HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-03-05, Page 6wy�z"" . ­­ 1;1�,, �, , ��. ,��i;, . - , � � ij� " � . , , l!"I", . t - r- �XtJ�;' - I I Al, I I !­ .�,�,?,'. ,,­i.� ", I - * 11 . . ,N�,��,; � ", � I . . , � 4!,,��.,� �""r,, � , � �tl!'�!�,� �, �,�):,*�; , 4; � ,,.'r-'1,., � j�4, V -11, �., ,� ,. 0 W,�'��V,'­ , , �61 .11 " - I , ti��4.: (,,I,lr . , , ,. �`� , " , " I , W"', L��T� 1, " k I I - , ., J - I C(Ay,­ .- ;�112 " , 'x';,:�,­ , �,.;� I ''. I � ;" R I . . 11 . �,� ....... � ,f�, "� ;�,, , , � � ,; � . �,�q'ge��, � , - I - �il "�' �� -- ". -.., - - . . .11,111,11111, "I'll , � - "I'll", �� "W", '� 777 I'll, I`: ",". " �� - '' , - ... , � . " . I :11,:, 1, 1­�,,', " � . , � . � � � . � � . � � . � � . � � . � , ", . . , Z", , , :�', � , .. .111, 11 1, . 1. � �i 1.1� , I - " , � r;, , �, " . , , �''. ��',;'..�,� �V, , � I , . " �­,, '. II . ., I , - .,. , I - ,�,�� � , , :V . ,,t�,�,' 11� .. . �.; I 1,� ,,, " i . ;�� W, , ��,g,�-,.��-, I I , I , I I i , ; e�11. � � .'.', 111�'Ili�"!i�, !:r! I , ��',�'�1',:��,��� � � I I ,.,� 11, , V 1;1 I oftt'' 1_1.n , kw,�� � 1� - W 1, �; " 04" - 1. 04. W40014AA, , , I 11 1, liquare I � 11 - ]RIM 11 . ,�r' .1 Efili. *t C �)�, - I'll, I'll, �5 I I . . . - 14.41 � '� , , I'll .1-1-41 �41 Moaalv­�'. "k, III, 11 f" mia, 11 a.m. a V�M.l I . rom, , I �. $ outh, . �111 , . -----. . , , I �,�,f -- — . "ggg -g I I Z, - I � ,,;yrg Km�­'�. , ILMAL . 11 1� . t'. "I 9" 4X. 161*1 1� ,,.,� OL r� , " (WR J. Rue"Imin I" " " , ,& - , - 11 , Nh 7 i 'i " 4 ".7 -.,�11�,�,V­ ��',� �'�'-��'N',�;;"� Barrister, Solicitor, �, ,��*' , �� `�" ' ' � 06��§�;,� �, Notary Public, Etc. �', ��, ", Block - - Seaforth, Out. ; I-— � I 1,-,4�-�--. - . I I I .1, 11, 11 `,­�,�� �, R. S. RAYS . , � ­$ ,, grrister, -Solicitor, Conveyancer - "NAUrY Public, Solicitor for the 4,44 . Ep0 . **T"'n Bank. Office In rear of the MI-iden Bank, Seaforth. Money to , I � '10441� I b I 7! .1 I BEST & BEST . Barristers Solicitors, C ,onveyan, ceiiS aid Notaries Public, Etc. Office in the Edge Building, opposite The VXpositor Office. VETERINARY F. ]EIARBURN, V. S. Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary-Coll6ge, and honorary member of the Medical Association of the Ontario Veterinary College. Treats diseases of all domestic animals by the most mod - era principles. Dentistry aud Milk Fever a specialty. Office opposite Dick's Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth. All orders left at the hotel will re- ceive prompt attention. Night calls received at the office. s'. - . JOHN GRIEVE, V. S. . Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College- All diseases of domestic animals treated. Calls promptly at- tended to and charges moderate. Vet- arliuM Dentistry a specialty. Office and residence on Goderich Street, one door east of Dr. Mackay's Office, Sea- foltil. -, A. X CAMPBELI4 V.S. i Gra4uate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. AD diseases of domestic animals treated by the. most modern principles. Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Office on Main Street. Heneall, opposite Town� EkIL Phone 116. , i ' MEDICAL DIL X P. L DOUGALL Honour graduate of Faculty of Medicine and Master of Science, Uni- I versity of Western Ontario, London. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office, 2 doors east of post office. Phone 56, HensalL Ontario. 8000d j DR J- A. MUNN 11 Successor to Dr. IL IL Rosa Graduate of Northwestern Umvers- ftyI Chicago, 111. Licentiate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Torout. Office over Sills' Hardw�&, Main St, Seaforth. Phone 15L DR A- NEWTON-BRADY Bayfield. Graduate Dublin University, Ire- land. Late Extern Assistant MasteT Rotunda Hospital for Waing and Children, Dublin. Office at residence lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m.; Sundays, I to 2 P -m- 2866-26 DR IF. J. BURROWS Office and residence Goderich Street, vast of the Methodist church, Seaforth. Phone 46- Coroner for the County of Huron- . DR, C. MACKAY Q Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- tty University, and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the College of Physicians and sur- geons of Ontario. . - - DR H. HUGH ROSS Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; pass