HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-03-26, Page 3/--_ _—'—,— But the naval _ lead- / �~~Anne.Oro
401 A�
by, Fi64
OW busA
market but o#,
-4d e k rah NO 1 40 to first signs ;of
Will hal our farm pales
D.M.W40 "Pted the. answer of thq Ma
the rations:— ket so far t �s.
',the walurager pf our hundred
i66110'0116ii v4in due, the bucket or recoverea a:qj III. on All
local branch. XJ& as. All we care grades
expierience an d The policy of this bank has always about is the fighting trim of theship. rhe movan
advice � wifF be very been to assist the development of om, the TV'onfii
helpful to you. Canadian agriculture. sl' htl h 0A In, Volume foe Tte
jju�gd against 12,0T.7
Relieved After Other, for last y,6arup t9 Xorch 12th. Ex -
TM Remedies Had Failed porters p04 14P to, $9 a hundred for
heavy steers "rly.,Jia the year, but
ONTARIO LADY IS VERY ENTH- e rewforced to,aAj�st local valueo in Exact workmanship accentuate the. be Q
-1 display Of
DQUIPOM SAW USIASTIC ABOUT DODD'S line with lowerr.hrjiVsh markets, and
son Is styles as seen in our wonderfu
KIDNEY PILLS have seldom paid.'boter than $8.25 a 3A
Spring Coats. The delightful colorings enhance. th
SEAFORTH BRANCH. - R. M. JO,'�ES, 'Manager. hundred for heavy steers since the
Safety Deposit Boxes for R6nt. second week in Xap, nary. The best tractiveness, of the new materials. They createthgt,:*04i.
Mrs. P. Alexander Was Run Down,
March sales of Iieav-,* steers were at
L m app
Had Pains in Her Back and Her osphere of perfect taste'aild becoming d-#*q.N
Blood Was in Poor Condition. $8.,50 a hundred. Choice handyweight
h 4 1 to the heart of every woman. And thero
steers and near , piavies sold during il
dear ;Jki
MI III March at $7 to $7.75 a hundred, with ny coats here to choose f that you W211 t
cial): One more tribute to the great ma ram aye.
work Dodd's Kidney Pills are doing the bulk of the; 1)utcher offering fall.
HER SECRET fore the Socialist revolution ?,f No- for women of Canada comes from ing between $6.25 and $7 a hundred. trouble in making a satisfying selection at a very reas
A charming actress was at"a din- vember, 1918; and Willhelm Dittman, Mrs. P. Alexander, well known and These prices show heavy steers and able price.
a So ialist Deputy !Td at one time highly respected here. hAndyweights t;6 be about a quarter
3mer lYarty, and the guests were dis- leadeer of the Independent Socialists. a hundred below the level of the cor-
4cussing whether women or men "I was very run down and often had PRICES
were It had been generally understood in ps,!�s in my back," Mrs. Alexander roaponding period of 1925. butcher
the more trustworthy in business. Germany, as well as abroad, that the states. "My blood was also very bad. cows are even at $5.50 to $6 a hund-
"No woman cah keep a seeret , German Government as a last desperi- I read in,the paper about Dodd's Kid_ red for -the best, while export bulls
"aid one man scornfully. ate gamble had determined that On ney Pills and thought Id try a bo at $5.50 to $6 a 'hundred are a half
"I don't know so much about that" X! $1050 to $57.50
1 lGetober 29, 1918, the combined Ger- I have dollar better than last year at this
retorted a woman sitting opposite tried many other medicines anc
I man fleet would make' a sortie, seek they did not relieve the pain in my time.
