HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-03-05, Page 7I � ". , ,-­ " "-q- ­­ � .1.1 �, I �11��., , YN 111 , ", .. ­',11­11�.. NJ, Or 1� "I , � I " -,"`1111�'.� "'� '.,,� iWllf,,,S�i `�.j,� ��il;:,;,�,'�- ,,,��,,� ­�, .-�: ��,-�`�4 -? " . , � - 0 "I 11111 wi�,� ,111'�4�:',,� ,,'��`,,,�"­�,.;,,,�: . � , .4""' P 011. � - 11� I 0 I ? , "I 'Q I '. .0 . �1 " n" .,�� ", X111"t 1.11., ,� 4 k:l��',` �i,', I ', v � �, , ;', I W­9,�.114'N, , . 11 ��', - I , " Im " � K, ,,�, � 1; �,,� ,..��,, � , i �� � " I - , , � . ��:.,� � �11 J--� :', �.­ ,., � " �� VM � �. :6� 1 �.,. 10,,`� �, �. 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''i ,...� i ; P i I �: -'�: , - � -, � i I - - , , : -1 I'll - ,1� 5� , , , ON . , , , � C', , i " ,, . �,'�,­�,,,',,,`,'.' , , �, , . " 0 it" � .,,,i,..� '' , ,� i �W,,qi,� ,, Ow" . � . 7 I - ,� - ,Z ,"$ . , �p in he h4q ��,,,t,,",',�, - J[��o �;, 1! , , -,"'.. , , , ­­�L .. , , . .11 % .4 1� 11 I.. ", � , , O" ti ,; it 4" "M;f, . , 1-e . I , .". ­�; " 1 - - I 1, 1�,,,�,'-,:�,, , � 'fO ','�AX'�.AJ,,"l,W-§ 4 4.1TWIC ,,4IR!�1e'1,E!&"-V,9, , , I � � , ,,,, I 1�� I , ­:j� -�"i,.. I . -­,Zl� -,-g", .. 11 A " �, ". ',�:%�N , -I,.-- "'­, 4 ��4,F I . � -� .r" " , 11 � ­ � , , 1M10" -,W.` -;ilil, ­�, � I I ., � ­ " . �­, .�,,,,��.-����,,,,�-.���e�,,,,,.'�i , " I " , . � �,111'1 �,`�',,',,.�O.W'y`� pt Tofte"04,40,012". . , �,��"if,�,,�,-6,�,,,��!�7�,��"'�,, I , , A, � 4,00 aqv � "A At 10 40 th�l il-­" Nn?.�, '. , I .11*1 I with , " ill �. ")" . r, I ft, " V-�about . , aby`�,Op 410, I i", g�*'�, ,�­� I I , �, , '! �,F` '11 . , � � . I 11'1.1,�­,',�, � , " ,. , . ., . , � 0 MR ` , PA , M% ,"ql I ". , , : , I � t�� - 0 t a Agiv - � qt',A4X, , . .11 W I �.,,, , � , . 11 ':� I � �,,', . R, , 1. C _& 16 . �'Ar, ! It � Z I , " -904, I I 1), � . I t ,w , ,,� , ,,, I ,,-.�..�: . "Ir".0 ft", 4 kj V'.;#�I,'. 00 �4�,��,,� , s receutly� .',. � !Y# VVJI�4 t, fxl,,10,410,1�', ."..41 , � � I W�l . I - "I "I" i , , ` � . "., , .111; .. O"A ,V ,"�,,M', ,�f V, -Q ". _of ,� , ,, -0" ,��-,;,;,i . I. I , t , 't �� - .34 -AP11;1 , ", 11 - �,, ,� , '. .1 "l o0goo, kq, ,; Vw, - - I � I I I the, -alr _ " " ti�,t.', . : ��,� 'f", I,— � - . . � 1�1 ,� � I �* I !� ,s,0�� , I "I .1 " 01V 9R.Vklg�,-�T`e`0"�s aa,4v,e . 'At , "Aud I . �' , - T, ,7 ,�­�, � Im ,'I � � ,�r W7 -!",Xt-ml-,,4�,���Y,�f-,�,.�����,,,w�,,r�I 13'r , . � 1. I .. Ph palp. ' M- V�'! - , ­­ I ,Lr, - . ""Pk �* � ',,,,,",r,1�,, A11$V11V*X1,`!R� P", , - ` �, It wao� a,m", , ., . +6 1. .. . WN" , 111, ,, 1,12, , "' I 1, �, , I IV I � d., w No isplf de!',',. .1 �, , ... ,� `�- � ." ., ,� � . ,�(tl�,�J­ 0 1 "' "re;,"'At c4wesF. ­QAXA "��,44 , I . )"Olings, '14 - ;, ", , ,,,t,4,---, 1, IT : 00" - tb,o t�,A.K,Vofli , , I � I � � , ", �,!-,�,� ,,�,;,� � �','.;::, - �11�11' I , ;*��gm COW" ' ' 'no � ,.Y I ,f I - I � ;Wi­%;�1`�:,-1'­1-1 , ", -­ ­,�­,,-mysie 1 J�WfttOlyl1n;­11� ,,,,,, .)"o., , � F�,;',!` ,'7 ­V� , �; �17. -- r r4 . � lii -just -- ! ­�� -1 -I, � I ^,"', �aaf -4pher.!? - X�n for." That would � - - 1-11- . .� .. - I r . I - , , ­�,o,��,­­ " ,,,, �,:M'-,,V�,,,'��­,. '. , -- - -l"W"Aw graying; , � - - �. .. ., 'F,i�� r- �,P,g,i� . - , I - - � - -In , q, I ably Yoiinjr. 44 1, , R- , I 1i: �. -W 12'! '"o 4-, . i ,� , . - I- I I , . I I , I � 0-1 I . "W", . I I ' " "I �, - 1,5.vrei �' ��q . 1.11 ,.­��­ , I .� V , - 000 ft e break -able. ---..-- - . �, T ,:,�, ,­ , I , .1 . I 1U -7;�'7� 747-7 ­-­ I I , . I 1, ., 40 Vold, %Vo T1 , ­ " " , t ,all cod#$ ar I �1` �IN only Faith �Aq, CA=,.� � � , , ,.-. I . . I " , , , " ��,,' ��. I " ­�`*,i�,,�,.', ,i,!,��­�; ,''I<Q. ' ` was 4 � . 1 .. �7 0 pg, , . 'I 1-� .-I, ';T -,a .At;- DI in my q*a bands, I've - '.,A -.,;4 - ., - , - ' km .,,,,,a , - les to a I � � I ON , ­ " ,, ­ 'I X ' t " S,-�4� , vig%00lt,:,;�1W,0$.1, , A -& , ',�fy " -4s i . "I 11 11 ­­ � _ et .,,A � t 01411 WIVO A � �­ Zl� , �fl�,.A h4 .-0 ,; I , , ­�# . , #X . '. � I ",". 11 t ­,, . neg,ikno*ipg,thi'st,raugLer,o.oca,ur,� I I 0 I .- 0. ,, 01 ',",",�, ; , , J'� t�a -losson. in thi I .. I vI,Iolw.A��i I , � O'�.'