HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-02-05, Page 32 'W�, 'N M 'AW 1, 0, N." 'm .5"k,94RwW., �1 2 rem 10111 X"- 0", 4 F; 4, A i MO., W#Prl X -,a- DO Ift, th _r'bo'bee4wev, inn W 77 1 OMII.A� affair —tion reii 14 .01� 0- D U 4�0riths when,, 9 trymew -- 4 � RM ia Avywoov w , Q Mt. Ave besong kee pllll� I eep their f -al, q, a years and was only V ut, -j6f �40 STIazion. Nlod will." *:'J; 0 0A W ren, you the tact and patience. of - 5q "Let us acilt aw sAars, Queen Marie Another case of the But *30.AW yet,glear vhy he did re- $ d gpe ed a It is k4own thatL� he has kind was, that of Prince Joachim A4- VE" woma at lam. were Beleaip'l DURE1q.G FA13RUARY noundo, it. (9 't brecht,4 Prussia, a cousih 9f,the. for� e beeri;4 Joggvrh�ads with W,parents 4od'-AWnY, �#uplti; -.who wasted #idir' A b clothe W. -�Hej. mer Kaiser. He devoted himself to Ga it I xdikd incejgftand -it . 19'agoumed that since tfint'� and hts in futtle, 46ir;-� OW Moth then 'his 4 ther and his Marie Sulzer, a m liAll favorite, r614 of �cls�s �,o P re with and when the affair calne, to'the of - 099 A' ith personal Ws- pearaw ,,Od fatber have been bringing i:_ A. -meal Tae ap ardest preesu;­-, P One of,. the h to bear upon him to step a. e W. en.rm August 2nd a ones. It Prenrier'Bratiano, who is some - Ice a­tn­p'to;Aftica,-�and a- '10 ry opearance does f�nded eaxs of W1.1h0m lie ordered y f li., _ tVtf th!s side. Joachim to',ta " Bt foreign , Vower, confident in on little k f anyone is a month of cold, blust6ry, days thing of a dietath'r, has alpO been' an 1 its own stiongtk` 4nd defiant of the r as not a iiem�e;� of the nobility. faith of treaties' dared to thregten'us that prevent the mother taking her ranged against Rican I. nor yet,upon th W A* u s hlisence.Karie became the wife baby out for the fresh air so rieces- Prince Carol,.may. in our indeperidence, then did all Belm: gi A%1r.-I Impeq ous Baron Liebenberg i&rence of party or sary to its welfare. Baby i6 conse- as a IQver he leo*es a goo wal, W.- be ans, w1th64t di .Of"ri� than not tl�e 1�qoms. -qu.ently�_eplifine& to. the. bome. fell n i mediately paid him for a di - 4e Sor - � ;.4 , of conditiOn, or 'of origin, rise up Aq' ag , in Q'iRo - vorce, When Prft�ce Poachim came -ran The foundation of C*rr1W-ti-:tt",* Qeeilc Lambrino one man, clo$e' ged about their back he went to the Kaiser and point- beated and badly vebtilhted An the t, a -lovely girl, Qy . Bucharest, with- own king and their own Government: at A darinonts; is'the little One cAcbks cold or grippe. artistocratic lineage or vast or- ed odt that he novv' desired to marry and cry to the invader, "Thou �a*lt' f -is riee4�d to. keep the baby well k: a fte. . In spite of the efforts of his a baroness. Maybe the Kaiser had a t go through." At once, instantl3� led her, and one son we were conscious of our own patriot- ;gentle.,lIaxative, that will regulate the arents he marri sense of humor. At any rate he did T ach and bowels; banish constipa- was the issue. il not urge further objections and Jo- ism He exhoftRd his breXhren to 'Nemo and A LaGrace Corsets bring the -i! and indigestion and in this way achim married Marie and retired to endurance., 11ja 'Instructed them to 0 Then in 1920, his matchinaking happiness and obscurity. -wift either prevent or breakup eolds mother, the suave - and' determined their dutyr saying, "I do not require date in a modern, healthful way, and. and grippe. Such a laxative is found -0 of you to renounce any of your na- In Baby's Own Tablets." They are Queen Marie, a grand daughter of tional' desires. On the contrary, I 1mild blit thorough in action; are ab- Queen Victoria, from whom she de- ONE SURE WAY- hold it as part -of the obligation of that will stamp you* immediately as 4 ;isoluteli safe and they are guaran- rives some of her chief charketevs- TO GOOD- HEALTH my episcopal office to instruct you as opiates or teed to contain ties, forced him to abandon Zizi and neatly,dressed woman, these neither to your duty iii face of the powei become the husband of Princess Elena. Is lie " A, other harmful drugs. They never daughter of King Constantine of eping the Blood Rich and that has invaded our soil and now, ideal modern interpretation of cot b seti, U fail to be of benefit to little ones and - eece. The marriage was arranged Red—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills occupiei the greater part of our coun- M1 way be given to either the newborn "r Make Rich, Pure Blood and Restore try. The authority of that power is babe or the growing child. wholly for state reasons, the chief he ot your size, figure or weight. o Health- not lawful