HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-12-11, Page 510. ft del ;r d nal - r 'e CIL2;'ldren '04 f s,Otisfactury rnedl� 11 e bas ad a coli 1 "ablelts at. ni ht -and he ay '�� exp -to t onstipa on Orad, t; .• , t'hanit;':Baby' wire antroh eaSiesr to gi re J quad welkin.. ?na; on 'lions(" v ,:. sn TWets are sold by all q xalii s<'dealers or will be- sent by a ail ab 25 cents a box from Th-' 'he OVilliams'. Mledicine Co., Brockville, 'Ont. HURONNOTES • T,he 'town -of Godericl}is adver- tising, dve •-' ising, fiir tenders for the` erection of -new •townaalli. -Mr. Thomas Livingstone, of Hal- lett, has purchased the 'Brown farm n the second of Hallett and gets I'Vossession almost at epee. ` -A large deer was seen on farm of Mr. E. Stephenson, in Stan- -.ley Township, one day Iast week. Inspector Fellow and Inland Rev- ,enue Officer Porter made a call at Mayfield on Sunday and intercepted' <some liquor that was evidently on its -way to a "party" in a house near the 'village in the. township "of Stanley. A. car drove up while they were them :and on investigation it was found to gontain two gallons of alcohol, which •agether:with the,•.car,_ a,' McLaughlin oath, was seized by:. the officers: William Steinhoff, of London, tha driver of the car, was arrested ani taken to Goderich, where he wean used on bail of $2,000. -There passed 'away at his ?-om- am the Belgrave Road, a eouple o° miles south of Wingham. Robert W. .James, aged 53 years. He had only been ill a couple of weeks having de- veloped pneumonia from a bad cold. Be died on the farm on which he was li`aorn, He leaves to mourn his sud- den passing, his wife whose maiden :mine was 'E. Annie Taman, one ' laughter, Viola, and one son, Leonard 'G., also his aged mother who resides n Wingham, and two sisters, 1Vrrs. J. A. Caspell. of Cleveland, and Mrs. William A. Bennington, of Middle- ffield, Ohio, and two brothers, Philip E., of Grey township, and George,,,M., mf Lydden, Sask. -A Wingham woman has been in the county jail for some days and has -been up in court a couple of times already charged with -attempting sui= Bide. •Adjournment was made in or- der.. to Observe the woman's mental z endition further. She waded into the river below the dam and gives as her reason that she wanted to attract the attention of her husband, ,who works nearby and, presumably, bring }aim to the rescue. She has not been living with her husband, we under- stand. He observed her action, but, instead of running to the rescue, let -her carry on. However, having se- lected the lower side of the dam for the scene of_ the "attempt," she •lid mot get into real danger. -Oliver Harper, Pullman car con- eductor on the C. N. R„ was before Magistrate Reid, in Goderich, Tues- day morning on a charge of assault- ing W. J. Chisholm of .that town, and `was committed for trial by`the coun- ty judge. It is alleged that Mr. Chisholm went to the C. N. R. sta- tion on Sunday to recover a pair of eyeglasses his sister had left in the - ar when she came home on the late train on Saturday. The eyeglasses were there all right, but there was some difficulty over the procedure for restoring them to the owner, and it 3s alleged that Harper, who is a col- oored man; lost his temper and pick- ing up a- stick, struck Chisholm on -the side of the head. He will come lip for trial on December 16th. -The Clinton Ladies' Bowling Club 1161 their annual meeting the other evening when the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. J. 2apfe; 1st Vice, Mrs. G. D. Roberton; 2afd Vice, Mrs. Clara Rumball; Secre- tary; Miss. Amy itowson; Treasurer.,. Mrs. W. J. Stevenson; Convener ''Games Committee, Mrs. J. McMur- <ehie.; Convener Social, Mrs. M. D. Mc- Taggart; Convener Property, Mrs. N. -W. Trewartha. It. was decided to ?hold a euehre and dance early in Jan - wary. At this nieeting the retiring ]president, Mrs. W. D. Fair, presented to the Winner thetprizes she offered to the two .rinks making the highest plus during the season. These rinks -were: Miss Granger, Miss Cleta ford, Mrs. W. J. Stevenson, Mrs. T. -McMurchie, skip; Mrs. C. Rumball, 'Miss Freda Walliss, Mrs. Trewartha and Miss Howson, skip. • --Mrs. Andrew Flynn, of the sec - Nand, concession of Hullett, passed 'xray, :Cm Monday evening after an illness of mite duration. Mrs. Flynn -who ..was fornterly Ass Mary Pur - ell, of Seaforth, had been in ill laugh, . for months and , everything `which could be done was 'done far her, 'but tai -;no. avail. She-4•s_surviited,_by Icer husband and '.a~ pal ,.'4)f three ¢taught s'- and Otte),, sO i, ' Er 'y, 1O'ar. aret, Edna anti Wilfred, all at home. et moths also' •srvi•es and' four sisters and a brother, Mrs. 13. Flynn add Mrs. George Corbett, H'ullet Mrs. Freenan,, Toronto, ,and• Win, U McCauley and Leo Purcell, Stratford. The funeral took" plasm : Atoll 11 St.