HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-11-06, Page 7— ­'�_,_ � � � � q,�� 11 ,,, , I.. '. . . 1; � .�� � I I'll.. I . . . . . . . I '... ,� 1; .. . "I 77 7 TV, ! " �;, * � I � " � I � . . I , . - "I . �, ". I , , I , I 1. 11.1 , I 1 I : � , , , . - . I 11 ��'. I , , , � . � :� 1 . I I ,�t �� '� 't ��,,:,,, , , I , , " I . , I I .� � �__ f ,;�.: �, ,, _. , . I � I - " , .,� , "',;'. ,, :'11 ,!:. :�,_ot . I, , 't � , , ,�� , " ,� � : ,'�, ,,, , ,--T, , "_ ." I ��,:,� 6s .1 K k �* -14 1% I 6- i -1 ;�, � ,� ,1�111. 154 , - i-J,A;� ��J�. *,." t," 11,�e, A��,,.�S�,It;­' . . . '. I IN i�i� 14" "I ,4 'I .:i, I . 11 t�.. ­�V', "�­ ", ",-j", . : " I I ��! i t, , , � .... �11 �,It, N" J �, v, " . , * .1 . , , .. ­ �. ,� j�� ... ,1 - , ,., 11 ''lip I . .. I � .11 . "IT . .,. I �' , , 'i I I I , , i ;, , ­,� . . � ,� 1� : 11, , _ It'! �' C � lf�i , , I , ��, . , , , 1. 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I Ttl I ltl�xl �6 in "uZagAll". 1`;&=O�-= QLWAA, — Wk&1VAk �aiamnlftfr�, '44; I - Rij� " ,?A� t."%- _­­� =­,g',��."�W,l , ".,P.�,��,N�v,3.IVE�a�.,.,Tyg,l�,�%��W,i.,7p.�y,,', � c: , " � * � . ��i!.;,)�!,,'�,,, ""': -��,,;�"!Af..I�Til,p�:,b,r,�(�"1,�� - Zt, � ,.. -X - k� �1� , 'Y�49 K. , , - , , �. � , � ,, "11;ITT �� - " !� _1V , , llie��111_il , �� ----7,-, �-,I�'O��, ". , , �"r ,,, � , � ! , , , � ��; !!�p "'t" , I I I �, . � . , b4m : , . , I � _ i �, .� , , , � �,Alw ,�,4�-_4�'_ 'k�,_`� "I" �w I "'�' " shill fl��r vKprv*i5ion chaniva. 1,3' , , , I V, V I V;d;dJ.,VW hau hertitlf and *way � "'t� jat,jtio.�_��AiL� b"gart to riNsellt ic � �� , , I . o rd 11, ,,IX74,44?0!4�� ,:,aid, tualling I rwa 'I', , 4,'*�,,,�: i-:�,%''i, . , I ,�..;. I . W,,,.�i,t�,,, ,, , . � �:";M 4C,��j.vo � ul� filout the table -� *,�,�,-14437�',t�!R't "''� , , I jj,(� '�, I 191) r , 0--;64,, 1 , childreit . .111, kll.'�-' %�.,�,� I I . , �,Jw, , wuit,goll .'', 1 �7 '� , -*' '', "r, iii, w4uja�f�,,)�4t , "It. �, ,,�.M I kp ... z , '' I : , ,=.m..", 1. '''Ill, , ,q , . �t,did"�� . %',� "'I"JA444AWt , , , e . 0-1 I t . ,, , , 11 "i .11 pl-r-l",aikir T�,� ,�i. , ,, , I I I . � ih4t " "" j�i_-.'sh#,�C . 11 :.-1____-1-_ I ..wyw,'v�_15�!,,V �.11Z,1,711MMr .,"-­W;�OP�T: -, , . �, I .)��. I I ­ ­ ­$ . , , i;,�­.,, , 'N �'! Z§WWAI &F,* _. -1 --1. I , . �� I "?,I - , '. I 11 10 , W, '=- ;I ki,;J "I'll ... ". � r , " .. � I _ .. , , - , h t live gxoat, C44.4g, %F�l A, _-, A� I I I � . 0j"-- p". N1AXrPMk.'VQy1N�i . wm X. - , , . 0 . I I , �, P, - " ift�: -, , I " . , , ' Q , I , I - �N - . ,-T4W7 40 rN T. , ., , , - g''. 40 ... "I 0a �440XW-, a ,ft, , t I 13 I I , . , � , .., . I , - ; 1 , I . , " '. , . , ,c r i9v . "Aar 1. pd�:A . , � _,..�;i'.f;� -�,� t,40, 111;,31"" . � � " . , , OW _. : . v f4,' �N,4_14 � �.,. i i , W."11i", !*C,�' I . ., , rprA I . - 4 . 0% . Rt� �, I , 1- -��`�O - aox '-, ­' IS , 4 ` 4 _" , "'I"! r� . "' ...... I � . , I . , �;�, I I I .; ji'a.J$ I &_`,infer. , �Q,j ��­ jlv� ,,:":�- #�:!",#*-�,,,l �_ 10 I I . 1BY Md, �� , .. � of , , _W, """ ''" , -1 I 1! R - .96 N - 16,,` 0 10 . .. 4r . 0 1! I .1 . ," : �z � .'I.. _ 1� ,� XARIB VAN VORST e ., I I 14 mrpm r, the swap. , r W ,,, A, � , I AA.&� 10 � I _11-11-_'- , t�. i, ::tb � tire , , . :, U , . " ji@ Lr* - '41 " . _ 094t d"z2ar " as faintly, r ­ I 11b If '.,;A, -0 �_,;,#%...�Lv " W �, ;. u., ox..4 . to "Mit, �1 - SINg"i �- . ,, , ,�:;.� � I oin ­cvp" ro '.i��, �Z,IV" 47,%, 7 - :1 �, ", � I I". ssity' t'- -Ij �­j JoUll Whe aftld,".Ilph' Shp did , 0. , 1".. , .1, , U , I I - , � .. ,, c r ro,m .1 , , , �f .. ., � �, i � � 'r 1;1,41ps, I.. 04 . , % to - — . .1 . I ,�. . I . I OiA."A t1wrible, temble, sbm*V�- 9. . . � . LL ,� 1. - , " i ��,�,�44 �, �� , �,,,:,,�, , ,ol N, � 't it,pjqzp, - i . = .1 0- � ,� . I T . , � Tz,� I ' Bl,yt " ffore him. 1,4 jtQo"` 4 t a., fra t we, &�W, Im'-ft% .""i't"A ", 01" . , , ,� . , " .0 -�Oj4 -.�d I .he, Roqlk 44" " , , 4g , � . GROSSET & DTJ. . . ,, �.:i pe(Uri his ,act of w, A , .$,. W , . , , - - '. . . 1.4. � A I 'his bQ ,% a,"':, : , ,I �, , YIWO4 tl ung, $40-0c :" 1.11 . _'W, 4a&. 1 �__ I 1. "': T_: I I . . , ,we -ma0t',01 stone 1104 � �Alt has b.oqp, a � .. � e4 .... 11 , . 11.01 ,,,�..,. . . ­_ I Now Vorlx. . A - VAMP 2 ,�� �, 11 . - 1. rl I �,,rl, t,t',�t� I , . I �jj ,. 4 , ,�, ",". , � , . med a tre%end,fts thing. Its Wee�Li�:!, .. � -. . lVa-lill ,she � .."r, - -, . ,� see ., . � 1. . � "Aup . _j ; - �_ , - . . ,. ,,*'41,�t, , I . I ! � . ,� V&Aji 1*6 b"A, P;4?%��, 1, I 1!?�. . -1 .1 . � ,� . I I his . � M ­ 0 , , :1 � .­.. � .. ink face -had lool�4'�rdwn on theser, �. . To �you. wnqye - W. 40 !qpo At b, , ,:1 11 , , , ­­. 1. 11 .. . I I . I I 1� T -W �v 1'4,040,�W_ 4* "tot (4),ORgres � . ... - Y,114AOI W 4 WAY) Qnlyt.t , 0, 11, �. W". I. li�_' 1. ,f . ___T_ -7, . - ;=' 55�;k_�_ . = i fli . 1 -_ ,4 ;� -`�,, ,, " I.- - .1. I scenek rough_tte, 0 -_, � 9 . WA ;�,r . * " ., ".. ,&1i1,:i1 � ,, . . I . , - , �v , . �,::�'. I ., � Indian raids, over �40; coming o,t the Job -4 knew what she w,44, tbmkiu.w,' 1, In h1s`W0 - ir ,W ,1,1,� � �.q', __ - a �: 00A . ,4es; over, 0 � lx -new you wove4low ho, '.T '" ___. : . . � 1, . � $6 sb0"mo WO � to; '�Ai I _ xe hi$ o*m.­. ' I I " I . I 104, vith - -) ii ,�t��,:, V� , *eak :�. -Alics9on! �, -­ 1,:� " I WA W, s�# ,4 Xel; , t �� - - . - , I 7 , , �� by big nephews, whoflu.119 themselves sturdy pioneers, ovexthe marches of, He cauld,see the 15tate of sxbilgr tbp.-`XIAO� bsa�� , I Ny,��i'.�t, �� ,�`, 060tiA d Irm,,"_-, AOWK on . . .1 '� �,., Z'.:."'ti . , 'In alt A -P I ''. , 01", ,,� . �,-,�. ,� � . i .., . .'atd the march- of exultation; I 'on. Z1. coni-pleteness- Of hip � f'e=uc1,a �� I , - , � 4� 1 #101, , � - She paused 4t the door, �.Vrom.' OIA;� ,. 