The Huron Expositor, 1926-03-19, Page 2AV 'R­10,,� . INIXF roo 04 F, 4,11-4 latm. 4*00" us below. 001'' an Pe 14A uho; 40 4" CIS gre e a '� the iQ oil, a LY one, laoro rust h resisting- PU the Market a i Isonk�,D6 4Q14 _111 "MM k H, W. Baker A- W to it, The 01411vanau b4t* 4 PRAYER RED UL;.MD PRICESO Help us our Father to give 4 a honor and praise to the Saviour who sh $,A, 40 i a. 0,40wer 041i be DOOR,. DNA, e fence aches higo ...... .......... 300 gave His Me a ransom for sinners. b He breathed ....... 40C cash May that peace which fence 40 inches high....... a, wttu *0 !I!MW O*w isvp :Ome into our 41 inches high even s ced...45c cash UPOR His diSCiPleg C 011"M " - ��P�vjm deathl Tris quit* .0therwid fencel -pa 1, ­­ as we study about His Ll I � . . . hat,?!: . 4 wer q4t. WO 11w , �!*�,,';- and resurrection. Amen. post go thw lustrPus elgagnee of W1410k of even Heavy Poultry Fence S. S. LESSON FOR MARCH 22nd son Title—Jesus Dies aiIA'Rises ,ys be on the maind J,es W 1,44 possessor. Hore in America, cash fr he Dead. a waiter in the Springfield Re - Lesson Passag&--John 18 1 to 'A hard 'to realiZe' #u jean wire fence 48 inches. high Om L I 20 -wire e f nce 60 inches hig iflegialee of 40* JIM, 20 23. the. immofite al'i;ii -4—John 10;17. 41f the 19th. h and Part, bc �A ook on - Wag 0!7 _1101010"s arro;�t and 'BED WIRE b41011Y found the that it is sy-M -in Eighty-kod Spoolsl to In the 2let ad chapter, From the 23rd -30th roll $4.2,5 cash I Ri :,alesof.Jesus Wagner's " .ng" tr,019 tb� helme per e t was to a me W have the death on ...._per roll $4.60 cash In the 20th chapter 4 -point------- ro erril�ed. high hat was to thei 19tT4 cento.. f we have -n, and the merely 904"01. ,0: d 43 11 .....each 4 5C cash the I th-22nd verse geptlema W , 'to Col. U -Bar posts 87 inches lODg ....... es of Jesus, showing what are novgadays caUed .' 11d 0 a pearanc and the 'tw P f first t Himsel o Mary Magdalene lar men," had to fail in with at sbilling. then to the disciples- fashion if it took their la SPECIAL The Death on the Cross - A clerk trying to make a costly hut the: t daxd . to Jesus, seeing his mother nearo, last as 16Ing as possible is not going For convenience in cartage we allow a customer cross, said to her that his bel ed to forget his umbrella. if we take ad take adventage of the Mt. li I A, into account the 11topper"I and take his wire hOmetOw a disciple would be to her a son, pro - .. ji of the W p till April -the fifteenth. Draw it on vide f or her and dis6harge towards Quality uncertainties of the climate British cash pricIl� u her all the duties he had performed not so ab - the sleigh. 90, ... " for addiction to the gamp is left I(Q But Jesus in his dying moments ST F11, surd as our humorist pretend. an examiAe of filial duty. He was over styles change with the conditions of ih�h life, and the progressive emancipa- & SON3 filled with tender regard for his suf- � 1) GEOs A. SILLS fering mother. John accepted the G ity of the 40� tion from the anxious dign trust, and tradition tells us she con- Pr,: t E I LV11�01 Years high hat which American visitors in with him until her ted brings other tinned to live London have repor Moreover, death some fifteen years later. emancipations with it. Jesus having seen that his mother p�.yle are in some ways not so fussy thirst." they were in was provided for, said, "I about their health -as This was in order that the scripture after falling through a glass roof. In Victorian days or their hypochondria corded -in Psalm 69.21 might be I has found n'ejW channels. They may W All as re the morning the Irishman reappeared fulfilled. "III my thirst they gave ergeant drew a cordon worry more about vitamins, but they me vinegar to drink." Having re- and a Police s . S. The so solicitous about Ili c e und the premise are not nearly A the vinegar he said, "It is fin- 101 v, - ar- oof and