The Huron Expositor, 1926-01-01, Page 8rp,
,;elation Wafers •
lar FOe pkg., for.... .
--Pure Clover 1 5c
D_ NUTS 25c
er pound
RANGES-4Sweet, seedless, 30c to
40c per dozen.
OOMS—Fine values at 50c to $1.00.
"TOILET PAPER -Tip-top at 6 for 25c
Dreadnought a' 3 for 25c
Old Dutch at 2 for 2hc
CRACKED EGGS.—Fresh stock at
less than price of storage eggs.
,LOUR at $5.00 per cwt. looks like
a good buy.
F. D. Hutchison's
Phone 166.
'resident :tl'S ° eside
Played: at the rink' On, Na* • .
Morning at 10 o'nloek, ' ttries'
be received up to 9.45 dm,.•
wilt be the efiieial openins.e'flhe,e7
ing 'season, and a fu1 attendance of;
members is urged,
Huron Old Boys' Annual At Rolmet-
--The annual At Uou a of the Huron
01d. Boys' Assoeiati;on of Toronto will
be held in Oddfellows Temple, 2129
College Street, on Thursday evening,
January 21st, 1926. Bridge, euchre
and dancing will be the main features
of the evening's entertainment. The
proceeds of the event will be in aid
of Huron ctu-nty hospitals.
Boyce-Cameron.—At the Manse Eg-
mondville, on Saturday, December 19,
the marriage took place of Ethel May,
daughter of MT. and Mr's. George
Cameron, of Tuckersmith, to Mr. Alex.
Boyce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Boyce; Rev. W, D. McDonald con-
ducted the ceremony. After the cere-
mony the happy young couple left
for a short trip to Toronto.
representing only the best Can-
n American
' sitar , British and
All kinds of insurance effected
at the lowest rates, including—
Representing "Huron and Erie"
Mortgage Corporation, of London,
Prompt attention paid to placing
risks and adjusting of claims.
Business established 50 years,
guaranteeing good service.
comes back again for more—and
more --and more. Quality and flavor
in our meats is the attraction, as
well as reasonable prices. Cut rate
]treats give no satisfaction—you can-
not eat them after eooking. Pay us
a fair price and get the very best.
Phone 58. Main Street
Licensed Auctioneer for Perth
and Huron Counties.
Sales Solicited.
Real Estate, Farm Stock, Etc.
Terms on Application.
F. W. Ahrens,
Phhone 634 r 6 R. R. No. 4,
Mitchell, Ont.
lad on Parma, rho, Second
Areztgageg. Oat or write axe at
,dons and of your loan axraaged
Mk= aoaiL No advance
77 Iletartikilt., TOtenta
Agent, HenryLamellae. Mi tell.
Presentation.—On Wednesday ev-
ening of last week Mr. Ed. Mole, was
made the recipient of a very useful
Christmas gift, when a number of
Hydro users presented him with a
goose and several pounds of candy
for the children of the family. The
presentation was made by ex -Mayor
J. X. Stewart and Mr. W. Edmunds.
Mr. Mole . made a suitable reply ac-
knowledging their kindness.
Young Peoples' League. — The
meeting ‘sof the Young Peoples'
League on'Tuesday evening was in
chane of the Literary Department,
the chair being occupied by Miss
Beatrice Seip. The Scripture lesson
was read by Mr. Sam Scott. An ex-
cellent topic on "Silas Merrier" was
given by Miss Ila Johns , and a
very pleasing piano sele ion rend-
ered by Mr. James Scott. A contest
was then enjoyed by all.
Annual Week Of Prayer.—The an-
nual week of prayer beginning on
Monday, January 4th, will be held as
follows: Monday, Jaluary 4th, Eg-
mondville Church, addressed by Rev.
Dr. Larkin,; Tuesday, January 5th,
North Side Church, addressed by Rev.
W. D. McDonald; Wednesday, Janu-
ary 6th, Non-concurring Church, ad-
dressed by Rev. J. A. Ferguson;
Thursday, January 7th, Egmondville,
addressed by Rev. R. Fulton Irwin.
No meeting will be held on Friday,
January 8th. Meetings begin at 8
p.m. Hymns chosen out of the hymn
book and Book of Praise.
New Books.—The following new
books have been received at the Pub-
lic Library: Fiction—Carsen of Red
River, Bindloss; Scarlet Pimpernel,
Orczy; Lady of Pentlands, Jordan;
John McNab, Buchan; Troubled Wa-
ters, Raine; George and the Crown,
Smith; Power, Stringer. Non -Fiction
—Essentials of Sewing, Cook ; On
the Trail of the Bad Man, Train ;
Gardening With Brains, Finck; Cre-
ative Chemistry, Adventures of a
Nature Guide, Entertaining Made
Easy, Canadian Girl' at Work, Mc-
Murchy; The Arab At Home, Back
Yard Gardening, A King in the Mak-
ing, Parkhurst Juvenile ----The Ruth
Fielding Series, Emerson.
