HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-01-22, Page 6"'K "40, *-W-" _W ;._�j -�?_ 10**gW A IM M a Aid Vol RX" T, QV4 44A m oomfithing we' 41 :r0A1W_WaA1 a , OVAP) M A p 4 WOW I-qA j ant It as M4tlC VaRL xo and avaor Intepsely bec�uso yQurt_ Rm #Jue, Ultimate thl u ELL, VAI tem Is fUll of u*jo 4014, Ouit, do X me, Wli that is ox T . 4 W—P. ot u �40 Q;Qp polfsoxi., tb,,%t MAKV4 it 104%, P90t* tO Pro. 91,94 gera*d oven, route. __Ipleos and kille thousands arq, 4 "Awl vitom +,ho "ptil 8P.04U4,4 drink jV. 4iow classed Affi_ domestic AD141415 treated fore tbeir time, then yoU nee hqt g g -lie 'jAUy 1with, t . Zg,.,:v3r4qi dvu7* is Moro ThshiOnaW th 11 e Mo cat4mal, kdus,� to get: R-0 0t Wodern pAncIPUM. and need it now. di've"onal4e,' Day or v*ht Sta*,t_-taking it , to -day. ree at, an to get A'pre gkes r the d1pqp*,,*- My, 4A 01RCR On acts, at onceon kidneys, liver, stoma4, San Fyemo- 'The man and;' FT. # f tme- 4 - : I A . t, He opposite Town and blood, and you canainee Woman WU drank before proWbition Came In are probably drinking twice: 0 11(j. 6141m: "Good riddance to b 4mipowly, lip Apno of 40 3AUCh tCf-day. LAud thousands of i the thi� tact P. as in "M U10 the, LEGAL Many peopi�-, -th In WQMCa Who did not drink are a win be emsirl to e ost skeptical of Ole" and to 'ke I aa3wer at gate mod we m N% (loins their level best principles skeptics right in this city and in tl*e witb them .4ep pace Ana ,ideal$ as JQ-4 -All hers, And in d, country hereabouts, bless. the Ualf 0 them, I dare say,' YOO 0", Harris �014&44.. JQ=. JJ�UGGA"' m",U. Cal onvitIdnMent. Captain day many, reapt04 q4t6a similar to them, o'. upon, 4r, --94=,t Only ster, Solicitor, when C. Aberhart and other go would Cladl down their con- sired her , to , leave the stage, So fir, Rarri od p3r, islpubg� I 1�1'��' sumptidn' bufyt vouen the flask is in as Ue *a�-*;P.o,4QIa;udixs Barris, a cap- there Wag pel;fect .' to be aig m No" PUM, L'tO. druggists offered Rheuma to the harmony botwee'u* ea iy'*"d') to -f af- Wit �in tbe:� Indias, Aripy,_and a cri,, q1em. Of It." " . out flicted at a small price and r4il use as the cigarette case the to the th -among � pObA4, � Ack a Bleck Seaforth. guaran- gene nection bT.*-m�, 490 of G06r#0,QTot But Us obJeetigns e- 4 teed money refunded if not temptaMns are enough to make St - -------- atre went a good d4l. tg i 'thaa ogre for wot*, .,;$A -bi, satisfied. Brother, ose h 0 AMet thing'b4t, clergymen and n 0 !1ers. He was undef the influence:o-f If you have rheumatism get A th ny rejoice he was not a 1925 t NCWC�44tlo, She; would 'not( do that ­ R. S. HAYS a bottle American. in Joseph's Cus: �rr semble Je 4 mother for wh6m,the stage was out, she. really could not. Little, as she BarriAter, Solicitor. QViveyancer of Rheuma to -day. tiny Lind when singing songs she._stayed, accompanied by Mrs. side, of'rebgion� and who, as likbd the theatre, nothing would in - A time there was when the movies from' ' sid;%. we may George Grote, in the Course of a pro- a a ��,ikuo Notary Public. Solicitor for the- Jeii6y Lind's repertoire, showed the Ameriean'&-hip pocket to take tl%e straitest sect -to %eem to Sy from'It'like lt� th ee �Voiwiul& Bazk Office in rear of the at Jenny Lind's art is in ao vincial tour. Iler first impression of du Or t �(Ildiotested acting be the place for his six-shooter. But danger pf being forgotten. , It was a hina was tkat he was "a dull young C s 'Mominion Bank. Seaforth. Money to M v , a degrgdatio�." What di4 r. 1440 - UNITED STATES nowadays, when the hero's hand slips C rs �.a IVT�i 0 �e 'U loan, wonderfOl aft ',and she hersilf was a man"' but two Considerations caused arose a 1; _91q. SO :Senior .6ink ib'ut ft? -Nassau