HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-03-26, Page 6V
I W-14, �,X
3W-Vil z4"WRA "_
649i .
1A _V'p,4 -P.14VA, wx level 11
$be d
.. loul; a%b. `4reedeirs. of
�rought, her baby �re ol�jer pi4re
.t the c—raymu 4 'tea JOinive a cow test,
rm the ceremony In ... --on be ae of the
a4d she grade cow men might beat him and
"au uu that would hurt the pure bred busi-
N, 4old her not to be dis- ness.v$ That man is so blind he can -
,lot isee a dollar 'behind a dinxe. He
handed her a five doll,ir had a lot of pure bred scrubs WW
they were dragging him dowa to the
along at once," he butu, mire. His neighbors a- smarter
baby chrisit..ed, and .
than he thinks. They know his pure
me back the change."
enshe returned with the money bried herd isn't doing what it should
and are losing respect for him and
'0' thanked her benefactor. his cattle. They do not want to
'i-ThaVs all right," he said; "We buy seed stock from him and are
2.. %�ulld'try to do at -It the good we can not doing it, But if he would join
%Jhis world. Now we are all hap- the cow testing association or find
;tlpThe Parson has his fee, so he's some other means of culling his pure
y; you've had your baby christ- bred scrubs he could soon be leading
ened, so you're happy; and I've got the procession in that community and
rid of a bad five dollar note, so I'm 1A if U; I
Iff 1 0,
nanuft'Imm Aot
I �09
1. - ! -L
twaOP,*r,*�� rpn, 41W q
ma, one of .11�wo
temtpl coqTqyl, 11
'busine 'Eng- Mar "W4
I aue= tie 91
I blistory, and ftom a Q� 0 Alre" 21
ew pounds has built
14P even now humorom=1 fqfou
"W1 h is. very loroe, even Syutaxi,_Tr
. !! VT1#e;X in
V11 L R fortune to be'c4lled 0=011 opt
go pot needs tr4il. countlTas W.
rrveN 11.11 Pombe was for twenty-,
404U. r a lonely digit to Justify an Inmate.
Defoe, at liberty when he creat
I'll ltavorlte tools bought back s
Cru oe, was locked up while lie
�VA he started up for himsel-f his
at , Oh Review, and William Penn, it
in an c14 jarage in Long Wall Street, prieoned for having written one boo
and bejptm. one of those incorrigibly w -rote another, "No C�oss, No Crovn
medhit�'_� careers that sometimes III the dismal Tower of Londo
�ehd, ajhis has done in the creation Thomas PainMs "Age
of all Qrp.nization giving employment owed its birth to the fact that R6
directly �,nd indirectly, to many hun- esplerre had thrown that pUlt000pl,
cou se a surp us.
The. grade. cow man doesn't usually
Prevents Infection—relleves
irritation and quickly heals
dred tho�eands of people.
At firathe content with those
gentleman into the dungeon -keep. a3
of those exquisite poems which LOY
mind'so much the culling out a board-
the Boxes --leaving the skin
smooth and soft- A safe
repair jObs that were brought to him
certainly the gay Sir Wal ter Raleii
would never have penned*h1s.,,Hi,to,
er because she doesn't represent so
great an investment. But the pure
and soothing treatment for
an skin disea"&
and with the manufacture of bicycles.
He in
of the World,, and all those
bred breeder has more invested per
cow and hates to have to that
At Dnggists. 50. Tin. or by �il
The Dodds Medicine Co.,
used to ride these machines
road and track races to prove their
books of his if Kink -James had nc
rather stupidly, shut him up in tl
to put Chaxles 11 upon the thron
he kept any cow that wouldn't pay.
