The Huron Expositor, 1925-11-20, Page 3`4t OF - XPOSWO -0- 0 MA , 0 jl�ssvaf, citt-1-le'd i. Ll�d tell iij�At th-h- ft R -ilL o�e urimr A r 1- '. 1 1. '1'. . '.I r."', " "', , , . , 1 il . . I I I . , 1. 4: ITO 6-h __7 I "I = .1-1 - , , 9 4 1 , 00 00" Stro 19 th - no! till "biju �T N N MJ'Ji. 14 1 1 , Ply It Ttrf 1. 1* 'k, I M IN Ile "in life, case -W *Ai the men bel 4� t' have -heOrt pajpltatidb, blegll� ea. and"_ bia��Aobo V, 'hO, 10494t like cat and C �v I I e no -apwute, ANADIAN S fATTLLP, gv "T S6 eti es.,fainting �.ppj,js, and gilw4ys ey had an.,AdOpW - ! - _,- child for g.j I =1fiLmtE Ose" IPORS"$IOU they fougl�t bitter4 THF,,. RRITIS ARKET nervousness. Just g4jfttj.0.1�16gj rich) % He could not UAdeijgtaod 'this for One of e o get this new,. rich, red blood Dr, Of -7 the reinavaf,qf,�Ae(� irgo and the Willla=A' Pink Pills are its eu �ry Th neither of them seepte. c 4' It. the ifud- *COOU d sh Vinat *homi she hat�d and neq. tral4ace - 'We 'T 9-, 0 -.11 e demand that that W044,b6;,fo d consequent en tqre thing you need,, That these lived in the latter part o.� the ritia ket -*ide reputation as teenth century, speaks of these pro 4on. in. %ovsalig who hated e d: t cattle On tbA. B has been, Pills h0i,- a , e, ly 1p fverp h@.a*ar4ed-. the c world _jegr*,,0 , .t. I f ji 6' ehildken, a6w, Ldi4n s Is why Xwor W_ e q o. t1ija wq�� kAFIP-her in idleness forthe f 4 al markets a blood and -nerve touie.'A=ong those ducts. Richard Mathews, on the Fleet �hie_ m -an whoxi:tbe, a stoeadyijag: o: 4 W Or 4buie broke up' Uter thrQughout C true that who have proved the truth of these Bridge, was the first Englishman' to corpora d ao..4 rest of her life?, What mo;rAl elaiiii Ile wgj. 001"41 13 04 �_7'81i�� J` I ce ofibe Su- accosted on -the �trieet by a overseas pric,es k�.Oaot shown an statements is Miss Annie M. Blonski, make fine knives, in 1 3. had -4h *3 ':'Do" h'm% if she Was" aW8 to -.VQUPj' woman ;_ fo 0 , 5s '.living? exceptidnal profit*O' o in e markets- Woodridge, Man. who says:-�-j'I be- On April 25��,,JW_ Y'b'drst on th� front paze of tile. bitterly fdeh4ving gi-fdU the C -,M, or-,luourt of ew York- State, re- who-rdproa'ched. 'him cain li. hild to J-�U09 �Stronifuwntioried,,_&pedi q. in e euept in- the oup, bad Clasp or spring knives became com- Montreal ovei� -the; Rabe Y, M-Sw5p rs when he asserted that.in .gpe _t '1�e womah *ho.,hated'it She ex- -W.Lie shipped came very weak and nery s, v a a ng woman plained th4t she - i me nor pains in my side and back and suf- -on about 1650. They first came Bill, and during the 46.fa Abieie'days of equal rights.. there Was 80pe' on ws'Of- YOU was the mbther a th f from extre points, (I liad 'Left he child and thiz husband the father generally haN fered from frequent sick headaches, from Flanders, which was the, se t of lative Buildings �0.j Unj r-; at her husbiin a 1-1 4-i� r;ason Why ,wives -separating from nd I been re, ++1 1.4.;, their , libsba days bqford 'asd-�,-who sponsible for,any loft,,..� and this out- I was bardly able to do anything !nany and varied industries even dur- were burned, A little . lat _nds or Ing , 4', .'de- 'if it, that the wife knew the facts and e. ypto -� them, e a -�*Wed the home a Out zhoulci re�eiv heavy secured possession of the child to in- let has cirtAinly R b the house and would awake ing many years before this time. A ceased to be the polificaf aB_i60ny,: to 14i`� -to. -�Ijv- Thereafter 66 seat of 'ket to a remarW(6 extent. with a start at night, with my heart Ynife-cleanin lied thaCn.*6w,,there �w6r e-jwthe flIct 'punishinent. upon the hi mar 9 machine was invented gov xi* I - If I walked up- in was alternately. iu Toro had 1844 by George Kent, of England. nto �4' d Vie Ai':- - I , : I I - . .. � usband. ;Xt could b 'shOVM Th4t . r UsbAnd,had ae- Another complicated and unusual case Another important�q ature of the pounding violenbly. e, io, She'�s4 -forth, in -,vas that of. a ba bee, un i,_�; 6sto: ed 4 present situation. increasing stairs I would be breathless and my til Ottawa was C '*­ Legislature of ',V heart would flutter rapidly. I used which ed separation and alimony. Though ed'_,��to� -zoV' their djetp wife who ask- 6ess nker's labsban& - � , h - - sary-.expenses, popularity- of The ancients used stoves which e United Cinada*. 