The Huron Expositor, 1925-11-13, Page 4!4a
€HLSl£i: ;i3l[IST
tier —-1Vkrs Rel6)rt bl Q
d Axe: ;Michig-miii spent last
.attha penis ,it(`1Vlr. and. Wil‘A l
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ea had he et�xt I;t�,luert M,eL at
44,30, injuring his eft ee,
ail+ lugaelm off for some days, •
ciire cavusefell Mr . �
r to be dislocated. Bee
iced in years, we hope,
streets may follow,---'Cee
khat Mr. W. Elder, who.
$%re windmill and received
ur-y, is slowly improving --
Cole is erecting a gasoline
he store for the convenience
,Notes,—Mr. and Mrs- Easson, of
k`ftford, spent the week end with
, l0,13ds here --Mr- and Mrs- N. Carter
spent Thanksgiving with Londesboro
1rfends.—Miss Edna and Florence
Jamieson spent Thanksgiving with
M. and Mrs. Allan Walker, of Ham-
-zlton.--Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett, of
Walton, visited friends here on Thurs-
day last,—Mrs. G. M. Chesney, of
Toronto, spent the week end with
friends here.—Mr. Bert Gibbings is
busy moving his effects to his new
farm which he recently purchased
near Clinton- We are sorry to lose
Mr. and Mrs. Gibbings from our
midst, as they were good neighbors
and friends.
kelteu, <
>Sau catu bur tsvo,_ Dadra of shoes for 'Qv
Prteof s:no at the Seaford:.vshoe Sale. o>p-
tinatte D les earSump:.Notes.---Par. and Mrs. Daniel Gin-
geriebt have moved from their farm
on the Goshen Line, south, into the
home in Zurieh which Mr. Gingerich
recently pureheaed front Mr. A. A.
Weber, known as the J. J. Smith
home.—Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Brown
are moving into the home vacated by
Mr. and Mrs. W. Rothaermel, who
have moved to St. Catharines.—Mr.
Alfred lilselick has sold his -fine dwel-
ling property to Mr. A. A. Weber, of
the Bronson Line, who will get pos-
session next March. Mr. and Mrs.
Melick intend to move into the apart-
ments above the hardware store now
occupied by Mr. and Mrs. E. Oeseh.—
The death took place on Tuesday ev-
ening at the home of Mr. John Fuss,
of this village, of Miss Annie Wurni,
sister of Mrs. Fuss. The late Miss
Wurm had suffered a great deal for
some months from cancer- and al-
though all was done that could be
done, it was of no avail. Sheleaves
to mourn her loss her aged mother,
two brothers, Jacob, of Seaforth, and
Edward, of Markham; and five sis-
ters. At the time of writing the fun-
eral arrangements had not been
made,—Mr. Jacob Brown visited rel-
atives in Kitchener over the week
end.—Among the many visitors who
spent the holiday with relatives here,
we noticed the following: Miss V.
Prand, London; Messrs, E. Bedard and
L. Kalbfleisch, Kitchener; Mr. Harry
Rosa, Windsor; Mr. N. Woods, Wel-
lesley.—Mr. W. L. Siebert, our genial
postmaster, has been away up north
the past week on a hunting expedi-
p, An 9,nd tlaa brae el9 eal, re,s
repute Fairy ,ser^vAd attd a onS94
s in social faa�lxaz'
kdc?taza very,pleastaAtly �
ixtarcotrse. The District I
ci aty
Gseeud Master delivered a vent Alter-
eatizg address "full of belpal -stagged*
tins and adviea, and was fol ovvet3
by. Past District Deputy Grand Ea,
ter 1Brot W. Taman, of Exeter, vette
also delivered a fine address relative
to the lodge and its great aims and
expressing the great pleasure it af-
forded him always to visit i`leuaal
Lodge, where he personally was ac-
quainted with so many of the mean -
bees and how he admired the work as
put on by the degree team.
Rev. Buchanan Honoured.—The fol-
lowing which we have copied from a
Saskatchewan paper, Tugaske, refers
to a brother of Mr. Alex. Buchanan
of this village, and will, no doubt, be
of interest to their many relatives and
friends: "At the meeting of Confer-
ence held last week in Regina, Rev.
