HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-02-12, Page 8�� - , ­!�111 ", �:O;,1�414TVI,,,�­ . I .. .. .... ., , � - - I ­',_ .1 �, - ­. 11 1,� ­1.pT"­ 77- ' ��Z` "I":1-11111 I :- ,,,- ,�; 0',""",!",����."i��,f��,���,��,,�,,,����.,;;', ,,��."-,���,,�,,,�,�,,,,�.��,,�i�,���,�,',,',���,,,t � I E4.1 I 'I ,7 , V 10 � rt-y,*r­�Wt " %,;4 ��, .. l �J -� - � _ � , �Tj'­g , 4 1XI, i� �, -A I'M R, - , " � ,..W,zTr,­-.;- , -, . ; I ,,, � �'� � , � �%'p " , 11�'� li,�� 04tv"W , "ty, 11 M_1111M :,-_1_ "I'll -6111 I _;��;�111,,,N.11�', �� , , , , " , , ", , .. ;, " 7 w�', ,�� , , , I , _" " - I — - � 'I ,lr,140�. � I , N-11 ��­r­ ... I i -A� I _; "I " " ...... ii " Y, � i 1�, W', R rwwg I I I" , , "I . ­11�", � -1, ." .,,;�,. v'. '' W", ,,�,,T, _'� �11 11 1'�.',1'177P'7'5��,,W,� "'­._ , � '.. " " I .o­-&��,",%,��,` �1� -A� . : , - '�1111 , , , _-�� I � - -0.0 " � , " I i M, " X�V,,.`,�S"44'�,,! , , I , , ,_� � " , XMI �1-1' � §,?� �'...,�i,�,;,��,�',',',�,���,,,����,�,�,,�.,, �fi .- , � � ,;,, , ____ � , . , .1 I �,��,: ,,�:�.` "."b ,of lWourX "Poo.k.T.44.4 � *t,oi, ", � I ," ,i.!5,,,�i`,��f",.! �� ,�,Z .11 A= . .��,�,-�'ll""�'.1�,�ell,�,.�"I'�, I , , . , Pil " 01�1'1 11 ic?, "It , "" w, I ­�,� , M;.�­�,�.'­­�­�;441 T�,,� , ..... "" ) .�� i��i., " 1 , 9; r �,; � ""'­:�. �,h " , , W60, � 1: 11 �,W� � , � " �i� ". " , 16s , � 0 .�., - I I " �11,, 1. � �,;�i�,�,��"I'��I'll����!�:,����,*���,�������,,�l","Io I � I k"u, go 'roldolt 0 1� I ­', I I", . "I.:1., , " `,��', �?V� . . . I A I I'll R_ � �,;,Z:.�, AN 'lots 1 � � . . -i- I t ,� �:,�`�,�. ,`�"" " 11�1 ,,,,,, I . . . 10. %, '�' , "' ­,,.�.,k� 1� jq�l,` �_N, ���. �� I,!" ,,11-,,-,U. -1 I ,%WP* A"P1949RIP� 1U, 11 .: � ": 13111 � 1.1� i1j" , , " � , - . , 41NO �'404�4 ,: � �,�,,�;� �,, �i 1,,, 7-w , . -1111, "I _'_�, �,Rl V1,41", 1, � �­_ ,��":,� , I 'FRO 4A VA"I . I � ,�,:, .1� I ,,,�, ;; t��1111 :� , , PIE , : ;,!, k 1&4 W11 I ,11 "I, I ", ," & I . I � . � �, , , � * % I If , ,� ,__, , *411 111% I �� - I Of Aw. -'atOry. ok .R*j 0*', o0plarg-A , 61,1 � I . , , ", Xff 14, V � � �". N '' ioi4 , lor.4 ., , ! I �_­; ,4,�,�`-, 'A %,":; ,1a ( ��* � I , a - �- � " . . ". 4" il.,1­111' '� - ��, ,,,,, " - , SIM L I .1, , , �, � -, -or than P*t,r6.-­la .. 'ath , , " , �0 , . �_ "r J . , , - - xr,Xash litid -Ono ,�:. . .�,�,�,r",:­4. .T�, - � , � 11 '��, 'N , It is dll"N� VlAw 004%ve of a more W_P� - -�:�,'.�-,: 1.110 Rk " �­,�,,-��?�,. ­111�"Llli'i I "Id A .;e 'i, ,,,��, I! �b , �V%,A, I .1 , ,� 4 �_ I ___1�11), , "'' N tl_"'�'.L - - r'; , . . , ff venatiI6 entertain . �, lt : Nye] q. � I �� ,i I - . . �Z ", � , ". 11 1.11 ".1-11" , , � ;�. .4. 1. � -, . olk� I 140 , ,, " , "' , , , " , , - � ��,� , ,. � , , , ji ou .54 i, - , W#,�' 2"VL,� , , 4 , 1 V1 �p, ,7 , I 'A I,%,, ,TAV4P,a,:,StWq 11 � .1 I ­­�. 11 , k . , t. ­ t­7�., , "O �� A; m4y4�,­,', �11r�- � , " . �� � 1. 1. . ­ ,,vo . � 7,.,�,,, .�r­, 1;�- � -,�' ;:'1% , #1 T, " I I 11 I '11 . _m ... , I .',,�o _thm;� t 01 � ;;,,, 1 esbi.,# -, � - . ,­ , *0 . - . . � WA, At, 11 1'j,'.-� .� �-"T,fW;%NX,RD GOODS are Verdi, Who Will present his entertain beeu 10 poor hel%lth� fori "Over a*.Yel%r, Bifth, 10 ,,,, �,Aam, _g"�*g 1, , , I ,V,J%04;� X I , I � ) , k 1 4 _'�� �;, I .1 �; . , ., � , _ ,,, % . A , , , I �'Il� I 14 �.i *;Jfi,�� , , . . .-. . 99 ,,, Or"lWARg" � ;` 4W.,�,;"".,.,.,,I�t.,�.�-,i.,,��-, ,, ,,,­ . , ": - � � I I . I ''. 3,�,*, Tf, Raps. YX , ; ,,, I . ­,,­.,�.$ ._­ . O#M, . 0- "..."'ZI, , , , ,N,ell advertised I ", le.,,AQ ", , - th�Jl " " -A "i I I t'e :�-, , -ago, bow- lb". `4 , '', . ", " as the "man of many time. - A*0,ek k _ ­'. ,'k " , "Mk.' M5: -V4 ­;e; , W p "" " -L I i -PAW k�% 3 I 4-',; �., , �,� � , . I .,� '' �, - , I I � 1, �ly" Q be abont the grpat,er . � �, , grat"14tion , , �� R" � 'R. I R , , I � , ".."x , , - Ment ,here on February 215 but IP Xent a _44 ,6k4 ,V WPM? I " " , ' , - ;1 . I , �; a' , " , ith. He _ ,� ,, , , ,�;�,;',�,")Y, part of , t I .64 � . . '' � I ,�,;_ _� , K , , N��-OagratulOfiou ;.,,. � i ; ", ,�,4 o� � IQ .10. _,. "11­­� . 4044 It �,i '11,1V '11".", , MA 10 taleub." Mr. La Verdi is 4 " All frae- � j _ 1JWVV tkry r , ", tr,�,Aa i" :� W, I "A. , - I., MWAZ $TO, ft he', uffiel-le-4: 4 f Which �, � , etorminvd. . 1, av � - . g, X ,� I I � � I - I , ,�:, " I 'Of' ,-191, Me' ''. ,,,,� �j,% , " �.zileaa for .- e ;41 his hip, and , :, A"A ra -,,--, evotiq,v, t ," g .� -w "' L " `�" 1 '17 -1 Y� -�'i�,,�_­ . ., '. . ;, 14 . opyt; *091 - ,,,,�^,�i ��',"' . . � ences arq peop . . 4a -:'-'o! , W"d I 1".1'"'111 I 11110. IF ,., �� 1) ". 1.1,11�� � , , ,: �,,111'111 ." 1,1'. I "'O ­,,r'qW - 9 i'll" 11st-1 . � 0 xggg _,; '90 ,,- X - ", , . -� I to please the public and believes -Mat he, shook proved I 1 ", I , , !4-%' p. - i "' " , _Z- t,,-',"':.�',�,` '. - - L �� 00 , 44t�l,,��-.��i���,,��,�;'Y,!��,,��",,�',,i.,� tZ . , , 2 . 1� " , , " I ", N 11 " " , t " j - . ,,­.,rj too much for ,_ '1M11XP9eTSYT0#1RA.� i . L r I � 1,!