HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-12-04, Page 6INS =7 IT" III71 Ir, Air IQ W wl it - bi XT01POA to, 1 IIIit poultr Are to UI6 Wt free. Ir. )14, sonsTeeord 'Came loneto" v m 5,4for You ain$p disease th r-IIvi09,qu4rtqr13 W As. tQ' 0e;, WA7, ended In. attemt p those Or 40 Iq, T �Iqire as much RLttelatt"A 60 per. ceit. of 6 ciallats: gi 81 orktlq m p Montreal, stA: ft,;�Q i a�ther stock. The , P4� ve, the Fed here, tW4 - 0 it son spen QO,OOQ Was t During the.gumrp,eT-,WbeJR pip Are At t $15.0 4 poultry this atteutiovl uAd, m Z 4eh. per. re. hu Uet lft6UnZ, R FROM FINE$. FOR pasture, ric S-and osteopoToals Are $6,'00 A. .1d,me4n that $18,0 the great m. ,alority of. pOultr-keepers obile tolrrv� viie W.- in CONSTABLE nocurrencep. Pasture. grass in Xpj�Ueal by the autom 0 quite rare neglect the housing conditions. Ipl ll .4S ft r select a4d 4 P1 sp sata]il yield First, of all the ho"e. should be ucces Telath cently studied vitaminea, and so as The infovm.ation that a cOnStablO 441t has'beeyA noted that a f" u� tInct lead- h9r iq� ,Aid. rLot supplied Vtb draina& 'St the uVt' opart of the' -ration supplieSs the rleeds e that W41 in-. "had broi4ght in an income frO)Ift o,4 this �ear`a,motor tourist bi- n DamV the 4. the ,afier fro V in metabolism and prevents the cqw- =re a dry floor at all times. speeding 4in4 toinmop to y litig Animals rared, un- at rate Of SIX has been the len' dition known as rickets. Winter pigs i, -,ss promotes the growth. of ba;Aeria thoua Ilars t t 0 it Z- O.ep do been 10 need a winter substitute for pasture mastication, An men have a subJect to colds, a'recent meeting t ot learned the e1ruple le0sou from VO4e, e� aployed: 4s a makes bIrd of the York town or a feed thit resembles green grOW- -shi An extraordinary hotels more th474 ever endlation 17 '4 gature, taught Iti) those willin -1, ) council. to ob iU tenth Earl of Derby, he was ura d other diseases. V 9 Ing grass and can be fed In a pr4c- ef- period." d mi of ion"surely, of a policeman's at,,yg tho, 9
drafts -45 very necessary, criter astfained youA animal charle on, agpog tical way. This is best supplied by ficisney in-Ahe matter air t., basks n the Sun, He p�ro� air coming. in and gool go- . . th of diseharging Scenic a�d historic a of rplich pronIniciation. a leafy legume as Vvell cured second a income 'he the r P kA ?l2need every letter aa it was -wriftlen Ing uut. Largo amounts of moisture constablila;�y duties-th province of Que ec, k. P VA . , I crop alfalfa hay.. If the leaves of the '?a .7 - r in ease a f - He tool� locjgj�ngs' with French poo- are eliminated from the lungs Of brings -in 4,V- Aahaking down' motorists, highways, and tl�e er- berding abit d, s9v alfalfa are well preserved, and of a Aso a re no Sweat It 4 glands tiAing of Montreal, are t e re Ill dark yards, an&f T.WKV quantity birds. There says G. Aj Hodgson, past presideM A r06$ oho,i the f t2 green color, then feed a is much of the -'Motor League, "for snipirig #scribed for the increase of autorno- use of fried feeda�tlmtdt and the �drd metabolism ter. a11 it is with other hind pillar, bile tourlists this year. tbe-vitamins rLecessar,t"rover n equal to five per cent. by weight of more intense than with stop watches from be Ithe grain ration. Minerals such as sfarm animals. The exhaled molstur, post and.- shrubbery is possibly the trition, have toa often ground limestone, ground phosphate SuArl 0 rock, and ground bone -meal shoWd Pro- do. shine.. supplies something, 'dry:.Ifee& must be removed or the house will cushiest and. most unbeioic thing a astroualf for the young Animal.' become damp and unsanitary. lieemanca It's a 'dead clnch� O a' also be fed in total quantity not ne re feet per bird, fa-ce pu U NO SUCH TROUBLI�-AS T,.. i.4g, Fetal ed frequently fail to Supply the'aeie�- p
