The Huron Expositor, 1926-04-16, Page 34
MR, c"
C UPI" lecti,
the Eaiter,,tbxamin4#bAs,
Rection No. 1; Tifekersm ln,�
-f W0. T;
IV._-, Ala Pepper, k Your WID(W
-rest, 568� EtK91-Tepper, eye,,
3 4f youihoWe� tha 1�pp
Parleer,� 391; Stewart
Runa Wilkinson, ?.47,'. so-inug4.b' �,:tofihe: rooms v
-Pdpper� 36g
Si. M
Jwot when- fj*ielftl a, Va- - iety 90
with 411�41.1
�absent for �ome exams
Beatrice vollanu,
m ug
to the
-304- 4 6 gg,
3.38-, I)oxxaTd Walker DIA.;
:Vollgnk �1.04P,4 X
Win: -
Wurr4, beauty of your
_w I , _, - _�
-.Uep -Awi"M OW d peilds largel
e Ton the
You are one
0harne V1, curtains.
Vftard' JUJZ. In, er :W,4' women who
bA,roll, 18.—Rossi6 E. Broadfo There is nothing worth
.0 - e that beall-
while in Curtains that- we =4 JA �: WR
svy V A 10
signs only
n tif de
WKILLOP can ot show you, and the -p costly rugs, lx�
prices are as usual, the
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . te
School' Report, --The following, Is lowest, consistent with re- theiilou, should see
the report of the Easter tests b is 01T,
eld, in AW4.�
4* Congoleum.-
01 Seefion No. 1, McKil- liablo- merchandise.
Union Sao p
Jr. ith their de -
lop: Sr, IV--*Audry Murray.
CURTAIN MATERIALS 11 ful new pat-
III—*Edward Nigh, Catherine Lane..
School Relort.—The foll '0,
owing is Sr. 11—*Virilliam Nigh, *Arnold Mur-
-.the Roxboro school report of Eastpr terj*...They are the
ray,. *Moel Nigh. Jr. II—Peter In color, width and qual-
-examinations: Sr. IV: Pass—Beat- PAY, Sr. I —Frances Fortune pick, of hundreds of
rice Me'Cowan, Arthur 'Powell, Ches, '.uu'r Nigh.
Adelaide. Murray, *Dorene ity to.stuit any room. It wou& 18 in. �x
Sr. III: attend full Madras ...... 35,C to $I.OQ' te.
ter McNay, Wilmer Howes.
Names with an asterisk
Honors—Harold Agar; Bernice Howes, time. A-�erage attendance, 9.57�M. be &f4dult to match,
.Pass—Vietta Coleman, Kenneth Har- Reynolds, Tegeher. Netts ........ 25c to $1,25 their,�.grtistr' and 3 ft., x 6 ft,.,
iison, Olive Stirling. Jr. I11--Qeorgo. , y
School Report�The following is
rowell,.0eorge, Ward.. qr,jl; Pikss— the report. of School Section No. 2, colorbigs at any
Jr' II: Honors—Luella Scrims, ........ I 9C to 30C Cbagoleum
-JAck"Ward. McKillopq, for -the Easter ina- 1 and their
exam pr eqj
Montgomery- Pass -*--Viola- Montgom- ti,ns. -Sr. Fourth—Harvey McClure
or' 7 5 %V- Clare Storey, 72, Marquisette - - - - - 40C to 60C vari6ty, is sure to 3 ft. X 9,ft.,*
Fliomoled into Jr. II., Hon Kathleen
Ski -0,
Pearl�, 001elilan, l9lixabeth Howes. Jr. III uth Scott, 77%; mea any need, any tQ
FriniCr--4an' Nesbitt, Norah Nesbitt. Storey, 70. Silk Netts. .$1,5.Q to
Arnqld Scott, 72,� Sam MrClure, 65. taote. Their cheery 9 ft. x 15ft.,
Number, on roll, 18; average atj�end- Sr. 11—Mary-. Macdonald, 806; Xak� I
X. Auttom, Tiach- well McFarlane, 78; Margaret Storey COLORED DRAPERIES
76; James McClure, 60. * Sr. 1 --Jean
Macdonald 85,116 ; Edna Macdonald, Something different; a
MUCH SUFFERING 82; Verna McFarlane, 80�-, Robert Me -
FOLLOWS INFLUENZA ; Nelson McCl very interesting showing.
Milian, 80 ure, 79; Ed-
die Storey, 79.—Elva Staples, Teach- Her1l.)., Are Extra Heavy Lino-leums
Hes" Can Only be RedwW er. Silks ....... $2.25 to S3.0
"I'lirough the Use of a Blood- School Report.".6 following is
Making Toni.c. the result of the Easter examinations Terry Cloths ........ $1.35
of School -Section McKillop. At Ordinary Prices
An epidbmic of influenza, such as
Sr. IV—Grace S_omerviII4,78%,; Billie Sun Fasts ...$1.00 to $1.25
is now prevalent in many parts of Tliamer, 70. Jr. IV—OTval Holmes,
4Canada, always leaves widmpread Patterns Designed by Masters in the Art of Rare Beauty in De
77; DDrothy Driscoll, 75; Ross Dris- Cretons and sign
suffering in its wake. The disease it- coll, 74. Sr. 111—George Taylor,
seff is dangerous, but the dange! Is 89%, Grace Perdue, 76; Eileen Mc- Chintz ....... 30c- to 59C And Richness In Colorings
�seldom over'when the chara4terl'tc Laughlin 75- Helen Somerville, 74;
SYMI -4, 66 Madras, Cotton and Scotch and Canadian makes.
