The Huron Expositor, 1926-04-23, Page 3A", o %04 . pg, 5R o,, 7M M ;0,o0A0M­df VnV4 tl*�, task for . . . . . . . P armig herAelf under -tho- t ition of PW pi Is. Ann .......... v ng. atiter Many e4T:s is redri y ice, VIIAT PR 10 -PIK�I!LANTBD sery ]PA44T.0- .ed of 1writs,41111 kinds of yeg.fV-1 1. q 0 tables should ibe, sown. eATly, M' the' Spring' loir "'best iesuhs, igendd- --one .0 should he. I tions In tli6�$4174 �A *W&- the le.0 S, 'A �4 t4"4 -W -6*4r Ail a 00"WN of fol's v1ph m, JSJOf. dis n 411e 16 p our e. Ou er, �Ogetables WE54K or Oth y .,#TO cannot, get Tid of eez 4ZrPVU- 10i: �5, or- "r w troubles. with ointments and gut- q4e pjapt6d A "the , SIX e, ward applications, because the trou- il��uA they. 'are not: - quite b16'Temoved -by purifying and enrich- 10 zs -those grown for'their lea s These ing the blood. Dr. . Williams'. Pink are Ou�ons, carrots, beets, parenips Pills banish these trouN�s because andearly, tWips. Peas are about as. thei p� y and build, up the impov- liardy is those but may rot if the -eris# , oocL 'This has been p I roved weather trims cold and wet. now- over an& oveT ajair� Among those U., ever, it usually pays to plant peas at whc, have ithus. benefited' is Mrs. the same time as thei,others, as early -Chris. F.' HummgL. Castor, 'Alta,'41iQ. sown peas give a much bitter crop was, troubled with eczema: a 0 -as a rule than ik sown late- "lotber for years and although I tried many vegetables which should be started remedies I did not find permanent re - early to get best results are cabbages, lief until I used Dr. Williams, Pink eauliflowers, tomatoe;3 and melons. pilh%. Whenever Ii did a little work Thi la# will not stand any frost, my, hands pained ine greatly, espe� 10 kence the plants must be protected in "ly Iny fingers and joints which Ut-beds, or cold fmmes or in the T- house UrAil danger 6f frost i were swollen and cracked, so thatJ 10 Over- could scarcely move'thezu.. Finally -,However, -cabboge 'and cAuliflowers, if as the result qf a statement I read,, I well Aiardened off'before setting Out, decidqd to try Dr.-­Williamal Pink will stwid several degirees of frost Pills, and I h . ad not been taking thelm The earlier that fruit and ornamen- ver� JgAg Whon I f'1L-A,(1 they were tal-trees 'of all kinds are planted 2f- helloing me. I then gut a 'dozen box - ter the ground is dry enou*h to dig es,and before they were all gone ev- in the spring the more successful will ery trace of the trouble had disap- the -planting be. The veirne appliipts to peared. Had I know, of Dr. Wil- .!b"-frults, strawberries and. other, liam, Pink Pills earlier I might bave lherbaceous perennials. Once the soil been spared the suffering I endured, loses -the moisture of early spring and and saved the money spent for other the,hot dry Vvinds come, a much larg- treatments that did not relieve me. I er.proportion of plants is likely to die hope some other sufferer will beneAt than if planted earlier.- Hente, Our by my experience." advice :based oi experience, is to start If your blood is out of Order begin planting jwA as soon as possible af- taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to- ter the ground has thawe# out. day and note th'eir speedy berieficial results. Sold by medicine dealers or THE NEW FANCY sent by mail at 50 cents a box by McCoy's Cod Liver writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine SUITS Co., Brockville, Ont Uxtract Tablets Fine Yor for young men in double I or single breasted styles Mlin Underdeveloped Kids. ]FOR FAny8W=r PEAS START in fancy weaves, of CJfi&eu Love T I h6m Because They SOWING AT ONCE Sand, Tan and Light Are Sugar Coated and as Easy Now that the Spring is at hand, F1awn and Grey mix - V -1- V.�.A� and our thoughts turn toward the- 4iiisi- A 1, 44-- �J — I land and copsidering what we shall up W lul V JVs your duty, Math6r, to see that grow thi's year, we ' look over our trousers, wider shoul- BLUE SE the frail, peaked, sickly youngster seed catalogues to find something ders. Sizes, 34 to 40. grows up to be strong in bodf, keen new or something to attract our in mind and robust in health. aftention. To such as you that have PRICES, to VI in a var,1 Extracted from -the livers of the not _yet grown the named varieties shades of lowly codfish are the health, weight of sweet peas, let me suggest for and strength producing vitainimes thAt your consideration a few choice made single are found in McCors Cod Liver Ex- named varieties, such as: charity ble breasted tract Tablets, which are sold by (crimson), Constance Hinton (wbit�eb pharmacistsall over North and South Lord Nelson (blue), Florence Night- eral diff America. ingale (lavender), etc. There are weights ; at of varieties and shades to Doctor's know about them and so scores -do all druggists, -and if ydur child- choose from, and what cut flower is lent showing i*en need building up itsk for these more delightful and so fragrant as models. Siz tablets to -day if you want to give a bunch of sweet peas. 44. your loved ones a good appetite and If you desire to have early sweet put pounds of good healthy flesh on p�as sow from now until the end of Prices, $19 their bones. But be s gentle