cessarily exceeding two per cent. of vide tour aqua m e or -less Alf `,**�da 4W, d , A-, de a large, "I ge sa�ry s6mething, requir6il f6f proper Eat 1 e, an rwA the total ration. The alfalfa and the the house south and provi of the speed limit BILIOUSNESS developm "ant. dis Us r � one day. '-.For so"ir" IRe-union- inerals will be very efficient In pre- Open front through hich the sun's technical - I)reach very much Le 0 ra�'s can enter arid reach every inch law- it,is not so easy but Calves, pigs and chiclieus thit�are years e wits L , pood-reader, Ze After Years of Saparati Ill lameness, rickets and par- more important and salutary to dis- The word "biliousness" formerly' In the Isle �6f MAX
venting born apliftntly Strong. fail -to de-, -kiext aplibared. i as son, of floor space. Arrange,the Interior, alysis in winter pi6.-L, Steven. courage reckless driving within the was used to describe all of those feel- Som a ten or eleven years ago of the house to facilitate easy clean- velop�.proerly unless they get 4n 4 tutor,' and':idpon, his'return to-'Uu- U. A- College, Guelph. ish whether ings of illness that could not be cl7ass- 0 0 ie4 -bodI seVeI
Mrs. :K, cherished fine plans for her ing and disinfection. This means speed limit, or to establ their daily feed the misterious f od d n in 1732�her.'opeT -a fukure. aer four girls were ts- are glaring or 'not, or; to ified under any other title. It was of as vlta- tamily" movable nests, roosts and feed hop headligh ments that we speak shop. in the IRoyal Excl wige. It was
all brLprht. clev er children who seemed rHUMFS11 IN YOUNG ]PIPS. ing vehicles to keep the kind of condition for which Pao -
free to travel through life without a pers, that can be lifted out to permit require slow him mins.- Diseases due to improper feed- here th4t he'completed hi's great Con- single handicap. a thorough cleaning, at least once close to thp side of the road, or to ple treated themselves with calomel hig have been recognized for many cordarice in one year and without any But that was years ago. In the Caused By the Round WoW, Asearis of other traffic or other cathartics. They complain- yeas, but exact meantime Mrs. H. developed conzump- every threje weeks. enforce the scores assistance., It was, dedicated to the
LumbricoidA. provisiono of the H. T. A. and local d of inactive livers. Nowadays the lacking elemftts have befn known tion --and died. Followin The Runs. -en, Caroline, , o died 'sixteen ef quickly lie wh,
de vpon this disaster the st girl The term "Thumps" is used by Don't fence in the poultry it it can by-laws. Indeed reviews of the re- word does not. appear in scientific but a short time. Showed signs of weak lungs and was and to days after - her dicla�.gtioh. that 416 nptly sent away to the Muskoka e a lung dis- be avoided. Better fence in the cords of 4motor cases' of many courts medical literature at all for the sim- Vitain A. Is soluble in fat prom most farmers to describ called fat Soluble A. It is present in "Would not fail to remember the ituih Hospital for Consumptives. In two ease of pigs. There Is 4 quickened garden and g;vo the birds the run of seem to indicate that a very large ple reason that what used toI- b3 Or." The Second editidn, p ished in Years she returned cured. 6 greatest amount in butter, yolk of But that was not the end. The breathing and rapid heart action. the farm. The green feed and in- proportion of the constabulary Is known as biliousness is now classi- other sla�era, except the youngest. Many little pigs become unthrifty sect life will do much to keep the seized with an anti -speeding, anti- fied more scientifically as a whole eggs. green leaves, yellow corn, 1761, was dedicated to King George green alfalfa and cod liver oil. IU,- to whom the author presented it also fell In the way of tuberculosis. and others die as a result of the In- voung birds growing and healthy at parking obsession or is utterly ignor- series of complaints for each.of which -4 persoI In a letter to Sir'HAns They axe now at Muskoka, and mak- festation. It is during the first few "no crst. Youngt nimals given fec a that are in , luk the same prog-ress that their sis- If the birds must be reared ant of otlip,r provi�ions of the law and � definite cause has been ascertained. bsolu Ay lacking In Vitamin A. de- Sloane, the bookseller be him t.3 ter made. The father, the eldest girl weeks of the pigs' life that the round Linder intensive conditions, then two' by-laws- governing the ownership and Much the same thing applies to the a
