HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-03-05, Page 1. . - ­ - "" , -NI, . I I ,�o I I ,,� 11 , - "', " � , "' R P, . . ; 1� .� �,�,W!�" !!!I', 1� ­ I". I ,�,,�"",Tr"���i",;��""�"lil�,-,(, , , " 1� ­ ­ - , ,�,, ,�, , , "" . ,, � I ,­­, ­ , ',;,�, e, 4*m � ,�,,��`,ii'�,3��I��� , I . ! t;,�;� �,t.-,'," ­ � 7 I'll , 4" 1� 11 , .J1 �- 0 �, T " I , V , ­,", ,­,,� ,, �;1,1'11'1� �t�.,,�` -1 K��1�4,1'11 4Z,451WII 50101&'�,P � .,,,I E INW - .%, C . iy " , " , �' ,,, � � 2; IT, , ii , - ,I .-A., 1`�.. I'll 141" ��, ..., ,- .", , �1 W. �, � I , ,u , ,,���-'V��,,�-;el�"".""q."�- ; , , , , M - vg, M,�'i,',`,P "'N ','�'!,`,,'h,�',I�� , , �Kif,,�`Iffl ,i .�,','�,, 0 ,-1 I i�, I "k- �', 11 .114 ,, � , ".- I �� � . ir I -1 I � 11, ,��g§ ',�� , 11"I"f'W"I �,01 , , ,� -W, .;r I 7A ,, � v, . : 1��-Ixlll ---1.,,---' 11 ; m, " 'M , ., . � . , 1.41 1)j,�. iiL�n!km%m ` � 1].',,!� '­�,�-" " -,- ��, , � "' , - ­- " � , ,,,, ,,,� .,,!',-'� , ­�, - i ,,, I , ,� ­ ,­ ­ I-, ­­­, 1� ,­­������ �� ............... -1 -11-111.", ", V,',7,, "I 11A � " �&,,,J,2, I ,� -, R+1� �,,�'� ..'1'�� &65010 � IR , , ". . . ­­­ I -.1 " v­�, . 11 - - ,�:'If", fr!�i,.A�16­W��119.' .."''.11—, " I I ?Z"Y' , I 1:�1'11n.l - 11, "'- OM t I ­ -­ 1- ", .-,i 041, M .,�:!',' :, �.-�'�:�,,�,:,�,,­� I I , .- - ---- I- ­- ­ 11-1. M 11 " "A , , , , I M t IN" � ........... 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",.�, �`.. �� -� 1�­i�= - I I -I :".. 11,Wi�lf' 11 �, . 11, ,. � i­,,� ­-.�­;,-� � I , �11% , , ­ , �,."�, �., , , ��,,:, � mffi , I ,�,,ql .; ­­'t",�,­;; ,e ��,`�t�, i � ,,,,, , , "I , - , �:,�^1�7 Al-,""", ` - �' --1 -11 ,�, " �, 'K , I I I M-. . � " " 4111-1-1 , ""' g ­.. . '.­. 1 - ­bn- I �'��?1",�'-'V�',�-,-:,�j���k,v,yc�, .� I I ,�,�.,,. " , , ���t, ,-.1, . , �. � ol" 0 � I ,­ , . - , 4,��,� " Wrt0f - 1, I - - ', 1, 1;! -,", , ,� -.1. . . .1 I �l '. ,1- . , ; VHT- 9 A'' " J ! " .111" , Aio, , , .6� "4 1 'A. � I I � R, � - i, $ .0.1 i, , �. - - ." 1��, , . "I I ..''. ­ ,,N,1�114­1�11 11 weppv4m �i--rj ., I I . I � '1�1'1, , ��' ,,,,,, L'... . I - ��, '�­ -','�iTV.11 . "I " , � I I '. WW I T�Q$ � X�%, I ..., I �� i'll, �. "' �,.�.v` , � "', , ��, 1�` - I I-'- r, .1 11 �rrrr �"; ...... , .."C;, , 1�:! 'i �. , 1 I ­­ � 1� 1. 4 '0141 I a ,ftia 31, �� 1. � I I .11 � "', - . , f, I oo� . ", , .,,�� -,,,,., %­�­ ":" 1?�: il,;,40,� .. - I - 11 - I � ­�. �',;i��,, " . , A", , ­ 'i r�i , , :�,' . - �11 tq, � '­ ,�� N,� , ,�, X�"­, 0,�",Va � 11 ", " -��,,�;'� .4,3. " " - " I , � , ,", " t , , , � , "I " � , , �, . , ,,,, �� 11 " f,�'.'.i, , , N44t-' 5 'Ir .­,� . . ,:, 40 I W, ;1 I �,, tra,o, ',�`,ilw ,,­�' - �W, 0 .: 1, � 11 -, .,.: X - a WFOUOA;�- t! 1�1,1,:r I .�, g" )� . , 'm , . A 11 -0 �0, ,1 k j � � W '. ­ , I . :�",�.',�; , , - , , , 11 ,.�:,`�".��, " .01 WK -014-A I ,.�. 5- ,", . - .T , 4 Q " I .11 "I'll", 11: -; -, ",?�­ 10 OOA "I .. U, � , :� -­ ��,m I 0" ` 417Q,gatbered .11 "I j 'i� vj,p �,.-,,�,�- ;;j, "., - A'.P,s0:­AVA,#'09A V*P, -04 I. � , � ": .j �, 11 ;; I .� , ,," � - - '" I .. .... . I.ft* , �Ikl' -- I � . 1'r I - , t?,% � t" uJOP000 M .. #%;, tu.14te arld I � I I � . . , ,4k.�,,J��"' ,)r� , I g. . .. '. I.,.,.. I ... I .;;;. '' , ;1;1i�.tl�� s% . gra. I.., . I ...... � ..... -..1. . � Wa hrAls , . , , � IM W,-Asq hrnaxv � , �', 11, , I" 7R,77,F - I %: , g, :." :�� U �, � � I , , , 0 %J#&,,h gq.i,�,;0;*Vo,,,R0%0t, Re"WAN'i , � jwh',:V�6�.. - ,7� 4 ;�, I , , , � ` ;" , " ­ . , , 1. ,­ �� I 11 . , ­ I .1 -1 - -, �,�-'I,� ,� 1 ?% . - 'I L -1 , : ,� � . Z ib � " � I - . � , - -, , a , I- . I 11 -3n -01111" *04.0�*"'!Q -, j, ­.­..`V`10�q -46 -6 1 . ,'�Jf;f,t�, , -��,'Tl - . . . , � . P ,hd � your good husbantaf ,�T I , , � 4� . r ,:. , V � , #gio�i,&;,Om .w V1111yVar.% W ,��' �,,, , tZA�r.- 11 . ." .-)It 11.1 I - 11- 4W � il �, ­ . W - ,of, 11 happy wedded bliss, �� 1; ��� . ��.til I I -�, 7 11 I I , ,�g � ' I I 0 -P1 'a - q `W� " I al�t�� 401�44, 4,1�1Vdav,"Por- hx-a:.t1rM6e11,W4J- , `�i �. .17RON 09-.-T ", , A � J . prayoilji,�i'* . W�x, ? Your §choolmates ar ,", , "". I "t . .� - , ` � I ,.,r - 14 , -,W--,-, � d ". . , - 4, , , , i ,,,i, �11 "po'��, . . I ,�, t : - I �M9 J. to , wo r 4, - f , , , av,& never gem you, other- I � �t. the mep#vg� a, do go., ,, p 40 ely . �': "e � , .1,� ,,�, ", -',; , ­ ' � P107mu ., , , 434-: ��,;d;x'W� hei y,,, ot ""claf - . - I ,, -4o gl�J!pr . - '66100 -',haconot t 4k` U'1�10 ps U 4;jtr :3 I . , ,�Aq , J �,. '. - 4- , , ,y!r,,%..'., * Ue. 0, IFT also our- Wi06 than Pleasant and with a. Ober-, � - ' I ".,:­ -. . **' seiqvedt ,#*#,1 '-,f, . � , , I Dl,p- 'V� �rf- , , ' 1. wn - � It., I ,­ I - - . . - I I - . ,e� � ­,,�,`- , , � I � of,the Ladaes" 800 , 14'-11 =VS1136; lIg nax 130ral .. , i,", 11 ,601-'&.-- ,:, P ,1 fi,�o a. 1§7 YjVed�.z�'�j: oft' other: daughter,' Mrs, Ing smile for everybody . . 0:10tyw. I., � - . " fj­". . . , ano we hope, ".1 .�� � ' 0 , I � . , ,,.,: OW, �Ajj.��. � . if .)? ,;� '0 .*11. '. " ,� , . I ." Out . f,� Ph %delpbia., Mr. that the sunny smile will.never W . " ' ' -,i ,� 1-1 - I , scar , - I � � �� i5- IFA�, , I 1 ,, . I I , ., " .1 " --1 --- 1. �. " I . . " "practar-, I . '! � ful houte of X.M., W ',g,j'%,i. ,;�9�,, �--;� 'I" 11 , , I , , - , , . ,, I � qwo:m R 411!1�� - itIly a qtranger ,to, us up'M recently;.. " ­,',�'i,­ "- , �.,�­­.