HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-11-27, Page 50 ............. -:::::1 aq -I .............. 0416 per busliel 000 ........... ....... so - t9 561, Ij 39ggs, per dozen ...... :40. to ae Butter, per lb . ......... Potatoes, per.bag ­-. � "$?4.00 rHogs, per ewt .................. $12-00 Q DAMT MAREBT —"0, "o"mber Ifth—Cheese neW dame 34 1 twins, 24J/ to 25�2 ; triplets. =q.; triplets, ?6c; Stiltons, 27C. Old, ilwrge, 'SOCI; twlima, 30%c; triplets, BIC. Butter—Finest creamery prhats, 4110'. ko. I creamery, 46c; No. 2. 44 to 45o. Dairy PrIate 40 to 42c. Egga_-Prewh extras, in carbons, 78 to SQC, �extraA, loose, T6c; fresh drets, 60 to 65o �s%oruge extras, 48e.; sWrAge firsts, 46c; stor- age seconds, 87 to &Be. BEAN MARKET Toronto, November 24 C;P41w, Canadian, handpicked, lb- ft; primes 5 [to §1/40. It BIRTHS (Meaver.—In Seaforth Memorial li�piwl. on November 22nd. to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cle v er. IV1. nley, a dii ughtLr. KcLeod—tin liLyfield, on N ember 16th, to Mr. and Mm. L. H. MeL d, a son—Mal- 4,jlm Duncan. MARRIAGES Scotchmer-CamplY611,—In Clinton. on Novem- dmer 12th, by the R6v. A. Macfarlane. Mar- garCt E. CamplieU, only daughter of M m. Annie Campbell and the late James Camp- _bela, of Bayfield. to Robert S. Scatchmer, of Stanley township. MeXiennon-Laine—At St. James' Ctiurch. Bes.- forth, by Rev. Father Goetz, on November 6 14th, Lucy, daughter of the late Thomas 2 'Lane, to Angus McKinnon. of Tuckeminith. 0 DEATHS IDavis.—In Ribbert, on November 21st. 1925, 'Margaret Hill, relict of the lute William I Davis, in her Bath year. r McMillum.—In Sacramento, California. on No- vember 13th. Donald A. MeMillun, aged .75 years. A native of Hibbert Tiownship. %I- tv IN MEMORIAM Note-1tems under this head will be charz- tQd So Cents per single verse, and 25 cents for cach additional verse. HAI3KIRK.—In loving meniory of Wilham J_ Habkirk, who died November 25th, 1920. Just -a thought of our dear loved one, J u8t a memo ry fond and true, .J.t a token of affection That our hearts still ache for you. Friends may th!nk we have forgotten, When at times they see us smile; Little do they know the heartache That our s7nue hidei all the while. J(r24xl NOTHER. SISTERS and 13ROTHER. In loving weinory of JamcA MacGregor. who tiled November 30th, 1924: 1*ne year has passed, oh father dear, Since angels came for you; *Yet through the most of this long year, Your fuce connei e3milLng through. F,ach lonely hour that we have spent Is wov n through and through Vith golden threads of memory, Father, dear. for you. 3024xl CHILDREN. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Charles Riley and family wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for .1e. kindness'snel ­ympathy 9)vown to them .1 ring their scent sad bereavement, and also fur the beautiful floral tributes. 3024-1 U. F. 0. MEETING Monthly meeting will be held in Carnegie Hall, Seaforth, at 8 p.m., on Wednesday evening, December 2nd. BERT IRWIN, 3024-1 Secretary. LIVE and DRESSED POULTRY WANTED and FEATHERS We pay highest prices. Write for price list. Crates loaned. We are buyers 12 month-, in the year. Established over 30 years. A. Stork & Sons 33 St. Patrick's Market TORONTO. 13ULL FOR SALE—FOR SALE, REGIS- tered bull 13 months old. Apply to JOHN RFNNETT. Phone 170—IG. 8022x4 qTRAYED­ -FROM LOT 11, CONCESSION 11, McKillop. one grey heifer one year <)Id and 1 reel steer one year old. Any in- forriation leading to their recovery will he thankfully rev�iveel. THOMAS McKAV. Phone �; on 45, Dublin. 