McKillop Branch W. M. S.—The
McKillop Branch of United Church
Women's ,,Missionary Society met at
the home of Mrs. Alex. Sterling with
a good attendance. Part of She af-
ternoon was spent in sewing, after
which the programme was proceeded
with, the president, Mrs. Jas. Scott,
presiding. The Bible reading was
taken' by Mrs. Joseph Scott, after
which Mrs. (Rev.) Irwin led in prayer.
Mrs. McGavin sang a solo, "Silent
Night," and Mrs. McNay -read the
messenger prayer. Mrs. M. McDer-
mid read a very interesting letter
from Mrs. Webster, a lady missionary
in West Africa. The meeting closed
by all repeating the Lord's prayer in
unison, after which lunch was served
by the hostess, Mrs. Sterling.
Bissonnette-Hartry.—Thursday ev-
ening the home of Mr. H. F. Hartry,
18 Belgrave Place, was the scene of
a quiet but very pretty wedding, when
his sister, Norma Isabel, was married
to Mr. Robert Neill Bissonnette. The
ceremony was performed by Rev.
Bruce Hunter, of the Metropolitan
United Church, and the wedding
march was played by Miss Meda
Hartry, niece of the bride. The bride
was given away by her father, Mr.
William Hartry, of Seaforth, and
looked charming in a French dress
of crepe chiffon and carried a shower
bouquet of Ophelia roses and lily of
the valley. The groom is the son of
Mrs. Bissonnette and the late Dr. J:
D. Bissonnette, of Sterling, Ont. The
happy couple left on the evening train
for Montreal, the bride travelling in
a cinnamon crepe back satin .dress
with hat to mated and `a Hudson seal
coat. The only guests from a dist-
ance were Dr. and Mss. R. E. Hartry,
from Fort Frances, Ont.
Egmondville Y. P. 8..: --The regular
meeting of the Young People's So-
briety was held irk Egmondvllle church
on Monday 'evening, December 28th.
This was the meeting for reorganiza-
tion and election of Sneers.. The pas-
tor, Rev. W. D. McDonald, pecupied
the chair and evnduoteri the &vet`
exerilites. The electien of after o
and coil mitteea was -then Proceeded
1vii='h and ]resulted as follows: liion-
•3OPY .rieSideittv.'Rev 17;;D. McDon
Presid eflti �q.Mise May eOlowdh
W a k
,arty Cowip4ttee ,•i it- •
nt •' tit ll a; Ma
,. dge to „ rlixer� the •in talI
on of •ithe ,f ly► elected of era ;and
degree work.'',. The. installation' cere-
mony ',Wag ' performed by. rust, D. D.
,Aberbart,- in, a. way, that
made it appear lis all. 'the irpressive
ceremony it .is,v and is .,intended: to be.
The - degree , works was given by a
nungier of the members who held of-
fice in •the. - Lodge. thirty years ago.
These .were ,Messrs; J. H. Reid, Robt.
Scarlett, W:' Arnent, Oscar 'Neil and..
Archie Barton, and their work in its
accuracy and smoothness could not
help but act as an incentive to the
incoming officers. After"' the work in
the lodge room, an adjournimient was
made to the Olympia restaurant,
where a sumptuous . chicken dinner
was served and to which ample jus-
tice was done. The following are the
officers for 1926: W.M„ M. McKel-
lar; I.P.M., C. Ovens; -S.W., E. C.
Chamberlain; J.W., . Thomas McMil-
lan; Chaplain, W. Ballantyne: Secre-
tary, C. Aberhart; S.D.,.R. M. Jones;
J.D., D. F. Buck; S.S., R. Reid; J.S.,
J. E. Keating; Tyler, James Rankin;
Auditors, 'J. G. Mullen, R. M. Jones.
Cutter For Sale.—Good Portland cutter for
t e
'Mr Office.
Apply a Exposa
sale. p y The D
Staple graniteware assorbnent, 65e; an-
other Beattie -.bargain.
For Sale.—Set of light double driving
harness in first class condition. M. Broderick
Seaforth. • 3029x1
Wood For $ate,—For sale. a quantity df
choice dry maple. Price reasonable. Phone
21 on 133. T. G. Shiliinglaw. 3019-tf
Lost --On Thursday night, December 24th
around Elliot's Garage, Main, - Market or
John Streets, two 2 -dollar oil . Finder
O ce.