�o,,:4�el . ,. , -ebruary Ze=. vqn , 1 40 And,Letters Club, being a past presi 1. "A"',' racite, Coal -- 24rcb- me"lor, I . ,.., � . . I�RADING RT TOTAL MARiET11 � , 'dageu was,. a. merriber of the ,Arts out. Dear Hugho-��Alfhoiq b , , " , h V . , .41, , , " E . I . . ' ­ V �F ,;�'�, �4.17 . � ��,,' - -, I , 0 ,- 11 � , , - b I � Aent, and was an Anglican in re- You ha*o .,alreaO I -b -AdWv :' 11. - I . It,, q�,, ,T .0400 'N , AS, 41V:. �'! OF 'eii. ., , , ,,,,, ,, M, . I , y�, X: your, co . , 'A", 5g ., two quilts wqrei.� q# g ,.i 4e. ,.�,O, unurd# R 'W"k, A'� I HOGS FOR HURON COUNTY lip Ile lived at 275 Poplar and . behaviour won -our re4pee � ,��]-�,��r,� MAI , 'p . .1', ndee'of* the gfW ., % - � , `�11 ,­ .".11, , , . fii I - I I A. 0- "!;; I .. - - -t, -en- . %1: .­z�.,,:? : -ft'a - pp.6 , 11�1 . I . . Plains Road. , r ved ,,�T , , �, I . . - I , p,!A0,9VL guo; -TW, , I I deared'. youtsq][f � 6Q. us and'found - . � ],Af;�,'.' Just"Ar If ' 0 furnished by Mr� A-WJ,.w. '.Z I . i4�.:4�, � 11 W � "P.ii' VW-' 1,�.P, 2 T � , a d,.,�, , A � ��, = , 0 S3 10 . alfec.tionate'spot Ili - -", " �5y - , W "I , , . - 4.i 43 14 , . I , . in 1, �', 1, I � 7 Miss Essle Der 0010440" 41 W, , r, ,� � -4 4 t, A " 1�� '40 .."'. I our -hearts. We , � e"4 " ,wne I , I I I . - -1 i3 , da *., ­­%- 0 " . I . - � Q) - M ."'. , `,p ' 0 �'� - ­ c041d, not let this -Opportunity paqs I " � *d y 'I -� I A "" " �our,jgo' a . k 9) ;. ' thdUt"exteridinj Q.uftf N I C", hostess, Mrs. V a , Rea�t'e.-�-V- , og "vi , ule � Q I I i�� 9 0 9 HURON COU.N iy� elicitations to , .,q,f ,. . - I E I t� A REEDERS' , _ ,- . I , ,-- -W. E-4 � C-6 4 ,0 MCI P4, . ,thWUt attempting . . I I I hunting, one day 1ast 'vy '. I I ­- " " UFF '- inty lun�h wak" � T ' ' w"k"- ,4. , " ' " , at: 0 '' 'it >( 4 PE; /I I , both of you and wX 0, ,,, - . & ,SONS �, �, �� 11 I 1 .44,:.. q,qr . . I X 11. � ,� R 1923 68,899 25.2 6.2 12.1 �-� -1 1� , : Borne way t is evening a y: 4, - . sportsman, Chester Renderaon� was,, Z's("t , � :� " . , .: , I $A. Al in * . I ,. "w. TA R .&� . � I I � .1-11 I , f, I , � . -, .1 1924 97,981 27.$1 4.1, 11A Huron County BreedeW Association m- orable on in ,.at � � . �, ' very successful in bapti�ring a I Van, im � , A0, E � em i At , trip east . , Lumber and Coal � J ", 4 * I I . . 1111get 4sSA,0A1* I i� �� 7 . . k.4 held -their- annual consignment sale in as man and 'it ' 11 � Jack rabbit weighing fourteen pQ rids.; 'MI -1,111 11 " 1 75,502 4.5 t VEY �- - '. - I U ; , ­� , .0 &�11; ��! W. , . ,�W, . I 1925 . 30. . NQ. prayerfully Chester is a pretty good shot. - ,house " XT", V15 ­volu*w , I I . - I � Wingliam, o -n -Thursday, February 26. hope and tr that the good Lord Sz"ORTU I . . . . 11 I.,.- �­­­ ....... . . . - I . ONTAW0, on Mr. ja�k'pxvxdson- -AiW ... . dSXo".'erTW­1MmW: - . ­­ - - Friday night last Mr. and � ". % � The weather affected the attendance may always De y r guide and boun- I WO 4'W­!,AxM %A, . . . . . . - - � 1,, p"-111 - - 19TS. Mlil�� eubd4j- � tU' �11­ , � ,­;,,� - � T ,�,,, I . I . R1 ,rnv,. ,,� ,��,. I.. f W GRADING BY � . . EWMIS ".1 �1.11e; "I , QpAb SHIPPING considerably. The' sale, however, was tifully bless you in the - .. ton Stewart entertained a number of . byce-ufcfi� , . We now a years to . . - . - - . their friends ing of Missei Florance- �w ., , - quite successful, the average being come. and ,neighbors at their a, 44.Wt j" ' , - - . . . . . . . . �.r - you to kindly ac- � I ; ��,!o � — -, ,; ,-­ I ,.4dl�L eept this purse ith money, not for I . 11"�,, .. home. ,The evening was spent in Varna, ��Jpej-,--(W,,5�41­ I " FOR HURON Cp"Ty, 1925 considerably 'higher than Tlast year. I 4r, Bert Boyce;' -9r, Alf, , D, j ' ' ` �.,. �', .,. . . - - — !n�al dancing and playing cards. who gave broad Se t �gjyg, W, � . �,s ,�e -. The average for the. sale was $95.50, its Intrinsic val , but as ----------- -7-7-- - --I - - mej.j ' ""."' I 9 ­ a slight . , ��,, -,', I ., "'.11, I -- I -, At an ..,9,00 -- 1 ­94� , I I 0 1 costume; Mr. and X I , �; W _71 0) , il.4 g while the average for bull was $97.50 token of the high esteem in, hi,b we aret MoittgemeOY -'ST-', PProPriate hour a daint , ra­-A-�I��w.��O­%' I - 'A )u6j1-r',,,'.1 , , y lunch was 11 ­ T " ­�. , I . .1..,g P44� ,' - &a w j -Rgy Dolmage, know that the gpods now are not up served by Airs. Stewart, The � �, ,3,%$ M-1�0'..'Uli" - � I .1 Q U C)V 0 , , lie Dolm�ge� r, vocal duiA.ivith I I I � -i "" � , , � ", � � . %:� 0, ,9* U p, W &, W m.o 10 The demand for bulls was not satis- hold you. We trust that whatever W11 � 67�- .Sr. n -Leslie to what they were at pre war prices, der of the evening was sperentm'alinn- _ ,-, I 0 W � qt the� piano- li.tUp,. )fisa, A�� , W heaA in t jlksg­ I,,.,- - �­$, . M"t ,,, I a, Tead4p�'�� a-6 ,,, ­ , ,�,,�,(­rg . � Horton -�in.r , � 1-.... . . �.�Irl,,4,t , i I :21.!g I 0 0 �.-. 0) 4) 4 -�P a) fied. TwChty-eight animals 'were pu' articles You will choose to exchan Dolmage, 61%; Evelyn S�arling, (ab- -and it was noted that even in the dancing until the wee smal hours J, 0,!-'19 W 04 E-,4-1� P� - ge . `�-, ',2 4 W Fn .4 4 through the ring. The highest pric- for it, when you. reach your far dist .seot); Blanche' Pe�ick; (absent); patent medicines and extracts, where -when all departed to With his, 1�`ae . ­­ ­­ I I Clinton ..... 