1 a mony anpk A.)M store cattle on - '6d in 41idW. - th4t er husb Als qpiselr'vations were b, inid had been her motber was rn' on the 15ritish _viarij et in Ottawa on June 8th, 1966,,.a .(et. Shipments doctor's medicine but it did not do cealed the fire, as the German stoves olIDW �4d-.Jby an' arried to a very 1 t extremely liberal, Investigation re- n eim.- ievt-in Which -,his wealthy man she felt that h overseas io the inidai�.'-,of September me any permanent good. Then I was yet do. Rooms were also warmed in the autumn of 1867 the. he �xpdhded er own by Arst vur-, vealed" the fact that she Of '4141ia4m, viewe opios. Ile All t 'had left -husband- should be --obliged to' support this year are 23.5, pqyr cent. higher advised to take Dr. Williams' Pink portable braziers. In England beat- liament of the Dominion �uptl evera �saj­t erwwere too_,,igany wives who Y 5 1 -VAIes. her. She got an allowance, and short_ in 1 4 and open h her hus and ab than for the saine,peUo 92 Pills and decided to try them, and I Ing was secured by fire in an met there. Iliv6te''jus 014f� g6ld e was� merely a spoiled child Who 49.� per cent. highl6irvthan for the can only say that they did wonders grate and this method is still in com- diggers. z' Their ji�kd conclud lY -afterwards her husband sued for ed that if'she.-could 'be divorce and succeeded. same The spontaneous combustion of-thap ,desire tQ period in 192&_: When it is con- for me. I am.now well and strong mon use, although it results in a get mbney which they had Judge Strong human body has mot.,earned and the desire of Igwyers. aintained in luxury she would pro- 'found out that the divorcee', m,tber sidered that this increase has taken again and able to do all my work, great waste of fuel. been declared kr place in spite of high��,freight rates and this is all due to Dr. Williams' Others her 'husband's absence to his had been married by a member of one chemists to be impossible. for �ees,,were responsible for many.of 'Vie cases that presence. 'Another -woman, asked of the wealthiest and socially most and a lack of adliqvito ocean ship- Pink Pills. I have recommended the The principle on which the teles- state that there are well autheutieat�,. came before Wiia fre -he as- ed cases of spontaneous co inbustiop, F saido-tbaf wfien" a man marries for alimony of $76 a Week and $1,000 oromineut families in the country. ping facilities (due largely to ifie Pills to others who have taken them cope depends was described about 1260 One of the best known is s sumes the responsibility t' counsel fees pending trial of her He had quarreled with his family and fact that 'there is Insufficient west iwith equally good results." by Roger Bacon, one of the earliest aid to Tie o provide separation' - action. it appeared married the first woman who C bound freight), no-.1ear need be en- You can get the pills from your of English scientists- and Leonard that of the Countess Cornelia di Ban-� 'his wife with the p ame p6essities of lifa, that when they married the husband tertained regarding t4 druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box Digges, who died about 1673 is said di Cesenate. This case was inveiff- -and if the marriage was wrecked along OtIt of spite. Then be fell to 0','popularity of "'d The Dr. Williams, Medicine Co., gated in 1731 by a scholar of De- t1wough his fault, his obligation did earned only $9* a week, -and the pair worrying that his own family might Canadian cattle on QL British mar- f to have arranged glasses so that he, Drona Ital- Ti- __;1l 11 Ilived-with her arenf. R �1 I- '. I I I n 11-411 ]A t A�- n- C0690. -Ene -wife' should still. be Ong e US. 10c e, Ont. cou see very distant, objects. e relinerujuerem they separated. The man worked A further considerat, that Di ton is that un- ckens makes use of spontUne- ',-e -Rut when, there was & hard and prospered, and when the der pTesent c at In Great Bri- -0 lycoment, w- ondition'.1 The microscope is said to have been Ous combustion in one of his -novels. hy should not the ;�fe learn d that he e invented by Jansen in Holland, about was earning tain, meat prices being,,'�igh, it Would FEEDING DAIRY COWS wo*.An, 'if 'e.aPalille',. ear.U­ hei own- liv '$5p000 a year she decided to sue for appear that While grass is available, 11590; by Galileo, about 1610.