him. "I've kept my age a secret ever out the British Grand Fleet, and en The strong demand for store cattle,
since I was twenty-four." back. Shortly -after taking half a box
"Oh," he replied, "you'll be sure to gage it in battle. If the German fleet of Dodd's Kidney Pills I felt my pain noticeable during the fall and early
let it slip out one day, though." had won, as some of the Germans be- was not so severe, so I continued tak- winter of 1925, seems to have petered
lieved -not impossible, the result would ing them—three boxes altogether and out with the close of the year. Par -
"I doubt it," she answered. "When have been heartening in the last de- can say they have no equal for kidney chases. of stores on the yards amount -
a woman has kept a' secret for ten. gree to the'German armies and the trouble. My father would never be ed.to barely 3,800 so far this Year a -
years she can keep it for ever." I Germaan people. If it lost, well only .ith,,t them in the house. He s,,T,r- gainst 6,700 head for' the same period
the lives of the sailors would matter 1'� very much from kidney trou'ble of 1925. The supply of store cattle
New Dresses
since the Germ -an ships might as well from Western Canada has been very
A SPRING TONIC I Weak, nervous, run-down women i -
be destroyed by British gunfire as should give Dodd's Kidney Pills a meagre, but can be traced to a lack
AN AID TO HEALTH handed over to the victorius Allies. trial at once. of local inquiry for stores. A few
This plan of the German Government -sa-les of $6.50 to $7 feeders were re- FOR WOMEN
You Can Lay the Foundation of GoW was frustrated at the ilast moment by ported In February, with nothing bet -
Health Now by Building Up Your: the strike of the German sailors, who ter than $6.50 sold so far in March. Wonderful in their perfect fit; lovely in their attractive
Blood and Strengthening Your'refused to throw away their lives. CHEAP ADVERTISING Ontario seems to have plenty of store these exquisite new Dresses are indescrib- 1
Nerves Through the Use of Dr. S cattle in holding at the present time, appearance,
Williams' I -link Pills. This has been the accepted explan- ensation held the audience spell-
ation, but must now be modified, bound as a man rushed across the purchased last yerar, and the store ably beautiful. They win instant admiration from all
The good old fashion of taking alWhat really happened was that the stage and clutched the speaker by cattle market is expected to pick up discriminating women. You will be delighted when you
tonic in the Springtime, like Ger%an naval chieftains had decid- the arm, activity later on as the present hold- them. i
'IMst see
, oi! ed pon the plan without letting
the eustoms of our g-randpaie "Who was this manA' ran their ings are fattened and disposed of.
based upon sound common sense and the German Government know of thou&ts, "that dared to interrupt The new colorings and trimmings fairly breathe Spring -
good inedical practice. Winteh is al-�their intentions. What caused them Sir Digby Dolittle in the midst of time. All the new colorings -are represented, and the
-ways a trying time for those who are I to abandon the idea was the situation his speech?" The girls' rifle team (if the Uni- prices are by no means the least interesting. Come in
ziot in rugged health. Many men, in the navy, and the physical ex- "Is there a Dr. Pillsbury in the versity of Kansas wear overalls as
-women and children go through the,hausUon of hundreds of sailors a, , audience?" aske.d Sir Digby. their official costume for Liqe on the and see them.
-winter on reserve strength they have result of a 'hunger strike. The hunger In a deep, impressive silence , a range.
stored up during the sunny summer strike was the weapon used by the bearded man arose.
znonths, and grow increasingly pale German sailors to draw the attention "You are wanted on the phone
said Sir Digby; and the doctor passe"
and languid as the spring days arp- of their superior officers to the 'd,SKY-WRITING PLANES DO A BIG Prices $5,745 t*o $40
proach. A tonic for the blood and'wretched food served them. They out of the hall, whilst all watched hisl BUSINESS
merves at this time will do much for starved themselves not so that they retreating figure. That "the sky is the liniit" is sure -
such people, by putting color in the might escape the ordeal of facing the 14H um, , remarked Sir Digby, "I ly true of sky -writing with airplanes,
cheeks and -banishing that tired feel- British Grand Fleet, but that they have a doctoor brother, my friends, which is a form of adwrtising that
ing that worries thousands of people might get something better to eat and he used to advertise in the same the blue sky laws have riot hamper -
at this season of the year. than had been their portion in' the way before lie became famous." ed. Speaking of inwis . profitable
- Ile real. situation in the navy
It is impossible to be energetic if past uses to which airplane,.% are now put,
your blood is thin and weak, or if the real grievance of the men, was Charles G. Peterson, engineer of the
your nerves are frayed or shattered. not reported by the German admirals Wright Aeronautical Corporation, of New Suits
'You cannot compete with others if to the Government. Mutinies were Rheumatic Paterson, N. J., t<))d the members oft
you do not get refreshing sleep at reported from Kiel, but they were the New England section of the So -i!
night, or if your appetite is poor or the result of the cowardice of the ciety of Automotive Engineers at d
you are losing weight. You need a men. They were said to have made Pains Go recent meeting in Boston that a lvad� and Overcoats
tonic at this time to add to your effi- revolutionary demands, but the truth irrg tobacco company was said to FOR MEN
ciency now, as well as to save you ig that their chief demand was a de- have entered into a $1,000,000 con -
from suffering later on. And in all mand for better food. Two of the Swollen Joints tract for this form of advertising aod'
the realm of medicine, there is no strikers were eventually executed, that salvs for the brand of cigarett4,s For twenty years this store has been a leader in the
safer or better tonic �hln Dr. Wil- though the expert sent to the trials advertised in smoke in the sky had clothing business. Leadership in any line is dependent
liams, Pink Pills. These pills tone by the Naval Ministry reported that Vanish increased 38 per cont. in Philadelphia
and enrich the blood which circulates it was a miscarriage of justice since and Pittsburg as, a rv�ult. The sky- upon the approval and continued patronage of the pub -
through every portion of the bod y, no mutiny had taken place. Herr Thousands of sufferers have freed writer was paid $50() for each wri't- lic We could not possibly have gained and retained our
strengthening jaded neTves and run- Dittmann comments: "The fact is themselves from the bondage of rheu- ing of the narno, and as he wrote it.
