HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-12-18, Page 8i$Lod x, 4)#W� 0 I6W -15TAT1 KY SA AND up, CQN8,1N AND Yqd' bill Mil SJM OUR V%IVES. comlog sft� V44 Scott A � , . � Z t -- To p 'On 4he frll;4.r�e, T. Me . ound i4ble 'e't ONIONS F� O... In woor with 1* U Is for .............. thi club. hall be Tuin, fo 25c * U. - - *Orn poh e. '4T, Ogg% i4g4ii6jid :.pounds -for ............ p o Join-th t RJSCUIT" kinds re Aft -Y cents -a year, this mgm uub inewership, to ECT. 20C Povindal �orgardxation. - e Rip ng thqva no condi t pound .............. glvl -c.t!QA M _7� 1" 1, C� Q SUGAR pe 9 bui W t EL ''M Uund ................. 10C our cl, 0001D many %Tnes X, ED NUTS pre ent god eS is the, WA,V _4 its 8 Pur�es pound ................. Orres flandkerghlef b * ti.. THE HURON EXPOS R IAPPLES wanted at per ]b Y01 X7r%T T tulteware assortment.. 66; an- cents, in trade. -other Beatbie bargain. nd GLASSWA CHI NA_4 DISTRICT MATTER$ ail.id I ­ 1, ree rat class cows, otie --to Fur Sale' li 611pa anA-14 o ' itr"heu right 9 -ay., oply to Dale Nixn, I . W-cers rea 303.641 Plates `Xandle 'SU nrial. AP vk,"4 Izidd or eg 6- subta 1). Hutchison's Wunted.—Good senaml servant. Apply to C Comports aixdt'46 Phone 12-286. P Andy' No Hog Shipments. MA. -John M"D`*`PU, McKWOP- Phone 166. O'Sullivan will not ship from Seaforth 30264bf IWood per ..q i�;%Aile, a quantity of station next week; and7 no 'delivery of aboice ry BrZ nd Metal n5ia 141s,, Prir4' reasonable. Phone Waie hogs will be acceptqd dWing the wi&ek. ?,I on is& I Letter Boxes—Mail in the street letter boxes will be collected fifteen minutes earlier during the rush seas- on. The public should bear this in Brick Far Used w&, Sale -0,00 white suitable for inside W4,11s, repairing, chimneys, etc.: also three iron stall posts with Apply to Walter Murray. Seaforth. 3026-2 ng installed an up-to-date skate sharpener, I am-preDared to sharpen JardJniei ASH TRAYS Piturts AM Mottoes Bridge Sets 'Verse to 4ils "O' riglu _ � 0 6'� do�tin,.: r is- fo h, unstinted "4.��. w4&ifP*" I . I .. . . . . I I I'L , mind when mailing letters. is skates on the shortest noti; --e; alsik vulesizing a specialty. A- M. Hill, Seaforth. 3027-1 Notim—Al books be Playing �'Gaizids --Snap Shot Albums Fouritaft�T %ns Eversharp PencilA ;pleasing ligit. of whole, show b�r himselt "Th"e'Zip"ns. 'are truly Look' over 'these Gift -:Sli �019 * Announcement.—The engagement must returned to the Public lAbrary on or before Thursday. De- E OF BOXED GIFT teful Na�ht4li, -since to help -on - -find - lhauk,:.6 �:,X, ' d' ivill, r announ ced of Olive Ann, eldest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Parr, cember 24th. -Greta Thompson, Librarian, 3026.2 _�,­::NOVELTIES Greetlok Cards and Hoolilets :gra. -the club all hi, In e -work, W was, given Olio s, What -t Giv;E�,�,Piohlogo Collingwood, Ontario, to Mr. George Notice.—Any one wishing choice beef cuts Gain ,gratis.,,. I&sl Jou6s acted:, accompar �i. *.'Naphta. Parke Dobson, Guelph, Ont., son of Mrs. Dobson the late Colonel J or bor the quarter, during the winter, will phone James J. Murray# 17-23. Dublin, Res Tags 94"' Cord libomen, AsoPlease y and F. Dobson, I.M.S., Lo ndon, Englan d or Gus Hicknell. 64-9. -Dabrin. 3095xl�tf Wood For Sale. -100 cords o,f dry '�-�d, Sills; ��,,gad vA �the adieniom, enilqypd- soine. colrl;nuit� A ST the marriage to take place early in XT Xr and hard mi 860 cords -green hard Get in your suppl,y while the roads axe4;+ idifylly dee ,orated. J)Oxs, A 9T A Lhe ew ear. on -b7-Lio D tioned off vide4 W. W. Sproat, Phone 2 an 186, Seaforbli. S Zo)tTp. I 30?6-2 HOOKW.