D. M. Buchanan was tendered a
hearty vote of appreciation for his
services during the past year as Con-
vener 'of the Settlement Committee
which according to the report by th
Morning Leader, was "greeted with
applause." Owing to the consumma-
tion of Church Union many difficul-
ties arose in regard to the settle-
ment of ministers and during this
most critical period, this important
work has been under the guiding hap
of Mr. Buchanan as Convener. Dur-
ing the past year three committee
have functioned in succession, each o
which performed special duties which
arose from the progress of Church
Union. The Interim Settlement Com
mittee was appointed by the Caener
Council in Toronto and Mr. Buchanan
was entrusted by that body with th
Convenership. It was at the close
his report as Convener of the three
different Settlement Committees th
he was accorded a hearty vote of ap-
preciation for his services. We con-
gratulate our townsman on receiving
this vote of appreciation from me
who know the very arduous work i
connection with such a position, a
having personal acquaintance with
the gentleman, know that the vote
Presbyterian Service.—The Pres-
byterian Thanksgiving service, he
in St. Paul's Church on Sabbath af-
ternoon last, was very largely at-
tended. Rev. Mr. Foote, of Exeter,
preached a very earnest and appro-
priate sermon, choosing his text from
the book of "Ruth." On Sabbath next
the Presbyterian service will be con-
ducted by the Rev. Mr. Robinson,
Stratford, at the usual time, 3 p.
Sabbath school, 2 p.m.—On Mond
evening the Welfare of Youth CL
held. a Thanksgiving social in t
basement of St. Paul's church, whi
was nicely decorated for the occasion.
After the devotional and business
part of the meeting, a fine program
of games and contests was partici-
pated in by all. This was follow
by the serving of a bountiful sup
which had been provided by the you
men. The Welfare of Youth Cl
have arranged for a fine concert
be held on Friday, November 20th,
the Town Hail, Hensall. They
engaged talent front London, includ-
ing a make quartette and a read
Miss Minnie Dobbyn, and everything
is being done to make the evenin
programme a goad one.—On Tues
evening, the Sunbeam Mission B
met in the basement of St. Pa
church and held their regular meet-
ing, which was followed by a short
programme. The children then w
served lunch, after which a pleas
evening was spent in games
Briefs. — The present fine o
weather is giving the farmers
others a chance to get a good
of outside work completed, and
couple of weeks or so of nice
weather would be most acceptable.--
Concerts and entertainments are
the order of the day and will likely
be for some time at this season
the year.—Miss Mattie Ellis, who
been suffering from an acute attack
of tonsolitis for a couple of weeks
is improving nicely, and expects
end of this week or the first of next
to be able to resume her duties as
teacher in our public school. — Mr.
George Hedden and family, who have
been residents of our village for quite
a number of years, are this week
moving to Exeter where they have
relatives.—Large quantities of pro-
duce of all kinds are being brought
into market here and meet with rea iy
demand and good prices.—Our vil-
lagers are taking advantage of the
present fine open weather to get their
gardens ploughed. — M'iss Jessie
Buchanan spent the week end in Lon-
don .with her brother, John D., re-
turning to Hensall on Monday last
accompanied by her brother and his
wife.—Miss Scarlett and Miss John-
stone spent Thanksgiving holidays at
their homes at Seaforth and Clifford
as in the order mentioned. — Miss
Alice Dougall, of Sarnia, spent the
week end here with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Dougall, of our
village.—We believe Mr. Wilbert
Jones and family intend moving into
the premises in Mr. A. Murdock's
block, recently vacated by Mr. Ed-
ward Sheffer.—The Misses Ann and
Jean Maxwell spent Thanksgiving
holidays here with their sister, Mrs.
