HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-04-09, Page 2A Mir IN :I"' 11 "1 ­­ w-'.---,3%--- ow, %-"i Z, 1,0 ju W bal 144 rob jut a It or,", 19, � I , V _nqvA To Thee, from whom we 411 derive 0 voline-malrom Our life, our gifts, our power to, give, 0 may we �evqt with Thee live V, ^Tlleir, A."'0114 V��o giVest all., ping.-nuprp. ke.­ �I with age. Row 4 q Ue y,6, thiC6 41 '01hesie r4odern -have, recl9viod PRAYER violins e Irc- I r -the �he- ao-calW. -age-tept an4a ytot'lail � to, To Thee, 0 Lord, who didst create feel show.,; any characteris lo entitling them ed aaad ave -no W419 and who can4t destroy, help us to tq a, -cookParison wi stru. etite. __Ak unto Thee alone all glory,honor W,10 i�ponts.- deplorabl� sitit' tion, ewts J each 've W 411 praise. A -men: M04 01havin ite d of violin-ma,94106, $6,00 pains, ba. sincertly devoted to tlds- a#, comploJo 5 S.. S. LESSON FOR APRIL 11, 1926 es On'the one Und there arIb makm of 6 e of"ItIft -.T-- 7, , 7-7 Lesson Title --The Story Crea- P u tkLv tion. ...... . . . . . . wor the-teeds ofiniltrumentqNsts, dud gre, recom ended m4rely filling the demand for common ova Lesson Passage --Gen. 1:1 to 2-.25. "*Wddusto1qWQ rV *o9*i*tPr,40,e has LYdia ., Jnk4 'A YQur� '.W -Wt- 1'�h" As- a4vow ig. ��O�vq —Gen. 1:1. fiddl". On'thb­other;hand a,;o the y- - �L& andWW Golifen Text d le 'pert atd'eonsbientioua viollb-mak- 0 , O*t* 6 at's Wh the h ex d 4 can It takes but two chapters of I'--- I *&Ad toVaiW W WYLY al ers, whio� diMourlige4 In their attemlit. a ;r op will Mont. *Wery Orne U !Ir, 'L'0W4$.]0f �e I f, low to creat" origi-naling-trunigUtp devvts 'M Q0 _h0U Bible to tell of the marvels of crea- 24 1 lie women "ellin h 151 tion. In that wonderful chapter on good it*, 4� tl t t;wu J4e!P themselves to the. tisk 4, U.01, loug raft, vou wasting quarts jtig _40 _to the calVes M �,,t�6 ft 'sdj�g it aith in the New Testament, namely, me. A44�` Now I take a and, where possible =t f rYPROC—the fireproof wallboard, bottle's Pv­ GYPROC Heb. XI, we read: "Through faith V,"year and recommend Tt .to ONALDA mediaries in locating Z 4rV it,14 *0 trogl,— I -' ' and 'A4 durable as rock and workable as to others. 1) FANTRU.T, .. 0#vor klidwit, b" vantages we understand that the 1�vorlds were 'Qu, 0% AVer'fs Cl#f the sale of old s. ut "theok., 'It.. Fire rXotection, framed by the word of �od, so th ,.Quebec. the L 0: to the V lumber—adds inestimably -at Unlike other fields of endonvor, 'k,'" 1�411`ut a MCI f4e do* t , hey b,6ug, �4r, OL S*i*Lq lilre Lumber low cost tle t U value, comfort, utility aiid economy things which are seen were not made 0 arator th%t a - ritilix C Wikt bum C 0 Work" art of violin -making, according to of your house and garage. of things which do appear," In the annmg,*. Ova ScOtia--41 bad i- Leopold Auer, has been almost at a 32 RiM, *ro #A ed creation story there are six divisions, regular V�;I�ds and gTe�t suffering tv fi# ' V 1 0 � th, P G % 'th the fire hazard. ']Do 14 a standstill since the eighteenth cen W I yproc your house and garage this Y7 each one beginning w! "And God at th the pains c tury, wfiich saw the brilliant achiev&- or:­­­ tZi Gyproc does a w 401aulting, I was saving wouldvitif JF4 a M saw,f �y Z fuel it saves. It said." Each of these stages is c;ll vornitin V Alabastined ment of the Cremona schooL The Oat% W '14, Can be Papered lt pays for it ed a day. Before God began His )9 iMO often for some hours In low than a Yeax"', dud jh6 oF vermin Proof work of creation the earth was with- stock of old violins has gradually keeps out dust and dirt, fosters health I would be unable to attend to rqy for every year aft6r t6W�o extr Resists heat and and comfort and increases the 'IliveabilitY" work. diminished, due to destruction, detorl- ft out form and void, and all -was dark. 'Through an advertisement in fits�-money almost , foun(L CDld oration and finally to a fad suddenly 11 1 ;ed,.