�.. a'Ane dlub and' afforded Young Peoples' LeagueThe meet- sSUNDAY, DEC. 27th g of the Young Peo For Sale or Itent.—A, 7-room6d fraine house The. silver. fe4_- in ples' League Of on NorthMain Street, eledbric lights,. furmae, Subscriptions. for _,all was I -won by,--M.r.-Lance­j�orris. Af- �he UT�ion Church on Tuesday even- hard and soft water in house; hardwood floor periodie4ls at publisher's prices. the 8f�w�A'a4iiapny 'hQys commencing at 7 o'clock in Living room; good gareen'. Apply at The bir hinch td 8,'.§ Expositor 01fim Ing, was in charge of the Citizenship 8022,tf Proyided, the 'music for two hours REV.R.FULTON IRWIN, Department, the chair being occupied More dancing..,N, was Shoe Bargaini ha4ve bought an- @edeqs � to say' this' Pastor. by DEss Lillian Hutton. The Scrip- other stock of shoes and ribbers. at a "low plete InvA10 for ihi past eight -Months a fitting climax fine evening that ture lesson was read by Miss Hilda rate on the dollar," which %;11 be Passed on the -y CHAS. HOWEY, A.L.C.M. Batchellor. The topic, "Recreation," to you at Prices that defy fttl. competition. f a str�kb: suffered thiee was -a success in everSr way, and fo)� The Economy Store, opposite Daly's Garage. yealps a6, -the end came,suddenly, but which the Lloins Club wish -to thank Choir Master. was taken by Mr. Lloyd Williams. A We Rousht Them Right—We'll aeH them peacefu,ft�', early Sumd4y. , morning, t)ie public,.�Com. _. I I 1 . I 11. like-' i6:. get- one 'of �o`,ur This is an entirely new Cantata vocal duet by Miss Lillian Wankel jubt. e have- just Purchased iWother shoe when sh :slept away. Mrs. Mq!ean. tty Rober. Aliron pie and Miss Margaret Armstrong, and a stoch4.icluding rubbers, at a 19w rate on iLhe was born in Kingston, being a daugh- Th and is very, very pleasing indeed. violin selection by Miss Beatrice Seip dollar., and can fit you with rubbers at giest- e Curlers—T e. 'annuAl, nileeting JY reduced tir of t6'.Iate Robert Robertson,- and -of theSeaforth Curling Club 4s� 65e to 4 prices. The Economy Store, op- hewere very plea -sing numbers. All Posits Daly's Garage. on Augnwk�,26tx, 1,884, was.united in A the c6un�il.charfiber on-WednoidAy' ownummmi then engaged in a contest. There For Sale.—A comfortable residence, has rnarriag67,jrl that city to the late M. evening,', with - A'.1arge' ttendande of will be no league meeting next week, complete Plumbing and hot water heating. Y. M L(jA which time she h c n, sineek as members.. and much enthusiasi Sll, iistmas Tree Price, reasonable. Situated on Goderich St. as the Junior League Clu resided continuously in Seaforth. Mr. It was. cfeelded. this. year to. make, th6 alw-ays 'A . cdepts - jjot�,:are will be held on Monday evening. Also two 'garden lots with fruit bearing trees and shrub.; poultry house, I4x50 feet %cLean'di�d in 1916, but she is sur. Stewart � trioph �-. rink, ii�i* tib- y I, here, in erise 'a'slortmoribi. Pe and frame building 2sx5o, on James StreeL xived by',�bhe son,'Mr. R. Y.'McLf;an, to be played oV in�,a que-da:V. bons very iea W. M. S. Meeting.—The regular One warehouse, fraine building, 3sx5o, Rail- y Alma s Treqi�. meeting of the W. M. S. of the United way street. Apply to., H. Edge. Saafoth of the-­,96fitreal Gazette, and 'three Tle Lions -Tropby, will out. iiii-tr grandcW-on. She is also survived the annuA Pros'i vs. -V -Presi-'. Church was held in the school room by two Mrs. W. W. Ho&DIan, dent rink to� d lRuder the Auspices of the Junior on Thursday, December loth, quite a of Regina,,nd Mrs. J. C. Hoth.nan, of fend the' trophy against All challen- 7 Department of the Young number being present in spite of the Death of*Mrs. Louis Atkinson.