an4, youngest firl are now at home' velop a sors, eye. condition called purchase a 6opy of the ok, *hlelt oreparing for he coming day of re- worms do most of their particularly fenced -in runs should be provided. use of motor vehicles. use of the word "rheumatisna, which Zeropthalinia. Chickens lose weight, was published At 18 shillings. i-tese should be limed, a "Rate of -fine income established by as formerly considered a good name the, comb becomes pale, the feathers The'great work was not an irnme4i- destructive work. Older pigs seem TI paded and Contributions may be sent to Ron. more resistant to the eff
W A- Charlton, President, 223 Col- ect of worms. seeded to some green feed crop, be- a constable may be a good recom- for pain of any kind in any hone, ruffled and show progressive muscu- leg"e Street Toronto 2. Ontario. Infestation. ing used for the birds alternately. mendation for him as a toll gate -muscle or joint; not to mention the lar weakness� A white exuqate col- ate success, and, Cruden closed up his hop. His mind becam so unhinged - The pens and yards in which the The use of lime and the application ely is not as a police- large grorup of pains listed as neural- lects In the eye On post thortem, keeper but sur ig
hat, in consequence Of his persistix of the spade frequently will do much
hrood sow and her young are kept man whos,i� primary duty is generally gia. birds that have,'developed this nutri- in pressing his suit upon a widow.,.Ite A
are frequently well supplied with to keep the yard In fair condition. of protecting ersons who feel bilious are in the tional disease show small white or considered to be that p a detained in a private lunatia- worm eggs, particularly so if they The Uti�nsils. the public and seeing that law and majority of cases, as Dr. Douglas yellowish, raised nodules In the tissue wa on- about the size of a mill lum for ten -weeks. He escaped GHAM have been used by pigs for any length Most diseases spread through c order obtain. Vanderhoof emphasizes, suffering et seed and say bedstead to of time. The worm eggs lying on taminated feed and water. To pre- "It seems puerile to point out that ;rm some sort of intoxication or irregular In outline. These lesions by cutting through the In a. pamplilpt INorth. ard are Picked vent contamination, the utensils are scattered over the surface of the which he was chained 'a of a policeman is his iokes his tal
-r while zooting n that the the efficien -y po;soning. . The boy who an a.m. p.m up by the pigs, eithc should be of such a desig oesophagus. In addition to the no; he. indicted the system of commit
on society as the or nursing. The sow's udder IS fre- bird cannot get its feet into them. ability, not to prey first cig4r has what we used to -call dules in the oesophagus, birds suf- of lunatics. It bore the title:. "The
Exeter ........... 10.16 6.04 I prsenta- bilio�spess, but nowadays the condi:-
quently wet and in contact with Feed hoppers and water fountains instrument �of the elected re faring from Vitamin A OefkieneY London Citizen Exceedingly Ipjured, 10.30 6.18 Hensa-U ........... nt society of to- floor, thereby gathering the eggs, if lear of scraching, and have a narrow tives of socie4,k but, to preve tion is classified as the result may show characteristic efianges In or A British I�quisltjon Nsplayed." 6.23 Kippen ........... 10-35 present, on the teai.4, ready to be platform on which the bird can stand from being pi,eyed on; not to mae bacco poisoning. In some cases, the the kidneys. They are, enlarged, pale The pamphlet was dedicated to Lord
