HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-03-19, Page 6�,Q;U
.,Hard times Were ahead for music -
1w, warned aftritish conductor, Sir
1�gandon Ronw1d, as chairman at the
recent annual dinner in London of the
concert artists's association. - In this
bib was but repeating the pessimii-tie
forecast which he gave nine months
ago and which to some extent has
-at by a not very success -
been borne o
ful season, but he had some sugges-
tions to offer by which conditions
might be ameliorated. For one thing
he thought the atmosphere of the
conventional concert room too austere
for people of the present generation
A to feel comfortable there. If concert
givers wanted to succeed let them
first of all consult the comfort of
their patrons. The halls must. not be
In out-of-the-way places but easily ac-
cessible by bus and subway. The
seats must not be hard or cramped
In but must invite to red'axation. Above
all, in his opinion, patrons must be
allowed to smoke, a privilege which
X in London is permitted in cinema
shows and at some theatres.
In this element atmosphere, Sir
Landon held, even if the audience
did not quite understand the music
Provided, it would be favorably dis-
posed toward it, and inclined to say,
"ThaVis good: I like it." Certainly
that indulgent spirit makes for the
success of an entertainment, and if
physical comfort wiR create the ne---
essary atmosphere it ought to be pro-
vided in the fullest measure pos-
sible, but a good many music lovers
might object to mixing music with
V. S
themy -that ta-,
be madifle4, to meet, changed so "a 1 1119 "r
wkwasomn; Aiq Quisling
0444"QW. W� sometimes - fQ et_
says the Smingfield Repub*An. Ml
thpvo-Aeert room as We kndW it is 4
comparatived!y . modern institntion imce to a severe classical program
and itself the product of social To thorough -going devotees of class -
change$. In the 18th ceAtury public ical music anYthing that savors 01
concerts were few and music of the compromise wibb the philistines is
highest class was in the main given shocking, but it rnay be necessary,
in the saloons of wealthy patrons of and it might possibly be effected with
Lhe arts. It was so that chamber no vital injury.
music flowered so exquisitely in the It may be that if the concert room
works of Boccherini, Haydn and is to hold.its own in competition with
Mozart, and the noble patrons did the livelier and less exciting forms of
not always take it seriously, some- entertainment that the modern world
Ornes chattering through a lovely offers it will have to propitiate the
minuet. general public both by studying phys-
But in the course of the 19th cen- ical comfort as Sir Landon Ronald
tur, as society became more demo- suggests, and by making things eas-
cratic, the musician looked for sup- ier for the flabby undisciplined con -
port not to noble patrons but to the cert -goer who does not regard merit
general public, and this invoaved as in geometrical ratio with length.
concert -giving on -an enormously ex- It may be necessary, too, to drop the
panded scale, rivaling that of opera. PD1ite fiction that buying a concert
Symphony orchestras were founded, Licket makes one a musical expert,
first in the great capitals and gradu- and do elementary educational work
ally in smaller cities, and the number such as many radio stations are doing
of singers and instrumentalists mak- through informal tadks about the mus-
ing a bid for fame steadily increas- ic to he given. There are many ways
ed. In this development German in- in which the average concert might
fluence was perhaps greatest and had conceivably be made more 'palatable
t�a effect of making the public take to the general public: without loss of
yts 'music very seriously. In this re- artistic merit, and Sir Landon Ron-
spect the concert room has always ald's suggestions at least merit a
to some extent contrasted with the careful study. Is there a �lace for
more frivolous atmosphere of o r a new type of musical entertainment?