I 3,toms of.the trouble hAve passed. Arthur ialfo -. Dorothy Some -r- INOLEUM always the
'There is left behind depression of -Ville, 61%� Cora Mabhers (absent),
hin Silk ........ $1 to $2.00. floor covering of the You can bu them with ab.
.:spirits, weakened vital powers, t Jr. Ill—Wallace Shannon, 80. Jr. 11
bl�qod, impaired digestion and over- —Melville Shannon, 7b; Helen Tom- Kitchen, bath room solute colglenee. The. prip-
S .6
CAM ye nerves. I Men and women linson, 73; Everett Perdue, 70- Wal -
who were robust before stAckeri with ter Somerville, 66. Sr. I—BoyA Dris- SPECIAL MADRAS and pantry; often of the es are:
aft nza, fi�d their bodies racked ba 4 Yards Wide, $4.00 Yard
to, coll, 79. Jr. Prhner—Jimmy Balfour 11, bedToom or dining
V111T pain previously unknow�n 78.—E. M. Little, Teacher. White or Ecru, 36 to 40
thom. This is due to an abnormal School -Report.—The following is inches wide, well cov(ered. room gets more actual use Extra Heavy, $4,40 Yard
th1iming of the �lood and le,ve,.the the report of School Section No. 8, and wear than any other
.system an easy prey to other serious McKillop, fromChrisf&as to Easter* pattern; extra good quality. thing in the house. Quality OIL CLOTHS
troubim This is the time when the Sr. IV—Peter. Eckart, 77%- Alice Special 35c Yard
convalescent fro- influenza should Sienion (absent)- Jr. IV—Hefen Mur- that will withstand hard Floor and Stair Oilcloth in
bmqd- up the blood with a reliable ray, 77%; Rose -Johnson, �3; Martha wear is absolutely essential
Nood-making tonic such as,Dr. W11- Siemon, 65. Sr. III—Luck Eckart, CURTAINS FINISHED all width from 18 inches to
'lianis' Pink Pills. When the blood 85%- Irene Koehler, 84; Pearl Ben- in linoleum. Linoleum made 7 ft. 6 in., -in the heaviest
regains its rich quality the nerves nAeg, 83. Jr. Ill—Vincent Eckart, Silk Pannel-36 to 50 in. down to a price is in no time
�recover their strength and the organs 78%; Garl Bennewies, 76; Gordon wide; all new designs; big shabby and soon needs re- quality.
.,of the body function naturally and Kleber, 75; Anna Manley, 69.; Peter 60C Square Yard
the dangerous,- ' depressing after- Connolly, 68; Jack Siemon, 69; Carl assortment. placing.
effects of influenza disappear. Proof Elligson (absent). 11—Peirl John- We
-4of the undoubted valub of Dr. Wil- son, 84%; Dorothy Wiebersen, 82; $4.00 to $6.50 The Linoleums we are invite you to inspect
'liams, Pink Pills as,a blood builder Mary Murray, 82; Verna Bennewies, showing are the very best this big display.
and nerve tonic is shown by the case 78; Loretto Rapien, 72; Marie Koeb- Cotton Fringed Pannels,
-of Mrs. R. 0. Stromberg, Cobalt, ler, 53; Laura Bennewies (absent).
0nt., who says:—"I had a very se- First Class—RubX. Bennewies, Annie Full window size; new pat-
vere attack of grippe, or influenza, S'emon, Elmer Koehler, Austin terns.
which confined me to my bed for a
week. On getting up again I did not Kappler, Fergus McKay, James Eck- Special, $1.39
recover my usual strength. I was art, Joseph Manley, Raymond Mur- Rugs of Oriental Beauty,.
very weak, bad a severe pain in my ray, Lorn Siemon. Primer—Edgar English and Swiss Nett
.e. I had Elligson, Olive Fiscber, Velma Scher -
head, and a constant backach barth, Qertie Sienion, Harvey Koch Curtains.—Fancy " r plain New Chinese and Japanese Designs
to get a woman to do my work for ler,,Mervin Manley, Mildred Rapien,
me as I had neither the strength nor I insertion
Mary Eckart, Edna Leonhardt.— centres; lace or
the, energy to do anything. At this plete range HERE is a very wide who loves beautiful things
stage, remembering the great bpnefit Helen M. Delaney, Teacher. edge. Very corn
I 'had through Dr. Williams' Pink .910 of new styles. variety of Oriental in her home.
