HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-02-19, Page 6011VNAI�11- -1 . % k .. , .� � ,q1", zll� , I I ��'­, ''. ", IC1,11 ,� , , 1, �, 'o., , . I 11 L I "i ­ . , , , , , . _�, .,.� , X , �­, , .1 I . , "I". . .1 �� "- V�__ , ,,p . � , � I q V'4, ,,'I -, � R k. 11 . , �, " ��,�, �,,��, , 1v ,� , ", , ,;,:�. . - . , I �,�' "I'. Z, " :` - ". 11 , , � I I , , , . � � - I � I I 1 I � , I I . � I . , I . , I , I � ., � 0 1 1 1. , I 11 I , I - 0 I , � . I I . L=UW1_T.Zh1.1Ji &,�LM',%6,MJJILMY _N11W., tOul'aii!1g,�W, gui� � - , -11 - ­ - I - , 1, .1 ............ 111. , �� I "I 11 I . I ', .1� I ,,,, I �' ,..';'i"�111Z,:iR."'?� A r "I . , � ? .., X,,� I ,�', .- � ".,; " , I . , , " i, ,�: � � , 1. '.. 1, I It � .1 , " , t�', " ,�;"! ,�,,, , -W4W,`%V4;Ao 11 '. .1 '�",.M,� !Y-,4W,;"%�j , ,:W",:X9 ;,: ., ,��,, , �, � , � �v ,,At We "a, PrA , -4,41 1 , � , _%,", 17� ��4.j'0�14=3$%XUWA 1K. ,1 1, � . R� Mm , 144 94� - ,�, ap" prof C,M-1.... 11 � ... I ... v-, , t,,,,' 6 I I --' . . a4vt ," "I"it , stV r 4 " , 101511��l , ___�,� , 07i 0 .... - tile ,..!�_11­1­1A­­___ this I �';, * R. CiMOR)OLL, V.S. suct , ,. of ()utarLq Veterinary fore .... . , "� veraity of T.Or011th. Ali of if 4omeoM anbXMIB treated and moat modem piduelvIr. atte , . raes reasouabl% D8Y Or la&t mol. * , Us. , . promptIly attended to. 0*08 on W& Work street, Heroall, opposite Town its ] Rau, Pbono. 116. . Bed � I 1. whi . LEGAL - 'maj phone No. 91. �� low iORN ,1. RUOGAIM ark Barrister, Solicitor, froi Notary Public; Etc. .tal . Beattie Block - - Seaforth. Ont. con �. - con R. S. RAYS rici Banister,' Solicitor, ConveyanCeT � and Notary Public. Solicitor for the Pro , Dominipii Bank. office in rear of tlie far Dominion Bank, Seaforth. Money to by loan. of 6-- - ine . BEST & BEST sel, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyan- wh cers and Notaries Public, Etc. Office ree: In the Edge Building, opposite The err Expositor Office. & I P& OW VETERINARY un F. HARBURN, V. S. fal . Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- Ro my College, and honorary member of eq� the Medical Association of the Ontario thi Veterinary College. Treata diseases of all domestic animals by the ost mod- cel ern principles. Dentistry and Milk na Fever a specialty. Office opposite na Dick's Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth. an All orders left at the hotel will re- d.i�, ceive Prompt attention. Night calls in peceived at the office. wi __ th . JOHN GRIEVE, V. S. W( Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- Fi uy College. All diseases of domestic te animals treated. Calls promptly at- ar tended to and charges moderate. Vet- ha exinary Dentistry a specialty. Office w( and residence on Goderich Street, one tu door east of Dr. Mackay's Office, Sea- til forth. to W. MEDICAL PT DIL R. P. L DOUGALL to Honour graduate of Faculty of cu Medicine and Master of Science, Uni- di versity of Western Ontario, London. ta Member of College of Physicians and tb Surgeons of .Ontario. Office, 2 doors w east of .post office. Phone 56, Hensall. bf Ontario. 3004-tf - in I i- DR- J. A. MUNN ai Successor to Dr. R. P, Ross SE Graduate of Northwestern Univers- ly ity, Chicago, III. Licentiate Royal h( - College of Dental Surgeons, Toront. Ju Office over Sills' Hardware, Main St., ci Seaforth. Phone 151. to in - DR. A. NEWTON-BRADY a BayfieldL a( k, Graduate Dublin University, Ire- ' lan& Late Extern Assistant Master Rotunda Hospital for Women and '( Children, Dublin. Office at residence rE lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. ti Hours, 9 to 10 a.m-, 6 to 7 p.m.; cl Sundays, 1 to 2 p.m. 2866-26 rc d( DR- F. J. BURROWS in Office and residence Goderich Street. t' bast of the Methodist church, Seaforth. it Phone 46. Coroner for the County of 11 Huron. I at d( - DR. C. MACKAY I "IT C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- Th ity University, and gold medallist of of Trinity Medical College; member of .P1 the College of Physicians and Sur- , ,.I geons of Ontario. al v 11 � w I DR. H. HUGH ROSS w Graduate of University of Toronto d( Factilty of Medicine, member of Col- ai lege of Physicians and Surgeons Of eT Ontario; pass graduate courses in Chicago Clinical School of Chicago; tc Royal Ophthalmic ,4pspital, London, s ( England; University Hospital, Lon- pi� don, England. Office Back of Do- f, minion Bank, Seaforth- Phone No. 5� i -a Night calls answered from residence. ci Victoria Street, Seaforth. w � sI u AUCTIONEERS b F. W. AHRENS c� Licensed Auctioneer for Perth and f( Huron Counties. Sales solicited, T Rdal Estate, Farm Stock, Ete. Terms e 011 RPPliCation. F. W. Ahrens, phone a 634 r 6, R. R. No. 4, - Mitchell, Ont n 299"2 It y I tA OSCAR W. REED h Licensed auctioneer for the Coun- e ties of Perth and Huron. Graduate -of Jews' School of Auctioneering. a Mciigo. Charges moderate, and sat- t Isfaction guaranteedl. Write or wire I Oscar W. Reed, Staffa, Ont, Phone , 11-2. 