44-,,� ogn't 'am "'he said dis- against, him. ., Washingtoifs armiq,s�, , of happiness in Wph I .. .. .. '!t,-,5+;J.Tv,%ffl;!,;1,�V­.. �'� "',�.: ��' , . , � .. . , M, UU4", ­ . "? ma " � life seemed jnado u; 9f .. 49WITAnall., 0 1 , . A 4gre -why #Ly� career should be "Uncle John," said Roger, t1wd are jug, of the Fedeial,ti*,i4s, And now she h#d ffiund bar father, He -knew His R";r 0'.11� �, . W "O. "I sidl�� came the topta,Treliwa : - .. eably, . , , "A 110 , , .. � , , , , I � .W I " ,,�, �' ,. : eve ,;, , ft_fty�%Qtf �. -AN,,�zt` . '. � U i or,, �whlch, Nolaw had. drive.0" of such tremendous importance." going to lock -and barricade the door it looked down og ,#L.e.� regeneration that slic, had before her eyes the pie- laying dowq 'and glying U, 11. I . ,_1._T ­t.w.i. UP . rt .;,, "I"), .... , %, � d keep. you -In prison-,lintil YOU tell of tho land by Jo,hq Tromaine. .hat a irlaa values, - , . , w, ,_'*,';,�,,�,- .� , Amb..W.15, In O 1!6�k Quite immobile, she sat there be- an I ture of a rejuvenated, happy man. thing t , *, After, �,f ,f� , I , a��,��_3n7l..Vffff,&�kWl � � �.. - - , 4g. It was cold, with a life before him, instead of the noon here in 'his a dy, , r llr.� ,VTM ,", , .015ti - "P., .1 hr 6 fore him, looking up at him, and us, the end of the caravan story. You - Ile to che4 the to 421, ---A*%�. �,� ag � , tp he e4 W, , - , ,T-_ 'l—, __o_uT_1_c1` s-,- Irst line said, scarcely aloud; � or a lion hunt , , I ponderous, and imm6v �11 � were just setting out ,f ,4ble. The niarn- sordid.despair and the inevitable de- .more than ever the barrenness of his, �C,L_ . , - ", ,t�,A,,, .1 ee the P O', 0_14J;210"t � I ,� '. i ��` , ,,,,,,,, �?�Vl , N, , 0 'I �,,�,'�,: �, 0 , , , , 'Ili,. ,� 1, , , ' nd him rose higli. struction that comes with actua I e, He felt that no.Wilz ever could 0 q �,!��.��,�t,ji� , I 1, 0"'Ig g , . - ong the path when you came up, with poor N olan," moth pines arou , , � � 114� ,�F,T of "workmen coming 9 441' know the cloud you are under. I if W ."', � ga�' - , I , : , , I,. , . j,�..'u."', �'-� eae 2 in 46 ' atio`Ai of iiis spirit .'or TI -Wo � 00 ;* I . poverty,. , There was p e jair branches . relieve -the desdi , .� 1 th4t led to. John's office. I have known it for years." — * I �,.'".��,, 11 F.."o.,;o, I this save him from, 4 1M. of e r h 1, 11 I CHAPTER XXVIII and beauty in theW forms- He look- struck As" UA` � 4 vv.4, � N t��:'.I,i,�� �� You must let Nolan drive you He paled, stared at her, bit his lip, . He -was particularly verlast! togethor, `1 '-, K ' I . .. are bond as it lay evening by the musical sweet4esg, of solitude. Then Julia, - palpitating train,' And )�e�;t' , , , �­.. home, Julia, and send the car back then gave a cruel la�iigh, and wn at his b , . , TO - . ,�', ed do V " said Julia and Mrs. Tremaine savor John , _ fo�' me.11 I . . . I , , p, A-ITXI�`, d savagely: I . s evening in a new light., He was against the surface of the stone. His her voice as she spoke with coritrol with warm-th and beauty, came to c4r4n,-,vq,W,.,.*w',1:W,4 I , a "I came daw .1 em,41 V*00 1 0 I �. It, . . . , , .. Me, I .. � I I , ,,, I thi ,�., But she lingered. Ti "of course you do' Just one more ;her's band, that -human thing, so much less and dignity him., ,and the ,thought flashed upon ste,,se * - �#i 341 zi,, 1.11'.11"I , _�,'� � " char . i.., - heie." she said determinedly, "for a �ddcd to the number! David told you -Ming. It was their graudmal mutable, was possessed of a greater "Why shall I not take what, 16hn, qying, Ill . � wish that during their stay at River- .1111 � "I came to tell you that I shall ye- him: _ . -t* nti`6 P.,"Y'r,vi ­ . " � - P1=Os; d am not going back did he?" . side the children sometimes should power than the thin �bv which he turn to the North, to take up my fate has left to me? Why shall I and to::win,::`�b 1 Al % gs , Alk" I , 1"11'1��` �. , .� .- . ': 11. , .. ?, 1,�,,� t _. _. _ . __ '­& 6 . I 1k, W� ... . � - 4.ye surrounded. Under the skin, his position again; that I shall,continue not find forgetfulness in the caresses o Pv;g;it,'_-")# � # " _' 61, ' ;,, �. -and dine with them. On these occasions, was � ,vn Ag__-%-,�, " 10. , , I � ", - - wi4out it, John," . p,".she said, "he told me Md. . to support'snyself. 1, had thought of of this beautiful woman who p. , lip I, I ;�,'.. - �.!.' . , I , so I . .. am afraid " said Tremaine, -open- 1, pitied you then. Please believe the dinner hour was advanced to half- veins ran blue with his vigorous is ready, X,t'.All! O�t�_ " . Z11 ; . � - , . ,.."I � K ,,, � . , . .1 . �_.. . % I " I - .-- 1 '711. ­ .the cabin, "that this � ae turned away from her and - His skin was sfiue and elastic. trying to support my father —.,' - to make me forget?" - �­­.. . .,!,!,, , - ing, the door of � past six, but little, Roger, early as blood . laughed. tie, ku ,w.,.Rpx.� I I -.,!�,, - , time you will have to go back exactly walked across the hearth -Tug and said the hour was, sat dreaming and al- tie had proved the power of his hand Treinaine siriled. He wanted her She sat down by his table, leaning. could eause, t]ie Z&' Z, #0W 1h .1 ��,:i. .. ' 1�,: 1� �, - 01t. I �Q ', "I send you, Julia. I am -in the -over his shoulder to her, shortly: Oft'.09" , as .,.- inost dozing by his grandmother's , and the strength of his body. He to look at him, He could control her both arms upon it and ,bending over face.