
Engineer In charge et
development wort.
&Heave for the .Aseocaltioe
Minor get
• . .. tree
tbeiu , td°.:ar
ant of
es res
�° Class "A"
Sinking Fund
The Company:
The Supertest Petroleum Corporation, Limited. deals in the wholesale
and retail distribution of Supertest Petroleum Products, such as gasoline,
lubricating oils, etc. The Company became known some three years ago, ,
since which time its growth and development has been rapid anti consistent-
ly profitable, until to -day it owns and operates several well-equipped tank
storage depots, as wel!..as sixty-seven service stations, located for the most
part in Western Ontario.
The Class "A" Cumulative Preferred Stock is the first security o: the Com-
pany, being preferred both as to assets and dividends. It carries a cumula-
tive dividend of 7% per annum, payable semi-annually. Total assets over'
amount to $619,096 36, liabilities against stock outstanding of approximately
$386,000.00 The CoMpaetyiias Mkbott d debtor bankloans, and is entirely
free of deet -with the exception of.cutrent trade accounts,
Growth and Earnings:
The combined earnings of -the constituent companies since their inception have been
particularly satisi'eetory, showing in excess of 25% per septum on the paid-up capital. Earn-
ings for 1925 end 1956 are sufficient to show the Preferred Stock Dividend earned between
two and three times. The followingtable shows the development of the -company's business:
1928 3 $113,983.7$ 1926 67 Oiler $ 9q0'
1924 . 16 34.2,47516 1926 (estimated) 86 Over 1.i2 O, ,00'
Purpose of Iss,ce:
It is the intention- of the Company to extend its business by opening •up•new whole asalle
and retail units.
The earnings and accounts of the Company have been audited ;• and certitled biyMessrs..
Oscar Hudson & Company, Chartered Accountants 'whiletholegal dctaila`have been attended
to by'Messts; Blake, Lasit, Anglin dc Cassels.
PRIM $100 pe><r.s e.
(Carrying a 609, oainto,op Conunon Stock)
F911 Descriptive C1#culitt igen request,
iRrlbur e
Medicine anc
ver$itq of 1
Member of
Surgeons' of
east of post
Ont rio.
Graduate of
Ity, Chicago
College of 1
Office over F.
DR. A.
bttd;; Late
Rot'atnda At
Children, Dc
lately occupi
Hours, 9
Sundays, 1 t
Office and
Mast of the N
Phone 46.
C. Mackay
lty 'Universi
Trinity Med
the College
geong of Or
Faculty of 1
lege of Phi
Ontario; pa
Chicago Cli
Royal Ophtl
England; U
don, Engler
minion Beni
Night calls
Victoria Str
Heron Cot
Real Estate,
on appiicatl
684 r 6, R.
ties of Perl
of Jones' .i
Chicago. Ci
(olfaction go
Oscar W. I
of Huron at
made..,:by ca
fortar Cr Th
es moderate
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Bred are
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