The Huron Expositor, 1926-01-01, Page 6t* To deviations #tocic tokee going im the B" HEN FOR YAUX,G� throti 'h the yard', but It Is possible, 7
Fe&ther4 and Iko Producing—How a sto gxve the reader some tijevcot tbo to ObWW High Egg Production— Z41 regular channel§i of movement. 0414JtJ t and "�b e -bull More— h Plan Of ams,11 And large pens to efli�l Qrcen ftod for poutltry. Stock yards ai t on a deunit4
hk of. I Q Nash she turned ta'-v muki, based 013' I citutly fill the various requiroment4 9 your anoentoe-a may be 4ContrIbuted by Ontario bo artment of Ive each class of atocl� is allotted a A*rlctuure. orouto.) t best nut coal, certain section of the yard. 'Jaefis �.;$o, Ou arriv t In good A hen will not lay if no bad, morning, W of the office 'b is immediately unload d into the 41 of stock at the yards It 'Out oug Sh condition. She sho.ulo he,healthy, c lid 4 -exprea.4., RM14,0hal C taim AgencY ola 3211 7 loading pens and the bin P1 1�1, � - ., My 'Jack Ro son' , 7 ", .,
w y- or Almer, wbo'look6d, 0,-gi axe looked free from any disease, 9nd show at by the employes Of took yards 4% -�X ,,, . ,
D00. AP6, tre"111 � gly rX iia "W 'k jklen #4 . 816 comp ty of vigor and activity. The with from the order he wai QMh en, to sections so aany. Tbese,pens are dividea in- first Pullet to lay in the fall Is the �0 3� 110 Urgh, Pa., U. S. A. that the differeat tit LAtio We both bur outlaugh- Hebr0r,,-41 it, early maturing one. The hen which 2930-tf classes of live stocix can be kel �W The nie to a slow growers, is slow in feather- the� separated In cases of mixed carloads. okon that Young woman came fifty s Usually all the cars of the train -lad ,',near gettixig the best of yo oIng out, Is also a slow layer. pr6itf 11, w0t* seven years 0. rl New. are unloaded into these pens, before The Moult Is Important. he t4l& translation`fitafly s ow "In INKMANCE this operation there is a member of sely. r IOUs P was all I could the'world in 1611 their s JUOPMUTUAL the distribution of'stock to the var- all n
oult MCK As soon as a hen goes into a in ckon she did,' ens for sale or feeding. During she uses her feed to manufacture say, -L, lowed'bis clo ICUY 1'�T en we laughed again." sci-
feathers, and her egg roductio falls the Humane Society Present, whose generally to a minimum of nothing. a duty it Is to seoi that the live stock It Is easily noticed that some heris tave OFFICFISEAFORTH, ONT- has been properly loaded, cared for go into a moult much earlier than T"qGLISH BIBLE IS FOUR MUNSEY A Gl"T IN ent! i! in transit and that it is hazdled Ju- others. If a hen starts to moult in by mys 0 e obody" eisO n OFFICERS: liciously about the yards, also to July her laying for the summer is . 4_,UNDRED YRARSOLD PUBLI§010�G WORLD hand in this clean-up. r direct the care of dead %nA crippled about over. So we say that late been eliminated at an. a re ite. F'OprAiundred years ago the Bibler Frank Munsey's A, a
-T,Counolly, Goderich Pres4ent animals. It is not absolutely neces- a death closed one of of K000,qOO, not corp a ney,� the Dr# , 41 Jes. Evans, Beechwood, viee-President sary for the owners of the stock to go togb-ther, because it gives the hen ,Id's greatest book, the source the most remarkable careers in the just, my own- money. Q 'Dail oe-' has. -a F. McGregor. Seaforth, Sec.-Treas. be present as their interests are look- of QLktian belief, was first trans- -history of Ani,erican publishing. It News, The.,Globe and The, e In a longer summer period and still she ated - into untoderp English and print novel tool for ft' V ed after by emp.loyes of the stock Is back in- form in time for winter i6'a. long time since the -death of -any Mail comprlge§ 'ihe iisL '17 eno';igh to oultlVat�' t1ke yards company. Each class of stock production. So says Prof. W. R. Gra- uslator perished at the American who had, not been con6pieu- News -a-lone Passed on to row AGENTS. ed. 'W, tra from here goes to its own section in stakb tor'his audacity. But the Bible aid. flowek'pot. Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, inton, ham, Ontario Agricultural College. has passed through many Ong in public life brought so many'The Globelivesfn an government E. Hinchley, Seafoth; John M;;- *he yards, It is not necessary to fol- Laying Hen and Her Plumage. tributes of regard and affection comb! tion ith , The EgyPti 4 PlaU7- load of each c as TbA Sun, and The MAR begins to ning to install se'veral ant6mati"le-
