HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1926-01-01, Page 4CC lhxpt,
At LOW00-t.-Mrs- i�idea4s by the- parents w
Var"M. ,f t pol � % Une , M I i. ,
1 -�,,,W4 -Tkuck M.edit .46 Mr. -and Uts. L young 0 --; t ;7,�i _ I 1-11 XWO 11 ;
)PA"W I .. they "'V - which was followed by, a Cudwo fol ,village, 401"na.. I
ey Ax
- F, . 'School Report. ---The following Is The success of the lonw.11,_T%Ii� ,,, f 11, " .--�� ,,,
"'' . A .i# VIC ... I , "
the report of Schbol Section No, 6, programme is due to too 1xrMpAg . I f ".." I'll �1;21�-,o;,w , I rx,vtx �,_,�,
, cted by ac- Walker. Jr. IV -Rena MeLaren Moir as pianist. Tho pro6ee,ft A*unt, _, "rq ,, g
-,,,- on,�Sleighing came on with a (Hon.)., Harold Gardiner, Leonard d to about $90. , , '. 1"t-1 11
and cars are laid aside -The service for S4bb4th -next -,wiU aid sleig ur Wiage, Is veq live- �'o - ,,i��,�� I WIAM W,�L�,�A�,,I. tug,vi _��k'.t.�.' � _.M,�� y"",
., (Ron.), Vera Allen, Marjorie Klein- be in St. Paulps church, at ih, .,Akiog 900 upibn -CoV.P. J ,� A*W�',T , RVAM .-f. ,. , �;r , ,P ,.,
G. stout Christ m -as in Palmerston. -Mr. feldt, Almal"Muxworthy,John Hough- time, 3 p.m.; SabbathL S*OQI *b`2,'V,Jft. advant4tC and ail 1*W of I xf�..Richardson -.Rp . ; i %,�, . : , "I
;: _. "r Johns is spending the -vacation ton, Jimmie Austin. Jr. Ill -Arthur Golden Wedding.�A verk enJoy4ble duce is;� freely- Miarke N?Wr-thcxj�"I I L�.,.a.'
1. y',,'. , at hW home here. -Very small crowds Dinnin (Hon.), Margaret Allen, Lind- event took place at' their homq;4'on good prleqs� being paid. -Mr. Wfl-' 'Mi. "Riiil .. . - 0 g i,4 " "
. k. atteoded church service and Sunday say Gardiner and John McDougall, South Richmond Street, on, Wednes- son M 6d his bride, of, Chicago, near Chis t. r."Jaine . M 11 ... rl 1. - I
1. Sr. 11 -Albert Dinnin, Best" day, when Mr. and Mrs. Abraham ar CLZ I., uristmas h6lidayswith turned to 1 o in: §�qkgltoon' tfifi ;.,
, schO4.1. last Sunday, -as it 'Was so very equal. In 0 _�4'
stormjy. - The entertainment and Austin, Harold Austin, Alvin Craw- Bolton received the hearty cong'iukula- M,. AL7 -T,"'Valrents, Mr. ftnd"., wo tiin�611,.,�q_ , Jr. - .1 :
I.. Christmas tree at S. S. No. 6, Win- ford, Dorothy XcLaren, Beryl M1r- tions of -their relatives andfriends on D. of this village.-Mi6s with, his- nepheW; Mr. -fL,J. Patterson,-' . . .. 1 ..7 ,-�, '' ., ��,.:::,, ;
. cholsea, held Tuesday of last week having reached the fiftieth annivers- M; Bu n, of Bu)falo, . spent vi a e.-;Xr. John CA e , . t6li�&;��,,. i.,
of Pr. -Frank Scott, Allen Austin. Jr. ,ry of. their wedding. -Mr. and Mrs. ChristmAX,10 are1its, ., is a n " I . a businesi c., , 11 a -1 I . I.. -1 " I - -+,3
n Marion Scott, Hazel N over twenty years and are ,among village.-,., Id,' T. W. Parimer T -Mrs. John Bu an A Al
I well trained by the, teacher and put Selvo, Lloyd Crawford. umber on the most highly esteemed citizens ed ti�of 'ife' of Undon; were' heii I -, . I ,,��.: ,,<,,�57 ,�, ,�,,��,,� , ,,��, ;rg ,V
up a splendid programme of good roll, �1; average atte4dance, 29. Dor- here. Previous to coming to 4e.nsall with heisl , RWI, who was here vli� ��oei end, visitang.their rela " . _, . I '. Q�l
. � othy McLaren came highest in at- they lived on the Bolton homestead, iting h, I . .1 . . ., . .. '. , .�,:, , 7 1,
, variety. After�rard Santa Claus, im . . is JI&,Wnts and is spending a mon mO,therAQ,:.8tA , . would liko' to", -40�<;ft r. 4, �Iii , - .