graduate courses in Chicago Clinical School of Chicago; Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, England; University Hospital, Lon- don, England. Office Back of Do- � minion Bank, Seaforth- Phone No, 5 Night calls answered from residence, Victoria Street, Seafortb­ . ; AUCTIONEERS F. W. AHRENS Licensed Auctioneer for Perth and Huron Counties. Sales solicited, RAal Estate, Farm Stock, Etc. Terms On application- F. W. Ahrens, phone ,634 r 6, R. R. No. 4, Mitchell, Out. 2996-52 — OSCAR W. REED Licensed auctioneer for the Coun- tles of Perth and Huron. Graduate Of Jonee SchobI of Auctioneering. Chicago. Charge, Ml&,,te, and sat- t5faction guaranteed. Write or wire Oscar W. Reed, Staffa, Out. Phone 11-2. 2995x5g 11 � tHOMAS BROWN Licensed auctioneer for the counties of Huron an& Perth- Correspondence aft=gementa for sale dates can be madii by calling up phone 212, Sea- -ftrthr Or The Expositor Office. Charff- #A Moderate, and satisfaction guar- atiteed. . I - ­ - I OSCAR RWPP . Ibnor. Graduste Carey Jonee Na. Zit' rAl 04loof Of Avetfoheering CM- idi. - %W*11 eourse tawn rw pa" =*10', 4", RW ftgft, Mar. I �1 " -U' &#'ifid, P*i;M, Sales. - Ritew in I I I I ,. 1P, '.1 , 11 i� 0*4*111ng matiet. t$, -96; I. sisgured. , VAU or wift-i =.. 11 "I � 4 �., 0 �Xnvlcbo ". phand I I - . I - . .., 2 WIN* - -11 I -------- .1,11 1. R, T" tugm . � . , ( A-Wili ed a�, tiOnear, for� % y , ;'O". . . 14 0 06mt , . , ., - , " ,4. .. I � 2`14214, MAU - t*. � Ift all t� " ... ­e�-J,­ �, oft�­, ,,& v6i� wavil-ex- 9' - � ,�,V'41- - bit, 40'a" 0- , - , . " 'td,ha, IV", ji,�� . , �, ',ft � "" , I i�,; AM ", ftbond 1400, - .-11 � �1� 4 .;WZ�, � . bl'��, .. ", � � �04h, -.M,i.,XWL-,, *A". .. 1:16 '16 166611, , � 11 . ­ A�144 ,'-,­�_t-�-Aof-,, . � . ,­ 1, � .", ­... -, ­ , , I � I iiwi"im" 11­­H,1�1, -­.a1,'.i ,,,, , - , 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ,1­ZF­"""*, ,,�- �R, I A A, * � 151W r, 'A" "k,L"i �,,.��,,��"".Y,,,,,�'I'�l,,T",,�t,i?�t'r",��'i'i���"1177,�.��,', ,,­�!­;��,1111 , . "" 111 '7 �, �� "=,N!iff,�,','05!.�� ?A A , � ��, 1, 1 V. t, ! I ��;,,� ". , I'�ll,"Ivll��T;dR�,�"ill�,� . " � �' e"' �, 11 , , ". . P,&� � � ,��,�` , �S%' . fLil% Z -,�'y,;, �,.� ­ "F;: , , � �� . ^��:!W ,W,#� NtA%911'-R11 " fll;if�,� qlfilp'Nk"A'1'1��K , , " �f, !i�­ ' , � . , X ,,-i,1.! ,. , , , " ,�,� , , �'%,4 ; �� 4" ��&�,iv-'f,,�-7i4,,-'*�f"'�(=$,�-w'" "A' �',� ; Al-- ­...', 11 ... ". `,P.� All"' I I 7�:� , ,�, 1,4-,;�',­ � 1,1% - 4w %Q � � R'� M #r M 1 l,kik�w'q'f'R"44t#"�it,��"7��"4",�,�',�,�,��r4,! � — # �. ,.� IiO,��, I - , % �' , 4, ." '� . " It , 1,11�t)t�'­ "i ,", , �', , I , , '" � , , 1. ; , . . i 4 - , i , ,Ril! � . - . ,I " 0,VT,-'.40.l,PF,d *:0014mbsio-h *M,* "W" .111 I , � FAN; 114,10 �11, . �' , 11. � I 4P.VXA,VAWS­3�,q ��",!� , �J $,��p!�i,'�,' . , , , , , ,,A%- ,,, - . � � .1 , � I ­ I iq'� -, , , , � ,� ,,, " - ,� 'r % �, �,, "t 7, " -11 o .� g ., R", ,,,-, ,:­ ," � 1. E, � - MA,,' ­ ­ � �v t, . to 1UVQS#l;At9." 4 uh Wn"t, 00 lks, 1, % . �, ", �, I I . ,h - ­'a� "- ]�:A#Aw4po-g 't , 1�4 � � i 'a -#; '.'� t4o , , � , , W�wd' , I .F , , 4 4", "rg Q4 '104oatA * . � " ,,�,�. � , P, , � 44 � , , , af I , The caww "', �, . ­­­.� "o I !, 01" �YX ­ I ... I... I—, -1 016'.� 1� I - , 'AaW *%%t* of ,t*4se , �� I I - ox" .. I , 1�,C � I .. . � it- I I - %% . " - , � I , �11 I I I "I I I I - ", , 4 q coxg .:;af! � , ,;t�Y4 � ili4 11 ;:�, � 1. V "I . ­ .J , . i';, � �P-Jva'f �`. . 11 '�� .rl "I , - " -1 I 11 ��, , , �' . " ,� yi P ,; I . r J, r , ,�; �' ", , ,� 4 , � , �� , , 'it I i , � , , , , W#� . V L�' , 4 " � �14� �, I I :! ; � I " , , " .. 11 I I , , i lun 0%. , , ft. , , i A I ", � . . , I '! I Ir "" ; , ". . t I A � lot Alf -All ..: �!!,��,� Arivers ro4C)igs. � � . k 'pii-0 '�-'4` - �:1 : L. � 11 the .0,44 Q,g proaci, ad i ( ., '' '4 I P��; J. r� .: - ,... . - I � 1: � - 1'�,,, � � ,,", -�,- , �, ­­ N; and, �W. ii0t1%'04qhe4,'� i �t� , 11%. eAPY of 11 . - 00t liuqg: to', * ,',: I A, , ­ t � . ,.; ". o eldcle that I* I'v" T-P� �Pv""P-' --OkOv 9"0 $kTvwKA, ..whAb:, , ��, �� �. , 1,�,-,� " , he may , : " � I I :;�;, �, 7�*,, . 1.11 Ii. 101*M0rIWV14,y- *FV*QV4V4Z "gum".0i.0 I � 7, � ii,,,�' 'Li'��"A � , , . 'URTIMM ,� I ,� rll�, ..". , -� �,�` . �!�io I � 111�11�"1`1�1',L� ` `�!