J. W. Peck.—Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Drysdale and children, accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hess, motored
to Cairo, Mich., on Sunday last spend-
ing a couple of days there with rela-
tives and friends as well as visiting
other places in that State and report
a very pleasant visit and trip. — Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Reid and little son, of
London, spent. Thanksgiving holidays
with their parents, relatives and
friends:---aMiss Anna Jeffrey and Miss
Gladys Broadfoot returned home from
London on Thursday evening last,
where they had been for some days
attending the convention as delegates
for the Ifurondale Ladies' I' tittite.—
A dance gotten up by the yoiiaignien
of the town was held in the town hall
on Friday evening last, •arid was gate
largely attended. The �intesio 'vias
supplied by an orchestra from Luean
and much enjoyed.—We are pleased
tosee Rev. Dr. C. p'letther much ini-
pr'oved from the serious illness hit
had and able to be around aggin,-
On Thanksgiving 'Day cine of those
t*a$atlt events which alWayi: cattle
interest took Oka itl Bridgeport,
!when bias Vercy.Geiger, only da'ug t-,
Make a list of all the shoes You can use,
then come to this sale and save from 40%
to 60% on them The Economy Shoe Sale,
opposite Daly's Garage, Seaforth.
Notes.—Thanksgiving Day was
spent quietly in this vicinity.—Many
of the farmers are busy gathering in
their roots. The early winter has
delayed the getting in of the fall
crop and the plowing done. — Miss
Bella McLellan spent the holliday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An-
drew McLellan, Sr.—Mr. and Mrs.
D. I. Hill, of Waterford, spent the
week end with Mr. Hill's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Hill.—Mrs. Wm.
Davis, Sr., who has been ill for some
months, is not improving as her many
friends would wish.—Mr- and Mrs. I.
Allen, of Brantford, are renewing ac -
acquaintances in this vicinity.
Presentation.—Thursday, Novem- Y. P. S.—The Young Peoples' So-
ber 5th, will long be remembered by ciety held their regular meeting in
the women of Cromarty Presbyterian the school room Sunday evening with
congregation, when nearly fifty met a goodly number present. Miss Etta
at the beautiful home of Mr. and Jarrott, who spent two months abroad
Mrs. Thomas Oliver, to bid farewell gave an interesting lecture, making
to Mrs. Ritchie, wife of their pastor, special mention of Edinburgh, Lon -
Rev. D. Ritchie, who left on Tuesday don, Paris, the battlefields, etc. Miss
to resume their new charge at Point Jarrott was much impressed with the
Edward. After the usual W. M. S. rugged beauty of Scotland. All pres-
meeting had been closed, Mrs. James ent enjoyed this lecture very much.
Hill, on behalf of the W. M. S., read The roll call was responded to by ac -
an address, and Mrs. Thomas Scott tive members only, and these active
presented an electric piano lamp and members pledged themselves to be
electric iron, Mrs. Ritchie replying loyal to one another, and to Jesus
very feelingly, after which Mrs. An- Christ, their Saviour. Duncan Coop -
drew McLellan, on behalf of the Home er told the story of the "First Thanks -
Helpers, read a short address and giving," and Harvey McClymont
Mrs. Edgar Allen presented an auto- read three appropriate Thanksgiving
graph quilt, which had been made by verses. Mass Jean Ivison rendered a
the women and had nearly all the pleasing solo. The meeting closed
names of the congregation on it. Mrs. with the Mizpeh benediction. This
3titchie expressed her appreciation of Sunday evening the subject is, "Here -
the quilt in a few kind and loving re- dity," and will be in the hands of the
marks. Mrs. W. Tufford spoke a few Citizenship Committee, namely, Sam -
words of commendation of the faith- uel Thomson (convener), Gilbert Jar -
fulness of Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie to- rott and Lloyd Workman. Everybody
wards their family, after which a welcome.
social hour was spent, during which Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Dat-
a delicious lunch was served. The Weiler and family, of Kitchener, xis -
meeting closed by all singing "God ited with friends in and around our
Be With You Till We Meet Again." village during the week. Mr. and Mrs.
