HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-02-19, Page 5mi " ,!�� " �'.�,���,:�-,�.-,,�'"',��,�".�",�,�i'���i)�,.,�,,. I �` � , " A , , �� I -, . I - :1 I , I . I - I , "I I 11- �'. �.. .. ­.,,�.y " - !,-,',,! � , , .,��,,� ,� �., - i: ,r,,�,i�-, 1 �'. . ." �; ,, 4:� . �:�, .,f'l � �.��, - � � �� 7, I �,,� -, I I � . Ilk I �.��,�:.,,,!, �", . I ii P , l! , '-� - ­,, . . . " . I - .1 " I .1 :, , * I. 11�-, 11 �, ,��'17 , .., ,,, 4", L4. ,�I;r,,,, � ,�.I-' I , .1 . , - "�,-� 11 I > I I . - �, 1. - I ,:,�%�� , � " I , . - 11 .. - -- I . � , , -- �1- 1. - I '�, "I . .1 . .1 1. . . I . 1:� . . . ;I - " � � .* 4 ; , ,� � . , I I . . - 11�,�- - ,�i . . .., �, . . , � I . -. I , . sl tj . . I . I ,*yy",�V, �t�'�� � I - , , z 1� I - � - I j��,:?,' � ,0: �, - I" 11 `11.11�,V " , �, '' - , I , ,�� I � .1 I ;�, � '51, 7 im, Y� g, g1j,ogg, x , goi , ��, t � I ij . *.'I �1 .1 � �, " - I "'­'�,'.�'. I I . ; ..�;; ,,,,,..,,,-,�., 311 ,� . � , � �,�, .� ,� .1 . 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" # , , d ,*�` - � i ,�,,, ,e �,;A)q 1�114 X1111, i,4` -r I , f,y, k _, �J.D§ . , , , , 6 4 �%T 21 V�1�11 I MA ; , Maw r00 �, , , �, I'll I 5r�, . , ., 011 i199W , "If 1�1 K OW -51" - ­ ;, � Im ­ � ?11 � 1�` ­4,�4 ,'­,��­ , , ,�,�� i,w,y ,,�, , " 26 1 11 . I- k 4' 4119�%'WVA -0 P . ­�t,�,�716�,;�11 �.`��""'� , �',"' , I !, , ;,Ww" �"T ,�,,2. 11'g -If" 1 9 "A . ,� ,W"Nx;��.r, ;,r '' .F',� �, k, M4 " ­Wl� �, ,;X�� �,;) 9 � . ", "I" , 'r,; f�.,40 "'t 'Ro,'gS, 4, 2.1.�,, !�,A! 1, I !), - . - �. ", �­ r2l'FR�? i, .9 I . , ,F ,� Llll�� , , , 0" "� , - th# , 'T ,�At,-,Ir: " 11 � TbIfiffiffli V SiAu , ... 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I 1.',,� wr ",W­M� �9f -�, ny 01T; ,- , 1, �,�,'.'.,, - jolg' , � "i . : V . , ,a) ;!O� - - .40 '� il, �1, xiij� , 01, . St .If E , � . ­­� ­��o , �'. r , � , , , - - , , � . , -1: � - ,,�;, : : , , , , .. , Cgi L , I . ': ,'. I " , L . 41�4! - 01 , . . � i.1-711114 "I �! * .3 . 7,"I 'a �� rol�rvm, -W VA mwy . any 0i �, , , e�Mv�,',,�,, I 'I - p ,,#, . - I . - I " 'T', gr im, 0 ... , - 1� " I I � . "V�l , PUB #R!3`f �, . .. �, e& I . I-- - . . �, V" ,'�. � '. �V, ;9t - �,, Z ----. - 0* 10 :# �L Ps - scaled. .. : � � I I ,­ I . 11 � , I ,,&,�, . 1� 1. 1"..", - '7- � W. . �2A Ver . 1., I—- .I- f . � ',TA, " 09XwAlf, Ina " '1' ­ ;.,�, .. 7. I .,. � . .1 ,01140,m 41M _ e , �"L - . ".., � , qVII , .,� - Rr l! I , . , , ­ . ww�,M!VUAMAK I I I It 6r WPqtJ"-"P1?­y L ;'j;, L . �..f I , ITI , I*,"- i '( . .1 I 1, �, ,. V , , I 11 PIP fand term qf� 1� `�ii*i '011 I .1 � ffi%.'� TorrontlAb '," ,, 5 11 I - , , ', . ,, 1.1" 1 ,,7 -, � v., � i p.g ave =ow Jie day qf's' - ;au aw q Att ", "I". 1'1�1 -;, -, �, -, .. �v 'i T � ,, , j�"#,O& "'TT . TR F _�,� , . , is a I ''I T I , � . 0% . -N , - - u'l, ... , . ., , ,, � - � IR , , _ Y`q r jpq�� 10111 ­ ry, 01 , , , W u� �, g . , - 4 . , .1� � National P I I .�% flll".:,;,�`31, � I "'n.?. I . a . a on t , .� I 1 I � � I , �,, I'l., �; ,,,, . Bie ,g . =',rm , , �, - , - I .. A ST ;wq ", - ­�11 I - - I , �Vlq F, , ,7. ,­ ., I Ilef-0f: I ly,t­ ,-, ­ - f ' . �-:::I,`�,T�;�' " � I �I�X'v , A ., ­ 4lt, �#;, Jg4!-'�A',-`,A9X- ,,, ;,:"� 'AAWE t4 v 1201 0", , , .F,e*­'%$0,A7,T W i =I , I 11 �0, a74 '��,.�,; � ,�'! � .�bu pr g, �11�- , I I . � _y , i I' L , � Z, � O'N. "10 themexatimq, from. nude", nod� + ,�­Jfl , - 2 ", 2a, kol ;"'� 49-0 4, �"`�',` �,**00.-,i", Am, - Xff F-1" a �,.Wgupe,essjon 0 mountains " , ; ro � ,? w,00"oo -, M " , 04 I � � 1. 0.f". , "...� . 1, �,,, . , , 308514 � i for:. 0", VAP �, , :: "r .r . , 4011410't ��,41 - - valf�, :,m - Ontario. ,the TV Flsbru- .. ..'ato PoOm I 1. !'T'If��Ifl?,v v� ., 1 , - "I'll : 1 1611 ; ��".�!;­___T&,n­ 1; �, ! ' ' . � R"-�-4--�­;Tul '� 11� ,L ,,, I 'Busin6. - : � -- � - 'J � $1114 , " , , I -, 4(tggij �ahatn3j � I I �,moro =OulAains-lovely '" , , � . I �4,4;41�1- . , I . , I 9s; W, I , '#, �� W. .;�,� _­ - - " at 'Yo4orth geo I ..� a r ,q" wetk ",Q,1iiWebrqATr;lkp1�- 7""O"'" a '.. .. - � `V � ­,­ ;�,, 3 ,,�' . b :: .,.% - - � �,;� I '. i , 4 10-0- I-,,--,. ::-.�7�� , * , I � r - tu�uleAt rivers and dashi* � I I'll I - � -7 , - I �* *V,�;, I qwxge�, VAZ9"4r, L, "', , ,V 104* 1 1 .111, � �L,; R. 0� "'N' A , , j,� �',rJT'7�".4 �, * I.; ' ,� -1-61, �,,�01 s , , -1 1114� �)%Zao- "A", �"lv ,. , t#0 Q " .Re*ardid in pr,0,por#011-',�Q' 4 ��` l4 RM , ,, NY I . "w"` ti I - , 9, � M - V . ,,,, - j:��, Z,n - j',",'.)