�� ""AT'lon of a recurrence ipf sqph � eO44.qSe, the �avqr# , I "I I �­ '"gpv a IQ TWO: 11 .. " , � , . . I 9f, eftilmd" , - 11, I I "'experiouced- or qae4scined,l 4 I TV11", ; I ��jl 1, 11 �, " I �1 : oporMA-0n ,f his v .MgATRO WIT" 1-11 hould be tiaken , 'fox many. yes . C"IT19 W"C" X7 crops 'p, , ,,7 ,�.'�7�:7W ' ==i� , be gorrectI7 4jkasged as �ari * -, Iriver' - 11 , ,!4�Q -.!of affairs, and�. -(4� , go,W, � � A '44 --c - ,�,� �,, I 1; 2, - " ­."! - � . . . � . ,, AA9 I ,, 4# -to I �. , , 4. . , 1, here, ,Dan -be no question that, he *e-, I I . ,�A 1 , RA ..y ror all,,,o mi, � . I , I 4�,V` ,,, ,�I% �­ � . . I . :,­ ; QrAW,�,14�,,-§Afeguard the conaluQu,- , "44 :7,',' ­ �', t � ,, '!,*:1 0"O 1"'i �1� ,� . . ,, 14 _,'a, b . � - ,,, I ,� .1 , , . I . 0 . , ��, f ,f�4$t ten gears Is over two nd -4 I I ,''. .1 1, "' I (, � . .1 . I F is con ., If , , I, ,,, im '��&9�s`.AJRQ# various ,stages oX,exportj I 17 11 11 I . KITOW an additional hazard, , Tlu ­ , M . - �� I C ,� . , I se,040,48 11 I ,ILL r..." 11 . I I , _ n1e. . I I . I I ditiva PrevAifliu it should be, the . , 0 90�, , 14o I - . n Irrw - , , :::::.: � - � . � 1 1 . � % -&, � �00, V , 1, th � ; . I . , . p of mohair Is cord ,d� Yields A erAge in h g , :1 ! V, d, I " .11 I 4 , " . Ike- . f o� , 44 t1jas. - -1 . ,�- �- ,. resl)045ihility 0 each beginner to,� I I �11104v,'-�A ���Oqut i pal � �f not . , I I .1 ..", � "I I "i'l.,L I V' �­ ", I . I . , � , . 'A , . 11 . I ". . b Af rico and TVjkoy. a 8 ,,,,, I . .� 11 I � �,'"]II11k,1111W I 11 I I L " . .. , ,If aur , I 1.� 141 ­ ­­ � "W1 1� 11 I handle his car aixd himp, I 11 �� Bec;.10pe alfalf ha .�, Klt 101, , , 1, 'r , � 1, I , 'J!, " ��, - , , " ­�:", �, -, 3 . . : ", ,W..." % . . . . . . �' '-'�!,�,,ii�i.­ ,. 'Z ,L I � � I " � �y are anxious to pro§ct Superior, .ip Ifulatab Ing -� I , I , . . . , Ing his. 0 B th . I I.. . I . . .. I ;, , i; i: `5 the monopoly. ,S-qr., valuo to h,s I . , i . ,, , . .1 . , �. I 0 '40 0",' � , _ . A , , . , "probatiquAl I 6; at'n"4 feed � I , 7,, pe "I XeIr "a Jr f- . ., I I I'" ­', , �� riod, so that he d9eS, , �, �. I . L I I I , . . ­ , , uot unduli jeop . I � made o* aAF other L . I I � .,� � " ,", 4 M" - " L .1. IM ,� - - W6 criticism have -been p�o, 1. I IA -­� ­­ I ,.1 ,'L - -, ". ." ; , " 4 . , , ,. � ­­ 40 �, . ;, I , . L ardize, the life and - Prj$6 4 � crop, and all,, lasses of live stock , -, * , ft I' "'""t, '' � - �:,:�', , I 11 .� I I I , ­�,­, - . .LL � I . I , 12 4 . I . ­ ,�,� 1. - .1 I . - , § �, �, ,�� .1. A , , �� , �5 " -1 :1 �, M, q r -­ * " " .. L . men I - P itting a coum - . "_ . . � , ' r " ,,r.. I ; - � , . " . . . 111. ­�,� , �,, ­ . ,� . I j, ,r , , "" ' " " !�Wt 1% "." r , " -- I 11 - : , , ­� , 11 I L . I 11 �, I ,,�R. I I 11 . �c.: , 1� . I I 11 ,. - ,", ­::�� 11 -1 � , , , , .1 ­ , - �. ­ I � . the q4j�,.,:'Province to leave the co ' � " � , , . u4- the most expensive food constituent, 1 , . - �,V, �;�, -X �"",., I I , ,;,;. , . "' -11 1 �$ motor vehicle should be instructed by he was a bit discouraged nVo '� . 'L;$A 1. - , . , , i ,� , # , ', ��', I r 4�,` '� �,", ` `,"' � . , . , PL� *., I ,,rA- -Ams and ewes. bred in. high porce-At&ge Qf pr I ich is I., . �� , ." _ "'i The person loam 'ag to operate a A ' . ,#''at i I _6te . -00 01 71. I � . 0 to . w were times when "' 'Pr I U id ""'Ahe e.x own. .. tin, ormil miont t;f' Because alfulfa ha rrleo �Iox`Y " d",," " ­�"'Vhe � he 1"Pictu-1,641 � pwd Of *, " , kJW R �%IIT * L ' , property 04, other motorists or his vo . 1� action Qf the Govo, relish it. . Ir I , I -1 , " , , gn .� ORO , , I - ,,, , R� � ,,,, I I Y (14 . he told friends that I?i , , , 44 p 1% none but competent i)perators. by this to, , �a tho 6-h-,01,4616st t " . I I L ' .rth Africa. These animQs. fur c c con , - oft, While slackening of practice; but this wor- t7 ,01shed by ouir high-pri ed on - t , , , , " . .1 I olf - T I `,'�`,,� - , - I . w I - :. I, 1, "I - I ,, ­� �, . this consideration may 4ppear I .0h 4'.i��of first-class quality, have t,qa � * - riment was not based on any serious � A I tri , == I . == , .;;;;�. . I 11. � � e .1. r I .. �. . %==,-== I .� � . I evident, the violation of this obv'Ous�� cause nor had had any really Seri_ been pui�chased by an eiit�BrPrisl�g ­ Beimuse alfalfa may be -used as sil. . � *'.;,---.1,;-.::= . I . �, , ..