HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-03-05, Page 271-- -7 '1� 7 7 i, X, g " ON LIT, Alt, 1 -MM NY, pi* W. Vy" 144i"'o, 0440 OF., 14.0w, Zug VAI 7, RA 4- X400.4, ut 146 Wax ViOu Th" MDR,: P 0i il, t 40 �p 40000 A INVINCOLEMOVEN FFXO of 11 me Thy patteme;. still with Thee O'llparth ateel and copper bearing wire IT; C oser, dearer company, frea)d'sh - no doubt, b, We of 0 0 to 144 ho In woX mgke*V vice$ to was 7 - #,,dq , r. C MCL 4, greater strain than any other fence J� that keeps faith Sweet and d�!Ven. by�,Ia'* of resounes. �t.and is more rust resisting- u old AuT6 strong, _,gahine was nothing but a In trust that triumphs over wrong. W. Gladden. lhup stripped'of its win gs aAd f Lt U -wAVA .-a at in the bo'n carrying DUCED PRICES. PRATER the queer horizontal fourbl4ded lifting E :s6re* which Is the strilring foatury in Thee, Gracious Father, we thank dw� s. But the screw is jaot thatbeing justified by faithin a the. engine, being rotated en� .."Z e 4o, inches high ...... ........ —.36c cash S ely by -the motion of the machine . . . . ...... . Thy throne of Grace, where we may 40 inches —.40c cash risen Redeemer, we have access to Lt through the air. - At 80 miles an hour fence'41 inches high even spaced...45-c cash receive daily cleansing from sin, it, makes 140 revolutions a'winutes I- A -1 n:—+— + daily strength r daily need, an atid -at, that speed if the pflot uses Is, hope for our eternal rest. Amen. a a safe,,sopthing treatmeat; for all the e tor flap -at the tail the air - Heavy Poultry Fence leva a rocket, the prim-- abrasions,,�mfections and kritWons. Its S. S. LESSON FOR MARCH 7th craft shQVts up like when yon ttsel itive experimental machine rising powerful, antiseptic action prevents infec- wire fence 48 inches high ........... ....... 72c cash Lesson Title --Jesus Washes His 1,00Q feet almost vertically. u n 6 ' aoid, et�Ales the N� Ago Nip -But the � significant t is that tion of open Wo -exceptional healing qualit pus W) wire fence 60 inches cash Disciples' Feet. 5F AWIM this Spanish inventor the les ot it, AdAb� 4 Lessork Passage—John 13:1-17. given obitment to quickly relieve pa d * rita- Golden Text—Matt. 20:28. world the one thing lack �of which jn.ap ir tion and bring about a speedy recovery. has been the chief cause for skepti. -Rod Spools RBED WIRE in Eighty In the preceding chapter we read air traffic. -tt has been about the triumphal entry of Jesus cism about V -hard 'to interest sober, cautions peo- roll $4.25 cash into Jerusalem. The people cried p)e in a inachine which has to hop "Hosanna! Blessed is the King of 4 Tom I roll $4.60 cash BAKIN" off at expiress-train speed and to Ids Israel that cometh in the name of land at the same velocitY, malting U-I�ar posts 87 inches long ............ each 45c cash the Lord." tic Healigg a wide smooth lapding field essen- In to -day's lesson we read of his tia.l. But- the autogiro can start acting the pa ow WOWDER on a roof or any rt of a servant to sho a I OINTMENT from or alight Im SPECIAL his disciples the true meaning of small open space. The'difference discipleship. He glorified humility. �est Qva�lr is even greater than between the for cuts, burns, scalds, bites, sore feet, it is told of Augustine that on being high bicycle and the "safety" which abscesses, old sores, boils, eczema, piles For convenience in cartage we allow a customer to asked, What is the first step to dell* P"Ve' made cycling popular. . Juan de la ulcers, hives and all diseases of the skin' heaven? replied, "Humility." And take his wire home now and take adventage of the "Humility." And NO ALUM Clerva, may not have solved the prob- Absolutely pure and nonirritating. -A' the second step? MADf. IN CANADA cash price up till April the fifteenth. Draw it on the third ? "Humility." In no lem in the best way, but the fact exl:ellent after -shaving treatment for tender "; that he has solved it compels a re - the sleigh. other way can diselples express the E.W.