1910 44.6 3.0 1.8 . - - .. LDndesboro. . . 4276 ' 42.6 '2.1 1.4 -d bull was Ruby% Rosewood Chief' ant home in the Go.ldeii West, *Ju Edith Rarwick,-7 (absent). their respectiv � -11-4 . . . Jr. H - - I ..­1440�­te�, . .� . . "I � �, - gned bk George Kerr, of I,,-thel ever bring back to you fond memories �Elya Pry 61%. Jr. - theyAntend to keep up the quality homes, thanking the genial host and Cone ". ­, , ,�. ... 1�' "I " E ��. .er.t.,A great, , � - $to �� ! . . .� � ,� tre4t, iz, Aii r,ei", &V . � 11 Blyth ...... I 660 32.3 5.6 4.5 cons' , ee, I - Reggie the bottl�s are so much smaller at hostess for the very enjoyable even- for - the music lov ' 't ­­ , t" , I - 9 morable evening and , Ive - I �tf. � , WeGaw ...,. -44 3 32.1 4.3 6.5 and sold to Robert.Cathers, of,Gorrie, of this me of Pryce, 75% - Oh . Pryce, �21/, - Oliver the same price. 'It was re . em 0 BrnVe0q1d,;% an, . �,��".­�- , , � -p and Brod- Pryce, 71%;.Allen Camfibeli, 71%, the grading of eggs, how the skin- � -to, Zo,", '. ",-.;, , Belgrave . . ., ��998 32.0 6.3 5.9 for $1-51D. The highest �rieed cow was Your friends in McKi'llo marked on ing- d surrounding places, owing � I Xp . -UnItL �,�� '. Hensall .....7288 31.8 3.5 S.9 consigned by George. Ferguson, Elora, hagen- May God be with you until ('equal). Number ,on rol� 21; aver- game was worked on the producer and I . appearance. in t,he -d 0111trolk -next" I' " ,"; I ,, 7 Wednesday f Mrs. G 'rge,- � .r� .� �. Exeter ..... 71143 31.5 3.6 3. Cleopatra Ninth, and sold to J.- E. we meet agaiiLll - age attendance for.Febrbary, 18- cor4umer alike. Take our best grade . King. Mrs. King is a great eo I ,,',� , I ,�� . Ethel ...... 2600 30.8 27 7.1 Ellis, of Blyth', for $176,00. The. of- --------- I.O.— Edna M. Jamieson, Teacher. of eggs at 33 cents per dozen and our on the concert platforms of favorite. `;"",.,-.� ' ficers and consigners, are,feeling qu An Australian Portfolio.' -The Jun- lowest grade at 20 cents per dozen. Box Social. -The can -ad Brussels .... 6771 ao.7 3A 7.0 . ite wich ..., 4343 encouraged over the turn of events. ' ST. COLUMBAN box social in , a'. .-�i!...;� � Ford 30.4 8.3 3.9 m,th, and the Sta­�s, as well as , ior Red Cross Society of S. S. No. 10, If the consumer or producer would School Section No. 7, Tuckers England-,, .,­­�4 4 Notes. -The and F?ejland, being a native of "',-N 30.0 8. 4 . McKillop, received a beautiful Port- weigh those eggs he would find that last Friday eveni . �fhe I ' - ` I �., � Auburn .... 2314 _ 1 It would'indicate that things are' go- Literary Society ing was a great suc- latteT s?1017?2t1'Y. She toured for'tWo, ,.�;;-,, ,I is folio designed by the Stote School the producer should get at least 25 cess We had ­ .. .:�`. ! - '.* Goderich .. . 1015 30.0 3.2 5.0 ing to b6 better in the *beef cattle holding a meeting this Friday even- . a school full of peo- I '114 t �, I seasona .,11;"�G; * 11 ,; � * ''I' I f, 6,2 business. 860, Great Western Victoria, Au -3- cents per dozen for the lowest grade ple of all ages, from the kindergarten the celebrated singer. Th. �: - �,"-. � Wingliam ., 3.319 29.9 5.0 I I with the late Harold Jarvis " . ing and putting on a good programme. tralia. It contains ' .1 ;,1111I.; . I a, variety of m,a- of eggs. But that is not the worst age on to the old capitain. Mr. Wm. people,s Youug� - 1""! � :,', " � . I - - . , � I Walton ­.. 4462 29.2 5.8 4.2 -ow -Mr. Joseph Downey, of Vancouver, terial such as compositions, letters, feature. Society of Brucefeleld have -4, .1 �.,;. " , I � . ,,,, I ngs, pressed flowers, snapshots, eggs are shipped to the cities, we an address on "Our Inheritance." The � . .e; , ., 1. �, �, �6 Rruieefi�ald .. 1769 21.9- 4.5 9.3 Washington, son of the late Mr. and dr,,A Wben those cheap grade of Black in the chair gave the kiddies been fortunate in seenring Mrs. King's "" " �r.. I " ,9 � ".. � I �41� . . ,;,-" 1�2 - ac- -, '' j,�, � Gorrie . ... . . 4304 24.5 6.4 9.7 brother and sister and other old services for next Wednesday, when � -­', � Bluevale ... . 2298 25.6 2.8 5.5 HENSALL SEED SHOW IN Mrs. Stephen Downey, is visiting his magazines, etc. The portfolio dis- are told, they retail for 50 cents per school provided a very good program, she will be the -chief attTaction on. ' t'�,�'Aug , . . ��'. � � � I Seaf . ortli ... . 4642 21.8 8.9 7.6 The annual Seed Fair of the South quaintances. It is fif . plays their ability, accuracy and en- dozen, so that the producer and con- assisted by talent from Seaforth and the progran=e of the ceueekt to, be - " , I " LjZ­ - 0 Huron Agricultural Society, was held Mr. Downey left herteen Years since thusiasm, and is worthy of commenda- Burner is beaten. The only,fair way Goderich. Our own Mr. Boyes' clog held. Mrs. King will gqve generous -'i`. . I I -` , ". ,"t I 1`10, Centralia ... 2225 ,240.7 6.1 8. e and his many tion and inspection. This is a return is. for our Governments to have the was mighty well done. Then came the ly from her extensive repertoire and , �1 I � � ... N,�,,, k., . 41 in the Town Hall, Hensall, on Friday friends wero glad- to welcome him portfolio to the 3 W'�. They sent a laws amended and have the eg selling of the lunch boxes. They ill be assisted by local artists. Mrs. - - ,', �, N 1J I I -0� of ,last. week. The Society wa's very home. -Mr. Thomas Heffernan, of De- gs - , get g , 1'� , , , . 