HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-09-18, Page 4!�,$` 11_�:A, p I 'F ��r" 1, . I 1. ,�, 1-1711 I 1. � I I , � , . �, "I . _ , I : � " �,, �,Vll..._ : 1 . � � I :, I ,;�� 11 ,4 1". . .� 11 �',"�., ,� I - . 14 : , '' . :ql.Q0, . �. . ��It, I I I -.11111 . . . . . . !�. � � � - � - 'P, ­­ I .7 " , , i, � , ,1111�., 1:�, ,, `� ': �,,� I I :­,.,",�,�,�l ���X 1 " " , 1:1 ­`�'.�I"�: , , �.. ,:�, "",���;. , "'1-11 " - " 11 1. " � �. - � !.,' ­_ 1�---,,�,�, , I'' 1 `01'7�� . � � I _,�� ii:`i��I_'..�.S:�'­ ", . � . , � , ., � �,i� �, , ,. � : ,. ,1;1� i��l ,4 6 ... i I � - . , , : ", "V!­�:,,'; 1, � I .... 4 I '!'� ,`� , � ,:, 'l �, , ,�; �, � � ; I ,.`,�.Y "?". ��jll ", "I " :!;�4�,%*,,,�;-`11, " , � , ; 4i'i,_!__`,,_.., � -, ", __­ 19 � . . 11 _ _ W, I : �4 ;, . 11 ,,-_-_1-.,.__,-_- I I'l­-.1 . 1. � ­� � -V71- 1 7_14--', 7� � �'�'_77 - U 77 V , T ,.,. �., . ." - 1, _1­1�1 . ., � , I .T.M., FT.) , W ,7 , "',­ _,y-- --r- '_­ -7 -T-_, --r- I-Twu-jr,"'o . - , , , ,. ­ 11 .. I . -V- . . �., I 11 I 771, 1: � 77W,T7 . - _�1.7, 1 . � . 4 . I. J�,'� . .. . .... I 1, . : I . o - , I .. I`, I � . . ,. ,-.,�i �1,­­,­; 1. ­ 11�1� I ,I I 1 I - , I ,: I . I I � I I 1. I � I . . .. I . ­ �:1 - ,�, � ,­ .. , . , , I . 1. I , . . I I I -i.!- I � . �:,,, � ", � ,,;�� , , ,",,.� ,,,�� .1 , .: , , '�;:, ­ � , "r-:1 . I 11 '. .. I I., � I 111. I � ,�. � : � � I : . - . - ,: ,�, � ��,�, .� ,,,� , .�, �' �� I r , -11 I I , , I , , ; : , I :L� . �� _�_ 4�� _ ­ ': :,��:;� ­_� I , ", �:K , � " - 11­� .:��,,�: , �,_- -::''.1114)"ON ZXPOR"N '�l � � _ . I � . �:. ��': ::,�,., � 'I; � , �, ��' � - t, , ; � , 1_: ,: �� "' � � ,;,�� �­�.,_,l�_­`:'L­­, — I—- I ­: �� �7 �... ..:�, � � I I � I 1, ;. :­ .. � 11 _ , __ __�_ . �4, .. . ., 1'. .� ..� � , ; 1 : I �. -11, , � . : I., I 1. I :11 I,,', 1 1. 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I � -1 , Me. i I I .11..;1 - " ­ . , , ::: " " � . _il I'll 1. - 4 -�,' I I , � - . - - ; , 4 %':11,�,,�,!, �, A* on wvi v dp*g .0 11 ===11_1"111`1_� I , � � * 1.� .; .,,�, '. . - , , , . -:: . . . . . . � I sm�'� 'I ,up. I .".. I .� : I .1 . I Ag"', . ', Y , ,' �, � ,,, s��'� I .5�,,','_�`,�,X�,:-- = '. �, � .: , , �;;''�'��7�!,.,:,;:', , � . ',!'����,;77::"� �7 " Pr ""NOWAM 'I�� IAO�,�,K` . �� .1 " ',­ ,,, , --'l ( -. - ,- h alth'' a " " 4 p'"A "., RIX 79, 09 4 VV0000*11* l - � 4 '77 " , C ; A U.- 1, Ilu I MI& PUMAW ��� , .... � � , ,;, 111� 11,;�l " URNPATOJA M, .�� . 1� " ',';:t:,�,���!",;�'.'�,,��",'�f'��, ; I I �H.. �- !", �_ " ,;,�' , , 1k I I . , .r �,,, ,�,�:,� �,;�i �'�",,,e,. � NOT# ­ , ano-VOS otp �4.4# ' I tilTe,. Vw';111 , U � `l.`4 �, �",'�� , I -1 . . a .. ..... ­-, . 4,�i�J%#%V,.I.Uoyce, Joe. , . ­ . .. .7 11 � . 01 ... , ­ , �­ ` `� , � ", , , ", .. ", .- ,�, ��.; �,'. "j, �' �; * `- *.�­ !��;1.11'1�1,'; ,)',',��,,�,!��'�: - _�, W. , 0 vi U Z "" .111 "' , . � - .. 11. -, 1 � � V;��lAk,,,�, . � . . 4 ,� " ,;,-". ___ '_�_� U44 the I V limpry OPQ ,� " -, , "M ,,,111-11�' 11 �,':� � q, a the miss 0, V - Z , :" C Raj ,�. ,� . , - MU4 S* !twu " W � I_ ,,, 1; 1 . .1 I .;­.., I ­. 1� - � Paw - v_�4 ft F4 TAW � Atm, 01� V41LV W 1�,�� """,�:, � 41., .1 I ,.�,� ,", � � .V" I I ; '. �4,i , ,A ; � �, �'­,: " l. , �1, " ,­��,N - , -1 , � , �; , , , - :�!,.,, I �,�,;,�",;� ,�,,��4�_:� �pk A g ,,an �� _.Vi . 14 ; .,qRPkkAkb_ � ��lxl­'_­ I .� , " 0, , 1, �i ��,�"'����,'.'u � ', � ­ - . 5014-1 � .1, .: 0"01 -I , -,"", , lay Paid -0 f,�Jw 42w, . � , TARr-WA P V"01 ,, !'.4 '' kqv� 4940.0. 14%, . Be7 XM. 04- A -1. _ , * , I , , . , A - -�`_"�, it -',I!"' , 'k � � dA i, �,� "'. ",.,.i - . 4, 5 *% U*Wll 10, I 1� V, 4" � , " 4 her , ` 3 !" � ;�,i- � ,�, I � !" ; �' �� ��k,Z',�;,.,, 4don Fair . � t.94 Rap'--azw afthlb 'Pea am- XQVIV. 401 I � �'�11,1 ,7--, I ! L , � I � ,, � 4 4 � ; L" : �11 1-11f I , �" I , "�, . I 114EA A(Mlv; " -1 I . � ­­ 1A ,ii I . '!�_,; - . :Le -sow, 13 ­­ 1.1111, ­_ ou Ouver, f0adat DUAW Vow. r. and XW; T4103,11"113 � �,,:;, . I I I � � �­,�_V' , I . � " ", �. am ��.:',`., ­ .9, 31Z�Iralll�, �06' , ::::V_ we @` .�, _ , , 44 � .7 1� I i 14 PN', .� " . - ­�, . VAth W t,w% 1714pl' ulmoqu_ � - I � O', i w 00`�' .., , :� t _�, 1. �,.; � � XV,#P)#% &44 em. a .. g " , 10 , , " .11 � �%:,!� T, 0 44 se a a " !WIWI. Xlobu A - 4io 1 t_j . r9it att*4 I �. 'I - - 11 � ". � " . I. , - , 6 I _ V.. .1, R - I � " 7 :YOU4 � W't,mv.4. 1% A I.., e"ji,., . 1'�,­ ' "�',4 -es a] , I , � lip � 11:�-,! "i, "I ftgbyterlal ap�u qn.�', Ir no, V41A , - I 'L .� ,',g,�,�,.�-;� `�,�i,&�,,� I sirsuwl A 'Ca 10" ..�� ��, g, I �y Lellan at Staft. nw.-W, ox 0- $,e,rvk4­,tPe ,,, *t. U, 1_4 � " . � � l" tAW a I � M2$4 - I 4-,k, - I r- " 1, I'll, .1 1141'.- 11 I "­ �1,1� - .. - - .1 * Detr,qft �,, Vim Lymb 9f Xc- lftllq �* WA *q i , ,�' i i I = � " �'�',`111'.