HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-02-12, Page 3,-- 4U.> "
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-.RAO 'on, of their
01 " W lek,rdr. J", B�. pencer,. BS.A., Ot,
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Is to P,M�
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�hole By -and . Sq Uelpg, This 1
dtogethqr be, taWa W chairh para- 007-0. ent a r
I t a nt
t illB, _010&0ions of the"patriotW Ta
t w lication ro P rea e
tjok: of material for pub hp tgQ
'd wbinen -who founded tb has ba
e As� the; co�qperation not only of for , Ptly
e system - has already, t e men �031
'on i;p -1906� introdueek,'. -now me ers his mm e
Tab of, co, Itt e but of other h4ve,'403 ipnd to apprem
ler sRqiAj,� .9o, 'ate
veakiined -by cold*-, influem4aor otl �be yalue, �g e. th-
-winter 1 allmenti Alien Dr. willjams�; qdesi�on�, and problems tfiat =,�_Bt be members of the Association and .4 blic servic , ey
the &Teat deal of useful information, has,, are, xondorino,aii(k,o appraise an OTO
safest medicine far considered at an...early day if thJB,;kind in the eom,�,
-Pink Pills. are A za C
7ebuildink 'the Nood and strengthe'nZ Or#aiiizatlon i's not to become un- been disseminated through the.. prqps.�
Mr. -Wilson and'Mr. 146 -T
:0 _ oi,.value a a eivie,
ore, f em. 4g.
ing the body.! An, exam�le of th- wi6ldy with the present machinery
wal point, wemulso-.Justr ;o bem
-v,4 s- is given by Mrs. of adrriri�fration and if the financial Few
in se r voluntary Be
"do e
lue of these pill who suPPOrt'is to keep pace with its con- curing wi diiettibUtIO Of
M.' 01 Stromberg Cobalt, Ont., ions, an i
had a v,�ry severe attack of stantly increasing necessities. 'I)ft Mi. ature,on R di azlizad d
says aty,tlie-fi&tance.ok of_� ub C 0 1
influenza, which confined Wilson, the Association -has ag p4ilp -cal publication, A crystallized ah
.gri fieRra �n4,iuoobers of' horticultural al ��,,accorded, definite
3ne to morbed for a week. Oil getting and loya-i ekeegtive officer, and 4 es was The press bf and hi 94, -factory results are,
-up again I did riot reco'ver my usual Moore a highly qualified an,. societi, general. Ighby, 04
he Province has treated organized in ed.
ca many ipstwiis, being achieved.
,;strength. I was very weak, had a sit- horticulture with 'the utmost gener- Our township s6oieties are especivIly.
,X,e,ver . pain in my head, and a eon- r,, bA� e.., --tbe , abilitation of negleet�,
ackache. I'hBd to get a woman uat*,uli �!5p- aV es esity and has shown us that it is active in rah
1011 Hir �! .6 we ed cemeteries.
to do my work for me a's - I had in I e. and 1 6 t e esult Nvilling to give space prow
that1ioovithstanding the indus and 911PPly readable matter. I here and It was my sad duty, as your Presi.
meither the, strenpd?�._ 1�ov' the ene�rgy de.�Otlon_ok, -OUT officers and district now -on behalf of our Association and dent, to convey to.our respected Secre-4
to d-0. t4is stage, re-
reat be4eflt, I.hhd dire'dtors it, is not possible to Main- all horticulturists extend to the press tary, Mr. Wilso4,,�he sympathy of
:memhW-A#, th"B"..'X . - f Ontario, our sincere and grateful 'this Association on the occasion of
a ', i in between 0
110,,lpink tain that intimate'.contagt
throy,4g 0
5 his recent berpavement. Such consol-.:
this -me�l- the, pardit, body, aftA . the individual thanks.
sirll%0&�A man Publicity is the life -blood of a so- ations and assurances of friendship
., .1 . �11 , 'i. ritiall to the 6hesion
a Societies, q�d d6se
411%. a, pon my strength began to
Y � of the at horticultural family and ciety of this kind which s6eks to in- as we could offer in the hour o hi
YeturA. J aim, now, ab,le.to do all my gre uld struct and persuade—all, of course, great sorrow were reverently and sin-
�ovrn work ag, gin, and take care Oj my to unity of policy and effort. I wo for the public good. Our -most, eff ec- cerely tendered in. your name.