� �in " 4�,',nolqal, . , -� _ � . � - t'h 4 t ags. presum- '11 AMA Out of . iiiii30" nijm'�,�k'?,.,,I��EjA3­1 - le., I , , I . ,jul in�pa .,#p,,*, sjjot. on. , afher pleasiog" -3% MOAP. 0 I r . - : , io , " , �� . , , W 110 SILOW00 any , , � I - ,4 '­* ,- 41 *-I , I . X., _#pnge� I h - , closed. inti) 0�ly destroyed that aren't destroy- that face -th,4- eXAs,;;*­h* were blue . as,t6. her only that . - , mm" ­ . lookout4n,the'7 I bb , t 11 " � ., a . � ok"41)a4 '�' !El' ; " W 'Tid :: lei W1 i� .. @1" . ,, I - - �-y,­ thow , , , . � � �; : ''. W,o W. Aparli a -, -. , qrtness and 6"10� ex ev. ARI,l 'W kl'� �92 I" ::, , * ffign he OTTle -.11. �, .� ., .1 "I . "I "", IN IP, ook ;,4. the chief slowly, shone W' -O' " I X4ps lighted jAarelessness. She ,aaw thp, , '10 I I is, tam I brightness, 111ke st . " , ': i , t; Ade 4� ��k P, w --kT. S. C� �11'm afraid," said ,r,ong o at ruggefdly patterned face in var,Wty., ,orn* . 4,,, �, �,,�;�m��,,01,.,j I 1vt . N) -pag E "that went with other things that -- = I ­ 7 I., fi. 0 §`� A (A 11 I A ,,, I 9* Mr.. S. C. cowesvp in a p1gin,almo,st biaro, 7 0111- ­ bo UP to th-b h-- 1,00"" ''' ,., . I , at once to follow 'ght through to - St. �stranger 'Was s1W+VJy b0t strongly so4erer phases, when the blue eyes ' - � , , � 119 ­ , I - 4 IKI,,�, �. . the were sent strai I . li�.�7"",n""Uly-,Ill�����l,,,��"� I .1 - I ,�, ,�,l er nervous grew almost grey ke sea watpr under 3. S4-wt*��� 410r,"'4111112" I "! . every tnea boy iover, to the desk 'where he saw Louis. built, with a Oclaratift'Vlf has, become. N . 11 I trust it to the 114alls?" li 1� I 1 .7 . I Sha . ­ � t;11,1'11.,.�, ,,, $,', "NA''! V4,.5' A.� ,�, New "Yes, registered," responded lWaii- force in Ili, movemeuts,� and he wore fog banks, but that was always W14en .., � - � ­­ " g%giq-4�g; F I 700 ?? . . '� , , " ; .190*8� - "I'll . � � , ,� , % Attorney Joseph Mandelle of I . ey were alone.. � - 6V '01 I 11 - - 14.100 T ii , I , , ,,,* "It I trust the cipher as long' the inconspicuous UnU001 , ,of dinner- th I I A aall dePOAlt 444�`-*#-� -W -, � 1�'. '14, , 0, , � '', � , 'Ir g­ �, "t"t, ". , - ­ I 41--� "Ill , ",� .." - --k aw . aiting him. There was. only delle. ' es the package ty They drew their ponies to a stand- . . ", " 1, -hhen the . , i , i I a perfunctory handshake be Fling . . I �,,.,�,�.�.,­,� I ­ . -Vor" Pkw$�,,-$, . '41'i',`�'11 " - , � " , I as it, tak .travel in jacketed evening d*40. * new S - C,ea , , " � , , 0 . I .;� � , " r - I . tile . rmanen-Y. , IrWhy the sudden iritereat i - �1. I ., ��?", '. � 11 ,,1111- , * -'l, ��'X� ; . after they h mail sack -but not Pa in a new still one day at a point called -the . , I . I x I 11 �.� ad gone up ­ 1, , ., "T" . two and even 'Cowes e. There from a sand bluff . . :. , 17'�­­�,' . �11 � I `,',:,."­"�� - lv� " ., ­­,- Aft4 the'tw ad parted ,'Aiw� u, I . in the elevator and were closeted in I r ,-q., h guest, Joe?" inqAtred ,Seven,, and Pfec'P'c . I - .111­�,­ -1 . ...�,;, " ,��11­1.11­ i,tlp��,,W,219,;,`,� F - .1 I '­� '�%" 11 � that was high only in comparison. with � I �".;, . . '8�1-`V,?* �4' . , - . HEIRS WANTED the bedroom of Mr. Cowes, the =n talked, wit,11,4 dther lieutenant. the attorney smiled'. ' - I � ` -, ,�; �,, �, �� -, `�,,�­ �� "'U, .� 514 1 i�m I I - I . � V � � 441 -13�idgirie Mandelle will stick -all "No good reason," T,e$popded Man- the, lowlands under it, the eye swung - . I . I 1, : . �.­ 81 , , , . . � ��111' I ,; �;; .­ ., ��­ 'Ir � who had from a distance directed th. . wide and the town itself sprawled dis- NEW SPRING* ,.�,��11 �"­. right," he said. "But just the same I 011 100 �� ­ �, r ,q, Missing Heirs are being sought ep demic of New York iqAep I delle, self-annoyied at his abrupt . . I - " V, W . i , 1�,s,seem- . -� , ­ �­ 1101% , Vi 111 I . 1� ,�. ,�, � , " .e **oughout the world.; Many people I I want him watche4- When you get 'festation of surprise, "That fel- tant and almost woodland 'hidden. But . ,:" � �' ­,.' I.,��7, - - -,. �, 0. I , ­ , I � .,� ;� . , I ": ,, � a ' . ,­� �.'?,�y;4111' , , " ed in no burry t0b6come "0qu clons- �ack .to New York, I'll give you in- I"""t. Fogarty's glance, after a cursory sur- - I " - . -,'­�,,,- - "I" , , : - �,��,�,,��.;` t��;,�.F,, . 1, � -4 1, � '., �, x , . I -- low in the door came -into my office -.,�­,.�.1111�.�.� , . �,.-, � , . , � , - :.�� �, , -­,, .., I - I , . I ,V � ... � I'll, ,� R 1. .i -'It", ­ � , aA ently to try to get me it ' I'll, �.., �r;,�. , , � I'll - I , , we to -day living in comparative POV- He let Mandelle talk, first, and it structions. I want our learned coun . . to defend a vey, came back to -the face of the girl, Young Men's Su* S , p I., L i. ,,�',.:, e". ,7 who are really rich, but do not was not until, throu;4. the narra#ve . rec . . Hi, who sat looking out with the rapt . . , �'.'