Now the very pertinent and practicai
question raised by Sir Landon Ran
and others is whether this �sev re SOILTEX: A TEST FOR SOIL
traditional discipline of the classic f
concert room can be maintained in an REACTION
'age the fiber of which has been soft-
ened by material luxuries and pro- Following the revived interest of
fuse entertainment. It is impossible the last few years in the use of lime
to force people to go to concerts, and on soils several methods of approxi -
if snobbery ever led them to show up mately estimating the "lime require -
at. entertainments which they found ments" of soils hav's been employed
boresome, there is too much going on and among these is "Soiltex." A Soil -
nowadays for anybody to feel under tex outfit consists of a mailing case
such a compulsion. The only remedy , about 2% inches -by 4% inches con -
then is to make as many people as taining a collapsible tube of indica-
possible want to gq, and Si� Landon tor, a booklet of waxed pape-ft, a col�
has marked out one suggestive -line or chart and sheet of directions. It
of experiment. can therefore be carried in the pock -
It is also necessary to consider et- The method of using' is as fol -
whether it i� going to be possible tLn- lows: "Tear off a piece of the wax -
der the -now conditions to persuade ed paper and fold lengthwise to form
People to Pay attent4on for a long a tiough. With a clean k-fiife-blade
time to one thing or to one kind of place about as much of the soil as
thing. The whole trend of the times may be held on a ten cent piece in
is unfavorable to the capacity of the the Paper trough. Drop the solution
average person for sustained atten- from the tribe onto the soil untli it is
tion. Quick change is the order of saturated and one or two drops re -
the day, and the need for it is cater- r—in in the trough. After about a
ed to by both the movies and by the milriute tip the paper slowly (so that
radio broadcasters. in the terminol- the liquid may run from the soil)
ogy of the broadcasters a "recital" and carefully draw some of the clear
may last fifteen minutes, and "a liquid away from the lower erid of
chamber music Program" may turn
out to be another quarter of an hour
of banal small pieces arranged for
trio or quartet. If one thing lasts Sena ror tree, brms
too long, it is feared. the invisible Oving fuil Pardo.
Ular's Of Trencbs
alldielice will shift the dial and go world-famoUqXrei.
somewhere else. This characteristic GrationforEp epay
F1 S and Fits—simple
indiscipline which the riotous profus- Over Rom howe trea -on
sueem Tesawow,,6
ion of entertainment is bringing a- oftAieworl over]000ln
bout makes it increasingly difficult to TRaCH-S R1EM9T'&L1M'1F!D_'- I
St-JaxaW Chambers, 79 Adelaideftp.
hold the attention of a general audi- Im WOr0rui4O.. Ontario
t kidfv M4
of 014,
VJime re omaxnv ed
so in uww a
so JAaa been in uw a
. , 1h
Llrqz" D* I Loa of, C,he 000.
151011 0")"
Aith 11tw1us.
Qw� Vail a
t gps and 4is4dv4ntWs
wtow, 1.4 the, m Ox A"Rem,
Ad,"' 'to _Soiltex is very m140h
qui lies: tion slid it is, pqs.� ropr, 40.4t t1w
ts reac
lible omplete test tW.o
.1i *,ake a c
-at W )oIlatoo % 411
Q1111t M 4011tex has a much w14er It I w as
variquou of-coloxxr then litmus, the4a. Woll afterthe
U .1 ta, tints corres- ondiv t the
closely with different (is- h1lu I& see praysr�
greeo. oxf,ktoidity or lime, requirement.
It can"�§'�vused- on soilt 4n either a "And Vao Are Vou?'F askmea, *A
voMt�,AOdry condition --a conaider- Finchipy lady of a man. who was ex..
Able advaintage in the field. cending the stabs of her home. 01
Disad-vantages:—The extremi� opA7- ar, b I the reply. Thvi -
dtivonOpg,�of Soiltex is perhaps itao 1441ya a ba-11,`46�li woman, P tir
mly #14,AdiVentage, since, in the hands pushed hlm� downs4irs. Ile, 1=1 to of j tho, "04
)f a careless user, unreliable informs. mount the stairs, lb , i , it the lady, aiid.
4on A4�& be obtained. It is suffict- ous to save her invalid slst�r, an the ' 0
lalp� 'I'c
mtly sensitive to show the acidity of upper floor from a shock, struggled '0
;he b��ath and must therefore be us- desperately with him in silence and Pe t I
�,d with'every precaution as to clean- foled all his efforts. The man rrab- I
iness, and avoidance of undesirable bed from the mantlepiece a purs
!actor -S, taining a few pounds and es
He had taken the precautio
'n of 10
ing the familyahewdog in the draw -
Getting Skinnier ing-room. .0.