� common sense pxoeedure is fre4u4nt� French firm for breeding purposes,in :1 I I � - I � . Ir " - - ous manifestations so far as anybody age or cut green as a soiling- crop 0 -- . ­ - . - .. . . . . . ' ly responsible for serious accidents. Morocco.' . litario Street Ch .. ' .1 - - -1 . noted. Wbo original-ly suggested I . with good,resultp. . urch And MR. Wells- Lin#say waa 'before her- marriage " , .. ,, As the habits one forms in the . . wl� man h,a4 taken ,an active interest in Misi:'Arine ... 11 early consultation with a psycho -analyst , ! - . Because alfalfa can be groun:1 into - , 'Chiijohill. Sbe:'w . stages of learning to drive are.quite -' `11� 4111 branches, of the chure-h wor . ps born . . to him is not known, but he consult- � -4 indal of excellent feeding value. k. She in London,, England; Februav;y 1ft, -.1. apt to prove difficult to correct ilatpr (.d one. ,This man's name has not PALATABLE METHOD OF There ,seems to Wan opportunil i for w'aS 4, Woman of very . Sweet and 184Q, the day oh which the late . Queeri - *-I '' 1, on if faulty, it is an advantage to, been revealed to the public, although ,-­ EATING IRON the development of a profitable �i ffai'�" pleasing , personality and endeared Victoria was maiTied, Four. y�.efttb � the driver for purely selfish reasons ' - .'�erself t0l' 411 who came in contact later her father and mothex. came to it i,i known to the corner and to I meal trade in Canada ivith a Canadian with her. if no other, to receive his instruction ,O,ri,us officials, and it is not im- There is a saying that some men manufactured product, 'Her passing is keenly re anada with their little family and in the operation of a vehicle from one 1. gretted by the women's organization's after an eight weeks' oceau voya who is qualified by experience to probable that the man may be called a.re tough -enough to "chew nails." It Because alfalfa has the Property of of her church. go i . give before a Parliamentary Committee is n9t�likely that iron in this fo,rm enriching the soil with nitrogen gath- v Mrs. Wasman Is sur- and a wearisome land trip, coming- I him that instruction. if legislation planned to curb whaj will ever become a popular article of ered from the air. ived by her husband and a family all the way from Hazoilton in a A 1. To attempt to learn to perate a �any think a growing evil, is diet, e"n though medical men tek us of two sons andthree daughters, Xvs. y%ragon, they settled in G6derich ;�! travelled gested. Sug- Because alfalfa makes an excellent J. R. Little, Essex; WiUlarn, , of township, their first farm was on the ". " motor vehicle on heavil�o that a certain amount of iron in our Pasture if pastured intelligently �nd Walkerville; J. L. and Miss Edna, of � roads serves only to delay ta'affe, The medical 4vitnesses at the in- food is - necessary for bodily health. not over grazed. � th, the farm now owned by Mr. IL = . cabse congestion and even serious . . Fort1iiiatply, Nature knew about this i Because,,,the deep foot-syste Toronto, and M!iss Ethyle, d Bath. " � danger to life and limb. 0- . quest were unanimous in declaring in of -The carnival at the Dome Rin Graham. Later they moved to *hat C Ordina` that at times with certain people long 4fore man ever though about it, alfalfa, -besides enabling it to extract . It, is knowri as the Wise homestead, the ,- . tion of mind and body in the opera- , and' the iron that is I Exeter ori Monday evening, proved f arm now owned by Mr. C. E. 'Wise. psycho -analysis can be a very great essential for, plant food ,from the subsoil, all,so op- t, be 11 Popular event and a very The day they moved to this farm, tion of an automobile is not usually danger; and the young suicide's nourishirient is found in sufficient ons up the subsoil, obtained without considerable driving family physician declared that while 'q'444,8 and in digestible fornirin Because the decaying alfalfa roots, successfid affair. It was the first when they arrived, the fire which had 1. ' experience. Unt�l that quality is evi- the youth had been under medical certain natural foods. Honey is one stems, and leaves enrich the soil by carnival held in Exeter for two years. been left on in the fireplace, -had gone � -- * an There was a large attendance and a out azid, matches being an unknovm I , 414 dent, the new dNver should receive treatment for depression and mel,.