- 4�-fiveJ6 of your house a hundredfold. the �aiieri1lcnew of Lydia E. Pink- NTI itl1lso, eai!y to cave these to r for it Easily Hanctied On the first day God caused light to Eli-i-tes Repairs For additional Gyproc facts see appear and day and night were form ham s Vegetable Compound, and it developed among people who have extra ars. -rho first step is me U tremen. sanitary - has been of great benefit to me, the little to do with violin playing. Many win not crack ed. On the third day.. the dry land troubled�b to mail the attached coupon, It dous increase in , 0* �letely relieved. " of these violins have been bought up will br' fun informatioYA Kpeps out moisture and the seas were formed and the 4 in comp Ing butter profits, LA-URAJ. LTON Canning, King's and pu abouttheo al Melotte separa- for you, A - dust earth was clothed with grass and County, Nova Scotia. 0 !MdXt G. A. SILLS & SONS away in private collections, Easily, quickly trees. On the fourth day the heav- while a few have been placed in pub- tor. The 19i.-Ultte is the only vLow. glied lie museums. "Products of Amati, t.c enly bodies, the sun and moon and your stock. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Stradivarius, Bergonzi and Guarner- I I stars, came into view to rule over THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO. LIMITED, PARIS, ONTARIO the day and night. On the fifth day has oflIT-Teceived a few bruises. ius are now difficult'to obtain," Pro - the sea and land were stocked with He has,'thbugh, had dozens of nar- fessor Auer told Louis Rich, a writer fish and birds of every kind. On the row escapoes . On one occasion, for in the New York Times. "In the sixth day God made domestic ani- instance, oo , eight years that I have been in this ORIGINAL -, e of two men with whom mals, wild animals and reptiles, to he was wq$�iig on the top of a 150- country, prices for old violins have inhabit the land and then all His foot shaft'lifi-Deptford suddenly took gone up from 60 to 1,00 per cent. creative power was manifested in His leave of his'i�nses, and tried to throw 'Strads' that ten years -ago sold for L from $20,000 to $25,000, now fetch V In self dav� W., WIT. making man in His own image. His him nAhe mouth of the chim- $50,00,0. These are the same violins crowning work, His master -piece, ney. Pleam "n 0 cit - Fireproof Wallbodr struggle that fifty years ago sold from $500 ta! e was given dominion 6ver all other ItAwas only after a fierce -P`= living things and into His hands were that Larkins and his mate succeeded to $2,500 apiece. I see no indication ONE Of T"t IASM-SAMNG, MONEV- L of a melotto Why build It- bum? with i.fl—abl. w�d­lincd waflv�, of success in the modern efforts to SAVING FARN% lNiPLEWNTS BROUOffTo committed the herbs and fruit bear- in overpowering him. CANADWN WtAERS BY ame .............. . .... ing trees as food for Himself and for Once Larkins almost fell from the duplicate the qualities of string in- * I, to struments of the best of the old Ital- A.LI15ITRtV(CVADA Town ................. . . . ... ................... His creatures the green herbs. top of the Nelson Calumn owing 14AMILTON RNUMED I , ian masters. r Province ................... ­ RD ........ The completeness of the work of his feet slipping on an inch -thick lay- L:�f creation is seen in God's resting on er of greasy soot with which the plat- "The only way out, in my opinion, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE: the seventh 4a because the "I ..... n form that supports the statute was is to have the Government or some V A D A-VITUVID and the earth were finished" and He covered. wealthy man, make it possible for saw that it was very good * He made the mi,;take of supposing violin -makers to turn from purely The Sabbath is God's gift to man that this