- ,!§ * Rii ­ �.�7,�,�,'�� er On S4bb : ­­ A "' " mutim , -71 1 �.A I � ,� �� �:�""?�,�,,�,',. , , . . favorable Weal � , .. _W A 4 � a little I , Spent the week � . Wq 4k ,,�' 4, .1 :1. . ­ Q I'll colm.0- rw_A,� WMIX.-I ,,, I "'g," �� W , ". -W 41P 1':.1711 7 Ai 1, I � Ig "'..&J,�';', �, toon . -L Paul's I I i 11 . . � "J.: I... .4 I�A4%.� . � I : , 6 i , . - Z-1 , Myaearers -were Messrs. our rA#W ,-;' ,-&,V� , , , , - , , 0 �g 11� - - 0 Pq . ,,,a ,,, 1 �,,,,;,;.',_j, "i.,111 I M&MIR, - last, 8 W-43 4&,.*WN19 '' � "Y =",- I ... U. Q 'WO". �V I - �­ - �., . ."�..� � - � ­�.. . 1. -, �,O,Z � . (7�� � , .,,,,� . . , " , ! - -* - . .., ,�­­I­�t�,� J-.,,-1,1,-r.� � -1. ,,$z�4�14 11'6�1 4"". . r. bordon Hayter KIROV ez Mmhv4t ,7A � 11 , , �, =V#'X,;P, 9.0 "" �'lv , .,',� - -�'P%­ � I Timothy L -4 �; , , A _M - "Aft, � Z J ,,� - -1 _,_.1�­­q11-111­ - kr` -'� ��, dding belle wil ,44 , the OPO4's Eldora, 1�0190##, J ,�t -.�p 1. - � - , --l'i �, , - I - . _ ,qp.r � , "'Imle of wq#4# " �. �, V� ... ... 7 , , 4 �,�,7*��i ", �,�,�,.,,u,i,�, ,� I be 4 jogeplh Ryaji, Joseph � & to� ea ion be- 11W W e,l ;;,4 ".111�. �, ,�,��,.. '. .;��.��,�,��i,��` rho vprYA' OV, ,� I - 1! . ". , � . I - , � , by I -W ,* Aq ,�,, _;& I r ,� , . .a * -&74U. 1 - bAs , , , �: :,;, ,, � `,� �!."�': , � .g�'J',N - � 4', � EVZnS. V , . - , � 111 , � � ,�.'t'�,,,�,, 4��W, " . , "', �., ­-.�,�,J'IPSIA, ,,,� .", . I, ��,1;15", I '_ uv ordinal on of five new � � . I I—, ;, . ". " . , il..­ f, -­ . 4 ­ .: . ,�,.' ,11­M':.k'1 on tb,e Sth Cori- C9 :�,� . A6� . �"aoou i, , 7 , , grath and W`U:D�ed qr W 0.0 It"i . I I - ,; ,� -,.,. . � , , �, �� " , l', ,. , ,, 11 ,p . - � '_ , ; _ .; ­Wl l ; Mr. , .,pgk v we h148 Jim I �,� ;� ,�L ­.;- ­ Malquey. . ek or so. I, 11, . . , L 11 , - .� ,� ,;,�: - r � ',�,,", ; 1:� . ". � . - , , . 7 .­��',.�,�J��114��T. � . , , 11 ,. I - � , 1XI IN S's 4 .­. 11 , , �,,,11 - , i,.,`,1`� . wollin, 0 es, -. Jotp CraiM - � V, , I , , �� , ,.: - I., 1W fo r. - , � I , ;��,�,,,� , ,, � " I 71, . U U . , 5. . 11 Uri f4rMVS1;o . I ,1.0 ", N9S SUM , , 1�11 Aft.":�",.:V� 'A"! ,­­, :, �,. , -,l � If',' 1 '' WN W , 4'�' �,�:",t, " ,,�;;,,. .v­�,,,)� � 0_1 I 14 , I . , , � Ryan die4 in January, 1924. D V e)�, Vim r the � , ,� 14. , - . ;� i.�,I�l �..�', � li-,- � ,�." 11.71�.L`�,;;v,�"; .,, ___ Ing Mrs. Jno. Wood, Mr. Tho, . -,,I, ­�,. 1.1, '' , , . , , O..".. ­­., ­� _:;," Ali.� ,, 4udflou I I . , � Mao . I ".. ; . . � ­ ­ 11 11 . , 0'. � ", I 1-1 I'll, - , - K, - 14 ­.. 4-, . , . I , � -7 1. "I"': � . .., , �, . - 14, "i "' .,� I I ;�­,, � .. B-S TOO, ftwO . 'V�meals F14�a Kid Oi$qrds wsdo' 9n , "' Or, *-.1", , . � . - � 'r 1. I I � .- 4 � , , 0141�� V the services, Miss Beale, the organist, and Mr. R. D. Bell. These,-wi* the � � I , I ,�,� 4 �� 1; � I I I . gris, wh1oh, - -14 ly . '11, �t 11. - , I � A 0 , , " , �� . :"Of Well Known Resident.- . - are looking w"t , tip�LlAst vvft cushipri selea and #,,2 - � `:`;7t;:. F Nift 0 I ­l.,� 1.1, . .,.;i; -2',-N A' . Robert McArthur and Mr. James (bodv;0; tO , US � 1, li`.':�.,...., , .0! 0, N. R. - In 71, strong, a well known res- - , 7 I , - fi, 040 price IF avv_ .. �. 1: �,� , 1� ,, �1. . 1. �., . � - 14101 I . - L , � 47 ,�,,,�,l Rk.' , " % " "I -1 . - ,� '! "..�..: � V_11� J I ,� , i , , �; �.l,�7,9'.!�,�,`i 'A I , +A*h1qUaba*s � 8,� � , " V� Bell, bring the session up to the re rMnMan � Urlm , , , - - bud, I I P1, 0407i I -y 1 � Imir IVIrtim beautW - - .ft a ft .Z I � fomirer Elders, Mr, �Ieter Moir, Mr. _,4, e, do ; R" S '. 'I , t-, , - 4 -, I , .. IV " SELS , - "'.. . " . , 4 W.0 A ik, l' �, � , � , , presided. 41 .this t �� - . . A ION 1 .,;',Vellecting great credit upon'� rub, T 1�eql­ 48 �. "'M I , W_ Vi ,,, . X911% , " � , 12 W_ � __?. . ORE Width. ,, M f . 1Z '44 ,�;,"'4.,."UT 11, ,_(if town, passed away _j quired num,ber, Rev. Mr. Foote, of ­ .L.?l4vaw" ­ ." . I � or . 0�1 I ;,..,. 'RM �Wv �� . ,)�; � I ,i';',,4,�,.'�'! .004'.404000 _T , W, I ;11 I ;1-11 i ,,,,, _11M, ess of several Shaddo;*,"zind his men, Who haVi-, Riv- ' j-06be%�-U410i 4-1Sq'*'*'0JL%0L�Vf�'W-ffU Oers.-Wxth" To M �, ,,f ", :I,, , 11 -a weeks. Tragic Death. -The citizens were Exeter, preached in -his usual able ., _, " , , _V'p U I .1 R44110 , , - - , 44". - " �11 _- . I "' ­sgp r an illn I �W.,*41100 � . ,�,$, 14 1101, I . . .9% I I '' ,_,� V 414, ,�:!,�'�"",�',, ., th year. Deceased en, th@Ta.:5Q much attention. They are low. or w1w.1unk, Uw_i ,V04084 0 - , �, ., , , ,.. , 11'�111 ;, 5 . �401 � ;," 1. ,;' , ,�, . . I , ", � . � .,, P wai in his 7& , - :4 - - - , il,­. �4 " - 4- shocked Monday morning and earnest manner, and the choir �!: .1 . � - I - , 1 I I 15 �` I ... I � it.