3023-tf IDOARS FOR SPIRVIC.E.—T HOLD FOR JL -0 service R. Yorkqbire and a T%mworth boaT, both imported strains and worthy of your amtronsv�. They carry a Government. certifi- vnte anti any one- having remistered stock -,vill find the change of blood qu4te beree- fflciary in improving tile standard of their lherd. Terms to all, $1.50 with privilege of Teturring if necessary. I am, yours for buqi- ,neeis. JONATHAN E. HUGILL, 3 miles went of Seaforth. 8021xG MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND By VIRTUE OF THE POWERS CONTkINED IN A CZ9TAIN MORTGAGE which will be produced at the time of sale the hereinsfitter described Imn(19 will be offere� for sale at publio'hatIV (In by L Gemme H. Elliott, Auctioneer, at t 1. 'es in the Town cvf Seaforth, on Friday, the fourth day of December,- AD., 1925. at the hour of 3.30 4,'clock in the afternoon. th a t is to any: Parts of Park Lots Nos. 8 and 4 in -Edwin Sparling's Survey in the Town of Seaforth, having a f-rontage of 210 feet� inare or less, on North Main Street. and a 4epth of 223 feet mure or less. 0. the.- property are a ca-modious —i- dence, 21/2 storm, built of brick anti roofed with slate, -and outbuildinirs suitable to the establishment, all in wood repair. The property is an unusually attractive one bott in its sitastim and its residential appoint ments. TERMS OF SALE! Ton Per cent. at th4 timp. of Rule and the balance in 80 days. Fol further terms and conditions of sale and i mv,re detailed description of the property -apply to I W. BRYDONE, Clinton. S,onaftor for the, Vendar. DATIOD Ithis 10th day of November, 1925. 8022-2 CLURARINQ AV=QN AAW QF FAIM MOCK AND W. Watson, auctioneer, has ve*ve4 InGtru4lono IrNO," to s'ell by public W-:%.X0ar1t1210, Concession; 14, Mbb dAy, -December 2nd., 192T t"2114MI-or =7the 99111pwing: Hoxaep— Driving home 9 yeaca *14, agrelcultural =are agricultui-I mare 12 yCaers old. due in January, cow 440 Neirch IsIt. sow due Apreil Sad, cow due April z4th. ow due February 2M, cow due Mwrfb, 10th, cow with cuff by side, 2 farrow com. Year, Ing st4w, 3 a spring pgIvep. Hic —$a.- due F'ebraqry 14A, Cow d" Feb. ?,Qth, saw due time Cefeg q,9trigt 6bout 175 this., 9 vigs 2 manuths v 21/a months Ad. pair game, Implements - Zen, Fz*t , , 4� *6od binder 6 -foot cut, Froit 61; wood mower 6 toot out, fanning mill. breeching for leam harness. sap pan, sap heater, 75 new buckets, water trough. Terms .All sums of $10 and under, cush: over hat amount 11 months' credit an approved jint ri,d(� with 6 per cent. straight off for notes. Positively no reserve as prcr.r__r ii giving up the farm. KEN- NETH MeLEOD, Proprietor; James W. Wat- on, Auctioneer. 3023-2 A UCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM, STOCK AND IMIPIMMENTS.—W. E. Nairn has been instructed to sell by �ublic an Von on L Lot 1, Concession 12, Tuckersmirth, On Tu(.s- day, December Ist, at 12.80 p.m., the follow- ng.