Tonmto 2, ontwio.
value. Strong and wiry, he was
Tower. Most of Voltaiteis ,H I
In so doing he misses an Opp*rtuxuty
physically superior to most men of
�de" and "Oedipell were, writt em
Penn was not the only prison-wr
and potatoes together for about fif-
to improve his favorite breed and to
ter whose imprisonment mult(
age and weight,
.0 1. U
the Bastille; Sir Thomas Gra
11 Y
SKINNY MEN CAN enhance not only his own popularity
DO THE SAME but the market for his breed in his,
own community. The use of pure
All weak men and women. bred sires and the advancement of
All nervous men and women. the breeds will progress just in pro -
All skinny men and women. portion as those breeders cull out their,
Can grow stronger, healthier and pure bred scrubs.
more vigorous and take on solid
needed flesh in 30 days just by taking
McCoy's Cod Liver Extrast Tablets
four times a' day ---sugar coated and RECIPES
easy to take as candy. Savory Boiled Fish
A -ad what a hit these flesh produc-
ing tablets have made. One druggist Cut fish in slices, sprinkle with salt,
tripled his sales in one week. and -let stand one and onehalf -hours.
Everybody knows that from the To one quart of water add one table -
livers of the humble codfish comes a spoon chopped onion, one tablespoon
first class vitamine that is a wonder- chopped carrot, one tablespoon chop-
ful vitalizer, flesh producer and health ped celery and a little salt and pep -
creator. per. Simmer for half an hour. Then
Millions of McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- add the sliced fish and boil it until
tract Tablets are sold every week the fish leaves the bone. Serve with
and thousands of frail rundown under- lemon sauce.
weight people are being helped. Lemon sauce: One cup strained
A box of 60 tablets for 60 cents and liquid in which fish was cooked, two
if any skinny man or woman doesn't egg yolks, one teaspoon minced par -
gain at lea&t 5 pounds in 30 days— sley, salt, one tablespoon sugar, one
money back. Ask any good drugg st and one-half tablespoons lemon juice.
anywhere in America. Method: Beat the egg yolks slight -
Be sure and get McCoy's, the orig- ly. Add salt, sugar, lemon, juiceand
inal and genuine and don't forget parsley. Stir until well blended. Add
there is nothing on earth so good to to fish stock. Heat gently, stirring
make backward, listless, underweight until thickened. Remove immediate -
children grow strong and robust- iy from fire.
4� Rolled Fillets Of Fish.
DISREGARD BREEDING IN Use any white fish from which thin
TAKING OUT CULLS fillets may be taken. Cut in strips
one and one-half to two inches in
Recently a prominent dairy cattle width, and four or five inches in
breeder was heard to state that a length. Seazon with salt and pepper
pure bred cow, no matter how poor, and dip in melted shortening. Roll
is always -more desirable than a the fillets and run a wooden toothpick
grade. And the man believes it. Not (dipped in melted shortening) through t
,only floes be believe it but he is each fillet to hold it in shape. Set
actual*y voicing the sentiment of the fish rolls in a greased shallow
many others: who have become so baking dish, dust them with flour
imbued with the importance of regis- and bake for about twenty minutes.
tration papers that they have lost Have the oven hot when the fish t
sight of the ultimate purpose of rolls are placed therein, but at the
dairy cattle. end of flve minutes, reduce to a mod- d
One of the greatest menaces of the erate heat. Baste two or three times (
pure bred dairy cattle business to- with melted shortening heated sep- a
day is that too many breeders are arately in a small saucepan. When
not culling out their pure bred rolls are done, remove toothpicks *
.'scrubs-" A boarder cow is a scrub Place fish on serving disb, and pour
regardless of hert color, breed or over parsley sauce.
ancestry. The pure bred cow is en- Parsley sauce: Medium sauce to
titled to consideration only in so far which three tablespoons finely chop -
as she is capable of making more ped parsley have been added. t
profit at th-o milk pail than is any Sprinkle lemon, a.% well, over thk.
other cow. 1 fillets and cover them with greawd 0
This is not a radical statement. Paper for the first three-quarters of b
Pure breds have reached their pres- baking time.
ent pinnacle because, on an averagp,
they will return more profit to thp, Baked Fish-
man who makes his living milking' Take as many piece- of fish as you
,cows. They return more profit be- I require for the family, using white -
rause for centurim intelligent breed- I fish or fresh salmon, and lay them
ers have selected their best pure:in the botiorn of buttered or oiled
breds and have developed their baking Oi.sh. Put a layer of shced
future herds from their be-st I
C'w'-Ionion on t,,p ,f fi,�, On top of the
The job of making pure brecis what � onion put :i 'ayi.r qlic(,d tomato.