-' 'VaopW�beg�n4p �0`10 t, ­ e, naw . ' . ' I W., - I _-11, . , . , 4, " "I don't want your pity, Julia." side. was proud of it; he had trained it, better that way. She did lift her them, ber face lifted to his.% tcoefher. . He k i' � "� � 1. $ " , '". � , " ql' �X� � � - 65fte t,K; " �kl�,, I�How hard," she murmured, "life But tefore he had gone from her A pleased expression was upon Mrs. he had kept his bodY ulider. He had eyes, and he instantly held th6m. "John," she. said, "I've-th6ught of heaT.R. - An 17 �� �-:;;�4-,� ' ;;-- ' ' - ��t�,; .4 e Id . , �, .A . I ��Ii I., �.�',,,,�. has. made you." that fn a great de- "That,"' -he said, "would be an in- nothing but you--!--`,' and' be knew Once..W twlee, ,be* I '' , half a dozen steps, tortured as - been able to say . , I—— - � - lip. Tremaine's face. She felt that some . 't ; 7 '�W. �0`01102f ; "' L, ;,"11".1 1!tHow hard I made yo�i, John -my was by events and eirtilinstan thing new had come into - gree he was master of the temple and tensely foolish and quixotic thing to that she was ,thinking of the rnoment in, the *oo&.,f.alid,thiE�.'�D�Xf�rl,,Yv--��.� � "I', , 'Wpe de's, , ,. , 1.1',lit I the rela , __ ., 1. li;t , M_.7�:�,��, IM � ft . - a of his desires. He had permitted no do." when he had been ready to take her her, Once is,eavitt� ' ,� �.: . *04s. to --th 0 ix work. John understood that her pity had in tions between John and Julia �' - I --- - 1-1- 1.�T !�Very hard, indeed." it a vast deal of sweetness. Before nd its "I am not possessed of an income," in his arms. But as she had then John had taken her ial',X,ov'er��tbellw4t-o�"0,,.��,--,,-�, 41 spirit of mutual responsiveness and excess or waste of its force a - - ees'w' '"' 'Ja I _ " ,, �,�, -... �, - accomplished his he had turned back, Julia had risen ality. Was he now to allow him- said Miss Malvern. drawn near and yet kept him away, and �she ,had b , q -, 'ay" - q,,�-,, , r __ I "I , , . . .14 , IPWP,,',O,�"'i`,� ,," Ue smiled. He of mutual excitement. John seemed vit 1� � W." , . 4 T.. .,-.,iw �. wt, tv , 411� brutality like an artist. "Oh, no," he and stood before him, holding out -self to be vanquished in the human "Your father is, however, of a com- so now she hold her .distance and ested. S46_'.A,owW-w ,,r-,, 4all", '�,�,�414,�, � I nervous, and Julia seemed to be sup- �� , � " . __ - . ,. , I . aaI4 easily, "you must not blame her hand. . � .� - . ­�T. zr.i" pressing a feeling of elation. She struggle'P fortable one." . tempted him the More. - "I can't tell tion and' h :4 "'I J - w. b . " ;zg � �!� . J W I that. There are very For days he had been resolutely . daugh- As a boy, -he had made bonfires She threw back her head and, the you how ambiiious I am for you. I laid aside a "" , '; " 11 i-1. �;, yourself for glanced from her son to hei . , �'71xvtwwj', UtL we-, "I -­ � , i"';n ' . . � .. . ,.":,; ,,;, ii, � 1. je,j� women whQse influence over' a turning -his thoughts away from her ad dreamed of adventures in color flaming into her cheeks, she want to see you fill the place in Vir- serve. 7 - %. . , �� , �;�'. " ter -in-law and thought-, "Why this here, h 11 I � %� " - t,�_� - , -�;�it�­�,�i I �. �, , I . 4�.a_'­. t, � ,";_". - m* is strong enough to change his as.. he had been keeping,himself away 'Id countries. ,He had drLamed as spoke to him the same words that his ginia you were insant to fill. Don't -When he came into the 11ouse *=t,..t,��,"q­ � would be a solution. If Julia knew, wl ,-�,:,' I teiii Don't blame yourself. from her in reality. Her personality why would this not be the solvi)ag of well Of life. Now his past lay back mother had used under such different 'be quixotic now; dont ea'cr-ifice your- the evenings, she was there -with tf,jo� ­:�, � A_ 11 T. , 6 , ���� �,.���.�Ilz .... , 1, .perament. Ili, , . - �.. �_ I)— � k about otlier things. There is Nvas a pervading one, difficult to es- the problem?" - - of him, insignificant as- the toys of a circumstances: "Why did you do, it? self any further. Run for Congress; boys, under the light of the ha agl, X.'�, �_,- "�k.. Y � .� �k - I.. 11 �:,-�.."''­ 11� .: n6i eason why our paths should cross. cape, enchaining, fascinating. She his ebild. He 'had loved his home and Why did you do it?" Do-do"' charming. Tha", I -, �, 1'. I � Little Roger, scarcely raising ' ' lamp -graceful and .. .- , 'I.,. i I - N41iin!"' he called. to the Irishman, knew her charm. and used Lt P 3 8 had been proud of his Material ut there :$he stopped, looking at him fully, clung to her, 'and their love seein. 2,t, ""',-, ;�:: H, drow y lid , said: � He wanted to lie to her. B ,�...., Qi:. , "" :.,�6 1 " , - 4'run Mrs. Tremaine home, will You, appreciated it, and realized that she "Mother, get Uncle John to tell achievements; but now he felt that was something in her that absolutely clearly, and her eyes were not fath- part of her fascinatiOn-an une*_', .. � .", - " i., , . � ". ,,, I . I t,.� r. an& come back for 'me at once?" e room where be you about Tom Nolan." all was insignificant � except mental prevented him from telling her an omable in this moment. pressed appeal. -She seerned.,to. kno�r�. t�.It.,�� ­ . - .. . ` ". .. "o, ,� . I . ii '0,oc . ., � Ill, was without making him conscious Tremaine shook his -head, but Dav- hnd nioral achievement. There was untruth. She seemed a heaven -touch- He was looking at the oval of her that the role of matJhV % 1 was " �1 . " 4 .. 