- - A . �' ...,- " �'4 - ­_�1­1 ZT4 Township for very much mrtainly W&th coming som4 distame $&50- -Salo W - I 14- I ,,,�,,4�-V," a resident of Grey that added to the service by rendering ,3 . leg, " i ...... �',�-'. �", , , , I .,*.I : . WW"W'" " 4'.. ":1 � � . __ . . 1% 'u -ml., ,,, , ' , " �.w I . "ShIm fa 410,q4."T'V�, ''i �,i;4240=14& . I'll V� I ' . I 'O - 11 - ' -' I of pleasing solo. On - next, Rev. a - I . A I , ".0410'. W.:80*0_11C, 4 1. '11� ��, � 4,Mv VIV, , 1! ,�,� '# - . , , k3 0 V t� ,e, years when the word came into town to see, and we think will compare Growing G1r1s'1GftWt4l, 0XXQr40,?A0W �V,,;',A' ,, �1' "' I ,V. "' ,�, , " . 44'6,,,!Z� ;, �_ _� , , . , , j�, �.,,',,.* '' �p He is sur- Mrs .404 16W r!01**.- , � , , ." .. %aa,*.years, retiring about t . A. Sarid4pson, who lives about fine anthem, and Mr. Clifford Moir, a - a3f(l moving to town. with the,,.very best displays t�* - be with extension oles' .. _� . A so -quarter miles 'north Sabbath � , , , � � . Z 00 , " -11 I �, I �i _ -ad' at A-hy railway station outside heet% I,$ icei ,, $ " __ , I _-4 " �,,� �". ', "' 0�."V! " - 4;#�,�4�� �-, ,-,- W:,� ,,V.*,W by a widow, fou - i. -.WL-;&' four ,,ns, Thomas one and one I ..pqq_lal sale 're ....... I.. , ,:: , �,,� � I.. r" , Mr. Bennie, of Mitchell, will preach ­ 1 �4 �. Iwo, ,,�� "I ill'' - ... . j ", L*, ' : eft 114 .1 - � Glen, Tor S_� 'i 1, §4 I Re ` , "I , had committed suicide. it b wl"'A , . I . , _., -.4W,` . 1-1 , the 14 L Pr of Women's fine Kid Boots with 10,08biOn I , - 'I ;� .1 - -.1 Blyth, umber of . ,;� V�,- . and of onto; Dr. Harold, ,,v& cities, as to number of �, ­.,.�r- I * 14 MI'- 1 in seems that she had not been feeling in ,St. Paul's Church at three o'clock 01' � � , A � ir _'Y ', , A -graduate course beds, .4 and varieties. -7- . Regular vain efit . ­ - . . . �­ 11 - , f( . I . 0! 1-1� . I'll, � . % taking a post ,wn- well for some time, being troubled in the afternoon. His sermon will be L Uii flowers I . rubber heels. , . ,o 1 $4,60., URI -9 , J0 . �, , #W 1, V, T -11 !,` .. .1. "... .. - lk...�.�- ".. , ,, __ I , " ­ -,­ .- . - I 1, i�' - 4'��. 'Llngland, and James, of Grey Tc n the work of the Women's mission- -Mr. Norman Sheffer, of Toronto, ad- . saw Wee. - .,. , - - -, -,. �'­,` 7 'r ,,%!�` 100*�.M ,W. . . 2, . I 11 , ,�,r,, _�,_.,.,. " 111 "I ,�..&�"-%'] � . 71�.,� I i.11 1,,�.�;�,. hi�!' I _m,_11�1 � � _.,!�, . __ I , � - ;..M I . ­ , ,., I., I ,� I � I , .. - .;� I . 4�� - . ff,�,:. I , th headachez, but nothing was 0 companlea" by his wife and N1. . I . . . I , "', , , Mrs. W. Me- wi I "" � _-1,z.!-::."'_- -., I �. I . ship, and tvm daughters to ' I 1� A1,0WOR0118 7- . I , � ,_ �:, 119�: - . �:� I , , ;;� �� . .,, urd , .�, 1 . . , �. I Mrs. 4y 1� I 1111.11.�_ I . � Al ,��_ . - . Grey, and j. W. Arm- thought of it On Monday morning arY Society- Sabbath School will be WJl4.lr4 r *t .'' . W A-11, ,�. ". �, " 4 �., � I - I SAW"t pwred here on Slat via.I$ -.Mu-. nt4g, an(t re,_ I I � , . 4,* j;, � � . , , . �40, 1. �11 ,�.� iny;a�, a she got up as usual to get the break- at the usual time, two O'clock. ' , _*_.v. .. , .1 I , 11 , . � � , , �,,�;� , . strong, town. Mr. Armstrong was Successful Bazaar. -The baz ,�turuing Pon - - � IM0, * ��­ � I . � .1 � - I . ': - ," ,­ . . ,!, ., . - 11.1 I fast and her 'husband went to do the aar .. . � I �,­;,.,.� . �:,,- .� - ." , . �, T'_,,,,��,,�,:­I�w . . I .1 , . I . ­ . 11 , Presbyterian in religion and served . noon Was accoTpar&d IYU - � �� , � �. � - , . .' , He came in about 7 o',clock held in the Sunday School -room of Boys' solid lea%4 Sawol Shoeb in 411" kip _Wl - , I all W,ft 11 �. qo!";Rc I .. wo,c�: .. - le� . ., - , . . I chores. Er .. ,..",Ila= , - . . I. mother, who will make .. , , TT%)-��' , .. .. - - n 1. .,� . .... ��� 1k for a term on Brussels Council Board. and noticed the driving shed door St. Paul's Anglican Church on Satur- leather. Sizes �1 to 5. . I a I . I "', . ,,, -of. some we �� � . I.,.. I I . - . � .., The funeral took place on Monday. open and went over to shut it, when day afternoon last, and gotten up by a vlsit� eks ,with her son, . ­ SpeciaL,sale price -..,. - . ... I" $2.75 . .. bro"'t-eatbe, . 0,4:64, 1 1 I.. 11 41 � I , , -i. . ' "' 1. _.- � 1. - ... ,�, - :,� Normau�.'nA his wife.-Mr.�an&Mt , , � - - ., _ 1�11t's ... , ! ,. .:,� - I I C., he discovered his- wife hanging there. the Misses Margaret, Beryl and Louise ' '_ M nd "last � �Boye � s&id leather Schoo,14� in 9tairk cgl� , w4i*Vi 0 , , 11 � I � ... . ­` �,_�� , George'Case left here on 0 ay. ' � . ..... i- the Drummond, the three young daugh- a ves : I leather. -ftes I to 5. . . I hlael� =A Goodyear. welted so � - - I .1. . 