I tendance at school. Those winnin . 1 IN", tir-', 4M, �.'A.*. Ep . .
I , I personated by MT. Bruce Cooper, dis- 9 northqast boundary, Usborne. Mrs. week ther� - - her son and hl*�,-irift. ForrIs'.Cantel6n, -,Mr. 'Llitird, -Joynt axii` - 11"4,4-M, * 4; �6WW':��vk� t iilt; , f"
rk for the Bolton was, prior to her marriage, -Mis , VA9 , r n - . P6iigratA- - A - I . I
tributed the gift* among those pres- 11 xwell, of London, vio- .mr�:�Dpnald, 1DOggarN Hensall boys, 'thoir frie , ur busil� chemidal eVgi ,Aa� i7iiq Lloi,. ., , ,
Ist prize, lean Me- M Stewart, daughter of the late ited her;lgr j -durlig 'fror "is ry , 1
- Laren; 2nd prize, Gladys Kay; 3rd :1 ,', p . ese.intn:-,reP,Qrt trade, v ij�riid*p
school age, were presented with a ud a ni ,,, Mr Daniel Stewart,oi- litiC-�NTs. W `C. ChArters, spent the 1b, .
. prize, Vera Allen. MacLean, Mrs. BoItTi were surrounded on this former T�4 of our village, butf0- holiday season wlfh iclatives . and. maixit�b .heio', . . "
"" . Teacher. happy oc&sion by their children, ten some yei*� a resident of 1,64�" 'ends in',V4-iznh,alid-disirict..:--Mi,ss- I I .i&b '. qr,ly a - tlie�-- 7, ., ,*'e. I h , , , .111.
, grandchildren, brothers and OWNH-s dbn, ' ejV - as holiday* hero Helen VisIx6r,. Miss,'.Jx1na,- Rhiini'e' and Is i6Any -. - -k6j� -t __ .,�,,,
I from Belleville, Seaforth, St. Marys with bis7 b . - , i I. . �,
. Died. -At the Western Sanitarium, West End Notes. -Mr. Fletcher and Exeter. After the dainty wed- ,, , r ,,, Ls, irian , . ,. _ 64 ': , a. , , - -4 ". ; . .�,
old frien&;&r. -and -Mri. J. W. Ort- ence' Welsh, all Hen&VI ii1ris Jodi " a,ke 'm `*'�, -p6iC Bh6' "' ,:__
- bbings, of Rosetown, Sask., is Vis- ding dinner, served in the beautifully wein ��..vj re :.v'* It- _J Im' '; - # tb' ` IAke,.-wher.e_-_.' . gz#, - #uy , ,�- � .�,
On December 25th, Elmer J. Foran, Gi .,fi
holid-Ai --by their sons, Alom ys at their " r _ , , no v k ... I -, .
1. dearekrt beloved husband of Marjorie iting relatives here. -Miss Nettie decorated dining -room, the guests re- mas 50i I'spent - Christmas, holida Andrew -Jo ito _ I _ g " .. .