- Homes—One team of horses aged 9 and 0 years, I mare 8 yeaTs old. I gelding five years old, I driving mare quiet and reliable ged 8 years, suckling colt� heavy draught, months old. Rftiatered Cattle—Carrie A. ad =206084� (female), white, born De - her 20th. 1923; Carrie 8th =109248= (female), red. born March M, 1913; Sea - forth Lassie 6th =205142= (female), red roan, born December 15t, 1923; Carrie 10ch ��175993= (female), red, born August, Ist, 920; Carrie A. =196706= (female), dark oan, born November 4th, 1922; Seaforth Duchess 2nd =159766�, rusm, horn Decem- her l6th, 1918; Seaforth Duchess 4th =20845fi=. red roan, born July lst, 1923 leaforth Lassie 6th =194799�, red, born F une 15th, 1922; Seaforth Duch 59 5th =211623=, white, born August 4th, 1924; �,udy Sample �_145997=. roan. born April !nd, 1918; Martha B. =171686= Ifernale). d, born February 22nd, 1920; Lady Sample ;End _180983� (female), roan, born Jaii- A%ry 5th, 1921 ; stock bull, bred by Mr. Peck, 'uMn Peemsden, white, born October lath, ' 921. Th -oughbred Cadve�—Nine Calves un - ler one ­,ar old, eligible for registration. 3rade Cattle—One Durham cow just calved; Durham cow due to calve in two months, small calves; about 75 hens and pullets. ,rain.— 00 bushels of beans, SOD busbeh �f )ats, 100 bushels of barley, about 20 gra . n aags and about 20 sacks. InipJernents— A&,;sey-Harris binder 7 -foot cut, 1 binder rack, Massey -Harris mower 6 -foot cut, Frost IC Wood 12 -hoe seed drill, Miassey-Harris ipring tooth cultivator, Massey -Harris bean wltivatm- and puller complete, I new wagon, farm wagon, 1 hay rack. I stock rack. 1 teel rciller, 5�ection harrows. hay rake, No. buggy second bug 'y 1 set of bobMeighs. cAtter: I low dow6. nianure spreader, one valking plow, land cultivator, scales 2.000 ba.. fanning mkll, 1 hand scuffier, sling., -ope and car, one set single harness, 2 sets )f double harness, half set of double harness end about six good collars, netckyoke, whif- letrees, bag truck, 3 sugar kettles ' two sap )ans and heater, galvanized -store tank 3.50 'all t ons 175 sap buckets, DaLaval about 600 tbs. cap.,ity, ream s=,. Juantity of turnips in root house, I root lulper, I wheelbarrow, I ladder, forks. chains ,nd other articles too numerous to mention. rermB.—All articles u rider $10 and roo LA. Zrain and poultry, cash; all articles over $10: _; montK5, c-redit on approved joint notes. A I i2;cuunt a r Ge`,f, per annum allowed for cash kt the same time and place. Lot 1, Conce4k, 'ion 12, H.R.S., Tuckersmith, and Lot 3, Conces- elan 13, H.R.S., Tuckersmith, will be offered for sale subject to reserved bids. Terms of �mle made known on day of sale, and may he had in the meantime from the under- *igned. JAMES RIVERS, Adminictrator: R. HAYS. Solicitor; W. E. Nairn. Auc. tioneer. 3023-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given purunnt to the 5tatutes in that behalf that all pe),on4 hav- [ng claims again. -,.t the estate of John Walker, late of the Tbwnship of McKillop, deceased, It, .tired Gardener, who died on the l0th (lay ,)f A" gust, 192.5, are required on or before Lh. 10th dny of December, 1925. to send by post, prepaid. or deliver to Solicitor for Ex vcuton of Estate fuld perticular.,, of thir ulainns, duly verified by atMlavlbt ,end th " nature of the t%ecurity, if any, held by them. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the 'a id 'last mentioned dat!� the assets of the �aid deceased will be, distrilyuted among, the parties entitled thereto, having rogard onl�, to the clai-nis of which notice shal I then have been given. DATED this lath day of November, 1025. R. S. HAYS, Solk�itor for Executors. 