I leave at The Expositor
ease a
Welding.—Anything in metal t t is broken
ve a eo Jere
can be welded. We 'ha p
for doing this work. Give us a/trial. Daly's
Garage, Seaforth. ' 3029.1
Lost.—On Wednesday evening of last week,
between Main Street. and Wilmore Scott's
corner. a black plush robe. Finder please
'leave at The Expositor Office. 3029x1
Notice.—Any one wishing choice beef cuts
or by the quarter, daring the winter, will
please phone James J. Murray. 17-23 Dublin,
or Gus Hicknelt, 64-9, Dublin 3025x1-tf
Battery Storage.—We make a specialty of
winter storage; guarantee to keep your bat-
tery in good shape. Batteries repaired and
rebuilt, if necessary. Daly's Garage. Sea -
forth. 3029-1
For Sale or Reut—A ;7 -roomed frame house
on North Main Street: aedtrio light=, furnace,
hard and soft water in b,.� e;...wood floor
in living room; good gard pply at The
Expositor Office. '• t 3022-tf
Winter Overhauling of
special price for winter
of car. We have special
to enable us to do first
terested call and see us.
Autos.—We make a
work on any make
equipment and tools
class work. If in-
Daly's Garage, Sea -
3029 -1
Fatal Motor Accident.—Word was
received here on Monday evening that
Mrs. John Cameron, formerly of Sea -
forth, had been fatally injured by be-
ing struck by an automobile at West
Palm Beach, Florida. The accident
occurred on Monday night and Mrs.
Cameron passed away the following
morning at 9 o'clock. The deceased
was a daughter of the late Mr. and
Mag. David Walker, of Tuckersmith,
in which township she was born. Last
fall she left Seaforth to reside in
Florida, and the news of her tragic
death came as a great shock to her
family and friends here. The remains'
will be brought'°7to Seaforth for inter;
ment. 11
Snowmobile.. --Last week Mr. W. 'A.
Crich had delivered to, him in Sea=
forth, the first snowin bi le to be used
in Western Ontario. The machine
was purchased through Mr. J. F. Daly,
the local Ford agent, and is giving
perfect satisfaction. During the sum-
mer months Mr. Crich uses three large
trucks for his bread delivery, and dur-
ing last winter he found it impossible
to fill his customers' demands for
bread, when delivery had to be made
with horse drawn vehicles, It was
to overcome this that he purchased
the snowmobile, which aided by ship-
ments by express, will cover his large
territory. The snowmobile has had a
pretty severe test during the week, as
this winter so far, has been an ex-
ceptionally severe one, with almost as
much snow now as we have at any
time during an average winter, but
it }las done everything asked of it.
On Wednesday of this week it covered
something over 60 miles easily. It
is as easy to operate as a Ford car,
can turn out on any kind of a road,
and will go over a drift of snow, any
depth. In fact, all roads are alike to
it, whether broken or -not, and it has
already saved an immense amount of
time, labor and expense for Mr. Crich.
A Seaforth Boy In Texas..— The
Angleton Times of Angleton, Texas,
under date of December 18th, makes
the following reference to an import-
ant appointment "recently received by
Mr. George E. Badge, of Brazoria,
the same State. Mr. Badge was born
and raised in Seaforth, and is not
ashamed of that fact either, although
for many years he has resided in the
States: "The Commissioners' Court
has appointed three commissioners
for the newly created navigation
trict, a bond election for which v
held on December 4th, When: olie`ni
lion dollars was voted to go". along
with the one-half million dollars be -
being put up by the federal ovein,
ment for the purpose of improving'
our God-given harbor .at the monthof
the Brazos Rivet. .Surely the Court ..
could not have named three better,
hien than Lfriils ). Wilson, of , figle-
ton, E. C. Tobey; of Freeport, and. ••
George V Badge of trate .
h l., .•state o'f' Tex; etal,t
dui ''three tneisl 7si'orc' mal
htionerabio or blot ,hero -.
021e gizestioft wherein; , jlere
be n ,,division of opin on.
las aafa s I tvre nice di quit
�s mss' i±
s''' Coming;" words by Rene
Aid music by Henry . Wiinder-
n text and 'music the singers
�lendid artistic and devoti
round, and the whole Christ-
ianT me was rendered with a
syxn. bb�� tic insight and tonal beauty.
th .'s'°de the service delightful and
pro ale. The very best instrumen-
tal: t a. b ort and leadership was, given
by tis •'Milne Rennie from the love-
ly oig i'' prelude, which arrested at -
ten h} by its reverent cadences, and
on t ugh the variations of harmony.
until a final crescendo was reached
1n '! 's Wonderful Gift" sung by
the r ;;choir. In the opening. chorus
".Re# ?e Song," the glad Christmas
tiiiin" were brought to listening ears
:joyous resonance, which was
rep, e and sustained in the subse-
ciuex`-;chorus, "Christ Our Light."
by k
Meas ed he clock the heaviest
indi demandwas made on Mr.