- by Fon- sepakation' and alipiony' though in Bye stock is not, Whic1r, Nvould point Ensilage produced more milk and t,na, in Italy, and by Drebbel, in Hol- It is estimated that on this conti- hard times she had left him of her I to a continuance of high prices for butter at a less cost than mangels, landi about 1621. Miscrose pes with nent there are about 45 times as many own free will. This brought'the'judge 0 beef and consequently a -continued de- pound for pound, in an experiment double glasses were made at the per- birds as human beings, and a billio mand for Canadian store cattle. carried out at the Experimental Farm I squitoes.-Hamil- Ito the question of early marri m iages*. iod when the law of refraction was times as many rno fy He does not favor tbeiir. He believes discovered, about 1624. ton Herald. It will not be out of place here to at Agassiz, B,C. Each cow we d a !the -couple should wait at least until mention that as a result of many ex- ten pounds per day of a grain i s f' 7. Saft -theycan have a :� atin home of their own. perimental shipments (-*hi(,h are to composed of three pArts oat c op, A thermometer is said -to have been Too many "in-laws" can spoil most be continued) it has bedb found that three parts bran, one part barley chop used by Galilio in the year 1537. The More and more nearly, a sone grows I marriages. the handy weight steers,.i.v., !,000 to and one part oilmeal with some min- i invention is alto claimed for Drebbel older, the teachings of Christ, strip - 'The warst case of "in-laws" the 1,100 pounds, fairly well fleshed but eral added. Each- cow also received'of Alcmaer in 1609. The Fahrenheit ped of the dogmas that others have Makes bad cmplexions d Judge ever had to deal, with was' not fat, of good blocky type, and ten pounds of alfalfa bay and fifty I thermometer, the one in common use Put upon them, apply with amaiing that of a yourij woman Who ap- 0 showing uniformity, and breediness pounds of either ensilage or pulped I in English-speaking countries, was in- wisdom and knovOedge to modem and qoodcomoexions 1�er pear6d before him and asked for in type and color, is,.the teer that mangels. The cows getting ensilage I vented about 1726. Thezeroorstart- conditions. -Mr. Hugh Walpole. la sePkiration with 'alinwny for her- will best meet the above mentioned produced two pounds each more milk Ing point of the scale on this ther- self �and her child. She had n6 wit- continued demand. per day than those fed margels. It rnometer is 32 degrees below the 4V nesses of. cruel treatment so she It would seem, therefore, that the took ten pounds more mangels than freezing point. It remained for a British visitor tG gave abandonnii�nt* as her reason. breeder, feeder and shippei- of store silage to produce 4 hundred pounds remind us that the. Statute of Liberty 4 - law 7 THE .1 Her husband had left her flat aiid cattle may look forward to a contin- of milk and twelve more pounds to The first baromete'r was made in stands with her back to the United 5 set up another home of his own. ued, profitable market -foi, his pro- produce a pound of butter fat. The 1643, by Torricelli, a native of Flor- States. -Omaha Bee. 5 Ile Openin ale f, E, x t e n edo Saie Ends ��atu rda` o V-',, 2 8 M19 y 9 Your&eNlf P10116 di_ - -0 _0 ureet Ir ill 0 lux V% falifi-19 Wintuf%r This sale affords you a splendid opportunity to choose the Winter Overcoat you have been planning "on buying. 