3023-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the statutes in that behalf that all perisons hav- ing claims againet dthe estate of Frank Fitz- gerald, late of the Townehip * f TuckersTnith, Farmer. deceRcd. who d --I on the 21st flay of October, I D", I a re rpquirel on or before the 10th day of December, 1925, to Bend by pagit, prepaid, or deliver Ito Solicitor for Administrator of e.- pa.t.-alars of their claims dulY verifled by affidavit and the reature. of the security (if any) held lyy them. FURTHER TAKE NOTTkE that after the s;mid last mentioned date the assiets of the said deceased WiM be dL�tributed among the partie,; entitled thereto, h-aving regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. -DATED this lath clay of November. 1925. R. S. HAYS. Sobicitor for AdministrfltOT. .3023-3 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL 40211,4 A. D. BUTHRULAND'S GEN ER . AL I '�&GE �N15VAANCE NCY Farm 40'Vii 'Oi,4�rtyi Ron4s, Etc. ; _ !� n. ,'W4 wh 'of Seaforth treet Debentures Subject to prior sale, we offer the following:— Due Amount 1931 $400 and $500 1934 $500 and $600 1937 $600 and $600 1938 .$1000 1940 $400 1942 $600 Five per cent. annual interest coupons attached, payable Nov. 1.3t. Bunds may be registered without charge. Principal and interest guar- anteed by Town of Seaforth. These debentures offer a safe and sound investment and are resaleable at any time. Price, $100 and accrued interest. War Bonds maturing Dec. Ist, tak- en in exchange at par; other issues at market prices. A. D. SUTHERLAND Phone 152 SEAFORTH , : : ONTARIO A t w ra t e -.1- Kent Radio There tire two ways of judging Re- ceiving Sets and Radio Speakers— By demonstration and by the reputa- .......... 'T . . . . . . . . . . . 3i A as .Z. 12 F51 TIA", J0 furl e% "I., jkv iv 4.. M IL to," led, f**,, 11"M IWAY4"i to apply ;*7 OF COMMERCE capital Paid- up $:Z0,00%000 Res@"e Fund $20.000,000 J_ G. Mullen, WUwsiger c -All" L A 1 Sk"' Ir — � — Diogenes hunted this whole world of sin, For someone to place all his confidence in, Re was handicapped, though, for he couldn't begin AT BRIGHT'S. . He flourished a lantern, historian.5 says, Scanning the Ads, as he wended his way, But he hadn't the chances the folk have to -day AT BRIGH'17S. He was born a bit soon, this Diogenes lad, Or he died in his youth, which was equally sad, So he couldn't get in on the snaps to be had AT BRIGHT'S. Now, you who are lucky and born in an age, With all the ADvantages, your heritage, Should carefully fullow the one on this page AI30L7T BRIGHTS.. But poor ol;d Diogey, wCre sorry, indeed, He didn't meet up with the men of his creed, But our patrons will tell him when they're gone to seed AB0('T BRIGHT'S.. How they treated their customers here upon earth, Not trying to beat them for all they were worth; Then Diogey will smile, the first smile since his birth A13OUT B I Ight's, S e forth TAn,ORING and HABERDASHERY sellUngo cos 41 �9. er's pocke 00 t W"A': GHT NE ON THE PH v Jonathan EL li` ............... lm%p�i? TO Vo ­.vn Ing Christma%s St3hopp, r A N Christmas Shoppers w-fli find this Man's and Boy�s elothing Storde brimfull of New Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furnishings A WONDERFUL DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS GliFi A', FOR MEN AND BOYS Hundreds of Men's and Young Men's Overcoats to choose from. Sizes,34 to 48. Prices lower this year ................ $15.00 to $37.50 Boys' Overcoats. Sizes 22 t* 32. to Prices .......... ............ ..... ... $3.75 $14.50 ":Z Hundreds of Men's and Young Men's New Fall and Winter.Suits to choose from. Sizes 34 to 48. to Prices ....... ...... .......... ..... $15.00 $37.50 New Neckwear. Underwear, Scarf4 Gloves and Mitts, leather and knit; Sweater Coats, Pullovers, Night Shirts, Pyjamas, House Coats, Bath Robes, Odd Trousers, Fancy Sox, Cambric, Silk a nd Broadcloth Shirts. Fancy boxes Free. P.J.KELLY, Stratford,11-Ont SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED 20th CENTURY AND FASHION BRAND CLOTHES One way Fare paid from Seaforth to Stratford to purchasers of on A tion of the maker. Atwater Kent .00 an over w ether by rail or m or. wills either way. ff. F� DALY SchOGIof Commerce, Chnton, Ont STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME "ATWATER KENT DEALER" Our PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING will fit you for the MGHEST I paid positions in the BUSINESS World, where work is always REWARDED Seaforth Ontar'o. in proportion to the service rendered. I Courses: Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, Teachers, Civfl Serviee i and Special Courses. SPECIAL CLASSES for Students from SEAFORTH, 11.10 a.m. to 3 P.m. Four hours continuous school; six weeks free tuition given to make up time for short sefiool day. E E S I For information, apply to B. F. WARD, B.A., Principal, Phone 198; 1 M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice -President. <> <> <> <> <> <> 0 11"" a C S. T. Holmes & S o r o d e 0 Funeral Directors and <> '0 licensed Embalmers. 0 Harness Stwe 10 Finest Motor and Horse 0 1 1! 0 drawn equipment. Beattie 01 10 Block, Main Street, opposite <> speciais 0 The Expositor Office. S. T. ,0 Holmes, resi 0 dence, Goderich Horse Mitts, wool lined; regular <> Street West; Chas. Holmea, $1.50, for .................. $1.0010 residence over atom 10 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 The Best Value ill town. 10 notice. All kinds of up- 0 HERE'S THE OVERSHOE I holstering neatly done. 01 i Robes, Buffalo ...... $11.00 to $20.5010 That Solves The Question:! i 0 Phone, Night or Day, 129. ;Wool and Auto Rugs..$3.00 to S 10.00 1 11 Of tailor-made appearance; C> <> <> 0 <> 0 01 <> 10� C Of adjUstability' tO 1111�1 Size leg; SHOE REPAIRING Of protecting skirts from buckl,, tears; Oak Stock Only U110d. 0 <> <> o <>,6 <> <> <> �0 <> Of buckles opened by coat bottorei; Men',; half soles ............. $1.001 Of perfect fit, warmth and lightness;:Ladies' half soles ............ 60c W. T. BOX CO. astners. i Of concealed f, I Rubber Heelq ................ 40c; 0 Funeral Director and <> (P A A ITP Boston Leathor Big, . ......... $1-7-5 10 Ucensed Emballmer. 0 I Club Bags, leather [in( -d ........ 0i.50! 0 H. C. BOX 01 Every nair ful1v zuaranteed I QUit Cases, Mitt.q, vic.: Single anrl Beat Motor and Horse-drawm SELECTED DEALERS d-4ZN I '1� Smith Tearn Fiarness, Collars, Blankets, Bells. i !0 1<� %.R equipment. Charges moderate. Flowers furnished on Amt notice. my Cana 0 0 -0 0, 1 o W. J. CLEARY 0 R. F. LUMSDEN, B.A., PRINCIPAL. 3020-3 Part or full time, appointing sub-agerilts. 0 01 SEAFORTH 0 0 Hairness Stoire 10 ed EM5011mer 12m& The Council of the Corporatian of the County of Huron will meet In the Council Chamber, Ooderlich. at 8 o'clock in the*after- noon of Tuesday. the Ist day of December, 1925. All accounts against the County must be. in the harilds of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of Council. GEORGE W. HOLMAN. County Clerk. C�dorfch, November 12th, 1925. 