�11, � _f "I. 11 ­'. , in his audi le of widely One of his age Ong �,�� , gx,�', POW; S�A_M IXIA_� , Wo,'A# .:'w 'R tlllm�' . , , n, , 1,TRY To, athy - ... "hi - .. � '' ­ , 1, r- ­tiwo 'W,As­�#40) - IN"";. _ , R. , �� 'j".� . - ,,,,, , ,,, , I I I 11� bONAL POU -he P. 19' � ,ro*i�nt of $ym ";. 1. T, ,,,t��k � I I , , - . I ­f,,�".,­ "I". 0,y "I, !F""..." I.. ,!,,� �1111� �,,,�� i��""%, � " W. Irollp ,, ez " Me , = , , � � I - 4�3.,;;,-�e'; I ''. 1 4 .4 R Ofrewgrent castes, some of whom will fee4led conditiola T late C 14 Wr,,, wer Z � un � * W-AAW10 W_1'41040*1�i�Rl *W4, - wye"� or .. 114, I , T 't � "I 1011!?F"I 9.1-14 . , - cR An , , � , , , I ,W _u -_r,� .!:� ., ,.­, - , '� .11 . ""I'�M14F�,�Of�:,WOF�,PIO�",,I V, 11 " , , ,, , 1�. , W Raleopiti $60.-, " ,,, -t, t.4 � "" � $56 And pleasure in some of his preseata axwell Cash was a son of the late vslv* IV, Y , "Joh - ,,,V1q,:K .1 1-1 � 1,`�-,',,� W:� I 11 _Ir" I.W."', 'Pe A ,0 A mfflyglFg ,� . . � 17 , I ,�V­ . , I - ..".. 1K) r I I . �, , 111 I., r I , �,,'�`�`. , '041 t. , . A" ,M�,.�i'XA I u; ,,,�,% gr�mjth -.7, " ". 0 1� �':..1111 I I I . ,. . � y , ., , i . v; � I'll .11,11, 11 ,.� 1:1 . I 1� J,,�,�, �: , r " C, � . - " � . . �:­ 11 , .­, '. � , �. 1, -Is' re , W�,.,,��,,,­ , ,UX.- SALTS 80.4 QLAVRI �4 .�, ng, 4740 Daly. 2 '40 4144*�* "11,400 , t�l* � , ,_­"� , �'§,j@' - , I . , , '� � �R thing else. Those who like music I � *V-�,Q.',,4- F. Daly, $28;0;, Qeo� - *J�.�. , 4A 1`1 " "? -04 , I ,1'7� �� , ity'Bi . - - . 0 ...... William and Miirgaret Russel Cash, , - 4 � M, �, ,,94, 4 ,,, A#,��, 7�,,$' ,;, I . , tions, while otheis will enjoy some- Scatter A4 ilb with Greeti ' C' ': 1750'-40bu KWilit; ,vii" k` lit,'UOAITOT,;�X, )�,J pt� _. _,,�,- -C""�_ *� , 1 15 - � *A9. , U ., '' 1, " a I "i � M � * �'�Sho 44 � � and was bGra near Roxboro, on Lot . ., 1% . .�_,`fflf .,y .w�q"R� I -ft *.' . " , � .1 .11111 �'; ., _*: W a & Sp V05 , 9 P; va,V,Rgpa� �� 4' "I ,_,,_y *,�,-",.,: ',�,x, 'IN I I ___,,__1 . I - IN; - I 1, . � , I - , M111-- ­.. - 1. . ." ',� �.� . , -C V, . - YZ1:1FJPr . , ., , B,V.�­- I.' , �­, , - .. --- f,V , ,., , " , I . ,4 qixvim, - 0". IM,,� I � � I , " '­1'1*h__ W, -9T, - w , I ,� 11- 0 po#,'�ds r0i . , � ............. ar, musical saw � �1 I . � U � . ­ � . ! � ': � ­'. I , �', . V , ,,� .1 I I I I �Wftr" flkll,,4#1 , , . . .,�,.�,� . , I 11 ,=01i . , 41 , "It­%I� I'll , , . I.. �,), 6 , li, �i� � ,,� - 116, �`i,;" --.,Br6Z"i"$1,Z.3oJ Lou' 0� a .. , " �t ,, ". � e� P '. ��:� - -01 1e an of I . U th rA,,,,_ il I n'. , , ',�,I* I (OR , 1ppi" 0 .�... I ..­�, . )3Q11 "I 0, "_Qw-,�'ko �j , I I "', r - ��P,qt " ; . 'i - - , , ".1410 - 040"'6�. �W FANCY BISCUITS ith his humorous dialect songs. , � . 11. PW1441 94" � S, , 4`1'­,,q�` P , , V.11 P,V',.�- I , ,� , . I ns, $8,60; � Wi g.ou a. - , , -'I ­% IN aft 11 , wv "11".111. - . 1".. �,���p,i,,,r-Y,A',J-',*,(I�8,!?-,�I -e& �-td-�-%J , -�,, ", I A" -�_-_M 4;.'144 4m�w , I In"':;-, �:_ I will enjoy his selections on the 'W" . N"; �Wvee. Mae Z , , ,,,�, "", '' 4 S ano _ 149 'III , .. � - �` I - -r",i�mq #,: , I , ��, _ � I - ...' - 74W111 , M, -Concession 3, McKillop, 77 years . 0e:A U U � 'o,r" 0 , " - I - it ago, On th14 farm,be,spent ear' k -g- , '4-.,-'-g' "' I 111'�� jl'�1'1.4071,t . ,*. 2%. accordion, steel gin It y ' , ,*. , Tl.q�,�� *14_40' , ,,��� I � and ukulele. They of Ws life, a record of years that but , Allen" pf"A - , , _00 F'o "t";:,Pf� - , 00 .:f will be delighted , I I , _� . ��Oq � " W I , i Ituse , ." _�4 . :� V; w can show, He was a V T , . 1120111j, 41" .., 11 . r W1 S Alp HIRPull 1. 110MM0140 � I �.. , , ., #�# 1,9"Op't ,'gle Plinto 0 C","'r , .9.1 1��,Y - I .. . .... 1 .1 �', � �'.. �'. , I ,A,�-,Aliovl w4pit ". . , �" - � , " - 1�,twb&qt 1 47-1 " I - ,�,. -, � 74, po'pdl* ................... 25C* There are, too, impersonation i integrity, one who was looked " ,,, . 11 ;VlAullie� -%^i, ;0 . M , ,.' llw* � V# AMIP . 601ftPr-of i " ., I .,r ; . up to , _�., , , , , ,. # - �,If " . . , til- kjoo, U` Ftbekhoit,�, He,I�A W, 11,70AX ��1'11; 1� ." .. _9 1 �,.,� Ir"11., -1 I " � 110010 - ., , 14 �' .; I- . -�,��, "', :,��.'�� , _ .1 )LIng '#!��,,` _0 , "' , , IVII-_ . � , 0 , " th" . . ; I , : . . . ' " 'O', and respected, and one whose unfail- � 11, TL . , ', -_ �tupeft . A 0 . ;.; . � . . �,�'O-.4 � ,." . ,.I,O;, is i'' , � .�K �:4 , -12. �0,9010�W-110 :15k-, I tume, crayon sketches which includi I "I . TiM . 1W � 1, 1 71­nik, . *3; John 4', Vilson, $14,�59,, & guesx; (); Z I 4, I 1�1; �,l : ,.?�,,,�,�2 WAVEL SWEET OR- both dartoons and landscapes; ventri- ing Itindliess made him the friend of SubscripA 's-Aaken for all magazilie& .a4apital, ,$21 r'. V 1), ro, _-,X� �.4_1 0", ,4640.004f. .,;�:5 �;"E,410 4b, I tMFMT1M �,'."`,­ "', Nuss Ou Zid"' AOX13OrO,,.!," " P, .:; _A' ,'��) -14.1401-1110A �,�W*f' i I'll, - �_ ,, � ,, � * a Metho- _ t �146 cc ,_Aft . - , -,. . 