#Aterf&11ls un I you reach the Coast, �,�-­ --,-. " % �:, ­- Vendoes souettax.,,. ,, r, � � � ,'' . � �'I� F � , , ... . .. % !'Z -X .11, . I I I . I. , " I . - , . _ , , , , � W'� -� " I- , -, , " " �- . � ­ � , - ", ��� .� at Vancouver or Prinee�-Rupert., , , , 1'�.�,'� � - I Z, ,,, Qo*w �', � ­­ � ­!, . I I � I - - ­.­ , �:�­., ,,I�:', ,I'.', 1". �5­7.1 I ,14 % � r , .�' 1�i6 , . � , ­ _ , �1, ",-Wo . . -, '4t�, - 11, .. ,�. ay.0 , �:Op�1,1'q.r'� 0 Z, us ;; reridored S, .4iw-lk ',:,fr� 11 11 ;'.: inijr4ero I , �, - � ,,-�, , � I . - , = ,Phlo, 1010 'Flo � � - ,­ I 4 I 44111 I 1:1 ­ , - . � . - ­ ­ , . � " , -1i,- ---'--V., � I - �", � 1- , , � , ----- . ­ . . 1, I 1 A I .. . %#101) I tibt�,)J` P - M- A � prolk'iet,or ll`�,' -t� To make the most of - your � ­, . ,"14�j�,�,�,,',�,'� �� '­ -,V,,k� -1 I I ­ . 0 ,W, I : I I , cr W� , T vy't;l f,xs , . trip thp , . . I I I I : vile-, 14 I I .- Y.and- poultry, cash, ;,� ,t:,�, I 11 .. I - 6 -0. , , 'under cash; over that, 11 the 'Shl - I I I I ,, I � 1.1i . 1, I � . . - I . .1 ,� A �1� !,� � any:14.41 . voyage throug , lteTed $c " , , - kp�% -*— SIX WEEKS* FREE , I . .. . � , ,epic. , , , � I I - Vela . � . ,,V . .. ,�,! I �- I " "., - I V " $ I pr on furnishing at-. Seas of the North Pacifie should:be , !iTNNA1Al;A­ V, I - I - . -Ipforos Z11711711 1. n - 11 - . I " . I I- Jul '3t . . - I I , , � V,�.41!4 " � For 1. A ith -, 6� r cent. per an4: . ��`p '.n " � . ,, 7 , , 1," 11 � -, .. , - . e, � , I 11 ,� ,!!�, -taken from Vancoqyer fis,, Prince MVp- . ­,! 1: . - '. . I , I , !�� I I i r I I . , , ­ - M A STtJ1'ZV VaMfMarplall�."'Qil"�BillQ4 I . � � . 44 �­ ,., 4 , r a,- 11 ­ I . I � �. 1.T . . '01i& I r . p oii- Febm . . I "V, Yropr­ , "the VoyAoe� you . . , —­'­� , . �­ , � 4�Xim�uu .01.04COASP WiLXNA� " , .- -, � ' beloved* e � I �, . I. " 0 -, ru . I I J es , Watson, ert 0 Alaska, � O.fi I 'J�n'nqiixat . , ; . 0116 . 0%, .1 V'Ce '­ I . on, tio r. I I . BQ36-2 will .See from%�- s Part; or full time, qppoliiting subnagenla. I 1 4 . 11 -, � Is . �0 , " . a .." .. . . . I I Huron - ;A , . ". _�4 _ W14 ­*tural Society VvM : , I '1� . � . IV 120160, agea 55 ­- 7 ., 1. . I I ' 01�ndld ' sea�going Th. South __ . I � ", I , I . -amdrs,,'. allt 'inlets towering head their Annual i�W�p in the S�-Oy. i—e- assured- Write limmedisitq7. � . � . �� owd 2's . , . . stls I iring SP3Z - 1 .i, I 1 ­!7=1��441 1 � - fl, t . how - , I r,LEARING SALE , OF. FARM STOCK A . � b d1allds Inibliry . . � 1. I . 1. �', 1 7 1 1 . and it -v streams I ,,, . . THE RANTILLA CO.. . ., i .. ,� '7 11 -1141 I � � - Yfl, I - .� . . - I . I , �, I ­ . - 1, " . . . . - . , �. I ­ I instructed I JORIN +-%.w. �. mlliM� Una Man , NPLE . . I -byVublio auction on Let, to sell, - I ,�, . glaciers. On the return journey, and Town'H41q;.,� ' DAP� 33, P. O'. Box 436, Moultreol. � . . " I 1, , . '' ­,­ I I i 1. . .111 �M­-ft­" 11 I'�?i'*'i"l�'�:,,��.,�-:-.�"4"-!",����y!i���5'a, . 1�1 – ., I 01 ji., - i­,�il 1----W.1111 . I I I I i I . 11, . � .JN MMORUM . 2�nd, I uorses-OmB ICIDuceilaloit 4. R.R.S., on Tuesday'. March,l at o4e 'o'elo6k : p4n�, the 'Mlowink:�� 4rauglit 6 'rse 12 years old. I see Kifwanga and 'itg totem poles, M unt Robson, - the highest peak in 0 , -r -', ,,,,Rens0 . I I � ­.,. . -i on, �, -�t ­ 1. . I . , , ,f � . ­ T. � , - ,1- ." ,ZV1 , " 1, . , ,� , - �, -, � " ',��,, " , " "7f.,.--,',,, ,4 �­Z' - i , -, �' " � "'' , ", ",-1 I 4 , 11 , . , "' - : , , ,��, � , " ,� I ­i�:,�. ­ , , � � , , T1r^ I - i� r I I :. ,; %.: �� ,� 4,1 *.'. 4,2", I � . . �. ." �,�', 1 , 1) - , � - T11 , , . ��' ", S ORI �­ . � - I . I I - � . I I � - . � � . NOW -Items under this,hind WW be tharx- dr4night mare It yeare, old, I draught heavy the'lCanadian Rockies, and again to . -. . I I Ffiday, February 26th, 1926 6 Money Wanted I . , . - ,� .. � ., �,,.. le, �1�, , 131kPiR L , - L, ,. ', , , � ' I ,.,.,,-,*, I— `,-�01-1 I � .� �'11 "' I - - -,PPF! slqglo, i "pts f4W driver- q,4, 50 cents, yersi, mod $0 I cow, 7 yeW old- Optitle-1 ftaroughbred . -183466= 4 years Red Duchess - 014, in Jasper National Park. . , , VdR SAT -TWO SHORTHORN BULLS, I off , "i, ��­., �r,.'. " , . ­ ,�, ; I ­ � . I I . � � "' '1;'--.'