111. , LONDESBORO He immediately Cut her down, and for a �tiip and visit with rel ti., - '095 'to, $9,06; , I VAR , � . . . u on sa e ' -- 1, body was still warm. The doctor was ters of Mr. Earl Drummond ' of this D1 Special sale price .............. .. $21 - vl�duea - I' , ... . .... � 1. Notes. -One of the greatest trag- village, War, a gTeat success. The and I . -P ,for IV frieudo, in Detroit and other plhc- � ­ . .. . � I - .1 .. !,'� ...�%� . .., . ... I I . ��. ­ I.. I.,. I... . '... . I - I I . . . , , , , 1. wired for, but nothing could be done 's andliitends spending a coupk of I . . . . .... ", 1. - � , I I , . � I ,'. edies happened just a mile or so fro"' to revive her. The deceased, whose basement was very nicely decorated e - 80�91%e relatives and - - Wi 1.1, . . - ­ , � ­,.., ,� � . . ... . �. .� , . �� . . ,. .... .. 1, .. 11 - I I ,:� here. While Mr. Albert 0 Miss McCallum, for the occasion, most surprisingly so weQks, "or .. � Nowhe.. - �. -1. . �,_ ;.. .& -; , - , . .1 "'Id'enon maiden name was frien& -of- Mrs. Fred Benhougk ,will :� 1. � 7 � �� I rri n th uly a few hours to , . . . . , .1 , ", _M,� ) r 11 � � �- I - . Want to bring the cows on Monday came from Hulloll, and was in, led whe ey had o . I W G 1110 cl% �, �. _�.,- - do it, as they had intended having it regret 166Aeayn that she is and has I . GIA � ., *. . � , . ­ ­ I I . naorning and was not gone long, but about twelve years ago, and leaves eiR " : 1� , 7 . , 11 back he found Mrs. on the lawn of their grandparents, �1 I � .. 11 , ­... ,�-',_.,, . . 'I I . - �-, 'T.- '0 , 0 1 � , , I � � be q rly for sorne-time, *nd, �, V is , . , , , . , 0 11 S I, . _ , , , .... when he came to mourn her toss her husband and will hope..for a good recovery in the � . I .. 1. .,... � - . � l., .1 * .��.": t."; � ..,:. I I..., 1. 1, ,,-, . .". Sanderson -had hung herself in *4 two young gone. Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Drummond, but, - ., _ . I,- " , wl �, '�, ". -, ,� "I � ... I ,� . �. I �­­"? - ­,_ . . " , ��­ _.: . .., . � .1. . ,..- � ` J*M'- ' M . Carrie Ballantyrie, I � - ,�� , 1, 111- . I . .I.. . � I- I ng shed. It has thrown a ter- the forenoon turning out very Vet, neal , Te, rs I � ii,1111111111111� . L .1 I . . , . ­... ­ ..... -1 .... . drivi — I . I - - . �", _ . � . ­�­ . ` "I _..1. rible gloom over the whole township. as well as part Of the afternoon, they a dau .c wmffxuw� � ighter of Mrs. George IS.ott, of ��_ - - - ., .1. . " I . � ­ , . , . r,� were obliged to change from the lawn this �Jrxp _e, was called to Windsor I - ri 11". I I ,, .., ­­., � .1, �­�, , , . . I I , I" - I " I ��,�� The funeral was hold on Wednesday BRUCMELD Al '; - .. I . ­ � . ­ � 11 _i__ - -00 ' VO .;� � I � I , , t of la; VU �::::;F;; —1 . - I - . . . � . I ."', thfi l"-*V],ar st week, owing 1.1'0!�'0`.O,.,�" !.. I � Iv " I �'� L" " -Woon , r��..� at a o'clock. -Mr. W. Brigham, who to Riat of the school room. In addi- ., .. _- I I I . � . � - . . . .. ..., - ,,, L 1�1 . _ , . ,. . I � � I : � " t � . . � 1. � � I _1 . I � . ", , '. nt the most of last week with his Young People's Society. - There tion to the decorations, there were the illui�ss of her son.-Ae Harves 0 . I � ..-­.. I - ­ ape - 0owe Services held in St. Paul's turn fr AD -qjIll settle in our I � I . ­.­ 6iA. their tri - � . . � ­ �__ ,:1.. . -in-law in Toronto, returned was a large attendance at the mouth- three nice booths, one for fancy work, � . . - 1. � . I . ,. � brother Anglican church on Sunday last, were village'-ind- will. -reoeivo, may waris , . . I I I I I � .,�. bome Saturday night -Two very gev- ly song sQrvice of the Young People's another for candy, and the third, a . . I . � � . I . . ,� last Society on Sunday night, when old fish pond, all of which Were well..Well ­a#&�dipd and particularly so Was congratulations. ' .- 0. . ,r I I . I rk,..__.�. � 1. . . . � A ; lay evening Mir. aiid young enjoyed singing many of patro,nh;ed, for despite the very un- this ai. i4� Smart I i . ere storms visited this section _everiing service. ,The rec- . . 11 week. On Wednes� tor, 4�6v-"jl Maylor, delivered splen- 1� _ - — I r . _ I . I I �, 11 I _�. : Churchill's barn was struck by light- the old time favorite hymns, as well favorable weather, there was a very - ;i��* BRAFO - RTH AtARKWO .1 I . I I ' ' ' . �, 1�. mine and burned and another barn as some of the lesc familiar beautiful good attendance, as the proceeds serve did se . appropriate to the oceas- . . 011,10 ' � � .. church. Miss Mary to s1how, amounting to over $60.00 ion. ,The,.. church was beautifully . . ­ � , was bamed on Friday night. bywinis, of the I L 'with flowers, 'frfait and Seafort%, September 17tk. AM" . . .� I Autulmlln munnIGIL Y' ­'�' -1 McNaughton aud Miss Isabel Souter clear of all expenses, whicA was most decoratiDd- . ' . . 9 � gTain tWing it a re 'home I � � . . 