HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-04-23, Page 5I I I i I ! �, ,�,�� 1-1.1 I; ,­, - .�,' ,,, ,.,��,� , T 1 1 . 1. , , " �, �V_ I � , " �1� , �. , ��' ,' , .1 ',' , ','- �t% ,' � ,' , . 1, r"- . . - J, " , , , . . , F , , ,� , �� 11 7 , . , , I , I ,� , I , 1 '' , - � I � I ,1 , , I I . . � , . , , 11� 1, :, �, I . , I 7, ��, . " ". " I -- - 1� �1' I ,� ,� r, ­;� I il�11�1. 1�, I " 11 ­ ,�, - 1, 111.111. ..­�,�,ki � I , !:, , I I _ I 11 I 11 _ .,(� , � �,�.14,1�,7,­ :"­:,� *,- " - 11 ��,� �, I I , I ­ .1 � 11 I -1, , , 'I, , . I � - , I 11 1;1 1 I I 1, ;_1 , . , I � � � :1 j;��.&�;X�Z - �'�,,J.o , , I * q� , � '�', , � � I �: � 'I 11� I "I i ,�� C 1, �, I 11 : � ,� � . � �, I I I I � - "I I . � . I .1 1, � � �� . , " !,Ar "'. V,00" .., 0��,�;��, , i "I , - 11�, - ,,,,,,��a :", , , , ,'��; �,, "! , � ,k ''�� - I 11 I , I I i. � , I � � 1 14 11;111"', ANY , , "" , -, � ,� � ,: I � , ,� , , I - ­ I . 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I I -.1 -his, D 0 , Vrd ; : , �� " � i �, � 11RA �t . 811� 11 X� ", �'4,._.,�`.,..%` . , , _,,P__,. '..". R1, �,,�, . " aAW _Klw�ell 1. IF I -1 I I A '*- � I- 11­�:ft. jgv­v""�; 7F... -s ' 4th, 107 ;­110"Id "Ilege.4"an',ex-110. .. 001 4' 'EVI` L, - - i Ir ­`,-.� I I ,..r. . .r ��O,� � sho* I "a .1 i �- �, I . 9.� ; , I . , ­' - . .i , -4 1 dk . . :*0 -- ­ - - -pr -4-.,-.U-1k* , A. % I J0 ., A2 " �xt" .ry � , _ . U - !,e##V,,._ vyh,'� " � - le" , , _r , " , 'I , , . i� , . :0 3 � . . . , � � 0 k - - ­ 1, ,�� I " ���L, Rp , r !� . ''. � ' , r ,; . , � = . � - , d I �, --111 -1 :__ , ­­ ­ 'Vio , , , ,. r. eki� �Uw, ;%­� 79� . � W Im I ,� �� _i�� - 71 .. - r _­­��-,� ,­-,g,,­g,-,r .- ___N,�_4_ _�, � F4.0 , . " OrM 14, , , " : ' Phone, W . I - �� . t _��. , .W . . C � ,.. ,4v- �, "l, .;,�. .� _ _ __:�. � , , _� I .. _ . i, � F",! �.; . " -W, ,1W � r #� j� ­­ � . � 1. , 61.ft" # 'M - .'' ., . ,,,, , . I .1 �, .. .... . 0 .; : .rrrrrr .._:�- �, ;.� :,L,: %,-�'.,,,.� , T. V �, , , , " 1% ".." a. .. .. 6ii , �, .� . ", ,.;�', � I . � , !;,. " �, � ..: � . W - 0, -- 1_.r. C-1-1 � � -, . : . , , . r.. " I I I 1.�, ,.x,;��,� ", �,;�­' ��"f 4 - , 0 C�� �,�­ � V" ,­,,':,"­ j�6ij'­­­ I . �4 . - .1 , , , ��. - . 4 �i',', , � � ,,rs SAT',, I . - , #� ", �;­, "'o . ­ ­ brrint I � .; . I 1,irr... .-A , , L ,!,, , . . am — , , _ 100 are,ti, )0140 to e4T, h the, t the -40ftfst :.. � _ r , - or pnone..,tor"w"S. . ,,:',,,` 1, �:­ 1, � r I.. . � I � an &,;��,--Hitg`Lfl I ' . .­­ ' . , :, I I - 'R;' No�' 2 . I - I I , _­ L �'� I— . R, 0 I I 0 117"a I- 0 Ql�#, +U � , r, . I I � .=A*^^,--- 'e-;; -Oft — I 11 . - I 11 ... a" r ­_ �s , 0'1;1�esjhffl�­ 0 W. , . , ,rrr , I - . . 1.,. a- "" ,40; brick ­ 1 41, . . . . . . . ; . �.�� _�!14 �� jr� .1 _r ,� 4" 14 �" 7= 00C -orb gatlyt _ b I _' � " r, , VP#r_V ,,�: _tm .1,W_.-4(_? . --.;- " . I .1 ,' " i '_ ­ ) ., ' I ' ­ M. , " � . - .1 tk1A'­ UM& M , , I � , , ;, r, ",: ,11 r, I ­­ 111 . ..� �, I , 0�, �OZ,'k'" , �* 'i : - - I I � .4 r�� � �,.f,g�,�., i ; " , 10 . 11 � . P. 8 - - - 4M, , ind Cream-1-860drat6r in 'Stock r at I t- . r.. ` _' ' � , o -V;h,R­ - - . '.. ' P�, L .�F "4pA..1S1r _ � -�, 001'#, ... ... 01.,7� , ,� _ . never oth � - i 1 .,!"k':�"4#417 1,r ,. I AW��""� .� ,,, I. I ' %�e,s. frorn . . M, lr�kg ell .: mite T' r ; 11 - I 1,T r . .. I -11 , . I ,,, e � V �6ds to be a9:1 reoiesent,_ ioirn'o sale. , , 1 ­ 4" W , . " `_`4 � `F, . - .8,_ .* , 'j�.'. 4 J, i4w , � , , . r, ­ , ­ 1. 7 " W, 11. ,_,;?�,�.4*1.. '��', I 1 ­ -1 4, - L - , , 1, . ` , , , 1?* � all time Ake -,-,,.-:.�t�:4 .��Z. �4 * - � , - -In er On T. e 4 ". A ­ - , , r K �, ­ ­­­ �_" iVi I -- ­.­ . - - ­ I Or'q. .r.y _X, " ' W '. 'a W r. -further i 0 r � I . r �VW,;� _,- 'J-� �1' , k . '_ -1 - .4�'. � 4� d�V,j "IC, � .. I - I 1. I ncesbIon 8,- Ith, or to J. I ' V ';-,by truck any-Wheire' th no extra ­..... 1 ;Wq � . , _r, ­­�,­Sh ... .. ". I I.- I.". -r � 0. r' ., F1,01%, 1,11W Mir, , OR . W! .