'The care we have exercised in purchasing these coats assures you of getting 'the best value for your money, when it is known that our OvercoatSL are made *by such firms as Ascot, Empire and Society Brand-Lyou are in company with Canada's best clothing makers. All Coats 20 p.c. oil 18 DOZEN 5 DOZEN Men's ' Starch Collars 7 7 r V 177" 171 in all sizes, 14 to 17. Rubber Belts Extra Special. NOVEMBER 20,1925. TIM 11M �j 6 for 25C 39C 5 DOZEN `4t OF - XPOSWO -0- 0 MA , 0 jl�ssvaf, citt-1-le'd i. Ll�d tell iij�At th-h- ft R -ilL o�e urimr A r 1- '. 1 1. '1'. . '.I r."', " "', , , . , 1 il . . I I I . , 1. 4: ITO 6-h __7 I "I = .1-1 - , , 9 4 1 , 00 00" Stro 19 th - no! till "biju �T N N MJ'Ji. 14 1 1 , Ply It Ttrf 1. 1* 'k, I M IN Ile "in life, case -W *Ai the men bel 4� t' have -heOrt pajpltatidb, blegll� ea. and"_ bia��Aobo V, 'hO, 10494t like cat and C �v I I e no -apwute, ANADIAN S fATTLLP, gv "T S6 eti es.,fainting �.ppj,js, and gilw4ys ey had an.,AdOpW - ! - _,- child for g.j I =1fiLmtE Ose" IPORS"$IOU they fougl�t bitter4 THF,,. RRITIS ARKET nervousness. Just g4jfttj.0.1�16gj rich) % He could not UAdeijgtaod 'this for One of e o get this new,. rich, red blood Dr, Of -7 the reinavaf,qf,�Ae(� irgo and the Willla=A' Pink Pills are its eu �ry Th neither of them seepte. c 4' It. the ifud- *COOU d sh Vinat *homi she hat�d and neq. tral4ace - 'We 'T 9-, 0 -.11 e demand that that W044,b6;,fo d consequent en tqre thing you need,, That these lived in the latter part o.� the ritia ket -*ide reputation as teenth century, speaks of these pro 4on. in. %ovsalig who hated e d: t cattle On tbA. B has been, Pills h0i,- a , e, ly 1p fverp h@.a*ar4ed-. the c world _jegr*,,0 , .t. I f ji 6' ehildken, a6w, Ldi4n s Is why Xwor W_ e q o. t1ija wq�� kAFIP-her in idleness forthe f 4 al markets a blood and -nerve touie.'A=ong those ducts. Richard Mathews, on the Fleet �hie_ m -an whoxi:tbe, a stoeadyijag: o: 4 W Or 4buie broke up' Uter thrQughout C true that who have proved the truth of these Bridge, was the first Englishman' to corpora d ao..4 rest of her life?, What mo;rAl elaiiii Ile wgj. 001"41 13 04 �_7'81i�� J` I ce ofibe Su- accosted on -the �trieet by a overseas pric,es k�.Oaot shown an statements is Miss Annie M. Blonski, make fine knives, in 1 3. had -4h *3 ':'Do" h'm% if she Was" aW8 to -.VQUPj' woman ;_ fo 0 , 5s '.living? exceptidnal profit*O' o in e markets- Woodridge, Man. who says:-�-j'I be- On April 25��,,JW_ Y'b'drst on th� front paze of tile. bitterly fdeh4ving gi-fdU the C -,M, or-,luourt of ew York- State, re- who-rdproa'ched. 'him cain li. hild to J-�U09 �Stronifuwntioried,,_&pedi q. in e euept in- the oup, bad Clasp or spring knives became com- Montreal ovei� -the; Rabe Y, M-Sw5p rs when he asserted that.in .gpe _t '1�e womah *ho.,hated'it She ex- -W.Lie shipped came very weak and nery s, v a a ng woman plained th4t she - i me nor pains in my side and back and suf- -on about 1650. They first came Bill, and during the 46.fa Abieie'days of equal rights.. there Was 80pe' on ws'Of- YOU was the mbther a th f from extre points, (I liad 'Left he child and thiz husband the father generally haN fered from frequent sick headaches, from Flanders, which was the, se t of lative Buildings �0.j Unj r-; at her husbiin a 1-1 4-i� r;ason Why ,wives -separating from nd I been re, ++1 1.4.;, their , libsba days bqford 'asd-�,-who sponsible for,any loft,,..� and this out- I was bardly able to do anything !nany and varied industries even dur- were burned, A little . lat _nds or Ing , 4', .'de- 'if it, that the wife knew the facts and e. ypto -� them, e a -�*Wed the home a Out zhoulci re�eiv heavy secured possession of the child to in- let has cirtAinly R b the house and would awake ing many years before this time. A ceased to be the polificaf aB_i60ny,: to 14i`� -to. -�Ijv- Thereafter 66 seat of 'ket to a remarW(6 extent. with a start at night, with my heart Ynife-cleanin lied thaCn.