1, .1 - ave brief accounts of the origin. and encouraging to the girls, and they .. si . w ally. b_arvest Wheat, per bus -hot ............ $1.15 - . . . I I . - - , � . history of sozoe well Tmown hymns. wish, to express their appreciation for appe*0 . k e ,end reflecting-much,cred" Oats per �ushe$ .................. 36c. 11 � , WALTON , . "' ladies ofthe e0n.grejifion. A.rle';� - - �bIiahel . ................ oft - -etty-as this season. : . ... , 4, _ � , Our hats were never so pi � , .. I A much enjoled duet was sung by the co-operation of thetr fri6nda and it u 30 � ' per I .!, , Notes. -School Fair wale beld oh Mies Gladys. Addison and Miss Elean- the niae donations made them for the Th� A, choir rdudeved t6'm,�ce Peas, per bgsbOl ................ 9ac 'i 11.1 Mmday of this week. Fachibits were or Snider. and Mrs. Amour rendered "fish pond." Very partioularly do of pyk*'*'tn a manner, that did them; Buekwheak- per bushel .......... 65c Subh a lot to,.Choose from,and our prices are - ­ ', . � - I 1. .. . ' ' ' . I o.,.. ' SpeciAl'attention'to matrons, � � not as numerous as usual. -Mrs. John a solo. Next Sunday evening the they wish to acknowledge the kindly very iiiiih credit. The 6,61r was as- Brw _ .­ - , right. I ­� 111. *. . ........ ................ $1.60 . - I . I . - " .1ackson, oiF Brusselis Is visiting her ineeting vUl be irt aharge of the Mis- donation of $5.04D made by Mrs. Jas. sisted by Wssre. Willisin A. McLar- Shorts ............... .......... $1.70 . I , . I . .. � � -.1". goal George Jo,cksou.-Rev. Mr. RGb- sionary Committee, when stories of Bonthron, Sr, for the Suimay Scho4 en =4_., pbort Y. UcLare# and Miss Eggs, per dozen ........... 26 to 830 - I I ' � . ' ' .;: . Jhson was calling on old friends In varioue misesionaries will be told. for,which fands the bazaar was held. Gladysimy, who is organist, took Butter, pbr lb. .-.�-.- ". ........ In to Vic ' � Vvt *illage. Hartieulturral Society­"Brtcefield is Araonlg the many nice articles pur- her, sqO � g ...... � .. .. .$1.00 � ­ -The annual bazaar un- _Ju,the choir to assist on the pot.&toes per ba . The, Elite Hat'Shoppe, Hensall I... #Wr the auspices of St. George's GuIM to have a Uransh of the Horticultural chased and much adnilred was a very octad;.4r­­.i&il0 Mrs. E. Dxummoud H,gs, per cwt ................. $12.00 . . I kiv- � . . � � � I . - ., ViR be held in the A.10.U.W. Hall Society and. eo,usidergble intemest is fine Quilt, which wa,% secured by Mr. very ably took her VIM" as orgaui;3t., - I I . I I : about the 2nd of Decemben-7-.C,, Be'- being taken by flower -lovers of Bruce- Anderson, of Exeter, agent for the The offle-Blig at both services was very — - - . - __ - , , . — - . %11� I ]IOM and D. Stelss spen the wedsk end field in the project. On Friday even- Metropolitan Life Insurance Coml)any. liher&14416s. Lee Heddeli is in st -_ � � ­ . . . .. , . 1,1 at Heldelberg.-Mr. and-14ft- E_ 81*tt ing of tbb week at eight o'clock a Throughout the afternoon nice hinch- Gatha4n�" visiting, and intends re- . BRAN MARKET -­ . . ­ I I 1. ; .. and family spent Sunday -with Mrs. meetiRg wIU be h,eld in the Sunday es were, served, which not only added mairim"C"-thera for a week or so-mrs. . 7 �, . I . former of Tloronto, ge�imnber 15th.-Bmw, Canadian, I . A Gardiner. -Mr. and M . W. Clark _,__, a -11 +.- -I--' -- +16- I— the -loasure of the occasio- but Millar- ,,of Whideor ond � � A -4-�A 61Lc # ­%_cs Oc I . �­ � . am visiting a few days with Mrs, E. s om 0 - mtablishmebt of such a society. Mr. seVred W awell the fine receipts. Much I I . _,ge, W here visiting her . our viffih I 11 � � . Clark. -Miss Devereaux Is traproving William Hartry, Qf Seaforth, has ez*dit is fte to the three Misses father, - . RAchard Blatchford, arid I "" and splendid sqrmom delive, red 1by The ­ 3, �; I ., , . awel.y. Sbe is able to be up and help with Ught bourse duties.----qPeach- __ .... kindly com3ented to be present and Drummaond for the fine aid rendered.... will speak o;h the subject of "Gar- to the Sunday School. her mils h, . — ,,, n. C. 1. Jitiks, and other �. 0,,`i��X - I , � ,, _ � ,,, ., relati _ g,apd P. and Nis. '44 . frieylds�X 4 London Road, a Ettle nortla of gur �. - �.. the are " CorD Roast. Monday H. Arudl# have rbturned from a coupie POUVrRY MARK104T day evening, whether as a prospective . - on market and quite Plent": dens * In order to organize a branch ,` -On evening . " . . iner, returned 1�i I I ,. � , ".-Miss Gertie Miller bar. gone to . of the societW, twenty-five members last a fev of our young men arrang- of wec�, J holidays and visit with rdl- Toronto, September 1-6tb. - . . . � . Seaforth to -work at millinery. must be seepred, and if all who havi- ed to have wkat is termed a aorn atives;Ehrd friends in London and other - Dresselt �: I - . 