11, i 'L,4t ;1" -AWeS'G 'q, of ke ,�th6, "Van-Eph�­,4%wi j,�,0,4, , , � ,, ,, ;;, �., ,,,,,,�. I �'­ : - - t '' , "' �) ", , I � , . 011h , _� I e$ "', - -, ", - .. ; I 111 " _WP I " , I .. ,. , � �,`, I-, AIRA, - 1. . . " , '_ - _h, ,� , , ,% r - . and at publisher's Prices. no' 44064dede *'F-JX':_J1Q hi . . L 1WAW, a$ 25c, 30c, 40c, 60c dozen. loquism, in fact, entertainment in ev many. In religion he was i hy G " P, %_ , , - M ­tg, 1h. r4w, , � ,�,-"';'t��- life . . . Liudl�44:,Xlch is - roopt at , ", ,R,! �dV V, ery sense of the word. Mr. La Verdi dist) practically his whole -having �V, - _ � .,I P ' 1-1 ­ the Band oe given � , p 1-hq 'e, ,ne, ,,4 ," 11 1, . 1�,., � , _�' - ,. .. . - - . " , , ,, - ho* x.t, � , Oggsrl j�. ,,,,, , - , " the Se4forth - ,�.-Xrs- ja&--Beattle alid , I � I , : ,,, U61 �T � 81 " .,Q.,rfme , - th0r, na, iixit� of "I's' Sistarrs"', . �,�Jkj 1, " I ... I . __ I � _ ,qw ",'41LLOW DINNER WARE at beere identified with '.." 5 __ ­­ � . C�l , - . is looking forward to greeting a large .... �� �i�. - , . :;:-- of $400 and that the Clerk be auth , "; ­��jkg# Ap ,�r,o ;�, .Q , - I 1. I p�*t Pric6,01(`,Plain white wave. An ex- Methodist church, on the Board of , '� ) . t1Xe.,liJii�i6,;;;'_g' - wri_ "',__ , _:� PT ., "A r ;"­ , , A,�, X m � . :111, - _VA _ . ___% , � - - I � I. � .� .. " I 11 ized-to prepare 4 by,la ,A 'v . 11 vq ­�;, - .. c . 11 'a tig"At ,,`001�,1400V`Af 10',­,�- 1. . . , �. - , I ll IN 7,"',r I , , . , �4 . - F;";* dent that he will be wargily welcom, ins 06&�e,' , arles Gyles aud,gow- and that the Mayor, r, le X be - � , 'O 11110`�W,_.­iP!40 `06 , Is - . . . . , . . � omli, f A . and � ' _k Ly,-.,-" , ", I " , I ,��.,., lates, 10 -inch platters, etc. . ,., - ,, aud .r, .1 W14W 1was spent. last. I -,'.- - ZrU1611e11r1811,P - Mr. Cash is survived -by his torm O09#'0,'-1 . Thuraijay. ,at_,,�th� 11 'IX = d' ., 0A 10 " - , _.ft - Mr. La Verdi will appear u 3."� authorized to issu� cbeque , 7 I S I.. _9 "') HudkQn.-, � .1 . - ws" :�'U_,R,�., TRPPjm6n:4., %_�;��' "� � , � W`_ 11 I I . r: 0 ' I hance, including Cups and audience in Seafortb, We are confi- which Management he served for many parole brig� - % � e , _4 ,was captured by Cus 'W', ". - ed. r, years. I" , , i . �OA4uiO, Plegsalit� pre 11P.4 - e Z Q .,� , .. Al . I L . Ii. � ­ I ardi HITays-z rday a ternoo i James � , % P�0; L I widow, who before her marriage 3".., " , f 'Of $100-Mi6i, Gm6O_V`g,e,- ei�p,. .Urket Stree ,�'M_k,. 'r� ' :�'qa'.% ­ . i., .1 t;' 'has taken Q- ' -111-4' " � , t, . I �_,��' . RECLIKANED FTLIATRA Cardno's Hall, Thursday, February Mewa " " " a for their fir.t� instalment. Moved ir ver t #,;- mplooleA , osi , . ­ -1 " . - . __ . , , 11, " ,,, , ­,,�;��­. 25C 25th, at 8.15 p.m., under the auspices of Kil S _ wood,Bhe&o�:�`kay Avenue. Lett was b hen Miss - _41bb!4.,$.ej.0 , - . - n6As� 9f the ,,tj , "' . I : CURitANTS, 2 pounds ...... Miss Mary A. Campbell, . ,.it 1, .", George P, Cardno, seconded by F. Dy ,entertabied ,'.late J. Q,A grin ri . , recogniz4. -7 h .,- � . � A` ,V141 , lop, and a family of two daughters, . .fi­,%..­L - . , -and, wi-n-, . . y", 1, .. ,� . i I � ,,�,` � . of the Young People's League. This '4r Customs Officer Gyles - her 'Silnday'- school�,,cla�7$,Si.::: t 46 Plus a ts Seaforilth, iagent ", or -Co , . l, , , I '! - ' ', , , " Frost tk. I . I ,,.� from P bftraphs furnished Hutchison, that the first two years' U I . I et. I I -01 . . q . & ,Wo4d,T,Jkl*�:�im� _j.,�6* .11 Itra. After the � buil4jj .a .4-0 , � ' _' ­ L I'll . L . "". " . , . , e '*" ­. , * ' . TW -TOP TOILET PAPER is the last of the three Lyceum con- Vancou - by the debenture of the street pa ", *. . �Fpl -_� L Mrs. Willian4 Campbell Mack, of _ nd other and 't ':��:.":*� L - . - L . " I - ,. r ": Or ...................... eep ,con _,, _ .., .., t', ... , , I � � certs given through the winter, and Jr., who lives with her mother. Mr. '� . si�, em�,,the bal- . ,�- - ­ � ''," ' ­1� _��, Z .r I - I - I L . . , �,� " 6 f ver, and Mrs. W. 1. I was sittfii,6`3n an automobile on the evenipi,.-was pleasantly r , . _, Royal C vellient, a- " . A!" 25C ) Bright ,aid, dian Mounted Police. He - matters had ,b i id .*: 1�� , mounting to $1,466-66 and accrued in- ance of the - I I [� - promises to be the best and most ,, L terest, be purchased with sinking fund . � . ., - CROMARTY , �,- " ", , .. . 1'. - feM , , , g'.Y.,:- WOVELTY CHINA PITCHERS- John R. Cash, of Brocket, North Da- 'boat"Whyn, ai the Walker- in . I 7 .. .1,�, the- ta speni games. _ TU,hostqos then ,� u. 'S , �#et)%#� .1 . , . generally entertaining of the three. money. By-law No. 282 for W and all W. AT. S.-,.-,Tbe W '. 41 1 kota, is his only survivi brother. ville docks `*eady to land. After n served, a dainty luncheon *> - ,��, .r Special at 10c, 15c, 20c, 30c, 40c, 50c Admission, 50c, tax included. Seats ng _j� of S.eaforth for. i926 the home of ATT6. "Donald '��tisar � - i I " N -v,: The funeral was held on Monday af- questioning - the accused, Gyles im- . was given its , parted to their homss.