- ,,,, , 11W". I. ,I I alild", Fort Ti' I - . , A 00 JM , _ 1,4! " �* ,.§0 1 00 , , i � �7, V= 4-1.1; May, IU . L'"704"1111P ,- - . _.,�. �. & Z.,," � I . - . X, �1 " " .1 . . , � A -r d, Out ' 8"0.tf r_rl..!.',, . , .zl 1,01W :: , I - .­.. �.. - , , r 1. . r .- '.. ; 1� C. * ; , 6.Loe r" _ t � 110% � . - F, A =8 " e ar - . - - *d ,-G.,-. -- - " t&t - PET= Ne.rVER, I ,,��­ I - . ; . - rato �. " - '411-11! .. " � . N, ;.$T" . . . ". 1. , X J": .. . '7 -,-,,r-,-,, .- . I I -, , -*elr..'f or* '': -, , , � .. , - - . .'W �hr " fo.& _ CaUr � ge.:,-'.:��t��100 . -�i� � - , r . MM.Mg U411' -0 ­ * ""A I mpeg. M , " r . . I ,,, 1��". ,,.p�, 0 '. 161, ,,T*��.'�,4, :� il . . - "I-1, , . il-�6: � ; -rau. ra . In fille, . -1 , _;, ! .. .. I . - A , '4., 4. �!. ��..�; ... '.. - �i:�, - I ­ I I . .- I . eacn, Vi.w P. m1ar summer r art. xor I - . ' ,. fenced; goqd ,��.57oC*aores . I , I w I I- ­ � - ­ . ;41' * " . . _. . ., *. .,.$ it -114 Wulizint M.eft'- I ,'t . .1 - drained and r 11 C X� 4 � �i�� ' ' 4 t". - - * - - - ;*�r t6�A INExini0eg _- Oauada�s D.k-e-Rat..4 _p.rm. -in HIK t, log � ,- .`,:k.4":1 . I � 130"O i:�'I. 4 q I - per"doieu, ....'... �'Ao,(R i _. acres . .".-, large ' _ 0 acres I , a , 'the Beattie Estate rawris. I* . - - - got.. _ , , Bt city- lhdiaZ Head, . . I � " ��,;?,�,,.­�":� I . . � � 13j�tter. pe - ra- _-.-.,#..-!�: ......... a 0 . It ,; I" 1: � i ..r Chief tree distributing cebtre of the 100 aqre farms in Uullet�� . . I I U , HI-tf I go . . '? F,Weral, Vorestr7 BrazA; Reginzi� the ply to I 11L I I 515:WX t4toes,,- petp.bag . _.� ........ 90 - y �'N m1p .! L'Ir''ni '_­ ­ . ; ­ . ..... 1. .. , . ;V� . I ... paf� dft ... I ... $12 . � 1. I . . � - .1 I �EURABLE FROTERTIES rN SEAFOUTH ' "7� � � - � - . " , � capft&V �Df $askatcheali;. Calgary, D . 11 ' ' I -,V, . - ` - 11, � . ".. or.,- - -� � � - .t - '­�­ is, I - . . " � 10 .. Lr"STOCK PAARKBT . Alberta's largest ci y;. R440" /.the. 1114 FOR, SAI.t.-Towind up �he NsUbs " -- T _ I I worild-famous"'m6untain resort, br - �Bsjo I& the following desirable � .11,11:1, � - .- 4or * - i", ae �, iutm;' Ills, ,the� Executors off-er �, ;, .4. 1 1 � i *' tmff of Au'ctxx,",,,!,.`, ,J ""IS I , : '* �1.. Stock Yerds, Toronto, April 90th.- 'automobile fPT 104 i es over tfii� I as Pream - 2 . - I a 1! _� I ,_ , .. rail occupied -,by Mr." Robert Scarlett. . : . f, , ti F �,U ,, t , `�"P� 'L "� I I , _ I 1 .4. 1, ' Brick Store olf,rmain ,St&t,at present occu- I . ' .I ,,-'I- e!l: V' L itT-Wiad�iinere Aighviaiff the most , . . " Quotations:- Ilp 1. P Itac I , '4 . pied* 1w, Mr. F. W. Witt witl* comfortable ., � h i steem 47.50 tO -opt VeL It af drive in Canada;' Uiioligh i OF 7C 0MCKERS 1, eaocl . cho'cie' - _ - ArI7,26- $7.50; .butcher OeCO3, , living ,rooins, ove�k stora� For further par� .. , � . ", �' I . , 14 05 ; do., qood -46AO to '116.U.: Kootenay Lake to, -Nelson," the, oblin- tieftlars apply to WALTER G. WILLIS,and AWFEEOERS 40 . " , ti�110,s­ ai�6­viboice;, $a-40 to $7.2A,- Act.. d � ., , 9.to. 6". 2 _,,: ragreial. centre of Soudi�rn_ British -WILLIAM BLACK, Exec to-, or Mr. R. 1%. . ,. . I . HAYS, Solicitor for Executors. 3042-tf '_ . I I _ . 1/t***�* � 30t. .19O.A0 U., I 'do. intillum. *5110 ' to Columbia; then*r6agh the Doukho. I i . I . _ . " , A .. - A f I POL ; �t lil� Pf. do. -common, $00 to, 0,6.50*'ds.b�V,-r, bor country to Penticton; along love- y0==F18 ROGS__�,_YOUNG PIGS OF . ��,Sej�'IW tructed to � � 9- , " ., G. 11. ElUoi , � . . 'Wo"., 0141ims. . U.P. to *11140 1. � . - , . ' - -and weeks old at $10.00, Regioler- sell by publie Auctibn'."on the High - to,., gord; ik.00 th *6.06. butcher bullv� . Lv Okanagan Lake, . . - ' - A -*_.. g,,�A $5.00�16i)� ;6�75;, bol�j#;sp-, $2.60 bp $4.00 : to ej ed; also 6 weeks old Pigs at $8.00 each; way, 3 milea Went - _.