2966x52 t � 19#0MAS BROWN e . E Licensed'auctioneer far the counties e of Huron and Perth- Correspondence f . arratigk4mblite for sale dates can ble a . *ds -W calling up Phone- 212, Sea- ( forth, or The Expositor Office. Charg. I . es, moderate, and satisfaction guar- 1 . stteed. . I - I . OSCAR KLOPP I 95ftor Graduate Carey Jottegl Na- , I - ftUll OdMI of Auaflonaeflna� Ow- I ,0�-, , specul Comm ts&aft A Pure , . ,-� -_ wi at"k, Rk I � k RI rftku, Mer- I . . Aiiliotoa 11iid VWM, ales V,itis In ' I , 11 U001S *fth p"Unth ;�&va 911t_ : it � =NW46. 06twed. !Wlu ot W ,,,�-, - '' ;re, .1� . , luopp, Stft4eh, Ott. Am$ I ,�."..'.1t.ft, 2gW52 I v.. .,� , ,,, 7. , '' 'V I 11'�,� - 11 _._ .... � I 1. . ,�_ - � I , ";*;­� .t. I : I -j, - P to. L"ER I _ X, _� .. ; , 4i` �� , -� . '. I 1. '� , , ti - . �,,�,��' ""%%eJi96&. 6 -end& for the County ' _ , r, , 7_1 , ,4 IPII', i , -1,0 �: , I ;� fiVu 6., a ep "jided t�., in, all ' A , 11 i'f�p�` j'?Wl' , bub* A,%:V�n ye . ars, ex. p, 't, 1 ��A . 1�,K t'!,; - Au'll -S tolie�- � I - , 1,43, .. , __� I. - = I I � �� I �, I . ,,­�­­­ �1111 �, � F,111�_Igy "1�0 , I'll, "11 , � i Zli S 1W I — M'Rylkil' I IN"'t.111111 i"i'll"I", 1� "�- 91 �,,'g k�",,,'����jI.1,4�!!"�;,:I"�"-��.,'�,�.'.,-.�,'��,7" , """ ,�,' i�'�_�' mi � , , , 1) I .1 __ % 4,14�1 "' " 'd "Iff ,� 11' AN k1f "n I � � o "', , , , � I e �4 � 1 11 ­ I'll I " , $�Ilr , , , , *W ` 'Ilk" "11247 � 0,77T �, �) a , ), il", W, W, .1 X �il) I 11� � . - , l, , 0 I I I I I - e �0 � 11 I I R M�!, .;;A0t1,J. t � N�,,,� � I 1.1�1 ,11'f�", , - � 11" -`�` 1; 11 - 11� �, ,� OF .0 i r I I , , ,�, Nit 111�_V ,,,,, - ­­�, �,, "I I , 't �1� �!J ," ;i 1. �,�": � Ylb 11 V11 ;.1 .. . ... .. :�, ,.� 7r, � 11, I I � , . " I I a 'T t?� 1-1 -11 '9,5'�4# "t -,.,: 1� �, � t..., P ­)`;�,Ii�,-�,A;"�:�, I "I .1'wi ''. � , R V, 1_111� ` " , _� ��, 1 � ,�, 1 1 ­ I I , _ ,� ; I A',.,�N,.,% . I 1"90 -� ,:� - '011 " , , � i" " I " 11.� w"ar v ,f � ­­ , ,,,, ­ - reat- ��, ." ,�, i , , ow* . ': —, , �� ww ", 1" ��;j.v " - � -, , "MA 1, * - _ I I A y _R . �,M g �, , , "N a l(� I � -.��, "� I "I'll, Sys"'. ��:;kg - , �:', ,.��,, , , ,�, � V.: 1, I OR �� Nw­,�� �-,�_"��4'11 . " � ,,, "I . - P -g% ill"; ,arN - 'f �; , ro"', W, � 44A'6'1 -,x', 0 1 � , ada wotp,i , im to have b ,I � I , , 'i, _ A , . 11 R , IQ �W "M 010 , .. 4�".6 i),."N"i � "fo"M ,i U f or.ed , ns . V5, _1 4A I I - - , , k", "J , 11 at 041 t4mq�s oveir � I -� -%, - O'K to' gwo. ."_'41 4 1149�,,�, . I i & A . �� , .11 , the Eur- - . -, I '. . ,U&.4' , . - i" � , I *,\, , 40,� . .. ." 11 ­�.,,;:,,�%,,'% - a,a b - �smv, , ,,W_,:��"' . �, - .,. 1.%�1,11 "71 4 - '' 11 '' I , ! VIP, . � " �, *1 �,,,J�,4w..:�'., - W V� , . are .y merOers of :e.;KVP_'"'e.A0Q ,�A 19?,;�, � I-, "I !4 I I ,,,,,�,,R��,�, ual',,��Al , ,,,,, , . !��,,,.�. I 4, ­,,.,�­' 'I,:. ". . , , 4rhing towardB th0f 1140 � 4: WMA109 " f0m, t.-, Aogy�,, Ix . . I .. I I ,,, . " -A ,� _. ,� -�,'J �,, - - , � 4'6,30,05_4 �RN11.11,$011' _ . , a hriatoeracy t :9 tA 'M . , ��, issioa of agriculliure and taking 14"'.1"i Men 1!r9, F414, 1`;r1RP'­,XA) 'pi". ,'9#R4T,Z�:,A4_`1! i , . ,2 k Ri"'a -00, � �, 4 i i��Vtvxo I . , , I � -al* �'o.`;,,_', , ­� y , * � , I _hl I 'i . i�',bv., � . ., . , . WAno, "Mi-AW.4", W."'vX, ­ , 1. - " ,"I �_ '. % �4,."­.i� I , .� " 40'rPop" OV , , �., ��.,)' "'. �` � n �, g tc %W 64 7 1 . � � � ��q .. ,t4ge of the wider opportunity , , , 1: 41, . , . 11 I "I I ,�, Al . � , . "," �� I , �'-.'�­, , , I . , , '01"A -, 'if � , , ." &merican continent offered in rePUY191 , - t� ­�,,a � , � ,1! M' prough praetio`41 06 , 9t*,,,`b n't "'Oh 110 ", I . ", R - I - ., , , , regard. There were several XA, 1140:�t '-wethods of Wegto , � 4'� _: 9, , Por A .',a .': _,V-.!, � 1. . .. i � , ,- , � . �, _a , . XA � I 11 .. I _A4','A"QW_,!*P00* .. 1. . . �'. � ,; -owners there be- .. 4 �` kre themo�ves ! � t ' , � Pve) � , " �, , . ;� �, '! patrician farm , a Vk ".."Al I ce, W,4",A9 , -M I �;:.,, ,:', A I � 5 91k,"4UPPE . . � . k �", "9019" :. 1; - " , .1, , I - -�61�p.­-- R , . I I I . " . MW . �' ,ei, � 1, I I the war, amor �, , ,,,,Vp , 11-1 __ ,� kg them the Earl I owplv .-mquLgaments of ii ' tbia.'w e Is to douplw ueJbkL�V­Jj�.�, " . ,,, . �r . , : I � . "I ... - - T40114ton . I . . I I �. ,," I : ; ,,,�, I ' that, t. ' ; I ', , ­ il , : , . - , . dinto, the Duke of Sutherland, rritory. .. 6 ps . 0 ,p dows. Anotlaor, is t Ah� � I , F1 I ; . � . �, �, I . - 'Ir - " Prince Eric of Denmark. World Tho,,,." ,aa, two years or so' 'W 4sl.oW. the-wl,u4,Pv.Pa`s0 ftt,�U_0 'told,, � I . ,4. . 