�,,!� , �P.Rg , , .-,. ,- -�.'­�'!",�\ ,,��, kn6�r it. You may be one of them. of the new ,alffival,' he had been sell shadowed a bit down there in suspected gunman, that"o all. -11 , ; " �r ., I I . . , � :r 'I", ,4 R, . . I I ,,,, , �1` Camden, and the man to do it is in thusiasm. of her youth while her . I .1 - .- C­­,.,� - I �, li, .j 4 klk " . - -,"W" � ; , ­� , �: .�� , i . T"�"".�. . ,� . ', � � .114. , for Index Book, "Missing Heirs brought up to date ,on every detail name's Fogarty and for the moment en , , ­� .11 , I The new Hudson model in d,ouble­breasted "n .�,.­ 1 � I - � I ­) 1pjag., �"'I,�, 11 pony tugged at the reins, andi Jind . . . � � �,j� I . . � - � ,1 , . C, , �,�.� 1 : Next of Kin," containing care- that he went furtherlthan the asking Brooklyn." I couildn't place him." I , � ", f -�.,F: .... .. ", ." ,��'., , - I i-ni­,�"'., �,­­,j.�, , . "Is be a gunman, t00V dern,rd,d ing them loose, went to nuzzling in soft peaked lapel, 3 ,buttons,. (2 t6, but.06) 11 .11 .� , ��,� -2 ,ay Of missing -of brisk questions. Then it looked as , ,,,, � � ­ ,­ ­. .4thenticated lists the grass. . , .. � C : 'i�­ . I CHAPTER XIV Hope with a livened interest. "In , S h a 4 � I SM. - , 0ATV , "" �1, � � .... I V "'. I , � 1. ­ i2l 9 and unclaimed estates which if the tenor of his talk was not to be � She made an engaging picture, as Grey, Fawn, Powder -Blue and many ., � " I- . 11 "i, , 1, 4 W, yx_ inals, one .. . ��,,% - �, - ,:��, �2 . �� "., . haive been 'advertised for, here and wholly amicable, for his eyes were Barbour Sevens.and his family had these days of dressy. crim I - '.,.�,. 1"�',',,4.`7 . the breeze stirred ihe hair at the I . ,� "'. .i I I Diamond Checks it . .1,­'.'A,"."-1�`� Ir, ,i".��,,;,�',. . - ­ .. 1-11.", ., � , , �­�, 1.1''T, I aftoad. The Index of Missing Heirs smouldering resentfully. I . � I.., ,, u.m, - 'been at Mrs. Sangster's only a few wouldn't be surprised." �1� rl;,l ,',,�,i,�il . ..... �,,�,­ . smooth nape of her neck and the sun- . i I, � � �,", ".,:�.�.� we offer for sale contains thousands "It's been a rotten piece of busl- days, yet already the restful charni The lawyer laughed. , "Always -4, ­��Ji�v . - I ,. �, of names which have appeared in -edged te,9LI- uesting after the 'romantic angle, light searched the delicate gorgeous- � I t4m, '!", ,w�,��!,,,�11 � � .� , "'...", ��11 - ,�,R, , �,I!��-.-: ��, I :�� . i. " 1, .,� �, to I I , .. . . ness," be began in sharp of the old house and the older town q nes­s of her cheeks and betrayed no . $19.501 $22-50" �,�,- � ". �­ It - I American, Canadian, English, Scotch, nes,. "It's the first time I've ven- had laid upon'them a pleasantly fam- aren't Y011911 he challenged. "But I'm flaw in their dewy freshness. Per- . 177:1,1,7 "r' , 1, b, - could re- afraid I can't play up to your de- . . , . 1. ,:1 ..1. 1W Irio Welsh, German, Y'rencb, Bel- ti4red on outside advice and that ad iliar spell. Already they haps that picture gave Don Fogarty . . ,�� . g4n, Swedish, Indian, Colonial and of the mand this time. MT. Fogarty ex- '11-� .. . ,­ ... .. . P vice was yours." cognize and call, by name some plained that he was interested in the thought, for his own eyes took on I : " � A i 11 " t-1 *ther newspapers, inserted by lawy' "it was a proposition that I Put Spring Top Coats 'i � �1% am, executors, administrators. Also polo ponies that went pattering along because that defendant hall their fog -darkness as he looked at ''.." . :-� .. up to you tentatively," retorted Man- the streets. They were proud in that defendant 09 her. . ­ ., �.r �, ' , .1 , I., V.- .;" I ­ I." , contains Hit of English and Irish Mile shortly, "and you accepted it on isdom. which enabled gerved under him overseas. " "I never knew, any one like you be- .1 '.� . . � , new and simple w a fast worked Bar- The Boston model, a semi-slipon in Grey Over- . . Courfs of Chancery and unclaimed own judgrident." them to remark casually that Bar- "Well, hells , fore," he found himself saying as , .. ��. � . 11..­.,.,� ; .1 . dividends list of Bank of England. your " H e's though it were a soliloquy, and Faith cheeks, Herringbone and maDy c ther shade's and. ... 