James acott, in the solos Undertaken
by hi "The Messiah," "Life With-
out d," "The Song , of Angels,"
which: gave him full opportunity to
telt qu in very sweet vibrant melody
the ssage of long ago that ever
groin its -appeal. The echo of
jubilanc°y as it thrilled the shepherds
f sued story was heard in the
so 'a. solo, "Glory to God in the
H 7t," by Mr. James Stewart; al-
so 'ilk he tenor solo, "The Wondrous
Story."„ In the recitative solo by Mr.
Milne Lennie, and in the bass solo
by Mr Dalton Reid, an upliftingr'note
of adoration was struck towards the
:cele of the
front the story by
Filmed in the Glory . of the
Great •North Woods.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
A story of Women and Wall
Street,,,:of Dancing and Paying
the Piper. From the David
Belasce;Stage Success.
Stands •� rwith you on the threshold
of anotherYtear, may we ask you for
a continua ce of your patronage?
You wlll'appreciate our prices more
the more you try to match them else-
All together. for.n Happy New tear
97 -Piece , Sb'I►`.I,'
there was
musical ratkinttt
composer. Altogether r lightfully ..edifying service in ;sass.
music, and proniises to be heard a1
even more enjoyed on the evening ,of
Sunday, January 10th, when ''this
Christmas cantata will be repeated in
the Seaforth Presbyterian Church.—
[Com.] °
Death of Rev. J. F„ -Snowden �--The;
death oecurred at his home; oil James
Street, Friday morning December
an rl y �t
25th, of 'Rev :�J. F, Snowdep, editali=
and proprietor of thet.S'eafortb :News
The . late. Mr. Snowden was Born in
Kincardine: and veasreducated in that
town and at' -Trinity Oa lege, Toronto.
In 1.886 'he, -:teas -ordained. at Ottawa
as an Anglican priest and. for. a •,num.-
ller Qf years was in charge.. of the
FitzroyHarbor parish and - later r
to R.
P. se
sisted the Ven. Archdeacon McKenzie
at Brantford. Owing to i11 health he
retired from the Ministry to his borne
in Kincardine, but later went to Man-
itoulin, where he conducted the Little
Current • Expositor, and • in 191.6 pur-
chased the Seaforth _News, which he
had since conducted. In 1'8 0 he was
united in marriage to Miss Heprietta
Heinrichs, of Ottawa,, who, with . a
family, of three sons • 'arid one daugh-
ter survive, Miss Gwendolyn Snowdep,
of Blyth, and Cyril, Oswald and Gerald,
at home. The filneral was held ion
Sunday afternoon from St. Thomas'
church, of which Mr. -Snowden was a
member; the services being. conduct-
ed by the recto1 Rev, T. II. Brown,
assisted by Rev. R. Fulton Irwin, of
the United Church. Interment was
made in M,aitlandbank cemetery, the
pallbearers being: Messrs. J. J. Mer-'
ner, Thomas Ferguson, Robert Scar-
lett, G. McKee, James Hays and F. S.
Golden ' Wedding:=Mr. and Mrs.
John R. Govenleck, for inany years
respected and well known residents
of Seaforth, celebrated their golden
wedding on- Tnes_ day of this week at
their home on 'North Main. Street.
The clay was .quietly spent with their
family, the only ',celebration, being a
dinner to about a dozen relatives and
friends, but it was a 'unique one in
that three of the bnae3'iouplea
present had celebrated -their golden
weddings. These 'were Mr. and, Mrs.
Govenl'ock, Mr. and. Mrs, W. L. -Keys,
of Seaforth, and Mr, and Mi s. John
T. Govenlopk, of Egmondirille, Who
on the same clay celebrated:the -5th
anniversary of their marriage. Mr.
and.- Mr's. John R. Govenlock were
united • in marriage at Bayfield on
Decenrber 28th, 187$, Mrs. Govenloek
before her marriage being Miss Eliz-
abeth Hall. After their marriage
they resided at Winthrop until 27
years ago, when they purchased the
home in Seaforth in which they 1ibve
since lived. Their ,family consists ref
one son and four daughters, Mr. W.
