HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-02-19, Page 2ytg 'Ni.12NN; g �'ft t Rif_ "N All IR n J ove ke N Q.3, u, A� sbare ' , .0 S 0 wn 4, arid 4W. 0%�The6 we fling our buidening head, atA449,r XV, t XV, Z�ave Money L and xao&rate sized ac 0 Love Divine.'forever dear; 4y"t,compA,xty, was- the p r g%Mts, wo p4j"ge ones V40 t"PoAt =!0811= AnIfal. I e in4 _.-q_ Content to auger while we 10ow, Living or dying, Thou art nearl f� 'the to tionar Q 7 01011 V%prV Y,-' pr-o- wo; 'wed by thg Bank of D Hons �aa po Oliver Wendell Robnes. Mec -s- Vs. zq1fra4p ck absorbing duclaS element 11�1 I The, service of dxis IV A wul appoa in Mad'! -flap is adapt 0 -on this cantAnout with, --,d. to A and the am.4 ctgrid NO, Our Saviour and w friend, in 'in a.,',,year. �Certain of the leading Brit. ot *.' -of -that ser the 3ame sorrow 'we crave thy sympathy, In iah,�.4nd European carit have already 44trio�er a'adwreeni3ever it is our doiibt we seek thy faith, in our 4dopted. theta as standard equipment despair we ask for thy couragel As 'for their models,. we face the eircurnstances of each Fr#nk T. Lanchester brother.-. 99 day, may it be with the assurance Pr.lFrod Lancheater, who is perhaps that is born of faith and hope t4 world's mqat brilliant automotive Amen. VlftglA�qer 4nd inventor -just told us itb4u, : the now sprii (Selected) .9g at dinner. Later K MY, Woofteall modestly stated that S. S. LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 2 at he wQuId,be pleased to. ghqw us a yLl model, if we were,laterested. "We Lesson Title—Jesus Raises Lazar- wer%11 as little Benny would say 44and 0. us from the Dead. he lid." The now �qprbag doo's -not be Sun %u Get T�e �nuone NTREAL Lesson Passage—John 11:32-44. differ radically in appearance, from GILLETTI�$ FLAKE LYE the corvientional spring. IAdeed� it is Golden Text—John 11:25. tful if a c4sual observer would Established, 18-17' doub note any difference aside from Total -Asseu At the feast of dedication in Jer- heavier and more numerous clips. The usalem, Jesus came into contact with model Mr. Waodhead -showed was of se him, and let him the semi-eliptic type. However, the the Jews as he walked in the temple stone" and* "Loo in Solorrion's porch, and, as he reas- go." He divided them into two principle is applicable to all, types of 11 LN R-10111111,171 51g;i- r oned with them, they became enrag- heads—What' we can do for others laminated spring. Incidentally, the d�� ed and took up stones to cast at him. before they become Christians and spring costs relatively little more He escaped out of their hands and what we can.do for others after they than the standard type to manufae- and pay for armament. many other foods can N given. the went into Peraea, the country where become Christ�ians. There are stones tare and much less than.the standard same property by treating theta with' o 61 John the Baptist proclaimed Jesus which we can remove from their type of comparative quality plus the Husband: "Does this new novel light, even when they do not seem t6 to be the Lamb of God which taketh pathway and there is help and sym- cost of snubbers. end happily?" have it naturally. away the'sin of the world. While pathy we can give in their new Jife As in standard practice the spring Wife: "It doesn't say; it only says Dr. Kramer tells of taking eight �X 411�a (I V011:1, is built up of a number of plates but they were married." children ranging from 5 months to 3% ZT , here many resorted unto -him,. and in Christ. > saith, John did no miracle! but all In this lesson we have a glimpse of —4and this the most marked' differ- months of age, and each suffering things that John �pake of this man the depth of Jesus, human sympathy. ence number of -leaves are placed -Father—"What's become of your with very b4d rickets, and of curing His tears were wiped over the main or master leaf (the watch, my boy?" the�Tn all in four weeks by feeding were true. And many believed on Jesus wept, L h' there. It was while in Peraea away and his emotion ceased, and leaf that couples with shackles.) Son ---"Here it is, father." milk which has been radiated. The I Z that a message reached him from we get a glimpse uf his fellowship These overlying leaves at their ex Father—PWhat! 