11" �i 1 ";4 "It ended.1-n murder,',' continued the stow was a "five -goal man" and that bour paid tribute with a grin. . Ygim name or your ancestor's may be I n who was registered under the Carson 'always saved the bay mare already met enough of the young . I .. 111 � ��.; tro- brought her eyes back from their . 11 � -... I', in the list. Send $1.0o (one dollar) ina s, it seems, to get himself in ly.0, I patterns. �, I .. � fictitious name of Cowles, ignoring his Flash -light for the final chukker in buck ranging, to turn laughing ' I .I! , I I " ' I I .. ,, � ,. . 11 .� at once for book. companion's logic of self-justification. a close contest. Barbour uced to the girls." the "Thhat might be a very nice thing � I I " ,� � "That was because when I gave you - For Fogarty had been joined at to say, or a very horrid thing," she $16.50 to $2845-0 . :.. � '.'.1 .'', .1 I I could go only this far in freshly gain who bad been longer I ,..�, � I, - . 1, International Claim Agency Warning in due time you went bull- ed knowledge, but Faith was more ad- door by a man "It's like a door that . - ,, - Dept. 296, ran vanced. She not only knew the pon- in residence here than himself, ani opens both ways." -, I � % : ! ��, I iger-signals. I -suppos.ed ies by name but she had ridden sev- now the two were shunting rapidly '71 meant'it to be the nicest thing I - Q � I . Pittsburgh, Pa., U. S. A, past the dall u kni�w Sevens was in- eral of them and fed them lumps of across the dancing floor to "cut in" .e earn- Men sSpring Caps ,- ,, , that when yo There was a hurried preq- possible," he told her, and th I I I � 2930-tf forming, you'd drop the thing." sugar at their stall doors. As for on Faith. estriess of his voice made it almost � I I . "It seems," came the dry retort s of the horses, they were entation and Fogarty was gliding a- , . . I the owner ur's kid sister-in-law. 9-nrn- New Spring Caps in beautiful patterna and ..",�L 11 t both of us were fools. Let's . their boot -heels and clinking way with Barbo "If it comes to that," she answered ' I I , - - - tha stamping - ,,He dances like a streak," exclaim- . ". � , I cut out Wrangling now and get do:wn their spurs along the 'gallery of Mrs lightly, because his seriousness seem- shades, new styles. No Cap in store over $2.00. . - � ­ I. THE MCKILLOP MUTUAL to business.. The phase of the thli!g Sangster's house with the frequency ed Hope admiringly, ,and Mandelle ed to need the tempering of levity, "I I � that I dislike most is the position in , upplemented drily, ,,Yes--o-r a lounge �,, of young adjutants about staff head- % never knew any' one exacbly like you CO3y. which you stand." quarters. lizard." FIREINSURANCE 14As bow?" ulum-wise, be- cbed its end, waq en- before, either." Ono% As the ostensible adviser of Sevens swung, Pend The music rea that the new guest "Meaning which side of the door?" M N I It the tween joy occasioned by Doctor Cor- cored, and after tb Faith, to the he demanded. RMD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. man we can't afford to have any traf- bin's cheery pronouncements as he came slowly over, wi mbors of I "Perhaps," she countered, "I wasn't No J. GIBB . fie with." . glanced in on Hope, and the canker- chairs where the older me . ,,putting up any door between the , ­ . I "And yet that is the exact position s of anxiety, that were the family sat, and was bowing ;r OFFICERS: like germ . . t sheep and the goats. I mean that S.) - I - that enables me to hold him in lin . e. gnawing at his own thoughts with a acknowledgment QiLhis in roduction. ! you're -well, it's rather hard to say, (It Costs Little to Dress Well at R. J. Gibb, . e. - - President At sight of MEAelle, M -r- Fnvarty 14 J. Connolly, Goderich �-president Suppose he had stated the thing in toxin for which the physician had no . but I like it," * Jas Evans, Beechwood, VicE full from the beginning, and called ,on lifted his brows in slight surpri;ic. Mr. Fogarty's eyes did not twinkle ------. --- - ,� remedy. ,4 D. i. McGregor, Seaforth, See.