heat, ,Pro and get April, in boxes, with McCoy's. and harden off; or sow in a cold They are not expeinsive-60 tablets frame, and then transpliat after you -60 cents and if you are not pleas- have prepared the ground. To pre - ed with the improvement after 30 pare the ground, dig from two to days—your money back. three feet deep and manure well at A very sick]X child, age 9, gained the very bottom, bringing your best 12 pounds in seven months and is loara to the top; place your plants strong -and healthy. one foot aparL It is needful to cul - One skinny, woman gained 9 pounds tivate around the roots every other In 24 days. day, drawing the soil up to the plants each time Feed during the growing seas -on with pulverized bone and blood LALLA QUEENS IT WER manure, and -water freely, especially during the flowering season. If you SERVANTS AT PALACE desire to keep each variety- separate, it is best to grow them in clumps; If there is'an aristocratic hierarchy dig holes about 30 inches in diametef among bousekeepers, and butler's, that w11R accommodate from 12 to 15 pride of place at the head of the plants. Sometimes you will find a ed to Ngs. "Lalla" list must be conced rogue, a plant not true to name and V*11, who has just taken over the color; do not uproot it, but put a tag duties of housekeeper to the king and on it so that when gathering the seed queen at Buckingham Palace. There you will be'able to keep the varieties are n6 1%utk?ff" (in t1e, ordinary separate. Your rogue may be some- seinse) at the royal palaces, but each thing new, oi, as is most likely, an - establishment has a reelar house- other variety got mixed in by inis- keeper, aril chief of -these is the one take. -who tiqueema- it at Buckingham If you should wish to grow f Palace, says the World Magazine- exhibition clip off the laterals a7d I-Laliall­tbe riamid is a childish at- 11 gers or feelers at the ends of FANCY BLUES tempt at Laura, bestowed upon her c in the Teaves, also the stems that, Ghow by the Prince of Wales, and other roy- nly one or two buds; tie the vines in the Dice Checks, ai children—bas spent,over thitts� tif , . to Wire netting or stakes, which Pencil Stripes (various . liar sixty years of life in the queen 9 must be al least six feet high. colored stripes), Diag- ent--, In gathering, sweet peas,'do not onal or wall str and cut the steffis- but gently turn ip 11 they break Irish Serge. A M, as - from side to ifde unti off; that gives the full length of sortment of styles suit - stem with the knob tit the bottom. Same of the Rtems grovir from 12 to able ' for all ages. Sizes 18 inches long. most of the long from 34 to 44. stems produce only three flowers; w -n you produce fodra* amd some - he PRICES, M to It-QG times more the stqft ate usually shorter.. It is best"Ib g4ther the bl6fts in the evenini'and place in rk 4, - gool, . da eetlar' overnight In r of on fee.'This treAment sots %4: blodws and W& luare to this as W4M6'f. WAR e use m pTop d 6 roft Al is, 4" ft Adtes f0i 441� 7 4e 6T 0 VER TWENTY YEARS of qqnstant assoella­, tion, and intitnate e'onileetion with'the le4d-,. 5 ing clothing firnw of Canada, with no devia- "A tion from quality. OVER TWENTY YEAR8 of supplying the clothing wants, and needs of this com- .mimity has thoroughly taught,us what to buy and where and how to buy it. If there was a better brand of clothing made than the kinds we sell, we would have it. The great quantity of clothing sold by this store P11, fully justifies the large stock we carry, and makes possible a variety of attractive Suits to choose from that few stores indeed could show you. All our Suits are boug�t at the very lowest price, because bought in quantities and bought f or spot BOYS, SUITS cash. This is why you"always get a price advant- The famous Prince Brand with a repu-. age when you buy here. tation for attraet� ive patterns, good,.'. wear and very rea-,,­ In a word, we promise you this Spring the great- sonable price; pair of bloomers ff. est assortment of the best clothing made in Canada you want them. at prices no store Will DeaL and very few wul equal. ItGES Priee,S6.95 to $1,2 of We are not idly boasting—we are simply stating Blue, hard-headed business facts that vitally concerns -or dou- in sev- and should appe ' al to the reason of every clothing erent buyer,,in Seaforth and vicinity. excel - of new 3s 34 to Come in and see this big stock of New Style Suits. to $35 Note their dressy appearance; their perfect fit; ob- serve the quality, and we will quote you prices that you will gladly pay. P MR 7FF1F;1'W-, 117 r11 13*01'11!41� q GREY SUITS in fancy patterns for young men, including all the new louder de- signs and special tweed and serges in various shades of Grey f or the older men. Price, S 18 to $35 YOUTHS'SUITS A special show- ing of suits made for young men in first long pants; a delightf ul showing that will please the lad's eye and his dad's pocketbook. Price, $15 to $22 owl& Ar v BOYS'SUITS in the new manish styles in Special cloths and colorings, for spring and sum- mer wear. They are unusually at- tractive and WM appeal to the good taste of both - mother and boy. Price, $7 to $12 . . . ....... - W� 5:1 M :,� -R , WA