down organs, and L�ai��ing a feeling that the people at the head of the'matis -, *d themselves of the tortur- twire in vach trip, h,, earned $1,0111) hu'ndreds of clothing customers for so many years unless
of new strength and energy to weak- navy wanted blood, and as they could in pain; Ye(iuced the swollen joints; per flight. It i� pn)hable, said Mr. the clothing we were selling earned the public's confidence.
easily tired, despondent men, -z-omenInot get British blood they tried to be tl�rown away canes and crutches, and N-terson, that the airplane comparly Hundreds of men know through ripe experience, that
and children. sk,tisfied with German." 1from helpless beings became able to
Nriss K. Siroi%, Karriouraska, Que., � work and he of use to themselves and made $500,01)o ji:11, on the con- this is a reliable place to buy clothes. We guarantee you
says:—"I would feel that I was I Prince Max, in a forthcoming tract..
their families. Another vvidi-i-it- -hat sky -writing absolute clothing satisfaction with every garment we sell.
-neglecting an opportunity to help book, some chapters of which were They took RheumR: the madern ;brings quick in,l results is the
zome other poor sufferer if I failed read before the sub -committee, ex- enemy of rheumatism, lumbago, sciat ' fact, that. Nvh(-n rbilt 7100 wa, The new Spring Suits, made by the best makers in Can-
" tell you how much benefit I 'had I presses himself bitterly against th"I ica, arthritiq, nnd chronic neuralgia. written abovo N k York City, 1h, ada, and selected with the greatest precaution, await your
through the use of . Dr. Williams' Pink navail chieftains, He writes: "Why, Don't he skeptical about Rhourna.
did the Naval Staff keep me in ig. I You will know in it few hours �tf-lephone call, f r 'I.:,- number %ver.- inspection. Everything that is new in style, color and
Villq. Before taking the pills I was after;,,o numerous thit: !,, hotel telvph,in-
in u badly run-down condition. I wa-zi norance of its plan.0 Whatever thL' I howinning tho treatment that the pois- I cxchnnge was pattern is here. The prices also are new and you will
very weak, pale and breathless at the circumstances those responsible for i nour wriqte matter i:, leaving you- I
the Government of the country , When the .-up prize air like them too.
least exertion. I often had 'head- ."tem throuwh the natural channels. plane races on 1-i I- I land wpr(- ad
aches and my appetite waq Pmr. I should have received a scheme before You will feel better in a (lay; you will Ivertiqed litst Oct -1- , by illurninatvil
. the finEd o-rders were given." lie
began taking the pills and they re-, know you are going to be helped in I night', Rirplaniflivh- .,ver the Times
stored me to better health than I had nceuses the admirals of fearing that (.,, than a week. I Square district o' 'he metropolis, Prices $15 to $30
enjoyed for a long time; in fact, my the Government would not have the 'ihvre is no guvsq work about. thOU.Iands crim'd, I Broadway and
lhealth is now the best, and I am sure. c . ourage to endorse the proposed "- Rhounin bringing you back to health. adistovrit strf-ets k:ltch the lird-
that, what this medicine has done for tion, and continues: "If there were That,, why (7. Aberhart and drugOsts ivnt. sp(ICtACIV. Io (linen lea\ini�
Tne it will do for a;ll weak, ail , good reason for txpecting a success- everywhere sell it with guarantee of hotel and rvst-,im.,- - iables to III)
people." ful fight, why had Admiral Scheer monev hack if it does not give quick -(,rvt, the rvoloti,o.
You Carl get these pills from any done everythingr he could to hinder relief. Avriitl photogj:,i 1; , has become :I
-medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 the cessation of the -submarine cam- 4 -
cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Pa'gn ?- It was the duty of the Naval New
Staff, once the t.(,rq, As many iii,i"acturing corn -
'Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. detisive battle had CATTLE SUPPLY SHORT ON panipg havf. interesbed in.