-Treaa. me to verify his statement?" it walked alone one af- "I've had the pleasure, once be- J with their customary hurn�our. They I . AGENTS: Crowes looked searchingly at his ward the heights where the fore," he said. "We seem to have were still sober, as sober as though - . - . I - Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; companion and his eyes narrowed. - ternoon to in a prac- struck a common orbit, don't -�k-e?" he were pursuing this light conversa- . � polo- squads were to meet I 4 W. E. Hinchley, Seaforth; John Mm- "If he had done that -or if by any game on the Number Two field that I Do you ride -horseback, Mr. l,'og- ard some vitally serious end. al. He was watching himself now be- people had come to Camden for -plea- 1ray Egniondville; J. W. Yeo, Gode- oes make such a . * -rty?" Faith was asking with just tion tow . � - , chance he ever d surprise -met him in human guise. a ig eagerness that "If you like it -I mean the thing cause it had suddenly come to him to sure or upbuilding of health. He � keg: R. G. Jarmuth, Brodhagen. state ment-the re is just one thi ng Faith had motored up with some that touch of Your - cquisition that makee, me different -I wish you'd realize that he had not been far from bad come for neither and, to him, any � DIRECTORS: I'll you can do. I hope you understand young man in boots and breeches and argued pleasure for a new a try to define it. I haven't such an making love to this girl, and that challenge of sentiment was a siren William Rinn, No. .2, SesArth; that very clearly indeed?" man laughed. ,�:ibundance of personal assets that I song against which he must stuff his Brodhagen; James "What thing?" Mandelle put his Hope was idling over a novel on the and the young I the horse Willing," h would never do. He had not sup- , John Bennewies, . sunlit upper gallery. "God and "But it has can let any one of them go unschedul- posed there was any danger of it un- ears and bind himself to the ma-st . A 4 Clin- along the sandy made mo&st answer, � Evans, Beechwood; M. MeEwen, question a bit sullenly. So Barbour strode (,d .11 I hoald have to asI5. nanimous consent." til this afternoon, but some wilful When all, was said and done his k ton; James Connolly, Goderieh- Alex. "I'm sorry you s sidewalk, gazingly absently at the to be a u . : , - Broadfoot, No. di- bark of the great pines which looked The dance was over anO those l'aith puckered her brow very spirit had possessed him up there and business wasn't a very Pretty affair - 8, Seafoilh* 'J G. You must without qualification repu pretti'ly and nodded good-naturedly. made him want to cast caution to but it was urgent and he was com- .,r �&- Grieve, Nod;�.Walton; Rob;ri i�", ate him utterly." . like alligator skin seen through a guests from outside the hotA had "I think the chief thing is thaL the winds and let his heart gallop mitted to its completion. , - Rarlock- 0 McCartney, No. 8, Mandelle sat silent. That meant magnifying glass --when he came face motored aw,aY over the gravelled while you strike one as a -well, I loose -reined. He must not let that (continued next wee1L) ,: �;;5;; lffurray Gibsian, Brucefleld. going deeper into the filth than he or strolled to their near -by � to face with Joe Mandelle. dr'ivew,aY,-; �uppose the t9rm sophisticated will I in a second -storey hal'I, happen -again, but he knew that the . wanted to go. it meant out-and-out Since it is not given to the ordinary cottages when, -ty met again. have to do though it's a poor one wish had come to him, and he sus-pect- ----.*- - - -- perjury; a perjurey hard to stomach eye to see on both sides of a wail at Mandelle and Fogar d a- still you don't pretend to be bored at ed that it Would stay and besiege him 14 - even for him. 'If it failea it must once, Sevens did not recognize in the It seerned that coincidence ha things. . There's something sort of with augmented force, until, if he - F. W. AHRENS - -1� - LONDON AND WINGRAM I ruin him. If it succeeded and sent spruce figure and smiling face of the gLin L,rush�id thern with its touch, for _well, eager about you." were not carefd., his emotions would Licensed AucUoneer for Perth Sevens to the'chair it would be a lawyer any portent of treachery. No now each of them was fitting a room- He smiled then, not flashiingly as he carry him by assault, and Huron Counties. I � North. a.m. p.m. fo�m of murder upon which it was psychic vibration carried a warning key into a room door and they found sornetimes did, but slowly. He was surprised and yet not sur- Sales Solicited. I 6.04 not pleasant to reflect. Moreover, to his heart that this supposed friend themselves immediate neighbors. "I'm rather glad you said that," he I Exeter .......... 