1:��, I 11� r CHAPTER XXVII of her presence. She was, moreov�er, ey who had not waited for an invita- "nothing in material victories that ing peak that called only to the high- cheek, into which the color had beat- ornament to her—tha:6 �i* 'kPpeal,f�7a-'. ­ �!,., ".1 11 , . ' - . � . � 1 1A. Ifow that he had definitely niade the first woman who had spoken to ti ' could bring to him the joy he longed est things in him. en warmly. He vtas looking at the to John through the b9 -y&_.' ., '. .1,� i -, 1� . : I., on, began: , I ,,� , �. ,.;�,t, I .. 7;_f'., up�lbis mind to return to South Africa, himin sympathy of this hideous com- "Why, Nolan got lost in the South for. "You think I am responsible for deep indentations of her mouth, at Sqm. etimes he folmd her with 146 I �.;., I - ',i *r, sewing,' ini `,L�. . , , Tri*naine took a certain comfort in r1exity, and she was all sympathy African desert and was captured by this?" he said. her dark hair that made*her neck and mo il;roid6r!�Q, ta W� '' � -1 "" I . ' ' -L - ' ' ­ .". ,�,� t, � CHAPTER JCKIX "Ohl" she exclaimed in a voice that ear so dazzling' white by contrast. ing-:or -else he'!,fOun4­1r6i:-.,i1one ' � 1,�i, �� 11 th,E��Ithought that once again he should i;cw, her eyes soft and bright. She the natives. Wasn!t he, -'Uncle John? � ' �, , I ��,, . 4 I - . ttle�, . 1;:�,,,,�,X 1. he bhe4'1" she , I 'S ' uld Down in the old pasture, when s I 1. d a' I '' pu6behind him, at a great distance, seemed, as she stood there then, to Davey's voice assum�d an. irresist- As John came to the door of the shook with real passion, "You CO ,%,And :' �. .. I '"4;`,41 1, . . I ' , -- ' - I... ,��,, � ' pro)lems and difficulties that he saw push away the curtain between the ible brogue. "Tom Nolan is from cabin, he observed to his surprise the not make me, believe anything but was a girl, 'he had -held her face be- san �,_ m, while hesatamd smok-' I I."",. � , . - no way of solving for himself. Hav-, past and the present, and to go back Cork. When Uncle John found him figure of a woman standing quietly the truth even if you wanted to." tween his ban& in the moonlight and ed. � � I �.. �, I � � I I I �_, � �7, . � 11 1 � i4 emphatically closed the door upon. into the old days, leading him with at last, he was lying. unponscious b�- in the dusk. At first -for he could He smiled. "You do not know .the, kissed her, treinbling. ' ' I.. .1111., - ��. - her; and he felt, in that moment, the hind -a clump of bushes, he was; and not distinguish her in the distance- facts. ' Your father has received no "My interests," he said, "have sud- (continued next 11 . . . . . . 4 weeL .... , " � ) � bi-, hopes, be shut out for himself for . I . . � � - _,�, �, vs� a ideal of home. Once again, dangerous rush of tenderness t Uncle John saw -him, all covered with he took her to be the wife of one of more 'thhn the good fortune he de- denly become very precious to you, I I .:','�, 11 hat I 11 - 1� '... � e n Julia." . I I i " � ��,:�, - , . - . � I I ,p . , ' Pla "o .�*L , " , �:, , h mled to lose himself in the ex- only comes wttli the need of love, and flies and sores. Didn't you, Uncle his workmen. As 'he approached and serves." . :. . . . . . : .... � - ,: ., � . citoMent of impersonal enterpri�eyaud the call of it, and the desire for it. John" I saw the figure of a lady, the idea that Before she could speak again, he "Not suddenly, John." .1 �� �� . � ig, - He laughed --broke the spell abrupt- WAY RHEUMATISM -, ,, ' - . would not let himself acknowledge, But Julia could not have known by "Davey!" exclaimed his mot -her. it was Julia came upon him with a continued with insistence- "You have ' g,,� . ,al ,It , ­ ' I EN COMES BA6* !, �"<� I as ,4 up his- expression that he was anything � , FT 11 ...,-. . "Let him go on, Julia," said his sort of aversion. It, was Isobel, no rightto suggest to your father an lY, turning his �.:,., , � .�!��,q, " - - : "I ,,,, -*e looked forward to taking _ . ! me*. undertakings, new schemes, that but hostile to her. His brow was grandmother. standing quietly in the shadow, dress- idea that might destroy his happi- looking through the withered vine : .1 J ' 1� .."'s; he'would fail to find in them such dark, and his expression stern. "Yes, Granny," said the boy grate- ed in dark travelling clothes, her furs ness." leaves to the blue horizon where Mal- The Usual:� Treatment: Does Not, �;� , li. I I - . � , �,�� - - - - - - - - vital interest as would make him for- "John," she said -and in the agree- fully. "Uncle John carried him back wound around her neck.' She made She shook her head. vern hill melted softly into the light. Reqqh .the R6ot of .-the � -.11 �1, � - � -.1 I 1,��..,... � � get. the hunger in his heart. It had able modulation of her voice, in its with him---4didn't you, Uncle John? a tranquil note in the tranquil even- He urged again: 'Y'ou cannot de- Juliahad not moved. She was try- ? .. , "Trouble.' , _,..� - , ", 11 I 11 � . - been different before. Poor and un- 'lowered tone, there was everything And nursed him back to life. Didn't ing; back of her was the,edge of the prive your father of the enjoyment ing to win hijn, to find hiM and to -, - — . . .1 , , l I . �...1:1.1' I'll, _ ... 1. knbwn, he had everything to gain, of feeling, with just the shade over hold him. I t,.- Most treatments for ,-Aeumatislu �,���;,,,, you?" forest, and over her head the early of the last Tears of his life?" �.,%� .... �i .... � :�', I. . and he could forget himself . ,..in the it that.keeps. feeling fxom. pas i There was a silence. He saw her "Do you remember," she asked in do no more Vi�kn aim,tto �keep d ' ... , ,". � Al" "My people nursed him." I winter stars. . 0 - ;.. I , � joy -of blittle. ` , "John, you ,don't - know, in slon- Then she exclaimed: a low tone, "the day -we p I 17 .. ..