ray, Egmondville; J. W. Yea, Gode-Jow a car lass of stock 'ra rinations, including the latest that of Mr. Munsey. hrough, so will, confine this report If a hen is laying heavily the endea�vojrs to put it into 20th -century He began as Ii o-da� in combination with The phone exchanges. jo; R. G.. Jarmuth, Brodbazen. lumage will become dry, hard and a poor boy on a Maine fa to a carload, of butcher cattle. d rm, and TTegram. In its �comblnatloii with . Less than half, as much,. m4t:!-iier tFitle. The lustre will isappear slang, remains imperishable, through as the 'result of hard work, persis- The. Sun, The Globe is doing f in-, cap d- DIRECTORS: dandling 'Butcher Cattie. and the feathers become bro its Actual- body be burned, as many tence, unfailing its is being eatein th
ken. The confidence and an work in, this community and "S cOn� States -W,�Jllfam Riau, No. 2, When the cattle leave the unloading hen certainly loses much of her nat- times in history it has been. Nine- u 2,4�� 75 yi;jrs. ago. Seaforth;
saiii Bennewies, Brodhagen; Jain" )ens they are counted and this must nowledge a irhat the tent and happy. The Eve;ing Hall "A blitks!W Ural beauty, but she cannot retain teen-tw1anty-five marks the quadren tfi in Eur'o, 'wen, Clin� --heck with the railroad shipping 4111. that brigItt lustre and also keep up nial: of, William Tyndvp `949',hiated 44 d; M. McL 1�e as in w Waija Beech reading public wanted" ed in combination with The is he imas' r s transla- a fortune variously York 'Vented t1fia at Eve"" fii& Mimes Cononoully, Goderich; Alex estimated grain Will become eqii-," P on rhey are then moved and 10 --ked In a heavy roduction. Watch for the old tiOlhi which the In universal from $25,000,oQo to $40,0 resha00,000. He ally worth while, eqfjally useful, and �hftjral o,,*oadfbot� No. 8, Seaforth; J. G. ?en in the alleys of the commission lady with the full array of feathers King Jqmes' version is based. WYclif died without direct heirs, an aged it, too, will find 'contentment and, lisp- roid# 'teptled to Pve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris drin to whom consigned, where feed all in good for'in, and see if she Is a centdr
y and a half earlier had made sister d' a nail in Ueorge McCartney, No. Lud water are available. (It may be not one of the boarders In your flock. a translation from the Vulgate into mu being big nearest kin. Mr. piness. A newspaper does'�not stand jilt bripkiv 3tated here that most cattle are fed nsey was a bachelor and on more the cold worth a cent. It biust be MuiTay Gibson, Brucefteld. How to Know a Laying Hen. the Middle English of the later per- �th Germans ha V-0, _Lnd watered as in order to receive a an one occa.,sion he deplored the comfortably housed, warmly clothed Produce benzine frow nativie tar at I
good price it is necessary that they The questioir to often asked, "Can iod. But this translation was neither fact but never hinted at a blighted and generously nourished. An Berlin on an extensive scale "ve ja good fill to appear at their You tell whether or not a hen is lay- strictly scholarly since the V�Igate is rw�nce. He never received any- derfed newspaper out in the cold is a A slinple I implement hat eh -6;_
Ing?" This Is very easy, and re-, itself A translation from the oriFinal thing but a common school educa- sad spectacle." d to smooth dents from - IV
)est at time of sale. If not, the buy- er of shippers quires but a. few observations. Who? Greek and Hebrew versions nor widely tion for be Went to work while a jar caps and b1sure tight jbint#.' rs take advantage of this and cut vents
the price, so, a numb a hen commenees laying the condi- read as -it existed only in manuscript. Youngs r in a general store. Lat r
A Barkain tions sP4 up in the reproductive or- Lea '-,. g an te e Of the ships now being built ry to reach the market a day pre- ans are very similar to condi rmn ks were then an ex- he became a telegraph operator, and IFOR SALF SOME RECORD PRICES- British yards one-third will be 4riVen- ,Mve,gmes. one Mae vious to selling in or*er that the cat- 9 tiolla elusive co mOdity. Many of the it is said had only a day's practical
in any"preguant animal. Preparation Errglj�b I .1
le may have a good fill and (It by internal combustion engi es-. house with ' In ham, Seafortho, modern ilet could not read; and instruction, his subsequent maste0y World recotd prices were paid for Experiments under way in Vnglal�,l down.) is made for laying, much as for par- bookso any ort were at a premium. of the key having been acquired by fat lambs an
broace, bath and tailet, eman ba=*" The gate is unlocked and the sto turition in a cow.
