HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-03-05, Page 3M — P I VIN III `0 W V.. 777 7477-� 4W "01 ""', 50"I'l 4i X" tN9 2 m 'If NRPAO -NIZ A N g 40—FINAm-, 0,,-;0a 0,; Own, v P, 0 v kA the Raq .4% -,t,4�vv 00,"p _A #0 , . lk s;19, .1 �, �'. tagg 0 AU 4% I te to r", V, e4 ME ( 1",- b6 ? 'I Igo, wwuet-p N1111VOW, '001V V" R M, WAX wV40 0A. 11WIV 112e, " I , I A n Q ust at pr M Po woos, M we Are ?&nag( 'for 01b. bidst 14kTaO rabbit J. the. show h to the FIM iegix*416sa 'Of '40"' 0 .04 who are u "Wo 41 other points: make '(f �'t -4 -a what they., 'the f a for piro rr,'A #0 the u # n prize the S*eepstake pnZ "!of a yeats, t6n you will have witlipat"; - `j:1 capital )a -Fir art to so Arran a rabbit that is really a fur rabbit #her M! th" in I-asi I wun motive and co-ope el'r Othe e ph a,wil, �T HAVE USED, 1po are, efore 2 tba stem' 377. t§ �A Al OTILEPW WI�0 art! riora bit fall 600 W11V"' h' the editor at this mom- breeding, like every th- is me ant to �411, BABY'S OWN TABLUT ant arid possibly they cannot be an- -ine of stock raising, will be a joke or".d4i 4J&ff0V` sense of their er 11 1ea er� ay a-, 'arce :V1; $ ',-* Then awera�d better than by quoting some d f , so far as profits are think that if,a, AAways StrongFy Recommend It In 9tters it is move, ra' Word is; to Other Mothers. remarks on the -subject which appear- =,earned will be a me past� I "I likely to be-�,gqc. 11%#4 as the right ed in a receirt issue of "Small Stock time." emb'd f Magazine" over the signature of 0 A#0,', -`,'some Once a mother has used Baby's 11 h�, 7, important +U� -.,o ., Zip/ 'M I 0wii Tablets for her little ones she Y Cromwell, Indiana. Mr. Hodge -siys: all 1p in lower case, The effect creatoMs that of shout, Nnill use nothing else actual experi- "I think that perhaps I as a fur UTTERLY DISCOURAGED ing arid the- imoff4ation is that thefr' �,ence teaches her that there is no other medicine to equal them for any blender� matcher apd sorter, can Oilve reader's are bellp'ied to be rather Eol�ition* of the minor aillments from which her the rabbit breeders and'raigos a few, I 1 This Was, the of a P. E. !1eaf mentally., "The trick gives the baby or little ones suffer. Having points is to. the requir qi�mj 4: 5 -of the 1. Woman 0efore Taking, impression of s1Ac4*tY, of thoughts -00sionately found the value of the Tablets in her fur trade and how they can be met Dr. WillEams, Pink Pills tbat surge so in the home, she is always anxious that by the fur rabbit. Iftideas will be Altogether as to, the fur rabbit and minds a the writers that they mast ust "My illness began," say, Mrs. M. be bellowed forth. powerfully rather .,.,own other mothers should share her what is required of a fur pelt. My J. Ahern, R. R. No. 2, Alberton, than expressed in an ordinary tone of knowledge. That is why Mrs. Crei),-h- life work has been among, furs, P. E. I., when my husband went over- Voice- ton Whife,� North Noel Road, N. S. Wr. es thp followirig:�'il have a �Z; blending, matching and sorting the . . Here is a seas and I was left with the care of specimen of the Brisbane 4aeventeen months old "d'have given 8 ame. I was working at -my trade when.ChinchiJIs pelts were coming a farm and stock, with no help but method* that of a young boy. My health broke "What is the purpose of a news- lini nothing but Baby's Own Tablets ever since he was into the port of New York at less down and for the first time in my life paper? It is; first,to STIMULATE a week old. ]mow of no other medicine to equal 1 than $10.00 apiece and you could buy I became utterly discouraged. I lost THOUGHT; that's'the only really im- them, and it is certainly a pleasure, a. sea otter pelt for less money than my appetite, had no strength, and Plt:nt thing that anybody does. to , recommend them to other a Number I prime beaver pelt now was ready to have a crying spell any ond, to give information and direct the raothers." brings. moment of the day, as the work loom- mind ofthe reader in a use- Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but "A short time ago I had the plea- sure of attending one of the greatest ed up ahead of me. A friend happen- ful path. ed to speak one day of the good Dr. "The daily newspaper should work thorough laxative that regulate the :Stomach and bowels; banish constipa- rabbit and pet stock shows that was . Williams' Pink Pills had done her as nature works in irrigation. Nature' tion and indigestion; break up colds ever held in the Vnited States and there were hundreds of fine specimens and urgedme to try them. I had not drops thevater ONE DROP AT A energy enough, or perhaps confidence TIME. Ever, the weakest root can ;and simple fevers and make the sick- ly baby well and happy again. They of rabbits of nearly every breed in I igh, to try them, but she would absorb it. Newspapers, if they did en0l ' are sold by medicine dealers or by the world oaexhib Winn. Some, of the fur that I saW 'was worth at least $10 not be denied and sent me three their duty, would drop information boxes, and by the time I had taken in m illions of drops every day, suited Xnail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. VIlliams' Medicine Co., Brockville, per pelt, while other pelts were near- them I knew they were helping me to the tired brain or the lack of out. ly worthl-niss for 'fur ­arid all from and was anxious for more. I contin- brain. A newspaper with a million the same breed of rabbits. was "ad taking the pills for nearly six circulation ought to contain a million -4 .1 amazed at the wonderful possibilities months and by that time I had safe- FACTS. HONEY DROP CAKVS that the fur rabbit possesses . M sul>- IY passed a ciritical period in my life, "Schools educate of course, al - and regained my usual good health. though unfortunately the public plying the furs of the world for the near future. To all overworked, nerve -racked schools are managed chiefly with the Three-quarters cup of honey, i, 4 "1 was asked while standing and women—and there are a great rri�ny idea of ridding mothers of the -nui- cup fat, % teaspoon cinnamon, via admiring those wonderful rabbits ofthem—I still say, and at all times sance of children during their work - teaspoon cloves, % teaspoon soda, 2 tablespoons. water, I% to 2 cups of what, in my opinion, was the best fur take Dr. Williams, Pink Pills and I ing hours. It is an outrageous think know you will regain your energy.', that, when children should be exer- Mour, I cup raisins, I egg. Heat rabbit in the show. That question There are many troubles due to cising in the open sunlight, they are 'honey and fat until fat melts. While was very easily answered. Absolute, weak, watery blood easily overcome COOPED UP in schools, their minds -mixture is warm, add spices. When ly thete is not and never will be one by a fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink tired by wasted hours. And when it is cold add egg, water, raisina and best breed. For the simple reason Pills. The whole mission of this they are old dodos that -ought to be Mour. Add enough flour to make & Dame Fashion will never demand one medicine is to purify and enrich the getting education, they are out in the dough that will hold its shape. Drop particular kind or,color of fur for blood, and when that is done all the sunlight—TOO LATF—'driving a spoonfuls on a greased pan. Bake her coats and wraps. Some years varied symptoms of anaemia disap- little gollf hall along the grass. in moderate oven. the demand will be mostly black, pear and good health returns. You "Of the College I would say what other years will be white, while at can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from the French say about travel. 