The Huron Expositor, 1926-03-12, Page 3I 41" J �� I 0 7� All'� V, 7' M .0; J 0 �41�.91111 4;' zl1i".4,1111fl, 0, 1401149n. N, AV. �67)? A; noman VOT 0" PM uq R.31 g q, �­g OT40's was 1pnp 'I, - upon 4i, $10k"TTS 01v P Pg. ?'�tom of 4 p 0,-iand, It P., Amportatou- there �R_ #1 06 ca *�Opyou Spain that d t -ve 'b --zp alfover Etirope., -Th ZZ 6 , au,'i a.l. Omice##v A0pdtdtioe6to: Sir Walter f d' -000 , " . Ualeigh, OT or ants t qbl , il , - Irespeare's U oil tis �$%te near 0, 6rk. It is belilev. �F�q A ant 014 Unf ortu"Wj�,: @ reqyireroents �.b;V ic, p 0, ed the sweet �'Otaito, is the ances- are' Or." lt#* of ho* Tz fully Un4er'stood-a d w6l1served t6r of the white, potato and when Co - got hQ14­0fJ WWwas sufficient t t�, 'is still Im by fbjr pro -me J* It bo bank; lumbus discovered- America he found cause -to; i� all interest, in r r own -It to*00 4 the matter, terial, its cr* lx%�" oi- v5 411"44. The =411 Hat the natives of Cuba cultivating. the ur prospe:10'r. armers are mvited to avail them- sweet potato. Curiously enough the' He said had properly in, the nul:libei� ofits creaseso, haw'. -by 9pening a our self on selves, q Cal manager's advice potato was introdueecl to the United 116rited the "Shakespeare's savings, account at in all matters 'where money is States not from' South- A*04ea: nor d and blue. Crochet s ws and �itngkou ethtw,4're, aughter," be''ex, Ined, "married a i tra k our peare.5t branch. involved. Wtil Ireland but by way �of Bbrmudai' and D y; up. W - "0 r ';7rd a 8 ffll,' known. Years We invite YOU to conle and see the i4ap the potato. ha4 arrived -in Bermuda via -a&r a one of the' ing. We are confident you will, havie'nio-'ti6l England from lrelan& in 1421. 'descendants -of th4t.-union, married a 01" TW_ 1,DT. Berthold: Lattfer, curator Of Mr.' Rogers, one Or,' my aneestors.?� coming selecti-on, and dt'a. rpasona, e,,-VrWe*, in-throppleo-in the Field Kuseum of In his case a liale' learning proved Chicago, has, 'made an interesting list a dangerous.' tinfifig'.- He overlooked of the valuable vegetabkes and fruits the established ia�j that Elizabeth, W W -SEAFORTH Which were unknown in Europq be- Hall, grandd4qghter, of Shakespeare fore being Introduced from America AS 0 died childless. There was therefore t 6 Corn stands near the head of the 4IR no Afiss Haid to'j(nn. with the former. grain lists and is one of the most Mr. Rogers' to provide themselv6s -ly used grains in the world. general with a descendant i�a the person of "Khere never has been discovered a the contemooiqry Mr. Rogers. His wild prototype of corn. In other further expi�iiation's, were not reas- ell New IW51 r1n oia, g� �4]OREN__. LIKE THOM h4nds of -the careless owner any more words, when the white men found suring. Ae said that a letter dated than is necessary. corn on this continent the Indian August 'giiificance is the in- growers had done their work so well Xdby�s Own Tablets Are Effective of similar si 14th; 1918,, accompanied the map addressed by Brother Thomasof and Easy to Give. cre�sed use of oil purifying,and rect- and for so long a period, that the the Ply -mouth Brethren, to Brother � d in rt You do not have to coax and threat- ifying devices on the engine. Twen- corn had approached perfection. White SumWer, and sai pa : "Afteri en to get the little ones to take Baby's ty-three types of the 1926 chassis are growers and experts have not influ- ty and with the help of For W 40wn Tablets. The ease with which equipped with some device of this enced the corn nearlv so much as the great difficut omen, they are given, as compared with sort. Mr. Himard'and the owner of Wiu, Indians of past centuries. It is sup- gate House - all of William Shake years versal use, -we may expect the aver- sidered the acme of smartness. Then age span of car life to increase sharp- liquid medicines, will appeal to every viother. None is spilled or wasted; Along the same lines is the tend- ency toward the use of air cleaners. - pose4 that corn was first bred in Peru and must have been cultivated speare's Mss., in a casket." The let- ter explained that the burying took THAT WILL ECLIPSE ALL OUR PREVIOUS 3rou know just hov� big a dose has reached the little stomach. As a r in- The really efficient air cleaner edim - inates one of the irubles that induce for many centuries before the contin- lace in order to keep the manuscript ent 'was discovered. The pumpkin is P DISPLAYS -edy for the Ills of childhood als Ing Irom derangements the undue engine wear. 'Nineteen chassis from the handof any forger like Ire- an American product, but it was al- land, a contemporary and celebrated It'is Of stomach bowls are equipped with air cleaners this so known in England and elsewhere literary swindler. A Spring Coat means smart appearance. ,�xbd they are, most.gatisfac' tory year. as the pronirpion. It was never much Mention Of Ireland recalls one of more than a fashion—it is a necessity for every wo- afts. Rose Voyer, Willim"til, When we get absolutely efficient oiling 4sy.