- "" ., 1� . � , , 1-1 I , ' - veme. , eAlki additlonial � I . I . ealf ; I thoroughbred helfer� Red Duchess 2md', These trips, as mapped out by Can- -, I I . 11 . . .1 . .. ltto lit, .1. ... � ,.� I 10 Choice Shorthorn Bulls,. mostly , It ­ 4 � ., b T 0 - i xq: 'Kni; " 4 10111 q�� ��, " . t In toving memory�of Imlen Dickson sact, =194764= with calf at toot; I thoroughbred adian National Railways, are not sur- . rpm� I= $2000, Immediately, on firstelass �1�11r �� to be the ,best' son of the faxa6us - A. 1". 00 ChMnO16,,bul "­ �. Z,q 1� , I . ,�e . I , " e, , �11 , - �, ' "I 1 cow, ,14heloved wife of J. M. Wilson. 'who died Fehr - Queen Daisy/ -;7:1712716= 5 years old, passed anywhere and furnish a -liberal � . . . I mortgage for five years. Money raliti �,, ,� 11 ',�-­,, 4 6 , I . I I Comet. Special attention paid ta, , lae, ... ITyrog qua -me , , ­ , - " ufad I supposed -vxy l8th, 1:924, 'at Owen So - I bred to be *, calf. I yearling thorough- heifer; I. cow 5 3�ears old, due in March; education on Canada to our Canadian I The fasowing VVIW,m will be awarded on � well secured. Will pay 7 per � ;;; I, ; ter&�, e; OP4.: � 7,'�'�'-,, ; . ..... Farmer's prices, easy libetA guarante herd. . 'i � I 610 "I " I � . - I I -not speak how -we loved you, , -45kur lips am cow l4earts ,cannot ten whAt to Bay; cow 6 yeais ,61d due in March; I Holstein 5 yeani old, due in -Apr!]; I heifer rie- people. . I ' Summer tourist fares are effective . best qamples efSeW exhibited in accord. the once with the rides-'Zieviorning Seed Fairs. ' , cent. Apply-,, . BOX 325 ,� " - -,�� �', tion invited. Farm adjoining Exeter. . , .:If�!'� : � ,�,-� . ,. "? -� ; I I I 1, , . . . 1. -v 1.11�� I , - . �,Our Amod only *knows how we, md,as you Ing � is lonely to-daY. three; 'In 0, in calf -due in April: 6 steers rising 2 sftera rieirii twe; 2 heifers rising between May 15th and Sept. 30th I 'Of 2 bushels Spring Whe5IL any Variety- . . . . � . t ... 100, 1,50 1.?5 . Clinton, Ontario. I ... . - � ,�, , , I .11. � : 1. �' :::�, 1 1-1 , , r Harr Smith, Hay T.9j,, Oid� - the ho me that two, I farrow'eow, 2 yearling heifers, I sow W1 *th return limit Oct. 319t, at a 8.60 2.50 2 bus. Mo. 72 Oats ..... 2.00 1.50 3038-4 1'� � . ., �. . � , , .J, . . y 1 . " . i , ".1, . HUSBAND AND DAU,GHTER S. with litter of 9 pigs. Implegnents-1 Deer- minimum of cost. 2 bus. White Oats.' aTW calve and bull 2 years old, 10 steers rising 2 heifers 2 old in choice I � - � . ., If . . ..�. I . "'it;." ,-.,..-. , 1:.�� ,,�' ; ,, . ., , � , � I � , 1�. ..'Davidson. -In loving inemory of oftT dear Ing 'ftsbamd father, William Davidson, cut, binder 6 -foot cut, I Deering mower 6 -foot I Rain wagon, I Massey-Rarris culti- Make sure of your Wleste t , rn r'P other variety ........ 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 fll,00 2.50 2.00 1.50 2 bus. BarIeY,,�rqv,;1aa s.teck show. 8 --No Premiums shall be award- , ,,�,�;;; " , . I � . -�, . ,?� '.. ", 1� I . . . . . . ��,,� .- �� � � . ­ . - 11, I 1. ­ . . , - - . I , . �, I � . I L :. " ­'� ' � , . I and who -died February 96th, 1926. 1 . .tor,, I -riding plow (Tudhope & AndMon), 2 -furrow Kangarop plow, I hay louder, 11's summer by planning ahead. Any Can than National Agent 2 bushels of cid 2,00 1.50 1.25 I bushel of Fid4d Bean,& ZA0 1.50 1.25 A, D., Sutherland's , . 4Due year has passed since that &ad day 1 1 , fanning mill', I disc harrow, I steel roller,. top buggy, 1 set bob sleighs, I hay rack, will giVr-. .a I you full information and illustrated 1 bus. of Timothy, Seed 2.00 1.56 1.25 I bus. Red Clover Seed 2.QO 1.50 1.25 . 1. .� ­. I ". I . 1 3 � ""?" I .. 77� V'hen one we loved was called away; —d 6Dok — it wB9 -His will I Massey -Harris seed -drill, sugar making booklets. 3036-2 1 bus. Alfhdfa Seed ... 0.00 1.50 1.25 GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY ,., . I 1 , . . I I .. .1. 1, . I But in our hearts he liveth a . till. outfit --Sadly missed by his wife and daughter. heater, complete, consisting of evaporator. backets, spiles; I set heavy team . I bus. Adsike Seed .... 2.00 1.150 1,25 . I I I bU.3hel Of, POtatGeS, Life, Fire, Accident Auto, Wind, Etc. I — :40"36. 1 harness, � . other �10. bushels clean seed oats, and, articles too numerous to maention. $25 TO $50 WEEKLY 0 1.25 any early variety .. 