'Travel o er times it may be red or brown A 114 � V, I � f 41, _U 44- .1 1 T� any mg . or y ma a 50 cents a or— y- an o es n rl- furs. box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine FORM it.' The college does ',-ood Headache and Tired "I was asked what was the trouble Co., Brockville, Ont. more often than it does harm A Feeling Disappeared with the rabbit pelts and why the young man spends five years o,' four American rabbit furs were not com- years gaining the IMPRESSION that SO SAYS ONTARIO LADY AFTER rnanding a better price. That ques- he is educated—W'MOH HE ISN'T; TAKING DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS tion is answered by stating that the A Clinton citizen who celebrates that he is important��WHICH IEE rabbit as a fur bearer in this country a birthday this month is Mrs. Sloman, ISN'T; and that he is better than Mrs. M. & Hall Gives Her Experience i3 just an infant and with the way it who resides down below the C. N. R_ somebody else—which be isn't." I with Dodd's Kidney Pills. ii, now bred it is a wonder that it is tracks, who on Sunday last celebrat- Writing the "To -day" column is Huntzvi,Ue, Ont., March Ist.—(Sp,- as good as it is. There are not three M her ninety-first birthday. Al- only a part of Mr. Brisbane's job. He icial): "Dodd's Kidney Pills relieved men in every hundred who are now though several years older than Mrs. is editor of the Evening Journal of my kidney trouble in very short time breeding fur rabbits who know what Lindsay she has not been so long a New York, and writes its editorials, Just be- resident of Canada. Mrs. Sloman is :and I didn% take as many as was il required in a fur pelt. also a native of England, but came and for the Hearst Sunday papers he marked for a dose on the box. They cause they have raised a rabbit that out as a young married woman with Writes a full page editoriail which is rnade me feel better all over. I could is called a fur rabbit and have killed her husband andi young familly in Illustrated by a cartoon. Moreover,; ,-,at better, sleep well, didn't have the same and dried its bide they think July of 1870, They came to Clinton, he is a kind of editor of all the six- beadache or that tired dull feeling. I they have a highly prized pelt, teen HeRrst newspapers. When a highly prize them." and to tell the truth perhaps all which was then but a villVe, and Hearst paper is to be established in a This statement comes from Mrs. M. that pelt is good for is the glue fac- there she has remained ever since. city or a paper already established is E. Hall, a well known and highly re- tory. Her husband passed on fourteen years to be bought it is Brisbane who does spected resident ' of this place. "The rabbit pelt is a comparatively a go. the buying and starts the paper on Dodd's Kidney Pills strengthen the small pelt and you have to have sev- its way. When there is some event 00� kidneys and put them in good order eral to make any furs or garments of national importance to be recorded� to do their full work of straining the for the fur trade and that is just GAINED 10 POUNDS be is likely as not to turn reporter. impurities out of the blood. With pure where the rabbit industry is at a di.I;- He is a tremendous worker. The blood there is good. health all over ndvantage. If any bunch of pelts of IN 22 DAYS "To -Day" column is done in about, three quarters of an hour and is a the body. any kind of animals will not blend or That's going some—but skinny trifle toq-e.d off in the late afternoon There is no reason why anyone match as to color, thickness of the men, women and children Just can't, before Mr. Brisbane He putting on good healthy flesh,! rnav revise it in a tixi cab or a ferry should continue to suffer when Dodd's under fur, the length of staple, the help goes home. Kidney Pills can be obtained from licking and all the other details that when they take McCoy's Cod Liverl 't and then ,;end it druggists everywhere, or The Dodds' fur is of little value. ho hack to the of - Extract Tablets. ficae by one of the fiv,. �Pcretaries who Medicine Co., Ltd., Toronto. "To illustrate my point: There Chock full of vitamines--the kind I is always with him. Mr. Brisbane is were over thirty as fine Chinchilla that are extracted from the livers of a dynamo of enerfry. He is about rabbits in the show as you could -wish the cod—the kind that are a real bel p five feet