guthority, Thereforei, A10% In Baby's Own Tablets are, sold by being that Marie desired a hundred soul arld conscience you owe it neither all dea�ers in medicine or may be per cent. royal baby to become heir Thin, pale people lack the power of respect, nor attachment, nor obedi- Call and see them. Price t� to the throne. She had her wish for Lad by mail, post paid, at 25 en a resistance to disease that rich, red ence._ box from The Dr. Williams, Medicine Prince Michael was the fruit of this blood gives. Nervous breakdown is Co., Brockville; Ont. marria-e and it is in favor of little the result of thin blood. So is anae- "The sole lawful authority in 'Bel- MichaeT that Prince Carol withdrew mia, indigestion, rheumatism and glum is that of our King, of our his claims. It is said that Princess many otlIler troubles. People suffer- Government, of the elected repre- Elena, who is a pretty and agreeable Kenai Bridge which connects the woman, has done a good deal to pre ing from thin, impure blood need just sentatives of the nation. This au - Isle Of Anglehey with tke Welsh the help Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can thority alone has a right to our vent the alliance from being an ab- affection, our submission. Occupied mairdand has*' been in operation one �Olute failure. She has won the af- give. For more than a third of a On the day been famous as a nerve rostorer. vinces. Belgium is no more a Ger- kundred years and a movement is on fections of her husband. century Dr. Williams, Pink Pills have provinces are not conquered pro - foot to, properly celebrate the event. of -her wedding she suffered a mortifi- Thousands upon thousands of letters man province than Galicia is a Rus- cishm---a 1. 'The Ministry of Transport will be in- cation that would have broken the from grateful people have proved the sian province. Nevertheless," the oc� vited to- attend so that the question heart of a woman made of feebler rare value of this irnedicine. The first cupied portion of our country is in of the abolition of the suspension stuff. On that� day as she and Carol of effect of the pills is usually to stimu- a position it is compelled to en - bridge tolls may also be considered. were waitiYig to review a guard late the appetite; then the spirits dure." Urging all possible forbear - The Menai Bridge was built by The&. honor a woman pushed a baby car - 'Telford, the well known Scottish civil I revive and restlessness at night gives anee in the conduct of his people engineer, amongst whose works are riage forward and passed the Royal way to health -restoring sleep. For toward those holding dominion over othe, s couple. As she did so the infant it sufferers from ariaernia, nervousness them he counselled, "Let us observe the Caledonian Canal and the Clyde contained fastened its eyes on Carol general weakness, digestive troubles' the rules they have laid upon us so Men who take pride in their ap- "Bridge, Glasgow. It is constructed and uttered the word "Dada." The of' long as those rules do not violate -reader may have influenza or acute diseases, Dr- Wil- our personal liberty, nor our 'con- value of being well tailored, al - of iron, the weight being 2,187 tons, infant was, as the rheumatism; or the -after-effects pearance and who know the and has a total length of 7,710 feet- suspected, the son of Carol and Zini. It took years to construct and cost liams' Pink Pills are a restorative of sciences as Christian.,,. nor our duty ways choorse Leishman Clothes - So at least we are informed by Ed- the utmost value. If you are weak or to o#r country. Let us not take bra- These men do not want "just a S12.0,000. ward Archibald, who has written an ailing give these pills a fair t2ial anj vado for courage, nor tumult for suit". They want Leishman gar - article in the New York Tribune. the result is sure to be beneficial. bravery. You have suffered greatly. ments--clothes of the finest. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people "Dr Williams' Pink Pills have done You haye endured Much calumny. And what a difference these fine FAIN IN HER BACK were close enough to recognize the wonde'ris for me," writes Mrs. Russell But be patient; history will do you� clothes make 1 HAS ALL GONE persons in this little domestic drama Hill, Norwood, Ont. "I was run down justice. I to -day bear my witness for Cut of the finest materials, and they cheered witk all their might. and could not eat or sleep and was You-" tailored and shaped to perfec- They showed that they approved Zini very nervous. I was pale and would tion, they give that air of dis- ,ONTARIO LADY USED DODD'S and ber infant