1�i McElwain. Remains at F. Lynett Terry -berry, of Lambeth, is visiting tired to the living room where the r,f De * ' I .. , " - ... , vsuald - .�-- " �
hid RUM homes here. -Miss Hazel CoxwOrth, Misses M4r,j.,'#fidi Ein " ., r., I , Ic ,I -r-,X'A"*4v-,-, I- -,
_ funeral' parlors, 3299 Dundas Street, relatives here. -Mr. Cecil Matheson, afternoon was spent in an en . , , - - - * , I �W: . , '1144 �.., . ,�,
I.. ist,. until 3 p.m tertain- companie&--ft-their wives. - Miss,*ho. has been' in London for some I . __ . , " '' a-&' id** wi. J��skei � F.", 1. .
the " residence, Bel- at his home here. -Miss Gawley is which was comprised of Highland here visit"hilt, her parents, Mr. and as school teacher in Esse:i Cou�nty, -ny relatives. -Mr. L thi g , tha-t-is 6f inme -
,,, . ._ I erment in St. Augustine . - with their xr�a nf�g e r'IM . *j&-: .
': _� �t I spending the holidays at her home Fling dances, readings, violin and INI rs. John". -Johnston of this village, spent Christmas here at her home, D. Bell, who lives"aio6ut a nille . e . . .", 'a . vu-.
dien, Margaret -'a-.- Johnston, of Toronto, is tifte; but recently secured a position dingo D I 1.
I leme - near Ripley. -Miss Edna Crich has piano selections. Th an re'li.44e intends remaining at Mr. and Mrs.'John Passmore And of our village, had thi� misfortuno,a. I' I as we Uve, abol'in i ,..& -
;. Ch ee.�The Lions been on the sick list for a few days received many gifts, Among w1lich home for �'t -' I '..
o present�mn and Mrs. m0mbers of his family spent,,Christ� 'week ago to accidenti-Ily cut his .r.ight- take ,so much .' i6de. . 11: 1xi ,, : ."
. . -Club of Wingham held a very success- but is now recovering. I was a purse of gold from the family. W. 0. G�6d*in and little daughter mas. witli their relatives on -the Thames band,A� . ile u I . .
11 p
- ful community Christmas tree erect- , -sing a ebj�pel And');I;od an opportunity for,our.incoming coun-, 4
, School Report. -The following is Mrs. Bolton was also remembered by returnedt!14,,�Irst of this. week from a Road. -A numler of our,young'girls - pois9ning: setting in, has given bha'a cif to do, s 'jtl�rig that - ..
�11 ed on the corner ' ain Street and the report of the Christmas examina- a beautiful bouquet of roses, Tele- pleasant,, -.4at with friends in Lon- . recently sent _- 4 )qice - little grant of I I .-ta,lid" - - - '.'
,1 - - -the diago aad",,urninatedo by tiori, at School Section No. 1, Tucker- grams of congratulations were re- don.-Mf'�` ;Xk�hle Sparks� of Toronto, ten dollars for the Victoria Hospital ing, me Painful hand, r6qWr, 't6 th6ir'dredit as , , . - , _ . - I :,.