240 I -5 Real &tate ' Bonds I bushel of Potatoes. for ------� Positively an reserve as the proprietor has his farm, Torma.-All sums of P10.00 paid men who will qualify for position as general crop ... : .... 2.00 1.50 1.Z5 I bus. of Sweet C4over 2.00 1.50 1.25 Every fire means a loss somebody . . I rented � and 'IMPORTANT NOTICES credit Under, cash: over tliat amount 7 months' wIll be civen on furnishing approved Aulomobive Meehan -ice, Electric 'Jenition, Battery Service� Welding, Bricklaying, Plaster- 1 bus, of Buckwheat ... 2.00 1-50 1.25 .to Most creditable showing and in every accident, somebody loses. I - - - - -- . I . joint notes. Six per cent. per annurn allowed for cash on orisdit amounts. Seed grain, T. SF(ILLINGLAW, Proprietor; G. Ing; also Barber trade and Mechanical 'Dent- istry. Short time taken to learn. Be am- bitious. Act. now. Enquire a -bout of Grain and Seeds ... Sweep�take Badge. . Protect your own interests --the cost , VdR SAT -TWO SHORTHORN BULLS, I off "w red, thirteen months old; ome roan eig4.. r-asti. 1. ' H- G. ,miotl- Auctioneer. 3086-2 our earn while )earn Plari. � is but a trifle compared with the pro- eftonths old. Both by Cloverdale Preferred. I ­ ­' --- — HEMPHILL TRAINING INSTITUTE, RULES AND REGULATIONS tection. afforded. 'Friced reasomably. JAMES McINTOWL R. IL 8, Seafflorth. *r phove No. 187 rina ,ff. 163 King .Street West, Toronto. SW6-1 . . I I -All seeds entered for ,Competition must . EXTENSIVE CLEARING AUCTION SALE. 8#82x4 OF FARM STOCK AND IMPIMMENTS. have been grown by the exhibitor within one BONDS -- I - Mr. Thonum Brown has received instrustions sell by puiblic auction at Lot 19. Conces- year previous to the exhibition. AtJ exhibits . of seeds shall be beftd to be representative of $100 $500 $1000 Semi-annual interest QTRAYED-FROM LOT 24, CONCESSION t�6 I � 4,' McKillop, on Monday, January 4th B, sion 14, McKillop, an Tuesour, February Z3rd, I the total quantity of such seed offered for Week, white and brown dog, femalli- I�ng at I o'clock shurp, the following property: NIAGARA LIMESTONE sale by the exhibitor. ,The Secretary of th . Imireo. Amy one found harborinc i�e doe Horses -Two dramebt mares 6 years oid, regis- 0 izer. Society -may take ah'd Preserve samples from Comfortable dwelling --- central, a wift be Prosecuted- Finder please phon tered; . 2 geldings 6 and 8 years old, draught in foa.1 to Glenrae, draught each exhibit for reference in ew- of dispute bargain. 289-22. PERCV SMITA, No. 5, Seaforth. mare gelding 7 y ra ,Did, rising 2 yeaxs old, driving mare 9 old, quiet and gentle, a good mover. newly calved cows, 4 cows due Present their Moving Picture entitled "The Rock o Ages" arising from the sale of seed by exhibitor. 2­-C,anapetitora must become maernbers of the Society by payttvg to the Treasurer thereof. Choice farm, close to town; easy � FARM FOR SALE, ­ PETER McIVER years ' Cattle-�Four tfarm. in Hibbert, fin a bu d Ine" to in March April, I farrow cow, .0 in * <> 0 0 <01 0 0 * <> 0 -C� either previous to or at, the time of maki ng terms. 104 newrall drained and fenced; good bush! . Drake-Bulson Farm, In Hibbert, 100 acres. thoroughbred calve and bull 2 years old, 10 steers rising 2 heifers 2 old in choice Showing how they inake entries, the sum of 81 each, which will also entitle such member to free entry in the Rooms to Let. Be Meattle Bstat. Farms, in MeKillop, 00 res ; aid, years Quality Clay DTain Tile, also 99 per s.teck show. 8 --No Premiums shall be award- o3rdyeerar"5 100 acre farms in Hulle# and McKillop. AV- 6 yeaXiing heifers, 2 yearling steers, Ing I 4 � Niagara Limestone. ed on exhibits that contain weed seed which Office over Walker's wly to -.R. S. HAYS, Seaforth. Ont. 8081-tf Implemonts--Massey-Harris ewlv es r1s year old, young "Ives. hinder 7 foot cut. Massey -Harris mower, Massey -Harris 10 -foot rake, Massey�HarrLq disc drill, Massey- In 'rown Hall, Seaforth, in the opinion of the Judge axe of a noxious nature,, 4 -No exhibitor shall re,eive more than one priz6 ' any cause. 