$ orth, on - -� thence by steamer , Vi , oXi4. . � -- I I '.1 ., _W _ 4r P , 4 , nervi­hud cutbete, $2.60, to $8.56-. Boring 14�+_; )nw,sows, bred. at $50.00; 1 boar seven � I +I_ k-;- -411 % I, %'Ch 7"'m I ,-.,. - . . . I or . 11 �:� W, .;gj, -,-,�-.7­7i'j . ­?,� I .1, I f- ­ ­ " � .,­" I , ..., ,,& --- ­ _. � . �141�`�.� , . . .1 I- '�. , ;,;'., . , , * _.,_�,;�.��;t�L� '! r ,* i, 11� , � _7 , I ,, 4,,,M,,��-",',!In, �;.,,,'-�,,',,,4�� ; " � " . 1; , . .. P, �: :f, ,,, I 1. Q +, m �., �, �, 'A"i �,,� � , ;,� . �, " " " � , �s ,. ''I'll, . i ,.M �, , , " � ".., � � I � ''. , .... 4444444444 1 "I , . � I— III- 41�.;�, NLV�4' ,. 11 1 11, . I'll, I'll I ;;;; a L 1, , I �11 " W1 I ... I - - � - � . � , � � % �� 11 � 71-1 I ­ -1 ­­....­ , 'M � !�I,r-, i V'. -., "-.v-, �_, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .. I I - . " I ......... , , , . ..... � ... . ­:� :: ... I .1 . . �. . ""I . . . I . , t"". I . ­ I ,,::::: '. '', .... * � � � .1� i .. " . 11 I . "I ..-."I . 1, . ."L". ,�,,:,, i �: I , - �� �, .. ,+ � "; � I � * Sf, . . :4' '� '� �' ' * , l�,�� ,� ._��. . �, , XW _1 e. 71- , ' - - � _��' , 114p, 11 1 - _.s '�', L, , � , , � '1� '. - 011w;% . , � p.' �, 1W - "". � . , . ,.�.­ 4 71.�,v._,*�, ?.,-4,e ., I.: L ;. . I + , " 4, , � , , , , * I, , , , � " , I �ffliffq&M�.- ,,._ �. - . .. I _r , , � �.,� . ,�,4 . _V.�,� , , , I I * : , , 'Mi I I � ,v I � ' " "' �r I � "" ' ' � .. W PK �'.- " 7 ;`� I .11 . .1.. 7 ' , `� ­�, .1,11 . . , , . ,� . . _� . ;UYII"_�"._,­V� 111 ", � . I _ .. ,_ ` I - ­_�, ` 11 11 ; �. 11 . , "� � . - ". � ' I - ... . '"' . �', , VP� 4* , , - ._-W1_1.1_. I . '10W �,�.-� . _ . , , , RN 11-f � . � -� � , . " , . �� ',��, - " , . . , ;� , , . , .�, . - ,. . , ".. +",4 �. �4�, . I �'_4­ "' k�,, , " -, � �; V, , � � , I ... ­ U �, � '�,e , . L . W.I. L " . - '. _�.. �._.: . ; P -11,�� _. - 111. �,gil I 1�4t ie.d_tb�fl, 1. .11 .1 . I �, I . e 11 - ,,, , ' e is -sure to come, W.a. " I ... � "�+,,_� -1: 1, we � ,�, , -1 _,�_. .. are f4dy i� &Upply youilueeds," , 1, " , ­'... I � -on 'hand A A Quality Fer#fter. ::._,'­_'.,'.'�1' ­­ '­`P.,-�� . , �'.A,;' hav,g �64 . �,­­ :­.111 lylfrTl- ,­ �� � , . ,��i�t.,�­,., ' ­ , L -, ., �,� .!T71, �. . . . " ; .,We also -have a fertilizer drill to : Sifflm� .`1 JVr-^'1W-" " '--:; ." ­�:%", -Z"'5, NO I _� ,� .. � , ", , - F . � , , . I � , _ . 'm � 11 rent; We have ogrie*tural limec, il- ,� . �, "� ; �!�-,-�.-�',.�;�:'! , , -I.:, - - - ;,,�. , .. �_, � �ao, a lime sower. Wo have a good .. : .',O,'�,!Ro� . �, . """', . , � !,�, ", ,, ,1211% i4upply of 3 -Inch and 4 -inch My . .,X"4u�r ­ , . � � I I �, - 111, " I Drain Tile. FvRxUw1w ��, *­'_ ., .4,-A , I � AR ­ 1 _*,4_., �, � � . , ,-� �"`,; I ,*4"- ....V, , i �� V � .1 "�,�,-f�'p . WATER 911PPi6y, s. V . - If you are busy, or (the roads ult- ","Am I'll I .. _g, . * , ., , fit, we deliver by truck at reasonable ATITO RAPUTORS 1, ,;' .p � . �,, �':',-�,qi` .;,� � .,.-.,v" . - , . XNAT R:10,43�M# , ' ' ' . 1_­,�% �4-i?,l " _` ..., rates any of the above. Give your I ,,. � .1�. . ,.. 1. ,r',4�".�', .14 land a. chance and it will. produce . . � , I ,� L N� . - ,�: ,."-�� ,..I,,k7 abundant crops. We are also agents � I , � ". , �' 'o., ­' . � I , . .., .,;�,,,l�, #1 -- " _ I . I . I I 'j-_ - . ,. for Canadian Repressed Brick and Practical Experbace, in. Canad NO* . :,�:`�� �`___ ' .' ild cylinder 'oils. -� - '� `44. motor'a and U. S. cftieff,��, I � I :" "�'j * . _ , "' ' � � i X . � ' * -, . I . L ' . �11 I "" ��, a .: I'�4 W. Md' SP.R.OAT ROBT Rtill) � � �tll i..�- . "-0 Phone 136-2. In Store recently occupied hi I ,�* ,'!