� electricity. Over l,n'- ..dipal attention. _. At date , � of -, Ao,the. sathradtion of every #p-tO-d#' , . - A
, !e 'e wit- - Sr, IV -Ella Pepper, 625. ceived from Montreal, Toronto, Wind- is homc,7166 spending a few days at London, as receipts recently from wrhing we are pleased to learIL" Aire iat4ayer. - '_ , . � ,"I
, - ? f " , smith, , I . Skating - and -I ldsiii� �,
- nessed the distrib the pre,- Jr. IV -Mildred Forrest, 699; Harold sor and London. with her,.p4Xents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. a bazaar t]Xey held here-Mti and is so a mprovement, although ,the woI&I seem .tQ be Q1 ,
. Parker, 500; Runs, Wilkinson, 447; The Nomination.-NomAtion meet- Sparks, -_6f-'_i&is village. -Mr. Elliot Mrs. C. A. McDonell and daughters hand is still very sore and painful.' � day wit - ' - i qpfj,LTheje _ '. -i
Home For Chi;4! as. -Mr. Fred!Ethel Pepper, 428.; Stewart Pepper, ing for the municipality of the vil- Bell, who-�,'has been in the Western spent the Christin" holidays with Our citizens appreciate v'ery much the was such it rush of"Christmas. visit,ors, - - '. ' '
.I'. , Bell, Detroit; Mr. 14� /mld Boyce, Lon- 377. Sr. III -Beatrice Volland, 414; lage of Hensall was held in the Town States :r,oi. .,,couple of years, has re- relatives at Parkhill, going by motor' action of our prespnt council in' run. in .our village Aurtinj the h6liday sea-. f , ' �__ 1,v
i� don ; Mr. Edward Forgie, Detroit; Clarence Volland, 414; Donald Walk- Hall on Monday evening last when turned, hojii§ also his sister, Miss but found it very difficult' travelling ning the snow plow after such heavy son thatwe.uve not.,been ab�er'tw .' ' .' `-
I Miss Mary Bone, Janetville; Miss er, 340; Sandy Pepper, 276. Jr. Ill- the following nominations were made: Jessie M' �*-ho is in Windsor and are on Account of the heav dri of ' . , - 5�_1.14_
- j . fts falls of sno* as we hao on Sunday get a complete list of, themL up- - - / --
.. Lafirs, Bone, Detroit; Mr. Frank Mac- Emma Worm, 404; Helen Pfaff, 381R; For Reeve, Owen Geiger, Thomas %pending'.6;stmas holidays with snow in places -The services in Our last. Our ratepayers also ap*,ciHqt- 10
:_ ,alia, Mis,A. Arnold - have -returned -411
I Donald, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Laun- Velson Pepper, 354; Wesley Pepper, Hudson, George C. Petty and Robert their parft*, Mr. and Mrs. James A. churches on the coming Sunday Will edthewa in which -they repaired our- 4 - .. . .. *, ,
- �. drk, Detroit. 150. 11 Class -Margaret Bell, 270. Higgins; for Councillors, George C. Bell, of -'Q. London Road, a little be appropriate to New Yearls. season. cerrient -walks, wher6- needed, and In _ their" TelatiVgS in Ldndon,-Dr. . .- ..
. . Briefs�The North Huron Protest Ist Class -Edgar Worm, 184; Harold Petty, Robert Higgins, C. Campbell, south of _� �.village.-Mr. and Mrs. -Mrs. R. Bonthron has had a fine making them much s - Co . - .11
., I has at last been settled and the seat Willard ' 125; Charlie Wilkinson, 115. James Priest,- Thomas Hudson, Alex- Alex. BurhoUe, of Detroit, s p*ent the new furnace put in, her home. - Mr. trians, where they had been thr6wutant- visit 'with hiff4m,q's people- at ''I
- d to Mr. J. Those obtaining highest marks in ander Smith and Robert McArthur; week enA,,,-w-fth Mr. and Mrs. John Lloyd Davis and Ms -bride spent the out of r4evel by the roots of trees. -North Bruce' aO Mri.- Xnaiio is re- - , .-
... . W, King, Progressive candidate. -We daily Spelling for December were* for School Trustees, Ed. Linderifield, 'Roweligei.-Mis. Burnette's parents.- Christmas holidays with Mw Davis`d] That way, -of -doing things is what . we _4 _1twe low". 'k, ,.,.. _1 .
I.. McGee from Ypsilanti. -Mr. John A. least mistakes, but Ella Pepper had If Utiliti � - -I . I . I i " -
I Menzies has returned from the West higher marks on account of attend- for school trustees and public utili- .. I I . ',i-� ... - I . I - -_ I, I . 1,
i - - ance; Sr. Third, Beatrice Volland; Jr. ties goes by acclamation and since the .. 1:, - -- , - iP_ I
KIPPEN Ill., Helen Pfaff- find, Margaret nomination all have withdrawn for I _"f . - . 1. . I . . __ I . .. 1. .