ten in h,-'ght, ano weigl'is RABBITS AND PET STOCK to look at, and let me say right lipre to frail, rundown, aneamic, skinny nearly two hundred pounds. it iq a reflection on the Chinchilla men and women. Arthur Brishant� was the son oF Many questions are asked as to the rabbit to say it has a pe) t that is an Try these sugar coated tasteless a rich man who �upplied much of. best kinds of fur and the relative "imitation" of the South American tablets for 30 days—if they don't values of Chinchilla or some other Obiricbilla—the real Plelt—for I saw help greatly get your money back. the money for the famous Brook fancy -breed compared with New Zea- finer pelts on two of these rabbits One woman gained ten -pounds in Farm experiment. The boy was de - land Red, Giants, Silvers, Dutch, An- than ever cAme off any wild Chin- twenty-two days. Sixty tablets, 9tined for Han,ard, 1,ut instead, when goras- or Havanas. Several such quer- 'q'xty he was in London, ho was appointed chills, in South America. There were cents. Ask any druggist for McCoy's Extract Tablets. Direc- I two pelts that wore worth $20 a pelt Cod ' Liver English COTrespondon' for The New' if they were worth a dime. But here tioris and formula on each box. York Evening qiin. ]If, returned to eat rub. There we're not two "Get McCoy's the original and New York to becnnnp its manager, an,] pelts in that whole class of Chinchil- genuine." at twentw-gix waq rnade managing! t"'gy I Though he was SICK HED editor of The World. las that would blend or match. Think of it, Out of thirty pelts you receiving $15,000 a .%(,ar and though! The World wwi sonsat.ional enough,1 couldn't select enough pelts to make NEWSPAPER WRITER WHO IS Brisbane felt that he did not have a EIGHT MONTHS a lady's scarf. Right there is the free hand to make the kind of paperl great trouble with the fur rabb�it. MILLIONAIRE he wanted. So be Fircepted a job with Their pelt,9 will not match as now After Takini Lydia E. Pinkham s raised. Arthur Brisbane, editor of the Hearst at $8,000. The Evening Jour- VeSetAle Compomd Could N "If the breeders of the Chinchilla Hearst papers, and the most widely nal had then a circulation of 40,000 uld forget all. about the size of read and known newspaperman in and the understanding was that Bris- Z bane would get $1,000 a year for each All Her Work and Gained 'th6 rabbit and think of nothing but the worIA, is the subject of an article . I in Colli*'s'_by Samuel Crowther. He 10,000 increase in circulation. The I - Wei& fur, for the next ten years, then a Spanish-American war made the cir- �Jn Chinchilla rabbit pelt should be worth writes column ai yea 14 0 gy" culation of The' Evening Journal jump from $5 to $26, apiece on the open which in the first column of MeHort, - Saskatchewan. — 11 hid market if they *ere produced by the the first ge of sill the Hearst papers to a million and a third. Hearst loy- acliessurdsev*era, -`fir is also syndicated to, two hu,- ally stood by his Ag-reement, but it thousands. But just to think of what a nne himself. What tired daily papers and eight hundred was ended by Brisb the Chinchilla breeders are now do- weekly papers. Mr. Crowther says he gets now is not public property, ilftgl They had A mighty fine fur that one-third of the people in the but big biographer -estimates big for - at I 1i9t prospect when the Chinchilla was United States read it, that is a third tune at several million dollars. He 0t d I first imported into America. Then n has made a lot of money in real estate. in be most of thd Xr. Rabbit Fancier took that poor of the people who can read. This Arthur Brisbane is said to be Teally a time for eight little rabbit with the finest fur that seems rather an inordinate estimate, highbrow, but naturally the fact is months. An aunt has aven:been produced on a rabbit, carefully conrea-led from his millions cime to visit and and said, "'W-hy you po6r little immi- of readers. Whether he is partly or fiel a as I was grant: yoii , only weigh six to seven mainly responsible for the policies tfulTe to attend -nds, arfid wb have rabbits in to my b and pon that have brought the name of Hearst iftW notl America that weight twenty pounds into disrepute among decent people, WO& - Ske tol and over, If you are going to stay Mr. Crowther does not state. %V - in America You will -have to be a big cr mS to U1 Ly table Compounda4d Oftefft-iii. two rabbit, arid at the same time we want il 9 an "�itsai my.