�� � �, 4. . I . . ., 0 "r-1 "A , Nelson Govenlock, Absistant Sales- Dentinton Sitme. ' " I .:, , " 4_1 _ man, Seaforth. PHONE 23 '�O . . I ", , , 5 , , . ­ . " "I __ T� - - , .. . . . ,��,:.. , � . " � . , I I . eft choice, -680.00 dR $90;00: good mu- 00 I sq0.60 to IS9.00 ; raeffiUrn cows, $45.00 to . . . I main line of the CalAdialit, -Pacifie, service a York boar from imported bi ood and . is bog. having him TUESD, AY, ,WHIL 27, 1926 . . , 96 " $60.00; - feedM good, $6.25 to 66.75: 416- to WSO; f3tocke"' good' $5-00 to through the gx*at D111S Of the a real show: purchased " n this week. Those deshinse nerw blood may be Vivers, at I P.M.,, 1��, fanowing - I : Short JoLir. $5,00 ssm; do. fair, $4.60 to $4.75; � calves, choice � Fraser and' Tboinp.:T, and ase7ured of something good. Terms, $1.50 voith Pifty-five head- of-`-Siiackers and y SM00 4a 112.?5-. do.. good. $10.00 to 411.00'. , $5,00 -to $9.50. g000 lambs, 414.00 14itB. through the Selkirka, and Rockies, af- privilege of returning If necessary- Also I fording scenery such as can be found hold a tan bee with papers. Terms. same Feeders, weighin*'from 900 to 1175 TheJohnRankin 10 "d(Z � to. $14 `50; do. medium, $12-66 to $18-00; dm I to $11.5o. good light sheep, $7 as above J. E. TrUGILL & SONS, 8 tedles now -here else ogi earth; Lake Louise, west of Se.forth. 045-3 - a pounds each. ' ' .: " - I A man's Li*ght Shade Tan cuH6, $10.60 " to $LQO. beavies -0 buelm, $11,60 to $6.60; I ligo ell& sm*6ihq, fed and vmtered, $13-35; the Pearl of the Rockieso the most . - - perfect gem of aceniiiy on the world; TR s -i5 , LOT - t! TERMS. -Six ritolftlis' d t cre i on ap- . Oxford, moderately balloon � ' - .d f.,Wb,, $12.75; do,. country pWuts, $12.50, . f,o,b., �ARM . - Edmonton, the . ,:7 . a', 24 ,X L�,28 d I r, another day at Ilauff, ere ... I an and i proved joint notes. T 1 - hree per cent tor � last; large brass eyelets, 46,. off cars. $13.15; do. thick fats, *2.�5, select premiums, $2.60. .,. . 4 of Vall wh t in; ,Capital of Alberta; Saskatoon, the acres In bush; 12 acres ex land is clav Ioam- On the is a discount cash. .. . . leather toe boxings and � � �, Vantrosl, April 20th -Cattle recefo`113, 489- city of optimism; Devils Gap Cam�, premises on the Lake of the Woods; near Ken- large 'balik burn 62x80 feet; straw shed. j� tr �. �. - Elliott, G. W. NOTTI Auctioneer. I I counters; good weight soles, � .Tb,ge .*i�te, a -few lots of good wteers, on sale and *e majority of these were sold f.r $7.76. . _willia 4 4Ix50 feet: large brick house with cement Ora, thence to Fort M, Where kibdhen and woodshed; carriage house. hen Proprietor. I I I . rubber heels. . . . - -- . : kits were sold for a hither Pric d e and hog pen; also good drilled wall. NOTICE TO CREDITORS . all.=Td medium steers were about even . There were no Four miles from village of Ethel: Steamerg will be used across Lakes , two r rail convenient .h.c, factories. 2 roads and - , ,...;,-. . , It t�h The same in Black' Calf, *.-Ja" week's Quotations- r ipad oP. . offered. 'Me best of the ;�", Superior and Huron to Port-McNicoll, school -, telephone and rural mail. Prrice � ROOFING AT WHOLUALE Money to L()an wwAium, kinds were sold up to $5.50, and then rail to.Toronto, where the trip $10,000. Immediate possession: Apply to MRS. SARAH COX, R. R. 8, Brussels. Ex- SPECIAL "Eartir Bfr&' sale of roofing March both moderately priced. I .dommon to medium cows mostly from $4.26 Will terminate. ecutrlx C. Michel E�te6 8044-4 only. Reliable grades and heavy weights. gaud Mrs AJfr--d Coates, a son. . 11)(ibson—& Ethel, on April 9th, to Mr. And to Sr,. A few good bulls brought $5.50. Quo- Everything is.incluxled in the price Freight vaid. 0oh'buyers saw big by order, For Quality Footwear, come f .tz;tIons-_;�.auteber stjoers, good, $7.25 to $7.76; 311= 46 to 47.2s; common, $6 to $6.50; — - . - � of $330.00, from Tororito; transporta- fric spring needs It Viese *%oles.le Priem. Samples and catalogue. 4)f 134ders' Bargains Flowers furnished on short -c> I , good, $6.76 to $1,501; - dir I I Imte I.N." m, accommodation FAM FOR s`M­E­-FOR'SA"-E� Lot Von, --sleeping cA 11, frm I . � V � " " '140M to . be -%6�.10 $0.50; common. K60 to, $5.7& , ut c; in hotels, and Ungail!6w dampo -meals Coneftsion 5, McKillop, containing 100 ­1%ere TEW VALUDAY CO. LLWTED. , ,, ems, mednim, ,8.75.,to $5: canners, $2.50 ; edtiers. $K76. tc; $3.95: butcher bulls good. . 