F.,Vplr 1) With a membership of 'more than
low -00,91: ww" �,,o
a viple -b"u''oh �oa
Ito simuAl, 1010ng,
�J - 4114, WAY!*,
Is W"46A � 14 thfoi t that may, 1 66
I kd 66 i19bu3sti-a-t_, dr upoil care to
y 14,P00,000 tht National Council of
Catholic Women lays claim 'to being
WMETHING MUST BE DONE AND the largest group of organized
Your Best
men In the world.
lollows in Cheeks and Neck Growing
Violette N. Anderson, of Chicago,
recently admitted to
Part— Dress
Deeper Every Week
practice before
the United States supreme court, is
Tens of thousands of thin, run-down
the first negro, woman lawyer to be
or fre.).0d suit
kien--7yes, and women too --are get -
ing disc uraged---ere giving up all
of ever being able to take -on
Ordinary pressing may do for your ordinary
Lanorleys now clothes, but for your best dress or suit,.
ship drosseg
h and look healthy and stron
suits in a which must keep its smartness and good
li nes, be
All such people can stop worr�ilig
,nd start to smile and enjoy life right
The more general adoption of mo-
nt'w Mtented you will wise to use Langley
ntalner that Service.
rotaim thefr�sh
iow for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract
dern methods in the Making Of
Bubb without Langley's in Toronto is Canadas most sue-
Wch any druggist will tell
maple sugar and syrup is showing
C'e. cessful cleaning and dyeing plant. It has
all about are putting flesh on,
results in the improved prices re-
won its reputation by exceptionally f
� me
osta of skinny folks every day.
ceived for the annual crop. Each
craftsmanship, and you will be delighted
One Woman, tired, weak and dis-
year sees less and less of strong dark
with the way in which YOUT good dress or
suit is finished.
ouraged, gained 15 pounds in five
reeks,and, now feels fine.
sugar produced and more of the am-
ber colored product so much in de-
Thousands of homes in all part;s.of Ontarle.
We a know that the livers of Cod
man. The crop produced in Canada
are sending us dresses and, suit to be
aftfull of vitalizing fiesh pro-
last season had a value of more than
cleaned and dyed, as well �as
ucing vitamines and these same vita-
five million dollars and cpst little
goods, such as curtains, portieres, rugs and
nnes of the highest class are found
more than labor, and that at a season
carpets. We have the best equipNed plant in
the Dominion
I McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tab-
!ts--Augar coated and as easy to take
of the year when farm work was
least The
--a staff of traine specialists
on each class of work and an efliclent mall
a candy.
pressing. Province of Que-
bec is the heaviest yielder of -ilaple
,der department,
this shows what faith the products, turning out slightly more
takerg-have, in McCoy's for they say; than
We Pay Return Shipping Chargest
Ontario and the Maritime Prov-
auY'thin per -son don't gain at least inces combined. The crop last season
in days
and charge only our Toronto prices. Simply
send your parcel- to Mr. Geo. S. Langley and
Pounds So your druggist consisted of nine and three-quarter
ill give you your money back ---and
write a letter saying what you have sent
millions pounds of sugar and about
nlY 60 cents for 60 tablets. Ask any one and three-quarter
and what you want done.. He'll give your
million gallons
ve pharamacist anywhere In North of syrup, and yet thousands
order personal supervision.
r South America. of acres
1 of maple bush- were untouched.
But be sure to get McCoes, the With the
dexcribinp the
I adoption of the moderril
riginal and genuine. gathering bank, the rapid working
rmany things
we can dean
evaporator and proper guag" for
ENGLAND AND WALES testing the syrup, has made it pos-
, 4yc, w�d
wrag p"
0 '11 also
sible for the average farm force to
Bouncing like a ball from the hood handle a large bush and it i4 to these
a nd a
an automobile a carpenter at Gil- we Must look for the increased rev-
ng ham -landed upright among the that
N 1114
enue should be secured from the
�destrians. The man was working crop that needs no planting. The De-
the top of a high ladder when a
Of Find F Wearing Apparel and Houmhom
partment of Agriculture at Ottawa,
otor car struck the bottom of his 'with characteristic foresight has
ipport, hurled into the air, the man
ing&--Carpct Renovator&
Head Office: 249 Spadina Road TORONTO
given study to this question a�d has
rided on the canvas hood of the car. produced a bulletin that treats fully
Friday, Mar,
1n announcing this Big Sale of ours, vv'e resolved to do away with the
customary introduction. 'We are also not going to hypnotize anybody with
any big and tempting words of which the most� indeed, mean very little.