- Of these, d it is diffitult to imagine I adding considerable amounts of hum� great many were present in costume luxury in those days, Mrs. Lindsay's his instructions inv�such a mannerthat choly there had been nothing in his a more pleasant method of supplying 1 -us. go he will neither place himself nor other case which fundamentally would ex- the body with iron than by eating which included some very fine get-ups sister, a young girl, was sent.off I 1kn( 'drivers in undue danger. cuse or explain suicide. The intima- honey. 'Plants are able to feed upon 0 . as well as many comics. Those in about a mile through the woods to a I � . 41�11 Practically this should mean that tion was that something had been the minerals in the soil, but man has I costume Paraded the rink to the neighboes for a coal, -v6ich she Car - the beginner should receive his in- added to it by the psycho -analytical a morejilelicate digestive apparatus i -Richard A. Govier, one of Clin- amusement of the spectators and af- ried home in a small iron saucepan. canno ton�s well known ,residents, passed ter the Judging a ladies'hockey game P ple 'Were very independent in -4 %,- struction on the road less frequently treatment. A psycho -analyst of note and �' "' c eo tw used and then at such a time as traf- declares that it is unfair to attribute methods for supplying his mineral re_ away at the Clinton Community Hos- was staged. The players were men those days. Every fanidly grew its quirements. The nectar which is dis- pital on Friday morning, -following a dressed as women and they used a own grain, when the land had been I fie is at a minimum. The proper the young man's suicide wholly or two football and WR combination of time and place for even certainly in any degree to his tilled by the flowers of certain plants brooms. Many wore cleared, but for grinding they had to $learning to drive are conditions . is c6*aratively rich in ir�ii this in weeks ago. Mr. Govier was born in flapper costumes and th ' . of experience with psych�analysis. He , Jazz , gar- take it to Goderich, and white flour which should not be overlooked by turn is4gathered up by theiees and 1860, on the Base Line, near Auburn, ters were much in evidence- Th's was not by any meani as common as 1, the beginner. might have committed suicide in any in the hive it is changed into honey. being the youngest son of the late game was funny and the spectators. it is to -day. Then they Crew a,A 1W event. He previously had been a The darker honeys are, as a rule Mr. and Mrs. John Govier. He lived enjoyed many a hearty laugh, 71fe spun all, their own -wool, getting it . i -0 sufferer frorii sleep sickness, and richer in iron, although all honey ca� in Hullett until about thirteen years band provided splendid music. The woven on a hand loom, and then it ., t-1 that sometimes leaves a patient in a supply it in sufficient quantities for ago, when he moved into Clinton. In prize winners were as follows: Ladies$ had to be made up Into garments for MARCH ROD AND GUN strange state of which little as yet 1 1888 he married Kargaret J. Sprung, character costume, Ellen Rice as Gip- the family. . is understood. ordinary health purposes. daughter o I "Honey is an inexhaustible iron f the late Mr. and Mrs. sY; genVis charactqr costume,. Helen - A handsome special -section contain- Dr.. Erest Jones, -recently presi- mine," says the French writer, Alin John Sprung, who died some eighteet Wethey, as a Chinaman; girl's char- -- - ing the winning photographs of the dent of the International Pssycho- A Western judge left the bench to . Caillas, in his book "The Treasures in Years ago. Later he was married to acter costume, under 15, Dorothy become cashier of a small bank. The I amateur photo contest recently con- Analytical Association, said (al- a useful- to Mrs. Alice Biggins, of sunimerhill, Davis in a Scotch costume; boy's . �� In ducted by Rod and Gun is an inter- though not referring to this case) Drop of Honey." "Iron, so who with his two daughters, Ethe paying teller one day refused to cash T at plants, has filtered into