15 All samples must be correctly" labelled with tl,,, name of A.D. Sutherland RENT -100 ACRES, LOT 12, FARM To sted -Concession 5. Tuckerandth, all cleared. Harris 'There are on the premises a seven roomed almost lbrkk house, bank bath, drive shed. good out- scuffler, cultivator, Massey -Harris hay loader new, steed land roller, disc harrow, 2 se,ts diamond harrows, Oliver rid- Friday Evening, Feb. 19 ", iety, the amount of seed f,)r �ale, and the �elling price. Grain not I- than 25 a Opposite Dominion Bank Sprins, 'Kheat, 10 'buildings. Two miles from Seaforth. Spring ing water, well tiled/,drained. Apply to RICH- plow. walking plow. -lumber wagon al- box three- at 8 p.m. bue,hels for sale. except ; Alsike, Timothy and Cio,er, not Phone 152. busht-n ARD ROBINSON. 14 West Gore Street, Strat- quarter most new with and spring seat� wagon. set bobsleighs and flat rack, Everyone Welcome Admission Free. less 6 bushels; Alfalfa. 9 bu.,h,,I-�; Early Potatoes, met less than 5 bushgL, Late Pota- ford. Out. 8036-8 set light sleighs with box. I gravel box, I rack. 2 is-- sugair kettles. stock rack. tired buggy with top, steel tired bugi,y 9 toes. not leas than 25 bushels'! Onions, not less than I bushel. G -In '&P; ,A dispute. a declaration that the abovp miss FARMERS' FERTILIZER . -­... - - CRE hay BARGAIN. -THAT CHOICE rrF-rY A rubber I farm on tibe.Government Highway, Lot with top, I open buggy. 1 democrat, 2 cut- W. J. CLEARY statutory have been complied with, m,iy be required ---- -- -- . 5, Concession 1, Tackersinith, 11/4 miles from tem. I DeLaval cream separator No. 12, one from each or any exhibitor of seed- 7 --All Seviforth. The farm is all seeded except 15 fanning es aer : 8 acres being allalfa. Ali tiled drain- scales, mill, 1 kitchen stove. I set of weigh cap. 2000 lbs., 75 bushels large seed ,C> <> <> �� ,0 <> <0, <> <> �C, 0 <> ex�hibita for cornpetitfon�4 for prizes mwt b� Harving taken over the agency of Hensall -od` with good outlet. Choice bearing apple petu,, a quantity of -mixed grain, 8 co,d. 0 <> delivered at the Town Hall, not later than 12 o'rIff.ek noon. and shall 7 'ot ,e the late James Cowan for the Farm- orchard.nWurno comfortable 10-roorn frame choice -o 50 Whingled barn 36x5O; at, dry maple wood. 2 sets double harness. hoes, forks -i 0 0 S. T. Holmes & Son, removed Until th, 11��e af the fair at 4 P.,n ers' Fertilizer Co., Wingham, I will "e* ewly single Lot 19. Concession 2, hameas, n1so shovels, an A ni­L�sion Free. ' be pleased to fill all orders of both old 'I acres of pasture land, other T(ibbert, with never failing `bprime creek : has articles. No reserve as the proprietor his farm. Terms Sale 0 Funeral Director and 0 nnd new customers, and give any in- inewly Wire fencing; no drainage tax.. Both sums rented of -All of $lo.00 'hd under, cash; over that n 0 <> Licensed Embalmer. The Annual Spring Show of Stallions, BAIII� Cattle and Hnm� li�r,,� will be held .,I formation within my knowl�edge. Al- , c,f above farms will be sold at a bargain, P. DTLt, Dublin. Ont. 8085-3 amount 9 months' credit on approved joint notes. A disc4unt of 4 cents on the dollar <> Finest Motor and Horse- �O 'hi(�day, April Gth, 1926. Piir- 0 0 Cultural Lime. I Hens,all on , A ri - allowed for cash an credit amounts. Grain 0 draw -n. equipment. Bea ttie <> ticulartf later. ALD, I ANDREW ARCHIB . . ----- Let 11. pgrN4 bts a. �, to and wood. m9h. DAVID CRAWFORD, Pro- 0 Block, Main Sytreet opposite <> 1 WNf- COINSIT, K. M. McLEAN, -Concession 5. McKillop. containing 100 prietor; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 3035-2 <> The Expositor Office. S. T. <> Seaforth. President. Secretary. acres. There are on the premises a good frame house with kitcheno-, bank barn, 44xK: ,C* Holmes, residence, Goderich I:> : Box 282. Phone 44 W. ---- -- Vig pen; -hen house and implement house. all <> Street West; Chas. Holmes' 10 — ----I- --- I In' first clam repair. The farm is all . tile �drained -and well fenced- Plenty of. wter; AUCTION SALE , 0 residence over store. 10 - ---- - - . - . -- ­ MORTGAGE SALE <60 acres fall vlou,rbing done. Six miles from Seafort]). 5 miles from Dublin, IV, Tniles from The AdminiAtrator of the ef�tnte of ERNEST 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 0 All kinds 'Of up- 'C* TheJohnRank'in school, 8 milesefrom church; rural mail and R ()ALDWELL has instructed Mr. Oscar notice. 0 bolstering neatly done. <> OF PETER MclVFR FARM, LOT 30, phone. Will b sold on eany terms. For 'further Partlefulars to WILLTAM Me- Klopp, Auctioneer, to sell by public auctlo, on Thu,day. March 4th, 1926. at .1-90 '.., on I 0 Phone, Night or Day, 119. 