�;,`X` these arted- the .poison ih the, blood and en io I., /"Is that all?" asked Julia. As he came ,up to hdr, he said waver. � .11 7� ,,, ,� ,4, . 6n his trips between Richmond and years, how I have followed your lone- "No, it's a whole book," replied -the cordially: "I am very glad to see "Why.,do you weave a net ar,6und down there in :the,-, 'Back'. Pasture, nature. to overcowoJhat, . Particular I , 1, 1p'qt, I - I . ­ . , I 11 . � � .: - I - , 1 -1 " I ' X, 1rhe _ , ... ':,"T .. al*o- by the � d b n , ; A 1, _§" b" " �:. , -footsteps. They echoed in lily boy. . - .i I I you back. But .-you shojgo,.�,sis;it be met .3 " re n Rithraide, for 'his affairs often took ly . UA_hav,q,-_made me .",� o14 feW.," You. t ., ee attn,0' ,",gg� �VL tho-ty - , �, � - , , ,_ , -range .. I - .11 ...... ful y Jeal a - Own,, i�W,11�y -4i! " dread I bus ��f tire I& W . , "" a � hird: to thd city', he��editated'on *hfit di,�aihs!" "Shut it up, -Davey," advised his here, you know, in this -part of the lute prisoner!" in Rich- coii r . She saw his face ,soften, and un- to "That'� gain geU the. upper harid ,�',` e ', 0 .A uncle, "and put it on the shelf for country. You should never come not true. I can't see that Mond. You surprised David and me, diw6eilze' A - I ,", . y I vp I 1 . ,� �!- cessful life � ; s thoroughly unsuc- derstanding that he must not come the night." the mines." you have anything to do with ft. kissed me. .and it all has to be done over. , 11 `.­ � " -,�;.', . .I, .. You were like a Madman, John; noth- Sufferers from rheumatism W* -, 1'i�_ i ce sil, because he had failed to se- to her too suddenly, did not push her "But you have not heard what Tom He was shaking hands with her in "Why," she exclaimed passionate- _t � . 11 curo to himself happiness or its pos- chance but said: "I want to know Nola, was," urged the boy. "He was the semi -dark. ly, "he would rather break stones in ing wc,uqd make you believe me. It have- found their condition unreliev- , , iA . I . u ..", sib!pty. everything that has happened to yo the bravest man in Rhodesia, Uncle "I wanted to see you," she said the quarry than be indebted to you!" is true that when David came back ed or actually growing worse while, :,-',,',1,r, -- I - ing other remedies, o - 11 : �­, . � His relations with Julia were im- in all these years -the slightest little John says. When thematives tortur- simply, "on a Matter of some import- "Remember," said Tremaine, with from college he charmed me, as he us w old do we � I �,,: I � I . , � person 1, and he could not fail to details of your struggles and of your ed him, he never gave a squeal; he ance, and I took the chance of finding something of his old roughness, "that charmed everybody. Look at y(our to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. T116 .. "., � ; , . , . . . !i edicive, �, � I appreciate that she evinced the great- success. You haven't even told your made Irish jokes as long as he could you here. However, when I came, I you have purely imaginary reasons mother's worship. rt is true I was tonic treatment wi ' t.h this. I M- " I on nds of cases thA ;j�� .."'. , est -delicacy in her attitude toward mother; she doesn't know your ad- speak. 'Faith an' they couldn't un- saw that the cabin was dark, and I for what you say and think. I neither a fool, amd that I flirted with him, has proved in th sa I -_,_'.,", ' him. Still, whenever he came into ventures. You must had many. John derstand me, noways,' he said --didn't was just about to go away." deny nor affirm. You must regard it and that I let him think I cared. But it builds up the blood to a point th# "."I'll'. . . 1, , ,'I I ti, ,�,,'.� thto house, it seemed to him that she it doesn'f"inake any difference to me he, Uncle John?--2and Oi thought Oi John took a key from his pocket, as you see fit. But if you should tell that he ever replaced you in my heart enables it to cast out the. rheuma ,c , ��, L ., or took from me what I g I . through the -regular chan- I I ­ - ��;, was there, whether accidentally or what you did before you left Vir-. moight as well jolly 'em. as curse opened the door, and went in, strik- your father your suspicions, he would ave you, poisons ­._ . - � h' . '.... , Instead of going away from I �f did so. Miss Mal- not believe you. Not only that, but John, -never, never!" nels, the bowels, kidneys a,nd t ,e " �, purposely under his eyes and at his ginia. em., ing a light as he - ...,.��., ) � -her eyes to him with skin. When this is done rheumatisni :,t) side and for the most part alone. you sell these years, I've been coming -Every one laughed at Davey's mim- vern followed him into the cabin. He I should refute them. Moreover, to She raised , �. �1:1 During the interval of years, since toward you." from your father now that her last words. is fbanished, and as long as the blood .7,�'-, , icry, but his eyes were fixed on his lit an oil lamp and put it on the take away ..� - % "You were cruel that day, by the is kept pure and rich the patient will, .."', �, Ai ... r sh had been his brother's wife, her But she did not come toward him 0 a e � �11 .. e. uncle alone for appr v 1. table, threw down his hat and stick, which has reinstatqd him and mad attack. This is . , - %­, �� , . mind had not gone to waste. She now. Instead, as she watched his "And, Granny, when they heated and then let himself look at her. The him a happier man than he had ever pasture bars, John. You listened to be immune from ,.v'i�, ddened fully proved by the case of Mr. Sam. . �.1.1'1'..!