1 7"; , " 11�1 " I I ` � � I I I 11 L 11 11 I 1 4 , �iio , " 4 1 ""- *-J'-" , " , , " 4ft �" - 10 '- , I "'i, L, � �', -11 .2t, I 11 , . Ill I I ' unfortunate as to weather for their troit, is here at present. portfolio to these Australian Juniors weighed,' so that everyone will were all very tasty inside and out, wKing is the possessor of a truly won- � � �'t"9. -`�,� , ,, - at they pay- but "the little house" and the kettle derf I "Pi.,-. NOTED ARTIST DEAD ' fair this year, as the day was very attend the funeral of his sister -in- ol, but through- The cream grading is on the same ul soprano voice ,of marvellous I He came to last March. It had a good reception, rneasu�-e according to wh stormy and cold, and the rain of the law, Mrs. Williara Heffernan. from the crane are deserving of spe- �'­:, . Was Former Resident of Harpurhey. previous day had left the roads in Death ef Na -s. Heffe out the district. The "Winthrop Wil- basis, the producer has to depend on cial mention. range and sweetness and always ,�Ijrl ,' bad condition. There was, however, Saturday morning, at rnan.-Early ling Workers" hope to continue this The kettle was a work rM 0 , ;- �,. Robert Ford Gagen, one of Can- her home on I - cha a her audience, not only by the . . ,,,��.l the honesty of the grader. There of art. We had a nice little hop af- I I . 0.��, a fair display of seed grains, and al- the 3rd Concession of McKillop, Mrs. work with the Australian Juniors. are not many finding fault with hav- ter luncheon. beauty of her -voice but by her en- .. �� �. . " ,�',,O, I gaging personality. She is in demand .1 - , , , ,L4 ", . -- eath at the broadcasting station in Detroit 1'3-,� ada's best known artists who has th ugh the entries were fewer in Williarn Heffernan breathed her last, deepest regret we learned of t4, death came with startling suddenness to an- ., ,"I. �` , i 0 Death of Mrs. Thomas Love ­With ing good goods put on the market, Death of Thomas Fowler. -D -, been,secretary of the Ontario Society number, the Government judge said fortified with the last rites of the of Jamima McNeil, reliet of the late -- and the fortunate possegsors'of radios . - ,',,� I of Artists for the past 37 years, pass- they were the most uniform in qual- Catholic church, of which she \ old and greatly respected resident of * ed away very suddenly in Toronto on was a rri, 1- �4 I V , I 11 t , '� Tuesday morning, in his 79th year. Ry trialt he had ever seen at Hensall. In the afternoon, the judge, Prof. rn-�rnber. Mrs. Heffernan's maiden name omas Love, who passed peacefully away on Wednesday afternoon, Febru-, Mr. Gagen remained in harness right up to the er�d. He had been In Ill Squirrel, of the Ontario Agricultural was Mi." Mary Matthews, and was a resident of IvIcKillop. She had ary 24th, at the home of her (laugh - . - hea1th for several Months, following College, Guelph, gave the reasons an been a great sufferer for the past six ter, Mrs. A. Cuthill, after a short ill, an - attack of flu last winter, and he which his judgments were based in the different classes, and then spoke years and death came as a great re- lief to her. The ness, at the age of 74 years and 10 months. The funeral was held from also suffered in the cold weather from bronchitis. In spite of his failing for an hobr and a half on the grow- funerall. took place on Monday morning to St. Columban her late residence on Friday �fternoou strength, he bad prepared and sub- mitted three paintings for the annual ing of alfalfa. He is an easy fluent speg�er, and his subject was listened Church, where high mass was sung by Rev. Father Dantzer and the re - to Maitlandbank cemetery, i1nd was I well attended. Three daughters, Mrs. exhibition of the Ontario Society of to with the keenest interest by an audience that filled the hall. The mains laid to rest in the St. Colum ban A. Cuthill, McKillAp, and Miss Ella � Love and Mrs. William Smith, the' Artists, which opens in the Art Gal-, lery of Toronto next Friday. As president, Mr. William Consit, of Hensall, cemetery. The pallbearers -were Peter O'Sullivan, Thomas Feeney, ,of West, and three sons, George, of Mc - Killop; Norman the executive of the 0. S. A. has occupied this chair and other Thomas Heffernan, Joseph McQuaid, and Thomas, of the, been bitsy preparing for the show, speakers were Reeve Owen Geiger, of Hemsall; Peter Matthews, and Joseph Heffern- West, are left lo mourn the loss of a � loving The he felt yesterday morning that, he Reeve W. D. Sanders, of F,,t,,; Reeve E. F. Klopp, of Hay, an. She had a family of two sons and three daughters, mother. late Mrs-. Love' was a member of Cavan Church, her ought to be on hand to look after his work. He drove to the gallei-Y, ac- and Mr. Hbggarth. all of whom were present at the funeral, viz., Wil- pastor, Rev. J. A. Ferguson, conduct-� companied by his daughter, buss The following were the prize win- liam, Myrtle and Gertrude, of Me- ing the service. The pallbearers were, . Gagen, but found that the eiertion ners: . , . I ND. 72 Oats-Williarn Pepper. Killop; Mrs. Wilson, of Toronto, and Joseph, of Detroit. MeB,rs John Smith, James Hender-1 son, Tlomas Dodds, John Dodds,1 was too much for his heart. He sat down to rest in a chair, and almost White Oats -Robert McLaren, E. C'iarles Duimage and Robert McFar- � . F. Klopp, Oscar Klopp, W. R. Dougall --------------- a,-- lane. Our sympathy is extended to i this township , on Wednesday last, when Mr. Thom -as Fowler may often have the privi.lege of listening in on her concerts. A real ��� .: " M ... "I � I I *1 passed away at hi a home on the first conces- treat is in store �or all who avail * 1. 