-Wss Anona ' - r RV-,""' I . may be reserved at Aberhart's Drug mediately. several readings and finRlIfy passed. Dale, . � in the village,. Airs. James- - 0 "!::: ." 0 - - , �` L�, notified the police but Huron -� Road� appnt the week I " I ' Store for 10c extra. PLan, of hall ternoon from the North Side Church meanwhi Thi� is a by-law outhorizing,the bOT- end in' S ' �2 siding. The meeting was.P. en 11 " I , - . �_, It", where the services were conducted by 10''L'ett took to his heels. tratford. and attended the singing hymn 463, th - , r ' - M_ I . opens Monday, Feb. 22nd, at 8 a.m. I g, rowing Of money for current expenses. ' ' e presi exit 1q. ' ' " F D. flutthisonlaf his pastor, Rev. R.- Fulton Irwin. In- ii�_ 15 -foot wire fence, top- Normal .At Home, 'held there, on Fri- ing in prayer. After the bugi�P'P'fa .4 Clinibin ---------- 0— , . � 1. P,�� — terment was made in Maitlandbank ped. with *Ugfo wire, around the Walk- day evening-�Mr. and Miss Grace .. I . I ly . -o':'. phone 166. 1 , i" Tuxis Square. -On the evening o �. part of the ineeting the doleg.ates:Wha. " 1. cemetery, the pallbearers being erv2l e-atit9mobile pen, he fled through f McLean, of Kippen, were � guests of attended the I . .. I � F%,�, B ,��,�� FebTuary loth, a Father and Son Mrs. Janie Stratford :Ptesbyt*441, , � _�� . Death of John Broderick. - The Messrs. A. Wankel, Win. Black, W E alleys, AmO,* and yards. He was Banquet was held in the ba s axter; over Sunday- Mrs: T. Oliver and Zfra.. A. McT*11a � Tl,_ I " death occurred at his home in Mit- Hinchley, John Scott, J. R. Scott 'and' . ,,ot sement Of Mr. and Mrs, George Bunch, who have gave their report of the meeting, Mrs. . �F�:` eventually �`aught by Customs Officer the - . c . only were been in Royal Oak, Detroit, most of . P, - Hays, WhO held him until assistance the fathers of the Tuxis boys p Kenneth c � 11 chell early Thursday morning of John William Elcoat. Union Chur h 11 ,��, Broderick, after an extended illness, arrived. l Kellar" read a, chartxar - . ­' - 1ett is being held pending ent, but there were also _res- the winter, have returned home. They fro ftel; ' " Z . �.,; : .. - P in his 86th year. Mr. Broderick was DeLaval cream separators, Welotte repairs; the action of the authorities. Mount- . some busi- report no snow over ii& ­Uncle Sam's in the text book on prayer, a �� �,��', , Wall Pa ers one of the oldest and most prominent Pianos, violins, beet mausic; double refined ed PONC6 ,stated to -day that he Dress -men there. The members. .of the land­�-Mrs� William whieh Mrs. Simon Miller gave a 7as . I I- 8 Square are very grateful splendid paper. O'ur "meeting decid- - I I business men of Mitchell, and was ,rea,A separator , Black, of Tuck- � oil. Bring in your can and origina Y ge4tenced to ten years im- - I I have it filled, Phone 21, Seaforth. R. Peck. 11, , - to their ersmith, underwent an operation for ed to Sing hymn 663, "Abide WithL i ' � L mothers for the very sumptuous suP- appendicitis in the Seaforth Hospital -, FOR 1926 ' the father of Mr. Broderick, of, Sea- 3034x4 Prisonment Ar highway robbery. Af- per they Provided. Everything . . M . - ��, forth. The funeral will be held on The New Model Ford Cars are here. ter servini' three years, be was par- One this week. -Dr. Lurkin Pie e,"' at every meeting for the year- . � .. _u ngs are so well - 1 ;,�41� Call could desire was served, and 4!atw��11' pulpit in Carmel Ch,r' OcP a the We rojoice.our meeti _V �1* ch, Hensall, on attended, which, is very encoura - I �, - Saturday. and see them- They axe the finest 'ever. Oled. Wh!N�*on parole he was con- courses Mr. Howey gave reducing ex- Sunday afternoon last. -Misses- Gladys Mrs, BkKellar seived lunch 91119. � . - Daly -Ford Dealer, Seaforth. 3035-1 victed , wan On a ja I Y mortgages. W. Brydone, Clinton, Ont police state.',- I after- - 1�� HAVE ARRIVED ". On"in O.T.A. charge. He is ercises to all who needed them, by McPhee, Isabel Ritchie, Annie Me- � ward,. . I I . . Y, The Ladies' Aid Tea-Wednesda Money Wanted to take up good fa rm also W ' ' il-breaking charge, making them sing a few old favorites. - " " , I PApers for every room in afternoon of last week was the cc- 30-35x4 - The programme was perfectly � . � d r 11­'� , the house at moderate pric- casion. of a very pleasant and social For Snl,-Or,,, buggy, light wago,n cutter � -ar. - I'll., I ranged for there were even two medi- , - . .00 �_, - yterian Church, snd harties�. Apply .to Mrs. Rozelia'Martin Rebekahs Euchre.-Eidelweis Lodge cal men at the table, to . ,.-4�� es. 3035XI , . ,P I I - � ", event in First Presb � , ; � , . The Ladies' Aid held a very success- Weit William Street. Box 91. of Rebeikabs gave orie of the most those who ,became indisposed. After I I P !, .. ful tea in the school room of the For S.le-one s0-yound computing scale, pleasant a" successful social even- everybody was finished eating, the - . ., Get our prices of Maxi- . n4. .6 I I church. The tables were prettily dec- one 8 -foot show case, one Pony cutter. Apply ings of th - %ft.