11. Govenlock, of Chicago; Mrs. Munn;
of New Westminster; Mfrs. A. - E.
Bates, of Irricana, Alberta; Miss Jean
Govenlock, of the Cetlegiate staff;
Weston, and Miss Annie, at home,
Mrs. Munn -and Mrs., Bates being the
only two absent on Tuesday. Many
friends will join The Expositor in ex-
tending to Mr. and Mrs. Govenlock
congratulations and hearty good wish-
es for Many happy' •years of married
life yet to come. . -
Local Briefs.—On S>lnday morning
last the thermometer registered 18 be,-
e-low zero. It was the -coldest Christ-
mas Sunday NPe have had for many
years.• -•Mr, and Mrs - Ivan Ivan HiIX; of.
Waterdown, spent Christmas at the
parental home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J.
Kerslake.--tMrs. Woehl and family,
of Bridgeburg, spent Christmas with
her mother, MTsRankin. . J. Rann. — Miss
Mary M,odeland, of NeW • Liskeard,
and Mr. and birs..J. C. Eicherds and
famil:g, of 'Stratford, Spent Christmas
at the ' Dome,. of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac.
Medeland.--Mr. .): , Oarbert, .of De-
troit, .spent Clriatmas with his mother
in to'Wn.-• witss Ethel McKayw. ;
Crediton, and Miss Agnes Me
-of Hespe1eSr, are spending ,fl -
mss holidays at their home
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ciirtlrsit''
mars, and Mr. Reidd
Toroiito, spent (holm
ental home <sf J;-
minds, .:Gpdoxit`i
and 'Mrs. Ix e
friends iii: i,
of Kirklan
of To
River,: are holi ay
of Mr. and Mrs; '
Er. and Mars, 'Louis •Kahl" e -
son: •and -•Mr Jaseph Be
spent'Christmas', at the home . Mr
Thounas ,a er.--Tho ,young ladies q ,.
St, J •es' P ish;are holding a socias
eveitingr tt the' psi keit trail on, Firida r
January Stbr. The Raymond: mo
'M ErestReyll.idoafNagaer. F:
aorchestra will: beoin attenane
Frances•Reynolds, of Wteildb
N. Y., spent Christmas at th I honi
here.—•Mrs A. Forsyth, of." :mer tilt,
smith, lett nn'Tuuesday totrspend New
Years: with her,daughter, lis Ac .0
L f A'
r...035),/ --:, wee
M obi
, n
rs •71ry
xe 'spendingr th'e`'
Lick uoq�.�-.-Mr
' 5spenit the wee,
of•his -mother, Mrs.
Mr McIntosh le
th on a ,business trait
ey::Burrows, of r -;S
r. hu But1'r
�. l' o
` itemise "
'ai J lids
Bolero'+' a.E
..111g4).1k 74-
1. ':arid Mme
rl'he furthers fire `3nvltin
zens� of .Seefarth. to their' meed
ing ofttheNei • Year, which
held in : the Carnegie Library Hall on.
Wednesday evening, January 6th..` :!
goad': programme is pramxsed ,lt r
T. A. Smith, of Guelph, .a. eat -Chris_
burn, ail i. d�, ra L .G; rise,
of Galt, spent kris !as att.,th liQra •.
of Mrs. W am 'S lateen M .�.
Naughton, of : the ,staff" of the Irp
prior Collegiate Institute, is spending.
the holidays with her.- sister, Mrs.
Robert Govenlock, in McKillop --Mr.
and. Mrs. Harold Large, of Stratford,
spent Christmas at the hone Of
Large's parents,, Mr. and Mrs:• Joseph
Hoggarth:—Mrs. Alice Cudmore, and
family spent Christmas day wvit °=bier. t is withlis- father, dr. Sidtjttit
parental. Mr.. and Mrs.Peter: Daley. Mr. and " Mrs, W. • Ii Gtivenloelk,:,. Or
Mr. Clifford Huut, Miss Edith'=Hunt Chlcagc,• riere here over -the weee�kt°erid
and Miss Evelyn Miller, of ° ondon; ,golden Wed -
�I`h •came to. attend the
Miss Mary Blair, of Detroit, -and hlr. 'ding aiiiniversary of Mr. Gatrenloek's
D rgl;,son, .of " Belgrave were"parents, and Mrs. J. R."Given-
Chris .visitors at the home of lock.•-Mr.:and*:Mrs- Sydney Deem. anti'
Mr. Ed., Hunt,:in M'eKillop.:,Mr 'Cl it- family spent New Year's with friends
ford' Trott,.,of . South - River, ,• spent -Stratford.