1:1 ­ profe"ed Interest in organizing wtil roast Their first idea vras to have be oft FAday evening, there it at the lakeside, 1put realizing that pluces.---mThe Young People's OrgaAiz- bbickens, Spring, lb . ............... - ation is shortly to -be reofganized and H-, over 4 to 5 lbo . .............. The so -u_ 24-ts 20 L , I BAYFIRLD present will be tto diffievulty in getting well it was quite a diatenee to go with the . Do 8 to 4 . .................. wilL- nw,doubt, prove as interesting Rocsi; ... ...... � ....... ............ is �. I . Breezes. -Mr. and Mrs. E. 3. Den- established this fall. The Ontario evening's growing so short, the and. helpful as' in past years. -Miss Dueldinas, 5 lbs. and up ............ 27-80 �., :,:I. uts, Miss Dorothy Dennis and Mr. oe red th m ba it HorticiAtural Society has been instru- thought cur to 9 t t . Helen Swan retamed froti Port , . , 'Emerson, of London, have beah spend- mental in creating a deeper Interest would be really better to have it at Huron, Mich., ow -Saturday last, where . I , , �: ing a week at the Ritz. -Miss Jessie in the out-of-doors, resulting in the some farm ftsiAence witUin easy sho has be4n nursily9for some time - � V , Metcalf has returned to Detrott.-Mr. beautifying of towns and villages and distance of the village, where corn Theservicas in the Vulted. Church on DAMY MARKET 11,L and rs Richards of Stratford we homes. Mr. Hartry. is widely known could be easily procured, with lots Sunday last weve well attended, both I . I I ., . . . ests of W. J. McLeod Sunday.— gm as a flower enthusiast, who has clone of roam for gamee wid outdoor at the morning evening services WA I rporont., septe.iber lFith.­cbeese, uw,t.rge . . I .�.L� I Fred Reid, of Londoia, who has been much to sttmulate interest in other sports. Mr. George A. Glenn, of the and splendid sqrmom delive, red 1by The 24 to 241he; twins, 243h to 25c; triplete, 26 to 25%; Stiltons, 26 to 27c. Old. large. 28 — - - ..,4 � t0lorking for F. A. Edwardis this sum- centres. Everyone come out on Fri - London Road, a Ettle nortla of gur Rev. A. Sinclair. united choirs . 80c, twins. 301/2c; triplebs, Sle. ,, home Sunday with big- day evening, whether as a prospective village, learning of their desh,e, kind- rendered splendid service of praise, i%%to,-Finest creamery prints, 42c; Ne. 1 � . . iner, returned --I I bel ed them out b eir anthems weie gr%atlV en- creiiwery, 41c; No. 2. 29 to 40c; DahT . . father, Mr. J. Reid, who motored up me-er or not.; your abvmdanoce I V F J E. k, prints, 28% to 30%c. . I � accompanied by Mrs. McArthur and show your interest and in no way put the use of his place, and thus nicely joyed. The choir is now a very large Eggs-Fresb extras, in carbons, 42 to 48e; , . Miss Mary Gray. -Mr. and Mrs. Bris- you under any obligation to join. But filling the bill for them, givIng them one, and all the. parts are well taken. ,cme, 40 to 41e: fresh ,firaft, 37 to. age; tol, -who have been visiting Miss M. come! Friday evening at 8 o'clock. a chance, within easy distance of in- -Mrs. Thomas Hudson has been vis- seconds, So to 84e. . E. Garrett. at her cottage, have re- Notes. -Word. has been received viting their young or unmarried iting relatives and friends in Detwolt . . turned to their home, Basking Ridge. from Mrs. George Hill and her son, friends to spend a social evening. for the past week or so�Mr. and - _­_ �� New Jersey, moioring.-Mr. George Lyle, who left here last Friday en About eight o'clock quite a large Mrs. Troyer and litt* son, of Glen- . . � M. Fisher, Jr., and Meriam Fisher, of route for Moose Jaw, of the safe ar- number of the young people from the coe, spent the week end here with Mr. i:, idnight. village motored up to Mr. Glenn's, Troyer's mother, Xrg. Chw. Troyer. GRAIN MARKET '. � Waterloo, are guests of their aunt ' rival there on Sunday at mi ned by a few of Mr. Troyer holds a g.00d position as Toronto. September 15th.-Xmit.4ba wheat , Mrs. F. A. Edwards. -Oliver Gold- Mrs. Hill intends visiting for a few where they wert� 'jai � Mr. Glenn's nearest neighbors and a railway agent and has for a n ber --No. I Nowthera, nominal; No. 2 Xorthern� 1.�. thorpe returned Sunday from Ottawa months with her son, John, and family um noftinaa; No. 8 Northern, -nomiml; No. 4 � . where he attended military College. who reside in Moose Jaw. - Nvrae most pleasant eveYiing was spent by of years. -In giving in the former wh ,L,t, nominal. . . . Gretta Mustard, of New York, is via- all. With the light of a nice bonfire, part of our correspondence, the. name altoba oat9-Nb.