-GILLETT CO. LTD. skins. Heals small cuts or chafing and consideration of the prospects of avia- TORONTO, CAN. very essence of life -than in serving tion in routine. Possibly, it is time leaves the skin smooth and soft. others. Away back in Abraham's for up -to -d -ate cities to begin reserv- day we have a definite illustration of ing central areas for landing fields Keeb a tin on hand for VE100 A. SILLS & SONShospita-lity which included as its for accommodating the family flivver regular and emergency use first act the very thing Jesus did on the roof. But the average person, for his disciples. He provided water read the future is no cause for re- will still need quite a bit of convine- for foot washing (Gen. 18:4). Jesus proach, since most of us find it hard ing 50c At All Druggists walked in from and his disciples had 511, enough to read the present, yet the -E th v ss ver "InwTV, e%y Tn��V" 10= ^VVr 1% Be any e eve ng o e a o gift of prophecy wculd have been %, feasL Arrangements had been made worth untold millions if it had been FOR GENEROUS beforehand by Peter and John for turned to acepunt at the right mom- CANADIAN STEERS WIN TRIAL TIN them to cat the supper in the home (nt. Possibly cities may -have a CHAMPIONSHIPS wwolno of a friend, possibly that Of Mary, chance to repair their mistake to some jVL5 ,a the mother of John Mark. Judas extent by doing what can be done The following extract from the o,,,n, I gives an Iscariot, who had been in c - better now than later to get ready British Meat Trades Journa -.m A�X&. upau am vkew at cation with the chief priests and idea of the increasing popularity of CC(, tacue )a teol tw for an age of aviation. But the tvlf� 119 fair 75 ra captains about betraying his Master, chances are against any such fore- Canadian store cattle in England, ze out- did -not know of these arrangements, sighted -action, if only because atten- and the marineT in which'such in. so that they were undisturbed at tion and interest are now monopoliz- crease is produced: Co. their fellowship meeting. They ed by the automobile. "A certain section among the stock iiiiiiiiillll�1111 were all seated and Jesus took notice Most people, too, are even -more f�eders in Cumberland and West - that no one had offered to procure sceptical about flying than their moreland a few years ago wo,­ water and bathe the dusty feet of fathers were about the horseless themselves almost into a fury at the the travellers. They were more con d earriage. Anybody could see thatibare idea of permitting Canadian July and the month of August. should be olipped high with a mower cerned about which of thorn s4aul the automobile worked, but only the store cattle to be imported into this Under no condition should a new and the clipping allowed to remain on have the best seat at the table (L-Mte imaginative suspected that in their country. Disease spread among our stand of alfalfa be pastured the fixst the ground. It should go 'into the 22.24). time it might compete with the own herds was one of the least of ear. If it makes too much growth it winter with about a foot of growth. Jesus rose, laid aside his outer horse. Everybody now can see that the evils to be faced, and it was y garment, drew a towel through his the airplane works, but few regard prophesied that the value of locally girdle and went from one to another it as of 'practical importance except bred stock would seriously diminish. with the basin of water. No one for military and naval use. While it The parts were opened, but nobody outwardly expressed unwillingness is regarded in this sceptical way we seemed to be much the worse. That to be thus served until Jesus came can hardly expect the world to these animais have merit is proved to Pe te r. We cannot butt believe bother about getting ready for its by two ineldents. At the Lazonby I- TV Tj . 0 they saw the rebuke and were advent. Even people who are literal ChnSbInaS 0 OW, 01j. urs ashamed, but it was left to Peter to Bank, was awarded the enough to concede it a future do not Inglewood voice unwillingness and surprise ; as a rule expect to live to see the championship for a cross -bred bul- "Lord, dost thou wash my feetV heavens darkened by air traffic --con- lock, which sold for the sub - Then occurred that conversation in serxc4�ive, people, indeed, would per- stantial sum of ;E53. On Friday which Peter was taught that the 1aps r�ather not live so long as that; morning On the Outskirts of Peurith dust of sin needed to be washed I saw a fine hornless reddish roan jr I they find the congestion of the high- % away day by day. "He that has re- ways quite bad enough- Yet it is al- zteer along the road, and it was a C-4LIFORNIA SEEDLESS lb clod, �V W, ceived once for all the bath of justi- together possible that aviation when natural impulse to pause And look at fication needs