11 1 h" �,� .1 I I ��,� , y . � � .� 1,11�, , � le , , ation was drawn to the Rocky : Me Urgp ,00ntingent of PU010,'he�"V4, Alr�,wj[IL -be warmed., who . "I '. I , � � U qk, On 1 . � 11 ­ I." I-, V_ , ­ 11 le , r I ­ . ntain province when the Prince of soorptime � opAv4d,�,,140, majority -have re , 0 , , , to,. the floor� - The'third -is .- to, impi . * �; .... .... � �,�;,� til . -t his heart to a s e �- " " to &ftq the cow '. .. I � ,; U10 . . . . . I � . , . , .1 .1 � I I ,44w�L 0�,, , tretch of Z 'y and, with -a Aound'.ba'$U:.��e , , I � , ­� I -­� I es los i,.," . 11 11AW", I ..,,�, �,, f � iric; ,fans , . " ,, G � �. .." " . . , 4`�`,,`,,t'l oothill muntry and purchased the �� 01 pr ILVA nary training, are'c4r#InX� -4w,ay from the floor and to e.. , , �, - N , . I . '_iij. . I deen, 10,�_*s I *4 ,, k, . � 4. I ':�,� � ".1. �. " � . ,, '. .i,�' 1-_,:_.A1 " ', " .. . . 1� I � . � I ... � Ranclx In the Years � out 'Ek for thOm- the ceiling zone of it, of sup - " I � �, 1.�,u .,; .. _ I , , , , I RlEATNIENT ' th Itural careers s layer of sup ! _ I 1, � 'I, . �, . � .. �2 " I lington . '01 . . . , � I -.1 � -h have passed since that time s8lvo6 � �*A . � F;,;.F .... .. . �..., 4 , , . , . � - I I . , ! ... - 11 7 .I ­.. - � -, , - I �l:.�.,.-.�-I..Zl�,.,���.,,,'��-. .� � - 1,; y young men have come to fol- ""' bii�'--4 -6-1--.es, d'olt!--W­_--16Jl- The present cIas6:a&-,3u4 rielus,e of'fans for the p'ur'pose oil . I . _ aj according to report;i'liill �beated air. � fai ., , I . I ' I � . , A *nii t -the" A,06rkhti -motor tevlrlsi�"and , U;_ --Ie n onIv from the P'l-, old iores, — .4� ,n�&Qt of Prince Charlds icl- cooliuff the air in hot weather looAs tral efa+, -'Ia--w but did not see for — , sore feet erna, . I . P # I . .I I , , , , , ,­ , - � � I tocracy of the British Isles but and a i,f, . ippe al'bileans, Due de Nen][641'19, ,so large in our minds that we over- it Put' on' the we0ery is i 1, train, The je .4 Companion vot�me -to the 44tk- - ecuons . �, � I . .. . and i"i"tions of th Lord F - i4 � a the noblesse of many continen- e skjn� . 4ward Montagu, Honorablo look its value as a means ol dif- was conio*Ad in a box inside the vrliE� "teautird'A'010,40all and�,�ftp 11, � , g ' � 0. 0ongl4erp , , countries, until Alberta has be- Jbhxi Aanley, nephew of the EaR of fusing'heat in cold weather. Th-, art trun14 . I tiful- Xeig'c , ­ - " 61e;-!*�T' 500 T", .t an i 11. §*-,4t- e quite distinctive in its long and 6& ??�_jj f,,,,, A-gaist. , Derb�y� Mr. hilip Stannier, son of of using fans to keep -us cool is so Wedding and funeral Parties Occu- tracts to the chiptei, on-'*d6,1*A%io% , I * if , :_ .inually growing list of titled ag- The Dodd,& I. Lad '.St4nmier, Mr Charles Farqu- well kno.wu that we ar apt to em- pied the Parish church at Keighley at Lovely 'Lakes", vi h iU,'Veal�ol c'n- Co., L ' fed ,y , .e , � - �i ,!, �6,1, in Ituralists. td-, Toronto 2. ont, h,a,r,,,A.9A­,of Lady ?arquhar, and Mr. ploy the came technique ,in using �on4 and the' same time of eonfusion'dian legend a:6d ,history, Xn4 ', d'��` . T, -, J;,& � ".. W . 4 ow Alberta has the agreeable A. !"ray -Howard. All have de- fa matter over the times fixed for the two ser- this respect at leag% I QP , - 3pect of receiving such aristocratic 2 dared -.0eir intention of remaining of fact, the latter method .differ$ vices. An attempt was made to post- less -- prove both interesiting'.'And"- 'in"- , , ning settlers in groups instead of in Wlestern Canada arid taking I -and radically from the former- When,a pone the ' dding . , Nut the bride ar a host of the nafi we - formative to veg. individuals, and regularly instead - .of th(0 own accord at the completion fan is used to keep us war�i it should rived to find a eiongre ation of mourn- Here, for insiqnce, is an excerpt from - 'dding ser- Mr. Quinn's description of the B at spasmodic intervals. The prov- - of thi course. not be set to blow on us. It should ers in the churdh. We we . rue , has A.n apt pupil with an unquenchable , , a training school for the A separate house, comfortable in be set so that it blows the heat from vice was solemnized with a black- Water Highway; - � ms of Europe's first families, desire for inKrination, and an inher- its appointments, including a steam where it is to where we want it to coated congregation standixig by while "One of tb6 happiest roaft in ,,east- �re they nray go into residence and ent capacity for hard work, he rapid- heating ,system and bath rooms, has be. Therefore, one good location is the ceremony 'was perforrAed. The ern Canada is the Blue Water Higli_ �ive a thorough grounding in West- ly acquired this knowledge and for been pro-irided for the