11 � 400L.=,$4 to $5- _ I ­ in dill'i , hatels 4id'on steamerS and "ca' are an the premises a good ' a I UP ,, frame house with kitdhen: bank barn, 44x66: sig�tt-seqing tourg at pointa visjL-a. pis Pen, hen house and fruplement house, _1 75 yhcksen'str!�% . � 98_!!tu-.OPt_ . -- Smith & Son ------+.-, — Calf 562- Trere, abont� 150 Thd trip i's open to all, and lic� in first class repair. The farm is all file app - . 1� � I . Cents higher than I.= ReceipfB vv - - light, and'strulght Jole of Commou� to 1,2_ drained and well fenced. Plenty of water; +ions for accommodation 4re bein,F. re- Go acres fall Ploughing done. Six nxiles from .. FARMERS, FERTILIM sum quBlity sold 4t $6.50 to $7, with a couple = ceived. I Seaforth, 5 miles from Dublin. 12/4 miles from ­ A New Pair if They Don't �' 4Df,DV-H iol!a of . calves at $8. and one two chotee veals at $10. There ,were a Far�es from other points than To- school, 8 mnea from church; rural mail and phone. Will be gold on easy terms. For Haming taken over the .agency of I Wear ,ot � momber of very coijimon calves Included in ronto will be named, and descriptive further Particulars apply to WILLIAM Mr- tbe late James Cowan for the'Farm- said llbremtom wM proceed to dialm1bute the . .& - $6 to $6.215, ip ithe offering, and these sold ft illUStrated booklet sent on application "P, Staffa, Executor of the Estate of the era' Fertilizer Co., Winglisim, I will � - . - "Al . WX '00 IUh- Zahn � - T, Bedfdrd.. ! MOO Un&'t I edfdrit. 0 "09, 11 , �. ious--iGood veal, $8 to $10; mediPm, I 440tat to Dean Sinclair Laird, Macdonald 'ate J-- M-gan- 309111-tt be pleased to fill all orders of -both old !. 1, . .1 . , fty. . 1 �". .�, ,XWett6-Xa Exeter on April 10th, I . sq.60 to $7 ; common; so to $6.25. ww, receipts.' 9&7. The offering of hogs College Post Office, Que. 8041-6 . and new customers, and 6via-any in- . - —_ I veas light, and Vraedc� all Bales we- -ade ,�batcbers. Tradiug:_waa - w . — -I SHORTHORNS FOR SALF.-FIMST formation within my knowledge. Al- 0 . f4�.� locia active. and the ruling -price was $14.60. A few heavy and Rosa Jane =144764�. a beautiful lame so Agricultural Lime. .0 . -�--`&," brbaght $IC, and sows $12 with Wnrff 101 dark roan, 7 years old. She Is a show cow ANDREW ARCHIBALD 0 W. T. BOX & CO. <;' � I I I I : ' ." . DO NOT DELAY . LONGER10 I . � OU simply mTist have a new suit this Spring y —So why not have your order in now ? We have some lovely patterns in Greys both in Tweeds and Worsteds in prices ranging from ....... $40 to $50 Our Indigoes at $38 to $570 are wonderful value and a' really necessary item of Dress. Get your name on our Measure Book at the earliest possi- ble date to secure yourself against any emergency —DRESS WELL AND SUCCEED— BRIGHT'S.Seaforth . an odd bim young sow $12.60. - and the getter of prize winners. not only Seaforth. I . 0 Funeral Director and 0 I I -_ - winning the red tickets. but the Silver Cup I Buffalo, April 2fth_-Cattlo receipts, 3,a0o;_ The ratepayers of the Township of Hullett for the beat female on the ground. She has Box 282. Phone 44 W. 0 Licensed Embalmer. 0 -_ - grade Blo 25c lower; butcher gradc are notified that the Provincial, Audit is now a fine dark roan bull calf -at foot and bred W, . <> H. C. BOX .0 %1= active 26c lower; co and bulis, rn progress. Mr. Morrison, the auditor,, 'will to same sire agalm, her dam selling at my - I — 'st shipping , $8.50 to $10: butchers be Present at the Township office (John. Piuir - dispersion sale for $300 cwh when It years - ____7_ 0 Belt Motor and Horse-drawn <> , I . . $6, e-rlio`gtc,. $9.5 0 to $10.60; heifers ly ts ; y ]and's residence) during -the week of May 10th. and reovesft that any ratevayer signing old, she beinz an excellent milker, filling a 12 -quart pail. Second Is Gainford Rose. a 4 Wff"tL--J Port Colborne, an Saturday. 