. . Notes-�.Mr. William M. Doig, of Bell. lbgbest marks obtained in the Reeveship except OWen Geiger .'� , . - . . I
. P ays Arithmetic by'Mildred Forrest, 100. and Thomas Hudson. There will be . _� . I . I - N .� . . . - I
_ ,qrt Hurou, is spending a few d r. no election for councillors as all those - i - . . I 1. . . - - . . . . .., 4
Ile, : McAlister, of Hensall, spent Christ- nominated have withdrawn except the I 1\" - I I .
- �as in Lon- Nominations. -Township of. Hay: councillors. Ae names of those re- . . 1, I I ..
.. . , . I I � don.-Mr�. T. N. Forsyth and Mrs. Reeve, E. F. Klopp, re-elected by ac- maining and consequently going in I . .__77 . I I \\. - , ,
-' Andrew Bell are visiting their three clamation; Councillors, L. H. Rader, without a vote are- Robert Higgins, I I I -
lg� sisters in Peterboro.-Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dougall, J. P. Rau, A. Reicb- Christopher Caf�ipbell, Robert MeAr- I --,-..,,, I - . .
,1,� 1
il_11� - H. Blackwell. All qualified tbur anct James Priest. The 'no ina- - . I 1� I I I
1, �k . McClymont, of Detroit, were at Robt, except the last named, resulting in tion meeting was fairly well attmended - &I '94 - -i
Dayman's for Christmas. - Miss the election of the 1926 council by and was very nicely presided over by 11�0 il- - - -
"' G:Ladys McLean is home for the holi- acclamation. Zurich Police Trustees Mr. A. Murdock, the Clerk, at the
�g days. -Miss Pearl Thompson, of the Nominations: D. E. Bedard, P. J. request of-tbe meeting and for a lx� I.M __ ex - I ,�
lv-. : Has Completed Anoth ' Successful Year , , ,
1�`,- Normal School at Stratford, is home Haberer, H. Truemner, C. C. Schilbe, couple of hours matters pertaining to I , !-,' I -
. .1 for the holidays. -Miss Etta Jarrott C. L. Smith, J. Geiger, M. Meidinger, the village and doings of the council, - - I
r- is holidaying at her home. -Mr. Ver- L. J. Kraft. Only three qualified, viz: not only for the past year, but of I I 1.
Tzl To our ever increasing number, of friends and customers:—
It ner MeClymont was visiting at Jas. C. C. Schilbe, C. L. Smith and J. Gei- former .years, were Very freely dU- : ...
,,��- 1 , coldfiess last Sunday the church ser- Notes. -The dance given in the Reeveship and council. We have jot factory progress and success, which we consider due to your loyal suppo&t
� '., vice was held in the Sunday school town hall on Taesd . -, '�
McClymont's. - On account of the ger, who will compose the 1926 board. cussed by those nominated for the ' We are pleased to announce the completion of one more year of satis-
It"': ay evening under space at the present time to give any-
�V_.' "orn.-The W. M. S. will be held next the auspices of the turich Band, was thing like a report of these discu' I and patronage. - . -
i , . Wednesday, January 6th, at the well attended. The Avalon Orchestra sions, but all agreed that our rate Of We take this opportu - . . -
11�snity of expressing our sincer,L- appreciation for
t. �1. MAnse.-We are very sorry to hear of Luean furnished the music. -The mills on the dollar was a very credit- . . .
I . . that Mrs. Johns has the flu, and her ,,members of the choir of the Lutheran able sho g I the support and confi have placed in us and assure 4. -that in I *4
. many friends wish for a speedy re- church held a pcial evening at the erally good managem6it, the rate be- future, as in the past, oqjr greatest effort will be to warrant a.continuance .
co -very. -Everybody is pleased to hear home of Mr. a, Mrs. 0. Klopp, 14th ing the lowest of any village or town !Pf your d through our constant care" that Supertest .