3023-2 ANNUAL MEETING Q -F �+ h 111irf AQQnPi9fitnim "S 0241FLUM 01W 10,1111 p- - - �._e ­ I Free Book which explains how you can lenrninir to �orl( im city or I 10 lit our no M 0 0 FEMALE AGENTS WANTED 1 o W. J. CLEARY 0 R. F. LUMSDEN, B.A., PRINCIPAL. 3020-3 Part or full time, appointing sub-agerilts. 0 makesabome more chicerful than a nice 1 laying. Plmtering. Mechanical Dentistry, 1 I and Barberini;r. Don't dip a labour". 1 0 0 Steady income R,,surN]. Write immediately. 10 ed EM5011mer 12m& 0 PEONE OL , THE SANTILLA CO., I I HEMPHILL GOVERNMENT CFIAR- 1 0 Dept. 33. P. 0. Box 436, Montreal. 1 0 Fuaora� DirecUe. 0 0 0 01 Up-to-date Horse and Notov Equipment. * 0 _10 Motor or Horse Equipm Cara Flowera furnished 0 —thf,­0 are absolutely safe and whitey, and brighter Night and DaV SaMeo. 0 or as reqnested. Dny or Night, Phono 67. A JOB FOR YOU i 1<> 0 Phone 19-22, Dubhn. 0 "S 0241FLUM 01W 10,1111 p- - - �._e ­ I Free Book which explains how you can lenrninir to �orl( im city or 0 0 <> <> 0 0 <> <> 0 0. 0 <> 1 lit our no M vaTn while, town shop, . Auto M�rhanic. Engineer. %tt�ry Welding Expert. I 0 TheJohninmankin 0 I Electrical. or I Chauffeur, suj�man. Etc. Also Brick- I <> W. 1. 711a&ey & Son 0 makesabome more chicerful than a nice 1 laying. Plmtering. Mechanical Dentistry, 1 I and Barberini;r. Don't dip a labour". 1 0 0 J. W21ker, Funermll EN- 01 bright light that yon can alwnys see to read or sew 1 VVRITE NOW. W,h.ich job? Addrews 1 PEONE OL , W. I HEMPHILL GOVERNMENT CFIAR- 1 0 rector and Embellmm. 0 comfortably. 1 TFRFD TRADE SCHOOLS, FREE EM- I I PLOYMENT SERVICE, 163 King St. 0 You can do this with a Colemarl Quick -Lite LaTnp W.. Toronto. 0 C, Motor or Horse Equipm Cara Flowera furnished 0 —thf,­0 are absolutely safe and whitey, and brighter 0 or as reqnested. Dny or Night, Phono 67. o 0 than electric liglit. 1 10 1�1,,'',." '1� I .21111_:,�', <> <> 0� 40. 0 01 Do your chores in comTort with a Quick -Lite Lantern. They will not blow out and areabsolutely Safe. 6.1 We bave the DFUTZ coal oil lantern. They do A Barg not smoke and are as near perfect as a coal oil lantern FOR SALE.—FivG acren, ollin maZo can be. ?rom Seaforth; modern home withl furnace. bath and toilet, rumll. bam; I good orchard. Tares, $15. splanelildl e­"� ehencea to start ellickem ?hrm, tmou � V ate. APPIr to e0c Do Ir erguson k"Aff en R 0. Euum. SHAIFORTH - - - - - - ONTAM0. am?erts, 7 11, T'l "i V) The annual meeting of the Seaforth Turf Association will be held in the TheJohninmankin Council Chamber, Seaforth �On— A gency y Tuesday Evening, Dec. Ist. Insurauce of all kinds. at 8 o'clock Financial report, election of officers Boiids, Real Estate, R,nd other bu-iness. Money to Loan Robert Wilson, President. SEAMTH ONT. 3023-2 PEONE OL , 1�1,,'',." '1� I .21111_:,�', <> <> 0� 40. 0 01 Do your chores in comTort with a Quick -Lite Lantern. They will not blow out and areabsolutely Safe. 6.1 We bave the DFUTZ coal oil lantern. They do A Barg not smoke and are as near perfect as a coal oil lantern FOR SALE.—FivG acren, ollin maZo can be. ?rom Seaforth; modern home withl furnace. bath and toilet, rumll. bam; I good orchard. Tares, $15. splanelildl e­"� ehencea to start ellickem ?hrm, tmou � V ate. APPIr to e0c Do Ir erguson k"Aff en R 0. Euum. SHAIFORTH - - - - - - ONTAM0. am?erts, 7 11, T'l "i V)