platform was flat, whereas commercial efforts to scientific re - Seaforth, Ont. and all down through the ages it has it is bevelled, with a sharp slope ouc- search. Those interested and quali- prcyv,en to be as necessary a part of wards. fied should be enabled to study and true life as sleep is to the physical The result was that he slipped experiment with various types of vio- 'Strads' claimed to be held by private ed a varnish that can compete sue - being. "A holy day, a holy book, a downwaTds till his fct,t and logs hung lins. A fund providing for the sup- individuals, about 10,000 would ap, cessfully with that used by French, holy house these are a trinity with- Over the edge. Ile only managed to port and encouragement of such an pear, all bearing the facsimile of the German, Italian and other modern out which God is not fully known." save himself—he wa� lying on his effort will be productive of good re- Stradivarius label. schools, assuring the golden tone qual- God not only made man a living i back at the time -1,y using his elbows sults and may lead to the same type "We believe thaf-we can produce ity cfiaracteristic of the old Italian soul but He made him a capable j as brakes. of discovei�es that we see in other � All the fields. Julius D. Horvath, a modern violin equal in tone to that masterpieces. The America method to do. author'� adventures aloft, president being. He wag given work IF, 11 1 r 'L A Z of the old mastei-s. We know that 1% of treating the violin is now eing a - Ine Lord planted a garden and lie ; owever, ave no u( n �o exe ng as o e mercan ohn Irade Associ- Stradivarius attained his marvelous dopted in England. He suggests thei took the man and put him into the this. Some, indecd, lt.tvt, been almostlation, believes that an opportunity results by perfecting the filler and establishment of an endowed Ameri- '18ughable, as, for in�tancv, when irilshould be provided to revise the pre- -arden of Fden to dress it and varnish used by the older Brescian can school of violin -making where free to keep it. He also gave the man the I response to an urgcnt te!vgrram from 1 valent opinion as to the ability of the school. The filler is used to replace instruction may be offered to 'Pupils taFl, of narnin� all the living c�e�- the vicar of a chijrrh ninny rmles from 11 modern violin -maker. "Of the hO the dried-up secretions in the inter- interested in the art, Mischa Elmani tL!-('.-, over which he had been given London, be travelle(l post haste � violins reputed to have been made by stices of the wood tissue, while the the celebrated violinist, thinks that dominion. God was concerned for With visions of a stceplc on the point, Stradivarius," Mr. Horvath says, "a- varnish protects it from disintegra- such a school as Mr. Horvath propos- the comfort of the man He had of collapsing. 'I ". t 5W have been lost or destroyed, tion. The two increase,the flexibility ed rVirght help to increase the number created and also ire pitied his sol� On arrival he found the vicar's wife � rn.s t of the rest being owned by the of the wood, making it more vibrant of 'iolin-makers in this country, but HOSIERYS biggest tude. He had all about him hysterics, wid hcr pet cat perched wealthy collectors. Nevertheless, if a and resonant." Mr. Horvath holds d-oixvblts whether it would improve the dollar's worth— beautiful things -of nature and the aloft near the -top of the church spire. canvads 'were mftde of the number af that the American school, has develop- qunlity of the violins made. Monarch Green Stripe. living thing-, of a lower order, but! Of course be.was able to retrieve the� h,, could be truly said to be alone. tco ventureiorne pussy, and dulv re-� rn a para- c (-" v ce into On anot h( r occasion Gives double protection "Perfect solitude would tu ed his f,e. against "runs". The dise into a desert, and