The address was as follows: "Dear Detweilel and family are always wel-
Mrs. Ritchie—We, the members of , come visitors among their Klippen
the Women's Missionary Society and friends. — Mr. and Mrs. Eric Dyer
Home Helpers, have gathered to- Hui -don, of Detroit, visited at the
gether this afternoon to express to home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper,
you our love and appreciation of your of the London Road, during the past
service among us for thirteen years. week.—Mr. and Mrs. Royal McCly-
During the many years you have liv- mont and children, of Chatham, also
ed in our midst you have proved your- Mr. and Mrs. Russel Geoghegan and
self worthy of our highest esteem, al- Mr. Vernor McClymont, of London,
ways ready and willing to help when spent the holiday at the home of Mr.
help was required and to sympathize and Mrs. James McClymont, of our
in times of trouble. Your influence village.—Miss Etta Jarrott, accom-
for good has not only been manifest- panied by her friend, Miss Margaret
ed in your family, who are a credit Wynne, both of Toronto, spent a vis -
to you, and you have reason to be it during the past week at the home
proud of them, but, to every woman of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
of the congregation moulding our Isaac Jarrott, of our village. — Miss
lives for more consecrated service in Gladys McLean, teacher at Parkhill,
the Master's work- Your devoted spent the holiday at the home of her
and faithful work in our W. M. S. parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jou B. Me-
wilI ever be an inspiration to us, as Lean, of the London Road,—Mr. and
will also the memory of the devo- Mrs. William Winder, of Windsor, vis-
tional exercises which expressed a ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
true and loving heart as our leader in Workman, of the' Kippen Road, and
God's work. Your thoughtful and also Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson,
charming hospitality was always ex- of our village, during the week.—Mr.
tended to us and was always grate- and Mrs- James Bowey, accompanied
fully accepted and for which we are by the former's mother, Mrs. Peter
truly thankful. Bowey, visited at the home of Mr. and
Our friend for thirteen years you'v: Mrs. John Colvert, of Ilderton, during
been, the past week.—Miss Jean McLean,
All our wants so kindly filling; of our village, who spent a few days
The soothing balm of Scottish hostess at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wm.
Flowed so cheerful and so willing. Hay, of Niagara Falls, has returned
We extend our wishes that you both home.—Mr- and Mrs. William Rainey
may be spared to enjoy many more and Miss Doreen Haines, of Wing -
ham, spent Thanksgiving with their
cousins, Wilfred and Margaret Mellis.
--.Mission Band meets in the school
room Saturday at 2.30 promptly. Boys
and girls please come and remember
your envelope.—Mr. and Mrs. John
Henderson, of the London Road, north,
spent Thanksgiving with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, of
McKillop.—Rev. Mr. Lundy preached
anniversary services in Seaforth Unit-
ed Church on Sabbath last, and Rev-
Do justice co your purse! Good shoes were
never before priced so low: Shoe yourself
and every member of the family at the
Economy Shoe Sale, opposite Daly's Garage,
kl4 a, a
P it a e 7 4a 4 h w„ dg14104/ 1.,t,' ct 4 ltRh(:1
Wiatdsoa ran au a or; ... 't teras - aaa �§ .ado. of .
quietly pelier eed„„b t �a a: ase 'pleeetIt ;'a a. 'set almee ;10
giv'e4largely ytli
znaln baa uses• ,..
xnall�� ear
is beat as care a the Hbtlsse Q Ood fsaz s en
ah �
1 '�
tf, zz i ~�' r oat
way' : ay lOe 'de � e
pan of tide • ppy event in enather, God halt so Hasa..1 , anal i aa„ .goo
of Bell f Toronto, of aaaai. §et: A Ant for :claJ' o 'a!va "'
wage.. .,xa d , .gg p
spent' . $taa l gt'ving holadays here 'ship. Tibet it was oady'•the,<k Wh e
with' h a f�pllzer and relatives and .God right observed and divine :Win+
friends, Pim, George Moore, of ea. epees connected thirew,it? , that, mase
ford; spent;` few days .here during lido and property safe and reseed,
the; past week with friends, coming and made life worth living • en- tits
by shale - and;Mrs, Wilson ]Eierry 'truest and best sense of 'tha`-terneeee
and Mr. '; ;d .Berry, all of Windsor: Mee Will Simpson, now of Detroit,
apent Thazllsiving holidays' here with_ spent the week end here with !tis
their noth4, Mrs. T. J. Berry', --4 •mother and grandparents, Mr. 44:
Miss Jesste::,'1 $ell, of Windsor, spent.' !Mfrs. Robert Bonthrot.--The nietion
the week end here with her parents, picture illustrated "Hearts in Exhta
Mr. and Mr's, James A. Bell.—Mies given by Rev. Mr. Clysdale of the
Dora Sherri't, R.N., who has been United Church, Exeter Main Street,
nursing at.1'(irt Huron, for a number held in the United Church her n .