nothing except the it comes will come with a rush, s him. He also was the property of TIGER ISINS10c CHO" Sys dm,=.A constant application of cleansing in Mr. Hurst, and later I was interested his daily life." Even Judas was in the Springfield Republican. The horse. to learn that 'he had taken the cham- BRAND RED Would kii-ve 10l'td t the company of those whose feet Iess carriage had to find its Henry pionship, and that Mr. W. J. Parker, Ncm" Sold to dealers SOCKEYE Jesus washed and he made known iord, but the airplane finds Detroit TOMAT at this price ready and waiting for it. All that i9 Penritb, had paid ;956 for him. The "This," Mr. Pickwick would his consciousness . of the fact that lacking is a safe, cheap and fool- two bullocks were bought together on CA SALMON. hzve exclaimed to the faithful there 'was a traitor in their number. proof flying machine, and some peo- Carlisile Sands from a bunch of what PINT BEGINNING I 1b. tin Y2 I b. tin Sam Weller tnfortr' "Ye are not all clean." -ere nominally Irish cattle, but really this is c3 ple think that this is already at band. BOTTLE 1 Oc Afterwards he resumed his seat in -midst and proceeded to apply We havp not beard very much yet Canadian. They had (says the Pen F MONTH 37c 20c In this feverish age, a modern, their of Juan de Is Cierva, but in Eng- irith Observer) done as well for the DOMINION 0 fireproof, perfectly equipped the meaning of his action. Some land he is' -already being ranked with feeder as he had evidently done to VICTORY them. CORN SAJLE hotel that still retains some- have taken this as the instituting of a ceremony which should be observ- the Wright brothers. This may seem "The same exhibitor � won the PIC L F_% thdrig of the pleasant, cosy at- a large claim for an inventor whose ed for all time, like baptism, or the pionsbip at three Cumberland FLAKES wever, machine is yet in the expe is Canadian cattle." LARGE BOTTLE mosphere of the old coaching Lord's Supper. It was not, bo ,,jental cham inns is a "find" for the travel- stage, but Wilbur and Orvi right marts with bi 3 pkts. Sour, Mix" continued by the apostles 6r early won monumental fame by merely COFF weary visitor in a big city. Christians as - a religious rite. ln� , Amd. making a ma6ine that would fly. 25C The Coffee that douglk" the vabtft -,w%F4%0 deed Peter saw the spiritual signi- The Westminstff has achieved fir-ance of the Master's act when he What is claimed for de la Cierva is HOW TO GROW ALFALFA SPECL&L C SELECT Ac this intracle! Large enough to eat he has brought to a sinrAlar RLEWD BLEND exclaimed, "Lord, not my feet only, Sele t a field that is well' drainAbd, 49 sip stage of advancement an equally P409- 55C 63C be convenient, small enough but also my hAnds and my head." - both a to surface and subsoil drai Res - revolutionary invention. The paT n to be snug --perfect appoint- By his example Jesus, their Master allel is'a little forced, but if the age Alfalfa wil-I not stand ments, xi�no6irusive service, and Lord, taught them that they autogiro will undoubtedly be added feet." tempting cuisine—it soothes, ought to be willing to condescend to the most humble offices for the bene- to the line of great inventors to If you want profitable yields, seed PEEAS TOMATOES CORN �,4 rests and satisfies. whose collective efforts practical fly- on land that is In. good fertility and fit of others. They were to be the ing must be credited. His is the has been thoroughly worked into a CHOICE QtIALITY CHOICE QUALITY CHOICE QUALLTY on a beaudfid nm-esha&d smem, NO. 4 silse LARGE TIN founders of the church and he warn- one invention since the flights at fine seed -bed. yet close to downtown atu-Ac6onl. ed ihem against the dangers of am- Kittyhawk which can fairly be called Do not seed on acid sail. The soil TM 9 C Single room with bath $2-5o, bition. They were to be not rivals radical. Quite apart from its chances of the greateir part of Eastern Can- .2rms27c Tw 2 42 but servants. of each other, mam- WIM PU arriff in Tarm3to =k for a of practical success the autogiro, ada and the Pacific Coast regions us- festing the same spirit that he did De Lx= Cab and say 1Vka*wAv the same treatment the flight of which astounded the ually needs an application of lime be - and expecting experts last Fall, is of exceptional fore alfalf a can be grown to the best TEA BAC from others. interest because of its freakish and advantage. Sauk$ 