1aby boy. I -am very grateful for ift,opose the appointment of a small tive ally is� the press. May I suggest When you called me to this high
-what the pills have done for.me, and but representative committee, prefer- tri �s with office, I invited youi co-operation, ad-
,,fi t �bly composed of men and women h,v_ that we mix a little pa oti m
liope my experience will be of be ing an intimate knowledge of the As- our altruism and resolve that as be- vice and su'l)"port. The response has
to some other sufferer." sociatiorIN history and present condi- tween foreign and native horticultural been entirely beyond my expectations
If. you need a blood -building tonic . pers and magazines we shall give and I have to acknowledge with deep
-begin taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills lion, to 'hady this question, to collect pa
information, to confer with the Pro- preference to our own—not excluding gratitudeihe kindness I have receiv-'
toty. Sold by all medicine dealers -a worthy publication from another ed from all who have been associat-
�or sent by mail at 50 cents a box by vincial Government and with repre-
. . s-ritatives of other organizations, and country, because we have yet much ed with me, notonly from those with
-writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine - to learn, but not failing to encourage whom I have had personal relations
Co., Brockville, Ont. �o report at the next Convention. the home product. but from many who sent me sym-
This bTings up the question of fin-
ance, 'a st-bject of unceasing interest Nothing brings us into more direct pathetic letters and offers of help. I
and one for which, as yet, no satis- contact with the public or is of more would especially acknowledge the co-
Xobody seemed to take much notice factory solution has been,found- Not- educational importance than the dis- operation of your Board of Directors
4of Green. He tried to get in a word withstanding the Provincial grant of play of our productions at flower, and of Mr. Wilson and his staff.
:3now and then, but somebody with a ',500 for which we are grateful, and fruit and vegetable shows. The ac- Ik numbers count for anything,this
-stronger voice always took command the assessment of -two cents per tual sight of beautiful flowers and is the greatest association of its kind
�Of the conversation. member upon the Societies, the financ- luscious fruits produces 'a reaction in the world; it has more members
At last the talk turned on the ,b- ing of the Association itself At pre- that the spoken word is incapable of, by thousands than any other society
ject of dogs, and Green felt sure sents difficulties which greatly hamper In additiob to the hundreds of show s of amateur horticulturists; but too
I -that his chance would come, for he the work, but it is to the inadequacy held locally throughout the Province, much stres-s must not be placed upon
�owned a dog of which he *as proud. of the Provinci2l Grant for the en- which the members of this Associa- statistics and organization; the spirit
"There are some dogs," remarked couragement of our local Societies tion took part in, outstanding displays actuating us as individuals must be
Robinson, "that have more intelligence that I would especially direct your were made at the Canadian National our chief reliance and therefore my
than their masters." -attention. At -the inception of this Exhibition, Toronto; Central Canada final appeal is addressed in the per -
"That's quite right," said Green. movement, "Dollar for Dollar" was Exhibition, Ottawa; Western Fair, sonal sense to everyone who belongs
"I've got one like that." the policy laid down and for a num- London, and notably the Royal Agri- to a Horticultural Society to do his
ber of years it was possible to main- cultural Winter Fair h6d in Toronto part that the day may be hastened
-------------- tain parity between the expenditure in November. I would in this connec- when dur dream of a beautiful, bome
f the Societies themselves and the tion desire to express my apprecia- land shall have beconic a perfect
0' and enduring reality.