they are to -day has been a tre-�Season with a'k. a,),] pepper and a
mendous one. It is only by cowtant
and careful selection by f)f I)ot the top with
tbowand.9 hit, ,, but -r and hake in a moder-
of breoders that the acrornpli�.,h- _tJ '1�r ab�out thirty minutes.
ment han been mirlp possible. But
if the pure hred breeders of to -day Creamed Codfish.
arp to realize on thoir inveqtm(-nt.%
and past achievernents the�, must 'he rocifi.qh for several hnurs
continue to ]vad the r, .,,v(, ,alt. Put it into boiling,
,,, wn of.
development. They rannot brf-f-d *vater, and boil g-i-itiv for About 2()
frnm scrub cows ju.,4 hecausp those minuteR. Drain and flake, being car,
Fill to remove All pieces of bnnr.
scrubs hapt*n to be rr-gi.qtered '
It is no disg-race to any breed or! Make a thin white Rluor and Add
breeder that. a few animals arc, in -'t` it two rhopprd hard boiled eK q
tir in tho flak,,d endfish ami
ferior, The hard thing t( arroni- Now s
plish in any breedinx work i.q t,h, ! ovor boiling water. Serve with
deV(110prnernt of Zood characterist.ir.,,. vriqp rounds of outtorf-d tonst. Thi.q
The natural inclination is always t.o rnakc a nice lunrheon or supper
throw back to the original anrps4ry (li-h-
and we will probably always h.'v-, Fried Cod Fillets.
some inferior Animals in all hreeds.�
The real disgract- lies in holding on' Take two pounrl, fresh fillet.q. sirt
together one cup flour, one-half tea-
thf-we advent o 9 o ne, .
started bn motorcycles, and designed
Scalacronica" was ervated In it
keep of Edinburgh Castle; -and max
spoon baking powder and a pinch of
and built a complete engine with his
of those exquisite poems which LOY
salt. Mix in enough milk to make
own hands. It was the best way, he
lace wrote to Lucy Sacheverell', h
a batter. Dip fillets in batter and
has said, of learning all about the
"divine Altheap were sent from ti
f ry a rich browm in smoking hot fat.
in -sides.
Tower, where he languished for h -a,
Codfish Bails.
The establishment in Long Wall
Ing indiscreetly petitioned Cromw%E
One cup salt fish, freshened and
street developed into a garage, where
to put Chaxles 11 upon the thron
shredded. Two cups potatoes, cut in
undergraduate.,; of the surrounding
"Stone walls do not a prison mak(
cubes, pepper, one egg (well beaten)
colleges kept their cars. The old un-
-so begins one of thesel
one teaspoon butter. Boil the fish
certain automobiles oA those days,
Penn was not the only prison-wr
and potatoes together for about fif-
when cars were as temperamental as
ter whose imprisonment mult(
teen minutes, or until the potato is
any army. mule and as little was
from an incautious book. Th" weii
done. Drain off the water, and mash
known of their strange psychology,
many. But James Montgomery, VVI
together until the fish and potatoes
responded with a sort of uncanny wil-
wrote "Prison Amusements's in a ce
are perfectily blended. Add the but-
lingness to Morris, instinctive me-.
in York Castle, holds a unique olair
ter and pepper and beat with a fork
chauical skill. .
since he was there for having wri
until light. Let it cool a little, then
The old military college at Cowley
ten a book about a piison, his "Di
add the egg. Shape in balls the size
was converted to a factory and a
rnolition of the Bastille', having bet
of a large walnut, dip in flour, and
building previously devoted to the
found seditious. Smollett's ,Advffl
drop in a frying basket. Fry six at
manufacture of ladies' corsets was
tures of Launcelot Greaves", Robei
a time for one minute in smoking hot
talXen over as a body works—& fea-
Taylor's 4'Delvils Pulpit", Gilbe�
fat. Drain on paper, garnish with
ture of the story, one fears, Mr, Al-
Langley's "Life and Adventures
parsley and serve hot. Serve with
ger would never have included.
and George WItherls biting eclogue
tomato sauce if desired.