But what we are going to do here, is to put before the public Plain and hon�st
facts. We Positively and honestl - #_
For' 15
Days -
J a� LIRIS event will by far excel
any previous sale ever held. TO succeed it, we secured the co-operation of
the Many Wholesales and factories with whom we are dealing, and the de- Men's real fine Suits, of an extra Combinations
Dry 400ds voted assistance of one of the Cbeifetz Bros., who resides in Toronto, and g)od quailit ........... ..........
who 98C
Siiks, in their actual, original! prices. Sp y . . $15.95 to $23.50 a"
grabs any opportunity to secure for us the best values at a fraction of il om ..... Men's Fine Dress Shirts at
black, blue and brown Flannelettes and long cloth of the ace, rather, does not permit us to mention Men's Broadcloth Shirts, worth up each ............ ............ 69C
shades, worth up to $2.00 ery best qualities and 36 inches wide; every article and its astonishing low price, but we can assure all our friends to $3.96 At an Of better quality
for, per yard .................. 98C V and patrons that we have in d
regular up to 39c. At this store for them hundreds of big and pleasant this saw, at... $1.69 $1.95 at ............ .......... $1.10
Raw Silks, 36 inches wide, PJ;p sale, per yard .......... 20c surprises, and we humbly invite each and everyone to visit our store and be Men's fine Caps at and
convine Men's Fleece and heavy
worrth $1-26, for, per yard ..... 90 v Fine Factory Cotton, 36 ins. each ......... 15 29c Merina at per garment ....... 69c
All -wool Sport Flannels, 54 and 58 wide, at per yard ............ 10C Of a betterqA8ljt,y, warth up to Men's Ties at ...... HALF PRICE
inches wide;' regular up to Real fleavy Factory, 36 and 40 low:e ell Ideal Patterns. Th;y are the highest in quality and the $2.60. At Men's Cotton Hose 19C
$2.25 for, per yard .......... $1.15 inches wide at 17 C and t in ric Any Pattern ..................................... 20c sale ........ 49c, 79c as"d 98c per pair .....................
Silk and Wool Crepes and all other per yard ............ 22c All kinds of Men's Union 4nd All- Men's heavy Cott4n Hose and
kinds of dress goods, worth Colored Non --Such at Wool Sweaters and Pullovers in dif- Woollen Cotton at
UP to $1.50, for, per yard ...... 59c per yard ..................... 18C ferent styles and weight at this per pair ....... ......... 22c
regular 98c, for sale Men's heavy a1i-'w*Q'0'sl- Hose
Wool Tweeds in different shades Fine Heavy Sheeting, 72 inches A very fine Brassier, in all or Ladies' Silk Hose, in all the newest $1.29 to $3.79 29c
per yard ... ........ 49c wide; regular 89c, for si7,e�s, at .................... 2 , shades from... at ................ ..........
A big assortment of . Flannel . s and per yArd .................... 45c Other Brass' ......... 39c t" $1.69 Mleavy%1M`en_'a I All -Wool UiAderw"T The beat all -wool Cashmere or
'Phintz Quilting, in h fr... 777-_ 45c to 69c from ..... at -
_patc Ladies' Pure Silk Underwear, Heather 39C and
Serges, regular up to $L10,.for. patterns, at per yard.... � .... 15c Ladies, all kinds of Nightgowns per garment.... $1.10 and$1.29 at ................. 42c
per yard ............... .... 35c Good weight Pure Liiien Toweliling, Men's Summer Weight Underwear, Silk and Silk and Wool Sport
JGinglhama, 82 inches wide, also checked Cotton Towel- to $1, ig froin ... ...... 6 9 C to $1.3 9
regubIr 35c, for, per yard ..... 17c from... I .......... 79c 2 Ladies' Hats, separate at R
ling at, per yard .......... 14/-,-, c newly arrived; all of each ............ ........... 49c 45c, to 79c
Worth's, - Anderson's A real fine ladies' Vest, regular 49e; the latest and nicest styles, made 0� from ...............
and Duro's He1avY Black Denim at at this sale
Dress G�'�ghmae In the latest Pat- per yard ................. I ... 35c each ............ ........... nest Insterials. Worth up to
term; � a _ 18C e ,
mbtaYs, Chintz and -Fine Curtain Scrim a $6.95. To go at
Cretonne. Regular up to 65t per per yard ............ t 12c Other Ladies' Vests and Bloomers, this sale from... $2.49 to $3.95
yard. On sale at made 'in all kinds of styles, with, Ladies' aill-wool Hose, of heavy Children's Weotr
per yard .......... 22c ' 27c Lace Curtain Goods at sleeves, sleeveless, or in opera style. weight; worth UP to 96c. All
per yard ................. 15C All at this sale I sit one price, each ............ 39C Boys, Overcoats, to' clear at I Children's Reefers; s4 siz-
from ................ 10C to Be sale or $3.50
1 .1. . A big variety in Ladies, Sample es, at each ..................