pupils, this be- in front of a radiator, blowing towards funeral mourners and the, coffin waited way. which sldrts the shore of LOG , � Canadian farming methods pre- some time he has been able to act ing pleasantly situated on high land the hot egils. The hot air, driven at the church gate until the wedding HuTon and Georgian Bay. - Motorists - ,atory to going on to land of their absolutely upon his own judgmentand overlooking the Saskatchewan river. against the' wall, rebounds to the oc- was over' Confetti throwers mingled entering Canada from Detroit strike , armer with corkiderable local C - cupi r 2 I - a y - ,i in the same territory. This operate the farm siiecessfullY of his A.f x ed a e s. A better location, if it with the mourners outside, and the this road at Windsor nd. usuall, fol que scholastic establishment is the own accord. perie4ee is in charge of the pupils in were accessible, would be behind the wedding register was signed to the low it northward beside Lake St. in in Northern Alberta of Lord There has never been much to dis- conjunction with Lord Rodney. The radiator, blowing out. Another good strains of "O Rest in the Lord," play- Clair and St. Clair river to' Sarnia. iney, a man peculiarly fitted and tinguish Lord Rodney's farm from dairy herd is under a separate ex- location is near the ceiling to drive ed on the organ. Thousands of motorists enter Canada , iipped in many ways to undertake any other in ,the Canadian West, or pert who gives instructions, and alto- the warm air down. A third is near .*- at Sarnia crossing from Port Huron. � work. . the tall, fair young man, his slim, gether a very thorough and practical the floor to drive the cold air up. � "Sarnia claims one of the finest free ,Ord Rodney, who is directly des- pretty wife, and their sturdy children, course in diversified -agriculture is. -0 . SCOTLAND . motor -camps in the.world." tiled from one of Britain's grea-, from any oblier Alberta farm family. given, � At the end of a term a pupil . "From Sarnia the Blue Wlater 7al heroes, the Admiral of the same There has never been anything of the is equipped with a fairly compre- Highway win me, is the eighth baron of his line, gentleman -farmer about Lord Rodney, hensive knowledge of farming funda- HER IMPROVEMENT Edinburgh housing committee has i ds northward, clinging WAS REMARKABLE received permission to proceed with to the rugged shore of Lake Huron. I was born in 1891. He served with nor does Lady Rodney suggest the mentals, sufficient to justify him in the erection of 560 Carolite houses At Kettle Point, famed for its'.black � � tinction throughout the World War, wife of the farm owner who merely going on a pla.ce of -his own and mak- by under the Goverrinient's offer of an bass, there is a curious natural the earlier years of the conflict directs its toil. From the very first ing a commencement unde� the best Weak and Run-Down—Restored extra forty pounds subsidy. , phenomenon. Huge, kettle -shaped -h the Scots Greys, and later with umes from rocks, embedded in the black shale, ! , Tank Corps. In 1917, when both day on the establishment Lord Rod- auspices for success. ning 4aght ap- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. ak re on a well-earmed leave from ney has thrown himself wholeheart- The course of trad Th "'Two years ago," says Mrs. L. a bake oven where coke was burning, are exposed as the waves of the I e edly and enthusiastically into its op- pear somewhat novel in Europe. ere a baker of Ceres, near Cupar, and his wear away the ledges, An Ojibway ance, -he married Marjorie, daugh- eration and been the hardest worker is 'no suggestion of turning out gen- Wright, Secretan, Sask., "I was very assistant, were found lying unconsci- legend clainis that when the' -world I of the Hon. Launcelot Lowther, on the place. He rises very early in tlemen farmers or mere farm owners imuch run-down in health. I suffered ous on the bakery floor. Both recov- was peopled with giants a great bat - I niece of the Earl of Lonsdale, who the morning, is in the field as soon as or directors. ' Lord and Lady Rodney from indigestion, sick headaches and ered under medical care. tle took place between the chief of i also been doing her bit on the ny of his hired help; and labors with are both advocates of hard work and sleepless nights. Faint spells would Stealing from children was the of- the giants and the Ojibway god. Rit� stern front as a nurse. They re- a uccess in often come over me and I would have -ned to their respective duties un them as long. As far as attire goes, WesUrzi Canada as elsewhere lies in to lie down till the faintness passed fence which landed an Edinburgh girl ch .I Kewana. These "kettles" are the - whether on the farm or in the little in jail .