� . . , . . � . had developed agreeably; she was a face change and saw the response to up the fire to roast him alive, he mental heights he had reached this dreamed of being, might cause his nothing I had to say. You nia I'— 11 �" I .1. ,� � �. well-informed, entertaining woman, her coming in his eyes, she withdrew; stood there all tied with ropes cut- afternoon bad cleared his face of its death at his age. Don't you know me. You -made me angry and obstin- uel Zinck, Upper BI 171.1. besides being a seductive one. If the -hand she had extended to him ti,g into his flesh and said: 'Put on usual moody, melancholy expression. it?" ate. You accused me of every dis- who says:--j'For a long time I was. � `?; I , ` " . I 11. sufferer from rheumatism . she used her powers to draw and dropped by her side; she turned away more wood, bhoys; that fire wouldn't He had so determined to sacrifice ev- "Ob!" she exclaimed, turning away loyalty, and I was foolirgh and vain. a great .. �.. 1. I wanted to make you suffer, and I which settled in my hip and down my 1, .� I I . . - up his from him and going toward the door. . ,:7 1 .. -howling and erything, and so fully made .., � .: charm him, she was so clever about a little; and watching her intently, he roast a pig.' They were times the pai ... ::1. . f her cam.- saw her color fade as her' emotion -nee of his fate, "What a singular man - what a let you think what you liked. After leg to the knee. At A .1 ) � ! ., it that he was not aware o She caught her underlip yelling like mad ,-things around. him mind to his accepta not walk. I . . r ..., IP paign. In spite of himself, he found deepened. -weren't they, Uncle John? - and that he felt he could be more himself strange man you arel" you had gone—" she stopped and was so great that I could �, her interesting, and little by little with her teetli, and the s"Ov white he just sang out: 'Long live the King! with this young girl who had re- "Possibly," said Tremaine. said no more. tried liniments and medicines but . T�11, W 1- �� mutually drifted into - Don't make such a rumpus! It's only tqrned and to whom, when he parted "I'll never touch a penny of the :, � . they seeking went down into the red of her lip -In the silence that fell between without getting more than mere tem- . �. ��.-, I I � and prolonging the conversations Her eyelids drooped, and there were Tom Nolan ye've got! There's 1�et- from her, he had been such a brute. money," she said coldly. "I would them when she stopped speaking, his porary relief. Then one day a friend : ; avoided. tears under them. that he had been af- ­` .. which at first they had both I ter than me free, thank God!" Isobel's face was grave. She haci work my fingers to the bone rather eyes came s4owly back to her, and he called who said . '111, , is trouble which was -,4i His mother kept very much to her- Her voice, her tenderness drew him There was a spirit in it, even as chlange-d even in the short interval of than use it. Perhaps I shall find saw her sitting there almost meekly, flicted with tb .; ... ,�: I 1i .. Isi � � .. self'or devoted herself to the child- back, as she desired, into the intimacy the child told it. her absence. Her brief contact with some way out of it. To -night I am having said, in a way, all she could- banished by Dr. Williams, Pink Pil ; I 111. .1 ren. Now and then he wondered if of the years before, and yet it was "But it seems they didn't roast hiin the world bad al,wady matured her. bewildered." having made a warm and honorable and urged me to try them. I did as - - , '" advised and after using a few boxes ...'1111� .. .. she did this Purposely. not the simple, innocent intimacy Of Davey," said his mother. "No, thank you," she said, "I won't "Let me say to you," he continued, amende. .� was no doubt they were hel � , Malvern and its sudden fortunes their youth. He went over to her, "No," said the boy; "lie was so sit down. I have only a'few words his 'hand on the latch of the door, He had followed her, a,nd affected there P_ .. ,,� ., - - � .1. e. Not only -was the rheuma- . 1. I .. was a topic to them of constant in- took both har hands, as they hung by brave and made such fun that they to say to you, and as you told me, it "that I owe a tremendous debt to Mr. as he was by ,her personality, be ing m . '.. I s, her tism. disappearing, but my general . I terest and speculation. But Isobel her side, and lifted them in his. Then, took him down and left him, like I is not prudent for me to be down Malvern. Years ago, when I was in neverthless heard her excuse - '. . I 1, did not immediately return. Insteacr, as he felt the warmth of her flesh, a told you. And Uncle John found him here very late, and my father will trouble, he said a few words to me explanations: and simple and direct health was improving. I continued, . . - �A I � . her father joined her in the North. tumult of feelings surged within him there." miss me. I have come only to. . ." that were of incalculable importance as he was himaelf, be could not in the pilis until I had taken about a ., I.., promised my- this moment disbelieve her. Because, dozen boxes when every trace of the .,.. . .. . Redlands and Riverside knew -overmastering desire to crush her At that moment, as his personal And what Isobel had thought so in my life. I always ­.