101 I CONCESSION, ITIBBERT I Agency naimly IVER. Staffa. Exec tor of the Estate,)of the the premis�, the following real estate andlo ��J 7th . . : late James Flanagan. . 3 36-tf chattels: 10 0 0 <> <> 0 0 0 <> <> C� <> Und,ri P�­rs of Sale to %I -tffage the abo%'e Insurauce of all �-lnds. — -- The Caldwell farm on the Zurich Road Pon- I � '. od,9 w 11 be offere,l f,-: - by Public auc- tion, at Dick's Hotel. .,;.­f­th, on Monday, Bonds, Real Estate, THE USE AND ABUSE OF THE taining 100 acreo being composed of the west' quarter of I,ot 18, the west rivarter of Lot -- - - -- - -- . - --- Z,2nd Februam 1926. at ! ;'m- I S lendid build,nv,. v-i f-ces and drains Aloney to Loan PHONE 19, and the west half of Lot No. 20 on the AGENT WANTED andpa good bush. t., - I,- known at*�.), SEAFORTH . ONT. Sale �111 We understand there has been considerable trouble in connection with the McKillop &th Concession of the Township of Hay. On this farm there is a splendid bank barn for Seaforth and district. Two fast Terms of � - or may be obtainf-d (­­ -dersiened. Ini PEONE 91. Telepbone System, -namely: Interference In '42x62, steel roof, with cattle stablincr under- se Iling household spiecialties. Write mediate p�sgessi*u enn I- ,fr!anged. , I long distance and local calls. All those who 1hava (the phone installed know it is a public neath, a good frame hay barn 32x4f; with brick home &ta'bling underneath. implmne�t for full particulars. CONSOLIDAT- � ,-- - - -- R, S, If \) � I � i9ervice. but nevertheless that does not mean that one should monopolize the right to keep s,hed and henhouse and a brick and frame dwelling house The soil is excellent, well ED SALES BOOK & WAX PAPER CO,, 800 Burlington St., Hamilton. Vend-', S- ,�,-r. -� 1035 . ,on the phone when there is no business of drained and watered by wells and a aprinz Thomas Brown, Aurtion,­ - BetterCrops Ofeir own demanding them to be there. Nor creek, touching the corner of the farm. The does it mean that .they afiould talk In an tarm is all oleared with about 8 acrea r ad- I Impudent and abusive manner over the phone. Now we hope thn't each one in connection mirably adapted for the growing of celery. This farm Is situated on a main country — — . l For 1926 -with this Telephone Sysetm will henceforth road equi-distant from Hensall end Zurich, . 7 -Cent -01 ,demn It their ,duty to use the ph6ne in the Ivioper way. . - three miles: 17 acres full wheat and fail plowing mostly done� <> - 11)11 21 in <> � I If there isi any further trouble in oonuec- Wbn with this matter, procleeitings will be STOCK. I We have all sizes and -shapes to fit any shoe. It really would TV. A. . 11 01 you are not in need of them now. Your investment will pay taken to bring the guilty Parties to Justice. 31U PHR Y SNELL, JOHN M. EC Horses -ane general purpose gelding nine 3roura oK one seed mare. Pie Social 0 0 Funeral Dir(�ct,fr and . Licensed Fnilmlmerg�' , �0 � attention This is assured if you give proper to the land. Pivaident. Tr4asurerKERT' Cattile-One cow due on or before the date $3.50 Jersey cloth ........ � ............................ '0� Drainage. . JOHN M. GOVENLOCK, Secretary. . of the sale, I good Durham cow supposed to freshen in April, I irood Grade Jersey sup- MISSES' ADJUSTO 0 H. C. BOX Motor and 110rSe-drAWn' '00 First -By Proper Second -By returning Lime to the I ­ ­' --- — posed to freshen in April, I good Jersey cow supposed ,be freshen In June, milking: 8 Polled -i rt-- �� <> Best equiprn(,nt. -0 I land, for You must realize that all i TENDERS WANTBD Angus steers rising 2 years; I Polled heifer rising 2 years. I arade steer 1% years old. I NORTH SIDE UNITED CHURCH <> Charges modorate. -01former <> of ell -cps have robbed your soil lime. . steer rising one year, I heifer rising 1 year. $1.50 0 Flowers furnishe(i on short I <> Third -By applying a good Fertil- _ March Sealed tenders will be received up to . 4th at I o'clock p.m. for the erection of a About 200 laying hems. FRED. Monday, March Ist 0 <>- . notice Nights Calls, Day Cal -Is 0 izer. If you follow this course you Vfahlla School an Lot G, Concession 8. Hlb- b" Plow and specificatlons, may be seen About 4 tons mixed hay and about 4 tons <> Phone 175. Phone 43. 