4 ior 254 46 ELD Fir; ill -understood character. In its As vgjf*lfa is a fairly long-lived ycqi WM he SWU A__A_A�A_ WOULD MISSIONS originality it might perhaps be corn- perennial, it is not nuitable for a short W" "0 spi"Ch M machiae sbc*a ;,n When Mary . Slessor, of Calabar, ap- rotation. It therefore ps�s to set to& bt a Do pared with the rotor ship, -which Rawvftft's Cam % IL23c Afolr- passed on, in January, 1915, the Id as n word went out, "Everybody's mother plies a wholly new principle to sail apart a Be ear the farm build power. But Whereas the rotor may ings as possible for this crop. Waw$ 3 for 25c is deadl" and the natives came from RICHMUW 1b. N=W" far have come too I -ate, . the autogiro has Above all, secure good seed of a 11 1 far and near to share with mission- come in the niqk af­time. it is not a known hardy strain. Buy hardy Can- $E= 6i L Cani" AWo L%we. 1.5c 80OWN 'gin helicopter in the accepted tionse of adian-Drown seed and avoid th da 9'v" Offie'als, mer e n- D4L Wk Beechasn's chants, and the pupils of her school the term, yet iii its first trial flights ger of losing your crop by winter- 'PAL, in the funeral exercises. She was it did with ease nearly everything ex- killing. Grimm and Ontario vaTie- The" Priam is 114C literally the serVant of all. Her rdy varieties and seed pected of the helicopter for which gated are ha place bad been won by her devotpd great money prizes have for years of these is available in commercial Here is - way a mission- ary visitor described her: . been offered'- p6opM Watching its quantities. ossack and i6alue auwhta "One bizarre perforn*Wes could hardly be- are also hardy, but seed is not avail - never knew vftt she would be doing* lieve their ayes. able in large quantities. One hour she might be having a poli- Everything about the invention of Land should be as free as possible tical discussion with a district com' de la Cierva 19'quebr, and possibly from weeds for success with alfalfa. missioner, the next building a house, this success was,0a gorgeous Iluke. Once established,'alfulfa can take care and later on judging native palavars. In the orighio 1nVention of the of itself, but it iqr- a poor weed fighter Late one evening I heard a good, deal was .ght, thdre paradoxically in the seedling stage. Alfalfa should of talking and also the sound ' of therefore follow a hoed croj5, or be woTldng. I went in to see What Vras seeded on land otherwise treated to doing, and the�Te was 'Mal Inaking free it.from wtedg. cement and the bairns spreading. It Where alfAlfa has not been grown C. on the floor with their hands in the 1y VeS before, inoculation of the seed is nee- candlelight.- A g6vernment doctor, Quicki, Dri oculating material with e9aarv. The in r, found her sit- complete itattuetidtis for itsuse may Wff49 AW who once visited he Out All ting on a chair rocking a tiny African be obtained free of charge from the � 0 , P a baby, -&hile firve others were sleeping, Dominion Bacteriologist, Central Ex- MW Rheu Olson 0 wrapped up in bits of bTovm paper perlmental V Ottawa, or from Arm, it CO., LIMITED in other parts of TH9 0 0%, w atid a newspaper, the bactendol6gy department of se'v- M dAy you t4 e Rh ggkicultutal colleges. the room.—From Missionary Ammu The first It euma, the etgl of the MNVS� SAVIW-0 D6LLARS IS GOOD I1U$IXESS nition. doctor's remtdy'&Sit,1s selling ap rap- From 15 to 20 pounda of good seed 'the "Acre shoulo be quite tufficient idly, you'll real Use It War je tMt :ten I Rbeuma, to 0 oes in uric ad for lindst 01iiiad*n c6nditionst. In fdr a fa* zft4uft aN HErM GET READY POP. 9 It inatte-ra rj6tj_Vheth)V you are tor- 'tbp Pridri6" 'Prbkinces lot V.1atex with pal vrit �y'le�q Vith 8W01- leta *111 give a gqod stand. d y OT AIRPLANP, BOOM 't, �11 Oetasift­ Seod aithet *ith or VAU164 a lrd"e tl tastb,. n9es, R twed IV 4i, esa6u:, What is being, dotte about parldrig it] twi bidUft"Ib ffiliitintged t4i cTop, but if a 0�0 at'* IV dpatee for air ftl&tal just about 4hd your rhp1p#110*,tA40W0r MOMY dhqiffldIfq� U di'm6i'a �*'6he. .2 *hat was done to get re44y for the back. Mid to -6h� ivo -,jWU411 Oftniobtle iii -the da" 6f the "hotbe-, ' Rheuma is just, 0a a&ifiir� In cases g6edlig, ht -A-2 6:6 1,4eq b fok V IA71 jlAd , % AVV&Viti# sua� , a cardeg,"11 whIchis to aqy notldjig of lumbago, .401 all,. Yet a e WMM palucky' I ,erpifle neur 0 M.i d N t6-dAV: &M, U Wo " ............ Mr 110, L