------ (0— been decided on, to believe firmly RONTO MARKFT having aerial \wkv inade of thoir I
HUNGER STRIKE FOILFJ) GER- in its success, and even if I had been TO
unable to show much enthusiasm, I
The cattle markets at the Union plants* This Inro, � photography i, I
ar, also employed ii, niap-rnakinK. A Manish Suits
MAN NAVAL PLANS would, at ifast, have approved the stock Yards, so far this ye have number of nvw,;%�. r, specialize in
undertaking for the following rea- not been good enough to justify the making a,-rial ph. ..,,,raphs of ritif-- FOR BOYS
-many toward the end of the World ed a victory—and this T consider by
'War was as great a mystery to 1)res, and shi
the close of 1926. Average prices have torrmdoes, Px!vn- P -
That the sudden collapse of Ger- sons: If the German fleet had gain- c-ptimistic predictions made at the and disastorq. ,I, t :I, the effectq of
Germans themselves as to the Allies no . means impossible—thp spirit of 1,pen belowthe same period of the. VIrmcks. Onv pi- xho is a phot. Would you like your boy's appearance to be so neat,
resistance in the army and the coun- o
is shown by the existence of a Reich- Verpuoi.qPyarh s�1irdluutititrummirimmh grapher, takp,4 T,., -,ires and drops
try at large would have received con- manly and stylish as to be a credit to him and at the same
stag -sub -committee of Inquiry for the previous year, with a smaller volume them by pirtrael-ii: :0 Battery Pnr�
Mid,rable impetus. time cost only a reasonable price.
purpose of finding causes and dis�rib of receipts. a��iq kl�
uting blame, if necessary. This com- After a naval Victory the. revolu- some of the explariations Offered the. films, devvllii� 'ho- and rush the Experienced mothers choose Prince clothing, not only
Trfittee has recently heard tvro itftpor- tion and capitulation on Nov. 9th by local live stack men for the eas- printi; to for the stylish a pearance, but also because the sturdy
tant witnesaes on the subject ' Prince and 11th, would have been payebolo- jer feeling which has been apparent Other vsilimldv om,,q for airplanes, fabrics withstang the roughest usuage.
Max of Baden, the last Imperial Chan- gically impossible, although' the fact -ince the second week in January are: in addition to rar:yinx Malt, passen- Prince Clothes
cellor and for a few days. Regent, be- that a British defeat at sea would The reverses vxperienced by expr6rber,; gers and rxpri,- � , ni-go, are fore'st
have bound the British more closely to the British markets; home cOn- fire patrol work- mid dusting cot.t.oni are -,taunchly sewed, the seams in trousers are taped and
than ever to the areb-enemy, France sumption of bopf falling off, and a fields with rilvioni --senate to de- triple stitched. The buttons are firmly put on; collors
would have had to be reckoned with. deterioration in the. quality (if th^ stroy the holl and gwamplan1l are guaranteed, and the styles are eriti-rely different and
But even if the German fleet had cattle offered this year, due. to, a feed with paris Kruvo .vxterminate moq-; the cleverest we have shown in years. Ask to see the new
suffered a glorious' defeat, if it bad shortsge in Western Ontqri(x Around quitoes. Abon! ��n p -r cent. of th-1
indeed gone on its 'death cruise,' the market, predictions for the bal- Canadian Air Fnroo is engaged in Manish Suits.
t:he action would have still been once of the year incline to the P(Issl- fom%t patrol work, Fiecording to Mr
justified. That, too, would 'have miqtic side. Petemon. ThfT),niininn Governm
to further resistance. * * * "If 68,4132 cattle, 12,613 calves 66,519 ri" fire-fightor, o,iiiipped with Px-1 PricCes $7 to '12
tion between tbe naval and palitical (.Iude.d are 4,736 catth, and 5,923 hogs fire like a vvpll trninrA city fire rom-1
leaderA T wouild have. addressed a pRny. qevrrgl firmi now take. con-
when the comitrv, And e4pecially the flpldq have bern do -ted agi;iinst. brill
sailors who bad to embark upon URINE, weevils so far, Tbr, Peonomy of this
the most during and danRorous un- method of PPO d-fruction is indi- "Rik
deTtaking of the whole war, saw cated by thf, ftirt That the dusting T V
c"tewart Bros, ISS)eaforth
ho- YouR EYES
how HaiDlaced had bpen their trust Refreshes Tite'd Eyes of pariq grPen on qwamps by airplsino
AW P I in President Wilson, the time fo-r mqts about twentv rrnts an nerp, A.-;
n InO. desirprate naval flebt would Wtire muflne Col, Ch1cago,f6rFveCnreBook compared wifli $.-, no an acre when
.` haTtA
/--_ _—'—,— But the naval _ lead- / �~~Anne.Oro
401 A�
by, Fi64
OW busA
market but o#,
-4d e k rah NO 1 40 to first signs ;of
Will hal our farm pales
D.M.W40 "Pted the. answer of thq Ma
the rations:— ket so far t �s.