Brucefield ......... 10.44 6.32 passed on to the little pig during the while feeding. Wide platforms will law breaking highly profitable to the condition destribed as biliousness is In color, Find streak��d with a network Harrington, then Secretary of State. Clinton Jet . ....... next feeding. mean contamination. One large hOP- division of the state which emplog" due to infection with various. bac- of white lines. Occasinally there to He &ISO 'sought damages; in court 6n. 11.0.5 6.15�2 1 linton, Ar . ....... How the Worms Cause "Thumps." pL!r or fountain is much better than him, but to prevent law breaking.' teria at the roots of the teeth, in a general distribution of uratea
account of wrongful committal, but Clinton, Lv. 11.15 6.52 Soon after the eggs are swallowed a lot of little -ones. Utensils in "This industry in making m6torists the tonsils, or anywhere.in the body. throughout the body And the surface
11,21 6&58 by the young pig they hatch if ripe, wli,'ch milk and antiseptic drinks are pay for in effect, inoffensive People who are seasick look and feel of the Intestinal organs appear 'as If i,,without success. Further he publish- Londesborough .... 11.35 7,12 - liberated used should be of crockery or enamel Pay, Sprinkled with flour. The uSe of ed an account of the t ' rial arid dedi- and the young worms are of such technical breaches of an obsolescent bilious, but in their cases the trouble I cated it to the King. For many years ......... 11.44 7.21 ware. Feeding utensils, if green feeds, yellow corn or cod liver
Blyth .... in the stomach and intestine. These revision is due to disturbances of the organs afterwards he was emplo ed as, cor-, of'the law (the law makers type as can be soiled by the birds, P
-Belgrave ....... 11.56 7.33 very minute young worms burrow in- be jet- oil prevents the condition. y
Wingham ict., Ar... 12.08 7.45 -;hould be given frequent attention have indicated it will soon to that affect the sense of balance. Pee Vitamin B.,also known as water rector of the press, and many editions to the wall of the bowel and reach fll too many ple with chronic,- periodic hadaches soluble B. This vitamin is present of Greek and Latin classics are said ) when there are E
Wingliam. Jet., Lv. . 12.08 7.45 the blood stream, eventually reach- and kept in sanitary condition. tisoned these .......... Wingham ..... io.. 12.12 7-55 Ing the heart and lungs. This takes The practice 'of throwing scratch crimes being perpetrated, is a Borry cal . I themselves bilious, bui In green leaves, fruit, eggs, yeast, and to have owed their accuracy to his
pains are due to a num the coverrng of most grains. Its learning. Now be believed & had a
-four hours from time feed on the same spot of ground is state of affairs indeed. ber of causes,
ath. about twenty attendi�g poul- "In the last analysis the fualt of yestrain and presence in the feed prevents poly- mission to reform the morals of the a.m. P.M. of hatching. Once the worms reach not the best. Those including unsuspected e
should keep in mind that the -onstable's but the infections, or perhaps to Ob- neuritis In poultry, and beriberi in 6.55 8.15 the lungs they grow and develop try course, is not the c minor age, nd 'he took the name of Alex- winghn-ra minates whatever council's. A policeman's duties are structions of breathing by deformi- man. In birds, the disease 14 char- 4nder the Corrector. He declared
jcj.:::: 7.01 'S.21 quietly for about a week, then they bird soils or conta
Wingham. d the greater y by the .3-�� burrow their way into the large air ground it passes over, an defined and directed largel i.ies in the nose. It used to be thought acteriFed by nervousness and Inabil- war. on swearing and the neglect of Beigrave .......... 7.15 3 ssages. This causes an irritation, area of range the 1pss the council emplovingim. Doubtless a 11hat the cathartics that were given Ity t6 ro-ordinate muscular move- Sunday observance. Blyth ............. 7.27 3.44 Pa contamination. The chic men resent men7ts. Paralysis of the legs, frequent gh 7.35 2. 5 -9 with coughing. The coughing brings large proportion of police for "biliousness" had a special action He affirmed that he had been divine-� Londesborou up mucous and worms, which are ',12e a fork or shovel to clean the yard this false, mercenary standard of on the liver and aided in eliminating and sometimes paralysls,of the mus- �ppoined and that his success was