I., that William Taylor, Jr., is improv- concession, on Monday evening�The in the county, as stated by those vers- .
ing very quickly. -We are sorry to municipal nominations on Monday ed in such rates. The electioil for the products and Service will at all times be the highest quality that careful 11 . I , I
j;i hear that Mrs. Robert Dinsida)e is were well attended and various mat- reeveship promises.to be a very spir� watchfulness can make them. 1 "
, .1 at& with the flu�Mr. and Mrs. E. ters pertaining to the township Were ited one, as both the candidates ha, I ` . I -_
.� Butt accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. discussed', but the meetings passed -off served in the past for years in that I '. , I . Many Supertest users here and in'the surrounding'territory will be I
0 ji T. Butt were at their parent's, Mr. ver� qqetly. The 1925 town h Office and are both good citize S.- I __ ,
,� I ip . . intei�ested to learn that plans have recently been completed whereby'a , - .
, 1' and Mrs. W. Butt, At Seaforth, for council was re-electea by acclamation Next Sunday everling there will be a further development and _,OXpansion will, t46 place duri . I I I .,
:q,!2.k Christmas. -Mr. Robert McNaughton and three new men will run the af- special New Year's service in the I . . mgthecorningyo4r. ! _,
I I ;-' As the success of'Supert;6st to date h"'been largely du'e to the- - . . . �
1, - , 1W. spending the Christmas holidays fairs of the village for next year- United Church. The subject of the ". .. 11, , ., i
.,. -Z',* 0 the parental home. -Miss Carrie Snow in abundance is found every- address will be "The Land Beyond." tion of user8'of Supertest Products, we feel that an opporl, , ,,, "
C I ILI . � .bAder and Miss Ethel Warner, of where and even fine sleighing is to Annual Meeting -The annual meet- .1 ,. tunkir .6 .. , ,� . I L
IlL�. Londor, spent Christmas with Mr. be found along the Take Road- On ing of the Sunday School of Ithel given you- to share in tile further success by becoming,part, 9 otthe . - . - "'
.t., avol Mrs, Thomas Day -man. - Many Sunday the therinometer hovered a- United Church Tat held on Monday - I CDMJ)Any,. Which you,suppqr through your patroll!Xge�_ - 1-1 . I 1. I
" I I . I - CliklAwas visitors who mo-t4red some round the z.r6 mark �nd with the high evening. Satisfactory reports were ;! - - I I 1. I -1 - I I I .. I . . 11
!: 7, distance in cats had an exciting time wind the cy d was intense�-At the given -showing the school is in a good I I a�d on whi&. ij j I , I
, returning home, through the deep annual meeting of the ratepayers of condition. The election of officers re- �'_ _"� i - - .
Oarticultural Society will be 'held in Kinnou ,h
r tlie. t6hool room of the church on another term�Among the many,vis- Secretary -Treasurer, James Tapp; will be the SP-CURITY of the Co ty, toi� ert V �. �,'�6 . I i . 1:.
Thlosday evening, January 14th. ' itors who spent the holidays with rel- Asst. Secretary -Treasurer, Karl Pass-, Common 5hares, enabling you to par i * t!
1. I Ill I Messrs. El- more; leader of orchestra, P ." - I , I , :� T, .1 th I
. �," Rev. H. Re?vbe and Mrs. Rembe, of' erintendent of the schooll� the staft of %, I . .-Should you desire -to share! in the,v � 4�'� rt
.., ,,�*eeges.-Mr. Ford King and Miss Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. W. Fink- teachers were elected. The pf-osent , 'aw & . ,Ili " ..
1,1-, _. . Practor, of ToVnto, were guests beirier, Stratford; Mr. Clayton Hoff- officere will ' -a -office until March - . - 0, . I _�?�.%.
I. -I il I AU, Mr. and Mrs, John McLeod, F. Braun. Forest; Ur. aud Mrs. L. friends, accorkipanied by *eit child - .1 ; - Allow'us to again t4 ?lk `j��i,6nO'�#ftd all- for tboi� izor� 11 y I _ .
'... , iton '"&:, daughtta, Mario,a Of 11 Welsh very ateeptitbly took lie'r place �,.,-Y !,: _ .. ,l.!� ,
r"'r,", [ i!
, ffi, � "", � " . P, I—,
� 1! , I , - . I I., A,
V I . �,� , I'll