',the walurager pf our hundred
i66110'0116ii v4in due, the bucket or recoverea a:qj III. on All
local branch. XJ& as. All we care grades
expierience an d The policy of this bank has always about is the fighting trim of theship. rhe movan
advice � wifF be very been to assist the development of om, the TV'onfii
helpful to you. Canadian agriculture. sl' htl h 0A In, Volume foe Tte
jju�gd against 12,0T.7
Relieved After Other, for last y,6arup t9 Xorch 12th. Ex -
TM Remedies Had Failed porters p04 14P to, $9 a hundred for
heavy steers "rly.,Jia the year, but
ONTARIO LADY IS VERY ENTH- e rewforced to,aAj�st local valueo in Exact workmanship accentuate the. be Q
-1 display Of
DQUIPOM SAW USIASTIC ABOUT DODD'S line with lowerr.hrjiVsh markets, and
son Is styles as seen in our wonderfu
KIDNEY PILLS have seldom paid.'boter than $8.25 a 3A
Spring Coats. The delightful colorings enhance. th
SEAFORTH BRANCH. - R. M. JO,'�ES, 'Manager. hundred for heavy steers since the
Safety Deposit Boxes for R6nt. second week in Xap, nary. The best tractiveness, of the new materials. They createthgt,:*04i.
Mrs. P. Alexander Was Run Down,
March sales of Iieav-,* steers were at
L m app
Had Pains in Her Back and Her osphere of perfect taste'aild becoming d-#*q.N
Blood Was in Poor Condition. $8.,50 a hundred. Choice handyweight
h 4 1 to the heart of every woman. And thero
steers and near , piavies sold during il
dear ;Jki
MI III March at $7 to $7.75 a hundred, with ny coats here to choose f that you W211 t
cial): One more tribute to the great ma ram aye.
work Dodd's Kidney Pills are doing the bulk of the; 1)utcher offering fall.
HER SECRET fore the Socialist revolution ?,f No- for women of Canada comes from ing between $6.25 and $7 a hundred. trouble in making a satisfying selection at a very reas
A charming actress was at"a din- vember, 1918; and Willhelm Dittman, Mrs. P. Alexander, well known and These prices show heavy steers and able price.
a So ialist Deputy !Td at one time highly respected here. hAndyweights t;6 be about a quarter
3mer lYarty, and the guests were dis- leadeer of the Independent Socialists. a hundred below the level of the cor-
4cussing whether women or men "I was very run down and often had PRICES
were It had been generally understood in ps,!�s in my back," Mrs. Alexander roaponding period of 1925. butcher
the more trustworthy in business. Germany, as well as abroad, that the states. "My blood was also very bad. cows are even at $5.50 to $6 a hund-
"No woman cah keep a seeret , German Government as a last desperi- I read in,the paper about Dodd's Kid_ red for -the best, while export bulls
"aid one man scornfully. ate gamble had determined that On ney Pills and thought Id try a bo at $5.50 to $6 a 'hundred are a half
"I don't know so much about that" X! $1050 to $57.50
1 lGetober 29, 1918, the combined Ger- I have dollar better than last year at this
retorted a woman sitting opposite tried many other medicines anc
I man fleet would make' a sortie, seek they did not relieve the pain in my time.
