HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-03-19, Page 3.0 )6_0 F I tl� .11a RIP r pzrnggg" "g, ..... . . . "MV F ��IPRJWV X g S. e TM h boo t W, a ROOM, W�, 0", m 0400, F T M, -i.Aq i Ranty. T rjkp,�'q, but "Y' 7 uteri 14 -d 17 g�j people, :00 aud- tho WWII- 14y VUe o � 161 Ore blood "' 4 1 ZWh0# Saftqa can while not' "stidbo", �Wtly NOTE life of T 110C W1 aeord, 11 F010son, the game Of neeap tonic ip 'M" U Ve h, T 0, _,es, ed a jopular motif for npeqe4-,., zw. g 'k� !A,� d ealth aLna Pills ar PO Rally in pottery, As ------- .4 r Of fact, the Dutch pottery of an all _,'g, especially useful, 'builder 4iid the fifteenth and sixteenth centurlwi ne0e J h -, was frequently decorated with vividly in' t e- sprxp , *L ,o;, Very dose helpg, to XARCH., WFATgM I kind being cleaned. DANGEROUS TO BABY colored curling scenes. make- 11,Py7i'13, P11N-.4,'.blood, and with 1Rapid cleaning should be avoided Curling, however, accordlino to its this neii- bf6'd4"*.6t4rning strengtb,� .a,� t1iis is v�ry liable to prevent the Quebec exponent, goes back even fur- cheerfulness agdi & health quickly 0a Account of the Very Sudden sieves from functioning as I they ther than this. The eartueat Ifstone" followt CiAnges in Temperature. should. O:fl often may so far discovered dateg back tQ. 1511, A,, ej. eusily Tared, or Our Cana be properly Experts, moreover, believe that since breathless. at exertion, if day bri than March weather --one equipped with new screens by sub- this specimen is an biaproyed "stone " your complexi* is_�`pbor or you are ght, but sloppy, the next blus, mitting samples of the seed' to,. ba the origin of the game may be expec�- troubled watk, 0.b_%tpl& or eruptions, tery and cold—is extremely hard 'on cleaned to the mam*&tureV and qgk� d to extend back still further. Dr. William' �-JVJUX Pills are juslt A �children. Conditions make it neces- ing him'to fumistsuitabletpievei�� Scodairid first espoused curling in what you nee4.10 VAt you right. If Gary for the mothers to keep the -lit- tle ones indoors. They ire'often tcori- the seventeenth century. - The Kin- you have twinges of.�rheumatism, are ross - Curling Club of Kinross, Scot- subject to bea4i�h� and backaches, fined to dverheateo; bidly- ventilated If youh;tvdihirAwork to do, land, organized in 1668, was the first if you are irritable' and nervous, it -Tooms and -catch colds whieh., rack Do it now.. to take hold of the game. This or- your sleep does AoCrefresh you, or ,their whole, system,.Tq guo-rd"49aing't �To-dhy the skies, are.clear and blue', ganization the oldest of its kind in your appetite is i6prit you need the these colds and to'keep the baby wcU To -morrow. clouds may come in view the w,rld,'is still going strong. treatment Dr. W_`JlHams' Pink Pills till, the -be#er,,,-bgigb,t.er Alays ,come Yesterday is not for you, A l6n)g, a boi of It took less than 100 years for alone can g_1ye—you need the new , 1.3abys Own Tablets Do t now. should be'k�pt in the housb and an this game of hurling weights on blood, new strength and new energy ,occasional dose given 'the baby to If you have a song to sing, chartered ice to span the Atlantic. thi3 medicine alwik�ts brings. Mrs. 'keep his stomach sweet and his bow- Sing it now. In 1759 itcame to Canada from Scot- Emma Fiaser,'Thessalon, Ont., says: fels working regularly. Let the' tones of gladness ring, land with none other than Wolfe's "Two years ago m�r nervous system, Baby% Own Tablets are a mild but Clear as song of bird in spring, Highlanders. When Quebec was cap- was in such a condition that life 'thorough laxative which never fail Let every day some music bring; tured by the British forces, men, ac- seemed a (burderm . I could neither -to regulate the stomach and bowels Singit now, cording to the records consulted by work, eat or ile6j well. I tried sev- Mr. Van Feleson, who were dressed eral medicints, 'but, did not get any and thus relieve colds and simple If you have kinds words to say, in skirts, threw "stones" along the relief. Indeed mSr condition seemed - levers and keep baby fit. The Tab- Say them now. frozen surface of the St. ChaAes to be growing worse. Then Dr. Wil - 'lets are sold by medicine dealers or To -morrow may not come your way; River. These men, in their enthusi- liams' Pink Pills were -brought to my 'by -ail at 25 cents a box from The Do,kindness while you may, asm, shouted so lustily that they were attention and I decided to try them. 'Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- Loved ones will not always stay; charged by the natives as having gone After using a few boxes there was -1w4lle, Ont. Say them now. suddenly mad. no room to doubt" that they were Soon, however, the Quebecers helping me. I continued their use THE CLEANING OF SHED GRAIN If you h.