ck l barrows at the Minne- have indic,3ted that the South Indign pod orchard. Taxes, $15. spleaffid When the ovary Is d mant ook d to be copied by a intensive study and practice It sota Junior Live Stock Show,- held fan palrn may become an important released to the commission firm, after or
no eggs are being produced the Is- scribe in Ion and; and the result was from a little Maine city n' a ns a sli &anft t* stax chfokeu farm, bees, It accepts the co t d I ic where Novemb6- 16'-12 at South St. Paul. paper making material. onsible now ete. Apply to co that effec ; it I. e lance between the pelv , bon 8 is was not only xpensive, a tome with- he was chief telegraph operator Vernon Rierdin, of * Montevideo, Chip- A Pennsylvania mill is devoted al- dry, 11, Int
IL 86MAY& for any stealing or mi ng of stock. very small. The vent Is in the only of the extremely that be bore down upon New York pews con
ORL Before the market ope the stock is puckered, and in yellow -flesh le - rich, but also very cumbersome, says with the determination to succeed in Y, was paid $4.75 a'pound moA exclusively - to making flakim-- ecided band by, the Soo Line for his 131 -pound from white corn to serve as snow in ;orted according to grade. The mar- ellow the Springfield Republican. the publishing business. ket opens at 9 a.m. and closes at Pigment around the insid hen A survey of the grand champion lamb. Vernon went motion picture studios. Gloucestershire He was _,twen'tr-eig4st___y_ears old home with the railroad oomoany's Westerh Australia is- planning I to
4 p.m., and no trading Is done before laying commences the pel ic ones clergy made in the 18th century by when he arrived in the great city, check for $622.25 in his pocket. erect a lrge p become pliable and spread ap . T or after these hours unde
�r penalty Bishop Hooper shows that in Tyn- his earthly possessions being the The grand champion lard pig, a coal mines to produce electric power
provided by the rules of the Lh,o distance may Increase from ne to daIevs own diocese out of 311 ecclesi- clothes he stood in, forty dollars in three fingers in a short tim he astics 168, mone than half, could cash and a grip full of manuscripts Duroe-Jersey, exhibited by Robert Ja- for wide distribution. -itock Exchange. vent becomes large and O t, Ild cobs, of Elk River, Sherburne D. H. MCINNES When the market opens the buyers after two or three egg not repeat the Ten Commandments, which he had bought for $450. _9oun- -40. el3ter the pens, look over the stock a b en and many did not even know where he had a promis But ty, sold for $1.20 a pound, and realiz- _Lnd make their bids for the whole laid the ring of yellow I an the decalogu was to be found. Forty stockbroker th e from a :friendly ed a total of $451.50. The champion DRIED BEET PULP CWropraetor d1sappeared'and he vent is bl c
.3en it they are of even quality or in- e at he would advance bacon type pig, exhibited by Mark
could not recite the Lord's prayer, $2,000 of the $4,000 which Munsey Saunders, of Wheaton, Traverse coun- . This product, also known as sugar �Ivlduals, according to grade. The How to Obtain High Egg Produc. Ion. and as -many did not even know who said he needed to start a in gazine
Masseur irice offered depends on trade con- The requirements for high egg uttered it. Most of them had never to be called a tv, was bid in at $1.4Q a pound, total- beet meal-, is a by-proxluct of the man -
The Golden Argosy- ling $441. ufacture of sugar from beets., Until A
of Wingham, will be at litions, and supply and demand us- production, says Prof. W. R. Graham. seen a whole Bible. A common But the broker's promise a
-1ally establish it- When the sales- of the Ontario Agricultural College, proved
c ic e describing the period of delusion. The promise of another stone 'county, owner of the grand known only as a wet slump. wet
nan is satisfied that he has the high- are clean, dry, comfortable houses. Ii b James Noble, of Pipestone, Pipe- ar few years ago this rroduct was Commercial Hotel, Seaforth -st possible bid he completes the sale, that are free from direct draughts the Refo mation is to sum up the friend in the publishing business to champion 11��byll beef, a pu e bred beet pulp, however,
Monday and Thursday is it seldom pays to carry the stock over the birds, and that are Well- abuses , at era by saying that the advance $11,000 was also withdrawn Aberdeen -Angus, received So reents a idly on exposure to- the air and is fe0
-)ver Until the next day. Each party lighted. The eeding consists of a Bibles wer hained to the lecterns and Munsey was left with what r Afternoons. e- eb weighed therefore, as soured pulp. Further -
seeps his owii records and a final variety of grains, green feed, anim'al in the churc 'es, s if a stiff-riecked mained of his forty dollars i3ound for his calf, whi and the 1,002 pounds, making $861.60. more, its nature limited its use to
settlement Is effected later when the feed, grit and shell, which is clean, clergy wished by actual force to pre- manuscripts. Eventually he in- those sections close by the factories.