1. 10.16 many who 41 way, Fogarty," inquired prised. Love and lightning never Real Estate, Farm'Stock, Etc. Hensall ........... 10.30 6.18 there would always be and trusted guide was leading him By the -did your man in assured her. "And yet I'm afraid strike until they strike ---and then Term on Application. '!� would believe Barbour's unsupported ace and the seem- Mandelle lightly, hen I tell you why I'm that way, it Was F. W. Ahrens, � Kippen ........... 10 -r 'v 11 they can't be recalled. Faith 1, -0,, , 6.23 slowly toward disg 't .1 W .35 story ----outside the jury room. ing of felony. He saw only the man New York get satisfactorily fixed lip will spoil your opinion of me. lit -- R. R. No. 4, 17 lBrueefield ......... 10." 6.82 I, emarked, after an un- I legal advice?" easy to love and he loved her, Phone 634 r 6 le That," he r upon whose assurance'lle hal leaned as tc ,; near as I "Tell me why and see." that -was as far as it could go. Many Mitchell, Ont. , .1 Clinton Jet. .......I. 10.58 6.46 comfortable silence, "is a situation and in whose absence he had felt as- Fogarty grinned. "A� "I'm going to. I've got to in hon- � . I �� '�- Cftton, Ar . ....... 11-06 6.52 that must at all hazards be avoided." sailed by unending fears. could make out," be said, "the mys- esty, and with you I must be honest. . . 1,11. Clinton, Lv . ...... 11.16 - 6.52 ,, "In - ! 6.58 At all hazards---�but one I " Cowes In that spirit of relief he halted terious friends of whom he spoke en why are you different in the ., .fl, II, Cli 11AI made aggressive amendment. "It it and started and it was Mandelle who 'came through.' I went to the jail to way I tried so unsuccessfully to ex- - ., Londesborough .... 11.85 7,12 comes to oboosing between that and carry your answer -and I found a I Myth ............. 11.44 T21 spoke first. there who was al- P ress ? " -- I I failing me, I'd advise you to do even Surprised to see me here, what?" legal gentleman Fogarty's pony was nuzzling at the Relgrave .... 1 ..... ile the reins hung. - Wft- b4m jet., Ar... 11-50 7'83 so distasteful a thing as throwing b et"laughed. "I don't blame you. But ready undertaking the defense." ass, too, now, wb - 11. , _ , ItO8 7.45 Sevens to the sharks." . don't look at me n the two door- closed, Man e gT"Because I haven't known these V40U' M Jet, LV- - 12-08 7-45 MAndelle rose from his chair a I d did not at once go to bed. H pha-ges of life that bring social sGphis- �� Witugh4ra .... � ..... 12.12 745 trifle unsteadily and went to the or an executioneer. sat for a while over a freshly lig.htkd . . long enough to tire of them. SOMETHING I ing evil tidings." -ghly kindled tication sontL he stood looking out , you?" The ques- cigar and a train of fre - - I window, where 14Wthat does bring They're still novelties to me." - -1 - , &.M. P -M over the town roofs to the rim of In- ti val of this strangler, "What do you mean?" She looked Wingbam ......... 6.66 9.15 I on came quickly with a mingling of thought. I 1.01 8.21 diana hills across the Ohio. anxiety and delight. Was the arri finite reason, up, a little puzzled and more than a Vnn&am Jet . ..... .89 Then he turned, and his voice was '41 was pretty well tired out by a who had, for no very de their first little interested To FALLIUCKUPON - Beigrave .......... 7:g- a low but stubbornly- allertill. nd I decided to run a- excited his suspicion on "I mean that I've got to employ an - Blyth ............. 7 4.4 ,,I take it we both understand that busy winter a a place meeting, only one of the many coinci- 1, LondesborouO - - - - 7-80 and ease up a bit in dences of human goings and comings, other term that% rubbed shabby with , 1i we can't afford to sp or quarrel," Way over -use I'm what they call a self- � Clinton Jet . ....... q.49 to e t whore I had friends." ed, anJ or was it something mom? Clinton ........... 7.46 4.13 he said, "but I obi et any tone of Mandelle smiled and paiA There had been a lurking disquiet made man. I came up from the ONEY m the ban�saved from your � C'unton Jet . ........ 8.08 4.90 domineering. As I see it, you need then added in a t6ne of unstrained in his mind -since that talk with the street." - M interest- Brucelleld ......... me As much as I need you. So far kindliness: ,,it occurred to me, t,00, who called himself Cowes in "So much the better," she render income and earning compound . ". 