him. "I've kept my age a secret ever out the British Grand Fleet, and en The strong demand for store cattle,
since I was twenty-four." back. Shortly -after taking half a box
"Oh," he replied, "you'll be sure to gage it in battle. If the German fleet of Dodd's Kidney Pills I felt my pain noticeable during the fall and early
let it slip out one day, though." had won, as some of the Germans be- was not so severe, so I continued tak- winter of 1925, seems to have petered
lieved -not impossible, the result would ing them—three boxes altogether and out with the close of the year. Par -
"I doubt it," she answered. "When have been heartening in the last de- can say they have no equal for kidney chases. of stores on the yards amount -
a woman has kept a' secret for ten. gree to the'German armies and the trouble. My father would never be ed.to barely 3,800 so far this Year a -
years she can keep it for ever." I Germaan people. If it lost, well only .ith,,t them in the house. He s,,T,r- gainst 6,700 head for' the same period
the lives of the sailors would matter 1'� very much from kidney trou'ble of 1925. The supply of store cattle
New Dresses
since the Germ -an ships might as well from Western Canada has been very
A SPRING TONIC I Weak, nervous, run-down women i -
be destroyed by British gunfire as should give Dodd's Kidney Pills a meagre, but can be traced to a lack
AN AID TO HEALTH handed over to the victorius Allies. trial at once. of local inquiry for stores. A few
This plan of the German Government -sa-les of $6.50 to $7 feeders were re- FOR WOMEN
You Can Lay the Foundation of GoW was frustrated at the ilast moment by ported In February, with nothing bet -
Health Now by Building Up Your: the strike of the German sailors, who ter than $6.50 sold so far in March. Wonderful in their perfect fit; lovely in their attractive
Blood and Strengthening Your'refused to throw away their lives. CHEAP ADVERTISING Ontario seems to have plenty of store these exquisite new Dresses are indescrib- 1
Nerves Through the Use of Dr. S cattle in holding at the present time, appearance,
Williams' I -link Pills. This has been the accepted explan- ensation held the audience spell-
ation, but must now be modified, bound as a man rushed across the purchased last yerar, and the store ably beautiful. They win instant admiration from all
The good old fashion of taking alWhat really happened was that the stage and clutched the speaker by cattle market is expected to pick up discriminating women. You will be delighted when you
tonic in the Springtime, like Ger%an naval chieftains had decid- the arm, activity later on as the present hold- them. i
'IMst see
, oi! ed pon the plan without letting
the eustoms of our g-randpaie "Who was this manA' ran their ings are fattened and disposed of.
based upon sound common sense and the German Government know of thou&ts, "that dared to interrupt The new colorings and trimmings fairly breathe Spring -
good inedical practice. Winteh is al-�their intentions. What caused them Sir Digby Dolittle in the midst of time. All the new colorings -are represented, and the
-ways a trying time for those who are I to abandon the idea was the situation his speech?" The girls' rifle team (if the Uni- prices are by no means the least interesting. Come in
ziot in rugged health. Many men, in the navy, and the physical ex- "Is there a Dr. Pillsbury in the versity of Kansas wear overalls as
-women and children go through the,hausUon of hundreds of sailors a, , audience?" aske.d Sir Digby. their official costume for Liqe on the and see them.
-winter on reserve strength they have result of a 'hunger strike. The hunger In a deep, impressive silence , a range.
stored up during the sunny summer strike was the weapon used by the bearded man arose.
znonths, and grow increasingly pale German sailors to draw the attention "You are wanted on the phone
said Sir Digby; and the doctor passe"
and languid as the spring days arp- of their superior officers to the 'd,SKY-WRITING PLANES DO A BIG Prices $5,745 t*o $40
proach. A tonic for the blood and'wretched food served them. They out of the hall, whilst all watched hisl BUSINESS
merves at this time will do much for starved themselves not so that they retreating figure. That "the sky is the liniit" is sure -
such people, by putting color in the might escape the ordeal of facing the 14H um, , remarked Sir Digby, "I ly true of sky -writing with airplanes,
cheeks and -banishing that tired feel- British Grand Fleet, but that they have a doctoor brother, my friends, which is a form of adwrtising that
ing that worries thousands of people might get something better to eat and he used to advertise in the same the blue sky laws have riot hamper -
at this season of the year. than had been their portion in' the way before lie became famous." ed. Speaking of inwis . profitable
- Ile real. situation in the navy
It is impossible to be energetic if past uses to which airplane,.% are now put,
your blood is thin and weak, or if the real grievance of the men, was Charles G. Peterson, engineer of the
your nerves are frayed or shattered. not reported by the German admirals Wright Aeronautical Corporation, of New Suits
'You cannot compete with others if to the Government. Mutinies were Rheumatic Paterson, N. J., t<))d the members oft
you do not get refreshing sleep at reported from Kiel, but they were the New England section of the So -i!
night, or if your appetite is poor or the result of the cowardice of the ciety of Automotive Engineers at d
you are losing weight. You need a men. They were said to have made Pains Go recent meeting in Boston that a lvad� and Overcoats
tonic at this time to add to your effi- revolutionary demands, but the truth irrg tobacco company was said to FOR MEN
ciency now, as well as to save you ig that their chief demand was a de- have entered into a $1,000,000 con -
from suffering later on. And in all mand for better food. Two of the Swollen Joints tract for this form of advertising aod'
the realm of medicine, there is no strikers were eventually executed, that salvs for the brand of cigarett4,s For twenty years this store has been a leader in the
safer or better tonic �hln Dr. Wil- though the expert sent to the trials advertised in smoke in the sky had clothing business. Leadership in any line is dependent
liams, Pink Pills. These pills tone by the Naval Ministry reported that Vanish increased 38 per cont. in Philadelphia
and enrich the blood which circulates it was a miscarriage of justice since and Pittsburg as, a rv�ult. The sky- upon the approval and continued patronage of the pub -
through every portion of the bod y, no mutiny had taken place. Herr Thousands of sufferers have freed writer was paid $50() for each wri't- lic We could not possibly have gained and retained our
strengthening jaded neTves and run- Dittmann comments: "The fact is themselves from the bondage of rheu- ing of the narno, and as he wrote it.