0 equipment. .0 3rp to $8.50, fair to choice cown, $4 to S7.2.5: i cannerg and cutters $2.50 to $4 ; bulls, $4 to the petition for an investigation will attand year old roan heifer, a granddaughter of TheJohnRankin 10 Charges moderate. 0. 'I $7; stockers and feeder,s, $5 to $7.50, fresh during .that week- M. ARMSTRONG old Gainford Marquis, be being it world cham- pion and dauxbter of firat cow, also a prize ' 0 Flowers furnished on short <> cows and springers, fairly aetive and steady, 2045-8 ReeVe of Hullett. winner at different times. She has a fine Agency <> notice. 10 40.$to $120. , ., .1 Calves-Receipta, 120: active; choice, $12.10 — _ roan bull calf at foot alred by a, grandson Insurance of all kinds. 0 Nights Calls Day Calls <> I to 412.50. fai� to good. $9 to $11.50: cul -K 3G to- $9 -, heavy, $6 to $8; creasers, $4 to W . - or ALM J1111 Comet that -cost $8300. Third Is another daughter of the first cow. 3 ye*n Bonds, Real Estate, 1�> 0 Phone 175. Phone 48. <> <> . aop%-Receipts, 10,400; active, stftra M, NOTICE TO CREDITORS old. .ired by a prize winner and sweepstakes - 1�> Block, Main Street, opposite 4�> 25 eents higher; heavy, $12 to $18; mixed, � - . - Cutt.-In Goderich, on March 80th. to Mr. bull. She has a red bull calf at foot. Calves Money to L()an 0 <> 0 <> <> <> 0 0 ,!> <> ,:> <> 1 I SU.50 to $18.86; Yorkers. $12-75 to 114.00 *. NOTICE IS HEREBY GrM'N that all per- were born last fall and in fine condfition. and all will be sold. registered. at a price ONT. ard prices, and laid if you Wish. I have the agpnry for the To- gaud Mrs AJfr--d Coates, a son. . 11)(ibson—& Ethel, on April 9th, to Mr. And . ­_ - __ ___ ___­__ ____ � . light yorkert'. $14 to $IC&O: Digs. $14-26 - - � sow having claims against the -tate' Of to 11,vc and let live. Ali together, or separate. SEAFORTH - ,C, Flowers furnished on short -c> U $14-60; rou0s, $10.75 to $11; MWS, 9 to $9. . . I 0 - BIRTHS _.* JOHN TAYLOR. late of the Township of Huy. Farmer, who died on the 2nd day of April, 1926, are required, -to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or As I live In town I Prefer not to keep them any longer. JOHN IF. ET,DER, Hensall. 3041-tf rnkin r, V" I I __ —_ I Box. -In Seaforth on April Zl, t� to Mr. and '. � . . Miro. V . L. Box, a son. before the Ord day of May, 1926 ' AND NOTICE 18 FURTHER GIVEN that after the said aate the Execator will proceed - —_ .:> * 0 * <> <> <> 0 * * 0 <> A New Roof Wff"tL--J Port Colborne, an Saturday. to distribute the estate having regard only ,Xpril Ill, to 111r. and Mrs. W. W. MONAtt, to the claims of which he then Shan have 0 0 . �nee ,Miss Marian Larkin), a son, Uyun.-In Mt-,Killop, on April Ir.th. to W. notice, 'bATED at Exeter this 14th day of April, 0 S. T. Holmes & Son <> Having the agency for the Galt . atd Mrs. William Pyan,. a daughter. 1926. 1�> Funeral Director and * Art Metal Co.'s goods for the past 4 � � Young. -In Go4ortch Brosolitd], an April 10th, � I to Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. 'Yoknw, former- GLADMAN & STANRIMY, Exeter and Hemall, <> Licensed Embalmer. 0 years, I am still on tho Job and can � � gy Alta Glazier, of Godericb, Tv., a daugh-­5044-8 I Executor'n Solicitors. O' Finest Motor and Horse- 0 supply YOU Wif1h th p. vf,ry highest qual- . I Ur­-Vera Cecelia. Veaslan.-In Toronto, on Apt'll lat, to Dr. __ - - - - ___ 0 dTawn equipment, Beattie <> ity of galvanized rnet.nll roofing on the . Harry And Mrs. Blessiani a daughter. - - 1�> Block, Main Street, opposite 4�> market, either corrugated sheets or � - . - Cutt.-In Goderich, on March 80th. to Mr. NOTICE TO CREDITORS <> The Exposito'k Office. S. T. <> their famous steel sfiillgleS at Stand - and Mrs.,Harvey Clutt. a son. � 0oafts.-tn Ushorne, on April 12th, to MT. <> Holmes' residence, Goderich <> ard prices, and laid if you Wish. I have the agpnry for the To- gaud Mrs AJfr--d Coates, a son. . 