�or four months. The accused missles which the god threw. while hostilities should have been brought town of Fort Saskatchewan, he is in diligent Jabor. They -are the finest away. I was so short of breath that was only 21 years of age. The sums those thrown by the giant ,Were a successful close. no way to be distingished furom the OxPOneutr, of their doctrines for there I could not wallk any distance or do s C,C�len_ _f in 6.gildren varied from a promptly changed by Kitchi Kewan At the end of the war they faced a of is no harder working couple. Every- anything that required much exer- to .* average, hard-working farmer penny t6 a itt][L-�ver twenty-one into the lovely islands that now dot Mpect of vastly different conditions Western Canada. one toils equally about the place, and tion. - As I was constantly growing pounds. The girl had alre Georgian Bay. that to which they had been ac'- Lady, Rodney compeLs the admira- the young pupils learn by working, weaker, I consulted a doctor who told Borstal treatment, which. apparently "Goderich" also has a delightful 3-tomed and instead of tackling the tion of all who have the good fortune taking their places at the various me I was anaemic and needed build- had had no eff ect, and her reason for motor camp. ;heartening business of trying to to come into contact with her, and tasks in the fields with tlae hired ing up. I took several bottles of entering upon this course of crime was ke up long -severed threads decided many will testify to the fact that men, from whom they are indis- tonic he gave me, but the help I got that she could not get employment. ,- 9,t -the new life upon which ,they there are few harder working women tinguisbable, and graduating as ord- from it was only temporary. At this Beet sugar factory -buildings are !re just embarking together should in the Canadian West. At home sh- inary western farmers with the abil- stage I decided to try Dr. Williams' in course of construction on a site in the new world. Within a few was, like her uncle, the sporting peer, ity and capacity to undertake all of Pi nk Pills, which I had used in girl- within half a mile of Cupar. In ad- )nths after the signing of the Arm- a lover of the open and of its sports, the multifoym phases of Western hood with much benefit. It was not dition to the factory itself, workmen Cqrj:v it I -' we they had arrived in Canada and she has turned this to practical Canadian agriculture. . long after I began using them that I are engaged in erecting railway sid- - I d journeyed out to Alberta, The stead in her new sphere of activity. It is an unique f4rm at Fort Sas- knew I had at last found the right ings, concrete silos and flumes for the I a1w qs 19 miner of 1919 they spent in the love- With a keen judgment of horses, dairy katchewan, and exceedingly pleasant medicine. I think I took altogether I cattle, and othet livestock, and a to visit some fifteen boxes, and the improve- f et reception of the raw beet, and the eitt parkland country in the neighbor- * It is not a fad, a bobby, or various large structures for its sub- wil . od of Fort Saskatchewan, which is good general knowledge of agri- a show place, but a practical estab- ment was remarkable as I was feel- sequent treatment and storage. The . A north of Edmonton, the provin- culture, she has proved a splendid lishment, justifying 'itself in purely ing as well as ever I had been, and bui-ldings are to be ready in the aut- you/ . , tl capital. They liked this terri- helpmeet to' her hard-working hus- agricultural results, and as demo- my good health has continued to this 0 ry so well that they decided to re- band. The work of the first days in cratic as any in the territory. The day. I had also been troubled at roduction of . I I S sugar. The approximate value of the : . iin there and in the fall purchased Ithe shack she has continued in the young pair's modest struggle to farm times with rheumatism, and this a structural works is sixty thousand . farm of six hundred and thirty I larger farm home, and from the first successfully has won the admiration well as my other troubles disappear- pounds. 