- you to produce a fur that will outriv.. This happened on board 'an Atlan- bottles I cbrrId kot� IrT i'X-' ' 4m 9 al the real Chinchilla." Na_�d Medisine, W Wr&;fQgr't1 - tic liner. One. of the PR%SengeTS 'Wag "If you want to make the rabbit A I onl necegs, as a fur animal forget eveTy- by profession an insurance agent, 4ightpounda. goww'agwelghtWW'16'.. thing but fur. Get the fanciers breed- and, unwilling to lose any prospec- much, R I get out of aorta or w6hif ing tabbits so near alike that the- tive customers, tackled an old afid'eafi't sleep I alwaYS take another y ,'bbtW of .,the Vegetable Compo ' canrlbt'be told apart. Then the fur Scotchman, who was a fellow pas - A . ffic, it � Uidoffdii od Crut- *ift M*6 real value. You might take senger, and a pretty sick one at Ce r6com- tW4ft Chinchillas and make their thatl idde Whb 69, iiiid "Surely," said thp insurance fiend, d6d it 1* peighbors. I VAll pdlts 4 into a lady�s coat that you "Sandy, you must admit that insirr- -A, Z 0 §�*& any letters laldy to wear. Them tolit it."—M". would,be p, ance is a good thing, even if only to ts'Aar)t pelts, short talc -aria] t-xpenses." hgirbd p I �,!Aat DO splendid,, cover your b 0 Ayb,ll replied the cautious Sent, C evi W1 'gehittly "but jiat wait till we get tae land, ��t bd' �WnV #dkitif "it"I Mon, ye micht baA at at sea t" ,;A, �,�W z,' V 01 4�, ,, I Nit !1,,� 04"', &",�nxw% P I@ -sk d" s-6 % irolm- Less Money TIE J, AND lei, What was considered impossible, Henry Ford 'did; he, paid hlglhqr*,� and sold cars for less money, and at the same time nia money..... only secret about this seemingly impossible -feat was tremendo duction. What is true -of cars, is true of clothing; 'it is oduetion- pr- ables certain firms to pay the highest wages to -procure thexno,4t7'­ designers, cutters and tailors, and at the same time, give you be S for less money than smaller producers. It is these I arger concerns that are represented in our Store jnA.., necessarily the best because the largest, but rather, the largest bee'auge the best. Any good Clothing Store can give you a Suit made -to -measure -a,t.. ,,25, $30, $35 or $40, but some stores give you a lot better suits, at t1w$41. prices than others --and we are one of those stores, shinply because we y� represent the best makers: Wm. Leishman N%8 W. R. Johnston & Co. Copley, Noyes & Randall Progress Brand Sdai-Ready _4 Corimell Tailoring The National Tailoring Co. All the above leading firms are rep -resented here, 'by hundreds of samples. We guarantee the fit and the make. And we know positively, we can give you the best value made for' the - price you pay. Prices $25.00 to $50.00 4.11., You Can Make Your Own A Without Assistance with the New Rock River Quilted Coinforter Batting. The I' 'oek River Quilted Comforter Batting is the Ready -to - wear member of the Bat- ting family—Ready-to-wear, all but the cover'ng. And the putting on of the Silk or Sateen Covering is so simple that it can be done in your own home without the quilting frame. Rock River Quilte ' d Batting comes in big double bed "Tuck -in" size, 72 inches by 90 inches, stilched, full length, every 4 inebes apart. These rows of stitching enabl7e'you to handle th� batting as easily as cloth. No woman who ever uses it will go bac� to the old unquilted batting, with its attendant difficulties. a 0 0 1 iner Our Milliners have returned from their visits to the markets and are displaying the very latest in New Spring Hats. Come in any time and see what is going to be worn this Spring. We will be pleased to show you these lovely new creations. Stewart Bros..,, S'.eaf 0