stealthily in that direction, we can- wondeXAil'wo1Z, not in the least like her in changeher mind. Not only did not or Jenn, d sli &,'wv was a. wise man as well as BEST & BEST Walnuts are plentiful in the vicinity not be sure whether he is going to any of the Other operatic stars of her this pi.1,gn Ifil. one' last engitgentent- f love follow her w g9p aw strongly 'urged of Los Angeles, Cal., in fact the J�ig_ pull his gun or pull the cork out of m 0 to hich she was -comm-IttW04, wh ershe a Barristers, Soliekors,, Couveyan- time. She was rather plain, though Edinburgh, to Glasgow and to Dublin. Aoud Jinny 6 tj)#1 the" eligagement to gest crop on record is reported. Early his whiskey.. r or sh uld not, by marriage f;et- w." khe )l iters and Notaries Public, Etc. 6ifice In real life it certainly she hid 'fine grey eyes; hey Appea - It also transpired that he and she had tlement, foromally renounc-6 her right to insist upon retainln p4d, pledged herself, and ��`k the Edge Building, Opposite The maturing permitted the market an- would be the latter. ance, when off the stage, was more religious interests in eom]non;,? So we und the nouncemen to appear in public without -her hus-, marriage g, , er 4xposito, Office. t in September instead of Prohibition forsoothl And the homely than elegant; and it i find, her writing to Mrs. Stanley settlement her right to : "I bsndlis consen '"' _P October. The estimated crop is, 54,- most popular Christmas gift is a cock- possible- that these limitations8 quite t. On these pleas issue make her own future engagements helped want a support, I am quite alone, VETERINARY 000,000'pounds, and the estimated in- tail shaker. was joined in the, presence Of Mrs. One wants to laugh. to concibite these serious early Vic. and just when I want help, the finger to sing and to contrpL the gisposition come from it, $14,000,000. torians. At all events, she was. Otak- Grote's friend, Nassau Senior, a Mast- of her earnings, seeing that, if Cap - F. HARRURN, V. IL of God brings me this heart that can er in Chancery, w 0 had undertaken tain Harris objected, he would ta- buried with dead each year in the en up,., by Mrs. Grote—the wife ' HQA'%. graduate, of Ontario Vetdrin- United Stgtes is jewellery valued by of feel with me about all works of char. to draw up the marri#ge settlement. allibly prove an wisatisfactory hum - iii I the historian of Greege and the peat itY, just as I do. . . We a -her requestand f and y 06 ege, and honorary member Of an investigator at $20, 0 0. it is re to be He called.on Jenny at social I'mixer" of the period--and,also married on the 7th of March." she told him the whole story, taking the first Point, but refused to give tA 000 0 HOW JENNY LIND LOST HER b . Captain- Harris gave way on q Medical Aasociation of the Ontario also e timated that since the begin- by Mrs,'Stanley, the wife of the Bis- �N%rjfiary College. Treats diseases Of ning of American hiztory $2,000,000,- But they were not. Jenny Lind wa PRIGGISH LOVER hop of g�rwich and the mother of the intending to leave the ge S two hours to t�ll it.. way on the boeond, declaring that it *H&westie atiimals by the most mod- 000 in gold and jewels has been placed Sfa De= of Westminster. She gave them as she told ]Kra. Stanley,, ' wanting, She had been set upon, she said, 'was "unscripturallo for a husband to tru principles. Dentistry and Milk beneath the sod in cemeteries in the With Miss Fr6da Hempel importing the impression Of a young person 4 trees, and water, and to be "*ar. by people who "think the theatre 8 �Ilow his Wife any such liberty as rjo!ver a specialty. Office opposite United a cathe States. "To discorage the crinolines in order that