-tems, with a 100 per cent. esteemed, and had it not been for the enthusiasm of the Puri -tans for it the most impudent literary forgeries man. Conn., says: "I used., Baby's Own Ta b- effective (,,'I cleaning device as part when they found the vine growing in in all history. His father was a sub� stantial London citizen in the latter U lets in the Canadian Northwest and of the equ;pment, plus a really effici- such luxuriance on this side of the part. of, the eighteenth and the be- The New Coats we are showing are as delightful, :found them a wonderful medicin� f�r children's troubles, especially indi- nt air cleaner, we have taken a long step thward that fool -proof car that ocean, it is possible that the edible Properties of the vegetable would not ginning of the nineteenth century. dressy and comfortable as ever, but invesW with :gestion and constipation. I have,al- them to for has been talked about for so many have been generally promulgated. Hie had a comfortable home and a good library. His favorite recrea- many new charms. They come in Tweeds, Velours y so given S' my children Im- ple fever and the restlessness accom- years. The 1926 motor shows - will h Brazil was the original orne of the It was taken to Africa tion was to spend the evening read- Duvetyne, Poirret Twill, Tricotine, Charmuse, panying teething and they always register a distinct -advance towarJ that happy, era. peanut. and Eastern Asia by the Spanish and ing from Shakespeare to his son, Satins and Tweeds. Colors are Sand, Brick, Rust, Vdve relief. I can recommend Baby's Tablets to Wheel bases range from the 100 Portuguese explorers of the sixteenth After he had finished be would look into the fire in a melancholy way Rose, Grey, Tan, Green, Blue and Black. .Own all, mothers." I Baby"s Own, Tablets are sold Oy inches of,Ford to 143 for the Pack- century, and when the black tide be- to flow to the New World the �nd. regret that there was not in ex- intedicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' �.rd single eight and 143% of Rolls- Royce. lie average for the 6ntire list of chassis Is about 120 inches. gan slaves brought their favorite nut 1stence one of Shakespeare's manu- with them. There is some difference scripts. William Henry, the son, Prices $10.50 to $60 Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. The has not been a —at deal of of opinion about the origin of the used to listen attentively and he party he sent to Cuba in 141.92. On presented the docill to his father.' he the change in this feature. watermelon. It is known that the ,rmea the hope ithat he might bring Balloon tires find a place on practi- fruit wpLs found in great abundance to his father a treasure some day MANY INTERESTING CHANGES cally every chassis; in three or four in the West Indies, but it is said if only he k�A a sharp lookout at IN EVOLUTION OF THE cases they are optional, but in the that at the same time it was also to the second, hand book shops. He A TTrrA be und in Canada. In the six- used to buy 'old books and give them main they are standard equipment. The effect of balloons on car per- teenth century the plant was found to his father, who was delighted In the days when the automobile formance and (basting qualities is go- growing only in tropical or sub- that his son's activities should take industry was getting under way, the ing to be large. Engineers all ag-ree tropical countries. It is possible, of this channel. 1§ut William Henry An Advance Showing of kickory spoke wheel was universal. that the extra cushioning which the course, that the Indiana had a vari- found no, manuscripts in Shake - In Europe, where the supply of good big section tires afford the chassis, ety that could stand the Canadian speare's hand, and came to the con - spoke wood was limited or non -exist- with the elimination of a large part climate, but it seems improbable clusion that it might be a long time op 4tont, manufacturers had to find a sub- of road shocks and vibration, will be that the fruit was an original con- before his quest was rewarded. - So atitute and they turned first to wire a big factor in lengthening the life tribution of this country to the deli- he determined to provide what was -wheels. Before long Americans de- cacies Of the world. The tomato was required. He was an unusual of the average car. Now that the L 1 :0 � 1, Ir 4, - A velloped a craze r wire wheels and big section casings are in almost uni- for several this type was con- known by the Incuans and esteemed scoar ora you o seven en an by them long before the voyage of a skilled pennian. He could