`2 C.W.. nominW: No. - ­ -- - ef 3 O.W., nomimal; Re. I feed. nominal. I , , __ - -1 iting at the home of her parents, Mr. the grounds were quite brightly light- of Mr. Donald Sitherland., P.14., American corn, track, Torolato--No. 2 yel- v STAFFA and Mrs. Alex. Mwtard.-Mrs. Jamie- ed up, affording a good opportunity Oxford County, as one of the PrinCi- low, $1.13. Notea.-Mr. D. H. McKinnon, ot De- son, of our village, spent last week for outdoor sports and pastimes, in- pal speakers at the ebming Conserva- 114illfeed--Delivered, Montreal frelzbts, baga . the roasting of marshmel- tive Convention, oli the 18th, in the Inel-ded. l3rus, ber ton, $28.00; Aortis, Per r ton, $80.00; middl;lugs, $86.00; good feed Sony . troit, has returned home after a pleas- with friends on the Huron Road� eluding .� ant visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. lows, corn and weiners, which were Town Hall, we ' are -informed by the per bag, $2.80. 1 .. Sbire.-Mr. and Mrs. M. Miller, of _5 - the very things to which all looked Secretary of the"Association, Mr. It. Outar)o oids-86 to 40e, ,f.o.b.. shipping ., that while it is hoped that Points - I Grand Rapids, spent Saturday with KIPPEN forward, as the very essence tof the Higgins, t, .t. . Ontario good mlllirw-�O%eat-41.29 to $1.25. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Worden. - Mr. evening's fun and enjoyment' and Mr. Sutherland may 1�8'presen i 15 f-.4. shipping points, accordbe to frvIghts. I .. W.M.S.-Th,e monthly meeting of backed tip by delicioursly made coffee not absolutely avve he will be here, Barley-Maittug, 6650. . Alvin Worden visited at the home of Buek-wheat-No. 8, nominal. '; Mr. TITomas McKenzie in Logan over the W.M.S. was held at the home of stearning'hot, made just a lutich that as his services are pressed for on all Rye-bTo. 2, nomfmaL '.", Mrs. William Sinclair, with a good at- filled the bill, and so to speak, touth- sides, but that a fine speaker in the ,.. the week end. -Miss Ada Miller and Tdanitobs flour, first patent, $8.650; Toronto; , I I- r Mrs. Percy Miller, of Mount Pleas- tendance. The meedng was opened ed the right spot. After all had d6ne person of Mr. R. V,- Lesuer, M.P., of do. second patent, $9.00, Torwito, PasAry , I by singing Psalm 108 and Miss Herd- ample jostlee to the -good things at Sarnia, is prolnised.-We regret to flour. bags, $6.30. :�. ant, spent last week in Toronto visit- � Ontario flow --Toronto, 90 per cent. patents �. rids and attendir,fg the Exhibi- man led In prayer. The topic was the Idnd Invitation of Mr. and Mrs. report the very abrious illness Of Mrs. per barrel, �n earRovAs. Toronto, $6.0; Fies- � I , ing frie :1, tion. -Mr. and him. A. W. Norris and taken by Miss Herdman o,a India. Glenn, their spacious house was Wilbert Jones, (nee Miss Pearl Hilde- b.axd, in Milk. $5.40. � Sabbath Desecration, etc., which was thrown open to the young people, and brandt).-Mr. W. %C. Davis Stmvv--Cariots, per ton, $9.00 to $9.50. .1 Mr. and Mrs. G. Thompson, of Logan, . continues , I ; . . very interesting. The meeting was a most enjoyable time was then spent very seriously A% with litUe or no Sereemings--Standard, recleaned, f.o.b., bay 1, motored to Toronto to visit with Mr ports per ton, $18.00. 1. * Is toaffition. - Mr. Earl . iE�y_.!!Ro. 2 per ton, $15.00; No� 3, per tam, li and Mrs. William Jackson, and at- closed by repeating the Lord's prayer for some time in the way of music change in hi I . F" n unison. The October meeting will and dancing. The hours passing a- Parlmer, who holds a good position $14-00 to $14.50; mixed, per ton, $18.00 to tend the National Exhibition. - Mrs. ' $14.00; lower grades, $6.00 to $9.00. ,;,�:: be held at the home of Mrs. W. Alex- way, in the language of one of Burns' in Windsor, accomparded by his wife, ; ill , � Hugh Norris and Miss Eliza Norris, ander. poems, "on eagles vings" everyone Is here ending a few days with his - I �:'. ", air. and Mrs. T. W , - I . . ', of Mitchell, and Mrs. L. Butson and Notes. '� are !x-ry to note that feeling that they were doubly indebt- parents , a Parimer. Miss Reta Butson, of Munro, spent Rev. R. -;� �_- . . �, . Saturday with Mrs. J. Norris. -Mas- . hqy, e esteemed pas- ed to the young men who had plan- -As will be seen by loeal adv., Mi. ..l.". . tor of St. Andre-WIs United Church, ned and arranged for the pleasant t. Rannie, of the old established 1. ter Clarence Norris who is attending I . , �41,. I Ff� laid aside with sickness dur- tinim, and to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn who store intends holding a millinery op- - I . f .. 