Great Rejoicing by Legislative grant. But with the rap- tion of the untiring efforts of those
d Increase in the number of societies, who were immediately responsible for
Rheumatic Cripples Itbe equilibrium was upset with the our representation 'at these shows and
result that to -day the contribution on notably Messrs. Godson, Kent, Collins
and Wbytock. Amongst other suc- Winter Winds
If So Crippled You Can't Use Arms or account of membership has fallen to cessful exhibitions and shows held
Legs, Rheuma Will Help You or about 12 c6nts, and on account of ex-
penditure to about 9 cents, amounting during the year were the Iris Show
Nothing to Pay in all to 21 cents as against the orig- at Brantford under the auspices of Will Not Chap
Get a bottle of Rheuma today and inil dollar expended by the member the recently formed Paeony and Iris
of the HorticultuTal Society. Although Society: the Rose Show at Toronto, Campana's Italian Balm pre-
-wear a satisfied smile OIL your face to- our Societies are doing work of the under, the auspices of the Rose So- vents chapping of the hands
morrow. ciety of Ontario and the Gladiolus and face in Winter time. The
it's a remedy that is astonishing highest public importance and of in -
the whole country, and it's just as estimable value to the communities in Show at Hamilton under the auspices cold wind evaporates the natural
which they are operating, and a]- of the Canadian Gladiolus Society. Italian Balm replaces this na
good for gout, sciatica and lumbago though their necessities are great,*e The Toronto Horticultural Society put tural moisture. All druggist
;as for rheumatism. and departmental stores sell t
It drives the poisonous waste from cannot in rea-on expect a*return to on a two day Spring Flower Show at
the joints and muscles—that's the the original basis, but we feel justi- the Canadian National Exhibition A special sample bottle mailed
fied in asking for a restoration of the Grounds, Toronto, free to the public, on receipt of 5c.
secret of Rheuma's success. which proved a great success and at "AMPANA,S
But we don't ask you to take our rati(. existing in 1922 which would,
-word for it; go to C. Aberhart or any roughly, result in an increase in th, tracted large crowds. le omis C
good druggist and get a bottle of grant from $20,000 -to $30,000 per . It would be an unpardonab
. annurn. As against this, the Socie- ',Ion Were I to fail to express our ap-
Rheuma today; if it doesn't do as 'we
It tie's are expending $148,715.59 direct- preciation of the value of the work Italian Balm
promise get your money back. ly, to say ncthing of the enormously in experimental horticulture and
-will be there waiting for you. g;reater outlay of their individual demonstration now being carried on wt�t & co., so (;eorlre St., Toronto.
meniberg in the effort to make th' at Ottawa under the direction of Mr.
Is W. T. Macoun, Domi nion Horticultur-
l"rovince a more healthful and at- and at Guelph under Professors
ONTARIO HORTICULTURAL trar-tive place in which to live to say�ist ' Bachelor: -I., thcre hot water in
ASSOCIATION nothing of the inducement offered to MacLennan and Tomlinson. This As-
sociation last year, speaking in the, your house'"
<Address of President, George Simp- the tourist traffic by the beautifica- x -pay- Married *Man igimumily): "There
tion (,f �rivate grounds and public name of many thousands of ta
son, Ottawa.) plac", especially those adjacent to i�g citizens, placed itself on record as, is, and I'm alwa��; ii,
It is with a feeling of gratification the main travelled bighways. The re- approving reasonable expenditure by!
that I approach the duty imposed up- port of the committee appointed to provincial and federal governments. The special prvach�,r was asked if
-on the President of reviewing the piesent tbis matter to the Provincial for the promotion of horticultural ed -I he w Id like aio- 1,;, rticular hymn to
principal events of the year 1925. In ucation We are fully cognizant of I be -sxg to agrvo with his sermon.,
�every department of the great work Government indicates that our repre-' the val' I he replied. "The fact is, I sel-
gentatives were most sympathetically ue of the service rendered b "N
y '
in-whiell the Associatiori is engaged rEceived, but as Yet it is Dot possible the Canadian Horticultural Co cil-inld'.. know what I ;,m going to say,,
the record shows progress and ac- to announce any definite result. the establishment of trial plots andjuntil I arrive in 0- Pulpit," "Well,�
complishment and the pmspect en- gardens. in tha t case stfiifi the vicar, "we had
c0urages the hope that the advance Mention should be made of some of The beautification of school grounds bettFr have the hymn, 'For those at
towardi the realization of its aim will the more notable activities of the As- is a matter that has received a great sea.