talk years versal use, -we may expect the aver- sidered the acme of smartness. Then age span of car life to increase sharp- Columbus. It was taken by the Span- for hours in the language of the per- �eame a drift to the disc wheel and ly. iards to Europe, but before the nine- iod in which Shakespeare lived, but its hardly Shakespeare's languag'.1 10� this developed the proportions of a Four wheel brakes are very wide- ,craze. The 1926 automobile shows teenth century it was little valued, using close botanical kinship with the In his confession he wrote; "Thu � ly used on the 1926 chassis. Out of jare going to reveal a tendency back 90 chassis 62 are equipped with four deadly nightshade being a menace idea first struck me of imitattgg tho' to the original wood spoke wbeel. wheel brakes. In some instances the iliar with its distinc- signature of our bard, in order to those not fam to In the field of erigineering develop- is optionall, but in the tive and delightful qualities. gratify Mr. Ireland. In consequenco inent there seems to be a tendency equWment majority it is standard. The Jerusalem artichokes, pineapples, of this, I made a tracing of the toward slightly 'higher compression great field seems to be pretty evenly divid- American beans, gooseberries, Indian facsimiles of Shakc-speares signatur'i . N ratios. At the present time �bout ed between hydraulic and mechanical, e, chestnuts and squash are all Having cut off a piece o ric f, the highest comlaressic;n ratio in a there being 3Z of the former to 30 of U �cai is - 5 to 1. If the engineers could the latter. Considering the contro- -Wp raise this to 6 to I or better still to ersy that raged over four wheel continent. The strawberry might also before me of the period of James 1. '7 to, 1, they could give us a degree of 3 ago, this brakes a couple of yean be cQnsidered American for though it and then proce-eded to imitate the, long time in Europe ,economy and a quality of performance ; to have type of equipment seemf was known for a style of penmanship as well as pos-� that we do not approximate now. But worked it.4 way very effecti vely into I t was a smali and tasteless fruit sible, forming a lva.,c as between Wil - In- the engineers cannot raise their com- the esteem of the industry. compared with that which the liam Shakespeare and John Hem - be main they are standard equipment. The effect of balloons on car per- teenth century the plant was found to his father, who was delighted In the days when the automobile formance and (basting qualities is go- growing only in tropical or sub- that his son's activities should take industry was getting under way, the ing to be large. Engineers all ag-ree tropical countries. It is possible, of this channel. 1§ut William Henry An Advance Showing of kickory spoke wheel was universal. that the extra cushioning which the course, that the Indiana had a vari- found no, manuscripts in Shake - In Europe, where the supply of good big section tires afford the chassis, ety that could stand the Canadian speare's hand, and came to the con - spoke wood was limited or non -exist- with the elimination of a large part climate, but it seems improbable clusion that it might be a long time op 4tont, manufacturers had to find a sub- of road shocks and vibration, will be that the fruit was an original con- before his quest was rewarded. - So atitute and they turned first to wire a big factor in lengthening the life tribution of this country to the deli- he determined to provide what was -wheels. Before long Americans de- cacies Of the world. The tomato was required. He was an unusual of the average car. Now that the L 1 :0 � 1, Ir 4, - A velloped a craze r wire wheels and big section casings are in almost uni- for several this type was con- known by the Incuans and esteemed scoar ora you o seven en an by them long before the voyage of a skilled pennian. He could talk years versal use, -we may expect the aver- sidered the acme of smartness. Then age span of car life to increase sharp- Columbus. It was taken by the Span- for hours in the language of the per- �eame a drift to the disc wheel and ly. iards to Europe, but before the nine- iod in which Shakespeare lived, but its hardly Shakespeare's languag'.1 10� this developed the proportions of a Four wheel brakes are very wide- ,craze. The 1926 automobile shows teenth century it was little valued, using close botanical kinship with the In his confession he wrote; "Thu � ly used on the 1926 chassis. Out of jare going to reveal a tendency back 90 chassis 62 are equipped with four deadly nightshade being a menace idea first struck me of imitattgg tho' to the original wood spoke wbeel. wheel brakes. In some instances the iliar with its distinc- signature of our bard, in order to those not fam to In the field of