1. . � , �..", - - ­;,�,� .�* f"', ' � 51011, two Iniles west of Seaforth. He themselves 0 f the opportunity of , � t ' ­'� �'­ I I had been in very Voor 'health ,for hearing Mrs. King next Wedri,esda � ... Y, 11 ' r. , I r ": !", � " �,, I some time and early Wedne�3day morn - evening at the United Chureb, Bruce-, -,`�'­�,�" , , ing passed a - w4Y in his sleep. Mr. f lel&� at Popular prices. Y.P.S.-Miss "'I I �'. �11 I I � � IV , Fowler was ,a son of the liate Francis Gladys Addison occu- ­�V Fowler, a well known Pioneer resi- pied the chair and opened the citizen- -,,'�',�," dent of this township, where he was ship meeting by singing hymn 571. � �:�`t, born on January 19th, 1853. on De- The scripture reading was 'Acts, tenth I I ,..I. . ­,� '"' cember 24th, 1878, he was united in chapter, from the ninth to the six- � d��111 marriage to Miss Emefine Modeland, �eenth verse. Mr. Leonard Boyce led I . 11) and is survived by two daughters, in a prayer of thankfulness, and ask- � �1' Miss Elsie Fowler and Miss Martha 4 for the continuance of these bless- .1 A Fowler, who resided with him. H, ings. After singing hymn log, Mr. :,�; is also survived Sister, Miss by one Jame's McIntosh gave a s�lendid topie ,�� ", Frances Fowler, of Seaforth, and Mr. entitled "Something New Out of Dark 1 �,o4 1 Joseph Fowler, of the Huron Road, Africa," dealing with the horrors of 1 . , � west- The funeral will bei held from the old slave trade wbieb was started. * �;4 his late home, Lot 19, on Friday af- 851, a means of Cbristianizing the ne�.;j � --Ill �oes but - - f Im euiately, befo, medical ard could . I an n rmen be made I � or a cheap labour. -_1 he secured, he passed away. Six Rowed Barley-WIlliam Pepper, those that are left to mourn. i - - ----- I in Harpurhey Cemetery. But, David Livingstone had been tho' I �� , Robert Ford Gagen was English John Manson & Sons, W. R. Dougall. HIBBER . T -s'. — I School Report. -The following is pioneer in opening up this wonderful *, .'�` , Secti '.. Field Peas -William Pepper, John School bul, lot all producers or rnanufactur- the ,gchol,l report of Schol .ery ,land, which still needed so,- I by b4th, Ifaving been born in London, Pepper. Report. -The following is , ' on No,- inyst �,� England, on May 10th, 1847. He the report of Separate School No. 4, �MANLEY v r,; ho put on the same basis. It's 9, Tuckersmith, for the month of many things, Rev. Mr. Armour read �� , .4 Was the eldest son of John J. Gagen, Field Beans -W. R. Dougall, Wm. for the months of January and Febru- I as the Scotchman once said, "What February. Those marked with an a letteer from Dr. Flora Gould, of ­ I , an architect, who succeeded to the Pepper. ary. Names are in order of merit, Notes. -The many friends of Mrs. is good for the goose -is good for the asterisk missed one or more days dur- Famsin, Formosa. This brought some- �� - I business of Ford and Patterson,* two Red Clover Seed--Sarn Dougall. according to work and discipline. H. Berinewies are Pleased to learn gandor." ing the month. Sr. Fourth -Arthur disappointment, for it said that Mrs- ", well known ,London architects of Alfalfa Seed -Henry Krueger. Names marked with asterisks were h y boy are con- - Finlayson, 504, Alex. Chesney, . 49(), Yapi's salary had been Paid by, the- :,-, , � that period. Mr. Ford was married Alsike Seed -Oscar Klopp, John absent for part,of the term. Sr. IV Talescing rapidly in the Seaforth -- Rob,�rt Upshall, 468; Jean McLachlan, W.M-S. and therefore the money goes . ". Pepper. - . 258. Jr. Fourtla-Wilmer Broadfoot, to Mr. Go, a student who is now finish- -, to the sister of John G. Howard, who -Camilla Coyne, Rose O'Reilly, Sar- Memorial Hospital. -March has come McKILLOP . � migrated to Canada in 1832, settling Early Potatoes -W. W. Chapman- ah Coyne, Frank Williams, Jas. At- in like a lion and it's to be hoped . 4AI; *Hazel McLac�hlan, 475: Hilda Ing his education with a. year in the - �,, . Potatoes, general cro O,R il,ly, will go out like a lamb, as many barns School Report. -The following is Kennedy, 407. Third Class -Margaret Theological College in Japan, after % in Nork, and who later gave High Chapman, W. R. Dougall P - W- W- kinson, Mary Coyne, John e . -1�4 Patk­0 the city of Toronto. It was � . Louis Coyne. Jr. IV -Joseph' WU- have empty mows. -Mr. L. Bennewies, the report of Union School Section Irvine, 400; *Helen Upshall, 384 ; graduating and teaching at Tamsui 1. - "I . , - . . I I - I" thw- influence of Mr. Howar& that lRuckl0b,eat-Osear. Kloprp. liams, Mlary O'Connor, John McIver, Jr., had a car load of hay shipped No. 1, McKillop, for January and Helen Broadfoot, 355; *Margaret Hay But, nevertheless, we, can sti,11 con- %­ "'. , brought,,the Gagen family to Upper Beat SbOWl'ng of grain and seeds- *Elmer Feeney, *Frank Doyle, *Le-uis to Dublin last week to replenish his February: Sr. I-V-Audry Murray, 330; *Alex. Irvine, 330; Margaret tinue our interest in Mrs. Yapils work,- ". . ,.rl Caniada. When Mr. Gagen's health William Pep -per, - Morris. Sr. 111 -Hubert Feeney, feed to carry over hi,,; ,;t,r�ck till spring. 