*6w,,there �w6r e-jwthe flIct 'punishinent. upon the hi mar 9 machine was invented gov xi* I - If I walked up- in was alternately. iu Toro had 1844 by George Kent, of England. nto �4' d Vie Ai':- - I , : I I - . .. � usband. ;Xt could b 'shOVM Th4t . r UsbAnd,had ae- Another complicated and unusual case Another important�q ature of the pounding violenbly. e, io, She'�s4 -forth, in -,vas that of. a ba bee, un i,_�; 6sto: ed 4 present situation. increasing stairs I would be breathless and my til Ottawa was C '*­ Legislature of ',V heart would flutter rapidly. I used which ed separation and alimony. Though ed'_,��to� -zoV' their djetp wife who ask- 6ess nker's labsban& - � , h - - sary-.expenses, popularity- of The ancients used stoves which e United Cinada*. 1 a mony anpk A.)M store cattle on - '6d in 41idW. - th4t er husb Als qpiselr'vations were b, inid had been her motber was rn' on the 15ritish _viarij et in Ottawa on June 8th, 1966,,.a .(et. Shipments doctor's medicine but it did not do cealed the fire, as the German stoves olIDW �4d-.Jby an' arried to a very 1 t extremely liberal, Investigation re- n eim.- ievt-in Which -,his wealthy man she felt that h overseas io the inidai�.'-,of September me any permanent good. Then I was yet do. Rooms were also warmed in the autumn of 1867 the. he �xpdhded er own by Arst vur-, vealed" the fact that she Of '4141ia4m, viewe opios. Ile All t 'had left -husband- should be --obliged to' support this year are 23.5, pqyr cent. higher advised to take Dr. Williams' Pink portable braziers. In England beat- liament of the Dominion �uptl evera �saj­t erwwere too_,,igany wives who Y 5 1 -VAIes. her. She got an allowance, and short_ in 1 4 and open h her hus and ab than for the saine,peUo 92 Pills and decided to try them, and I Ing was secured by fire in an met there. Iliv6te''jus 014f� g6ld e was� merely a spoiled child Who 49.� per cent. highl6irvthan for the can only say that they did wonders grate and this method is still in com- diggers. z' Their ji�kd conclud lY -afterwards her husband sued for ed that if'she.-could 'be divorce and succeeded. same The spontaneous combustion of-thap ,desire tQ period in 192&_: When it is con- for me. I am.now well and strong mon use, although it results in a get mbney which they had Judge Strong human body has mot.,earned and the desire of Igwyers. aintained in luxury she would pro- 'found out that the divorcee', m,tber sidered that this increase has taken again and able to do all my work, great waste of fuel. been declared kr place in spite of high��,freight rates and this is all due to Dr. Williams' Others her 'husband's absence to his had been married by a member of one chemists to be impossible. for �ees,,were responsible for many.of 'Vie cases that presence. 'Another -woman, asked of the wealthiest and socially most and a lack of adliqvito ocean ship- Pink Pills. I have recommended the The principle on which the teles- state that there are well autheutieat�,. came before Wiia fre -he as- ed cases of spontaneous co inbustiop, F saido-tbaf wfien" a man marries for alimony of $76 a Week and $1,000 oromineut families in the country. ping facilities (due largely to ifie Pills to others who have taken them cope depends was described about 1260 One of the best known is s sumes the responsibility t' counsel fees pending trial of her He had quarreled with his family and fact that 'there is Insufficient west iwith equally good results." by Roger Bacon, one of the earliest aid to Tie o provide separation' - action. it appeared married the first woman who C bound freight), no-.1ear need be en- You can get the pills from your of English scientists- and Leonard that of the Countess Cornelia di Ban-� 'his wife with the p ame p6essities of lifa, that when they married the husband tertained regarding t4 druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box Digges, who died about 1673 is said di Cesenate. This case was inveiff- -and if the marriage was wrecked along OtIt of spite. Then be fell to 0','popularity of "'d The Dr. Williams, Medicine Co., gated in 1731 by a scholar of De- t1wough his fault, his obligation did earned only $9* a week, -and the pair worrying that his own family might Canadian cattle on QL British mar- f to have arranged glasses