down organs, and L�ai��ing a feeling that the people at the head of the'matis -, *d themselves of the tortur- twire in vach trip, h,, earned $1,0111) hu'ndreds of clothing customers for so many years unless
of new strength and energy to weak- navy wanted blood, and as they could in pain; Ye(iuced the swollen joints; per flight. It i� pn)hable, said Mr. the clothing we were selling earned the public's confidence.
easily tired, despondent men, -z-omenInot get British blood they tried to be tl�rown away canes and crutches, and N-terson, that the airplane comparly Hundreds of men know through ripe experience, that
and children. sk,tisfied with German." 1from helpless beings became able to
Nriss K. Siroi%, Karriouraska, Que., � work and he of use to themselves and made $500,01)o ji:11, on the con- this is a reliable place to buy clothes. We guarantee you
says:—"I would feel that I was I Prince Max, in a forthcoming tract..
their families. Another vvidi-i-it- -hat sky -writing absolute clothing satisfaction with every garment we sell.
-neglecting an opportunity to help book, some chapters of which were They took RheumR: the madern ;brings quick in,l results is the
zome other poor sufferer if I failed read before the sub -committee, ex- enemy of rheumatism, lumbago, sciat ' fact, that. Nvh(-n rbilt 7100 wa, The new Spring Suits, made by the best makers in Can-
" tell you how much benefit I 'had I presses himself bitterly against th"I ica, arthritiq, nnd chronic neuralgia. written abovo N k York City, 1h, ada, and selected with the greatest precaution, await your
through the use of . Dr. Williams' Pink navail chieftains, He writes: "Why, Don't he skeptical about Rhourna.
did the Naval Staff keep me in ig. I You will know in it few hours �tf-lephone call, f r 'I.:,- number %ver.- inspection. Everything that is new in style, color and
Villq. Before taking the pills I was after;,,o numerous thit: !,, hotel telvph,in-
in u badly run-down condition. I wa-zi norance of its plan.0 Whatever thL' I howinning tho treatment that the pois- I cxchnnge was pattern is here. The prices also are new and you will
very weak, pale and breathless at the circumstances those responsible for i nour wriqte matter i:, leaving you- I
the Government of the country , When the .-up prize air like them too.
least exertion. I often had 'head- ."tem throuwh the natural channels. plane races on 1-i I- I land wpr(- ad
aches and my appetite waq Pmr. I should have received a scheme before You will feel better in a (lay; you will Ivertiqed litst Oct -1- , by illurninatvil
. the finEd o-rders were given." lie
began taking the pills and they re-, know you are going to be helped in I night', Rirplaniflivh- .,ver the Times
stored me to better health than I had nceuses the admirals of fearing that (.,, than a week. I Square district o' 'he metropolis, Prices $15 to $30
enjoyed for a long time; in fact, my the Government would not have the 'ihvre is no guvsq work about. thOU.Iands crim'd, I Broadway and
lhealth is now the best, and I am sure. c . ourage to endorse the proposed "- Rhounin bringing you back to health. adistovrit strf-ets k:ltch the lird-
that, what this medicine has done for tion, and continues: "If there were That,, why (7. Aberhart and drugOsts ivnt. sp(ICtACIV. Io (linen lea\ini�
Tne it will do for a;ll weak, ail , good reason for txpecting a success- everywhere sell it with guarantee of hotel and rvst-,im.,- - iables to III)
people." ful fight, why had Admiral Scheer monev hack if it does not give quick -(,rvt, the rvoloti,o.
You Carl get these pills from any done everythingr he could to hinder relief. Avriitl photogj:,i 1; , has become :I
-medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 the cessation of the -submarine cam- 4 -
cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Pa'gn ?- It was the duty of the Naval New
Staff, once the t.(,rq, As many iii,i"acturing corn -
'Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. detisive battle had CATTLE SUPPLY SHORT ON panipg havf. interesbed in.