f�he may re- whose days were "linked eac telujile of Satan, and all the actors Jenny demanded. So the l6vers Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth. practice of burying cherished keep- h to eadfi- and being sick to death Of -the tha4tri- prlesto-�;. the Devil." They Itad parted. orders lat at the hotel will re. sakes with the departed mem-ly to 1K, 'adve prompt attention. Night ealls save , few dollars for an estate is to Waceived at the office. destroy a fine human sentiment," said the investigator. Wedding rings and milli JOHN GRIEVF, V. S. cuff links make up the bulk of the gold ------ Honor graduate of Gntario Veterim- that has be,, buried with deceased my College. All diseases of domestic *dmals treated. Calls- promptly at- persons in recent years. Two thousand cakes of soap were to and charger, moderate. Veb- found in trunks stored at Laredo, by bduary DeriUstry a specialty. Office a woman who -was killed by another AV and residence on Goderich Street, one wGinan. The soap cakes were of in- door east Of Dr. Mackay's Office, Sea- dividual size, with the name of a well- fewth. known New York hotel stamped on MEDICAL the wrappers. No papers of any kind DX R. P. L DOUGALL which might indieate to whom the Honour graduate of Faculty of wealthy woman left her property were Medicine and Master of Science, Ui- found. Towels, bottles and trayssuch versity of Western Ontario, London. as are used by hotels, were in the Z"; Memberlof College of physicians and trunks, together with vials which had Stwgeons of Ontario.. Office, 2 doors contained tincture of opium. Jewels e�wt of post office. Phone 66, Hensall worth more than $50,000 were found Ontario. 3004-tf in her room. Correspondence of the woman indicated she owned a mine in . MVININ Successor to Dr. R� R. Ross Graduate of Northwestern Univers- IV%, Chicago, 111. Licentiate Royal Oollege of Dental Surgeons, Toront. Office over Sills' Hardware, Main St., Seaferth. Phone 151. DR. A- NEWTON-BRADY Bayfiel& Graduate Dublin University, Ire- Iand. Late Extern Assistant Master Rotunda Hospital for Women and Children, Dublin. Office at residence Occupied by Mrs. Parsons. HOWS, 9 tO, 10 ff=L, 6 to 7 p.m.; Ehnidays, I to 2 p -m- 2866-26 DR, F. J. BURROWS Office and residence GGderich Street feast of the Methodist church, Seaforth Phone 46. Coroner for the County of Huron. DR. C. MACKAY C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- ity University, and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. DIL H. HUGH Ross Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- lege of FINysicians and 'Surgeons of Ontario; paos graduate courses in Chicago Clinical School of CWCWO- Royal Ophthalmic Hospital London, England; University Hospilal, Lon- don, England. Office-43aek of Do- Zainion Bank, Seafortb- Phone No. 5. Night calls answered from residence, 110toria Street, Seaforth. F -- AUCTIONEERS F. W. A"ENS Licensed Anctionber for Perth and i Suron Counties. Sales solicited, i Xeal Estate, Farra Stock, Etc. Terms ift"OPPIleatiML P. W. Ahrens, p6ne 484 r 6, R. R. No. 4, Mitchell, Ont. 2906-62 OSCAR W, REM Lleq*ed aimfloneer to ,r the Conn. ffd J11*u. 4". I �114 , fl, 0 0. '4 'A Wed 'Wifte or wire (4b*vitA 284 Ont Phone 'N �:w 6rfot the to astoo e X 'it K'11�11,.',�­,-; A lue2dce,for which she had been Offer- ed 1,000,000 pesos at one time. Hidden in a stove in the home of a 17 JACK GIVES recluse of Bonar Springs, Kansas. ffLw I Liberty Bonds, valued at $800, were DICK US E PIGEON found after her recent death. The MCK, V�ILL HAVE Infin who was 78'years old *ad of Nor- -.14 AS MANY AS.' wegian birth, was taken 'to the hos- _Q M �ital suffering from heart trouble. He BUT IF DICX GIVES