61 . It 4.11 that you.might be feeling nervous off man "You did come Kin*n .9 4.40 as I have information only three men ville. Cowes had assumed, an ed prompt verdict. Comfort and Hensall :,.­.::­.::* 9.62 4.50 'know What your part has been. Red, here with your thoughts, and that I Louis -threat, and having u P,-," you Will find not only a great _ Exater ...... I ...... 8.41 6.05 the actual murderer, is one. Sevens ight reassure you while I rested." attitude of half . Perhaps I only came far enough to is another ---- 4and I myself am the m 94 "I have sent him here to watch Sevens. it was . but a ready filind V---0.4 Greatill exclaimed Sev�us- within the cliaract,pr laf that pul- ape and parrot fairly well the man- protecdon in an emergency third. I suppose you can answer for been worrying a ilittle. I can't get quite in turn, sent an- ners and conduct that ought to flow enable you to take advantage of business C. N. IL TIMR TAl%L12 Red. I propose to answer for Sev- over the feeling that concealment Of ley -of -wires to have, on him. out of instinct," be smiled. "You to I � ISUL ens. As for myself, our interests are truth is kissing -kin to guilt in a Way. other liaison officer to spy up 11 that Vve got is front while .. ; /I a.m. P.m. identical." But-,, he broke off and his tone If so, it was a thing tilat savored of see, a have background opportum"Im I . 6.00 2.20 'Correct," affirmed Cowes. "I'll an- Rao Fogarty',,; first visit to you, for instance, Goderieb .......... sharpened with apprebension­-­'Ibut insult, _ that Tuns back for generations." He R. I K,, Halmesville ....... 6.17 2.$7 swer for Red. you say you'll answer doesil It someone have to watch things him there in his office been really a paused, but the thoughtful 'look in his Small I , . . Clinton ............ ' 2.52 for Sevens, but you also say he has -back there? . " reconnoitring trip, he wondered, tm- eyes told the girl that he was not Yet Tle Bank of Montreal we"MCS '"'o 8,12 gone South. Suppose he weakens?" Mandelle Intighed. "My office is dertaken at the behest of CoWes and through and sbe waited for him to . , Seaforth .......... 9.20 "I'm going South, too," answered keeping its fingers on the pulse of his crowd to feel out his own discre- finish. savings ac=mts� and it 06CM YOU SMVke . St. Columban .... �-. 3191 bility? And if that Were Dublin ........ 6.'64 9.98 Mandelle. "I'm going to stay South things. I sball know at once of any tion and relia 111 wonder if you realize what a as Well as safiety M cc)nnelction with your t� , I *,�;,L as long as he does." flutter that -needs my presence. §But true, as it might or might not be, was difference there is between front and I . a.ml. p.m. P.M. "That's What I was about to urge," your danger passed when we e4ab- not Fogarty just the man to continue background? It's precisely the dif- .. 10.87 6.88 9.87 comm I lished the fact that Shell tore up Your that most annoying espionage on his ference that exists between an ele- account. I I ,, ', nts 4, � Dublin ...... movements here 9 St. Columban. 10.42 B." . ... were you., I'd go from here. The fool confession." MAndefle ,had felt, gant old house, with conte that . Stotorth ...... 10-58 &Gg 9.50 Carolina Special leaves Seventh Street ,,Thank God," exclaimed Sevens de- At all events, officn, some indefin- have come slowly into it and with as- I l , , 11A0 6.08 10.04 about eight o'clock this evening." voutly, ,,that we laid that , ghost."' there in his own for this fellow soeiations attaching to them all a , nd I �' " " " Ill ''I " & , A I I 111 I I I , " I ` " , I "" " , ", " " I ` �, I ` I I � "I 't, "" *1 �,t,14 I ", I I � I I'll' -, �� I ! ", � 'a 'n , 0 1 , , , , , � � , � - I � I I � I I , , � � , , I I I I I I I I, � � .. 11.20 7 out his hand. "I think palmetto inn on the hill but he be- whose shrewd eyes looked out lazily house frnnt,s� that they build on the 11.40 7.20 10-86 C He paused, then coming closer, stopping at the able spirit of distrust one of these make-believe %..JY -TRE .,�e deviltry of keenness, too. 'BANK `c MON 0 ' 'on i I * - IN'tues 11; .08 10-13 Mandelle was -well, (;� � erl 11 owes held AL , er I. 