Clinton Jet I. ....... 7.49 4.06 01' P(n, in which you keep it prisoner. bodv. cles of the neck. The Internal organs IV 11 swallowed by the pig. The worms efficiency of which they, in common - superfluity of bile from the sured by prophecies- He formally Clinton ........... 7.56 4.13 pass on to the intestine, where they In the wild . state the bird looks after with motorists and the general pub- it is known now that the laxatives, Pppear shrunken and da-Pker in eo - lor AS; . gIveu the A own li,,gienp; as a creature of uscle tissue to petition
8.03 4.20 become attached and remain until 4 tO I I -not *
Clinton Jet . ........ U e,you icl, are victimsipt purgatives and cathartics are tlso darker In color than nokmal� official title Of kGorrector in this re-
33�rucefield 8.15 4,32 they reach maturity. On maturity domestication under your charg corgectly speaking, "liver pills" or ters to PaTlia- the females lay millions of eggs Kippen .......... 8.22 4-40 *1111st do it if conditions are to be The free. use of foods. such as milk, gard. He printed let 'hF. - Of "liver bran and addresses to the King. His Hensall ........... 8.32 4.50 which are passed frorn the intestin� best. L. Stevens9n, Dept medicine," but are for the pur fruit, tubers, green plants, ment and .47 5-05 and eventually infest the yards and FVension, 0. A. College, Guelph. QUEBEC ATTRACTS HOST OF pose of cleansing the body of accum- germ meal, prevents the antineuritto activities were -cut short by. yet an- Exeter ............ 8 pens. The preseace of the worms in ulated products of digestion. When condition. I other detention in a mad -house in Services Rendered by Stock Yards. A TOURISTS a person feels bilious, therefore, he Vitamin C. The lack of, this vita- Chlsea. Aer his release he brought
',he heart and lun�,,s is responsible for C. N. R. TIME TABLE -1 -d breathing and heart The service generally performed ;a really suffering intoxication from min In the food leads to the disease an action agaihit, his sister'sind soXne., he disordere Flast. nee of Quebec, like On- usually called others,aiid ikop6sed gravely that they. action seen In thz! condition that we by the Union Stock Yards and for The provi some definite cause, and he will do known ail scurvy, It Is a.m. p.m T�all "Thumps." hich charges are levied on its pa- tario, has enjoyed an unprecedented well to consult a competent investi- the anti-acorbutit vitamin. The ma"n' should suffer thimselves to be, "put Goderich .......... 6.00 2.20 9 suitable r todrists dur- qources of Vitamin C. are fresh green Prevention. rons, is that of supplying incursion of U. S. Moto gator who will find out the exact away" in atonement, to him. An- 6.17 2.37 i)Iace for assembling, sheltering, ing the current year ace6rding'to 'the vegetables, citrus fruits and to a Cleanliness is the keynote In pre- cause. Nffiety-ninQ times out of a other delusion was that a 11highthooI Clinton ............ 6:25 2.52 :'eeding, grading, dealing in live stock ort received irom the' Montreal limited extent in fresh meat, tubers
3.12 -.-fmtion of ascarid or round worm rep hundred that cause will lie elsewhere - III poultryi the de- and other distinctiol'is had been fore- Seaforth .......... 6.41 -,r!Lh all the protection facilities and tourist and convention bureau by the 'the liver or in the bile. nd fresh milk. I'festation. Get the sow and her �-onvenieuces needed for such oper- Me than in ficiengy Is shown In a, general un- told for him. He had himself nomi St. Columban ...... 6.49 .3.20 Ontario tor League. The report, thrifty condition of the featherSI: Ix% nated asa candidate for the City of-, iamily out on the green grass away 6.54 3.28 1tions. Dublin ........ old buildings and pens if poo- in part, follows:
On arrival at the stock yards the nereasing attraction for -nian, the symptoms are too wen London in Parliament. He pestered Able. If necessary to use pens Scrub Quebec's I the daughter of Sir Thomas Almey of company accepts the responsibility of OF WOMEN known to need mention here.