the nectar, I and character costume, under 15, Eddie � esting feature of the March issue of not so very long ago: "Disclosures Kate, a brother and thre . a $10 check for a stranger, who � the magazine, which has been just made by psycho -analysis are on the thed into the honey, by the aid of - e sisters, sur- Ward, of the 16th century; o" thereupon went over to the cashier I., I -V, - - e '* published. the bee. It is there usually in com- rive. I . characters., Jean Penhale, Helen and presented various means of - - I whole terrible ones. One fin" what binations of phoaphates, I -It was with sincere regret that Walper; -Mrs. F. Delbridge and Made- identification. I I The cover of the March issue is one would not suspect in a given n a very also of great interest. soluble, easily digestible, easily as- the news was received last Thursday line Dearing; boys' race, under 14 � It is a very person -that a part of his personal- in Clinton of the death of Mrs. J. F. years, Gerald S "No," said the former judge, "the fine color reproduction of a remark- ity, shut off from the rest, contains similable form. It supplies the des- , kinner; girls' race, un- teller is right, That's not sufficient I . . . . . I able photograph of two bull moose cruelties, sert irequired by our iron -hungry Wasm2an. It was known that Mrs. der 14 years, Madeline Stewart . meannesses and selfish- Wasman had been ill but the very race, Ted Bo�wden, of Ce ; open identification.,, . - lying with their antlers interlocked-, ness-qualities quite different from system, an emellent rebuilder of serious nature Of her illness was not judges were M ntraqia. The "Why, judge," expostulated the � � . physically and nervously rundown rs. W. J. Heaman, E. ,�', having fought to the death. The con- the many consciously known. Sex organs."- so generally knowii and ,her death J. Chri tie, Thomas Pryde and E. C. stranger, "Pve known you to hang V I tents of the magazine for March are plays in the subconscious mind an S inen on less evidence than thatil, �1 ,40- -- came as a shock to many. She suf- Harvey ; ,I. �� of equally interesting nature for extraordinary exaggerated part," It f6red from a complication ofdiseases "We -e-11,11 replied the jtldge, "when ­ T sportsmen. WHY GROW ALFALFA -On Wednesday last, February You're paying out cold cash you have - I is said that a real danger has been but it was a weak heart which was 10th, Mrs. James Lindsay, of Clinton, to be carefuL I 11 - The month's stories include a very brought about in England by the Because it can be grown over thl� the immediate cause of death. Mrs. celebrated her 86th birthday. It was Live article by George H. Charls who spread of 'the theories among clergy- widest range of soil and climatic con- Wasulan, whose maiden name was a quiet celebration, one in which oniy I recites an enteytEqning narrative of men and school teachers who may ditions of any legume as yet grown Grace Jane Pollard, was born near the family partici ted . Dr. Lindsay A Tenderfoot Hdht in the Wolds of very honestly endeavor to use in Canada. We are now growing it Mitchell, March 219t, 180, being a and Miss Lindsayplaof London, came smallbu . - C " 661* I M British Columbia, as well as other psycho -analysis as a means of help- in. every province from the Atlantic daughter of the late George Pollard. up for it and the other two sons, Mr. oving puw-@. . Ware of 'Tionchw hunting and fishing narrative. I ing them to understand their parish- to the Pacific. She was married to Mr. Wasman in T., of the London Road, and Mr. vorld faniom . .- - . ! The regular monthly features are ioners or pupils, but who may be, Because Canadian -grown seed Of 1883. Before going to Clinton�twen- Charles Lindsay, who -lives with his am�i--­ , VorEp I A , i J. and lw—i , T good and Raymond Thompson con- and probably will be, unskilled in hardy types is obtainable at a reason- ty-one years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Was- mother, were right at hand. XanyFl a treatMIES , i, J qmwpm onws fmm an D tinues his series In the Big Woods of i ts use. The result may react ter- able price. Alfalfa from Canadian- man resided for some time at Blue- congratulations and good wishes were 'erraevanti-ovexi WXft , 000 in one . wilteat0awtm Canada with the Fox Family, while ribly upon themselves and have 11 grown seed is growing successfully I vale. During their residence in Clin- offered her and she entered into TRaCH'S IREMED ES LIMITED V the another good dreadful effect upon those who,, at Fort Vermilion In northern Alberta, ton they ha e been I with enjoyment Mrs. O&Jamig � � - ,(��mbws chapter of the series Breezes from they endeavor to psycho -analyze. connected with festivities ,my a oZeclaideSU a. 4 the West, Bormycastle Dale deals Spread of the idea among these . with Camera Hunting on the Great two classes is regarded by medical - - . I - . � k ­ 7 � - . S4 Barrens of Nova Scotia. men with a good deal of definite Rod and Gun is published monthly alarn-L, and further worry is caused by W. J. Taylor Limited, Woc�dstock, by the unskilful but well meant en - Ont - deavors of mothers and fathers to .,O-- . psycho -analyze their ,4children. -IT be matter was very ex2l'sively � dis- PSYCHO-ANALYSIS MAY LEAD cussed at -last year's meeting of the British Medical Association, and the TO SUICIDE well known Dr. 1. A. Pa,rry ex- pressed himself as worried. He told Psycho -analysis, having become a of startling practices in a certain fad among physicians in England,hiis school where the cult is regularly proved its mystery and has become practised and where many barriers also a peril, unseating minds and are down. The over -emphasis of sex � wrecking individualities. That there by the psycho -analysts in general he are dangers in the hidden regions of regards as a serious matter. The the mind's subconscious which it is head of one of London's greatest men - dangerous for the inexpert to tamper tal hospitals is credited with h 9 with and which the best trained said that children had been =1 n psycho -analyst must remember witri there whose mental balance had been the utmost care was revealed in L -on- upset by prycho-analysis undertaken don the other day at the inquest on with the desire to learn the reason the body of Raymond Frank Armi- for some petty fault. Such maladroit tage, a �rilliant young barrister who application of the little understood had committed suicide by jumping idea, he d"lared, Pasily might ruin from a window. Psycho -analysis hag the life of the victim. been well advertised in Frigland as elsewhere by many writers who hav�,. ------------G-- been wifling to take the "experts"' BRITAIN OVERSEAS own words for what it can and can - n -)t do; but it seems to have brought Raging bush fires near Alexandria, death, not life, to this exceptionally 100 miles north of Melbourne, took brilliant youthful lawyer, and there heavy toll of valuable timber. Near - is little doubt that an effort will ly 4,000 acres of tim-ber, valued at be made in Parliament to find a i768,UOO was destroyed and several way of reg-ulating the practice o f people narrowly escaped death. hi the science in consequence of t is Coal by-products in New Zealand nrid various other episodes, accord- are to be exploited by a new company ing to an article in the Springfield with a Capitalization of 940,000 which Republican. is to be operated at a point near West - What made young Armitage jump Port. The company has secured an from a window to his death? He extremely valuable deposit of 5,000, was only 23 years old, et had 000 tons of high-grade coal. brought an especially notable schol- Total Pri,vate wealth of New Zea- astic career to a splendid end, and land, according to the government had made a fine start in his chosen statistician amounts to more than profession of the law. The only seri- 2794,000,000, representing an increase ous cause for depression which can of ;9500,000,000 in ten years. This, be discovered was a slight falling off he Says, fairly reflects -the prosperity in his practice, which was no more of New Zealand, although the inga- than he knew was, to be expected tion of the currency must not be ov- by any man beginning to fight his erlooked. Assessment of capiW in way in the legal profession. There the possession of New Zealanders of over 21 years of age gives each in- - --------- = - - dividual 9952. - His violent 'temper has placed a - , Burmese villager in the prison cell, . under sentence of death. After a � . . I � �N quarrel with his wife, he rank amok, I Piled a dog, placed his four childieli art and drove them tifider a L . 