—On Detroit,,. one brother, Mr., James gers, + Some discussioll took"place- re- Peoples' League. stormy day. The meeting was in Monday, 'Dec. 14t, Agnes Hughes, Fisher 'cd),�ittle Rock, Arkansas. The garding the holding .of charge of Circle -No. 1. Mrs. Frost wife Of Mr. Louis Atkinson, passed f CHRISTMAS ri A held from her late home bonspeil' this wfnter, but it was un-" -Md Pr� A TREE will be held une rs. Irwin took charge several, months. Although her death tied by Rev. F. H. Larkin, ter of a bonspell until -ritext winter, .presided and also read the Scripture away at her home' after an illness of on Tuesdiii afternoon, the services animiously, decided: o leal.ve �'tih HEN? On Monday Evening, lesson, while M being don�kqc Dec. 21, at 8 IeCIOCk. of the business part. Mrs. J. Finlay- had been expected, her passing came, D.D., son gave an interesting paper ori nevertheless, as a great shock, not PaRtdr of First- Presbyterian when the Seaforth Curring'Club to $"O� HERE? At North Side Unit- I "Christian Stewardship,,7 and Xri- onli, tQ her husband and 'immedi celebrate its 50 arimversary. The+iIi_ ed Chuxch. te -7� Tyerman read a letter from -creasingly popular *eanew", clob The First b spe will *gain he one of 1 HY? Because we should not Mss f*`mily;�$ut_ to the whole community, t Sparling, missionary in China - giv- whe �f our Special Attractions n re she, -*as so well and favorably 0 5 of.' the TP f ur forget the little folks Ing Irt of some of known. , rs. 'k-fok-Ch stimas' iSeai eat e - S Atkinson was a daugh- s FASA116M.A.B SILK AND a very nice accou f11 'wi W at Christmas time. ng officers were 0eeted:'Peid—­' the work being done there. The So- ter of Mr.'. and - Mm James Hughes, N , GR FFI �'VIREM GOODS,+— RATMO D I TH deiit,: C. A. Barber- Vice ]Pres and was born in Seaforth 27 years ciety decided to send a bale of cloth 'd George Bethunp; Secret*r�­Treiaurer For li�,&6 pia, e an y" pree— A Good Programme Will Be Given ing to the Fred Vicioi Mission, To- 'ago, and all her life had been spent W: --W. Thompsn; tmpii6i It H' 'he ronto. here. In June, 1924, she was urtited BE P et t Silver Collection at the door FTY COM SON Sproat; Representatives" t OntiA6 i-0 - in marriage to Mr. Louis Atkins in their iensational comedy hit On, Tankard, W. E. Southgate, C. A, Bar- <�, EVERYBODY WELCOME Christmas Music --The choir of who with one little son, is left 0 "PATIXS To RRADISE11 her; Audi-iors, C. Stewart, J. G. Mill-, % , First Presbterian Church will furnish mourn her great Idss. Sli7e is Ai ' -' - it so len- Dxecutive, W.J. M The furi- the rollicking road o- Laugliville. John e NEW COATS W lowing Sunday evening, December 27, and Miss Mona, at home. special Christmas music at the church survived by her parents, and two sis- . As a team, the 're a screarn­be- E. Aou.thgate, B�br elnLosh, W. $ rs, Miss Marie 'Hughes, of Detroit., y Ross Sproat; Boyd;' -Keith MbLean, T. servi.ces on Sunday next. On the fol- te witching Betty and riotous Ray on- Skips, J. B attle, ogt 1Z JAMES WATSON sthn, W..E,Kerslae, W. Ament, ''av&th- arid the choir, under the leA. ilership of Mr. eral was held -from the home of -Mr. More fan t4an "The Night Club.', tf 4�fulne�s, . W. E' Southgate, C. A. Barber, Ro OR (A woman's -40911t) 4 SEAFORTH, ONT. M. R. Rennie, with M -s. Rennie as Atkinson on Wedue�day morning to ss bi NOW PLAYIN�d Sproat, Oscar E. Brj&t, G $10-00 to sa�.bo �in Chngtruo 1ritti, th#n WW NU INE SATURDAY, 3 P.M.- A. Sills� 9. It. Sliroat. Messiah Is Coming." This will be made in St. James, Cemetery. The T 4b . I AGENT organist, will give the cantata, "The St. James, Chpxch, interment beipig inake'i - 0 " , GENERAL INSURANCE fw,ift, 6f'admo uti—, representing only the best Can- PRETTY DPrRSSE8_.