Adjustments given for diseases
2999x4-tf credit to the market personnel that to the birds regularly and In such Holy IA'rit. A much more vital rea- Golden rgos day's bargaining is over. It Is a sweet and wholesome, and Is given vent tbeir flocks from reading the terested another publisher and The am
3UCh EL huge business can be carried quantities that they have all they son caused this practice, namely, the cember, A Y saw thO light in De- In fact many of the sugar companies used to 'operatce steer feeding plants
te� as a side line.
it this Tuanner without the want to eat before going to roost at cost of the book. So slow was the the Publisher failed. Munsey was Recent figures issued by the De- - To -day, however, a considerable
oI1882. Five months la CONSIDER THE HEN
icratch of a �en to an agreement and night-, that the supply of drink'U spread of learning and printing that i obliged to take over the good will partment of Agriculture place %vitb very- rare disagreemrnt later as material Is clean and abundant; that a half-rentury passed after Caxton'of the publishing the number of these concerns are equip -
Lo the prices and terms of sale, the attendaigt Is regular in his or her plant in lieu of the present chicken population of the ped to dry this "slump" and 6ffer for
-4orted According to Graoe- printed the first English book in $1,0040 the publisher owed him 44,
work and is interested In the same-,
�QNDON AND WINGRAM and United States 'at four hundred mil- sale dried beet Pulp. It, contains 1475 b(,fore the Bible emerged into' he then began a d6sperate struggie io at in
The stock is driven to the scales that the birds are bred from good NortlL laying ancestors, and that they are ears of silent to I n Th ears that, if by'callig -practically all of the sugar beet, ex-
a.m. P.M. )y employes of the commission tirm, get the magazine going. A Maine "RLe-r-e, chickl Here, chic excepting the sugar, and is 'a feed i k, chick,
Exeter ........... 10.16 6.04 well reared, and are free from dis- went to thA 'epoch - making Ult man rgy iorted and weighed into lots, accord- hatched at the proper season and protest and J,,pbor on Tyndale's par, fr end lent him $300 and this kept chickf" some celestial PO ry fairly high in fattening or ene
�ng to the grade and price paid. A event. him while he learned the publishing could get them producing . nutrients, but its protein
........... 10.30 6.1 ease. Born all running single file
8 ,eigh ticket is made out and stampz�d ahout 1474 in the parish of business basically, to use his 0 for the dough dish, th antent is almost negligible. These Rippen ........... 10.35 &23 y employes of the stock yards com- When Eggs A -m Worth Most- e procession c Nibley near the Welsh border of phrase. He owe'd $5,000 would be one hundred th and miles characteristics put this feed into the 91meelleld ......... 10-44 6-32 )any showing the weight, owner, A study of the distribution of the Gloucestorsbire, he was graduated period and contracted debts for 10.58 6.46 �ommlssion firm making the sale, egg production is interesting and lm- - other $10,00o from Oxford and then went to Cam same class as barley and corn.
at 'n long. But it could-nrt beou'done. A in an advertising chicken, when he --or she—hears From a nutlition standpoint driVd
Clinton, Axo ....... IL05 6.52 purchaser, and agreed price. The d the
portant from the point of the annual bri ge to learn Greek and Hebrew campaign to get his magazine well mess call, will break ranks and start beet pulp is worth -nearly as much
Clinton, Lv . ...... 11.15 6.52 stock is now out of the shippers' returns from the birds. Egg w1iich had recently been introduced launched.