a.m. p.m. P.M. tourists of the continent is'strikingly ACTIVITIES the floors with hot lye solution and the live stock. Its employes unload Vitamin D -The presence of this Newington with his unwelcome atten-
Dublin ...... 10.37 5M 937 clean up generall. See that the sow denced by this year's statistics of Portland, Ore., has the honor of vitamin In th'e f�od prevents the con- 1 an. 10.42 5.44 is clean outside and in. Arrange for ad delVver the stock to the alleys evi tions, and published a history of his
St C umb omobiles entering the pro Oman in the ditionknown as rickets or leg weak- repulse. of the different commission firms to ant vinee. having the -first policew Seaforth ..... 10-53 5.53 9-50 the cleaning of the pen and a supply
unshine hich it- is consigned; the cattle to From the United' States alone, up to country. ness in young chicks, children. and . He next Set out 611 a grand tour of Clinton ...... 11.10 6.08 10-04 of clean straw every day. S 'he cattle alleys, sheep and calves to the teth of October, automobiles an- So numerous have wornelf'' au'tO �011119 pigs., This vitamin is present Holmeaville 11.20 7.03 10-13 and clean ground to range over are ' the universities and public schools. the sheep building and hogs to the tering the province totalled 237,787f, drivers become in Paris that the5l are In green leaves, milk and cod " liver His" eccentricities were tolerated: I*-
Goderich 11.40 7.20 10.30 reat aids to "he prevention of iogs building. T�ie pens are padlock- according to official figures compiled planning to form their own club. oil. One per cent. of cod liver oil "thumps." -L. Stevenson, 0. A. 001- , added to the chick's ration will pre� calise of his scholarship, but it Ckm- d until the commission firm signs from figures supplied by officials of Mrs. Katherine Nelson, of, Jersey bridge he, wad the centke of -a sta- lege, Guelph. and ports of entry, by the Montreal tour- City, N. J., is considered the -
takes over the consignment. chain- vent leg weakness.- Rickets May
C. P. R. TIME TABLE he was 'Wghted" his is fhe service and protection the i t also be prevented by exposing the dents' "rag" and riast. Varieties of Fall Turn a and convention bureau." pion woman welder in the country. at a mock ceremony. -He took the'af- a.m. P.M. ips. Stock Yards CQmpany render for "This represents an increase of Violet Oakley and young to bright sunshine, the ultra There is a limited acreag� of fall cheir unloading fee of $1.00 per car. Two women, violet may be 'obsorbed by the Akin fair Seriously, and paid the fees in 510 turnips grown in Ontario each year. In addition to the n- M bers of Goderich .......... Services of u more than 32 per cent. over the fig- rs. H. C, Wortman, are mem and have Its influence 'on body kisses to all the ladies present.- He 'S.55 -20 - loading and yarding, the Stock Yards of 1924," comments Theo. G. Institute of Architects. metabolism. forrnally appointed some of the uhAer-
INenset ............ Roots of this class usually yield more ure, the American
........... -6-04 1-30 per acre th2,n the Swede turnips, but aompany supply and operate weigh Morgan, president of the ureau. "Up Miss Marion Fedden, aged twenty A mixed diet for man containing graduates asis�deputy' correetors'for 1. 1924, a few weeks years, of Freeport, 'LA., is one of the in addition to cereals and green Cambridge At the schobla he � ap- u 6.1 1.4 they do not keep so late in scales over which all stock Sold, must to November 1st, I to the win -
'figures eov*r, few
............. 6.25 1.52 er. Other names for fall tur w welihed, guaranteeing correct later than this -year's woman horseshoers, in the vegetables, also some milk and fresh pointed -A rew,of the boy$ to a. similar ......... 4. 6.40 2.07 t5bft turnips and White rlesh turnips. weights to the vendor and purchas- the total number of automobiles en- country. meat, is the beat_ safeguard against office.:. He went about with a spongd ......... 6.52 2.12 Two varieties of fall turnips have or. No additional charges are made tering the province of Quebec was The jurisdiction of the Woman's the possibility of.a vitamin deficiency' ' I effacing hdocezit inscriptions chalked