Carol, and that they -ornetimes faint. I took a lot of doe- tinction only found about the tasteful, well groomed, success - KIDNEY PILLS WITH BENE- did not think much of Prince Carol for tor's medicine but it did not help me. FICIAL RESULTS. abandoning them. The attitude of the It was a real trial to do any house- THE DOMINJON BANK SHOWS ful man. crowd undoubtedly had an influence work, or to go about, and I got so If your next suit or top coat is a Mrs. G. Fowler had Suffered for Six on the Crown Prince. He felt that that I scarcely cared whether I lived CONTINUED PROGRESS Leishman, you'll be,well dressed Months with Backache and Found he had been tricked by his mother; until the day you discard it, Relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills. that he had done something not only or died One day while reading a for Leishman Garments re - paper I saw an advertiqement about tain their smart lines Arthur, Ont., February lsL—(Spe- repugnant to his own feeling but Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. It describ- Great Deposits, Strengthened Liquid cial): Mrs. Grace J. Fowler, a well- something that the people of Rou- months after . ed a case vory much like my own and I Position and Higher Earnings other clothes ,known resident here is very satisfied -ania would not have demanded of I decided to give the pills a trial. I i Revealed in .55th Annual are worn out. with Dodd's Kidney Pills. him. He evidently knew that Premier had not been taking them long when: Statement. "I have used several boxes ofl.J(jn Bratiano had something to do il could feel a change for the better.1 Dodd's Kidney Pi,lls and found greati-ith the arrangements for it was not F continued the pills until I had used relief in them," Mrs, Fowler states.'( long afterward when he began pub- eight boxes when I felt. like a new "I have suffered with backache for six! liclY to associate with the younger I 'Shareholders of the Dominion Bank months. A friend of mine 'had told 1 poltitical element and the Fascists who woman. Every disagreeable symp- who met at the llfad Office in To- Made to Mea3uro or tom had vanished and I gained in, I�onto on Jantiar 27th approved the vie about Dodd's Kidney Pills, so I de- 'werp opposed to Bratiano. His father, weight, and a good color returned to Statoment o Ready for Service e ordered him to take a trip round the f thr- Bank's -cided to give them a trial.- I hav I my face. All this I owe to Dr. W'!-; ,.)th Annual taken six boxes and the pain in my1world and cool out. But Carol is said I liam-' Pink Pills and I am now never a f7air-, . which rv%v:ded a strong posi- back and across my kidneys has all to have partly nullified this order bylwtholrt th(,m tion, with not,,06, advancement in sev- in the house, and any (-ral respect-. IN- ness in Canaria has gone. I am very thankful to you." shooting himself in the Itg, pretendin . g time T feel out of sorts they are my b hesitant, ),it! good mariRgement- Mrs. Fowler's troubles came from it was an accident and thus incapaci- .. een s of a fi rst aid. I gladly hear thi 1 s test'- nd active partirq):ition in commercial the kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills act tatiqg himself from the rigour mony in the hope that it will benefit - 8 ,directly on the kidneys. They put royal tour. But he made a modified progress is reflor:,J in the report of, ork, some other sufferer." loans, invvstrn(,i1t- and earnings. them in shape to strain all the im- tour and spent the wevk in New Y Two useful books, "Building Up, purities out of the blood. Without returning borne in no chastened the Blood" and "Wheat to Eat and! A noteworthy 1, :iture of the state - pure blood there. can be no good spirit. How to Fn t," wil I be Rent free by merit was the ni:krked increaRr, in de - 'health. Insist on having Dodd's the Things went from bad to worse and The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co Brock- posits, which no%v reach a total of ended in an open break with his wife kidney pill your neighbours use. after which he went to Italy, where v ille, Ont., if you mention this paper.1 $96,227,162.R6, a growth of nearly rive he was. at the time he -made his re- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are Sold i million dollars during the year,, The W n�nciation. In Italy he got himself by all dealers in medicine or will be; principal gain i, in interest -hearing CARL OF ROUMANIA NO mixed up with another lady, a Madge senthy mail, post paid, on receipt Of deposits, thus showing the confidenev I The Greatest Men S ROMANTIC HERO Lupeacu, whom we supposed from her price, 50 cents per box. of