�, 4 But n." under ber magnetic influence, he trouble had disappeared, and I have . , t that improvements were to be made in his arms, reckless rebellion against history was being recountdd, Nolan simple I now that.she faced it in the self some day to make some retur wanted it all to be true, he believed not felt a twinge of it since. I maV : . , . I on the Malvern property and that an- the fate that had destroyed all his himself opened the door and said to presence of John Tremaine, was not There was a slight clearing of her her. add that my wife used these Pills for . .,.�, ..... . I other run,down plantation would be best hopes and inspirations. She was his master: h cied. troubled face. ....T. I . 1:1 restored. looking at him- steadily, the tears "Shure, it's the long-distance from Tremaine himself helped 'her. . "Was that your motive?" she ask- She unfolded her armg, which were a run-down condition with equally I ','.,.� 111. . ". bright upon her lashes. Richmond, My. Tremaine." "You must let me be one of the ed quickly. "To pay back a debt?" linked together, and picking up a good results." ..;;_T1. . I . . , I .,;,,�, Julia had the good sense never, ne You can get these pills from any %,..'�. I , "No, John, no!" And she drew And John sprang up, glad of the first to congratulate you on your good ' He smiled. "You are taking it for Pencil, -began lightly to draw a li 2. q . 1. i while they were together, to return I W.. .. 1. t. She herself away. "You. don't believe in excuse that would take him from the fortune, of which I have heard." granted that I am a' factor in this or two on the paper before 'her, and medicine dealer or -by mail at 50 , : � to their relations in the pas met No." house this evening. q came to speak to you about transaction. I make no such acknow- .she broke the intense spe17 between cents a box from The Dr. Williams' :,.. � . . ,.,,'.i� � �, - was thoroughly impersonal, with the �Her withdrawal and the sense that "I'll answer it," he said to Nolan; that." ledgment." them -broke her end of the tbread Medicine Co., BrockviJle, Ont. . '... , ,".- , I .i. i?i � it, she .1 ...... , '! result hat before John knew she was trying to escape whipped his ,, er the car. I He held her with his compelling She could not bear to stay longer. . '_ had established their relations on an desire. With an exclamation, unin- may have to go to Richmond." eyesr and as she looked at him and In spite of her anger against him and ___ I— - .-.-:"I' N, I I 1.1 � I , �. � �, I I entirely newbasis. He could remem- telligible to her, and which was really 0 rl �, 'A - From the door he said to them:- saw n his brow the reflection of the 'her passionate rebellion , that ho q ber agreeable, conversations upon top only a half -cry of passion, he drew "It's a long distance from Richmond light which his late mental victory should play any part in 'her life, she School of Commerce, Clinton, Mt. ��,", I 1: icq of the day intelligently discussed her toward him,; but before he could to Rhodesia, isn't it? Good night." had shed, the girl realized how much loved him and c6_]d not overcome the ­ ` -woman of the world. He could STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME : 7..�- I 0, , � by a were with- kiss her, Mrs. Tremaine's step fell The following day he started for a she loved him. charm of his presence. Tic opened Our PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING will, fit yo -a for the HIGHEST , 1��,, remember glances that upon the stairs outside, He set Jul- long tramp and climb. He determin- "Fortune," said John quietly, the door, and the cold sweet air met '.. I " paid positions i -n the BUSINESS World, where work is alwayll REWARDED .`��;, V , I � �, "'. I drawn before they had any meaning. uely from ., '.1 .11, He could remember a soft laugh and ja free, and turning brusq ed to tire -himself out physically. It sometimes comes to us too late. Al- them. in proportion to the service rendeyed. . , 11 " I a flattering interest in everything he her, left the library by way of the was one of.his ways of overcoming most always it comes inopportunely. "I will take you home," he said; Courses- Stenographie, CemraerdaR, swetariaR, Tszchern, Civil 3"Tim I 1�, !; . � dining -room, his eyes clouded, and a big fiends. He wanted to bury him- To many it comes before they are but there, in the shadow with a dog � �A'�;. ,I 41, ., "I I alined or thought of doing. So frown upon his face. self in the fragrant winter forests, prepared to receive it, before work on either side of him, stood the negro amd Special Coumes. _::: A . �, P' 11 car SPECIAL CLASSES for Students from SEAFORTH, 11.10 a.m. to 3 p.m. �­' 0 we ried on was Julia's campaign ." o I�e. went directly to his room, and to lose himself in the wilderness. ' and struggle have strengthened them. Tim. I Four -hours continuous school; six weeks free tuition given to make up time I I,, %, ", ..., -.1. .:,. tWlis had actually been drawn into before dressing for dinner, stood in The trail, after skirting the tract Now, in the case of your father, Miss Isobel did not extend her band "T .,,', �11 .9 telling her something of his life. And ' the for short school day. ��,,� . Q I . . the open window, looking moodily of land which he had sold to the Coal Malvern, it has come just at the right am quite safe," she said, "with -�;; , I .." nt in For information, apply to B. F. WARD, B.A., Principal, Phone 198; �,,A 11 wice, at the close of some incide down into the valley, where the sweep Company, started up the hills which time. He will Make good use of his boy and the dogs. Good night." . ,,tl .; , � I - er--a per- M. A. STONE, Cons. Specialist, Vice -President. . , J � I the earlier parVof big care of the country was toward the mines Armed the boundary of his proper- money; he will resume his old ac- She nodded shortly and turned from tt,0! ;_ ii��, �11��.Yxj_ " , i"'I" , . A, , _� iod of time In which be -had suffered I., .0 I 1, I .. and Malvern House. ty. Slippery and uncompromising$ tivities; possibly go into politics. In- him, and it qeemed to John that -she ,�, I , -, Y, ,� ­.