The Huron Expositor, 1926-02-19, Page 3A
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Too lazy to wash was the descrip. frequOutl
-YW' LLP V.1ry y:s�p. Oung cattle, 4li,;;,
S who, Pearllnngl q,-srn
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WAASko.lete, a 4,044,;nt bankin gorr, e after fr
asist prodwoti-Ve 9 tiop given of two elderly sister
Vhen :the ','a
after fourteen years of parish relief, 11 , TtAfagb. have returned'I
ervice a your,- ils�OSAL ftom pastlites -to, the Infected quar4�
travelled around from one workhouse
1�0 during the feed
to another. It had been the hitentiog ters that theS,
of the sisters to travel t)ius unt Ing Period.
11 they
THE reached Youngliab, fliew native disa . 'Caused�bY A PAV�o
The parasli chophyton tous-
trict. . Owing to. tile, '.abolition of
'reiponsible for the�
workhouises iniho—Free,�St4tes these rans, which 1�'
s 'had, to be abandoned, and then ringworm conditi0li, Is a hardy rao-
cal and can"livo'bi the stables fee
ONE nager, 16 sisters suggested to the Lurgan I I&
Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent Guardians that - they should� instruct racks, mangpips �and yards from
eir clerk to write to a man, who, spring to autdmin.and is always ready..
to welcome lif
would ja victim, be It a man,,
they said was a relative, and to take a horse, a a'heQ0,-:a pig or a steer;—
forward the money necessary cattle are preferred offering a skin
them back to Youghal. In accordance that is usualli� soft and Porous --just
with the Guardians' instructions the what the parasite needs. The trans -
FIGHTING, FOR up their positions in ' front of the clerk wrote to the gentleman and in mission of the parasite may be direct
BABY'S HEALTH, altar, the pastor, also draped in a his reply, which was tead to the or Indirect. Indirect by means of
white robe, stepped into the custom- Guardians, he stated: --"For. many harness, curry comb, blanket, bed -
Is the I Cbtistast Care of Every, ary place'and in tones almost inaud- yesirs.we have.done our best for this ding, tie.chain, halters, mangers or
Young Notber. ible, pronounced the c . ouple man and worthl�ess family, and lost many stall partitions. In cattle natural lu�
wife. pounds for nothing. In fact they ap- fection occurs through contact of dia-
Following the ceremony, the party pea -r too lazy to waAh themselves. ea�ed and healthy animals, as rubbing
The young mother has a constant slowly left the hAll, the many hun- The puzzle is how they find money or licking one another. The parasite
�care in looking after the welfare Of dred's of guests enjoying the ball and travel as they do. Year after after reaching an animal locates In
ber little ones. Childhood ailments which followed. year we find them in different parts the hair follicles, causing the,halr to
become brittle and to split or break
,come on so suddenly --sometimes *The fimt Ku Klux Klan organiza- of Ireland. The entire family have ff. A single organism once es -tab-
-without a. minute's warning — the tion in British Columbia was formed run through thousands. Some years 0
lished under favorable. conditions
inother may have a (very sick baby on in Vancouver. This step of the Unit- ago I gave them 270 to open a shop. int'Itiplie, at a tremendous rate, so
lier hands before help can be obtain- I ed States promoters was criticized, They sat down and ate it'up. Don't much so that thousands of hal.r fol -
ed. That is unless she has a remedy but was only followed by -the Victoria be uneasy about them. They have,,a 11cles are invaded and the circular
in the house which she can safely body being formed, and then another happy knack of pi�king up money. rtatches of grey scaly crust increase.