-.ve a smile to skow, viewed these queer scenes more fa- until I had taken eight boxes, when Shcw it pow. vorably, and it was not long before I was completely restored to'headth, The objects of cleaning seed grain Make hearts happy, roises grow; they, too, were hurling and spinning and I have no& any time since had a are (1) to remove other kinds- of Let the friends around you know their ."stones" along the frozen path- stymptorn of the trouble, When I be - grain, weed seeds, dirt, chaff, Pieces The. love you have before they go; way of the St. Lawrence River and gun the use of tke pills I weighed of straw, and other foreign matters Sow it now. yelling as excitedly as the skifted in- only 96 pounds, while under their use and, (2) to remove all small, shrunk- vaders. with my renewed health I now weigh len and broken seed, leaving only the The Quebec Curling Club, which 125 pounds. I feel it impossible to very best of the'kind of seed cleaned. Quick Relief for claims to be the oldest curling club praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills too It has been observed at the Domin- 0 in Canada, was organized in i821. highly." ion Rxperimental Station, Kopuskas- ics This club, despite its 104 years, is Keep Your System Toned Up. lug, Ontario, that large, plump, well Rheumat stronger in its membership and in its Try Dr. Wilhams' Pink Pills for imatured s"d germinates more even- integrity than ever before. Curling anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, in- ly and gives a more uniform and enthusiasts from the United States digestion or nervousness. Take them hfighter yielding crop than seed of in- Local Druggists Sell Rheuma on find in its club rooms a warm wed- as a tonic if you are not in the best ferior quality. This is particularly Money -Back Plan come. physical condition and cultivate a re - true if early sowing is practised Mr. Van Feleson then told how sistance that will keep you well and which practice is very essential in If you suffer from torturing rheu- the Quebec people introduced the strong. You can get th(,-,e � plills this section of the province. matic pains, swollen, twisted joints, game in Montreal, where it rapidly through any medicine dealer or by A good fanning mill if properly and suffer intensely because your sys- caught hold, Its reception in the mail at 50c a box from the Dr. Wil - equipped with riddles and screens, tem is full of uric acid, that danger- larger Canadian city, according to liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. and with a suitable control over the ous poison that makes thousands Mr. Van Feleson, was more spontane- air blast, may give very good service helpless and kills thousands years be- ous -than in any other place where in the cleaning of seed grain. fore their time, then you need Rheuma it was adopted. This, he said, was ESSENTIALS TO SUCCESSFUL It is rather difficurlt to give definite and need it now. owing to the fact that the shipping A I U Alf VA d11EPd'%XZTTV� Instructions for equipping -and oper- Start taking it to -day.' Rheuma headquarters moved from Quebec to atingi,a mill which would be applic- acts at once on kidneys, liver, stomach Montreal, and this movement was In many sections of Canada, Alfalfa -ible in all cases, as both the,grain and blood, and you can sincerely ex- accompanied by a new exodus of is rapidly becoming 'an important and the mills may vary considerably. claim: "Good riddance to bad rub- shipping men from Quebec to its farmcrop, but unfortimateily this is It may be pointed out, however, that bish." larger sister city. Most of these ship- not the case in Lhe Maritime Prov - each part of the mill should have a Many people, the most skeptical of ping men were Scottish, had already inces. The farmers in these provin- share in the cleaning process If best skeptics right in this city and in the loved curling and hence were not long ces are quite aware of the merits of. 