of months, without, we believe, miss- Tuesday evening last, was we'I a: I
ing a day,'. i§ home for Thanksgiving temded and much enjoyed by all an.;
holidays with. her mother and hro- he proceeds were devoted to Mis-
ther, Thomas J.—Miss Helen Elder, sions. Mr. J. W. Ortwein yet
of Londoai; and Miss Florence Welsh, ceptably presided over the me ~ ;n -
and Mitten Ortwein, all of London, —Mrs. G. C. Petty is in Toronf.
spent the' week end here at their iting her daughter, Mrs. Lorne Scott,
e homes...—Mrs„ J. Pope was visited dur- returning with Mr. Scott after he
ing the past week by her sisters, the had spent the week end here, arid
Misses' Graybeil, of Dashwood.—Mr. Miss Gladys Petty her daughter= has
and Mrs. George Brown spent Thanks- returned from visiting friends in
e giving. holidays in Stratford with Woodstock and vicinity.—Miss -An-
their daughter, Mrs. John Wilson and nie Consitt was in London recently
her husband,—Mr. Ferris Cantelon, of having an X-ray made of the injury
d Onodago, agent the week end here she recently sustained from a fall
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. when picking fruit in the' garden, and
Cantelon.•=-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dun- has been ordered to give her ankle,
f can, of . Harrington West, spent which was quite seriously sprained, a
Thanksgiving holidays with Mrs, Dun- complete rest as possible for some
can's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John time, in order that no bad results
Young, of the New Commercial Ho- may be sustained. • In her anxiety to
al tel.—Mr. and Mrs. John Dinsdale go around and attend to household
were visited during the Thanksgiving duties, she used her ankle too much,
e holidays by. their son-in-law and causing it to become painful, but it
of daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Vermilyea, of is hoped that with the required rest
Toronto. --Miss Katie Scott has re- it will very soon improve and become
at turned from a couple of weeks' pleas- quite normal again.—Mr. Sheldon
p- ant visit with her brother, Mr. Lorne Coleman, of Detroit, visited at the
n- Scott, of Toronto,.returning with him parental home during the past week
and members of his family by motor and also with his relatives in Hensall.
n on Saturday evening last. T h e —We are pleased to see Mrs. Robert
n Schubert Quartette, of London, have Higgins able to be out again after
and been engaged to give a fine musical being confined to the home for the
concert in the Town Hall on the ev- past month or more from illness.—
ening ening of Friday, November 20th, un- Miss Helen Fisher, of Toronto, spent
der the auspices of the Welfare Youth a few days during the past week with
s- Club, of this village, and come very her parents.—Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cook
held highly recommended.—The service of and children, of Ridgetown, and form -
praise in the United Church on Sun- erly of our village, were here on
t- day evening last was very much en- Wednesday afternoon for a few hours
joyed, consisting of some three an- combining business with a visit.—Mr.