Zive* the baby for any of the many organization in New Westminster. .0 Yearlings and Calves Are Most
miiuor aillnents of babyhood and The organizers are confident that in ANIMALS AND INSECTS IN ceptible, particularly so if crowded
-childhood. - the very near future every province WINTER together in warm, stAililes where the
Such a remedy is found in Baby's in the Dominion will be represented organism Is present on walls or man-
4Own Tablets. Thousands of mothers in the Ku Klux Klan, which was start- Ants, bees, wasps, flies and many gers. The disease appears around
throughout the country always keep ed away back in the days of the Am- other insects protect themselves dur- the ears, eyes, neck, lips and tail-
za box of the Tablets on hand and they erican Civil War. - ing the winter by securing food sup- head, the parts that an itchy animal
proclaim thbm to be without an equal Thg'Prqvincial Government of Brit- plies and c@nstructing retreats. can rub on an Infected obJect most
lor sweetening baby's . stomach; regu- ish Columbia endeavored to take steps The wonderful work done by ants, easily. The period of incubation for
lating his bowels, and thus driving to prevent the organization of the Ku bees, wasps, spiders, butterflies and this parasite vaxiii-s from seven to
,out constipation and indigestion, colds Klux Klan in that province, but found worms has been studied by many na- thirty days. Small nodules covered
and simple fevers, and making the it had not the power to do so. turalists and researches have been with asbestos -like crust first appear,
dreaded teething period easy. charmingly described by Lubbock, growing Into areas several inches In
lam other able diarneier. These are generally thick -
Baby's Own Tablets are an abso- Fabre, Mateterlinck and er on dark than on light skin. Con-
lutely safe remedy.. They are guar- writers. The underground apart- stderable irritation develops, causing
anteed to be free from opiates or any Quick Relief for ments and terraced homes of the the animal to rub the encrusted area
,other narcotic drug which are so ants, their domestic life, social or- alding inflammation with thickening
harmful to the future welfare of the ganization and thoughtfulness, are and, cracks. If the cruFit is removed
-baby. Mothers, if you value the life Rheumatics, among the great wonders of nature. n,, raw bleeding surface Is exposed.
,of your little ones give him Baby's These extraordinarily intelligent in- Treatment Suggested.
40-wn Tablets when he is ill, or, better sects not only store away an abund-
still, give him an occasional dose of Local Druggists Sell Rheuma on ance of food for winter but also they As soon as engworm is detected
an effort should be made to isolate
the Tablets to ward off illness. The Money -Back Plan provide aphides to be malked and the affected animals and to treat
'Tablets are sold by medicine dealers they cultivate fungi gardens and them at ofice. A definite plan of
*r will, be sent to any address, post If you suffer from torturing rheu- manufacture many food substances treatment sliould be followed. Wash
-paid, at 25 cents a box by addressing matic Oains, swollen, twisted joints, While passing the winter months un- the crilsted areas with water and
'The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- and suffer intensely because your syr,- derground. soap to soften the scalp, remove the
-Alle, Ont. tem is full of uric acid, that danger- Genius, individuality and tempera- hair around the area, and also the
ous poison that makes thousands ment in animals enable them to solve scale, then dry and paint over with
helpless and kills thousands years be- all the problems of winter which.they Iodine. The iodine should be applied
3FIRST COUPLE WED WITH KLAN fore their time, then you need Rheuma may . at . any time encounter. These daily until the affected part is healed.
vary in individuals of the same spe- Ointments containing sulphur, or an
and,'need it now. otntment made of one part powdered
RITES .... Start taking it to -day. Rheuma cies. Among any group of young
acts at once on kidneys, liver, stomach animals or birds or insects you may hIlle!3tone to six parts of vaspline,
.1 -,ay be us -d instead of lodine. Pinp
Fifty shrouded figures cast a and blood, and you can sincerely ex- notice individuals varying in fear, .
spectral and mystic spell over the ul- claim: "Good riddagee to bad rub- timidity, curiosity, suspicion, sociabil- ar 1,; iltv, a good dressing. Olis and
tra modern Crystal Garden in Victor- ve. -i'ras�,q omd to check tbe devclop-
bish." 11_� ity, aggressiveness and initiati rn,,nt. of ringworm. This dispase
!a recently when a bride and bride- Many people, the most skeptical -of Hardly two will be found with sim- onuld h,, prevented and the loss oniis-
groom, both members of the Ku KJux skeptics right in this city and in the ilar characterg and temperaments. hv lf� lirpsenci- rrevented by tho
Klan, wended their way to the fiery They differ as widely as the members
,,cross to be united in one of the most country hereabouts, bless the day of a singl-p human family. The nf propor c!(,an-up meaqiirps
-unique wedding ceremonies ever wit- when C. Aberhart and othe� good !'I t 11'_ stabit-s and Ynrds used by the
druggists offered Rbeuma to the af- strong and fearless members of any f;irm Rninials--T, Pfevenson, Dir(,c-
messed in Canada. It was the first give the leadership and de- ,,r �f Ext(-nslon, 0. A. College.
ICK.K. marriage ever officiated in this flicted at a small price and guaran- species
teed money refunded if not satisfied. velop the customs which enable-thern
�country. If you have rheumatism get a bottle to M(t�kthe conditions of winter. ITINP:RAT, DI-WICTENCIFS.