so that he, Drona Ital- Ti- __;1l 11 Ilived-with her arenf. R �1 I- '. I I I n 11-411 ]A t A�- n- C0690. -Ene -wife' should still. be Ong e US. 10c e, Ont. cou see very distant, objects. e relinerujuerem they separated. The man worked A further considerat, that Di ton is that un- ckens makes use of spontUne- ',-e -Rut when, there was & hard and prospered, and when the der pTesent c at In Great Bri- -0 lycoment, w- ondition'.1 The microscope is said to have been Ous combustion in one of his -novels. hy should not the ;�fe learn d that he e invented by Jansen in Holland, about was earning tain, meat prices being,,'�igh, it Would FEEDING DAIRY COWS wo*.An, 'if 'e.aPalille',. ear.U­ hei own- liv '$5p000 a year she decided to sue for appear that While grass is available, 11590; by Galileo, about 1610.- by Fon- sepakation' and alipiony' though in Bye stock is not, Whic1r, Nvould point Ensilage produced more milk and t,na, in Italy, and by Drebbel, in Hol- It is estimated that on this conti- hard times she had left him of her I to a continuance of high prices for butter at a less cost than mangels, landi about 1621. Miscrose pes with nent there are about 45 times as many own free will. This brought'the'judge 0 beef and consequently a -continued de- pound for pound, in an experiment double glasses were made at the per- birds as human beings, and a billio mand for Canadian store cattle. carried out at the Experimental Farm I squitoes.-Hamil- Ito the question of early marri m iages*. iod when the law of refraction was times as many rno fy He does not favor tbeiir. He believes discovered, about 1624. ton Herald. It will not be out of place here to at Agassiz, B,C. Each cow we d a !the -couple should wait at least until mention that as a result of many ex- ten pounds per day of a grain i s f' 7. Saft -theycan have a :� atin home of their own. perimental shipments (-*hi(,h are to composed of three pArts oat c op, A thermometer is said -to have been Too many "in-laws" can spoil most be continued) it has bedb found that three parts bran, one part barley chop used by Galilio in the year 1537. The More and more nearly, a sone grows I marriages. the handy weight steers,.i.v., !,000 to and one part oilmeal with some min- i invention is alto claimed for Drebbel older, the teachings of Christ, strip - 'The warst case of "in-laws" the 1,100 pounds, fairly well fleshed but eral added. Each- cow also received'of Alcmaer in 1609. The Fahrenheit ped of the dogmas that others have Makes bad cmplexions d Judge ever had to deal, with was' not fat, of good blocky type, and ten pounds of alfalfa bay and fifty I thermometer, the one in common use Put upon them, apply with amaiing that of a yourij woman Who ap- 0 showing uniformity, and breediness pounds of either ensilage or pulped I in English-speaking countries, was in- wisdom and knovOedge to modem and qoodcomoexions 1�er pear6d before him and asked for in type and color, is,.the teer that mangels. The cows getting ensilage I vented about 1726. Thezeroorstart- conditions. -Mr. Hugh Walpole. la sePkiration with 'alinwny for her- will best meet the above mentioned produced two pounds each more milk Ing point of the scale on this ther- self �and her child. She had n6 wit- continued demand. per day than those fed margels. It rnometer is 32 degrees below the 4V nesses of. cruel treatment so she It would seem, therefore, that the took ten pounds more mangels than freezing point. It remained for a British visitor tG gave abandonnii�nt* as her reason. breeder, feeder and shippei- of store silage to produce 4 hundred pounds remind us that the. Statute of Liberty 4 - law 7 THE .1 Her husband had left her flat aiid cattle may look forward to a contin- of milk and twelve more pounds to The first baromete'r was made in stands with her back to the United 5 set up another home of his own. ued, profitable market -foi, his pro- produce a pound of butter fat. The 1643, by Torricelli, a native of Flor- States. -Omaha Bee. 5 Ile Openin ale f, E, x t e n edo Saie Ends ��atu rda` o V-',, 2 8 M19 y 9 Your&eNlf P10116 di_ - -0 _0 ureet Ir ill 0 lux V% falifi-19 Wintuf%r This sale affords you a splendid opportunity to choose the Winter Overcoat you have been planning "on buying. 