erigineering develop- is optionall, but in the tive and delightful qualities. gratify Mr. Ireland. In consequenco inent there seems to be a tendency equWment majority it is standard. The Jerusalem artichokes, pineapples, of this, I made a tracing of the toward slightly 'higher compression great field seems to be pretty evenly divid- American beans, gooseberries, Indian facsimiles of Shakc-speares signatur'i . N ratios. At the present time �bout ed between hydraulic and mechanical, e, chestnuts and squash are all Having cut off a piece o ric f, the highest comlaressic;n ratio in a there being 3Z of the former to 30 of delicacies tbat were introduced to parchment from the end of an old �cai is - 5 to 1. If the engineers could the latter. Considering the contro- Europe after the discovery of this rent roll at Chambers, I placed a deed raise this to 6 to I or better still to ersy that raged over four wheel continent. The strawberry might also before me of the period of James 1. '7 to, 1, they could give us a degree of 3 ago, this brakes a couple of yean be cQnsidered American for though it and then proce-eded to imitate the, long time in Europe ,economy and a quality of performance ; to have type of equipment seemf was known for a style of penmanship as well as pos-� that we do not approximate now. But worked it.4 way very effecti vely into I t was a smali and tasteless fruit sible, forming a lva.,c as between Wil - In- the engineers cannot raise their com- the esteem of the industry. compared with that which the liam Shakespeare and John Hem - be pression ratios on the present grade In the standard engineering fea- dian- so esteemed. Tobacco may ming with one Mwhael Fraser and called a vegetable, though we seem Flizabeth, his wife, whereto I afrLx- �of fuel. By the use of doped fuels tures of the cars there has been lit- it would be to use a conl- to have. heart] it more frequently re- ed the signature (,f Shakespeare, possible tie change from a year ago. Eighty- pression ratio of 7 to I with all its -have e s f rred to a. the "fragrant weed," keeping the tran,,crip- of his origival five per cent. of the engines :attendant benefits. It is doubtful if pump cooling, with the other fifteen and there is no question that it is autograpbs, befon. nw," Ireland held purely American in origin. Columbus this clo,;(, t�, �h, fire in order to this condition ever can be reached un- per cent. sticking to tbermosyphon. 3ess the motoring generally de- page heard of it from the exploration give it the deep,F Ime of,time, then public In twenty cases there is some sort -xnands it. of thermostatic control of the coolin�' party he sent to Cuba in 141.92. On presented the docill to his father.' he the Modern engines of all types show iwater, designed to bring about quick- hi second voyage observed The elder Iceland � :i� delig0d with naltives using it as snuff, and tobacco his The final 1,�,came a sensa­ a remarkable advance over e power �er ideal heat conditions for the en- Zrigineers son. chewing was first obser�ved by 11 tion, and the -,or) pro,pared a story, plants of a few years ago. i gine In several cases chassis, are slowly but surely are solving the var! ' op- white man in 1.502. It wag taken to that at least �,nli�fied his father 1.11 1 equip'ped with radiator shutters ious problems that have stood in �the erated by thermostats. Furope by Francis Fernandes, a He told uf n,(�eting a chance physician sent to Mexico by Phili` acquaintance in a (�,ffee house and, way of a smooth -running eng-me. For the last few years there has Vibration has been one 17 of Spain and spread to many oth,,r ­;irch for liternry, diqcoursing of hi, elimination been a definite tendency toward the ,of the fights that has been waged ev- lightweight cast iron piston, and tbis countri-eq before it reached Fngland, antiquities. This Arq.,aintance was a R Probably English sailor. under aw- culture, sai(d v,r since the industry started. We i, s still in evidence in the 1926 chassi'. n of station nrd , an kins had come to understand the use Irehland: ho had invited him toi 1have now many methods of insuring Out of ninety chassis examined all engine operation, from young of tobacco before the memorable oc- his house and .911IM111ted for exami . na- !smoothness of but fourteen have pistons' of cast improvements in crankshaft design iron. Aluminum still maintains a fol- casion when Italph Lane, first gover- tion a number nr d,l documents. A ­ of Virginia, and Sir Francis Drako Shakespeare land balancing to devices for deaden- lowing, but it seems to be slowly nor mong these wa, th(l, took the first implements and mator- deed Although n�lnunded to learn THAT IS TRULY WONDERFUL Print could not accurately picture the new styles for men. The materials, the colors, the styles, are so