11 I syove I . , I LISH treea, seet fire to his house, and in hal� 10-" . , ,&&,�- an .hour the whole village Was burnt WO)I-16 1, I out. Under cover of the fire his chil- dren tried to escape. He chased them . � and killed two. Finally, he killed an I L I'll ... O'd Man and SeAMISIY injured two . . women before being captured, I . Stories of lions ravaging and ter. , LASTING rorizing the Transvaal game reserve, . 1. AX Id .. are characterized- by a traveller as f9 ; WZ , grossly untrue. Ile has Accepted a 01P, challenge to pass seven days and d., . ' PM010 rdghU It the Rgsei,ve—In the bUsh , �, L . 4', and "110f, up a treoll�­Jn order , to . 6 , , firove that bne is Safer on the Reserve I I'., I - - - $1�41'2 'L, eliv, gtr#ot, He Atipulites , , � ,, 1AWW1*0,9A IM -1,0 11 pevies 6e'liaid, slid that if , 11 .L � � ­� 1-1­1�� ­­'­'­�' , ProVeS.his 001ttailtior n hig eliallen. I I , gerS L n J00' lfb RdVerbilge the i 1� 11 L e. o for a NatlobAl Park, . . . . . . . . . ------- . . . . . � .. �� I air' , , 6 - have bgsti­b�at"'�A 'T � ;� , " '� � CA "" , ., � I 11"; �: , ­­ ,�r .... .. :, I , , ,.­" �"L ��A. . , , g �!, �:�,­ ,", . �, �­ ;, !, I 11 . , �­�L,' J., ­;�';.' ";'�.� I I I I I - I r j, ` 1, �"', �� " ' "i ' .1 ,, I � ''I ,,.,� �'�,.,,,�, ,� � , j" r ., �'�.� . - .1 , , � ,E,,�,�',!­,',,"i,%.�� ,,,,,,,, .1. ­ I X . � ­� I.- ,k , "I' � I ,,,�.. 10"I'L, I ,­P�Y.v . ,;,;,'T-v , .1 I . . . . . . . T'L;,. , �,,�,�, , , ­:,�. ;, .1 "e", .. &11,� -,?­­­­'A'­�,,:.11 ,�,�, ,� . 1. , , -".',�" 'r�'�� - . I . ��� , , ,�;�'j",",': , �­­­ ",&4.�j� ,,�" ,­14`�` ­ , , , ,��t, .'Idl 'A, 1�,�,` � I ­�­,� ,� � - , AiNic su4c?iptiow is *m*ed � % \ fir a new &*is" of— $/I M 110190009000 0 * Dominion of Canada � . Refunding Loan 1*926 ' Twenty -Year 4Y2 % Bonds Dated February Ist, 1926 Due February Ist, 1946 Principal payable at the Office of the Receiver -General at Ottawa, or that of the Assistant Receiver& -General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Wmnripeg, Regina, Calgary or Victoria. Semi-annual interest . (February Ist and August 1st) payable at any branch in Canada of any chartered Bank. . I * . D , $1,000. All bonds may be registered as to principal only, and bonds­iin-�nominations of $500, � $1,000, $6,000, $10,000 and $100,000 may be My registered. . . These bonds are authorized under Acts of the Dominion of Canada, and both principal . and intenst are a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. They are secured by, the full credit and taidng power of the Dominion of Canada. . 7bis offering is made subject to prior sale and advance in - price, and the right is reserved to allot a less amount. of bonds than upphed for. I These bonds are offered for delivery, in interim form, when, as and it . imued and derivered to us. � 1 Price: 97 and interest, yielding 4.73erf .70 ' � Orders may be telephoned or tekgrqphed (coikct) to any of the unde � 4ed, - A dealer, stock exchange brrs � or May be submitted through your usual band okegr, or through any bank in Canada. . . � ' ' Bank d Montreal - . Wood 0 -dila y & I I I , . Complany I - Itte � I .% . I . . ,.� I 11 I . Royal Bank Of Canada Dominion Securities. .1 .1 � , . . . Corporation, I . . - . U41te'd , , 11 I . I . � I ' . 11 . . I � . . , Canadian Bank of Corhmerce A# E. Arhes & Complany, I . I I ­ � I 1. -,­ I I % ) I - , . UmIted 11 . I : � � ,� '' , I . . . . I I . � . I I . . I I . , I i I I . I- . I ""� I A I � . . "I . 41 . ,The' National Cityy 6ftatyl � � 1. . I . 1, . I L61II&A �` � � I � I �, ''. I . I .1, �. � - .. I . . I . - . � �, ,� "I I , ; ,. .1 1 , I � I . I 11 I . , I., . I ''. . I . � k", " �. . � I 1 -1- � I . I 1. " ­ . ­.­ � , .. , . V"', Z"', � , - :,. - I . .1 � .L .1 11 , , , ,,, , �. . :1 I �.1 " . - ,.,, i�� ", " , - ,� - . I . , I ". - �",! � I �.. :, 'i� 1 ,. I " 1. ­­..", .... . . � ., , �,� , � , �'; - .,; :�:�' , 11 11..'�, ,Is - 11­,�.A...­ . .... I-- . ,.,I I I! ...'. , , , , , � �­ , 4 ,, -, �t.,* -1 . 'WIt #I -�� 10 " -4 - 1. - lm­kkh ., -.."'', ,,,, --r ­ ­ - ­=%. I �. 10,��i0i�,'', �14� " . i'�, . ­ ,1- � �, .., � 1, ". 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