Clintou jet . ....... 11,21 6.58 ands and driven and locked into rise and fall with the seasons and there. Bagk in his native country in double time and by the shortest pound for pound as corn for dairy' After long days of struggle in the cut for the field kitchen, 'regardless of cattle, beef cattle, or sheep, provided,
TAn6sborough 11.35 7,12 pens, according to the game grou Ing usually the greatest profit is made he soon clashed with big fellow office,
............. 11,44 7.21 as weighed. Export cattle are ept where eggs are produced at a season clergy, nd one
toiling by candle light, Mun-
commands. of course, that it is fed in rations
day he �exclaimed SeY set to work to write a story that But these naturalized and Useful which balance its deficiencies in pro- ar when prices to a colleag6: "If God spare my would bring popularity to his maga- citizens of ours are interesting in bein and minerals. Belgrave .... 11.56 7.83 separat6l of course, to comply with
Winghaim Jet., Ax... 12.08 7.45 Lhe quaranditie, regulations. are high. Pullets are the chief source life, I will cause the boy th�it driveth zine. The result was a six th Ou- many ways apart from their numbers, In actual practice; this feed is most
Wingliam Jet, Lv.. 12.08 7.45 Cattle that are billed through and of egg supply, They require usually the plow shall know more�,\ of the sand word serial entitled "Afloat for they are descendants of the first 'Wingfiam, ......... 12A2 7.55 stop off to be fed and watered are from six to seven months in wh Scripture than thou dost!" in a Great City" into which he Put wild creature that ucceed- popular -among dairy cattle feeaerq_
looked after by the stock yards com- to mature. It is, thprefDre, possible
South. pany'. They are unloaded and driven to regulate their production In the So began the determination that his best s Here, because of its Peuliarities, it P.m. efforts. The story was ed in domesticating. Their common findi; a variety of usea. The, dairym� a.m. and locked into pens, fed and water- fall months at least to some extent brouglit forth the Tyndale Bible. worth advertising he thought, and P
Wingham .... .6.50 3.15 d, and then reloaded to continue by ancesfor was proLably the ild jun- inan,who for one reason or another..,
Wingliam Jet . ..... regulating the time they advertising put new life into gle fowl of south-western Asw has little or no succulent,fe will The young man at once journeyed the as
7.01L 8-21 their journey. hatch In the spring. The Main to London, where he petitioned the "The Golden Argosy." But the work that still exists in its ative wild rot% or silage, finds a very adtisfa_
.......... 7.15 8.82 Calves and sheel) are handled much source of eggs produced during, Oc- Lord Bishop for permission to un- was hard and the Blyth . ............. 7.27 3.44 the same as the other classes of . live rewards were state. China had tafne f In toky,- though unfortunately often ex-
tober and November Is the March dertake his translation. s r quest slow. owl fourteen Hi e Four years after beginnin hundred years before Christ, arid the P611sive, substituter in dried beef -.pulp 9
Londesborough 7.35 3.52 stock. While in the unloading pens hatched pullet. By December the was refuied; and he set forth for the magazine, its named shortened crowing cock vvaked the dwellers in soaked in water. The feeder forcing Clinton Jet . ....... 7.49 4.06 the calves are inspected by a repre- May hatched Pullets are out for a the continent, in 1524 with 910 and to The Argosy, it' was ea Ing him Nin' cows on orcial test is also a dupporter
7.56 4.13 sentative of the Markets' Branch for reDutation. a few books, He ;;;�_Ineve to re- $100 a eveh and Babylon, its, centuries
8.'03 4.20 bobs or suspected calves, and the Week and he was paying off later, he confounded Peter in Jerusa- of beet pulp whbre he �ften uses Ili
turn to his native land. The twelve his debts. He wrote another story lem. eld ......... S,16 4.S2 doubtful oneh are ear tagged and re- Green F�eed for Poultry, years till his martyrdom were --filled called "The Boy Broker" and this soaked, in addition to both roots and .8,22 "O ceve final in9ppetion when slaughtet- Now that the poultry are off the with adve And what 4 review his family pre- n'there , are marity,;fam-