Driving his own car in competitions
"The Shepherd, Hunting", ere a
$2,000 worth of iheir'skins every, ieir.
as he had ridden his own bldyeles ten
prison -room products, Howew1l's le
years before the business grew until
ters (a great book, near the eqw
within a year Morris and his works
manager had to come to America to
of pepyl) came in part from tj
jailhouse. Pellisson's
investigate mass production.
famous poe-
on iron -bars, often cited as a singi
lated in the corners of a dirty mustArd
Orders were given for a supply of
lar parallel of Lovelace's verse, w,
Add to those whose life story reads
engines made to his designs, and 2
engraved by the poet upon the wal
like one of, the more preposterous
few cars with these unites installed
of his cell. H w many more gru
novels by the late Horatio Alger the
had been made when the projected ex-
and enduring books were written i
name of W. P_ Morris, of Oxford,
pansion was stopped by the waf.
the grey,gloom and quiet of tj
England, the first Enctlishman whose
The factory at Cowley was taken
prison -house? An almost uncount*
beginnings and achievements are of
over by the British admiralty, and
rumber. The cat'slogue runs on ar
a sort to link reasonably his name
again Morris' abilities as a master
on—Diderotts "Memoirs", Mirabeau
with that of Henry Ford.
producer asserted themselves; for the
"Letters to Sophie" and his transli
Some twenty-three years ago, on a
output of mine sinkers from Cowley
tion of the Decameron, Willial
certain dull, grey morning, a group
on the basis of man -power employed
O'Briens impertinent novel i,Wbe
of men stood in a courtyard in Ox.
was gTeatar than from any other fac-
We Were Boys", Oscar Wildes 11E
ford rity listening to an auctioneer
Profundds" and his "Ballad of Rea(
selling off the eff ects of a small mo-
Immediately after hostilities ended,
ing 4aol".
or engineering concern gone into
his pre-war plans were revived and
If to these were added al -I tho,�.
premature bankruptcy. On the our-
given reality.
great mien of letters who went to pr
skirts of the g -roup a mediurn-.&ized
An incurable adclict to work, he
son but did not we their pens whii
shivering in rain -drenched ov-
plays an occasional game of golf, and
there the list would be formidabl'
eralls, waited anxiously for certain
is still a young man of only 47.
Henry Thoreau in Concord jail, as
ools to come under the hammer. The
protest against the town taxes, ri
auctioneer came to them at last. The
Under the heading "post lidle dig -
buked Emerson for not being. thei
ripping mechanic bought as many
f them as his meagre funds would
also. Francis Bacon, who did rx
write went to prison, an
Shakespeare, who did, no doul
A few pounds was all be had, and
his paltry capital had not only to
Gerald Chapman, America's most
would have gone there also had k
uy back his own imi)lernenti; of pro-
celebrated bandit, sentenced to be
not fled Stratford and the deei
keeping Lucy. The hanginan burnE
uction but prm-ide him with a plant
hanged wtthtri a month, has written
Mdlton's books and set out to Joe
vherein to work as well.
a poem which has found its way into
for Milton but missed him. So, to,
The mechanic was W. R. Morris.
the press not an especially remark-
angry authority neter quite caugl
You may have gv"sed it- Since
able poem, but one qhoWing a com-
up with Dante. I Leigh Hunt serve
he story is about W. R. Morris ' the
mand of thought and language and
two Years. 0. Henry was a
nly person that mechanic could have
familiarity *lth the traditions of fine
Fven the Scriptures are touched b
een, was W. R. Mcirriik.
verse, It will attract the sympathy
the prison house, for Paul wrote
in ID02 he bought his own tools
of rnany—a result which perhaps did
least five of his Epistles from co7
not escape the prisoner's attorney.
For the sad spectacle of the caged
finement, and there are traditions
pj.a-�c look iO� pr �,:nrnent; in, niA firqt incarceration, has risen in ur years. from $6,001
At I �dford gaol, he wrote tbe,imTnoTt- to $13,00o. Yet one may search thi
15 Day
a 0
Y ou liave now the Greatest Opportunity of All Time to Buy all yo'u need in
Dry Goods, Rea'dy-tos 'wear and House F 1rnv!Nhi'ndQ
Z. .
nightingale, singing in its confine-
the imprisonment of both Peter art
Luke. But through a-11 the 10 n
ment, has forever stirred the pity of
cord where literature is batch 19 b
men, and has more than once effected
a change of official judgment Within
1 prison bars there are few "ampl(
I talent
of writing its way to freedon
the year a convict who wrote poetry
(even poorer than this example) was
cream. If -'its -a wonder that nobody
has thought
released and set upon the road to bet-
pinch of snuff. Yet
someone uses it.