damp. received his head and f.grti back onto the r -her day ished" and he bowed g t h,?lli Some British writer the ot gave a t ri ing climbing performance gave'un the ghost. The sufferings j of sights rs. He was _ ridiculled the valetudinarian 7 4, 4 fimizim 6ve eqwmad 6, & '01lischtlen to low bunagen. I-ALd Toud A"aw in *WAM ld- $"0^010W ciinton Branch: H. R. Sharp, Manager Rensall Branch: H. Ariiold Manager and agonies in redeeming man are before a crow of toasting the long contemplated, ordered to come down but sat On the Victorian practice LIBBY'S over. The work, roof smoking cigarettes. Eventually morning newspaper in 'readiness for ROWNTREE'S TMS I 9C long promised, long expected by the wild Irishman, who *Was in his the breakfast table, assuming that 21c PFANs 2 prophets and saints, is done. The of that age 11h Aft COCOA 1h lb. ministry, the� pesecu- stockinged feet, became numbed with the delicate creatures toils in the the cold, and came down to surrender, were afraid of catching colds from and m keries and the pangs 1, :11 - if Von will A - and cbillv copy of 0 1 emartung: A W c- read ng a - F 4: - arden and e cross are end- r 4 f ive hours' rM —­ however is stretch- 0 ed, fS and man is redeemed. What a gile me a cigam-e Lhe m He wa!� marched off to the i,g the case. 'The toasted newspaper aterproo 011 nowadays to make fabrics proof wonderful declarationt How it should restY police cells, and hvid in custody for a i3 to be regarded rather as the last SNACKS reach every heart and affect every week, charged with being on enclosed refinement in that kind of luxurious AYLMER soul! (Barnes) premises for an unlawful purpose. living which is the apotheosis of comfort. The Englishman's house RELISH The Rising froin the Dead. The disciples whom Mary had was a castle from which even such EnJOY The Pleasure + -1 foes as fop, and damp were FEATHERSTRIP OR DESICCATED na u. s c of Perfect Health defied In that htmosphere a cold and ummoned to the sepulchre had gone I �11 ; ­ -6, o I- .k� away again unto e r clammy newspaper woulu ave leaving her standing without DODD'S PILLS PURIFY struck a jarring note. Many things sepulchre, weeping. Stooping down THE BLOOD, AND l,URE BLOOD have combined to upset the old Stan- that will stand up under the severest she again peered into the to -h and I MEANS GOOD HEALTH dards of gentility, and incidentailly to strain; that will defy summer's heat, this time she saw more than the em- discourage the carrying of umbrellas. winter's cold, the weight of snow and ice; pty place where the body of Jesus is of had lain. Two angels were there Mr. J. Leveille was Relieved of Kid- Outdoor sports have gained an en- that possesses infinite elasticity; that ney Trouble b)- Dodd's Kidney Pills ormous vogue and have influenced full government gauge wire throughout and to them she said the same After Other Remedies had Failed. styles, besides making people less and that carries the finest coat of in 0 z' words she bad used when telling th,_1 1 fea ul of a drop of rain. The city apelter ever put on fence wire—that is I 'k f U. ua A founA. �ne TIN V, 1r41,_ 11 -1, .1, fence We Aescribe as our new MACARONI or SPACKETTI CHL RIDE (USCIP of LIME 3 lbs. 25c - St. Lucien, r. Q., arc man who pItYs 901, tairoug a (Special): "For three Years 1 suf- end better fitted for ducks than for dif- aterproo 011 nowadays to make fabrics proof 2 for 25c KIPPER fered with bad kidneys. I tried human beings is not likely to be pan- ferent remedi" but they did me no ic-stricken at being caught in a show - SNACKS CHRI TIE'S nNS 25c good. Having'read in your almanac er without his umbrella. AYLMER CHIPS0 CELERY 15c of -numerous persons being relieved, I For the outdoor man, of course, an RELISH QUICK OCOANUT tried four b�oxes of your excellentpills umbrella is mere nonsense. What he FEATHERSTRIP OR DESICCATED SUDS23c I Qr1h CHL RIDE (USCIP of LIME es W thought the friends who had prepar- burial had come before St. Lucien, r. Q., arc man who pItYs 901, tairoug a (Special): "For three Years 1 suf- end better fitted for ducks than for dif- aterproo 011 nowadays to make fabrics proof 2 for 25c ed Jesus for she had arrived and h&d removed the fered with bad kidneys. I tried human beings is not likely to be pan- ferent remedi" but they did me no ic-stricken at being caught in a show - SUPER -ZINC CHRI TIE'S body to some other place for burial. good. Having'read in your almanac er without his umbrella. GALVANIZED I& CHIPS0 On turning to go out again she saw of -numerous persons being relieved, I For the outdoor man, of course, an - QUICK a stranger standing, but he was a he spoke when tried four b�oxes of your excellentpills umbrella is mere nonsense. What he dayst.1 all about our Send for catalog dto- It ptells Re Top o5to and barb wire. SUDS23c stranger only until recognition came to her with the tone and felt better immediately. I shall wants is good stout outdoor wear, tel&, my relation-, who suffer f rom 1,-A*"'- is realily bad a lancing, gates. SARNIA FENCE Co., LIMITED LUX of the voice and in joy she was about and if the weather i--ouble that they can take Dodd's .4--f,,l ings are' 5ARNIA, ONT. 629 WINNIPEG. M^N' 6 A TOILET SOAP to cast herself at his feet in adora- nqy Kidney llill.9 with perfect confidence." w done aterproo 011 nowadays to make fabrics proof 3 for 25c tion. Jesus had other work for her This ,tatement comes frc )m Mr. j. � an ordinary rain without af- CHRI TIE'S to do so he forbade her to worship him then. Ile sent her on an errand, Leveillc, a well known resident of this a I fecting gainst )pearance, so that an their ay . GRAHAM directing 'her to go at once, and tell place. If enquire among your neigh- umbrellit becomes a su perfluity. The infinitely better WAFERS his disciples that he had risen. but you children, hors you will find scores of peoPl0 outfitted too, are than they used to be when SAVE THE BABY CHICKS 24c 1b. All that day Jesus was absent at evenino, -when the disciples were who liave discovered in Dodd's Kid- .0-- -- form of the regarded as the Mahe them strong, sturd productive, EGG -LAYING umbrella was 11 11 .IT1­ 171�i. (_K1c1,F d It cos*sa trifle more A TOILET SOAP to cast herself at his feet in adora- nqy Kidney llill.9 with perfect confidence." w done aterproo 011 nowadays to make fabrics proof 3 for 25c tion. Jesus had other work for her This ,tatement comes frc )m Mr. j. � an ordinary rain without af- CHRI TIE'S to do so he forbade her to worship him then. Ile sent her on an errand, Leveillc, a well known resident of this a I fecting gainst )pearance, so that an their ay . GRAHAM directing 'her to go at once, and tell place. If enquire among your neigh- umbrellit becomes a su perfluity. The infinitely better WAFERS his disciples that he had risen. but you children, hors you will find scores of peoPl0 outfitted too, are than they used to be when SAVE THE BABY CHICKS 24c 1b. All that day Jesus was absent at evenino, -when the disciples were who liave discovered in Dodd's Kid- .0-- -- form of the regarded as the Mahe them strong, sturd productive, EGG -LAYING umbrella was 11 11 .IT1­ 171�i. (_K1c1,F d It cos*sa trifle more ney Pills relief in fil r In LlIeLr -ga u _,W met together in secret for fear of st line of defence. y the Jews be appeared in their midst kidney trouble. It may have been waterproofs and -wading boots they but is CHEAPEST in the end, judged by results. The I? No. 10 $ dizziness, ner- Oy - find the heaviest downpour sheer de- extra chicks you save and raise, more than pay for a the. NEW MAPLE ca"I(RU TIN agitated er the dr�, itching skin, P atts Baby Chick Food you use. Ask No doubt they were vousness and inability to get refresh- light, and if they are delayed on their earlies ) brought to sleep that mark the way to school it is because they find J your dealer—there's one near you. These Prices in effect for on." "eek from clate of this p the news that had been therii and were anxious to talk all Ing tages of the disease, or it may be so many splendid puddles to wade in. "w secret. Jesus -9 the events over in Ps, dropsy, rheumatism or some st menace to the umbrella, BADY Ch- kiX Food uttered words eiabet The greate uietly entered and ngerous diseases 9 a . 