* aerwear one of the finest sacred cantatas of pallbearers were Messrs. J. Flannery, Watch for+the three other- big s 18� T,oli- ". ocal Briefs.—Miss. (Most ac e) ind *Ou: �* adian , British and American the season, and -those who remember uc- L McTavish bas I Auk S. Flannery, J. Melvor, J. Cleary, j. gesses to be shown uring the holi- * returned from a visit of. several weeks $ Companies. the great success of the last cantata Murray, and Leonard Bolton, days. All kinds of insurance effected given by this choir are eagerly an- with friends in Oxford, Michiigan.-�_ SPECIAL PRICE$ Mr. J. B.- Henderson left this week at the lowest rates, including— ticipating it. Monday, Tuesday' And Wednesday URS —in the North Side Union Church Presentation—A happy event oc- for Guelph, where.he will spend the O' ON -F FIRE, LIFE. ACCIDENT, ALTO- on Sunday evening, December 27th, curred at. the final meeting of tlIe' BETft BRONSON winteri with his daughter, Mrs. A. * X,OIHLF, TORNADO AND PLATE Watt.—Mr. and. Mrs. Hugh Chqsne HAND RAGS 4� the choir under the leadership of Mr. Tuckersmith Council, held in the cQu- ..(Peter+ -Pan) GLASS RISKS. Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzie- left. These inake attractive C. Howey, A.L.C.M., will present the cil chamber of the town hall on Tues- in and for the hoiiie' :Aid *Ould. ea— cantata, "The New Born King." This day evening last, when the council on Tuesday for Plorlda,' where they —Also— ,ARE PAR191-4S V. 8,SILK NECK SCARFS' is a very pretty and entirely pew can- presented Mr. James V. Ryan with a EOPLE expect -to spend.several months They P el REAL'ESTATE a -ad LOAN AGENT tata. beautiful pipe and leather case, as a intend making the whole -trip. �y �rno- $2-00 to $5-00 40 mark of appreciation for the manner to.—Miss Hazel Thompson, 6f' St. 'RUGS, $9.4 to Representing "Huron and Erie" Marys, was a we k -end guest at the as caretaker of the ball, and the un- I JL home of.Mr-and e Mrs. D. 'FeIL—Th Mortgage Corporation, of London, Women's Missionary Society—The in which he had performed his duties Ontario. regular,monthly meeting of the WO -1 n e e_ S frie ny men's Missionary Society was held in failing courtesy and service shown ma nds of Mrs. James McGill I wi ng the school room of the Presbyterian them at the counci meetings throulih- .dl regret, to learn that,she suffered Prompt attention paid t4 placi last week.�Wiss Sadw is church on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. out the year. On -the same evening a stroke A k and adjusting of claims.Business established 50 years, McCloy presided and led in the open- e McKillP Council also, presented Howatt, of , Tuekersmith, is 'visiting 0 mal r pi" guaranteeing good service. ing prayer. Mrs. Thomas Dickson Mn Ryan with a package of choice CIMSTMAS TREE her sister� Mrs. fanning, of Londes- read the Scripture lesson. Interest- tobacco and a box of - cigais for the boro.—Mr. R. y. McLegn, of Montreal Are OFFICE PHONE, 32. -and r 4 ing reports were read by the secre- excellent care be had taken- of - the 1. was here on Tuesday attending the RESIDENCE PHONE, 60. ivill be'lio � d -lift funeral of his mother, the 's. A *W taries of the d Carnegie Library Hall where the M4- late XT e pik. -various departments an also the Barbara Kirkman, Seniorand Killop Council hold their meetings. WeLean,i—Miss'Rate B*oadfiot Duff's Cfi'arih,'��CKMOP Junior McGillvray Circles. The sup- Although completely surprised by'the returneirblast week from a vigit"witk, in c ply Secretary reported a bale valued presentation, Mr. Ryan thanked th6 0'aneetion: with the SandAy friends in Guelph, Hinilton and. To- Swas 'bi T*. at $53.00 and three quilts, which were Board in his usual jolly manner d- ronto;�—Mr..J.