........... 10.25 6.20 ')een grow under test at the College for this service, It being included in 180,393.t? The communication goes on Minimum Wage Act of Quebec ex- and, furthermore, insures an ads- UP - on public pi, sled-ily arces, Re -tir
Iin each of the past seventeen years, be yardage charges. to say: quate supply -of Inorgakle salts and W copies of the Fourth Com- West. tends only to. industrial establish
P.M. and the following glAfes the average The employes of, the Company feed "By the end of the present season nl,,t, or factories. protein of proper biologic. For ant- disttibul annual results fin tons per acre 6f ancl water the stock when requested which -will not terminate until the inals, green feeds In season, well sav- mandment. He visAdd the priodners 7.40 6.10 The Society of New York State test in Newgkt,6, * and prayed with a -'poor ........ tops and of roots for each of the and keep the pens and alleys clean ed legume hay And roots for the
11.48 857 Red Top White Globe, 4.0 . snow flies, Mr. Morgan estimates that Women have pledged $10,&Do to eh- or the year, and ouinshine Ail the s ' f9drilIg man, Richard Potte, who and In repair. They also do a great ats from the United dow and equip a club for sailors and ea
.... 12.011 9* 10 nd 26.3, and Cow Horn, 5.7 and deal of heeling about the yards and over 250,000 c time. For poultry, green feeds milk, was under sentence of -death for. e,
...... 12.12 9.22 19.7. in 1§18. the Red Top White assist the GovernmentRog Gradera. States lone will have visited, this marines. ted yellow corn and sunshine all the teriTig 7u forged will,v Crudeb. in -
h e President Coolidge has appoin ........... 12.23 9.33 Globe gave 21.2 and the Cow Horn These are services that av addi- province. time will keep nutritional diseases stru-dted him and ]ftayed.-Wth him,
........... 12.34 9.44 15.5 tons of roots per acre. In com- tional fei�s on some yards. The com- "Statistics are not avail -able as to Mrs. Eddie McCall Priest, of Hunting" away. -L. Stevenson, Dept. of Ex- And, ptitioned-so 6artiestly"atid tire -
12.41 9.51 partson with thesis In the test of the pany maintains a traffic department the number of cars visiting Quebec ton Tenn., as collector of ellstoms tension, 0. A. College,. Guelph. ter was The
....... Op P lessly t1fiLt'Pot ......... 12-5 0.5S past year the Sutton's Purple T whose services are available to ship- from the other provinces Of the'dom- at Memphis, Tenn. "Cofrector"I was'found- deadP-In 1770. Mammoth gave 20.8, the Sutton's bers at- no expense In making ar- inion," it states, "but it is conserva- `Mr Katherine P. Edison is credited Ideal Apple Tree. -his knees in his lodgings - he- -was- on
Imperial Green Globe, 19.8, and Kel- rangements with the railways for Iestimated by the bureau on the ith il�e creation of the CaliforiA The Ideal apple tree Is !one that in the attitude of prayer. His "Cavla- law for women, creating a miniMUI:n has been so pruned from. the begin- way'd Green Globe, 16 tons per acre. ears or In case of disputes over less of the provincial traffic
cordance"fha passedthrough a &eat and damage in transit. The company that 50,000 cars cAmI6 to Quebec from wage law for them. aing that Ito main limbo are well. lEtutternillk for Chicks. number of editions, and'has,still -no "IMIRS WANTED also maintains an offl6e *building for other provinces during the present Though she is past 67 years of 111aced and form strong crotqhesAh4t m iii h.� Competitor in epart- Chicks fed buttermilk until they the use 61 coipmission firms, banks season. This is -also an increase vier age and a great grandmother, Mrs. will-carry:the tree to' at,r ti Wit its parti I cular d are 48 to 72 hours Old will give them and Government officials, so that the ght W O . C. Smith, of Manawa, Wis., has just out breaks. as or injury; and efiable ment-' H i va are being a better send-off than water alone. budness of -its patrons may be quick- ual 000S of sat- lasing ell World. Many Spoeu "The new bridges at the western been married for the third time, the tree to ear ahn