It follows close on the organization of Rheuma to -day. Just as the monkey or orang-outang
,of the western provinces of Canada h(have and think precisely as men do Tbfqe, I)rtirfenrles in Both Sons
by United States promoters from 40 " o we find many animals, �irds an(i Rnd From knimals may
Portland, Oregon. It is the intention linsects thinking, and it is this ca-� no Corr4,cte4.,.
of the Kux Klux Klan to organize, IRELAND pacity to benefit by the teachings ,)f Tm ri n g recpTit -ars a great d -al
the whole of Canada thus making the
secret organization an international Rt. Hon. Timothy Healy it is saidlex I perienep. the cultivation of mem- F con4kleratinn ha� been given to
I ories and the power to reason clearly, .I, pw�sibl,, ,ff, ri� of mineral d(,8 -
,one. will shortly resign the Governor- , n, ickly and logically that enables �, I(, I,.
.1 1 .9, redurinE, the vitality and
Long before the service was started GeneraNhip of the Free State, "and them to find ways and means for se- ,woring th:, I, -ance of animals
Apectators commenced to crowd into retire to private life. Senator Fog- curing themselves in comfort during against nbortio�i (! �, ase and st%rility,
-the buliding, until, when the ceremony arty and Judge Wylie are mentioned the coldest days of'winter. This spenis to lo, i,ire especial]), the,
was ready to be solemnized, there as possible successors. Doctor Mac- They do this in innumerable wayq, rasir, in dairy h,.t � 4 which are krpt
-were nearly 3,000 people in attend- Neil, whose retirement from the Min- and many species appear, to exhibit at a high stat- -r milk prodilction,
ance. No wedding chimes, no extrav- istry caused a sensation, is expected greater intelligence and foresight T-Ornatrilng indm,r� most of the time
agant bouquets and no bridal veil were to rejoin the Ministry, and a general than man in preparing for the winter ��n a fixed rath-n leficlent in min -
to be seen at this remarkable wed- election in June is forecast. The Irish val olpinentr, Ti;imcly lime and phos-
4ing. Woman's Citizens, Association has season. phorous. Run dwn and exhausted
The bride, Miss Leila Newman, and summoned a special meeting to con- p9qtures should therefore lip re -
the bridegroom, Herbert Goode, were sider the establishment of a woman's SHE TOOK THEM j'tivonated by �i 111),ral application of
both concealed from bead to foot in political party, owing to the alleged rnln,ral fe,ifli, in order that 11
the robes of the order. All principals anti -feminist attitude of the Cosgrave TWENTY YEARS AGO grain , f.'a gP RTIII n�L8ture containing
-were garbed in white. Their faces Ministry. Unemployment in Dublin R sufficient Rn2olint of minerals may
were covered and their heads were County is reported to be appaling, SO SAYS MRS. A. DEMERS OF be grown for teod
DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS In all cases of nutritional efficiency,
adorned with a pointed white helmet. county inspectors stating that whole the nature of thI� 6� 11clancy should be
Lights were dimmed so that the families are slowly starving and oth- She Had Suffered From Lumbago and determined and corrected as far as
procession seemed even more spectral ers kept alive by piecemeal selling of Indigestion and Found Relief in possible. In EL general sense the de -
than otherwise, while the fiery cross their homes. Dodd!s Kidney Pills. ficiencies cap usually be corrected In.
at the head of the chancel produdbd An unemployment fund bill is un- i5th.— a herd by liberal feeding of a bal-
an offept of solemn qnietness, as if der discussion in the JJlster Senate. Ottawa, Ont.0 February anced ration, allowing sufficient exer-
some pending doom was not far off. The bill itself is sponsored by the OPecisl): "Twenty years ago I was rise and as large a use of Ligurninous
ery sick with indigestion and Irumba-
Shortly after an eight -piece orches- Marquis of Londonderry. In speaking v , states Mrs. A. Demers, who lives pastures as possiblp. Where mineral
tra had played the first bar of the on the bill, he said that existing Stat- 90, deficiency Is pToRunied to be present,
wedding march, the hooded procession, utes had empowered the Ministry to at 520 Clarence St. "I had seen many direct benefit may be &-rived from a
Ong the advance up to a total of YA,250,000, doctors and nothing seemed to'telieve tonto in the feed, such as
-with ghostly robes trailing al me. I started taking Dodd's Kidney I imephosphs[te. sAi e potassium Iodide
ballroom floor, took up a cross for- and, as the actual amount of advances Pills. After three months I noticed a and sulphato of IrOn.—C. D. McGil-
-mation in the middle of the room. made to the fund up to the present grea change and at the end of the vray, D,C.Se., Ontario Veterinary
Mights were, dimmed,, but from an im� date was in (axcesg of ".000,000, it year had -no pains at all. Since that College, Guelph,
proviahed alta,r AtAlio-pud of the' ball was.necessary that Parliament should time, if I feel -a pain or even a tired -
fiery. q
-room floor, a red, Toss cast a extend this authority- so as to cover
. Aces -of the the period up to next session of Par- ness in my back I talce Dodd's Kid -hey Shoeing of the Horse.