� I- A inuir 30 -inch Wallpapers. orated and looked very inviting to th at J. F. Daly's Garage, Scaforth. 303r,-tf .e season on Wednesday of Pretor, who had -been quietly doing I . I I ,0 �, "� I I L Wood For Sale. -For sale, a quantity of this a-Ple justice to the delicious viands, I I � . 0, �, week, when they held their an- � , . - . . e', ' many w m. The choice dry maple. Price restaonable. Phone Dual euchre and dance in the G. W. which passed his way, arose to ask - 474" .1 A.— Something New. proceeds amounted to $53.10 and the 21 on 133. T. G. Shillinglaw. 301 9_tf V. A. club. roorns. Sixty-five tables -10 � " I ladies Of the Society wish to thank Used Gasoline Engines. -We have one 21.,.. of euchr6' our Mentor, Mr, E. R. Crawford, to _� - . � I . all, - , Participated in the first say a fe-W " ,If I those who took part in making this H.P. I"temational, one 4 H. P Marine, one part of the evening's pro words. The Mentor ex- � I I ", * g amme, e plained briefly in an able manner the ,I, �� 11,� H.P. Monarch: priced right Daly', prize " I I tea such a huge success. Ga��ge. -1 winners being Ladies , first, : i 11, fi�', - 3035 . . fourfold work of the Tuxis Square, W/ * I For Sal�-seven-roomcd house on Jarvis I - ... 161. SCOTT'S W. Wright; lone hands, iss rown; and be also thanked the visitors for . I . Meeting of Junior Mission Band- I Street, Seaforth, with all modern convenien�_ Consolation, Mrs. J. Hogg; nien's, first, Corning and showing an interests in . - . ��: 1, . � I ,; I The Junior Goforth Mission Band held 1 '; also a 2 if. P. gasoline cement mixer, D - ". 4. ' WALLPAPER SHOP , l Apply to Wilbiam Bristow. Seaforth. 8034�tf - r. Grieve; lone hands, Mrs. J. ugill; the Tuxis work. Mr. F. K. Ament . . . � - � L 1. its rst meeting on Monday afternoon, Agency for the Cockshutt and Frost & Wocd '14 .- I ­ � I February 8th. I __ I . � There was an attend- ,arm Im I b.- als. the Fm�t Fence. Pumm' ed to the ladies and Mr. J. Crich sec- I . If . �. — ance of twenty-five, and it is hoped etc. CM]pI 7--'d�n ','et prices. office, Go4erich 'MID BXNDS AND BANDITS onded it. Lance Norris I 1. : this number will be increased. The � Street, East- N. Gille3pie, Box 4a. 3036-3 gave the i �, V, . .. I Notice. -Any one wi�hing choice beef cuts ALLAN DWAN PRESENTS fathers an idea of the work that is % I ­ meeting was taken by Dorothy Kers-tor by the quarter, during the winter, will carried on at the Boys, Parliament. 1, . I ': JAMES WATSONJ lake anj A�nie Brodie, Ile opening I please Phone James J. Murray, 17�23 Dub n, - '� ;�, by _mn as li 0 Rev. W. D. McDonald, of.Egmoud_ I . o. 768. Mary Flett read G ickn 64-9. Dublin. Bouxi-tf � I , or rus H ;1 For Sat. or ell' L -Modern 7 -roomed frame ville, gave the members of the . I SEAFORTH, ONT. . � la Pray,de% tfol lowed by a Bible read- Ren Night Life in Square a very enterprising speech I . I - � - le ory by Miss Brodie. Mrs. house with 4 acres of fine Pasture, orchard, � . � GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT n n d barn. Within 10 minutes walk of stores and all were glad that they bad such . . Larkin led in prayer, after which an :, representing only the best Can- and churches. Apply W Mr -j. John Purcell, a cheerful man in their presence. The . , I �i adian , British and Ame i hymn 746 was sung and the meeting IJ6 Market Street banquet closed with the singing - . , � ; I rican of �rl . 1closed by repeating the Lord's prayer For Sale or Rent. -A 7-roorned frame house 11 Companies, . . New York the National Anthem. ,However, on . I - in unison, on North Main Street; eledtric lights, fuirnace, 'r n 11 � - i�11`11`1_ " of the most poM`vL.i Oth ; I "I ,� All kinds of insurance effeebed I __ -410-- - hard and soft water in house: hardwood floor important parts f the A New i _� in li,ing room, good garden. Apply at The - With programme has !been omitted- Here . Featuring I ,,, at the lowest rates, including- Neil Shaw Auxiliary. -The Febru- Fxpositor office. 8022-tf it is, the Tuxis Square is now on a I . :. _­­ . - ­ � �, ary meeting of the Neil Shaw Aux- Worn -'a Exchange. -Fifteen more racrobers, firm foundat Version of . � 1, , , F=E, LIFX ACCIDENT, AUTO. iliary of Egmondville United Church wanted for "Women's Exchange." One dol- I ion with twenty dollars : the Con-yertible . , lar entities you to their credit. To be exact, nineteen . 11 � MOBILE, TORNADO AND PLATE was held on Saturday afternoon, Feb. to contribute fancy work, DOROTHY GISH . �� knitting. infants' wear, useful household ort� .� dollars and W 1, sixtY-five cents was the the Tank Drm Scarf Cofldr I -1" GLASS RISKS. 