radically different that nothing but your own eyes could Irroperly acquaint you with the attractive beauty and becominginess of these new garments. We have a variety here that will satisfy the most fastidious. Dozens and dozens of suits in, every size, covering all the most popular designs, the new double breasted suits for young men and more conservative styles for older people. Prices '15 to $35 %10 ing� vibration. )dwindling in favor of I e cast iron i,,,, of tobacco smoking to Sir Wal- rom . it is interesting to note that inanu- I product. f young Irpland ihat such a docu- ter Raleigh, who became thereby the merit had been hi� propeity, the gen- facturers generally are turning to- The tendency toward the use of patron saint of the tobacco habit. had-! NEW SPRING NEW CAPS -ward the process of honing for finish- semi -floating rear axles is still in ev- .0 ial strang(,r wn� (),,cribed as p %L* cylinders. A few years ago end- idence, 75 per cent. of the chassis PRETEND TO DISCOVER PLAYS ing that Treland a,rrpt it, since. h�,i ing was almost universal, but to -day having this type of construction. alone had perreivod its value. But! OF SHAKESPEARE the good gentlenli;n of the coffenl lioning is utffized in fully I three-quar- i What used to be full floating axles do SHIRTS In Wonderful ters of the cages. I not find a place in more than fou'r or Efforts to prove that Shakespeare's house insisted that his name -be kept � A sig-nifleamt fact that is'gpparent five lines. Eight cars have what are plays were written by somebody else Out Of the -rnRtt4,r. says James C.I in going over the specifications ofthe called three-quarters floating axles, are not more persistent than the ef- Young in tb N (,W y ork Times Mags- 1926 cars is the number Of, central fort to find a page in his handwrit- zine- rollo y ng systems on the modern* Other for wed and Tr lubricati FOR MEN Ara �chasgis. The -number this. year is CROWN POTATO AS KING OF land became one of the sensations of the day. He sc,! the literary world twenty, a considerable increase over VEGETABLES I by the ears, and even to this day 'last year. This throws Into bold ro- FOR SPRING WEAR he There was a "Potato Day" in Maine there might he doiibt as to the au - lief the amount of energy tKat tt recently -and it coincided *ith the Ger- like the new suits, the shirt pat- thenticjt� of what he pretended to' car manufacturers are devotillig to celebration of the 275tb an-nivey- i t not bei Light shades in fancy checks and the subject of- lubricating and the "'an hayd'discovered hnd se - the fact that tht, vouth virilson foo;, erns are entirely different for plaids are takin Obit they, are putting forth to gee sary of the introduction of the voge move the country, by that flidi `t4rs do not suffer at th,3 table into that countk�.'Weli may the to write and silbsequen%y discover� As usuaf we are fully pre - Germans hold the potato in special some new pinw; loft in Shakespeare's Spring'.* We have a big range to storm. y I honor, for it has been said that with- IN PLACE, hand. One h� rallrd "Rowenna and pared with the newest and neatest out potatoes the Germans could not OF MEAT Vortigern," found(,d upon a story of Show"you. Come in and see them. Caps. have kept up the war for more than a Hollinshed, fr,)m whom Shakes - year. On October 22,'1916, one Ger- wique roast as pearo� had Rlqo hr)rrowed liberally. man municipulity passed a by-law the main dish of the rnmL It -ran for thr- nights. C-ritics PRICES PRICES punishing with a heavy fine or three Yourfo&S%Q be defighted, said it had fifishes of Shake - months, imprisonment anyone found speare herf� nnd there, but ad- to ,guilty Of peeling potatoes. It Was Recipe, and ware@ of mitted that it was a good thing: fd , It that to throw away.the skins of othersJn *=free bOOL for his reputntinn that It had not $1095 to $2.50 potatoes was criminal waste, Later been unearthed earlier. Malone, on the potato came to a unique honov however, roared w1th latigliter at the it Pula-ftd, for it wis used as lochl idea of it being Shake8peare, and, dvit4fity in 1920. The paper money finally moved hv his ridicule, the df tbis, 0,erlod- -aa so subject to fluciu- Kidim, friends of Trolnnd cornered 'him atitfhs(t ppople kefuscd to accept it RUL04% and forced him to confe-sa that 'no Ay"tb@d iiot toll how- its vaWeig Chem co, was, a forger. The, disclosure killed 961LU4311 his father, but the extraordinary would eh4,ngo In the course of the day Or 6vol , fil the; W e of an hotw. Stewart Bros., Seaf i6l`Att,.�h,�, boy gEkthered all his fabrications into Twenty I Matoas weria, t�c- twen so" tjr volumes. illugtx*AUd them by -thb plide 0 it d4j*- labot." One his: own 'y tire to be konod hand and the f6tritA. to,d&Y Ili the f -N' iyopsdssion, 0 VIM d New York b6dk'*a1eV4- & g, N",