'results are to be obtailned. The Air country hereabouts, bless the day in organizing the Royal Curling Cluro. this crop but with rare exceptions,1 blast should remove all light mater- when C. Aberhart and other cood Still another fact which reveals any attempts to grow it have meL" 1al; the riddle or top sieve should re- druggists offered Rheuma to the af- the early history of curling on the with complete or partial failure ' I inove the larger sized impurities, and flicted at a small price and guaran- North American continent, accord- However, experimental work with al - waste matter while the lower sieve teed money refunded if not satisfied. ing to Mr. Van Feleson, has been the falfa, at the Fredericton Experimental � should remove the small impurities, If you have rheumatism get a bottle receint discovery of curling '(stones" Station, has demonstrated th;it it can' well as the smaller seeds of the -1 Rhe—a t--daY* be grown successfully if conditions, mmmamm are made favorable to its develop-, nient. While alfalfa prefer a ri&h, clay; loam soil, it will do well on most deep soils provided they Fire. well drained reasonably free of weeds and in si good state of fertility. Sour soil must be avoided but thi.% condition can be corrected by a lih(-ral application of lime. When selecting seed, care should be taken to secure a hardy' variety. Grimms anti Ontario Varie- 'I gated are the two 1-st, varieties for i Maritime condition,, Where Alfalfa' is being grown in a f`wld for the first. time, the seed should ho inoculated - any farmer wishing to give seed in - /Z oculation a trial mny secure, free, of Experimen- charge, from the Cc tal Farm, Ottawa, --n-ugh nitro cul- ture to treat one of seed. The ­ acre may vary' rate of seed sown p, ! , from fifteen to t��,-n�y pounds perl' acre, but the latter riii- should be us- ed by beginners, n, it wiiH insum a thicker stand of Nurse crops, may be used, such a�: �);irley or wh(,,qt I T if sown lightly but \ko find it muc�� better to sow alfalfa about the mid- dle of June without a nurse crop. If the latter method )� followed, the! 1�­ I or VVb*fi Von bU7 a 2lice. HA Bacon plants grow much tronger and de- I and velop a root systen, more capable o" resisting heaving the following' P spring. Pasturing newly so(,ded alfalfa is 0 satisfy mornin appetites there is fl6 Tmore, Wrookfield almost sure to prove disast 9 ' It Zuth saii6ty dish. than Eggs serve4 should go into the winter lt at 4xith tender slices of "PterAlInw, Bacon or Ham least ten inches of growth in order to Swift's "Premiurh" has lotl# been recognized as thd hold the snow anti protect. the plants. hA' ghest standard of qual'itz AlWays Mild in flavor If it makes too much growth, it and UnifornL Serve and you yv4J should be clipped high with a mower gari've it all year around. and the clippings allowed to remain� for on the ground. The following spring, Easter Morningl it is weR to roll the field if there is evidence of heaving, in order that —and the whole year the roots may become firmly. estab- lished in the soil and not be killed by drying winds. Look for the -J70 parbolling" tag vnten you Swift Prem 10 Alfalfa should be cut when one - tenth in bloom. Two crops may be P ur a W.h 0 s _ium 'Premium, Yarn cut at this stagi, during the summer. 1�­ I S' S*ift. Canadian Coi,' Parisian women are taking rapidly Lituited. to the new vogue of dyeing, the hair en and 6t1her strikin-' 4!'' 1 , S. - colors. or VVb*fi Von bU7 a 2lice. HA Bacon Only in rare cases can a third crop be harvested under Maritime condi- and tions, as the growing seasom is not' P sufficiently long to permit of suffici _ 0 satisfy mornin appetites there is fl6 Tmore, Wrookfield ent growth to go into the winter, and winter killing is almost sure to follow. saii6ty dish. than Eggs serve4 After each crop of bay is taken off, 4xith tender slices of "PterAlInw, Bacon or Ham the field should he well harrowed Swift's "Premiurh" has lotl# been recognized as thd with a spike tooth harrOw—this will tend to keep weeds from becoming hA' ghest standard of qual'itz AlWays Mild in flavor established And will develop an open and UnifornL Serve and you yv4J surface allowing free aeration and gari've it all year around. will increase the water -holding ca- Order from your Grocer or Rd(ailow pacity of the soil. S' S*ift. Canadian Coi,' Parisian women are taking rapidly Lituited. to the new vogue of dyeing, the hair en and 6t1her strikin-' 4!'' 