flickering glow aicross,the, 1. Pills and get better. I highly recoTh- As shoeing hRF; certain Injurious
thousands of spectatorb. liament. It was, of course, impos-
on the table in front of the cross sible to make an accurate forecast of mend your pills which should be tak- Influeneds it should be guarded by
vas draped the Union Jack, the conditions of trade and industry en continually until relieved." the followlng PrRrtIccs:_ th-
As the bride and bridegroom took and -the degree of unemployment in Dodd's Kidney Pills make healthy 1. Removal of oxcessivei grow
the immediate future, but it was ex- kidneys. Healthy kidneys strain all 2. Fit shoe to foot and) not foot
-hat the further sum of $500�- the impurities, all the poison, out of to shoe-
pected t 8. Avoid rasping surface of the
000 would suffice io, carry the fund the --blood. They are the greatest of
all lonics. Give them a trial atonce. wall.
along till the 31st March next. They can be Obtained from all drug- 4. Leave the sole thick.
Three young ladied� comprising the gists. 6. Do not cut away the bar.
staff of Cootehill post office Co. Cav- 6. Don't trim the frog except to
an, were held up by a masked bandit detach loose portions. Ile
who enforced his wishes with a shot 7. Shoe sp-lect0d should bq sultab
gull. Only one raider was observed "My dear people," said the temper- for the horse and nature or his work.
Hot fitting is not Injurious un-
�y e assistants, but the inference ance lecturer, "just consider the n -a -m- 8. foot Is burned. ,
is that there were other accomplices her of homes whiskey has wrecked." less - ils
about, because the lock oil ihe gate "Just c6risider," earde a voice from 9 Nall low and use as few na
as possible.
leading to the yard was broken, and the back of the hall, "the number of 10. Don't haninipr down clinchea
the bar pulled out. By this it would ships water has wrecked." with violence.
geem that the raiders either eontem- The horse is entitled to every con -
plated entering by the badkv pr *0fle Smith: You say the specula#on sideratton from the farrier, in that
1b1tkiug timely provision for an es- has proved a failure?
the shoe nailed to his hoof is placed
iipb.ii case of surprise. The back Jones—A total failure. In such a way as to give comfort, and
dtitkh�o to the post office was, how- Smith—But I thought, you said rotectlon. Many EL good horse has
bx6di, a fatt stardely kiioWn to there was a fortune in It? goen made to suffer th'rough careless
intrkivayi�i�, the night was dark
he ill Jones (with a grpan)—So there is. shoeing. Give the faithful he. --
square deal.�L. Stevenson, Dept. Of
. . . . . . . a' Extension, 0. A. COIIe6k, GnelPh-
thel '11 A vian, eica4t In the matter of his
k� 'j, "':F"i
..", A6611
lz47�7-,� T, 7
i�v 1;
If you need, a 001A, is: 046
you wi I ttee4� one
S, X
a wonderful 0 -if'
Pp r
q�ire a warm co for
In V U
will find, it -here,
Think of me, Pr .11
Just half the original price* Then.'*
-IL A- for
member these are not coats bou
sale purposes,they are ou'r-regular stock
and include manyof ffiia season's vet*
best garments.
Some of these coats will be on displ.,
in our window, there are more inside.
Take a ti , investigate this wonder -
ful offering, it will pay you. Remember
Half Price
11�� h`11y7#F#0NCf
The Colors are Black, Flesh, Harvest, Saharahl
French Grey, Gunmetal, Mooialight, Longbea(ch,
Cabaret Green, Pampour Blue. %&.
The price is Reduced t6... ._ .. .. I %P
New Spring
For Particular Men
The new Spring Caps are surely
the nicest we have ever shown. Cut
in anew and becoming Style and
made from the same Gridsome
cloths amd dehLyhtful patterns as the
new spring suits. You will be de-
lighted with these Caps. They are
stylish, attractive, becoming and
thoroughly made.
$1.50 to 215
New Pictorial
This is a season of unfimited op--
portunity for aU types of women, as
f ashion favors several s m a r t
Silhouettes. You have only to chouse
the one most becoming to your figure
and be assured of Parisien Chic.
are in a class by themselves when you
consider the simplicity in following,
the exactness in resnIts and the eage
and comfort in wear. Be sure.your
next pattern is a Pictorial.