o- thems and fine quartettes, and called Fluker, of Auburn, is visiting rela
m forth high enconium from Rev. Mr, tives and friends in Hensall and vi
Irwin, of Seaforth, who was conduct- cinity.—,We are pleased to report tha
n- ing the service,—On Sunday after- Rev. A. Sinclair is improving nicel
of noon last :Rev, Mr. Foote of Exeter, and expeots to take his services in th
m.; conducted services in St. Paul's An- United Church on the coming Sunday
Monday glican- church for the Presbyterians, November 15th.—Mr. Lloyd Davis, o
Club to a congregation that filled the the Bank of Montreal staff, spent
he church, notwithstanding unfavorable few days here during the past wee
ch roads and. weather.—Mrs. Alexander with his mother and sister, Mrs. A
Sparks has returned from a pleasant W. E. Hemphill, returning on Monda
three months' trip and visit with rel- evening to resume his duties.—➢Hs
me atives and: friends in Saskatoon, E. J. McEwen, recently of Vancouve
ci- Sask., and Calgary, Alta.—Mr. John is here visiting her sisters on th
ed Carmichael, who is now in Stratford, homestead, a little south of our vil
per spent the week end here with his Isle•—,Mr, A. J. Switzer and Mr. an
ng mother and grandfather, Mr. William Mrs. Ross McLean, of Detroit, ape
Club Towers.=Picking apples and rooting Thanksgiving with relatives an
to up turnips. is the order of the day friends in Hensall and district.—
in with many. of our farmers.—Our rur- Laird Joynt, of London, spent th
have al couriers enjoyed the first of their week end with his mother and b
ad- lately granted holidays by the Gov- ther•—Miss Margaret' Habkirk, t o
er, ernment on Bdonday last.—Mr. and London, vi ' her parents durin
Mrs. Roy -White and Will White, of the pas eek.—Mrs. A. Seruton an
gra London, spent the week end with their Ha visited Mrs. Coxworth, iia
Tuesday parents here. --Miss Flossie Foss, of uton's . mother,. of S'trathroy, t
Band Toronto, motored here with Mr. and rst of the week.—Moss' Sparrow
Paul's Mrs.'Vermyllean, of Toronto, to spend ited friends in Wingham over
cel a few days with her parental --Messrs. holiday.—The Welfare Youth Cl
Bonthron and Drysdale, our old es- held a pleasant evening in the bas
were tablished and enterprising hardware ment of St. Paul's Church on Mo
ant merchants, are and have been putting day evening last.—Rev. Mr. Sinclair
and in a number of furnaces in this dis- morning subject on the coming Su
trict—Mr. William. Reynolds, of Til- day in the United Church, will b
Pen sonburg, spent the week end here with "The Task of the United Church
and his mother and sisters.—Rev. Mr. Home and Abroad"; in the evenin
deal Naylor conducted services in St. "When the Chickens Come Home
a Paul's Church on Sunday last, de- Roost.,"real live and interesting su
fine livering very interesting discourses. jects•—Among those who recent
e.— —Mr. Harry Waghorn and William visited in London we learned of Mi
now Webber, Jr,, of London, and Mr. Wm. Viola Higgins.—Mr. Laird Mickle a
Sholdice, of McKillop, were visitors Mr. Pepper spent Thanksgiving at t
of at the home of Mr. Colin S. Hudson parental home at Ridgetown and Ha
has on Sunday last—Mr. Alex. Smith, of over as in the order mentioned. --IMI
our village, is buying in and shipping Ethel Murdock entertained her. Su
now large quantities of turnips. — Mr. day school class during the pa
the Richard Blatchford is still confined to week.
years of greater service than has been
your lot, and we, the W.M.S., take
great pleasure in presenting you and
your household with these gifts, as a
remembrance of our love and good
wishes to you in your new field.
Signed on behalf of the W. M. S."
Breezes.—Mrs. S. Cleave and Miss
Maud McGregor have returned from
a fwo weeks' visit with friends at Bad Irwin occupied the pulpit here.—Miss
Axe, Mich.—Rev, F. H. Paull and Mrs. Alice Neeb, of the 2nd of Hay, spent
Paull returned Saturday from a visit Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Neeb, of Dashwood.—Mr.
and Mrs. William Ivison, of our vil-
lage, visited with friends in Blyth
during the week.—With a few fine
days farmers will be in good shape
for winter. Plowing and threshing is
about ended, and a large percentage
of the roots and apples are under cov-
at Toronto, Galt and London.—Mrs.
Weir, of London, is visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs. J. W. Tippet—Mr. James
Cameron, of Toronto, with Isabel and
Evans, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs.
T. Cameron.—Miss Annie Dewar and
- Miss Alma McKay, of Toronto, and
Mr. David Dewar, of Clinton, were
' home for the holiday.—Miss Helen
Gerrie, Principal of our school, spent
the holiday at her home in Ingersoll.