­E. Reating X_ F00 -,RBf sent to the Birtle Reserve. The pres- pressingis great appreciation of the W�dneid'a�, Dec.. 23rd rofito 'this week4ni,business. — 'Mr. ent officers were -re-elected -with the gifts, and the spirit which prompted- at .8,�p.at, Jdek , Hinehfek,� bf BrAntf ord,' spent horne'llere.—Mr. on of Mrs. L. T. DeLacey, who th�m. Jim is the right man 'in the the week L styles 'and'. Colors ;6Xte&r. exe.epti A good prog - ra , mme - of dnd'it his aresignad, Mrs. James Kim being ap� right place andalwais on the job: .3. O. - F.' Xeh6e, who --has been viAlting. pointed in her place S s -aunt,. Miss " Kate 'Xohoe of -'Sea -a Prayer was of- recitations afid'djalpguei0� " -be.. t forth,'Ie it Irian fered by Mrs. J.111. Gibson. Barbara Kirk -man Auxiliary.—The Itigpre-pared. Toesday'to:-vIS' ds; Ifia ftl� regular monthly meeting of the B4-kqii.' AIMISMON, 25c Ali&J.5c. In Port Huron and Toledo, bara Kirkman Auxiliary was held on hoe resides At Vrondej� S4sk.— Hockey Notes.—At fhe last meeting Tuesday evening -in the school. roo' Priends.-ok-Mr. a -ad Mrs, ja& Wilson of the Sonforth Hockey Club EJEecu- of First Presbyterian Chureh�:,'." T4 of Osltawa, will -be , 016ased "to - leariL umulwL 'IF th a hymn, sift`4 hat theik'-h tive, plans were made for the season's meeting opened -%V.i U10 son Aonn�:*#Iid ay re seriouslyinjured in a motor Accident,.'- ig , in the Intermediate 0. IL A. Owing Scripture lesson, and Mrs, is now, Wak -J4 W Ctor It was decided to enter a team which Miss Edith MgX ad tl' play. ing a, saiw-i' y recov- tWsh: TJmbr e4dit a T t 'he fact thitt the Collegiate are en - son led in prayer. Hymn 690 WAW ery.—Mr, D. 'L.. Reid wag, in. Toronto- o t R A tering a team In the junior league of sung and the following officers elect. last *eek.—Mr. 'W. Faulka- hAs join- the W.O.S.S.A., it was thought to be ed' Presideut, Mrs. J. H. Oibs6n; ..U.'t Ch StdreS­ ed the 9taff of'*e boinilgon rBjr�ko_ THE WOMAN WHO BUYS MEAT 'd unwise to run junior team in the 'Vice Ptesiaent,, Miss S. I MoJ;eArl-- 9'r. Robert Bell rotuillp-d 'on,, V, ottle ................ l9c ti�dhsss tr O.H.A. There should be lentl of �rld- VILL6 president, -Miss Edith gc� Bovirill, I oi �:b li�t-lrow a h 1p. to vue.'", . less Raigins, 9 lbs. for. John cummi. U'V -h WOW- hockey for the boys Seed bein � cqh�- xdt­� i, 0 in town ii' the Kay - 3fd_-Vice Ti4sident, ss icaum back agaim. for more—arld two, town leagui The Duncan Cup 4th ii;e Pre6ident; 9m.4epirge- ril! Christmai ...... 0*6 tbil *4& %iough 'hii 9 Suite As for Tabl It P§j PAC' b it *-, A�ae_-and inord. rUty and', 09''Ver Lea Lie is to remain the. Ah Vice-Pteti mig� 9,61le srrdj�. hi uit "th -' Serv-im PT60, wk'0 '46 Aie TAA tW6 ygm� TI& f�rlor.bo cLecretar e .... tin Ve *0 4th, 1w, 0 as reasonable prices. of Si3tteft a d, n And, will 'n il -4, �A ft& uis1"Aft 0ye no W_ be On giturd,d pianist,' *sS Rogsia Eldbr- assbt4i aIfflidn ec a0t eat,14olu after eqo�dn$, fty, US ZA4!rig Ard -four tedme with X&Aft. F ]PP.88 11, 'I. of this �o Mr, 'With #Vq, i ... a fk,ptlibe Aod get -rue *6ry �i�#t, qtorb jr0hUstone, Kead-rig, dth' omWAS Mintif", iiid A Pufahagd, of candi as r4siiik0n. CotmifteL- - DIOS pot'd � tho-funerk `U ot nt0m ftgue wMaedornm6date m; 'Pqo*ej Coxi 11ttoe, ktg. eX_ of P —T o,0 t*e It" cot" A "of ,I Va we, 1, givd, AM, J hztdfto- -proft se4jmftr�4 mig's Pea 1. 'Out so tThe 4tk I"; fit