92%. 6%. Jr. Broadfoot, 314; Dorothy Elgie, 3o8 ' and help on Mr. Go so we are far- ­. fa116tt­1h,,--1863, be was induced -by his 1i 0�;­ � Michael Coyne, Anna Beadle. He thinks he was luck-, to have it 111 -Edward Nigh, 78%; Catherine Marjory Hay, 3,06. The followin; ther ahead. W -e were then fa-vored,l .. -t4 DUBLIN I - Jr. III ­ " ­� oll�jiiddd to 6ing1is family to the . . . —Mary McIver, Agnes Coyne, laid down in Dublin at '$16 per ton. Lane, 56%. Sr. ll -*William Nigh promotions have been made: From by a pleasing duet from Misses. Trede" . ;` , In Detroit ­-13dany regrots Harry McIver, Vera O'Reilly, Rose ­ ,,tV�! -Aew,,tountry.- -They ,settled in the 'Died . _In attending the U. F. 0. meeting 87%; Arnold Murray, 84%; *Mabel Jr. 11 to Sr. II -Roy Hodgert, 353; Snider and Gladys Addison- After ,�, ,�, .. �, ge�of-� 'i In th6 County were expressed on heariig Of� 'the OlConiror. II. -Nellie Doyle, Fergus in Seafortb last Wedn,psday evening, Nigh, 70%. Jr. II -Peter Murray, Mae. Chesney, 222. From I to Jr. 11 singing hymn 663, the meeting clos-, . "I . . Turhey, death of Mrs. Patri the discussion wag on whether it was 63%. Sr. 1 -*Frances FortTine, 94%; -Irene McKay, 187; Russell Hod ed with the . . .. ", I of- uron, whieli . ,later became the 01' Curtiii, in De- Feeney, *Joseph Morris. Part II.- I gert Mizpah Benediction. got, 11 " , I - . q to of - gbaforth�. ' � � troit,- a former residentof our ,dl- Catherine Williams, Jeanne Melve better to buy goods made in Canada Adelqide Murray, 77%; *Dorene Nigh, 186, Lorne Hay, 180; Billy Dalrymple far in the contest the Re& are le4d-� -.1 r��,. ' ' . r, � 6ung Robert F. Oagen, theA .14ge. The lady was operated.Qu fbr John O'Connor, Mary Jordan, Joseph or to buy in the open markets of the 72%, Names with an asterisk attend- 179. From Jr. I to Sr. I - *Jack ing, so the Whites and Blizo -will ,,,,, I ;1 I fo en .years of age, became a app-6ndfeitis and -Aucoambed -it, few world. It was Traturally agreed on ed full time. Average attendance, Consitt, *Jean Irvine. The best spel- need a little extra effort to pass 6 1. -,I O'Reilly, Joseph McIver, Marie em,� i','4 'days later.. Basiddi her husband, she Feeney to bby where you can huy the cheup- 9�26.-M, C. Re le ...." , ., frA' ynolds, Teacher. rs for the month are: Sr. IV -Alex. Notes. -Mrs. Laurie Forest is con-? ,v f'od of William Cresswell, , with *E)Uwyn Morris. Primer- . ­� , � whom he, studied art. ,Later on he leg" two, sons grown to maufi"'d- Margai�t Atkinson, 28 stars; Anna eat and to sell wbere you can sell Notes. -The women's day of prayer Chesney and JeaTi McLachlan (equa,l) fined to her home on account of ill- 1� molved to"Torouto, and the exc4flerice Jack graduated it'th6 Business 'Col- Jordan, 26 stars; Marion Mel the best. As most a I I Prod -ace on the for missions was observed in Duff's 99 per cent; Jr. IV., Hazel McLach- ness .this week. -Dr. Williani .Noyes, , A� ver, 23 . 1� . � "I of"Ma work'brbought him to the atten- le-ge in Stratford and the family wt stars. Best Spellers for term, Sir farm is now on graded basis, why church, McKillop, on February 19th. ]an, 97%; Ill Class, Helen Upshall of Toronto, who is Superintencl4lit 'of . S , . ,I * shouldn't the manufactured goods be President, Mrs. J. A. Ferguson, open- 98%; Sr. IL, Roy Hodgort, 10017- Jr' Chinese Missions for Eastern Can- , 1�1 ti6ft of John A. Fratieri who had, op- for Detroit, where they all found em- IV, Sarah Coyne, Rose O'Rei Y I , ened a branch of the famous Canad- Ployme's"t- Mrs. Curtin was .Miss - * f Frank Williams, Lerwip� Coyne; Jr. IV, along the same line? All consumers ed the meeting by singing hymn 4a4 IT., Irene McKay, 99%'. Number on ads, visited with his friends at the I -;,11,�.. !an -�h6togrhpheis, N6traAri and Fras- Josephine Welsh, of McKillop, prior John M;,1,er , josepa Wil - roll for month, 23; average attend- MaTlSe last week and spoke very in- - -;: to her marriage to Ux. Curtin. liams, Mary --M1--- ­ - , :; :' - - , er, in Toreno. For many years Mr. Notes. -Mrs. L. J. Looby is in D O'Connor; Sr. U1., Hubert Feeney, -- - - � ­ ----- - -- - -- -- - ance, 22.-G. G. Ross, Teacher. terestingly of his work at the Wed- ... � � I !, Gagen paint�d portrAft and- -minia- ,en- Jr. Ill., Vein O'Reilly, Rose 0, ()On- -, I . School Report-Tbe following is riesday evening service. - Mrs. Yl'm . �, -";-., Cochrane are doing .� �, the school report of School Section Allen and Mr. � ��; turel. for that firm. In 1872 the On- field seeing her father, who waig' a nor, Mary McIver, Harry Melvet, . 7��,A� taTfO-Society,,of ,Artists was feMed, sufferer from a -paralytic, stroke.- Agnes Coyne; 11., Nellie Doyle, F,er- No. 7, T.ckersmith, for the months very well sine, they ame ul of tle �, , . 