1he watch I -gave milk was exposed to a light at a dis- Head CHfice Martha and Mary, friends of his in with the divine before his wondrous tremities have lateral *lugs through you had a gold case, and this is sil- tance of two feet for two hours. It Montreal Bethany. They wanted Jesus to power came to view, showing him to the eyes of which heavy Woodhead ver." tasted peculiar, but the childrers MIR know that their brother Lazarus be the Giver of Life. clip ends pass and are secured by Son—i"Yes. but, father, you most drank it. In addition to the milk,, whom Jesus loved, was sick. They nuts. The clips of course pass remember circumstances alt.er cases." they-gqt cereals and orange juice - hurry A Native Heroine around the spring. As the leaves all felt certain that Jesus would Two weeks' feeding with this milk Jganda), a Christian have the same radius of curvature, improved the children greatly. Fow Clinton Branch: H. R. Sharp, Manager back. This we surmise frorn the At Ngogwe I Rensall Branch: H. Axnold Manager words used by both when he did woman teacher, hearing that the (when placed together no pressure is A young -lawyer tried hard to give weeks. of it cured them. ncourag- sleep'ng sickness had broken out in required to hold them in contact himself the appearance of being ex - come. No doubt they had e Examination of. the blood after thd ed their hearts by this thought and the islands of the lake, offered to go throughout their -length) inter -leaf ceedingly busy. During his absence cure showed plenty of lime and phos - then after Lazarus died they com- there. She was told that she would friction is maintained in rebound as from the office he always left a card phorus there. Examination with X - forted each the other by saying: go at the risk of her own life. She in compression. on the door, marked: "Will be back rays showed the bones to be all right. If he had been here Lazarus would said, "I know it; but they know not In general practice the leaves of a in an hour." On his return one day The children put on weight and be - not have died." the Lord Jesus, And I know Him; spring are o fdifferent curvature so he found that a rival had inscribed came less nervous as -results of the erneath: "What for?" treatment. The list of foods whitch From the moment the -message I will go and teli them about Him." that when placed together for assemb- und was delivered, Jesus knew what She went and her Nvork was blessed ly only the tips of each leaf are in can be radiated and then used to cure would be the outcome to the family to many, and then she was sent'back contact with the superimposed leaf. or to prevent rickets is a long one-.. "Greater love bath no man Considerable force is required to at- The Man at the Door: "I would The question now is, How can wei and to himself. He had on two pre- to.die. rt vious occasions raised the dead— than this." I know Hit —that is the tain full contact. This is maintained like to show you this beautiful book, get the facts to the people and per- Jairus' daughter and the widow of inspiration- of ni;��sions. by a central bolt assisted -in service madam. It tells about the habits of suade them to act on them? And Nain's son—but this was the last and —Missionary Revie�v. by the central anchor 11U11 bolts, that savage animals." The Severe Lady: also, How 'can the pr9per facilities the greatest of his miracles. It was yokb the spring to the axle. This as- "I don't want it; I haxe been married for preventing and 4ure be made the crowning sign that he was the semblage of leaves of varying curvia- twice.'* available for all who need them?. resurrection and the life. It was i y Your Ch'id ture provides an initial stress that markable in that it was decided upon I very much complicates the problem by him four days before it was per- of determining the working conditions SUNLIGHT WILL CURE RICKETS. formed. Thin and Weak? Of each leaf under load. In certain Jesus spoke to his disciples of the cases some leaves have been, found It seems that we have enough ifi- tidings concerning Lazar -us that had to be stressed but slightly under load formation about rickets to wiye that Cod Liver Extract In Sugar Coated been brought to him, saying that this Tablets Puts On Flesh and Builds while others were burdened almost to disease or condition from the face sickness "is for the glory of God." Them Up. theirfracture limit. This practice of of the earth. The question now is Two days afterwards