'The care we have exercised in purchasing these coats assures you of getting 'the best value for your money, when it is known that our OvercoatSL are made *by such firms as Ascot, Empire and Society Brand-Lyou are in company with Canada's best clothing makers. All Coats 20 p.c. oil 18 DOZEN 5 DOZEN Men's ' Starch Collars Men's Extra: Fine Quality in all sizes, 14 to 17. Rubber Belts Extra Special. with fancy buckles. �j 6 for 25C 39C 5 DOZEN 10 DOZEN Boys, heavy all -wool Stockings. Silk Knit Ties Black and Heather, in all shades Regular $1.00, for and patterns. 79c 39c KIWIS. 10 DOZEN Sind Men's Heavy Hanson j§.0yw ., - All -Wool Work Sox SW" xk§ "" Regular 65 cents, for 20 PER CM PFF 49c ary ns, -1 Ing 20 PER CENT. OFF ALL WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS Your. chance I This sale, your one - best opportunity to buy your new Winter Coat and save many dollars. This is'the coat event of the season. No other one will approsic-h it in variety or valup. You will see no coats more atylish than these, for 10 every doat is a gem ofAhe No Coat 1jjjL mode, They are a profusion of types insuring you an in- ga, dividually becoming garm- t h st&-%r U W0- ent at a price much lower than you ever expected to over $43450 pay for such beautiful coats. 5 dozen, Men's Overalls; ex- tra large make, with elastic cross -back brace, set-in pock- ets, reinforced front - EVery I pair guarante,d$1.49 43 ONLY Men's Heavy All -Wool Tweed Pants, in Grey and Brown shades. Regular $5.00, for on N4.95 - Men's Extra Heavy ottonade Work Pants Extra large make. While they last zo per. cent. oil all Men's �,s wits t 9 604l'buy in Brand New Clothes. This ives vou a wl6fid Ve believ6 they are -the be&yaluebn the market even at ft ilar prices. Styles, for 4Y6 9 n am well as nad. 'III think thdy e goo bu ing when you, Seethe'w. - �4 j�. io DOZEN Men's Grey and Khald Cotton, Flannel Work Shirts; extra large sizes, 14 to, 17. $1.50 for $1.19 3 DOZEN Men's Extra Heavy Black Lined Smocks with corduroy collars. Big "B" make. M89 SEE OUR SPECIAL PRICES ON MEN's AND BOYS' WORK MITTS 2 DOZEN ONLY Men's Heather Work Sweaters. All sizes. MW's Fine Rib Sweater Coats, in Fawm and Gray shadels. Regular $3.50. $158 SEE OUR SPECIAL PRICES ON ODD UNDERWEAR So That A�R May' Have a New Even- ing or Afternoon 0 Dress A GREAT SALE OF R. DRESSES FOR EVERY TYPE OF WOMAN Priced at savings, and a scale range to gratify every means of expenditure. In styles for every type of wo- man. Flat crepe, crepe back satins, fancy faille, plain georgette models. Long and short sleeves; high and low collars. Colors include all the newest. $ 7. 0115 9 t $ 2 5 � 0% 0 See our Special -in all the NO DRESS IN newest shades of Flannel THE STORE Dresses. OVER $25.00 PENMAN'S HEAVY All -Wool Rib Shirts and Drawers� Regular $2.25. $1,19 SEE OUR PRICES ON LADIES' UNDERWEAR 34 BOYS' SUITS in. all shades, with three-piece belts. Values to $12.00. 5 DOZEN Ladies' Pure Silk Hose. Black, Brown and Tan shades. Regular $1.00. 45 ONLY Ladies' All -Wool Hose. Extra Special, 49c 12 DOZEN Extra Fine Quality Ladies' Heavy Pure Silk Rib Hose. All shades and sims. S L 2 no THANK YOU STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR FOR MEN We wish to thank the buying public for their most Thousands of men are insisting on "Stanfield's" because valuable patronage that they have given us during our they know from experience that it never fails to give short time in Seaforth.- We have'always new goods com- satisfation and long wear. ing in from week to week. We ask you to come in and Stanfield's Red Label, Regular $2.50, for ......... $1.98 look ground and see our new goods, whether you are in Stanfield's Blue Label, Regular $3.00, for ......... $2.a, the notion to buy or not. Stanfield's 8800, Regular $3.50, for ........... %,.,..$2.96 1014�0101A V 49k A "g, gy