'Pills in girlhood, I began taking this REPORT OF HOG'SHIPMENTS, $1.95 to $14 Pair T color combination of
medicine, and soon my strength be- Sarouk, Wilton, Axminster,
gan to return. I am now able to do The following Is the report of hog blues, taupes, tans a n d
all my own work again and take -care shipments for week ending April Ist: Frilled Marquisette and broA-n shades in the new Brussels or Tapestry
-of my baby boy. I am very grateful Seafbrth—Total hogs, 30; select
for what the pills have done for me, bacon, 5; thick smooth, 22; shop hogs, Nett Curtains.—Lovely for IZ u gs, colored with the best Full range of sizes
and hope my experience will be of I. the bedroom or living room. dyes clear and unfading.
be filt to some other sufferer." Brucefield—Total hogs, 29; select Edges, full frilled; patterns, Colors that will last as long
Tf` you need a blood -building tonic bacon, 12; thick smooth, 15; heuvies, $18 to $75
begin taking Dr. Williams, Pink Pills 1; lights and feedelr Blue, Rose as the rug. Soft and deep
to -day. Sold by all -medicine dealers Walton—Total 113- selec , t checks or spots.
or sent by mail at 5oc. a box by writ- bacon, 19; thick sniooib, 66;' heavies, or Yellow frilling with tie woven, they are a pleasure HEARTH RUGS
ing The Dr. Williams, Medicine Co., 11; extra heavies, 1; shGp hogs, 11; backs to match. to walk upon. They are Wilton, Axminster, Brus-
0 0
Mrockville, Ont. lights and feeders, 1.
Huron County—Total hogs, 1,450 $2.00 to $4,95 Pair strong and durable and yet 0- sels, Chenille and Rag Rugs.
select bacon, 471; thick smooth, 817; are so amazingly low in price All sizes and colors.
,BRUCMELD heavies 61; extra heavies, 3; shop that they are well within
School Report.—Ae following is hogs, 4�; lights and feeders, 16. the means of every woman Goc to $18.00
,tlie reOrt of School Section No. 8, 1 FLANNELETTE
for April, based on'the regular work The Best Medicine BLANKETS
'of the mouth and the Easter testi. en
Those marked with an asterisk were I Have Ever Tak 70 x 84 inches
tabsent: Sr. IV: Pass, 450 — Eva
stackhouse, 637; Dorothy Wilson, 617; SO SAYS MR. ARTHUR SIMMONS Wo S eCials In Towels
,Gordon PUpple, 471; Mary Pa�ple, OF DODVS KIDNEY PILLS '4002 1 3 9
468. Charlie Halstead, 462; MaYme the cele -
u Zapfe. Jf. P.E.I. Man Used Them for Sore Back These are
lampman, 4oG, , *Austi I I D TOWELS WHITE BATH TOWELS
IV- -Pass 300—Margaret Watsoni� brated Ibex Blankets. PURE LINEN HAN
and ffsadaches.
G B oadfoot, 420; Orrin
'j* , ;1 r
_fC —(Spe- There are none better. Good weight, bordered ends. Size
'U�, . . Helen Munroe, 322; Marie MiscGuche, P.E.I., April 12� There are two lines at this price,
2,lij6t 298. John , Broadfoot, 248; clal): That Backache and He;adaches They are full double bed
4' 1 V Itt, 195; *Murray Wal- are caused by vv�&ak kidneys and �hat .18X36 inches with bordered ends, and 22x43 inches. Just a real good towel.
. lWa Mast -Sec size, white or grey' blue
Ui *pijWA Walter., Sr. lilt Pass, the right way to treat them is to ties 2 18X32 inches with hem stitched ends.
897- Beth Dodd'5 KidneY Pills, is again &,own or, pink border. Good weight; regular value, 50 to 65c. Regularly sold at 65c.
Mott 417f., 430b � mc&��ej, 744 ; by the experience of MT. A. Simmots, Special $2.39
Q V 11 AT. PVlrVV. V. A V.T1
*Carrie: e;. Igo., *01iftenco, T9ylor, a wet, kmown, and julghly respeonew SPECIAL PRICE, 39c EAUJU U
4ent of this place.
w_ ��Ja#et Wat- re
son, 616 - B1U9` C61*111, 4ft ' '�'bv�lYn -Doddls Kidney Pills havv been a
'484; Odrddh, 457 great help to me. Before I started to
PsLppl6 42M IT�tifc Airn to e them I had severe,, pains in. my
back and suffored with�' terribl)a head-,
o Jr.
472 1 felt well after 1,had takeft
Pon' the
Walter. First 01*94f rst box and now I am 'baking gonk
-�W—Atthur Wright, 422; 9WDd1b;64 them all, the time. The are the beat
I I Kve ever takCn.
'T,ay n Primer -W. X SEAF
0 "t
4on � 3-41 , B6by Dalrymple" .1 'k a the kidiieyw is to
w1WT AR B OS01
a -ijnpWt16s out of the blood
k if th-6 body
is 4 trying
11, it Y. *01i
66 Pet' b0'
t 4th At 46461 6f d&a.6.
Vl.�",. yL I,
ilk, V 6
,a 1A