he proposed to assembling springs with leaves of how to get the people to apply the in- Laval uebec return to Judaea. Nis disciples re- In just a few days—quicker than varying curvature, adopted to provide formation we now have. Mines, Limited minded him of the attempt of the sufficient interleaf friction, is urn;e�- There are those who say that all P 0 Jews to kill him. Then Jesus said you ever dreamt of—these wonderful essary in the Woodhead design—inam- neg-ro children in northern cities show —Shows Massive health building, flesh creating tablets that their friend Lazarus had fallen chIled McCoy's Cod Liver Extract fest,17 a great advantage. The leaves evidence of rickets; that more than n asleep and he was going to waken Tablets will_xayt to help any thin, above the main leaf are referred to as half the dark-skinned white race 'Mineralization shock plates. Manifestly the straigh- such as Italians, Greeks, Spanish, him, but they misunderstood his underweight little tone. tening of the spring under load would Portuguese, Armenians and Mexicans The untold we-alth, of Nor - meaning, so he told them Lazarus After sickness and where ricke� anda is leading Laval en - was dead. Thomas proposed that . leave these unmoved were' it not for in northern cities have it, ind that a are suspected they are especially va - the clips. These compel the top leaves very ylarge proportift of the babies gineers--to concentrate the they go with him and suffer what- uable. present development cam - ever should happen to him—even Most opeople know that from the to travel with the main spring, and belonging to the lighter complexioned paign on the 1453 a.cre block the consequent pressure between the white races are similarly affected. unless it mects with your entire SatisfOcti0n- death itself at the hands of the Jews. livers of the lowly codfish vitamines near Noranda's main hold - bag of When they arrived at Bethany clips and the bottom leaves over which Rickets not only cause bowlegs and A written guarantee goes with every of the firgt class are extracted—the they are placed, provides an internal bandy shanks and other bony deform- ings and contiguous to the Maple Leaf Flour, ensuring satisfaction Or Lazarus had been dead and buried kind that help all feeble underweight frictional effect of considerable in- ities but it lays the foundAtio for latter's "Island" property. your money bacL four days. As soon as word reached men, women and children. n Here Laval's preliminary tensity. This effect is obviously pro- cold' Try a bag for your next bakbag. It is made Martha she hurried out to meet Jesus Try these wonderful tablets for 30 s and pneumonia. The condition work has disclosed massive hard wheat expertly and expressed her confidence in his days and if your frail, puny child don't Portional to the load on thespring for results from a deficiency of lime and from the finest Canadian sulphide bodies of copper - every stage of the mUling. power to help had he been there in the time being, as the greater the load i rnilled and tested at 91' eatly benefit—get your money back. norganic phosphorus 'in the blood. gold and other precious time, adding a further belief in God's the greater is the deflection and more This, in turn, results from too little metal content. ,RU You will find that Maple Lea Fl— makes A very sickly child, Age 9, gained wi%lingness to hear and answer Jesus. 12 pounds in 7 months.- tension is therefore present in the good quality sunshine. In a large, light, white, wholesome bread; fmc textured clips to provide the friction. By this city, with its smoky, dusty air, its A crew of men iF already golden. His reply drew from her a confession Ask any druggist for McCoy's Cod and full flavored cakes and bir-c� ts to means, severe road shock is preparing for the erection flaky pic-crust that melts in your rabuth— of her belief in the final resurrection Liver Extract Table —as easy speedily high buldings and its congested hous- of permanent camps with a and you can depend on Maple Leaf Flour for of the body and be then told her the takess ca ndy and 60 tablets, 60 cents. damped out, and separate shock ab- es, there is but little chance of a view to making surveys for -rs rendered unnecessary. the same good resulits every ti—e. greatness of his power and asked her sorbL baby getting all the sunshine he a