'Vb .the Sevens r at Mrs. Sang- yet with a -a single wall wil h � ;w� you'd better let me bA came a frequent vialto n antagonism, and moving -picture lot inside it . - 4. , I A C. P. X -�TWS TA131,8 confession," he suggested. "It's wise ster's, wliere he and Hope fenced He had bristled u i a of a sense of re- nothing behind it -nothing EstabhAed x817 � . u"t- to keep all the records together." blithely with lightly clashing blades had been conscio _just sh ow.,, � (Werich - 777- $0 Mandelile drew back ar"d his face of re,?artee while -her eyes sparkled lief -when Fogarty had taken himself The girl shook her head. sta A&ftts in e=ess 4C i -PG.006.0" ............ : - paled, but he shook his bead, He "There's more behind your front .. f 19 �, et ............ SO and his glowed in hamorow apprecia- off. Now Fogarty was again present. . no intent of surverdiring that . . Of course, argued the attorney, this f I � A, du- had tion -A - 44- than that," she said. "There'.% what- I -- -I." � � ,,�V,t ." - � sllll � ­­ �, -'�, - Al� ­.�,,11 ,� , ��! � , , 11 "' '. 'A I � '�iT �I,W -1 1. . '�;�T. : , ,,,�4� � i:i':,�q ,,.":�'­ _,i, , " , � " ­:.ij , :..� ')�' M Jn wow ...... 0 .... i; . action a I . I I 11 I ff,f , paper upon which, in certain circum- On a Saturday evening, when e was all just e ever made you 'come up,' as Wu call 7 11 I 4 I I ......... I.. . nces, his Whole power'*ould rest, gressing of a mind whose situation made it the sort of kindly feeling 1 . . 1. I sta klir held a softess Of c m to the it. There's I I I -1-0 YJ .............. ard gentleness that isn't aped or par- . .. $ Le mil whill' to risk warmth that seemed tinctured with overly. auspicious and givc . I Iton ............. o :" , . hut neither had h I ad, . . .& '.. � 1, - , . � '. : � . . . , 4 quarrel if he'rnight succeed by more h i more nott�om idiblag .gusty play of prejudices. Yet lie b roted. It can't be." I : , augbt ........... I . I - I rne4sliibs. . Ina they an went to a dance belore this, experienced intuitive dis- ... I �, Onto ..l,1..1...l... I I diplomAve of T!tVnn­,r;" - � The Tnan smiled and g ,. I . �, ,.,. �, , I 11 �. I 1 I . . � n h u arbout at -likes and had 'found it well'tb heed his reins. . % 11 I .� - I I .. . ,., , � 1, � ii, wist. , . I neiliatorY # the hotel, a' d t 0 91i P ift A In " be said. "I I '. 'L .1 � I , ,� I I '. �T'L,tbln,Yl ho said in a eo who their warnings� I "Thank You a . �` .1 . I., 1 . . 0 ; D numbers with, his w ' gal I . , , :�, 43*1 toA6 ,1104 wobld'be a great mittake, out tU f Don Fogar Y under think I 'have a kindly'feeling for most 1, I . ,� 6$16b, . ot dancing, VAlth mo�-ft�gilied The presence o t ". 1. . � ;,�'.� , #& Isp in ,W,� 94, It, ter, though A �11 � � ,- co 0 4*0 **Pf- - . J , _ ,4 � � " ' -not a good ha I �� 410 X - . *0- ­­ar Me f6milY av,Va96 for Uti*6 Pat*'- the game roof irritated him and made I Z �,� I 1:1. � I 1�'i I 3 -- -, - 6 ' , fliAhl battle betwel � OVolds him fretfully wakeful, whatever the people. I'm , .. .1 ..1...-f.- � yself. I j jgu�h a case I eould patio* &A the flO01r. for there have been times when I Ought . .1 .,I �., . � , ,,-,, ..­.�O..'O, 19101 And m L., '&tuse of the phemomenon-but nd could : �,'i "' , . , J 0.12 -tl with theifn to have bated implacably -a . ." � '� : �".., ..'I i a ays 1 � I L . 11.1.1 �,'Z­ . , "" ,,'L��L�'� � .:. 0 j,i ov,q 6. or, .L1 , "# prott . I fbe eve-Ainfg, that Vol a ot manage to do it." �� T � - ":,:;",a, ,y, or I'd When,. - an w,4 i ro ,�, , , , Z �Ilk I 1',,,I':,­­��J�j ...... ... I, IS 1.11 +41 d� AbrVPHY �, , ��,,'I-i,;`; �',, �, . .,, i, I , .-� ,,I'L, 110 11 ` �ourse of outward friendli#00, To ' . �1- . I 14*1.� Used A e,g . go 1 142, - * W E 4 tilf"li�". ,�� , "', VA61 g0lot,iAt�b this Fogatty person, eveUVto than .1 0. I =11... � " , lV6o*W1111tb I duwgdvoug " ,L.f. PN� ll,�',�V , � � , ; I io 41,11 111161 .1411064 R They turped the horses homewatd, ., * ., ; '1* disarm" _#,,,,X �'bim flAt- Md delle was "it � 'a 4 , & telling, wy reaA6n he resy�,Vpd 0 5 ­ N, a 11 .11 I I 41)! h . , 4� Kzd, a ft, . , � '&Tod, .� �. .?P" -TI'l., ­­,�,.­, .1 . p -r , . � A - I . I f *Vai,i4wivilloti " j. I L � he , W1, 1 , , 2.0 't � 11 Alit �W­, a I'll �,, .. ltnoml4nt, Men ,,, Pftldh, a ", ,44,,�,:,� 11, t . ,� amoll : �, �0 0, &er clignee acqualnth� Ind Fogarfy earbed hi I ­ , 61k L*01# "Ofig '�#'V�4jj't- fb Of , *tN 1 J 11. I , . of," . 11 .. .1 ., ­ 11 111,41 ­,.'��'.��,, I � ." 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