1 , S. - colors. T." DEPENDABJLIWY­;-�thav�s ification to clothing satisfactI -K ,foundation upon which 046 W 311,� built, and is the keysto"ne". Of 'r d4 stock to -day. -4 Try on one of our NeW m, 611 get a demonstrala-6A,',9 you Vd, well dressed you will, look -in reasonable priced.dependjj!�Je s Stewart Bros. label in your swit.� Jig - guarantee, not'only of DUPE NIDAHJ�,' , =M but of- correct style, perfect At, long - wear� Kit -and utmost clothing �,conomy. These smits are supreme in the reasonable, priced garments. Don't buy without seeing thifiqr big variety of this seasolles most p6pulor' suits. Prices $15 to 35.-_- z I ring vvercoa-Es For Dress Wear The new Spring Overcoats f or men are hand- some beyond descriptiozi. The colors are Sand, Light Grey, Tan, in the new dice checks, herring bones, and broken designs. We never had smarter looking garments. These Coats are made up to a standard that in- sures retaining their dressy appearance. REM"BER, it is much more economical to be PERMANENTLY pleased with the wonderful ser- vice you get from these quality coats than it is to be TEMPORARILY pleased with a low price, and then have to worry along with the poor fitting, un- s"itapely, disappointing shortcomings of a poorly - made coat. Prices $20 to $'27,-,5%0 r10 Putting Extra Effort into the New Spring Millinery With a determination that is evidenced throughtout the entire department, we'be- gin what we purpose to make the greatest Millinery season of our career. We have made big preparation; we have bought ex- tensively and judiciously. All the very newest shapes are here in abundant vari- ety. The small shapes that Paris and New York are booming are to be found here in all the glory of the new Spring colorings, and at prices you will be pleased to pay. Women's - Spring Coats If you would see some of the season's New Coats, step in any day ; we will be glad to show them. We bave a very attractive. showing of new Coats, both with and without the capes. All the new colorings are unusual-ly attractive. There is an assembl- age of styles here that would gladden the heart of any woman. Come in to -day and see for yourself what a handsome array of new Coats we have here. -7; V -*-`rice $10.00 to $60,,00 10�ft A% Stewart 15ros, M, T." DEPENDABJLIWY­;-�thav�s ification to clothing satisfactI -K ,foundation upon which 046 W 311,� built, and is the keysto"ne". Of 'r d4 stock to -day. -4 Try on one of our NeW m, 611 get a demonstrala-6A,',9 you Vd, well dressed you will, look -in reasonable priced.dependjj!�Je s Stewart Bros. label in your swit.� Jig - guarantee, not'only of DUPE NIDAHJ�,' , =M but of- correct style, perfect At, long - wear� Kit -and utmost clothing �,conomy. These smits are supreme in the reasonable, priced garments. Don't buy without seeing thifiqr big variety of this seasolles most p6pulor' suits. Prices $15 to 35.-_- z I ring vvercoa-Es For Dress Wear The new Spring Overcoats f or men are hand- some beyond descriptiozi. The colors are Sand, Light Grey, Tan, in the new dice checks, herring bones, and broken designs. We never had smarter looking garments. These Coats are made up to a standard that in- sures retaining their dressy appearance. REM"BER, it is much more economical to be PERMANENTLY pleased with the wonderful ser- vice you get from these quality coats than it is to be TEMPORARILY pleased with a low price, and then have to worry along with the poor fitting, un- s"itapely, disappointing shortcomings of a poorly - made coat. Prices $20 to $'27,-,5%0 r10 Putting Extra Effort into the New Spring Millinery With a determination that is evidenced throughtout the entire department, we'be- gin what we purpose to make the greatest Millinery season of our career. We have made big preparation; we have bought ex- tensively and judiciously. All the very newest shapes are here in abundant vari- ety. The small shapes that Paris and New York are booming are to be found here in all the glory of the new Spring colorings, and at prices you will be pleased to pay. Women's - Spring Coats If you would see some of the season's New Coats, step in any day ; we will be glad to show them. We bave a very attractive. showing of new Coats, both with and without the capes. All the new colorings are unusual-ly attractive. There is an assembl- age of styles here that would gladden the heart of any woman. Come in to -day and see for yourself what a handsome array of new Coats we have here. -7; V -*-`rice $10.00 to $60,,00 10�ft A% Stewart 15ros,