0 can hardly fail to have better . . at*�the holtne of George lAnnin, I;ot 8, Con- . ,casallon 9, WbberL Tandern - must be acoarn- good alfalfa; a quantity of good corn ,fodder in the barn and 4 Quantity of gtraw: fifty at 8 P.M. <> * .0 in * <> 0 0 <01 0 0 * <> 0 -C� 1926. 1 I can supply you with the Hig wanied by A anarked abeque,for 6 per cent. bushels o21A and 50 bushels feed beans. A Come and Have a Good Time Quality Clay DTain Tile, also 99 per ,of contract vripe. Lowest or eny tender not stack of S ,load. of oat sheaves, unthreshed. - I Pure Ground Lime and Ame ri- I inecesearlay accepud. , GEORGE LANNIN. ISO basheas Toots. IMPLEMENTS. &c. . . ) , ­— cent. , "o, <> <> <> <, 0 0 * o * .0 ca� Agricultural Chemical Co. Fer- . 13086-2 Secrot=7. R, R..Nb. Z Du bHn. A Ford oar in lgood running order, onel . 0 0 0 tilizer. Either you draw your o*n or I . . 6-fodt binder, 1 6 -foot mower, 11 run disc <> I 0 will arrange for delivery by truck. I - 11 . - drill, bean cultivator and harvester complete, 11 -toot sulky rake, all of Massey-Harria mak 10 W. J. CLEARY �0 Orders solicited. I . HORISE9 FOR SALE , " and of recent date, a rood steel land roller, I cultivator, I diso, I Acme harrow, set diamond NOTICE <> 10 ­ Licensed Embalmer and 10 W. M, SPRO ALT I � - A car of first-class horses expect- harrows, a root Bouffler. walking plow, one Chatham fanning nifill, 1000 1b. platform .10 . Funeral Director. .0 <> 1 ed to arrive at Bruceffield, aboirt the aftlep, gravel box, 2 wagons. a democrat, a biVgkY, cutter, get aleighff, s-traw cutter, cream 0 Up-to-date Hor,;(, and Motor 0 R- R. No. 4, Se I tfth .of Fohtuatyx ranging in weight separator (MiB-Iotte), Daisy churn, double and 0 Equipment. I Phone 136 r 2. aforth. .. f ftO & 1500'poundg. single harness, rain *Uter barrels, bukar The Industrial Mortgage and 10 Night and DRY SeryiCe. 0 - ---- pgrN4 bts a. �, to kettle. car rope and Pulleys and slings. ane new extension ladder, a grindstone. wagon Savings Company, of Sarnia, <> Phone 19-22, Dublih. 0 � fftowl . � 11 �' v*i0fic,14 Phone: �'.,i6fn I�T,geafovth. I .., .1 � I . 130867-1 1 I 1 .61— "..".". m., I 1111iiiiiiiiii m ,..-q I �' ,�. I . . . . FEED FOR SALE . I I We have a quantity of re6 cleaned Split Beans, which Wd. , alre offering at $1.00 per himdred , pounds - while they last. Securd . I your suppl� now - I ; . , , 10001K 199,6S6 MILLING Co. - Ont. #16 ;:, , -,�­; ,,,�J - rack. a quantity of cedar posts and rails, forka, shovels, chains, log bunks, rh .,nib=, . tome tud other articles. A quantity of household ftrnitare. Chattela.-All - sums of $25.00 and under, over that amount, 8 months' credit on WPr'o'ved Joint notes. Discount 9f six per Bent. per xnnusn for oas4h on credit Ulftounts. Real Estater­­10 per dent. of pUrebase Money at tbne of ante and halaTice on April lot, ig2a. The Real Estate will be sold gubjefat to ihe AMT6VAJ Of the Officlal Guardian. Per gft0dong of gale and further partletil- 4hm tipply, to. OSOATI 110LOPP, HENRY STRAX49, A-detionebr. Administrator. I � P�V. HARCOURT. 1C.O., .. OR(eiof QVardinn, Toronto. GLADMAX & $TANBURY, t5t�tI;4* and Vensall, . Solleftotg- lot' Administvat". Ontario, has , $2450,000 TO LOAN on good farm lands, at moder- ate rates. Parties desiring it loan will apply to D. F. McGRUGOR, Secy-Treas. McKillop Insurance comparki W. R. PAUL, Manager, SaTaia, Out. - 803" 1 L I I 0 '�t. <> , 0 - I -- � .. . .11, 0 1 * ,> W. J. Walker & Son <> * — 0 * W. J. Walker, 'Funeral- Di- 0 * rector and Embalmer. * 0 — 0 * Motor or Horse EquiPtnent. 0 * Care or Flowers furWahed 0 0 as requoste(L , * -0 Day or Night, Ph6be 67., 0 * I 0 I. lovos-o I ,, - �" . I . . ­ �. , ,�, I - 1 q.."),J� U 4 141 - 2088-2 I 1 -4 - - . � .1 I .. I ,�,, : :.� - � . � , I - I I . � . . . I I I � � �.. . I ,�� 1, � . I , . I . I I ­ � � � . I 1%* 1. , .�. :"� - ,,� . . ,­ 4, -� - - " . . ". ,, . -,. ­-.�Ii IX . . ., I I , 11, . I . . I - I ­ � ' "' , � " ",f:�� ., 1. I L, � �""�;.""f"���".'41;'�,.��,�,.k��.,��,�,����k";, -, " . I . %. �:��, � "r " �, "'? �, � 6, � f. , , ' .1 41.�;, ­;��, , �;i�'­" ';"' i ','4- -, "I', - '. "" . . � . . , . % � ��",, ,�, - , � " " " a;�.L' � � . ,, -... �i�j � 1. .X , , I I . � � � - " �� .1.1 1, " , .; ­ " ", � ,.. , . .. - " I , 1. ­�!��' , ,,.,, ,,�` , "'n ,,, � rj ,".�,!,, L'I, �1�1 , I N� '', ,. " . , 11-1. I � . . , . 1- U;..