0 e o 4 - and Mr. Gageii vq`la'�g.6ne of the ehar-: Mr. And' Mrs. Dan O'Connor spent gus Feeney: Part 11., Catherine Wil- of January and February. Those Clinton Hospital, where they 4undet- I ,,,�-I�, , 1. �' t 'e' ' ri;dnt art aa� 'Loui8 lisms John O'Connor, Joseph McIver. - . I L' ter members of * h 15'A' Sariday with A&. - and ,Mrs. I marked with an asterisk were absent went operations. -Miss McCully,.Who, �-,j,,,� s6ciation of Canada. Wexhififted it Kratis&pf, Hvron goad, West of the N her on roll, 86; attendance, during one or more examinations:- has been confined to her home since .�",, village,-:)fte firit ALBERTA COAL �:­,4, the first exhibition, held in 1878, and - day of the month . um Sr. IV-*Mo-na McGregor, 81%- IR- the beginning of the year, is improv- . � �,�,?,,�� � .. 0.375. -Lucy B. Burke, Teacher. � ' � ��,;`­ , I abel Forrest, 77%. Jr. IV-Varg i -, 3 1 1 1 '. , over . n,la-ko-t Bnrn Alberta and Keep Your Money in Canada Broadfoot, 8191o; *Helen Thomps, , co-ddftlon� � !. 11. has always been represents&- In, I WAS a reminder that spring . raret ing in health-grg. Mardoe1c, of the ceeding exhibitions, of which lUe"IfAt. distanL The welcome ravrat ' e 0 Dn villake, is still in a.serious ;;, � I 1�� � � ,� fifty 'have. been ,held. - In '1889 he-. ed the snow free of charge. � re- 1 77%, Arthur Tbompson, 6011.. Sr. -Mrs. ZaPfe is slowly improving blat- . .:�, �, � � ,,i� .;,.�- �- "', . obt to .tepoTt that Jack KdQtath, WINTHROP TIT -Beth Forrest, 77%; Mary For- is still quite ill and obliged to take ,�-, wad elected secretary of the awiety" . . ;'i.��,�" I , � ', R an(the has remained in that position Sr., is 'not asr Well as 0 his. :fti,-hds rest, 76%; *AliSteT Btoa,dfoot, 74%; a long rest. -The many friogndq of -Qt ". . 1� ." � .ev t since, the Verformance of " his would like to- 9de him- Notes.-Misg Dale, of the Huron JEWEL LUMP Flinor Broadfoot� 70%; Jim McGre- Mrs. Gilmore will be glad to kn ,-� I ,� . , I � .,., , . ,�, ,, , Mr. . Lorne Road, spent a few days with her ow I'll, I., , I I � ,::3 " .� -j ,,, olloWin an &r Jr. Ill that she is getting better of her ser- !, .1"',*i, 1. , 11 " L � bo-ffig the -last of his earthly Pethick'Is �dbing-,,nicely f cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Goven- _, 70%; Lloyd McGee, 67%. " ." I , ` 11 - " ;AIM , ­ " I attack of meaii4s.-Mrl One of the Best Prepared Lignite Coals in the ��Jim Black, 75%; Bill. Forrest, 74v',; ious illness, though the convalewenfAe, ,:�.�,�p3� AdW&8. VVhon the,�-&oyal Canadian a leek. - Mrs. Fergus Bullard and . "', �, , , - . 1, - `1 . Acf4*$�,-Wg `f Sed -tor i. Marion Thompson, 69%. -Vera A. is Rlow.-Mrs. Rob. Allan has return- ", , , B,�, � .1 trained nur'dO, NO)& W V �hrb 'w" d ,phter, Betty, spent a few days Drumheller Valley ,­'�� -1,; " "&; * . 1W ,pfped,by the Marquis, on duty in Hibbert Townslaih - . "'N I �11 . orqld, i& b, I , -",royal consort the I . lit.to re with Mrs, Harold Smalldon, of Wal- Crozier, Teacher. . ed from Toronto. -Mrs. Ross, of the I "I 1, - esg Loui&,� ih , .8, mr. di,ge, ,turned to h6i home. . . Arr Important Purchase. -Mr. Jas. village, has been confined to her root% I . 11 .... 0 Prina $f 101 . I ton, this week,Winter seerne to bg I - 11 .1111, . 9.1 I � I - -­ - - . � . �,,, ", - , ,,� , I , Vas - . was_ among A0,� , ild d, Clean— -Bright—Hard Walker and Mr. Lorne Wilson have for the last few dayd.-Mrs. Collins, �v;�'-�M. ­;,#�,, Ill ZA, still hanging on, but by the fuss the each purchased from J. and D. Me. of the second of Stanley, is in the , �,­! elected an asgodiAtg,;�162',! ` ':"T, I'd BRODIIAGEN 11 ' I 4 crows, have been making this last I I � ��,, ,,,,, � tiou two years latei�,� ,gi%lp 1-1i ii , Intosh, Scotch Shorthorn bulls of Seafortb Horypital-Mr. and Afts. 'I', , r, ,�,.' 6 Surprise Party. -A very Alberta Coal ....... 11 - WAS .., ploasant week or so,'we think a big change is $13.50 per ton Delivered I � ­� . I , , 7�, 1 appointed one Of; I a a aw ,P N 0, eventtook p1gee-t* Monft�r otning a re for us in the n r i , .- Art Commissioiters sit Jh;%% --, L, , in to ea tft e Pocahontas ... ....... 12.00 per ton Delivered cbeice breeding. They are both from Sandy, Mustard will be missed from 1i 1, I'll gjj�. 00�, vbi�� about, one 4iuhdred-. jiti&I, fift Mr. George BetW was taken to the . the well known Fanny B. family and the village Whey) they move- to the i. �, �, . I - IwAin Exposition held, jit�"". , . �,;!fl .., � I a ,�,ZX, � - & - ---- � ', " Cannel Coal ....... 12.00 per ton Delivered aired by "Cloverdale Preferred," a borne, of Mr. Wallt#t on the Loiftdoli � . 'P ' 0*6� 'ftbIgh%r4, and friods, stap-A �a our. Ontario Hospital, London, on Satur- 11 .1 date. 10, R." and later be held a alw4i'�t,��"6fffa.6:,",#t, �1­rj,:g .114 Idt '13enry �5,1, I '� . , 'F, I J" 9 Ps thd�home of Mi.. -day, for treatment. Domestic Lump..,.. 10.50 per ton Delivered grandson of "Gmainford Marquis," Road at an early -MrS, ,14i*. I ,,Al,%" . 'Nor . ,� the St. Louis and I 'Wo 106rid N ,. 4- ­ ,, .. �� .4 -in f�Qn6r. of M -f. which was imported by J. A. Watt, Walker, of the WA,k6t llt)ftel 1W ,�i, �,!y . Mt. Gago , ., . and, Mrs. 'Skhool Report. -The following is Anthracite ......... 16.00 per ton Delivered who is one of the beat breeders of kad influe=a fbir a *W V11e6kf3V b10'10 . .11411�`i". � o established h1b b " ' ' (Q' .::,,�,,;,,,,,',' 6*0? ,;, ' 6'�'*�WNA Koehler) High Purvis the sehool. report of School Section -.?"e, ,-i P I ­w"I" � , , I I , 'jt-�o§ ",;," ds' Weft , .1 ��4"', a Aurfrt6 aAlat,,'and Wag easfW� 6t; � V�­"Sask. C Coke..... . . . . . ....... 