died without telling about the small fortune hidden in the stove. The JACK OKE PIGEON "nest-rAg" hidden in the stove is only • small portion of his estate. He was AW WILI. HAY&,' • painter and paper hanger was the Nowl To'day THE SAME. owner of Bonner Springs' oi4et hotel, now converted into a rooming house. weift HOW MANY RGEONS, He also had $3,000 deposited in two The opportunity of winning a beautiful piano, a radio �& Bonner Sprino. banks. The deceased HAS- DICK? C111Y7 lived in two rooms at his rooming or a phonograph, absolutely without cost, is again house, formerly the Riverview Hotel. A locked drawer in a chiffonier yield- offered to the music-4ovi—ng-publie—with this addition, COLTPON ed a letter addressed to a nephew. My Answers to the Pazzle is With severe injuries to his right there are eight big prizes instead of three. Your chance JACK DIC foot and left leg, a citizen of Houston, DICK HAS -.-.----PIGEONS large alligator which 'attacked him. Nineteen Pianos, three Radios and nineteen Phono- The victim, who is fiftY-two, was with N Name - Texas, managed to fight clear of a of winning one of the capital prizes is that much greater. a party of pie-nickers and anglers on gTaphs have been given away =E in previous con� the banks of Big Cypress Creek, 25 A ddress..__.__ mjl�s from Houston. He wandered tests by the Canadian Selling Agents—Will YOU be away from the Party and had -waded into the water up to his shoulders lucky this time? Send your answer in early—you have when be felt something grab his right 'A leg. He began a better chance. to fight to release himself and pulled the alligatar high How to Solve the Puz7le enough to see what it was.. He at- tempted to kick it I -Dose with his left The solution of the puzzle is foot and the alligator snapped at this RIMBERA—PRIZES ARE AWARDED FREE TO THE BEST, simple. First decide how many biting it almost through, His Com-' NEATEST, MOST ORIGINAL CORRECT ANSWERS pigeons Jack has, then,find the Panions heard his screams and went to his rescue. His head as .1..st answer. under water, but they seized his arms SEND YOUR IRETLY TO -DAY and succeeded in wrenching him free and taking him to shore. 1C 4 Every time thought is driven under- ,Tound, even if it is bad thought, it ; a danger to society.—Mr. Ramsay lacDonald. ---------- SAYS DRUNKENNESS is MADE FASHIONABLE Sir William Arbuthnot IA'4e, the awous scientio' #-�4 atdho ' r,1 sayst. If were asked, �ic a* g4,0 has Dma out- of Ibition in Aihenf Aould say: -'reZ cefts:1Z. as made prohibition in this country n,"sible." And if thera arose to *100e me why" staulks d&ciplet Of �Ot Johvs�n who are still tea#p f � .9 dtesims Of a dry England. I on reio-mmend thera to take a trip .nvw the Atlantle and contpiW a a 40 the gcmbet �of poro thef WA u,"M dd list rayo An- ag "tow P16r 9"atoo 0811M t olubiuld, - Y. W -;�O, man dry n is, a Saturday nigivt, IW,frofft what I ned a it is Ot $18 'likely to betome dry as is the. �fd 84a -1 6 adds. 1A yAdt, - Ark jg6f 41; Possible. *11'abturd fArW % t1da gt_. di fte! X. it EVtRY ANSWER, RECEWES A P"-AkD Th le is not dff6m1t_ It's catchy -aLnd makes PUZ t anyone can i YM i'144 w,ive, it in a very few As&-!& otevious coat6ftk4"w MU*46t M301"be i§�ft hi on tht�cqtq)q '.dr afty otherina�-,ar in a2W to, the 4 a�g* d am -Is amd_ ACCM80Ri9S rk MW ge Sum ot th®r�. y 0 !91" A Otltft dre awarded illost Write =me 224 id&iii.p= at your. ah- cmd it ta tht-ca*wi , = tu -rue? *W be �!.O. the, uelxt bftL Smd yoUr ftply In - � �, &,,'- na. W; 77, ,**;;­Thii tz�r be sawre amn r-17 A� DgA Tq THE Ifatton & "Mr At �:Qd We Your so, "W".416A 11 Figure 01 Radio in cW%1dff`<*ithotd accessbries). 1rhe ntat da prLfts. X" 2, m N C Z IV' e v