-agnom the ople ly and cotivenleutly despatched. Live Isfaetory prdip0itfous and quality -at, tive pov- When the chicks are first plated In a end -Of the island onnectipg Moptreal To succeed in the business world, Jr Hving in compars the brooder they should be given all stock to ifisured against fire while I low cost and without the-nec,posity CURRENT WIT AND WISDOM mailand, ]DO restly rich, but do not the fresh buttermilk they care for. the yards, for w,bleh 15 cents per car and Ile Perrot with the w Miss Ernfiia S-. Redel, assWtant seCit- f the use of Itolia are I or mAy b,e one of 'them. 'ke,second pla -e as;-regarAs the num- wri railWhy, advises it Is better than water because it is charged against the seller of the ti c ry of a WestA &Oiidex Book "Missing Beira gives the chicks more strength and stock. The alleYs' and Dens are also b6r of cars enteriAg. the pdvince Of girl, to. retaintheir femininity. nPresident 0OWAge says ther World Aug idare- allows the digestive system to get in cleaned and disinfected against outr QUebee, having a thtAl-this Tiring of being �a stenographer, 3 -mu 6,�,i � bankers., know
-W, , year of Fd'r Using on loadaj rope cannot owel of Mn," contain me Via.'tho Alontreal- po, jt. in ?-:�Bbrder
it. A19 %ut ft of Missing better vvorking order. breaks of cox(tagious disease und4i 890 T.11ese do Miss Kathleen Britteri of London# be beaten., Any pettion who" has -had Toronto- and the 01 rostritidna laid,.down by the muhl btawa fildhways. ditieg Sta " '11 6 otates which took up real estate and to-dx$1 Is Lon- expdrience In drawing baled li*y 0*4, -ftima Loco:.Jt1hC#OU On th doula first woman conveyancer. ., : Ldeolle and �ut
6 'A Od for, beft And The Home orchard. pali�y And thd Health of A Is, 9m9h, roads knows how difftult ft is
e edetal Department Lduate of t`6'keep the t6l) in Vlate, A fte: We Are -nd longer. A. O'� Iolffidlg dr, missing 11ai" the Ideal home orebard ah&Ad' Elrahch of th. Dr. Alijae M. BeM, a gTa &bout2 Leitch, DL.*t. of Econom, tea, College, ire not yet Al. -Sir *iAdsteT
Medical Of fifty ftiet lougo d
zotatris Several kinds of fruit. re thq� Woman's rawft-ti ht h
i�on,talns thousands O. -A. grou
in senf#4 In many cases by a consider- 'a, has Sailed for India to th0 toji course oubm 1).ble numbef ef varlerleo rivening one a ldn4 perfod., Keep eggs it tile coolest place pos- do medical missionary wak... In ofie Solid clust6r 'helps in oft'n 0, protfeb, Bal- after another v r to hbld4liAb athef. nd market them often In hot A stAd decree recently. issued It -Among the Vn ienta wtoot ted royal ranIA 5'% 4.'Itolotj ut -adr-itr6al. Lf),rg e. yields, good Shipping 4111 the beg. iamese ru r US nd attratlVeiftess In AVVealr tileather, kgo that Mrs hirtild will 8tam r0d arethe 1095 da and@ all Jbs4*U,d by laysr-' in to, apoll In twenty-fout houia insort, of thi Si le ald. �h� cc r nay be made secondary to high dds! quality or 00adidl fOr eing unfitted for r6jill statuw. Do not ov�ffook:ijk6, the sell feodbr the Otto., of, legs if the t"'etatUrO fig as high" I'h t , re of tiler
In ecoltion. of: her , 6618in at #6rl men ti
11 1161i _d, ae 00 dejoeft. IcemW d Mrs Lillian Ftyt, fadthI cookilig purposes, :OY gettilig th O Ito dauc worker in London, hft� bien tMiaiddd ChIay eat MOtd, th'04 er goins Anc! P ft 6 'As Sun of '&11.' the aTil, hunwe im hi. wMak"the Scot in
M-1 , n grandls, daught,ar of NJft6ty
file, 'pot: de,,ht, t6 inUk bp �s;breqofi6a Cotnt Justice, Brandeis, ti�� or b iii- iribafa` '64 vill hAve only t'M� fg&ttm �46W Wih U it#d to fb -b blo Ord Mbftlg-
h%r Atat oage bdfob6,t e tp 11 $tt4 Arid �pt *itbout labor. there 'were, %r ItTJ a ruling al 'On hu age;. no test, -so rnpb s IOf
oft 41hd 0#6ti 6'.