11)(ibson—& Ethel, on April 9th, to Mr. And NOTICE in hereby given, under the Statute3 in that behalf that all persons having -,any <> 0 Street- West; Chas. Holmes' <> residence, North Main Sreet. 0 also ronto pure copper ligrhtninj rod, and ? . Mrs, Quest Dobson, a-oon-VrAliam McKee, claims against John Francis McCluskey, late ,C, Flowers furnished on short -c> will be glad to attend to your wants. - -, . I . - of the Town of Seaforth, Gentleman4 who died on the IM of Mareh, 1026, are required * notice. All kinda of up,. <> Four years, experienre at -both. Pric- I 4' � _� , - I I I - . � I , �,,; _ '� DR&THS '. . 6D send to the undersigned, Solicitor far the <> holstering neatly done. 0 es lower than in past years and al- _' �, I _a! , I , " " � I � .Z",A . . 4V 1 �ft # 1ki * urs . April 22. 11 I, 1, I I , . Executors of the Win of said deceased, full V.Wcular., in -writing and verified b7 .ffa- 0 0 I Phones: 119 or 254 J. 1b, waye the lowest. If any informatio n or umistance is required, apply to � M � ) - Agee, 17 V�ftrs- davit of their claims and the nature of an�,, . 0 I I . .. I . . , _ . M 7A%A lfi�, 0127. I isecuritleg. if arry, bold by,them, on or before <>- * 0 <> * * <> 40 <> * .0 <> JOHN ELDER, . . I ir - th& Iota - J01 ft- OBIUV� i , the, grd of May, 1926. after which date the I I " , In . - 84th i4ift. ,�- - said llbremtom wM proceed to dialm1bute the - Hensall. � - . - "Al . WX '00 IUh- Zahn � - T, Bedfdrd.. ! MOO Un&'t I edfdrit. 0 "09, 11 , twos% of Ito said deceased, larving regard .Ulr� to the claims o& Which ,be then shall - Co * <> * * � Phone I . 1 8041-6 I � ., .- !. 1, . .1 . , fty. . 1 �". .�, ,XWett6-Xa Exeter on April 10th, have had notice, I DATOD at Seaforth, 011tarb, this 12th Of 0 <> . - —_ I . 1, .� � i tt, in hls 80th year. . ­ *Pril, 11126. 'WAYS, 0 W. J. CLEARY 10 A BARGAIN'' ­ d6ftudt.-rh Hensall, on April.9th. AUUM' . R. S. � NOTICE The Industrial Mortgage and Savings Company, of Sarnia, Ontario, has $250,000 TO LOAN lands, at moder- ate rates. Parties desiring a loan will apply to D. F. McGREGOR, Secy-Treas. McKillop Insurance Company. W. R. PAUL, Manager, Sarnia, Out 8043-tf . .", - , . ' �fkbw booved wife of Wim. Hjldebrimdt� - Solicitor for Executors. - 0 <> - . — __ , ' , i8 years and 8 months. -8044-9 0 Licensed Embalmer and <> FOR SALE.-FIve aare&o one mile — -0 ,�, 01tcheM-4a Ifensall on April 11th, John A. I :1. ,,, I - I 0 Funeral Director. <> from Sea -forth; modern -house with / \.V, ' ��Vjttcbdt, -aged 71 Vears� � � ­Zw� I I % e4 -4u Brussels on April iltb, Blanche, I � . I I I I 0- Up-to-date Horse and Motor <> furnace, bath and toilet, givall barn; � . Taxe, ftleildid . , .0 � ,� 0 good - orchard. s, $15. , . . N - If ft's "-' Mph Wb`tflem' aged NOTICE TO CREDITORS '<> Equipment, . ,� �'. I ,, & 9 mo-n� and 4 days. 1. . I <> chance to start chicken farm, bees, .� , �-!, " iiplt . .. .- ,- 0 Night and Day Service. Sod Land :­ 1� � — ;! I ­_� � . - ­ . .. I � - IN -THE ESUTi OF Catherine Idsweran, � 0 ,C� � qtc. Apply to I �­'_;, ,, L, X, - I - . . � . Phone 19-22, Dublin. HAYS, - ' .1.. "I , _. ,.� , .:., 1.11 . �-,,).. 1". Deceased. �11 I R_ S. I , , , '. . ' I , .�, ' ­ i _t ' . , , " I , I I . . 1 " 10 b0,NVi0n0nr04VA'lnias Ubgeartelhigst qV7q. 2A _&V ni !01 0 Seaforth, Ont I . I ': _�? :CAM. ; , "�:" I , � tate of C=e' 0 * 0 * * 0 * 0 * 40, 0 0 . � I . -1 I . . , � . .0 � .,_.,,A,_4- 11 1- - Caameron. late of the Town of geafofth. It ­, 296941 Wanted I ­ �v� , . : I . I I . ­ W", who '. - 1pll ", , vQ�kli�s to thhuk u, 'Widow. dcce Mr. a W. . the County of Huro - . ___-.-­-..*.. , � , " , - I . ty for died an or aboilt the 29% day of 11 ' = I "L -_ ­ . . . . . . " I I tnd,= I �,� , ... leindweds r4otforo A_D,,- 19125, are required to i � �11 . It"o,00 -, .