`.;' Joseph's church, C1intott,,,.dn Wednes- day' f enoofr mass_:being'said; by ltev. 'Paper GaftY eythe Iralabeare's Were, okeitoy,P, iterdigd Quigieri 4 Sit hahtiiru, tr'., Jbter . erlelds and. . *mot Was made id uIlett Genie m ttrae� i. 1 This is a Quality Store, where only Absolutely Reliable Merchandise is sold, at the lowest; possible prices. Come here for Christmas presents.. There are hundreds of appropriate gifts to choose from - not one requiring an expenditure beyond anyone's means. A Word To Shoppers On Prices. e , In the purchase of our all new Christmas stock, we have made every effort to give reduced prices on the highest grade merchandise. We have more than made the effort; we have gone further and made concessions in our regular profit. We confidently invite you to do your Christmas shopping here. We will see to it that you will get better gifts for less money. Gifts For ° FATHER, GRANDFATHER, UNCLE Neckties 25c to $1.25 Gloves Shirts $1.50 to $5.00 Mufflers 75c to $3.50 Hose - 50c to $1.50 Handkerchiefs 10c to $1.00 Braces 50c to 75c Aran Bands - 10c to 50c Braces 25c to 75c Sweater Coats $1.95 to $6.50 House Gown $8.00 to $9.50 Umbrellas $1.50 to $3.00 House Coat $5.00 to $8.50 Caps $1.25 to $2.50 Overcoats $15.00 to $35.00 Hats $2.50 to $5.00 50c to $2.50 STEWART BROS. Gifts For SISTER OR ANOTHER FELLOW'S SISTER Silk Scarf $1.25 to $4.50 Boxed Handkerchiefs 25c to $1.50 Silk Hose $1.00 to $2.75 Ribbon Craft Novelties 35c to $1.50 Fancy Garters 35c to $1.25 Fancy Cuff Gloves $1.00 to $3.75 Fancy Compact 75c to $1.00 Hand Bags 25c to $3.75 Beaded Bags $1.25 to $1.50 Flowers for Coat 65c to $1.50 Evening Dress ,� $16.50 to $25.00 Sweaters $2.00 to $6.50 10c to 50c Combs and Barettes Silk Underwear $1.00 to $3.50 Bridge Playing Sets $2.75 to $3.50 SPECIAL CHRISTMAS REDUCTIONS ON WOMEN'S READY-TO-WEAR One rack of Women's Cloth Coats, this season's popular colors. New styles fur trimmed. All sizes. Regular price $20 to $25, for .. $14.95 One rack Flannel Dresses, newest styles and colors. Regular $12 to $15.00 Dresses for $8.75 FUR COATS Women's Muskrat Coats ....$125 to $185 Women's Sea -line Sable trim .- $150 to Si 75 Hudson Seal $2$5 to $350 Beautiful New Coats. Semi -Annual Clearance of Millinery Our great semi-annual Clearance Sale of Millinery begins FridaY Morning, - December 11th. Every Hat, trimmed or untrimmed, will be reduced. It is an excel- lent chance to purchase a new hat at a greatly reduced price. ALL TRIMMED HATS, ONE-THIRD OFF ALL UNTRIMMED HATS, HALF PRICE Gifts For MOTHER, GRANDMOTHER, AUNT Handkerchiefs Gloves 50e to $3.75• Scarfs 75c to $4.50 Hosiery 25c to $2:75 Hand Bags 25c to $500 Lunch and Bridge Sets $2.25 to $$.75 'Table Cloths $3.75 to $15.00 Bedspreads $3.00 to $1101 Comforters $2.95 to $25.00 Fancy Towels, each 50c to $1.75. Leather Novelties 25c to $3.59 Sweater Coat $1.25 to $7.50 Blankets, wool, pair $10.50 to $1325 Dresses $5.75 to $2500 Rugs $10.00 to $65.00 Rubber Apron 50c to $125 Wool Bed Covers, each $8.50 to $9.00 .dearth Rugs $2.25 to $15.00 5c to $1:59: Gifts For BROTHER OR SOMEOTHER GIRL'S BROTHERS. Muffler 75c to $3.50 Neckties 25c to $125. Gloves 65c to $3.50 Hose 50c to $1.50:,; Handkerchief 5c to $1.0 Braces 15c to =75c' Caps 50c to $2.50 Arm Bands 25e to 50c Sweaters $1.50 to $6.50 Bloomers $1.50 to $2.50 Garters 35c to 75c Toque 50c to 75c Underwear Soft Collars Shirts Belts 75c to $5.00 25c to 35c $1.25 to $5.00 50c to $1.00 SI:40Peki/X All Men's and Boys' Overcoats Reduced 20 per cent. Every Man's and Boy's Overcoat in our store comes under this special, reduction. If you have not already bought yc. ur Winter Coat, now is your golden opportunity. Every style and color is represented. These are all high class coats and carry our personal guarantee. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS P ICE, 20 PER CENT. OFF. /