00 I res on the bank of the North Sas- day possession was secured she has Of the people of Western Canada. ed. I have since recommended Dr. Flax fibre production by a new pro- tchewan river. been responsible for a large share of They are of nature's nobility of which Williams' Pink Pills to neighbors s is being undertaken at Rosyth. The acquisition of a Western Can- the truest and finest westerners are who have used them with equally ces the household work. From an early The method adopted is known as the . iari farm by another British peer b . n the morning until late at made—u-nassuming, sincere, and of good results." Ceived a good deal of notice at th our i . ple dignity. The visitor who ex- All weak, anaer-nic women and Pritchard process, which produces fi- . ne and people were naturally in C night, this daughter of the British 51m I bre for spinning and weaving much % - ned to class it with similar occur- aristocracy is to be found in her kit- pects to ftnd a certain amount of side girls should fo low the example of more cheaply than by the present VM16 1. chen engaged in the multifarious and ceremony is welcomed instead M rs. Wright, and give these pills a method. A new company is to be . nces in the past. They could un- tasks which fall to the lot of the wife with the most cordiAl informality. fair trial. formed for the exploitation of this rstand Lord and Lady hodney fall- - strength is sure to follow. You can r K 8 teem on the Western Canadian farm. He find., a quite ordinary young hus -and meantime the promoters A/Aff - in love with this lovely, wild coun- Already to -day the result of thei r band and wife, exceedingly geniial get the pills from your druggist, or process, ._ (, and desiring to secure a piece of combined steady and persistent effort and ch(�erful, who seem to be entirely 1 by mail- at 50 cents a box from The are proposing to lease from the Ad- dean, breath swee4 for their own. They could even i�,, very apparent. The farm is a wrapped up in their farm and to be, Dr Williams, Medicine Co., Brock- miralty some of the vacant buildings appetite keen and � preclette the altruism of stocking thriving and prosperous one, as well extracting the essence of satisfaction � ,. i 11, e, On t. at Rosyth. It is claimed that the fi- sint in exi�tA,nce from it. bre produced by the new proc�ss is %\ cligestion goo& : * d cultivating it in a di. ,erested as one of loveliness. More diverse I 0. superior to the old. �, sire to further promote the first branches of farming are followed And the three youthful born -'west- I . -- " Scottish land values are indicoted Cyreat after "amm" d most important industry of the there than is the general practice on errers are growing up there, two EMiLAND AND WALES by prices offered for agriculture prop- snwking est. They were, however, incapable I the Western Canadian farm There boy', aved respectively six and five, 1 D-hImA.0 ,erty at a public auction held in Aber- J-Wy F -b conjuring up a picture of a British I is a large and valuable d 'airy herd and a baby girl. The boys already I Thirsk Parish Bells must be silent deen. Offers were invited for the fine C014 dN]- er with his .sleeves roll,ed up, worl- . i i - '-!well housed. Equal attention is paid give (-v(-ry indication of follow ng in - . - ,1 in the field. and his w�fe with an, 1­1t�;teps of their father and art, until- the ancient tower which they sheep farm of Tarty (extent about ron on busying hemelf with dhe to sheep,.hogs, and poultry. A large I the has been strengthened. An 690 acres, 608 being arable and as- -_ EveryMeal acreage is under cereal and other I regular farm boys with all their ca- I occupy rious tasks of a farm kit.chen, They -chief. The heir `xamination was n -Lade because of gessed annual value 9613.) Starting I C 0, � anxiety felt for the condition of the at nine thousand pounds the bidding I r ps, whilst many JeFSeT agricultur. pacity for fun and mi. —_ �re not prepared for this, but it is al phases contribute in measure to I pre,,uniptive to a British peerage and I big tenor bell, dated 1410. The bell went up to twelve thousand pounds, iat Lord and Lady Rodney have 1 the revenue of the establishment. 1, � his ht-wher, attired in diminutive ov-, - but no public sale was effected, the ne, marking a distinct departure in 1 1920 a fine new farm home was built eral:,, may be encountered in any , came from Fountains Abbey origin istocratic farming, and setting ari i on a lovely site overlooking the Sas- I part. of the farm, watching the milk- lally, and in view of its great age is of reserve price being intimated as thir- tirely new standard. . ing of thf� cows, riding on the wagons der public than the teen thousand seven hundred and fifty � The people who so rapidly jumped I kat.chewan. and in 1923, as, a result inhabitants of Tbirsk. pounds. Kirkton of Logie was then of successful farming operations, it with tl�f, hired men, leading the hors- i Cliffs at Roker are agitating �he offered. It is about 266 acres in ex- . ow& sa� a natural conclusion should havelwas found possible- to extend the "; to vater. There is small doubt as I Sunderland Town Council. They are tent, of which 248 acres are arable, en the enterprising young couple � holdings through the purchase of an to thc-ir remaining permanently in I I on the ebb of this publicity, they adjoining farm of some three hun- the r.,untry and carrying on the asking a loan of eighteen thousand the assessed annual value being two � Re �ired acres. On this new acreage are - pounds to build a retaining wall and hundred and thirty -pine pounds. ' A ced their first winter in the Canad- spiendid and valuable wbrk which has I the trying out of a sub -soil drainage bid of two thousaqd five hundred n West. Th,2y were unable to -e- the orizinal sites of Fort Augustus, been ��, auspiciously commenced by s There were no am be Beiter re possession of their farm until of the North West Fur Company, and thei, f;ither and mother. 'cherne. The Borough Engineer said pounds was made. son, and the only Fort Edmonton, of the Hudson's Bay that such a wall was necessary for other offers. No business was done, Al on into the sea, � - -W. the safety of the cliffs and the main the reserve price being five thousand elter and accommodation they.had Company, which are to be perpetuat- I road behind. The rock was badly 6ne hundred pounds. Pepper ArdgrRin, than its Cjwst%, ) to that time was a rude shack Pd through monuments erected by the shattered, and recently there was a extending to about 289 acres, and of tilt partly of wood and in part of I Historical Sites Conimi.qsion of the What Causes the serious fall of cliff at a point where two hundred and tweritw-one pounds, use nvas which had been used by a Dominion Government. the road is only thirty feet away. ten shillings assessed annual value, rmer owner as a summer house. In adopting this life work Lord Skin to Chap? Failure of farmers to deliver to the was not offered for. The reserve PUR11V FEGUR ,ie winter was one of unusual se - Zdney was actuated by a high con- Chapping of the skin on the Kelham sugar factory, a requtsite sup- price was intimated to be three thous- ity and with such slim protection ception of the agricultural profession, minst the bitter element, - hands and face in the Winter ply of beets, has necessitated the clos- and pounds. , q Lord Rod- a .,ound faith in the future of that time iq due to evaporation, of the ing down of the plant. As a result A bodyless bead was found lying If your pie -crust isn't !y was kept busy hauling wood to pursuit in Western Canada, and a always what you would �ep the place warm, whilst his great admiration fo-r the hard -work- natural moisture, caused by ar- 300 men of Newark, are faced with on the railway track near Monkton- like- it to be, don't blame )ung wife, alone and unaided, at- ing agriculturalist of that territory. tificial dry heat indoors and unemployment. Normally, the season hall. There was no trace of a body. the recipe, or the oven— takes of others pana's Italian Balm restores the middle of January, but 12,000 tons of and was apparently that of a man chances am It's the flour �nded to the cooking and all the Profiting by the mis high winds out-of-doors. Cam- starts in October and extends to the The head had been freshly severed, )usehold duties of the simple, rough be embarked upon the venture in a natural moisture of the skin beets which should have been at tha between 20 and 30 years,6f age, clean thdes wrong. ;tablishment. . wise manner and won through to a and prevents evaporation. All factory'failed to arrive. Some large shaven, with brown hair and brown It was a tatte of real pioneering very gratifying success, In the sat- Purity Flour, millecl A Lord and Lady Rodney went isfa,ction be experienced In -and from druggiF;ts and departmental growers, who should hpve deliviered eyes. Seiirch was made over a stretch ftom the finest hard ' irough it with the spirit of pioneers. stores sell- it. A special sampli at least a third of their crops each of line for some miles, and shortly, - his years of apprenticeship he not bottle mailed on receipt of 5c. month did not deliver a single beet, after the bead had been removed to wheat, silk sifted and r -this stage, when so many ambitious unnaturally bethought him of other S Frosts are thought to have upset their Musselburgh Morivary, the body'was oven tested, is I u I I y Aonists lose heart and fall away, young men of exalted station in the plans. reported to have been found at Bal- Worthy of your talent ie yorung couple, poorly enough countries of Europe whose thoughts CAMPANA, Missing -lier-trunk containing jewel- letichieff , crossing, between L ngnid- - for bakine. iuirpped in every coftsideration, met �O - ach hardship cheerfully, overcame and inclinations lay in the same di- lety valued at two tbousailid pounds, a dry and Drem, about eleven miles a- ori- rection, but who perhaps