�, deliver Ce m1w, 17. � 1, ,, . �, .1 � I '. �'.a "L. MA' & Ma -mon, the Ax . Season of 1926. - ,.,4 * ."syropathy 'a 1, -big t4sc8ut 0 61 * In%inlstrh.tr4*, 'of fl* .said 0 0 0 0 0 *.O * <> 0 <> * , � 1 '15 "& ' t 'hd 26th 0 .� . : 221 , 11citor, on at W01% t - 11 ., �t: Also to th e v; I , I'll ObUlMd eugale, or her sol, . 0 , . ZI, ed can. ._ � 4010-1 d,k .. '4,�. 4090 ,,v of ApAl, A.D., 1926, a fall stALtc*eUt Of 0 W. J. Walker & Son * W, 1 '4 �.., , ..f� " 4 __� � " " ., A tbeftl� - _ �,,,.: �,_ . their elitlins, fog4her with Mttlavlsli Spring or fall ploughed, for "I ­­.. _ _ ----. -_ I I'll .1 . L - �.Hw I � . ., or, sun the nature of ,the seeftritleg, U 4M, 0 * : . . . . ­,� ,.�, , . . T, - �1­ I F �.-- 6Ad ax growing purpose . � - 1. I .1 �h*14 tk th,m w1l duly verified by a'"avtk , -0 W. J. -Walker,-. Funeral D& 0 ' ,� � .-�,,,- ,, ]KS : � _ A -M TA . iiS; I �r 90TICE that afbeT' thb said %% �, 1�. '00 I kw st Apply to ' . . ­ OAAD ,OF TIRAN bo--,duta the said Adm1f06*c%tYbt rect4r' aid'i Embalbier. 16, � I 11"t, �- ;,.�! I . �, I" ripit'" I . 1084 I . . �,%OL � -.4" ,,, � ",",fi " �m,� . - t,o. % 44tritate the entaite of tho _ �9 I �*. - 0, � ��,� �� " I , , , , .. . " ' - t . I � J��, , . lfd� . . i6 311 I ,6 . 1� ;�`Zr- � lk4ftlds and, 1410illr Wish ft 9� ��­ �Ee -arnonot the reTsmd'eAtitled t� -6 ; . .0, Uotov� or Horse 'Vqulvlintint.� . I'll, ...... r I'll �1' I ;i .� , Shelf ", . .. , terd',61anice to friends a _1 - t;d A; 11 11 11, � fthr# only to such claims go � ��, � � . 1, I 5W oft, 41 , Ag . J. A. KERR ; ..", -1 i - 19, I , , ow'I'W'"d vidluft9 rot 'in X 11 notice and In ". � ,, . - % * . - t - an. 4 94 6 ',*ed, 0 ciars or rlowers blumbileal.' 01 ,� ��, � , i YA '46 of -, I .1 �A ;:., , �. I ., a&A6r 9 ,4# 0=# � ���. 1, I 4 0 I I Of kbA,. I oathrlo� - ,. &Ads at" , " , , . Ul , Seaforth � 11.��'i 2 q f �.111' " - I - M.p's,��, ,6' , a fthy OA.fs'... I 6 , as rbqueste& - � At 111 . � '22 24, th " .. ,this 9th dr" �' ,�: �, . � 11 ­ , , -, , - ____ - ��t,4;. ­­­.. .1-11 � I 11 1�*6�' - f '. �, . � ft I ' . N '� , ,#61*".. 1 ft 6 I A I 4 j4; _t , , __ '. g, r 11 A 1i -� 000 __ ___ - Phone 269 P.O. Box 87 . . I 1 ` I 60W �p# dau "' 0 liar or Nighti Pholeb. � 4t* , , 4- � - -phter And 4f ,& * I 10 11 I 10 gprg IT '.. to 06, .. , ,O '-W O'l 2 N, - � buiario, - I , , , , . , I. ,.V,i,A,,* I , 7� , -, V � 'A � 1'. ­ It 0 � �, " - 6 . 0 felt .;� I , � 21 A .01 1. L j�j - A, *hfft 4>L* * * '- �:� `� 7XOiii;4� LawrencO,1hiAall. t I PIK, . I _,6,_ 45..'o *'��;4 . $ � ,"", , , ­'­ L " 10 , .6---:a .. .; ,:�­ , ,,,� I � - ,�,4. ' ,� , 7, ""', .f, , I . I I 11 � r ­,� � : ;�.,;,� ,4M .7, " ; OW48-41 . , I . � r I I , I'� . " � it , � .- � ;,.�� , - - - McClary's and S. Mo pe Dairy Pails. STRONG, CLEAN AND SAFE Don't let cheap dairy utensils steal your milk profits Poorly made, unsanitary pails, provide a park - =lace for germs and contaminate your milk. is the time to discard all out-of-date utemsils. Make out a list of what you need, and come in and see us. Geo. D. Ferguson & Co. SEAFORTH - - - ONTARIO. __ - - - iXUSKRATS We pay the highest prices for raw muskrats. � Ile most reliable house to do business with. ROSS,LIMITED FTJR MANUFACTI M -R ..� I , " , Established 1885 I . 4-- 196 Dundas St. London, On,4 t,lp ­.. - -.,.,, "'v e - ,"',�,,,�, � � . .... I ­ � - -1 . .___-1-__11..-.1__-_ . I ' ­ I.- I I I . . � . . , I . " ,.. ,. " .! , , 1'. . , I I I 1. `47t. , . . . .1 . .1 . �11, "I . I .. .1 . . - � - . lip� '' , , �:, � , " , 1�� I I . , �, """, . -,4".. ". " 1, � � ,'i�', _ 7' , ,, ,, I 1� . . . . I . I I 11 1. , S: . . 1�44121'17'�,, �. � , I :" 'Zjl�... .. , _ ,:. , � , ,. � �. . '. I �, " I ,;,.� - , . h i� �4"­11, , � ,1� . . I . 11 . 11 ., � �; . , I " - . �Ix - .. � 2, . , , �; 71' " - . . . , :, ". � i"'I I -,'� - , - I, . . .- -� - ­ ,, I , 1, - . .. - '' �, I -11 ", ,� , . L 11 .11 �� ,1 �,,:,��;�- '�,�, , . ',�' � , ,i�,, �� , ,4 , �:;%,, V",�,, q �,g­lyy . � 11 . 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