ter things by the mass opinion of a i CANADA BUYS PIES FROM
We.,qt4,rn State. But poetic ability CHINA
wehther in Jauh-
ary and February.
hardly can be accepted as absolution
for 'crimes commiftted. There have It has been igaid that the real huni
1 been Kreat criminals who were poets'orist is the unconscious humorist,
And great poets who have offended I sheds seeds of mirth as naturally a
Laren Cheese
Co., Limited,
again.At the law. Francois Villon,the; the clouds shed rain, and the Sevin
Montreal, for
rogut, of Paris, was hot han exalt*,d grace of the statistician is sometime
a copy of "Cheese
priet nnd an uncommonly able pick -:the unconscious humor of his worl
pocket � and despite the appealing'which doubtless be be firs
& to Serve
It." Recipes
would the
ipicturi, of him in Stevenson's "A iindignantly to repudiate. One pick
for 29 meat sub-
Lodging for the Night" he ;evm.9 to I up R copy of "Annual Report of th
stitute dishes, 12
hwvv he -en a willing cut-throat, says � Trade of Canada," with a shuddei
a and vegetable
tho Pro-videtice Journal. i Some unfortunate mortals earn thei
dishes, 14 salads and
Nliwh worthy literature hag been: living by wading through its 1494 tali
sandwiches, 14 past-
ries and sweet*.
writion in prison—the imprisonment ulated pages; and yet are they so un
beitijr sometimes just
And sometimps,�
uniuqt, That greatest of mortality
fortunate? For those with the wi
to read, there is much of the g-ro
hooks - Pilgrim's Progress" was large- I
tesque, inexplicable and amusing.
ly writt,en in "the old bridge gaol" of
One reads the cold fact that Can
T'de bA.ru
Lon,lon during Bunyan's second im-
ada's consumption of imported snuf
pj.a-�c look iO� pr �,:nrnent; in, niA firqt incarceration, has risen in ur years. from $6,001
At I �dford gaol, he wrote tbe,imTnoTt- to $13,00o. Yet one may search thi
15 Day
a 0
Y ou liave now the Greatest Opportunity of All Time to Buy all yo'u need in
Dry Goods, Rea'dy-tos 'wear and House F 1rnv!Nhi'ndQ
Z. .
� � r2�'. �_4_ - flo _J �,
ett", a"
The coachman father of
Sam Weller had a know-
ledge of hotels which, like
Sam's knowledge of die
City of Lorxion, was
tem�ve and pecuhar.
With what a chuckle of satf&-,
faction he would have landed
Passengers at The WestrnirLsterl
All the hon-wy comfort arld restful -
rt -sof theoldfoaching inris, with every nxxi-
em convenience added. Here the tired trav-
eller can incleed " take his case at his uilm`
RtreProof; Perfect equipirient and cuishv:
LMObtrusive service- On a beautiful resi-
dentfal street, yet close to shops and &pcA-
r tres Single room with bath, $2.50.
Wben you arwive in T&mnu ask for a
De LA= cab and say -werimimAw,
T ON Hatel of it nd In Canada
—2 OM42&arvis r. nto
�� tuiia- i 1 12,
"PE" �X
country And not find a miniiting cava-
lee, be it cleardy understood—Il6t 466
Her; Uft even -his modern equivalent
delicately taking a
cream. If -'its -a wonder that nobody
has thought
pinch of snuff. Yet
someone uses it.
of importing a HWO
warm from Florida
- BAyonets and swords have been otirt
wehther in Jauh-
ary and February.