a pals, he )xa�� ivon, sheen of its pure thread a dungeon." So God said I will bees. Th(, jn�ects had taken po�zses- I silk, the wear of its fibre rmike a help meet for him. the jot) of g(-tting rid of a swarm of silk "reinforcement", Matthew Henry, in his comment- sion of 1he tower of a church, an,l every newest color— ary, says of the giving of Adam a had succ­d(,l in making things (I(, - you'll b charmed with help meet that the woman was made cidendly urphasant for the worship- ff U this dollar's worth. An of a rib out of the side of Adam- not pers. I - example of all Monarch- Made out of his head to top him' not He und(-r!ook the job lighf-heart-, A %dmp H O"K I RED LAKE out of his feet U) he trampled �Fpon edly enouvii, but found it a much Knit Hosiery values by him, but oift of his side to be tough(�r pr 1,i,;ition than he anticip�L'- F al At IVIO I N 1 N G from 73c to $2.00. equal with him, under hi.; arm to be ed - I good dealers. protected, and, near his'heart to be The 1-11; undisturbed for sol beloved. In this Adarn was a fig-ure long, resented the presence 'JAIrlopq of him that was to come; for out of of a huniar being, and attacked him. 0 the side of Christ, the s(-cond Adam, In th,, i�i;d he bad to postpone the ASS Co OMS 6 ^1h qr a his spouse the church was formed joh until n47ht, when the. insects had GREEN MM when he slept the sleep, the dee� retire(] t,� r,-+. -Then his task was a "S25-00 Flutter in Red Lake -F 10 JD -V Sleep, of death upon the cross, in or- comparati%(1I- easy one. 4AKICHHC-)SAM... der to -which, his rid(- was opened, Units Worth $149000-00 in and there came out blond and water, blood to purchnsp his church, "Ild Ivi is s La i i r a L. Rogers of Elizabeth, Few Months"—N-rthern Miner, Cobalt nique profession, that water to purify it to Himself. N. J., h �i � A u That's what was realized by the original �Dmrkvzilje, Out. of suppl� in�� ratchy names for hous- investors in the "Howey" syndicate. Read 0 5:25, 26). Eph, es, boats mid commercial products. The property controlled by the Chukuni WORLD MISSIONS For 22 yvars Mrs. Blanche Leath- Red Lake Mining Associatioll is just two Lord Kelvin once told of how he ers, of Nw,�- Orleans, has been a river miles east of the "Howey" claim and thought was walking somewhere in the coun- clPtail ''n th,� Mississippi. to be on the same "breaEI-101 try with the great chemist Leibig. Though h(, is only 26 years old, "Can you believe," he said, "that the Violet 11441ver, an English girl, has 421 PUBLIC OFFICIUNG grass and flowers we see around us accepted an invitation to become pa'l- (Limited to 5500 Units) grow by mere chemical, forces7" tor of the Baptist Church in Derby, "f I &-setlamwmid Units $10*00 each "No," was the r6ply, "no more than England. not sell , C&A POSITIVELY NO — --------- 7' 1 could believe that a book of botany �Pllr PkRSONAL LIABILITY ereddh f"scribing them could grow �by mere MIZU /I rh& DOM s".. py- HEFE L 0U hemical forces." Behind all other NO NEW VIOLINS LIKE OLD -4ssoc47&oiU causes we have to fall back on the ITALIAN DuNLO old Bible truth, "In the beginning, God—" The soaring price of old violins is —British Weekly. bringing to the fore� the problem of supplying the professional artist and DUNLOP the student with instruments adequate RXNDA THRILLS OF A STEEPLEJACK to tfhe needs of modern art. As a INME INES RE LhKE rule the musician tries to obtain a 0 LAKE POKUPIPA f 0 LAXE Rio LTD The Quickest Way is by To be a successf ul steeplejack a man violin of ancient lineage, and if the Pawmm MINES= SY E 9"DICAITF must have fingers and muscles of p,,,h.... has the means to buy a S"WASE SYN 01.6 f. In fiddle made by one of the old masters ED LAKE Direct Toll Service, steel, and no nerves to speak 0 the opportunity is never missed. This VICTO MSSINd S"- HURONiAN addition be must be a veritablle