diamond drilling cam - Ask your dealer today about a if she believed his words. She re- Apart from the economic aspect of needs, especially in the late fall, the paign. valuable course on "Gookery Arts plied that she believed him to be the this, the shock absorbing effect Of winter and the early spring. At most Managernent", Christ and immediately returned to NEW SVRING SELF SHOCK The shares of Noranda and and Kitchert this special -spring is quite automatic, there is only about two hours of good Amulet have attained their written by Anna L --e Scott. Free call Mary. Jesus was stili outside the ABSORBER and no adju-tment is necessary when sunshine a day during these seasons present price as the direct -af Flour. once the design for a particular car and most of that is where the babies to users of Maple Le village and Mary, accompanied by her result of successful mine sympathizers who thought she was ried out and approved. A can't get it. developments. Mine devel- A self -shock absorbing spring, that has been t ung going to the g -rave to weep there, on eliminates gallophzig and shimmying, The measures to prevent and cure Alaple Leaf Mill"r - Co., Limited further p* oint which may be meintion- opment on Laval -Quebec is -do, 0 - a ed is that a great deal of wheel rickets are of two kinds. One is to fully financed and is ex - Head 06' ice - Torox Mario hearing of the nearnec;s of Jesus, bur spring that makes snubbers and ried to meet bifn. "Rhe fell at his shock absorbers superfluous, has been 1 wobble, steering trouble, and general expose him to light. If he can live pected to bring results vibrntion in every possible direction in the country he can get enough which will justify similar feet saying the very same thing that invented. Martha had greeted Jesus with. In With tho British delegation to the (movements which when combined light even in midwinter, if his parents market actiom this case Jesus made no reply other World's Motor Transport Congress can be covered by the generic, moder- will allow him. If he lives in the city ing term "shimmying" has been found he can piece out his rations of sun- Investigate Laval thor- than t.',,ose most expressive tokens of that recently visited Canadian auto- NA�PLE LE Ans F FLOUR oughly. Send,in the coupon sympathy signs and tears. motive plants in, 'the Border cities, to be due to spring plates separating light by treatment with some kinds of below—no obligation, of FOR BREAD, CAKE & PASTRY When the Jews saw Jesus weeping Oshawa anti Toronto, was Alfred under swift road travel, an action justas-good lamp light. Some bos- coursel -n the new pits they said amongst themselves, "Be- WoodeheAd, president of Jonas Wood- which cannot take place o Is, some clinics and some welfare T hold how he loved him," and thenfell head and S,ms, Limited, of le,d,, Woodhead spring. stations are putting in equipment for to discussing his power. They knew Great Britain's (and in some respects Mr. Woodbead's sons are working lights. Some of these equipments are Mowat & MacGiflivray of wonderful things be bad done and the world's, greatest manufacturers through the plant as he and his father for the purpose of keeping well babies UNION BANK BUILDING commented upon the possibility of before him did. well. OTTAWA his being able to prevent death. Before coming to Toronto he had The other kind of treatment con- Please send me the latest They were to be witnesses of a great- inspected a number of the leading sists in giving baby foods that have particulars of Laval- �r miracle than healing or prevent- spring plants in the United States been endowed -with sunlight 07 the Quebec and its profit possi- mg. That which he had taught on a and stated that they had enlightened effects of sunlight. The best known bilities. OPERATION LEFT previous occasion at Jerusalem was him not at all in the matter of sound of these is cod liver oil. In some aqx Name_' Micawber now to be demonstrated.. "Verily, time and labor saving production places children are given a daily dose verily, I say unto you, the hour is methods. He stated that he had of cod liver oil as a means of keeping Address___.......