needed guid- wealthy Islay woman. has appealed to way. It is conjectured by the au- With Purity Flour 'yon vrery obstacle with unweakened e ance and encouragement. Itallan Balm � �, demee and came through with the . the p6lice. The officials of both 96t- thorities that -the deceased must have can always nu&e fiaky,_ . line i�esolvte determination to carry Appreciative of the reasons for the E. G. Wmt &..Q�., go George St.. Toronto. land and England are on the job. The been crossing the L.N,E.P- line vhew� - g6ld&jj�;V& : &M,6us ' rL It was an experMirce which 'has L . owner of the trunk travelled with her he was struck by a nofth-going train, tas.ting,.,.ple-crust. Ask robably stood them in good stead in -go- husband from Ttlay: to, Liverpool, via the engine of which picked up his favorite retailer. L iany ways, and they entered into Iddabdoftw9w I I Glasgow. , Thero wera'g0vial trdnks head and carried it to Monktomball. your I ossession of their -farm with the 11W� A LOT OF- WINDOWS MAKING among their luggage, and on the ' ar-. .- - --- -.*— - . ,� I . 1 est of augury for success. . HEATING QF FLOORS PAR- rival -at Liverpool it was discovered ONTARIO ROAD SIGNS ARE ! � I I �. ,;, The same unflagging spirit ha - TICULA9LY DIF FICULT that the one which contained the Jew- HIGHLY PRAISED , � t � ied them through the tribulations __ . Why are thdae floors so cold, was ellery had gone amissing The owner I I .. I .. I , i " a car- a I I �, the question. "Because there are six recollects seeing the tru-ni at the Ce -n- In his recently published b * P . . 11 I ook for � I nd vicissitudes which are the com- STOVE . OUNIAS'"" I , �L '_7 I'- . I 1. non lot of the settler to a windows," was the answer. I , tourists, "Beautiful Canada," Vernon _ . -0 I place Zoe" . P , A'Ji, . 4. I - -­ I ". I . I . I -ads 11. they have emerged to, 'be class- - _�&-* The building was an exceptionally il Quinn pays a tribute to thq - ,to . I . rhere WO. k, If. lk well built sky;scraper. Art excep- I - .—In. signs of 'the Ontario kotot ]League, , 1, I . . d amongst the most successful agri- . tional amount -of window space is , - INJONEW over ninety thousand.of -whiloh have .% I R ulturalists of Alberta. � . I I . 1� 0 It � . I .. I � � I I I -ky . I , . . "Motorists wb — , � '& . another charg�teristie of this ve been erected. , ge says 11i parU & � ­ I a "a, On."& A9 Lord Rodney, profiting by the dis- . I fine building, ft,some places the Is* 0 0 use butatio's toads y . . strous'experiences of young English- 11 ,I . T requires that the square feet of win- IT ' are fainiliar ,with the -m#AY Waclo-and- — .� . " . 11 I - .1 . dow space 61halt beat a relation to the- - -* 11 yonow eignt, btit they ihii 'not know nen bef6re him, and appreciative of , � . ' obert, isit "hat 4t is! to the,Onfarlo Motor League Get the - PT11(rh? he folly of launching into farm mwn� . , . square feet of flobt space. This latv - . I I 11 ,. . I I I t I coot"DooX - , tn ^"td Ith eonsideratiob, I �, � , . that they arb ivid4btAd for -those heltp- I .1 . 0 is based ort h6g , � , 'gement without practical knowled e It ��. I 11 �" ' - � . " ful. gulde$ � and ': &-r tiAnY. titter t1iings sod'.40C.1b .wappifoo-the I ", ... �rd training in the � method,4 of Ze oe a- . I I - . �. I 1 44 .1 � being recog.A.i%M that A cetta!U , '�$ . ". ,1, oulilwy, dea out, firs,t of, � all to , thok- : ploklo . � . I _� �V, ". ... I . PAIdly, -Pbur 180 1. mount Of s(iijill,eyt I'A necessary for , ; " 11 i I .. . 1. � ... that �Aak� Iftfoifilk ift that province , " 3' � q .. � .. - � " 11 I igh - C#64 )9941 Sms ft;f, d. inthly eqiAp hluuqelf f�,r the work. .... ,1 Meat the well bef�'*',, f becupants, Thodg f ­ I a real 40,11 - V1, '.1 ­.­:­­ . Te engaged a Iocdl farmer of muth ,, , laws specify., I -a intuil*um PropoAift t!fo. P_i9'6-vc�,h1(42dVJ,Wr$#, The �Djitd Water Hithway Asso- I to coach him, pladed- hira- , ., I � irl-drisfirler 040*.- Thilt . .1 I I ��, 1. � I efafjo)i4it- 0'.,�bb'$ongratulated on the TIE" CARADA FLOUR MILLS Mperlemee , I ay I of window , building' ebos . . I , , ,, � , "", tal treAd 061ce: TOkft" - 'Uofi * �O � - -� . - I . &OMAW ilki-,'t6quireftents of aAV 11 for Q0, 11� , $`�C 1, ,AubsttM#a,­ ,&bnaty and merited. � � , .. , I AW6. - 6t In this ' as in 0- , I N I 'i I ­ &* "net -to coast- �, , I �_ � ofthege I � S W�� i 10 . C , 4 I., . meleft,.K, ofte, of Oiitktlo�g m . , ', :_ . . , 'aW1 SA , 1411'. : ; : , :, . 7 . I � . erything el"', wl# btfWt-'PA�.10rV1hht I ... raofft 06W-1fig and' att Ot i'_11—, A I - . I I 1. I.. �,, "I paetiye,., �&.'- ", ::'.-''��, .­.— ' 11 ­ -, :7- ,� - I , , 11 1, �. � 111.1. III N ­—_ .1. � , -.1; " , , ,. - .' ' '. 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