� � �1� : 111�1 �, `­"4,� �V,Tr, S -, " fy 141 I , - - A,--Iitl� if�,,� -, � . . , . L 1- 1, - ", - ,� " - .1 . , li, �1. � "��, , "I �',11, , ,�� "I", I 'I, ; " �, q, ,%.", "�fl,"i""'d , � , ;� �� 40 , ,V, " J t -M0. �,Ml­ I "I'll A - , � ":. , 1, . ­ . � �K, i 5 il,0��q,,�,,4,,fidqf " , " " I � . , , , .1 i,�,hl ,.),�,Jf�-�,'�; ^ . t I , - , , v �'A I ",' � "' � L" " " - - 1-1 ,.-;, .. ,�/-,L' ". "'. ,',� �, -,',,,, 4�, 11, I .. ,.' � " " " , � -4, '�,`, ., E -.�,,�-61 `� '�I�"�tj� "�� "'L'� ."" &.1 , ;.*�­�Ps �"514111 , ","' � 7", ,,," I , , 0'�,,�,i&,,,',,�,�q! " , - " , ."jj,.. , �', " ,14'. ,:. � .`%,�K,,�,, , .� 0'."RP�`5­"110 "X -,�,',`P #,4i,l ,f�, 5Q ii, , �, , ,", ,,�V,5-'4u, -,W";�,�'.,`-. , , , A I � �t� . , �Iv , , � ; , If, ".."', _, ,& " - , ;�`,:, -,w �',,..� 1­ki;�, !""­,�4 ,�, ,,,�1'4��'l 1 �"l �'�l 6 1�1'i� �"'l .' , � i -I -V!1,-111..- ­y, �WP,, � ,,, ,,`�N` - A, t�,',% � , t, .Qi,4 " , . �fvi;,,,,%�,,,, A ,�A k Ill, ,., ,,;' I .1 : . �.,, , , ", . , � '4 � , .. '� L � I . ­,� , � I ,. " , ",.:: '', , . � --- � . �� �1111 : r: % " I . .. I . I <�,� - --- - I . .. . a I ­�11 � , . ,�:,�, McLACHLAN Business Collesdelp "I . We . �,�, I 11 ,1 . I . . �f, Stmtf,ord, Ontaflo . ,­"� � , I ` , . 11 - :,. Reopens for the FA Term on Tuesday, SePL Id .. I "... , - . . I ., wrru nm &um sTmw oF Bx mamcim 10MMMUMTOU , .,. , Busimmi men, knowing that ow vadusta an mm,40MIN- e 11 .. ,­� tmt thm the X=duata of other whw1s, aR upon = fw % , � , mom trained help thm we am isupply. C0==n,dd,Uft L' .1 offals armter opportunitin thm dow my otbw edfta - � Got ow fm =talarm for par& -Wars reSazftg fte emu& I ' D. A. MeLACHLAN, Princlost. IL . . . I . . I I Midwinter Sale of Goloshe.oy Right now, when you need a Pair of GoIoshes, we afford you the opportunity to purchase them at a Rea.l. Economy Price. We have all sizes and -shapes to fit any shoe. It really would be a wise investment to purchase a pair for next Winter, if you are not in need of them now. Your investment will pay large dividends. LADIES' ADJUSTO with 2 buckles and 2 adjustable straps with domes; high or low heels; SQ 91; fine Cashmerett ...................................... %11tLTJ LADIES' ADJUSTO $3.50 Jersey cloth ........ � ............................ $2.95 LADIES' FOUR BUCKLE ........................... MISSES' ADJUSTO $2.50 Sizes I 1 to 2 .................................... MISSES' THREE BUCKLES $1.95 Sizps 1 1 to 2 .... � .............. � ................ CHILD'S THREE BUCKLES $1.75 , 8 t-0 I 0 V2 ............................. ';iZ(',q ... $235 MEN'S FOUR BUCKLE ............................. $1.95 . . ............................... MEN'S ONE BIT(IKI,F ME'N'S BLIZZARDS $1.50 Jerc,oy Cloth Storm ...... � ....................... We Guarantee the wear of very Pair of Rubber Goods we sell. J. H, Smith & Son Where Eventually You Will BuY There is One . . good feature about this Winter --ft Is Nearly Over�400` Are you SUITably prepared to meet the Spring? Will you feel comfortable about your appearance when your O'Coat is off for the Season? Come in and let ns show you sorne new Spring Cloths, ranging in price from $40.00 to $55-oo per stilt. You should never be without an Indigo Sorge, the most useful of clothing. Prides $40.00, $45.00 and $50.00 Don't let this matter go until the rush begins— ORDER NOW � AT (yr wt . ngnam, will ne at 0 1 Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Bright s, Seaforth-�( Monday and Thursday . , - Afternoons. . �. A 1',i=tmcnt8 given for diseases TAILORING AND HABERDASHERY, I ' �..., I .�i -, I I .. �. ; g I 2999x4-tf . , , i I ��'I.:, � Dress Well. and Succeed'. n�," `­ �.i� I . 1. 1, I ­- . . ­- - - I I ­,'� .. .,�� . 11. ", . Y: , . . '­��!�!,!-��4,�,,� . ":-, '­�,�� .. ­?,,,>4.,�,�,� - .. - �.S;. 1 ,� � `vg,'�m'�;�, `� . , - fi, ��,l I . . :, � �­w . I... L��', �,,,A�,� � '. � .. I -, ,""", . . I .'', ,� R 1�* .'' , ��� I ill", I : ,. -:.,�' '�,�,:, :­, �,g,,�, I . ., . , -, "',­ ,.,.���:.,.,�,,���"F,-,,-,,;"- I �� ��4 I : I � . �,4, , 0 I �% t� ,!,� '­,�,;,.., & I �, 4611 , I I � " ',7 '.. - ''. ::. I., 1...,:�,�L'- e ., ,�.",.,...,.�-"..,�,-����,,,,�7�,,,.:,:O�;�,"�,�'t,"'.�,',,.",, mm -, 1� . �, 4, �. I � `,,6"`, ''�'I.U�f,,�:"­�­­ 11.��..­-�­" ,4,.�,,�,,�l��i,,�,",�','�,,�,��.,.���,�� - , - "I, "-,4, - - . 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