11 agitation— other of the da however, is perhaps the autornobille. W�if. for P­tt. P--lt1Y B..k--FREE ntended to quiet that mark,; its advanced stages. pRATT FOOD CO, OF CANADA, LTD. 328 C-xrtaw Ave., Toronto on," Then he gave The doctors complain that it is keep - 'Peace be unto y them proof that be was the same ing people from getting enough exer- else because even for sbort dista c n es Ulm whom they had seen put to death. UMBREMA DEALERS APPEAL TO PRINCE they would rather ride than walk. Thus he estab1ished the truth of the om the Certainly if it is raining, having the resurrection of the body fr _MC -m then of S grave. Re spoke to the A plaintive appeal' from a French car at hand is an immense convern P ence. The motorist takes his house their work. As he had sent Mary writer, solicitous for the public health es and has -g_ ThL-,Ryvu_P wirt -the to them as a messenger of bi, r, - that the Prince of Wiales use his in- with him wbereve he go wonderfid F1ttV0E-­- -rection so he sent them as his of the umbrella little use for the other defences a - sur fluence in defence rwhwl a CAMPence itwg2kesf Father bad sent him to preach, to be quickly brought the information that gainst the weather. persecuted and to suffer. He sent the Prince is already doing all that Altogether the odds are heavily V; FREE -Our Recipe Rook. Wvito to -day. mbrella, an ingenious them to proclaim the go%-pel of peace can be done in'that direction, ailid against the u into general use THE CANAIDA MkROI CO.. LIMITED on earth good will to men as ob- that if his efforts fail it is because invention which came MONTRFAL in the 19th century, and which may tained for them by the Lamb of God there are limits to what even royalty be obselete before the 20th century who taketh away the sin of the accomplish for the setting of a A� -14 and can ends. Its best use is in the tropics 'X�14'11 takes orld. He breathed upon them 0 wor�an who w rise against the sun, -and N said, "116ceive. ye, the Holy Gbost," as a defe pride in her cooking or at they country folks riding their mules to in keeping abreast of th& thus giving them a Pledge th V.4 marke inder the shelter of a huge newest ideas in social enter - should be endowed with the power I k - and taiinment can afford to ove- nd thus be fitted umbrel�, make a picturesque of the Holy Spirit a RUNAWWAF R FRETS to carry out his great commission. By pleasing spectacle* A. a defense a- look this wonderful OFFE R. (01; F gainst rain the umbrella is but a poor WORLD MISSIONS makeshift except against a shower Anna Lee Scott, the renown - BIRTH ng enough to stick to ed I)omestic Science Exp -t. Gospel Story Welcome which is obligi es. The great trouble is has prepared a course -the From Mukti Mission, which was vertical lin fatest everwritten - Cookerr founded by Pandits, Ramabai, this OMwa Woman Made Strong by that when it rains it is likely to blow, Arts and Kitchen Manage - report comes: "Evangelical bands too, in which case the protection given ment. 