ed 'the ail. silage. The on Co-oDerative ship- nture. In 1525 he was in drew more readers to the magazine
all ........ SM 4.50 range and no longer benefit the pick& Cologne with the completed manu- and it reached a circulation of 115,_ sents of the.migiration of peoples, and eTg who *find excellent ments, of course, neces Ing of fresh green feed at liberty, a what geo ing this Orodildt, ry, and Ili* r6tA9ft'.,;. tAte the ...... ...... 5.09 marking of the animals so8ther can gEaphic, vistas! script of his New Testament. Part 000, with a net income of $1,500 a The Co -
substitute should be provided. Man- chins the angshans and tha Dra- 4mounta, WS one of the in -
be pro ra"d settlement, This Is beet of the pages, in quarto form,, ware week- But the circulation began to re 4C r4 It., gels, kale, cabbage 1XII& sprouted TIM TABLIM done by ear t�Lggin; the calves and struck f ra* te press of Peter Quen- m,s a Asiatle. �bv�eds; fent& of their, da cow nijgl gred -in part tell. A certain John Cochlaeus, sey' M j - S ,
osta do very well to supipty slump and in 1891 he started Mun- horns, Ancona' 'an& ' PArdsh Axidal-
the Use Of P0,11[it C0161t far the sbe,6V tore. the very nece9sall vftam-ln6s A and a Magazine to take the place of usian are iteiThn6ka- the Road- D� so essential to Proper Aut known as %e Scourge'of Luther, the failing Argosy, selling the if is a, very 9LIZIL p.m. and limbs. . f pd, and ii
joint -the Orpiiigtonts, Eng ritica, . A
When hogs leave the unloading little atteA .... 9.00 Z.ft ans are Pten& slightly laxailve. As I as it is:
4 to a aeeming having a 'book "printed at the a ,I Ili ame pulication for 25 cents a copy. Tha
inkept .'dry it can be stored indefinite- ........ 6.17 2.87 pens they are counted,-axid 6ecked frequefttl�e. a op, bear, boasting III s butch;lbe Dom- ......... &25 2,52 the same A the other-stoi*% .,TheY -1he the pAitters single stroke that did mote than any- fni` ftoUth ocks s6obess, that tbroui Tyndale's -bran lation all thing else to found his fortunes as ode- alaiidjWi anil'Ifuck- tween s d gAl 8.12 aretakendfr breedingstock. Atthe n- Erigland *,ould soon be ma4 Luth- publisher -wa to o .go, "ad ure with Unfortunately it is 0
weighed, then'VLe'd fi�ta' #0 reduce th hi0h hip1joe, A-4 n. e price, to erica costing as much as,meal tarlo Agricultural Calls Itry eran. Thi�S'enate of Cologne, hast- ten cents. Publishers and distribil .28 lthet_ fe d I r fed and waUred ov" tit
E VepArtWeAt- a 11bsral Allowhucer, of - the economic side, too, the sectioiis. This zio4lia, dordlpg to instruction from, � id i1Y. infondgaf this, WA)Med Henry tors ed that this W greerk feed or Toughage as T he containing VII chicken is'Interesting and itnportant, that its most economical use largest istributor in the colilfitT're*a Its eggs supplyjus,'With the 6r. 'Most hogis here are s6td, oi th
iand -arilinaj Wolsey. JiO4 P.M. .'vrefghd ad car" bagid, They i" nts IsalwaYs available itUbstititte for -mea, thou '11h graded by th6 -Government ors dale peked up he al- ful of ft Tyn ed to circulate his,.mag most ess- ?
greater _ept. of _Izxne ilY 'digested form of, protein bilowl ,Vdnso ji4aliffifty . the
Munsey by dint of gdV4 ift'aaused form that Cali b"&
before selling, And a grading sheet, "Al d6heg% aujiIpjr. adY prin dhil-11M with his rje4 In -4,", . _ beet PWP� readers re everyw amanuenshr;�'Mft in Rome, to Worms utlltfro 84aj�:ent adcoalpaixtiss each- lot. The -selling: J��L '-- . ,14 , I 'egt Variety of, apl*tWfig *itya 'and. fii4i6lildce or ' I `6� the distribufa�� Ji %-r _Ue -the first editi in its. Won permit it bodomet Atic nt When H6r" U -Overcome by HegW be -of ft, =d1f th same vw for1he cat0e_ Here t le b red 40,ODQ,,,',,bitt-�Oveiitu*aliy'it re 3,000 6$ Testament 11 ft& gt mpany 6- 11111VboU f Of: the 1%6W biVely brofter, ro�iifiir 91i4 and 'the oek yd�r& co A horA tA* p 'Al- IL to�4�s -turned (book d 1,ft6,00'0:4jd. he i -a *f0roolnevIth heat,mafi fo, *Oat as the 40 MX6 mftdii that gil gates be ad whie though the avra,&o, iW'jAer n re- ut,*#', thig, pro
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