—Will Cameron, of Detroit; Miss
Ethel Jowett, of Breeken; Miss Jean
Woods, of Orton; Miss Nina Heard,
Stratford; James Ferguson, Laurence
and Fred Fowlie, of London, were
home for Thanksgiving:—Oliver Gold-
thorpe and George Castle have gone
north en a deer hunting trip. -- Mr.
and Mrs. E. IL Wigle, of London,
have been visiting Mr, and Mrs. Jas.
Sturgeon—Mr, and M'rs. E. IL Johns
and sons 'were at Wiarton for the
bediday Mr.• George 1'lsher, Munro
it teillei' tat`idT3oIeie-Fiahet, of Virekter-
100'• Fisher and Miss Nixon,
1. :i ner *I fa gnats of Mrs. F.
ttti f' l :,Lord ,arid
s'titi, Of London,
Dayton over
here's your shoe onportuntlly 1 We can
save you from 40% to 60'l on every pair of
shoes hnn,rht at this ovale, The Economy Shoe
Sale, opposite Delis Garage, Seaforth.
1•iensall Chopping Mulls wilt ,be grindinit
every afternoon and on Wednesdays and Sat-
urdays all day, eomm,eneinrt with Tuesday of
next week, the 17th. John Passmore. Pro-
prietor 8022-1
Oddfellotvs.---On Tuesday evening
last the Oddfello'ws of Hensel] Lodge
No. 223, enjoyed a visit from the
District Deputy Grand Master, Mr. 3.
Moore, of near Goderich, when a
splendid social evening was anent,
the degree team of. .the local lodge
putting on the initiatory* degree in a
Manner wbicla ,called- forth big en-
+coniums froth the D. D. C4, It There
Was :a lar.a't ettetidaace including a
his bed owing to the severe injury he
received inwardly from his fall a
couple of weeks ago, when on -a high
ladder engaged in picking apples in
the orchard of his .friend, Mr. Alex-
ander, and in order to ally' the liga-
ments to unite which wer injured on
his side from the fall, he ay have to
remain still confined to Ith room for
some weeks yet.—Rev. r. Living-
stone, of Elimvvlle, eonduii ed service
with much acceptance inethe United
Church on Sunday mo , ng last, de-
livering a good pr ;1 sermon deal-
ing with the le -'`itg quasflons and is-
sues of the da nd has a good clear
carrying voice Mr. and Mrs. Har-
vey Pope, of '1 estop, spent the week
end here with Mrs. J. Pope, Mr.
Pope's mother,—Mr. Rose, of London,
was a visitor this week at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. Elder.—Mr. and
Mrs. James Kimball have returned to
their home in the West, after a pleps-
ant two weeks' visit with relatives
and friends in Hensall and vicinity.—
Mrs. John Blatchford is visiting at
the home of Mr. Charles Keddy, of
the Township of Ushorne.—Mr. and
Mrs- James Logan, of Windsor, and
formerly of our village, spent Thanks-
giving holidays with relatives here.—
Mr. Muir and dal liter, 1V1rs. Burgess,
of Toronto, spent .the week end !sere
with their relatives, Mrs. Thomas
Dick and daughter, Mrs. Bertha Bell.
—On Sunday evening last, Rev. Mr.
Irwin, of the United Church, of Sea -
forth, conducted services in the Unit-
ed Church here, he, as well as Rev.
Mr. Livingstone in the morning, very
kindly supplying for Rev. Mr. Sin-
clair, owing tohis illness. Rev. Mr.
Irwin delis-ered a most splendid ser-
mon, which was listened to with great
attention and being Thanksgiving day
he dwelt Very impressively on that
subject, emphasizing -the fact of how
thankful we .shaded be • for all the
mercies of God and that our lot was
cast in one. oft if not the very best
and most favored country in the world
and how ou, 4iearts sh-btild go out in
gnat9ttide to' tele great t giver of all,
and horn the careless and ungodly ones
owed to Moth: to the gospel and , the
church here on eax'thfor the corn-
fots land besting they enjoyed, as
the church o 'God dila Itis.. eeple teare
indeed the Galt : off' '1 h earth, and in
that , ay' *e06 011tsMrY d . from; many
calamities trust inf 1 justly be via.
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