be even more rapid in the future than sociatiorl and its officers during the deal of consideration but the Associ-
it has b&n in the past. Emerging year. The functions of the Associa- ation I as a body has as yet formulated A party of ioldivrs were camping
from the period of adolescence and tion are principally co-ordinative and no concerted pinn of action. Much by the side of a river when the officer
standing at the threshold of sturdy educational, and therefore an effon has been done through juvenile work gave the order inl"
mianhood, the Association, proud of was made to reach as many Societies in which our respected past President, Pat, who had not been long in the
fit!s past -achievements, looks forward as POssi�bl�e by correspondence, circu- the Rev. W. M. MacKay, has taken a army, promptly foli into the water.
-with confidence and determination, be- lar letters and personal visits. The keen interest and societies through- Officer—"Two (INT." u
lieving that with opportunity goes personal touch, I believe, is the moat out the country have done a great Pat—"Begorra, Rir, w1iy didn't yo
Iresponsibility, and resolving that no- potent factor in the procesa of bring- deal in planning and planting urban tell me it was Loo deep before I fell
thing shall be left undone'to promote ing a -bout solidarity amongst the. school grounds but the rural school, in."
the mission of public service to which widely scattered members of the As- with some notable exceptions, - has
irt has consecrated its life and effort. sociation, and I cannot speak too been more or legs neglected.
Without attempting to deal with highly of the -assiduity with which The Canadian Horticultural Coun- Rich Uncle (to his physician): "So
ied activities of the my follow Directors have discharged cil last year& ' it' ted Dominion- You think,there k hope for me?"
J�J - ia a
the many and var wide con Doctor—"Not only that, but I can
Association, therd are a few matters their duty in this regard. In pursu- on ,to' ereotw.g. the
ention ance of this policy it has been my 11 1 chool grounds assure you that you are out of dan-
to which I desire to direct att beautification of rural s P9
and in regard to,,which I venture to desire to visit -as many Societies as and offered a number of valuable sil- gerl "Very well. I wish
-offer brief i�oiftjftent. time permitted, - and I shall always ver trophies three of whith were al- Rich Uncle— -a
,most pleasurable
)giatign is mo*ing on- count as one of * . lotted to the Province of Ontario. As you would inform i y nephew; but
That the Assc of my experiences as your Poesident break the news gently to him."
-ward,'nof tAralli" bilfM this project was in harmony with our
f fli, rapi. in-
-creating stridi, i4 TA'af&W tly the the two weeks' ft made recently by licy I accepted the chairmanship of
mk*througb Western On�ari6. E -very- po A young ma�_ �ad a fine �ollectior
statement that 240 J%0# 1_ go- ;"erb T found orgaril"tFborticulture of East African trophies, and amongsl
,oleties ar� now'eWl;a�:1A Inem''ase
for the year of 39 Societies _,�ijfi an in A robust and flourishing condition them a splendid buffalo -head.
"What a wonderfu
;approxim to individual mom-b.e�ehip and everywhere the,'ambition and de- I hetid1l; said
WtIininatlon to iii� to newer heights girl who bad come to inspect them
ring AL Was b(
ing the total 1,,AoiAbek- -ailifevement, Oa�rticularly in the RF '"How did you get that?
ship, to a point a little ovet do, 1 000, of
W" t is great citizen ai I , ol&6f public imp If even very savage?"
rmy devoted f , - rovement.
��4.. ilf measul* '41, the idlipiratiort I "I had the deuce of a time wit]
l2ening and publie i1nprov , em6nt a Anil , ' contact with these 5TOV OLVISH *that Buffalo," replied the hunter
colint- receiir6d from my-,.
�dlidj by the% al%6gt rning in in:
"Never had such a mo
progressive Sv6itl4s, was imparte Ale"
to � them by their Aset acquaintance J1Voj,-A? Resiel& life. I shot it in my PYJftMRs-"
with myself, I shall feel- that my trip "Good heaven, -I" murmured th
has not been in valm'. In this con- sweet young thing. "11ow did it ge
nection I express the hope that my there
A successors shall regard it as a mat-
-nd of settled policy that A man received the following not
ter of duty a
visit as many Societies as, from his actor -on, who had joined
they shall ING
possible during theii term of office,. F touring Company:—
made, a great Success. Wi
This phase of the subject tould no
"Ivg ine, 95 to pay landlady? -
In t I
JL , be adequately treated witlibut r#far. you sen
Jlfje� C
LD, the really wonderful, work Al".