__ coming, and now is, when the dead HER VERY WEAK no adverse criticism to mRke of tbeir a -well child well. shall bear the voice of t9e Son of materials, but he declared some did lovedc'(i t)%,4 not leave the springs. in the oil suffl- Recently we have learned that MI" God; and they that hear shall live. Letter TeRS of Wonderful For as the Father hath life in him- ciently long to properly temper them Relief After Taking Lyclia nd that in some departme self; so bath he given to the Son to nts they "This, David," he would have have life in himself. Marvel not at E. Pinkham's Vegetable were overmanned. told young Copperfield, "is this; for the hour is coming. in which He long anticipated Henry Ford in V Compound the ideal place to wait for all that atie in the graves shall heai est2blishing a minimum wage scale something to tura up! his voice" (John 5:25-28). well above the union scale. To coun- -"After a se- teract the -national labor "vice" over The procession reached the tomb, Coniston, Ontarlo. Whether or not you are "wait- vere operation and a three weeks' there of quitting work for football A&=X_ a cave -with a stbne to close it. stay in a hospital games he has a successful specific-- ing for solnerhingro turn up," Jesus directed that this be taken W� A& a progressive wage scale based on -he borney I returned home you'll appreciate r away. At once Martha interposed, was "elms 111% so weak that I unit output per week. Thus high pro - restfulness of theWestnainstcr. fearing that the body would not be fit imable to move a VVJrZ1 duction, which demands continuity of to look upon. Upon this, Jesus re- S chair. For four %ite iFor Praftt� P641try Book A& Advi git The solid comfort and per- minded her of what they had, such a labor, is bonused. In addition he pays months I was a1_ Send 101 for 1&0, pa B6. sonal attention Of an old-time short time before, been speaking W. monthly a profit-dMde-nd to &Ill em- %�:;: most frantic with PRATT FOOD CO.. of (AWAVA3 d. TORONTO > inn with all the modem con- about together: "S934 I hot unto pams and suffer- ployees equally go that all are keen to augment output and increase effi. rl veniences of ell d thee, that if thou wouldest believe, %g until I thought sore th thou abouldest see the glory of G.. ere could ciency from the boys who sweep the Ire -proof hotel. De4htfilfly . . . . . . be any cure shop up. His labor turnover is con - The stone being removed, those me. I hadvery tinually at a minimum. Equipment different." standing round beard a voice raised severe paism, my CENTS SAVING DOLLARS IS GOOD BUSINESS in thanksgiving and confession Z� On apleasant residentW street, Ugen to left side and suf- is maintained "up-to-the�minute.11 God. This prayer having been irt- He has another spring patent iliat dose to shops, thca�ffes6,, mouth. One will be. announced about mid -year. It While young take care Use it before retiring d agony evig day. tered for the sake of the people when I was n0%,LgbIe-, to, get u "sights." First-class cuisine- In is a spring that solidly shatkies at of your teeth, avoid for a few taontlis, and standing routid as *itnesses, he rids- Motiler begged tad to. try your. Mel - Sit -40e room with bo* $2.50. qd -His Voice again, saying, "Laas-rus, idne. both ends, the give and take being later artifici6l plites notice your . 4feedoin My hue wx —t too sL bottle come forth." Whbrevet in the realm, 14 Vnee and Provided for centrally. and the foreed riftwitf erg :t� sobe or."d4o Ey of #'hM 000M�Wlff Tff#rdo Ath fOIr 0 -of many good tungs to 'tho , =014 04 6f ov M of death the soul of - Loodrus had I tooklit. I attan it 9066#8 bottle, moo. eat. IqAveleea vd�t f f4lont, DVLw Grb m4say 'Vaftim*el -b-don, It was not beyond the reach of and to in Surv& And, 50 the'ptilitis 16 lil RAW IF " the power of 0hrittit. By tbig com., co�mplqtely and 11 IN LIGM11. VUIN Pastel' to on a 1A9.1her M Vw al e let me $M 9 A, ;I 4k N marid to a dead talaii to come to Iffe this to do All na _-Dut level 04n it edtfeetidti, Mitts plit to test We elaim 6o, be, the so YOU He is a Odor expresk-main *,ho is bining d 41 ; �P, -a, bm ti d flia 100. At briew __V8 'he goo -g. tie -'4114 ritable to deliver t Loafts botmit ga .0 six bottl 9 phale, 14 mos. 6f, th a the . wtom- five- q 9 ft'ilbr '13*ial; dota"o dut 0$t1cs say that, imaritzidt"y does not YMA �*Wfiohov, bur M t*b proper - 6f, the UV4'stid, Jd#uW' watk 49' IN ti offly hmkag it seem 01w hd Omud Aim 6" ir Loa, 'A J i,10 Val. gK�-,,7—qt gww t. ;t . i 4� W C! ------------ --- V F� Y t - A", , Z .. 1 0 10 , 0 � �­ = I