'have been hard at work in all the Taking Lydia L Pillkhads is -hardly more than theoretical. For nothing nough, and This course costs you surrounding villages, o;ten starting tompound Vegetable walkers the damp is not e -not even postage. Four - off at four in the inbrning. many too much; it is es for motorists it is me to you prepaid ti lessons co, hamlets and villages ba;;e been as terribly sentially bbe resort of peopPee yfai ng each month. Thirty minutes; Ottawa, Ot1tWi0--"1'W for a public conveyance, and it hed with the gospel message. was rear- of my third each week is time enough to� run-down after,00'birth perhaps not merely the coincidence Then, too, bands have gone out for study the lessons. Nio blanka� baby. I had aWid bib'S' Ing, thus - rl�19-dOwri PaM79 that its vogue came along with rall- ta fill in. No examinations - two or three weeks camp and was afraid I had SMOus tr6uhle- NO you wish to write tO % reaching distant places that we do I was'tired all the- time and had no roads and the omnibus--fOr 9 ge correspondence, 'unlem 'k - 41 not often get to. The doors have appetite M gister4m,lawis taking coach days it was hiadeqtftite. PO SINII'�11��_11; been -wide open in most places, and Lydia E.* PiMsita'a Vegetable Com- sbbly under modern canditidt"s it' is Lee Scott f6r regard on special recipes or 4. pound and ciumot praise it too highly becoming superfluous, Yet it is too people have listened eagerly. In Ing methods of preparing and have had rY serving social dishes for re house a very old man wanted to and aske(rme to ft_X soon to write its Obfta o for the i resdits S&A -fed finct all the shifts of fashioln are many and un- know what was being said, -but he 5 e,[4ai occasions. Tbis arr=- tj�lendld -ho needs a IMP was too deaf to I n, now. AJly - 6ne irlig free bear, so his gon who pre offer is made to thorough gick.tne�.�,_ap soon learns inireduce Maple Leaf Flour - DO YOU 9ELL FOOD PRC)DUCTS? seemmed to be the only one who could from me w t'tb t8ke,­-Xrs.RWE get him to hear anything repeated AQTjiN 820 CWnberland Street, Ot- Here is a flour you will vety sl�, and he P, a dog which now To zmom what was said t&wR, Ontario. To recover had fallen enjoy using -an unexcelled I Why said) 'Mrhat a sweet story oleford, as a member of the WaP16 Led Club pro Oct of selected Canadiam Into a disused quarry near C d I ns again and Terd6fo-Z"kache and obtain the Free Couree. don't you come and tel cue party worked for seven Send 6u],*.4 Wittelif . I hard whest, so careflili3r a res Flo again ?' How gladly we would go Hamilton 6�j,�-­After my baby an a ledge -buf2f miell mWed and tested as to znalr.-_� 91, couix" in 24 a tdir'ilild backache and hours. -_ The dog was seeti 1D. IDst, 4 LOU - I had I possible its sale imdet oftener if -we could, but we rejoice was born 2 do ijilb-tclaMyworkand 40 feet below the top of the quatry, of Jestis Ueadaches. I- - It go that these souls do bear 0 go e ledge was a s-tretch of , �. t " te I t and below th mevo I definite guarantee of unif0t 69 - rnity and *bra the sometimes." felt tired tram deep water. it was impossible to Tot6tito, Otttar[0. WD's enrOus You d"lKwe Leaf Club up But worst -Of 1111 Reyiew of Missing. t by water. A 11*1 fthiel realatir. Whea-,T 1#01rod ab6f[t - I regeh ilia ledge ex6epl Md fhep"tTI WM z' 9 == th Y,6u at Maple LeAf MOU4 CO - in my sides' ..%K 7� anY I ab* alliftw JiDt, it while af- aw therefore, pkio0fted 'frOTA- had to sit or h owe, *6 each umilica t An Irish guardinhan had ft time ouds yat atia -was - lowdr4d, to the n t arv- iP,x Als Itso offer of his rife at OW&ItTY atil eluded A4 terwards' 1 ff'"d OMda -,T&6ftt0. 0AW10 order, but m WU&IO 9" water, A poirld� e0j"lky aud, a boat- -or aly6ut tWdlve hftro. jme done at the -bv, iopes. police f Pr 0, U.. of toy an man were *#'o lowered clitabled onto the roof of Brytt Oaist4ll thenta. I w by gP isidghbor to 6*ect W the dog -vrld6b V11 biblit W r Ite the P0de take Lydia 9s 10 V "e- dog.- of th�,**- *Veh 18 g, rtoblo riont Unu EUL householdert armed I �A pet t *9 biti thtougfi 4"oe(tr6din Wfil- III I VOW otm. "Tho e police We $adrMiA *Uil" tAeA time, ASV6 and iaks are Md& (T agillf6h, (if 06 *p Th bt I gfigot� A01 vz.T'Io� , #-Add it Iieaq 1*1i of 411 Mph 11W Do A1.7. 4 " I, I I 41, Owl