6th. The president, Miss Bertha icl-. etc., which we sel-I on commission. ERN EST TORRANCE net Proceeds of the banquet, The . Chesney, conducted the meeting. Mis- write at ance for Particulars, Box 138, Clin- 11 , t ton. or Phone 17. strictly confidentiai. stamp collectors in the Square 'wish . -Also-- sionary hymns were sung and the 8035-tf A fast stepping story of a modern I to take this opportunity in extending . % Scripture lesson was then read by Lampolene, the owy coal oil that win burn prodigal, whose father figured that their thanks to Mr. R. M. Jones for . I I 0 ; �. REAL ESTATE and LOAN AGENT M-iss Sadie Howitt. Miss Jean Hays - the Jast drop and Ove the same clear too much would soon be enough. his time and the trouble of judging Design I . ? , 1. Representing "Huron and Erie" gave the missionary lesson after lizht without discoloring the gi i .1 d is 'i , 1� Mortgage Corporation, of London, . Odorless ; just the on for Your inaesushaottonr and A picture that doesn't have to pre- their stamps. -A. W. Sillery, scrip- 0 Design . , which Miss L. McMillan playe� a tend it's New York. IT IS the real tor. 8-541 8551 " -7�� Ontario. n in- br,00,der. Try Us with Your next ord Costs . , . strumental and Miss Jeanette, Finni- no er. . :1 more than ordinary oil. Sold only by thing with the Hotel Commodore as -1-0— . . . Prompt attention paid to placing gan sung "The King's Business," both W. H. Elliott, at garage, 3034-tf the actual setting for the jazzland North Side Church Matters. - The 8541 -This dress is &55 1 -Including the col- . V. ,� being very much appreciated by those scenes. "I I I . risks and adjusting of claims, Huron Pr.sbytery met on the 3rd becoming to both the lar you need only 33/4 yds. � I Business present. The meeting closed with the Lions Dine. - The semi-month'iy A roaring tale of -the Roaring For- inst. in Wesley Church, Clinton, the slender woman and of39-inch material for size 1. . " guaranteeing good service. . I I son. in the Commercial Hotel, last Thurs- An I . I established 50 years, repetition of the Lord's'prayer in uni- meeting of the Lions Club was held ties with a REAL all star cast. delegates from Seaforth being Rev. the woman with the 36. At our piece -goods OFFICE PHONE, 33. eye -full, a rib -tickler, a tune R. Fulton Irwin and Mrs. John Fin� fuller figure. It comes department we have just . - day evening. Mine host, Dungey, for the heart -strings -an ENTER- layson. Many matters of interest . �. RESIDENCE PHONE, 6o. Egniondville Y. P. S -On Monday, provided an excellent repast, which TAINMENT. were dealt with. It was decided that ifi all sizes frorn32to48. the material you want for it. � - � .. Febr I �� 1,_nonduary,7,1,h,, the Y.P.S.C.E., of Eg- was well taken care of by the raven. all lay representatives continue as , vill 1, � — ____ -_ '. d their weekly meeting. J ous animals, Field Secretary, Neville, NOW PLAYING such from their election through the I IYUss wa, 9 presen . Bertha Chesney conducted the I and was visibly impress- entire church year. The report on � - devotional exer You Can Make These Yourself � �� cises. The Scripture�e� width 1,he"I-irillty, pep,and enthusi- tbe-Maintenance and Extension Fund I �. as. ,, ��, I -1 reading was read by Erma Broadfoot. ,P .;d by the local club, �so occupied a good dead, of time, somp And you can afford to buy the best -materials, . . .� I 1� � Following the reading of the Scrip-l�nuch .so that he claimed it was an Prioncess - � I I � - ture, Laura McMillan rendered a reports being very good and some for included with each Pattern is a wonderful 1� linspiration to meet and congratulate not .so good. It is gratifying that - — .� , -;i;- - pleasing instrumental. The topic for � such a real live club as Seafortb's. — the North Side Church was able to dressmaking guide, the Belrobe. It shows you . ,, 1�. the evening was taken by Mr. James'After dinner br. McKay gave a most report that its full how to make A &,css out of the least possible ' -_, 11 Brown. He spoke chiefly of Missions J in address on "Child allotment of ' V -tructive Wel- $2,575.00 is well in sight, the l-, ' amount of material. " and self-sacrifice for others. The !n- are," Which was a revelation to most . local il" termission was _ia- . I.". I spent in a musical of the Lions since the various anti- ­Feb.14 mwmw~ canvassers expressing high apprec I . . don of the kindly way in which they I . contest. The meeting was called to toxins were exhibited and explained werb received in the homes of the I � '1� ., - ;- I a order and the business discus,"d. very fully. Such lectures are a va,lu- - ' people in Seaforth with only two or Visit Our Piece -Goo& Depdrtment To -day t- . 'I' - � I., - Then Miss Sadie Howitt contributed .able asset to the club's popularity. . '1� 1��, three exceptions. -Where all the new materials in the pooular i a solo. After the singing of a by-nin To add to the pleasures of the even The Ofilcial Board ., I - Valentines of the North Side Church , colors are on display. . , I - � I , , , , , , , , I I I , , , , I r , " ` " , "' , , , 7i , ""' , , , I I , " 0 k , ', � I I 11 �, I .1 `1 1-1 I I 1W 'Is I I � ;1 I ettv "! i "11*�' t ` ,f 1 : I , . .1 11 , ��I , S .. 