------ (0— been decided on, to believe firmly RONTO MARKFT having aerial \wkv inade of thoir I
HUNGER STRIKE FOILFJ) GER- in its success, and even if I had been TO
unable to show much enthusiasm, I
The cattle markets at the Union plants* This Inro, � photography i, I
ar, also employed ii, niap-rnakinK. A Manish Suits
MAN NAVAL PLANS would, at ifast, have approved the stock Yards, so far this ye have number of nvw,;%�. r, specialize in
undertaking for the following rea- not been good enough to justify the making a,-rial ph. ..,,,raphs of ritif-- FOR BOYS
-many toward the end of the World ed a victory—and this T consider by
'War was as great a mystery to 1)res, and shi
the close of 1926. Average prices have torrmdoes, Px!vn- P -
That the sudden collapse of Ger- sons: If the German fleet had gain- c-ptimistic predictions made at the and disastorq. ,I, t :I, the effectq of
Germans themselves as to the Allies no . means impossible—thp spirit of 1,pen belowthe same period of the. VIrmcks. Onv pi- xho is a phot. Would you like your boy's appearance to be so neat,
resistance in the army and the coun- o
is shown by the existence of a Reich- Verpuoi.qPyarh s�1irdluutititrummirimmh grapher, takp,4 T,., -,ires and drops
try at large would have received con- manly and stylish as to be a credit to him and at the same
stag -sub -committee of Inquiry for the previous year, with a smaller volume them by pirtrael-ii: :0 Battery Pnr�
Mid,rable impetus. time cost only a reasonable price.
purpose of finding causes and dis�rib of receipts. a��iq kl�
uting blame, if necessary. This com- After a naval Victory the. revolu- some of the explariations Offered the. films, devvllii� 'ho- and rush the Experienced mothers choose Prince clothing, not only
Trfittee has recently heard tvro itftpor- tion and capitulation on Nov. 9th by local live stack men for the eas- printi; to for the stylish a pearance, but also because the sturdy
tant witnesaes on the subject ' Prince and 11th, would have been payebolo- jer feeling which has been apparent Other vsilimldv om,,q for airplanes, fabrics withstang the roughest usuage.
Max of Baden, the last Imperial Chan- gically impossible, although' the fact -ince the second week in January are: in addition to rar:yinx Malt, passen- Prince Clothes
cellor and for a few days. Regent, be- that a British defeat at sea would The reverses vxperienced by expr6rber,; gers and rxpri,- � , ni-go, are fore'st
have bound the British more closely to the British markets; home cOn- fire patrol work- mid dusting cot.t.oni are -,taunchly sewed, the seams in trousers are taped and
than ever to the areb-enemy, France sumption of bopf falling off, and a fields with rilvioni --senate to de- triple stitched. The buttons are firmly put on; collors
would have had to be reckoned with. deterioration in the. quality (if th^ stroy the holl and gwamplan1l are guaranteed, and the styles are eriti-rely different and
But even if the German fleet had cattle offered this year, due. to, a feed with paris Kruvo .vxterminate moq-; the cleverest we have shown in years. Ask to see the new
suffered a glorious' defeat, if it bad shortsge in Western Ontqri(x Around quitoes. Abon! ��n p -r cent. of th-1
indeed gone on its 'death cruise,' the market, predictions for the bal- Canadian Air Fnroo is engaged in Manish Suits.
t:he action would have still been once of the year incline to the P(Issl- fom%t patrol work, Fiecording to Mr
justified. That, too, would 'have miqtic side. Petemon. ThfT),niininn Governm
to further resistance. * * * "If 68,4132 cattle, 12,613 calves 66,519 ri" fire-fightor, o,iiiipped with Px-1 PricCes $7 to '12
tion between tbe naval and palitical (.Iude.d are 4,736 catth, and 5,923 hogs fire like a vvpll trninrA city fire rom-1
leaderA T wouild have. addressed a pRny. qevrrgl firmi now take. con-
when the comitrv, And e4pecially the flpldq have bern do -ted agi;iinst. brill
sailors who bad to embark upon URINE, weevils so far, Tbr, Peonomy of this
the most during and danRorous un- method of PPO d-fruction is indi- "Rik
deTtaking of the whole war, saw cated by thf, ftirt That the dusting T V
c"tewart Bros, ISS)eaforth
ho- YouR EYES
how HaiDlaced had bpen their trust Refreshes Tite'd Eyes of pariq grPen on qwamps by airplsino
AW P I in President Wilson, the time fo-r mqts about twentv rrnts an nerp, A.-;
n InO. desirprate naval flebt would Wtire muflne Col, Ch1cago,f6rFveCnreBook compared wifli $.-, no an acre when
.` haTtA