Satinette Bloomers in all Rohe, in all -wool or in silk and wool, for ............ #0.75 am' 4016A Boys, sun im-er-weight
Ladies' shades, at ................... Ise Boys, Suits, made of good, strong Underwear, separatT, ea ..... 43c
vy ear An Extra Big Reductim on all ' marked at half the regular price, Tweeds with two pair pants. Sizes and Combinations,
Ladies* Silk Scarfs. .. L11dieW Cotton HOBO in dif&rent tip to 8A. Worth $10ZO suit ._ ................
Ah kinds of Voileg worth up to All kinds of Ladies' Winter Coats shtides at 75C
$1.25; to clear at this Princess Slips at .............. ...... ... $4.75 P -
sale from, per yard,.. 15c to 59c to clear a:t this sale from .............. 79C to I aft per, pair ..................... 20e Another lot of Boys' Childrens Hose, of better quality,
at .......... ......... 35 o/, OFF $ Ladies' Long Crepe Kinionsa. Suits, from ......... 4,95 to 9,50, fr"m * ....... 25c to 29c
Very fine quality Net Curtains, Ladies', Spring and Summer coats. Boys' P ts per pair .....
1709*2 $4.95; 092 an 89C, 98C 1 $ 13 extra heavy Stock
at, - 39 We expect them in on the 20th or alp ir. 1010 iugi;?;�r pair ........... .... 39c
go be of the latest and best materials W le Boys, Shirts
V& pair ................ 04 22nd of this month. They will all Men 0, 444 per pa .. ZM1 Dresses up to 14 sizei made
*'10"w"att" "" 49c of GinghaM&, Chambrays
per yard . ............ ....... 2 and styles. Every coat will be at ............ ............ 11 1 and Serges,
Other Dt&Pery and Curtain Goods bargain at $35-00, but we will put Nicely tailored Men's suit,4., In better Pants' Boys, Caps at and
frowl them on this Blve,,Grey, Brown 8 each ............... 49c from... $1.19 to $3495
.......... 2910 to 8fic 15 ea to ergft and Twed4g. boiri ............ V075 10 WIN695 �Zll
sale from ..... S 650 $23.00 To clear at this sale Boys' Cotton Jendyn at age S,?ildren's Wash,
at ............ .......... 96-11's Overalls in Milek grey, and Adh ........ from .... ..
-Lsdie0'811k tant0fta, Satin'Pse6d ' Ladles' Silk Waists, One.Thlrd Per $1 It blite, and white
rChildren's Hats
NeWs Overeosts will go at *14� lit
juet got them Caht. off the regular Price, #trke, 89�fii'hi Boyso� Flee ombblatiolig
re a
V&� Ih thei- I&Wst 6tyleg, A vaziety of Lgdi&r Sirdaters AAd sale at almast half the ht, eath 460
egn ar
Thor Will
top r Alias ....... C
'goys, 'awwoot Jers4y9' in brown
MaWa rubberized
Uloverg at greStO reduoed priceg. Men's Umbrellas at
ats Sh ..�Of Ad Camel and navy jhgde, good 980 1 each
110", ....... regultr $10.25, for ... co si, "., . T,
_�., 1�1 it 5 And of difttent
ihe b69t nwiftra in fhe
Alid. Dombii6n MeWs strbng Co val0t, ati oao)t
ttonade glod , ,
Worth $2,25, Ott
�VF03304, 4 ou�, V, With d6t,131
7 46' at,
y.4,- this it.
fmr!... ...... i
01s' sAd Girls"" "46*8'e', at
S22' d winif
for aid J1,29
.......... UO&O I
............ lee pe -
Pq pai in
oil I