Jf fashi-OhSince 1018; yet Cankida im- i
However, the trade is by no means
ported them to the'value of ;7,6001ast
One-sided, for Canada exports ice to
Year. Swords to ploughshares 7
thei one country on earth that is morer
Romance is not, dead, even in this I
Plentifully endowed by nature—Al-
highly commercialized age. Canada
askaP It remains to be explained that
imports something like halif a ton an-:
Canada has increased her exports, of
nually Of. Magqnls Blood. Can we -
ice to AliLska In four years from $326
have forgotten the childhood story of;
to $1rG25.'
the handsome and gallant knight.er-,
rant who went out in th� 'service ofJ
Despite the fact that in Australia
the one and only country in the world
his lady love to slay the wicked dra-
How he his
called "Homell by the kangaroo, the
gon? ran sword into the
shooting.of one' of these ungaitily
monster's heart, and the3i bathed in
marsupiaft Is accompanied,by a. fine
its life blood to Tender himself invul-
of 9100, Canada manages to import
rerable? Yet when we grew up we
$2,000 worth of iheir'skins every, ieir.
thought it was only a fairy story
Verdigris, which we were always
therefore of no consequence. �Ond
taught was something which accumu-
we find that in Canada, in the twen-
lated in the corners of a dirty mustArd
tieth century, the same' sort of thing
Pot, is apparently in request by some
must have been going on under our
queer people who import half a ton
noses without our knowing it. Before
of it every year.
we know where we are it will be on
Think of Canada, and you think of
sale for.two dollars a bottle, and' the
maPle sugar and syrupl Yet Canadis
doctors will have to go to work.
Imports one hundredweight of ibis
Canada imported some 51,000 yards
delectable commoditv in a yeai fro3n
4 trusselis carpets in a year, -bat
Great Britain, which does not inci-
curiously enough,'from almost every
dentARY Produce any.
country in Christiando* except Bel-
How many of us who enjoy pies iv-
gium, whose capital, when we were at
alize that Canada imports them from
twelve countries. including China?
school,, was Brussels. Shamel
Dead dog pile? Bird's nest pie9 The
If the youth of the world has a
statistician preserves a di;"t 8,
prejudice against Canada, it is Can-
ada's own fault. For is not the
Under the heading "post lidle dig -
schoolboy taught that Canada is the
ger811 we find between 1,000 and 5,000
world's principal source of that nev-
coining into the dominion evary year.
er-to-be-suiMcientl-y-abornin,ated cod
liver oil? Nevertheless, for some ob.
Seals in the wash are so numerous
scure reason Canada imports s6me
as to cause mineb alarm to fishermen,
27,000 gallons of the loathesome stuff
Its populliarity is doubtless based o��A
on account of their destructiveness -
reward of lots. per nose is offered
the widely held theory that "the worse:
Pmd with the enthusiastic assistanee
it tastes the more good it will do you
of sportsmen. fi,%b-rmen. and fishery
If there is one article of commerce
cruiser, only about 150 are kiTIPA
for which Canada is not beholden to
every Year. The inspector of fisher -
anyone, that article is ice. Yet, in-
lea estimates that there are approxi -
credible though it may sound, the Blue.
In'telY 1.500 seaits in the Wash and
Book tells us that England 9f all the
that number is gradually increasing.
countries is competing with Father
Onp of these pests consumes about
Boreas, and in one year sent us $6
half a hundred weight of fish per day.
worth of ice.
Working on this basis the Wash in
Importations of ice fr*ni the Unit-
drained of fish to the extoent of thir-tv-
ed States have dwindled from $121
geven and a half tons per day, or 262%
000 to a mere $39,000 in four yea
tong Der week—a big loss to the in -
� � r2�'. �_4_ - flo _J �,
ett", a"
The coachman father of
Sam Weller had a know-
ledge of hotels which, like
Sam's knowledge of die
City of Lorxion, was
tem�ve and pecuhar.
With what a chuckle of satf&-,
faction he would have landed
Passengers at The WestrnirLsterl
All the hon-wy comfort arld restful -
rt -sof theoldfoaching inris, with every nxxi-
em convenience added. Here the tired trav-
eller can incleed " take his case at his uilm`
RtreProof; Perfect equipirient and cuishv:
LMObtrusive service- On a beautiful resi-
dentfal street, yet close to shops and &pcA-
r tres Single room with bath, $2.50.
Wben you arwive in T&mnu ask for a
De LA= cab and say -werimimAw,
T ON Hatel of it nd In Canada
—2 OM42&arvis r. nto
�� tuiia- i 1 12,
"PE" �X