F, I �ellde to . Your devoted son
%1, ME that Mr. H. 1. Moore, our 140 r, is 11P.S.—Since writing this letter,
Auto A
F'.1 0 F( PA%pun
( doll ask you, so I ran a!
0 municipalities visited and am ashamed to
1; 20 -additional I' ter the postman and tried to get
10 �04mg
OU -WIT, ed, back. I pray it does not reach you
y P.ft su AgAA when be
1,1111111 V�
.4 141�
is. W. W3 A_
U AUU10 and 0,VUV
ed, for the Pl t,
ivod this -reply:
Vag an swered.
"Dehr A-1gy, you
The letter &
I n, 9 ertain: the -aut
roundilig$: 0.. SIB 400 gltr-
not reach me-"
f or
Go Idette
7� ;.OAA4��, "A
R -p
These new are
.4 141�
is. W. W3 A_
a, r, e poi
I n, 9 ertain: the -aut
itative Trend. of SftyWee.
f or
Go Idette
7� ;.OAA4��, "A
R -p
These new are
Spring. They never, ere
made of a fme tough very
most - attractive C0116
durable thread. They are
could possibly imagine are r 4�
made in a wide range of siz-
new cheeks and stripm,
es from 34 to 56 inches hip.
stick stripe will be of particular
and cut for perfect comfort.
They are truly beautiftil - Wyo. A dp
The colors are Purple,
don. Come in and see1hem.
Green, Sand, Mauve, Peack
Pink, Gold and Blue, elastic
top and bottom.
�7 Inches Wide .....................
32 Inches W-ide .............. 25C a.Wlso
Anderson's Scotch Ginghams ......... 3,50
A Special Showing
The New Victorian Printed'..
of Stamped Goods.
The loveliest Bridge Cov-
Cotton Fabrics
ers, the cutest Lunch Sets,
This is a new printed material particular -
and the swellest Voile Run-
ners with slumber pillows to
ly noted for its wearing qualities and its
match, already stamped in
beautiful patterns. But, above all, Its
greatest value lies in the fastness of the
the latest and most novel
We have just re-
colors. This fabric is guaranteed not to
ceived a full range of � colors
fade, even when boiled. It is one, yard wide
in D. M. C. Specially pur-
cutting to good advantage. All the new
chased for the new Spring
shades are represented.
PRICE, per yard 110
stamppd goods.
.................... 03C
Advance Showing of
New Spring Coats
Oh! What lovely Coats they are; all fresh and new
from their Individual packing. Tailored with that pre-
cision and exactness that spells permanent shape and
lasting appearance.
The ornamentation, the tasteful trimming, the expert
cutting instantanelously brand them with the word
"Superior." They come in Velour, Duvetyne, PoireL
Twill, Tricotine, Charmene, trimmed with fur, braid and
embroidery. Colors, Sand, Brick, Tan, Henna, Rust,
Navy, Black, Grey. Sizes, 15 years to 47 bust.
Prices $15 to $50
New Spring The Best.. Black
Neckwear For or Striped,
Men Overall for 1.95
We have on display on our counters When you buy an overall, pay at
a new shipment of men's neckwear, tention to its make. See that they1c-
is a seam on the outside of the leg as
that is particularly attractive; new
crepe and silk fore -in -hands and a well as the inside. A one-seain leg
very interesting showing of bowis for never did and never will fit properly.
young men. All the very latest col- Our overalls are made of the beat
luaterials, made properly, cut gen-
ors and patterns. erously and substantially sewn, and
they cost less.
Four -in -Hand ........ 50C to $1.25 Price $1.9-5
Bows ................... 25C to 50C
Stewar Bros.,
"Aa, nmz,