jack- practice, justified by the superlative k M4011 -ca BELT of -all trades. He has to be a -mason, CHUKUNI CO- LTD. qualities of the old rare violins, never CONI it is no longer necessary to ask for Lorig mechanic, a copper worker, scaffold_ theless raises a multitude of ques- Look- at RIEO er, carpenter and painter. tions, profe-s9ional violin,makers say. MD CLJA�IV S Distance in calling any one at Clintom He must dIso learn slating, gold- Are there enough old instruments to the Map— Just give the loe-al operator the name of leaf laying, soldering, sign writing, go around? What of the violins of S�e the location of the Chukuni Claims— the town and number of the distant tele- and the principle of clocks. He must modern production, ana what of those Right in, the heart of the Red Lake District. PSON do all thesekthings, which most other who devot*, theit.. energies to making phoile and hold the lirle while conilection workmen do on the ground, hanging them? Does not, prejudice in favor E. B. detAXPS, XF. is established. suspended in mi&a1r. of old instrume3�ts harmfully affect Join Today&w Ensinem in Phat-ge of So writes Mr. W. Larkins In bis both the supply and the quality of the Big Development Co'ming development work. If the line called is busy your operator wfll newly -published book, "Steeplbjacks new? How is the modern maker to 6 rnake nioney like the "Howey" in est . ors you must nnd Steep] ejacking.11 Nevertheless,he be'vneouraged in-pulsuing his difficult JAS R- ROAF take your number and caR you later.' If hastens to add that he would not havb -"get in on the Oround Floor". Units in thve Chukuni Asso- Solkitor for tim followed any other occupation for the art when 'he receives no credit for his ciation should advance rapidly Once development starts., Association. you do not know the number ask "Infor- world. efforts? What of the growing gener- t ation of virtuoses And high -elms per- L B&NIKERS: matiorl." But then be hits been accustomed to formers who denialid an instrument to Don" Delay Royal Bank of Canada - it from ebildbood. He comes of a fit thtir art and who, faced by the The present offering of Cbukuni Red Lake Units is to secure Rrsrrvationa mau be tele- Seaforth-Clinton, 10 cads. family of steeple -jacks. worldrig capital. Once the allotment of 5soo units is absorbed no vh�ed o� wi�ed at our lamentable shortage of well -made vio- raore will be available. His first climb was undettakev tit 'linsy must pay unlinard of prices for For 5 rffinute Ta&s the early age oir seven, when he play. a Stradivarius or an Amati Or else Reservations will be made in ihe order in which they are ed truant from schodt and clambered '.withdraw from the eo:neert stage? received. Supply is Limited—Wire or 'phone your order today at our expense. If you must S eak to a particular �mon to the 'top of 1� 140 -foot, 611m -My on Present-day violin makers, their # t whieb. an eld-er brother was working. defeiidm assert�- laWr nhder the gtvq�. the detai s of the cal] to the Long y,,ratou 6 ound. The mquel to this, blig itlitial af- digadyalltage forever com- C"])B'E1J,0y01kST0X� tempt at fiteeplejacking, was pafnful gre(j with the old Italian masters. 40', fLoagal conad- -.jog, ObIeU In tbe, extreme. Ms father frave Tor"Ito a ....... -him Wile never 16§iug their admirtalan - A03D the biding of is life. It hOr� but tot these masterg, thoT, nevertheless, rwci—� p1coso of XstrfetXmAger. L e h 14k�, J T" PAT T,' X t the hero-wor&lp hkvislled 01i 111% bY 'thifik� it- proper to dh $4�, tor into competi- rese bladA tion Witb theta, obeying thd "we urge At geVftteati h6 gtat%A olimbbig that had pravidWly 'Impelled RK their Al., DA for a livii1g, aitd Im 04 htliw been at It 6*15t But I zaa,#y of f "a 'tbirty 6da yegra bj� f, big If,& AIM the� 804000, IF t R '610 11 wen 7�tt dVMN a lot M1, �&T; f N �aj�­ 4 ii A - 1? 1 '7 ., 14