7 .: , - I I I I � . -11 i 11 the meeting closed with Mizpah ben- ing, Geordie Daly, Basil and Eugene met on � last Monday evening, the Pastor pre- , .- ediction. Duncan rendered several selections, Come and See Our 1926 Display. siding Always Buy � ": -1 - . 1________-6__ delighting the audience with such NEW DESIGNS IN - The meeting was the first V, , ,ill held in what hag been made a very STANDAR13-DESIGNER PATrERNS mduding BELROBE J . Young Peoples' League. - T be music from such a youthful trio. A]- Novelties, Cards and Napkins c6rnmodiOUS room for all week night . !I , THE WOMAN WHO BUYS MEAT Christian Fellowship Department had together, the'meeting was one of the VARIETY AT A RIGHT PRICE meetings by the removal of a long = � . 11 charge of Tuesday evening's League best to date, with W. J. Duncan oc- � - i � HERE meeting. Mr. Will Black occupied the cupying the chair, and Tail Twister, - . � standing partition' between -which � 0 . I I I I formerly consisted of two rooms. The - V ,�. Cmes back again for mom ­and chair. The Scripture lesson was read Frank Sills, at his best. -C. P. S. V,Vir -11 . . 01 I I , '.' �,.'., ' ware -and more. Quality and flavor Ift'. our meats is the attraction, as by Miss Dorothy Robinson. A splen- did topic was given by Mr. J. Re- ____.*�_ The Late Lieut. Francis Evend 'n- e . , jvkj* , -0 was done gratis, for which a vote of thanks was tendered to Messrs J. Robb, J. Just Received 1(� I ", � .. , g - *01I a's reasonable prices. Cut rate AD"ts give no satisfaction -you can- Intosh, of. Brucefleild, I who dealt in a very convji�Fing manner with the im- Word was received by Lieutenant Tid- -an, of the local Salvation Army 16 Qu artGalva . '3- 39C for McIntosh, A. Dodds, W' E Chapman, F. Xerslake and W.' ,NEW CORSETS 1N , ., �'-:,' Iftot eat them after cooking. Pay as migration problem, which to -day con- Corps, that Lieutenant 'Francis Even- lzCd pail .... I H* artry, Who were in charge of the As , T HE ��" � � �,�� . "I"". is fair., price and get the very best. n fro ts our country . . A .13010 was rend- 1 ered by Miss F va Wheatley; a reia - den, who underwent an operat ion in ftamilton on Janbary 12th, I 0. � 41,10% Beath Br work. the pastor, who nfter Conference last May, intimated A * 0 — -POPULAR � . DANDA SM98 fj�' . i!,", � I, , . ,�", , D. EL STEWART ing by Miss Gladys Holland, and a ba-njo selection by Mr. Will Ba-eber. - passed away on Satu rday last at 6.50 p.m. The Lieutenant came to Seaforth early 1P, OS. For.DArg,ftInS ' ' the congregation that he had always believed in and observed a pastorate of - , - Graceful - lines and a �­� ��' ��,' �,`,��;� ' . SEAFORTH. Following a lively contest, the meet- ing last October to assist Lieutenant Tid- . . - . not inore than four years, he -re- stated his to e _:- � ,., ­ lfwne 58. I Main Street was closed with the Mizpah be -h- . ediction. Next Tuesday'evening witl man, shortly after the death of the late Captain Nevill. During . , ___ ----- position the November . Board meeting, pursuant to Which a all wearers. - ' S4 �.,��,,,,, !�,' i�, Rl.�,�, Y�6­ � ,,,,, . ­ I � ­­� be in charge of the Citizenship De- partment, who are preparing a de - that time he has made many many friends in town and his last pu blic service was Rad I - I AV, W-111 . h ; + Pulpit SuPPlY Committee was f6rm� ed. This Committee made its report - to tbe Vo -..,-- � I I �11 � _-, " -- . . I - ;/ I , � , � . �,�, - - , SMIng Mat ap A num. . . . . , _ � . . I . bate, the subj t which is, "Resolved the last Sunday in the old 3rear. The I %F ber of former Presbyterian -ministers - 1. ��:,J. . I , I . i5�, 11 11 . I -NOWN0 ... 1. . IN #01 4 i� �. -% F. W. AHRENS that bachelors sbould be taxed.', Lieutenant ca�me to this country as, a bad been communicated with and 11 I 11 OX I � �.",,,.�, . Lidelised Audtioneef for Perth 0. 1" __, � I . . , R , if ,�,' - , � boy and lived witlihis parents in Ham- Chain.: Stores none giving an aTa-mative. reply as HOSIERV OF UNUSUAL. ' ' r 0� : � a i ,��,,,, td4tion I , - ,�-%� f lid, Haron Counties. School Report. -The following is ilton until Sel)tember, 1928, when he - , I . I � I t . `Ij,j-,,�­ � �., Sales solicited, the report of School Section No. 9, entered the Salvation Army, College, "j% %Oi� %� 0 0 1 to their AccePfAnee 61 an IDA I I ,�. I. . .. I - ,0 -, � . I _,A _11 , �,�,, 114, � ,.; � � ,. . '101 . . , ' ' corAinoncing Feb. 12: in* I URABLE — SHEER — - ��,��i�,. � �.0 -names are In order Of ed at Tbedlord, mount Potest and . atter be left to the itIdgment of the . . . - I .11 � I � . ff 2., R�7�1` 1 ' - Werms 0� Application. nary. The - Toronto, ce 6 ee D ',k,'-,,,�'�i,�', U691 Estate, Farm Stock, Etc. Tuckersmith, for the month of Jan . the Committee teco'minended that the 61, He has since been 9tation- Pli R f r w k ( " (�, . �, �, . - � . 