the public in Ilw Bank as a deposi-, name to be a Roumanian. She is de- tory for savingq. What at first glance appeared to scribed as a sophislicated lady of The Dominion Bark has always Overcoat Value of -be an Anthony Hope romance now great charm and beaut�r, something ONE OF THE NOBLEST FIGURES' been strong in its liquid position. Its turns to be something quite different. like a blonde Theds Bars, and for the OF THE WAR quickly realizah1v assets are now Carol, formerly Crown Prince of Rou- present Carol is supposed to be infat- $71,591,187.42, or 62.94 per cent. ofl the year -mania, is not the sort of hero that uated with her. They became ac- Cardinal Mercier, Archbishop of the Bank's liabilities to the public, as makes Hollywood producers rich. He quainted after the lady tossed a bou- Malines, and primate of Belgium, who compared with 61.40 pelf cent. a year did not renounce his succession to the quet into his carriage. Within the is fighting for life as we write the e ts a ago. The Bank has large investmen throne because of some girl of bouquet was a note that led to an in- lines, will al -ways be remembered as in Dominion, Provincial, Municipal and .lhumbple parentage whom he loved. terview. Since that time th� two have one of the towering figures of the other securities, which are now $25,-1 war. Historians may revalue mill- 284,126.30, an increase of nearly four tary reputations in the light of facts million dollars in the past year. Total V which have not yet come to light but assets are $127,1433,136.29, a gain of the position of Mercier is secure. He over five millions. is a man gTeat in courage and in Vie -Most gentleness. His pastoral at Christ- It was gratifying to the sbarehold- mas, 1914, will be quoted in ages 'yet ers to find thAt the Bank's funds had Dikestible to come as one of the noblest docu- been so well vmplo3�ed.that profits, ments evoked by the world cOnvul- after allowing for all bad and doubt - 67 Sweets sion. He incarnated, like King Al- ful #ebts, had reaelked the sum of Here is an Overcoat Bargain Clurpure-Corn Syrup W bert, the very spirit of Belgium- He $1,15,6,840.43, as cothpared with $I,- rouofied' by adultis and) was feared by the Germans as Touch 144,082.22 in 1924. The ba -lance car- you will not see again for'. CV&eft Utftuse of leis as they feared any army commander ried forward from the previous year among the Allies, and the rest Of was $900,124.87, thus making avail- many a day. They are all deActutis titVo . r. the world revered him. He is novt able for distribution $2,056,965-80. to 91W11&W food valUbIp, seventy -fire years old, but Und6ubt- This sum was disposed of as follows: -this year's overcoats, the odd edly the tremendous burdens he has The usual dividends :41nouTiting to 12 so "i"Y''Aleste& ca per cent. for the year, $720,000, bonus Pootaims 1*0 ndff., rried since 1914, have made him and broken lines that we are older still. of I per cen-L $60,000 contribution PIM Before 1914 be wag not much to the Officers' Perisioll-Fund $45,000 going to clear regardless 1.01. known outside of Belgium thOu9b Dominion and Provilioltd Government in his eburell be was honored 09 R taxation, $167,667.14 written off bank their cost. Every color anA.... theologian and philosopher. It was premises account, U60,000 (cornpar- 4-Y �911 �Nl with the Christmas pastoral Ithat he ed with $76,000 last your-, leaving 9 style is represented. Come , loomed as a world figure. fte wAs balance at credit a Profit and Loss in Rome on the sad business of per- Account carried f0ftatil of $964,- < forminK his last respects to Pope 298,16. This is the argest sum car- early and get first -1 Plux X, who had died and taking his ried forward to Pro and Loss Ac - choice. PRICE., 215 part in the election of Benedict XV. count in the history of the bank. The 00,000, while when be heard of the PaTtial db- paid-up capital Is $4,0 struction of the collegiate church fit the Reserve Fund and Undivided Louvain, the burning of the ltbrarS, Profits amount to nearly $8,600,000. Ity and pnd laboratories of the univorbi 'XR adopt - the *hole wholesato shooting of 1361- The report was unanimously gian men, women and childrov. r -a ed. The affairs of the bank have these afreumotances he co*posed tbwt been audited on behalf of the share- Stewart Bros,., Zie letter, whidh reach0d �holders b A 13 8he iherd, C.A., of 'UrTing stora bi A66ovdituo with Peart, Marywick', iltdfiz' & company, 0 RaxteJN­CA.# of read Ads lel� fta4 and Percy C. -ail, 1. Robeftot. ast". their dit Sulidgy V6ftJftg, abd t6th Cole .6 AQ A R � .... . ..... K�, P a 'M T":- � I � . I 1 01 W A, st, q g - 4-00i X