14.00 per ton Deliver Shorthorn cattle In Canada to -day. Wtter, thotigh unatda to be .11 . �� , I . ­- at 'r , ; . ., o. 10, Vtkillop, for the nouth of ed 1,1 g,',� I �'�,44 �­ I , , 1 �06 �L � X" . I �PIQ �110''Vi � Gainfo MArquig, in the Shbrfhorh Avrhbut I at pitsont 46 #A , . mdsft ei0ioAt of Canadaks e ­ �ri,�14 � i a .. . .. .. f- � re- r4 , �� rd Is I I& i 'd 14 .4 L , t�' , - best bu 'Mofting a SeA &­ 6, , , 1" I � " 67livy pld4urg 4, &Mfrdal—lm�­ 2 I �kht and i ebrUsiry, Used on exami tieta and world, was known as the � h fit 9hhba*,' 0 6 I0 � - �, ,,� . . ..... ' � , R10le pkb4s , were � - ,4,46144, 4,!,(�i,,�`,,11� 14*&da­ q wqrk for the month: Sr. rV- - "kp1l, . " * � �'�'i, " _ I aPVrq1)TJht6_ to theL te*bA," #0 , -.4 �',��j�'�.;jl"l : 11 1100, I e I I I Canada. He was never bdntdft & the, I . , A �f I" q� � N. . ,6r thei toll'* - , Western Show Cireflit, tit -tho VAM's � A vft Pleasant s0pyi46 z" , - �# , 0 , , LWIMiAlrst g4v�ery, 990% Ceqaal)� Jr., T, tabel W " I ­ .­­OM�", , . - I Ck I I Jan Watie'"alf or at 1ffi8L.Aoy4 '. I I ­,,­,�,5�� ­� �r! I - , I 11 I 1. Val, at *416*0 t ii*il P W . '­ ,L"'R.'Ri 7 I " umb ,0 I "t , J' 1' 0119: V-4 i " � i.,1, '�. `,,,-j,..,� 1P � 1�,i ".40twos of`,Vhi"� -, Svu I 4ouskaticill, 9 9901-, 1W,atyv Campbell, ft,%, � ,T,-,,� sl W"t, 1� " - - ., of .� .. j '019*1t6cl&a. milgd t tr �? W , " , 4 JkQ11 L: 4 , - % I * I , ` - died last year at. the 66d otd tga Nlis f - , . , I �! �,,�,1,11 t.� I � " , ,�, 5t Xi . t, 1: ,,, I " b to ibirgavft Pethick, 89V- Jack Mont, �4 11, , did'eany it w 11 and In o%so(aw, �, $�, , I& AhthhOU VI& , A ...... 1 vttt "t� "04 ' & 9, 'A , I I ,! 1� *111; . W. A4oent & Co. "10 , , 11 � - , , 1 I w tX ,*#I­�-Wflaoli, Wtl6,,!05V0d­;1 '10oft . 31 9Md 52 i .� " , �p, , ,,'�,"r,�,, �� � .0 tl�ln .. �t a P10 -nes . , Off It", - , � � '�, "'.9%, 10%, Sr'! I '' t, -0 y8:*69t"a *b,e4'*6* '11.9 . a � .64M , 6i . ", . is"Imt ,t�iek ;4W i ". 0 , � � , . I 11 - .4 I . ... .. Mrs Wrftm� 11�- a, r .""",,�m­­', 4 �, � � , �) , .4 �,iw �1,,"',"��`.11" k�n -:,`!�',�,� Co . , , , . 6 - 41 J­&`�'j't* . - � ., .1 I I I 4 �'o g , �` e� 1­1111;1�' . , o6w # r'. "M , , f",�� .'' W of twelVe g44T6. Therbftre� ' jh,ege- ok their :�otttlg ,� J ;;X, . " �W' z4t , y ks . . ''I, ,% ":-4 -0 %.q61ftn& . �aMeA%ik Awb , , , . -�,,;.�i����,,.,,,�lP�,�""7�,� - , ­ ­ ­ L 1. . - L .1 -0 -- , �:� , t I , W,Za, - �%*..�� W11. I . sm 2 ,,, I, � ­,,�, , 6 , % 41�, ,,p ".0 , , � "I or - 4' � 0 , g . P "ORTIR ONTARIO bulls 'the U A 4W " fi 6% .�� "MI I � 11, . . I ., I I 1. , r , — ""­ , , I I i, � I - . . -T '? ,�. � ,� ,; , , �.'v M �,�,":�,: . " 0 !; , " " 7 "i", "I 14 � Jw;� vy'llum . I I 'K.'i�,: R 11 �, ,� I W IT lil, lucKi it J 11 � I , .1 .&o:,;,-- I - , 'M I NNE ,�;�,� , � 0.1, ­ -V.- - fi q010 -ti to tU ift, i A 11 � , 11� ,,2;4'�,�e:�i � ­­'�,, lt�­��­. ­A.0,11� '. ,� - � � oh ". I I . ,,. �,,, A­� p­�;�,,, 'A � .# - 11 ". �,�,il, "�jjr,�.SfjV&L �q ..,i 1% �.� ,,, -, . 11�1 , r ., . I I . 5�, , � 1. - V, . �fo ( I , , ;9, lUil. "A" 11 ,0 M . I - _ .. -- - #q I " -01, "R , , - "," � , , ­­­­jW �­ .. � " - ­ ,�, . "', 4'. 1. - I . . , , " .. -IR "I , immaymos" Ddiv- � *16.11"t " , ", , "13"I 'Aa�A V111 Wiaald -46 *11 I ­­ ,1,1 i- i0l"ag'" ioo I , , 114 � I - 1M."*, " " .". I`.,; 11 . 11, , 11-1 , , � ii" I " " 4 460 V �, , I �' :� 1. '*P� �, , � - ,. ,,, . 1. �­. � , .,'yk,� � ! �7 ' � J&'. L ,�, �. ­­ - 11 1. , "­ ;;�11& , ., , !" �"`, �' � ! , �' � L'i , 9 , , lq* , , , � ", , 11 I ­ I "". ; , "i"r �, , -4'.., ,,� .� �1­1, ­�.,�,�, �­ . - " ��L '. ­ ' 1. �-­ � L­� � " � , � .". . 1, - ", F . � � . ., ,�i�,;",k,r.�,7,,RN , , N`$ I ,!� I I "I 1. vl,. Ri ,�, I ,'�rl' '� , -,�­,',`T,,� ",­�,. �Nl. - I � , 1,il,­'. ", - . , 11", W111 li, �,11 I I , '' �,. � ,, �, , �;�:. ..� � " , ANI,11�11 I ""'; I � 4� " . ., - ­­­ '1-1- .4 "A -,"."A 11 - L., � "* � 01, : .Z - ;? .1 " ... � ;4��,w �'.','� �, '447"."', ,�, . I ��MA�,,. �, ,� , � ,�. , I ­..' , � . " I . ,�,� , - . ­�41,16*,,�,�z, ' � k ' � ­ ,� . ,% ,�,�V' �%�,�::, ­. � - , - '', , L�-.., ,-,;, , . - . . , " � I &�,M,11�iv � , "I", , , I . , t , , tn�,,,� . � . I %L ­ I . .t '' . , � � U­3'1,� , ' ' "�(''L , � � '. V' '- P�p ,� �,, 1'�! , , " " , , r . ,,4. ,��`,\, ,.'� ' �"I"'�"4" , , '0, L�",!�'���"' - g "' 1; � -1 ` I - , , .., , . �' , � , <,. - �,:: �­: !q�, ,� , I , , '71, - " "��.'­� '�",`M . � , , -,,� � I -�",,,';�-,.�,,',,�;�,,-.,,���,.�,;,�:"�i,,�,,,,�'.1.,,�,�,- : .:,.. I t" , .`.�kll'� t"' " 1'-�11` � �' �'L:)' .i ,� :Z,,,��,, .. ;­,V`11� ", 'I ,,, ,k.L�`A�� .0, . 0 r . � , %��',` -, " � �:11 .,."', �. "' ,,, ", A 11 " �" .�,, � . � ". I , I.,. ��.11 ; , ,.,.�'S,�, ,!�'�`�: � . ,� � �, , , , , , ,;�, , -,% �, t �, t1i ,N��,,E "" �, , , '),�I,�. �� �,, - . , �, . I : " 11. �: �- t ' L '' � �oi`t 's , � �'11 , �;�� , , " � � I" , , _ .14 ",111 , , � . I . i ,� , . 31X h"'? �, 0 : �, , i,� 4�"' , � ,1� � - .,A,,,,�"k",L""x' ,��.,' .�, J�tT"'�J.,�.j ,'��;t " i � 1.� 11��`,,� � ;.'M� VVXXR,;,.�',.��,l ,", .,�,,,6."kr�V. NIf .,V N;m 3 I -, "I', t I `� I ,�,�� ,� �i '. , ��i,* '4""I"',�,�,": V�,W­­w�4,42 .. �,,�4 I 1. I , : -i -; -,;,�,",�. ""', ,� 11 o ,, 1. . I � �111 , ��, - ; � " �, ;, I �� � , , , �� I 11, i�11.� .`,, ,. �