� — , _____ __ - I , ; ed to look I-., ,,,,1l r , ",; and suffered a-lone—he paus The bedroom door was burst open the trail was nearly blind. Rugged deed, he can do anything ll'� likes. If wa,,g always turning from him. I , 1'.. �J, up at her, and saw tears in 'her eyes, _---_____-1-_ . I . .'' - "t, 1.11� -t ,i��. . and stony, it wound its hilly way to it -had not come, life might have gond r ­��:, , Nll;� 1, ��, ­ ... " ,�, �.',; I . I , , ""' "'J"', � , , and .'heard her murmur: "Poor boyll, :14�_;. . , .. a point of land known as Blyth Rock very hard with him." 11�4 I ."'�,T­ I.. 1- tl� , � .. . I - 11%.; Tretiig,Se had abruptly broken off, ., —a perch hundreds of feet above the He saw the effects of his words, CHA"ER XXX .1, "KI, �­ '. t een several days before I(I .. t , and it had b - river. He had not made this exttir- and he was dominating her inter- :��(, k tm� -speak of any- I -_ f McLACHLAN Business College . '';r , � he brought himself to �.01 I �, ,, . , sion for many years and went at ft tionally; but he did not realize how Tromaine had Made in one wing o . ;; K`�u __ 11.11 . . . ,� .114 . thing of the sort again. the girl was. the house a little study, in which he �'. � I. p�'!� Her children around her added to MAK ee like a climber in the Alps. In big strong a woman . I I" t - :1 ** "Kil 14, ,,- �,,,5 - boyhood, this had been a real adven- "You say that life Might have gone stometimes locked himself away from Stratford, Ontario ''!"', � � I ...,,,I, " 'i her 'charm. Their love, her good sense 0y. � ture, and it had left its memories. It very hard with my father. What the boys. In the big, rambling dwe.1-1 .11 ;;­. ,I , '11�, il.: and her strei r ff*,,k le f . is mean by that?" ling, it was not easy to secure seclus- . ,� " .1 4;.L igth of character, com- - was three o'clock in the afternoon do yo Reopens for the FaH Term oil Tuesdar, &Pt Ist I �Itll Z�Ipl-,,��,t, I , bined to win from hinil' a respect 5 e � ion. Even the fact thRt "Uncle I 1. I . I., �.: I . I I N.� "', I '?, �,�� � I � ., I , ': .... K4 I , when he reached his goal. He threw M ;. 1. ;, I I R,h e her grudgingly,. , THE SAME STAFF OF 1MXPM4M(,," 19901Y � tote ­ , I himself down on the ground, tired — John" was working could not keep his wriml I � :�.6;� t��,,�,,�. I . , " ,,-,I,j�.11. �; 4,� 4�.�,_,,.. . But above sill, more dangerous than osawma" caucHcl cojx� Awbfll.,&�.. nephews from their stormy games in nasimelm men, �Melvius tbAt our g"goaft *" MOML tmbf;�� . t4a, �W" ,,,,.,... . . rtant than all --she was � =,,=0,1;n Tmmv!= tvrM T^t' but exhilarated. His pulses were other dehoolg� an , aw I .1 "N' . ;:1 1� . � 11 " I - �'. ',� ,� ,,,:, , all, more Impo - U ftFVtrtysVft 646UMM&O Iternent and the ex- the corridors. Mammy's kitchen was tent than the gwtmt" ef _1 6 _r I 'j"; ,, quivIc with the exci , 2=`2 r'a"� " .. , d a as metmtbv & help tbau 04 , a woman, a free woman, All L erciae, but as he felt tho'cold breeze giving, fuVir 7J09 under the room, and through his win- MWO tmba Itt can aupply. oft 6 I.: , "t, , �" 1 - . I . JD&rt ? 1';o' 1 �`:.,�, ,, ��",:"`;:� . .­ - 11 ­ � ­... duetive one. � in dow he could bear her singing and Gffm gzoator Xopfttanitift tblm does, my OfA J* 6AVh* i�..­I.il IlIg 111. I 12ed the folly wara or Trenct - - , . 1, I I lllv t.:tl I � ,blow over him, he reali, world-famousi rep� " ,, -, ',,�� irle had hoped to leave for South ? I!, of lying inert, and rising, Walked- to arationfol RPIT.136_7 crooning- but the sweet old songs did a&. otm &,-t ea xwrav PgV&WM impmW W6 ZiZ t.. .. I ­ �,�y ;i.;,t!� . �, " ,. .. � � ;.iN.A . ,��!'. before " 1:1 " i ,td FIVS—Simple , I ,� I , -� 1�� 111, �A � , i� , �,� .1, Africa eal-lY in January, but , ,�', �, ��11 - not diZ;rb him. He could hear Nol- ,. I I'll, ;,�',, -1 ::, , AM ffo, the mountain wind on his FITS, . ,;�� ,_. , Dare for big JOUMOZ. a , IL 967ne treatmelit � I 41 i , Iq ..i , he could PT%J T, C , L cheek. The high plateau, (10minatIZE ovav 20 Owe M00%% watimowala r an, too, discoursing to Mammy of D. A. MCLACHLANo PrkdPOL �,.:, v,.��,, "'14 M,j�,� 11� - '­�_'. �, robi all p "ril.11 - . A.4 , I llv,1-1�1` �Ii complication In the affairs of the 0061 ­_ �11., .. gAve 'him -A, birsPA41re aftusWOM, ovev 1000 W... Weatonceft ajT.airs in the East; and he wondered I 11 . ,7,,�. C�""",,� .", . T, I& , 0V 1 1 � t1si thilo, WRFMCK'S . �, "L, 1�1 �Oft � 1. . . W 79 . QW5 rs I'D I gb ch of the points of view—tbat of � I - , 'v.,;', ., . , � I I V i to I ,J . . � - ­-.....- ­­�.­­A:.'­�� :t."�­�e,'j'N "10",t�1. � , ,� , r I �, � . � �� .. 5" 11 � 79 C Whi & , I , I , , , 9' the lalid, and: h � 168196 . � . ­ - 1. � ­­ ­­­ 1.1 I Rvo .4 stood tho 11 ,79 the Irish soldity Or of ft womat who . - 0"M LA _,_____1 _______1 717177t�� ., ,�� I � ,?-,�T­� ;4h.h1i hiri 4 1 1 1 ."I 11, 1 piopbof ap$ 41(j, _R6 boulld *0 I � I � :1 I � � . �_, I I..." , '.. , � : =R ., —­_-­7­___7_­�__ � . , , . � . "�, .1 . ' :r rrrrr ,77.-,,-�7 ­ .?�,�7�"�",�,"I�g,'I;"���;,"�,�, . �1.7 7 . 597I.-7 ,��'N,�;� P�464.1 P�­ i 1 1. . :� ., ,. I . I . " .1 ", � ... 4 'Ir ,­ " r , I ,, I 11 ': , '�1,1� ): 11. , I ,. , . . I I , - "t" -,,�t ��';�: " , :', ,,,.'.�,�' ���,��'�'� ,. ; .��k� , .Z_..�,,�. � , '. 4 ,.!��:�,, , .. t, , . 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