11 .. 1, ' . .�,�� 11 1. ..., 1. �1 Settlement 00mmittee, and 1no invi.- . .111; , .,1;, , - moiit- Sr. Fourth-' Ailex. Chesney., Seaforth. Before g I Fry?s Cocoa, balf, li:Aih ........ Al I . � - r , . 'Gl i"Ih P� . Ahrobs, goit .21 . ­ I * , , ,7. _�', to the Army I one. After, ARVINED1. , *1 . I 11r��,'�g',5., 6J*.-#g4,e-6. I 380-. Arthur Finlaysor and Rohert'Up- College, be was alobe Pears, 2 It. ?ifii. ; ........ .14 pome _digt . ... 0 :. -WOMN, ,,0�1111 , � X 114 No. 4, t6tion be extended to any THE CHOICE, OF" 4111, -,,---,�i,i�, � a member of the . ussi . ; 0 , r66 . I I .0 "�, " �n� �, �Y'�r . , �or ........ on on the iiiatter the' . I . . �� 11,�*,10 '� I 1. t, V,,,��,,_:.:­, Aut&,-R, Out. McLachlan, Ham, iltdn L Corps Band. He was 23 Toilet � It I ­ . � L. , R0.V','V_, ,� " , 11 I shall, 361 (equal); Jean Paper, 7 .25 Board decided M ask the Cbwmittee Our Hosiery is 6Am -'AWY 0 1 1 . 'i, � . � ` , , I . 1;�',",l ZK_� , " " ��­ 2W.&I 840. Jr. Pourth-Hazel McLachlan, YesTs of age. The Lieutenant leaves Itice, three a U - PoPular ykth'women ­�, , , %? " !�4,.,,V*Z�,.'..; 'W . . �4,,Ilv -�'Q."'�_� �, I ; ' nd a1idlf lbs ...... kr"Ia � 11 0 1 . 01E. _'A�; ... % ,�� ... ,"O. I i , I I , ., . I I -, I 1, I .1 , ""11--l". � - , 1- - . 226-, Wflwer Erpadfoot, 825 Hilft behind his , paronts, Who Veside in Sugal., Domi, the CO-Agregittf6n, *hiob wMl be call. I - #Onlr 6 have their apgokel,.� �i' ,­ . " .;)."'S, ��,­ '.11-116,14 ill t 6 __ -1-11 - .25 to Miske it's report to a meeting q;k . who a= p�r " I � , ,;,�­j�L,Te__ ion'd gt4l, dwt. - $6.46 � � %', . . " �q_ I �'� "" :, Xen-nody, 260. Sr. Third - Helen Hamilton, and four brothers, Captain . ed for fh6 22nd' inst. The-quigti. �. In goo . .. . I . I . -1 .. ,,Z5�',Oil 0 I . � - ,,X,n,��, � -1,-It _. - � I 11 -, ­ �,� - Broadfoot, 807: Dorothy Elgie, 286, 1 Oft - . I I I 0 1 . . I I '> Jesse, Wilighm - Lieutenant Vineent, �'(Sugar Str'ctly',,&­� ) ' r . : I ,� I a ' ;100,,�,,, 11- I th - of pew ;stcO1hmOdatioil 'Was did&rag6a I . �1. � � I I w" �1,11­. � " . I � . . .7 . * , . . I . I I - ,L, I 't I Jr-., Third -Ales. Irvine, 880; MArg- Newmarket also -Rornavd,aM Georgg prices ' 1 . I 1, -4 - D -'I­ ,­,��,.,� "',,, IjQq 1 ,�4 k,, � I',, , ''I r I - � �0,,,� P'' � These a,rq*ftd in' tbo Ited at, sixteen adult member'.8 --weVe .'� ��,15!1 � �j I I A.rb-t Iftind, 956- Relen 1UPsbA1l# SIZI 6f Ifainilto' ­ rd'� , I % I , I . I L, �, 11 " I Margaret Vto Ill. The tbmetal services and White Stojeg*,'0'n'17k'-, I c#ivqd Into the church oil lggt,S � WO h . 1%00Y'thake� for practical vv.ea�r ,61d � � , , ; Marjory 10 I . I uh. ave �',Uf'). aclfo6t, 285 'Were hield in Mmilton on,'%*Uesday at- I - �!46A?T ., d$�r morning. .. O, �,, ,�'-,.­ � I "�� �i� � . I. ' �!�, 114:V g7fl-, L Afiiftafet Hay . .. I "d was- sturd� A �*,',,­:i .- _�, 1- , 0 , W Ila. 111R, 11611 - I I . �,, W ., , I . I -� I io � lq � 11�11JM',� � 4 i .1* out S& reques I _,,;�;_ ,A 4 1 , 2M Secon& V, -�­Roy, ternoon. .",,,,r, , " I We certainly 0 &_#C.,P a to take -the � 6fto Of Pd* , � 1,90 �..,N,; . , tuodgb & _0�, f6r ehildren's �dgwl�' bUy �.11�11 W �' Ch,gsney'. ____*____44-P � . � ' _ , 0 . �. 999, Firlat Mas-Lcirr& -rate ., � ' "ill ,�� h i " tler-6 ., 40'W',§ad VuA Brard 0 & them. 3 , Eme [Its " �, 411��,�;��;:��L,� . ; Torhatoes, Corn, 0 � It �,p� 6'06ajo l' V1 - POWW% Ulld-'orer-gny I I 11� � Ugy,, T ­�he Bor4er ; 0%ftq, ftO_t..p1,d rp,6 - t, th, #t . I . I - �­7,." - 0 "� k6.9t I . ,,, , .,r _t Mfille, . . ;�% ,,, - ­,:: ,,.,,,- 1. , % ... .� "I,., ". .1, I - . , ,_ . , , � '490 And Aodgart #41a eAeA I I � . , � � 4 . IV 1 V . I 94) r -9111V' City ,ftir tad'kes the foll . . sal $04 0 *", 1161dit. - , �, .1 ....... ...... ...�,`�!J,%, '�."i' �:� ��`­�' -­ -� I., . . - I -!,.'I�.�,�", �T. " ,� 4.� I '#.,� 0M09 'refbr� . 5 0. those c6bling into, 104 oh -:,'* - :,I�_.,i,�� w:­-*.� I;R­ I ---.1.0 L , _ �, r,yn I 0 .. .� � I 1: 16 . ul'oh, ..,. _'-_1 �., � ., �, . . I I , I . � , ." _491C congitt, t0d 'elf6e to a darttig 4&$i-ottfre �, " , 6i: . 'I _�� '1,��.��:�;�,�, L I ... "I , I Frfte'r -� I . , , � i W a ,q, , - I n � . � .. , . " 11 , L �, ��_,� 1� , ��­,, -It "I , ­,­­Z,� � Of *`J�#*'�Ietl Z � . T 'j., `�` . � - �A`; ­11'1,� -- � -1;-'/, �,,,;J. ­­ � !. I.- I . . . ­_ - . . . I I I ­ � 0. . . I - I �". - I 11 "I" . . , - 1�..­ El � -11 , I I - 1� ", beit,t "'Jift '6 in � I I 1�11.. _%��,,�,�,,�, .:� . I 1'� "I 11 _', 11 ... ��� h ,.,o I � . , ; ., wl.. fiteld i1t0h I 11- r . a . 1-16; ., 9 , =,!�,, X - 0. GVrepq iepi 4#ohl . �.� � 1, , �,I�i4.". � ;`,� .�I,V­1'1111� , I" . � I'L�,��.,,,,,,r,�,,, , 0h -add by Mr. 1X6f#atd 14 4 ", . � F "PuW#1:. . � ,-,­�?,�,,,r I I ­";,� �il ,4� � . � ! , 11 li�1110111,4­ � -1 . ���,,,",,r�, �. . ', � , Any, 7 - . , �,%,,7, I . . 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