1, high school In Mitchell, spent the v7eek has bee I., �, : ing the past week, and has required had so kindly given thqir fine large ening the end of this week and as our . " �, ... ". end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. . ::­ . . � 1. , � '­ A. W. Norris. -Mr. asid Mrs. William medical -attention. It is the earnest home and grounds to the use of the milliners are noted for fine disp*ys, �� , ­ �. vrbh of his many friends that he company, and who had do-ne all they there will no,doiibt �be a large attend- Another Fire In " I .: :, ,�. Worden, of Stratford, visited with Mr. . V. filer on Sunday, will soon regain his usual,good health could to add to the ggemure of the ance of the fair sex to see, the latest . �� I and Mrs. J. M. Mi . . , , f - ay be spared to go in and out among oecasiom fashions. -Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and . ..... ',R.-, Arnriversary services will he hold SA hiL p6ople--Om Sabbath afternoop Brielig.-Mr. D. A. Cantelon accom- little daughter, fortier residents of Town. -1 I the 'M.te.4 M-4. - C*- -.4- d- .1 I I . " � 2 Y, v` last a unlon slerv�ce was held in the Panied by 3&. CharleG A. MeDonell, our village, Mr. Douglas being on the — I .. ., ­ . ^ morning and ev,aztWg, at 11 a.m Xet�,�Ist church vurhen . 1XI 1, I Rev. Mr. Me- "tored to Tobermo7y laft week, to Molsow Bank staff m accoliratant, I ­, � . . I , I ­,­ ,7 tan, when Rev. Cr -B.A., B.D., I . ­,, �. I DonaK of Zgmondville, oempied the spend a few days in that romantic were here the first of this vwk, the ___ � �%l.";_. VgViStWk, Vill pretedrese(gecialintwic I ,�,:,f � 16r the oecasion.---iMin. A. Hotham . .,Carry I 1.��'..,., palpit. This coming Sabbath, union place, and view .nature In its most guest of Mi. and Un. '11. Arnold.= Do You . � .�t.., I #Vint a week ,mith friends in strgt- service will again be held at three entrancing aspect. -A conventiah of Mise Elva Boftf a0d friebil, Miss A. I - 11 I - . � "I . , 'In% N -_ - .., ­X�,".' " � p.m. in the s=o church, when Rev. the Conservatives of South Huron,mill Campbell, timaew dt Zurich, attended ___ . - . ,, � , ,,&Vd rodenft,gr. and M.m. W. Rdb- Mr- Damrid, of 'Varna, wffl p"adh_ be held in our town hall on Friday the Neir,et'NorA's vwddim in Mit, r Ire insurance? I . 11� .1 ­' . I . I-. . il, of Muneapolia visited at Mt. I � I I . �. . � ��7, , %v. Mr. avd Mim. Bajrnuby, of Lon, afternoon of thim week, to choose a eb I on Baturftr %st, wid spent the I I I . . '. I �1� � gwrgo Wason's reoently,-A gentiz- ' ' . � � ':, . don, orb 11"hag th Mr. and Mrs. candidate to contest ths Adbag at Me Vnek end WM ift CAMPbelto Var- Be Satisfied with only J a 6,h ;L I 'Ifian frfelftd ;Df Mr. �Arold O'Briel"14 W1,11jam b ;I our vilkage,A coming elettiork in Og*ber. W letits, of tUt to*1L--VA6*r %T014, McLACHL'A X Business Coltege , 'I, S . ,D,f K�. ��' Avft.thp,Weptern triversit7, is opend- I the best. eompantea. I - � . I . I ."L, ,A* -ya vAt'h his filond Rar- large number irom thin dfatriet are Donald SutheAand, M.P, Of Oxford the elftt UtHo son of ,lb. and Xrt. ",1 !;� ,,� "'. . :. 6 fevr da I ! � "I .. , �,, thia w%ek attending die Western Pair Corinty, is to address the Zft=eeti ff tA)I- Ben Mdm Utaw 4A opb,mtlon at We have thew 14A I ... ..'' I � 004, . . &ratfdr4,,, Ontario �. j.�,C',', , "Olk *e ' L nated VenaAfl 9T� - ftfty rAmt%g Ifiet 1 1.6 . - - � 1, ; . IL "k Ill �1111 '�:, I . Z. � sp_lb�!�nln!!�� -at Lord6m.-We are plefted to report gether with otheA and weft I . .. �. ­. 1, �.", ftee�_ ' .. , I ..111' :,�_ �, ', � . AI& � , ,,, �, "VVI � "P I that 11m. *wdy, of our villaga, vofie eandidabeo.-The Presbyterians V&- f4r emovd a# NO tone - MUs I R""iw for um -VAN, TOM 0h Toesday, � S*. 19k ,,, M,", . , _. _pk 0 , ,,��i IWJNM 11as been Ab oftfously sfdk and vU shipping fn St PatVa Amgllesan ehumh Rm"may aw X%* e, Mi,x"U b I I �. -­ � . ne, lf�,, 4'' I "Ile, X I � . . - ., . oth I I " , - :li,­ �� I I ..;._ . 1;;;;;;,U, , , ""' . t "I. TheJohnRankin , � ", , , R, . ,,, #Ar�d MbUtt* fto VWZ20 alt -to 8-J& ,= reft ­Wott a c7itical opard- nre setting ,a flne oxa=ple J)� tho of 'ho Imith , F .. , �;, � �`�' l , - tftd 11., : , .� undel *6 Vftk ebA T TO-19AMN. - Or XPRUMCM I I . ,15,,. 1'11��' I � , "J,gr J, tw tow.. -VT . N ., ., "I ,�.Kl­ 1, ,,.,11,��, I- 111� 1- . I . tion'Ta almly ahovving gigns of irm, Vnited Church bere fln the Vray of X1,8. M. , Ir j�,,,]�'�,40, -01,11. l;_ P . Agenc, I' A"', - , Wtw -*. md mra. S 6nt-Mt. Affan fther am& Mr. Attenda,doo, no thw fW netmir &-Gry amd X6, 91 000"an and MUt . 7 -f ,� , ... " 7. odv,h 9'01-u,- I I I .'�,, . . . . . . ..� 'i� ! " $fot, lhbbart, spcat 0621 Road, lor'ho atten&d Toronto mbah'b4nt avid adlidrart le Sn h1a or her A&M" ' , 91M. &I .. 11��ii�,J�,5",�� 6:��,' r�, � _a 0621M . "­., . t, ., _..." ,,, �,., , �� ., ,t�;�k il k N A sUg4om VMW Insura,1160''Of W1 kirn& � . , I ,,..I�,�;� 50�,-t,4, " ;. t 114th relattvft at wiftell'- � I I M hwe returned, bmb,- plaea at Sabbath ,vornblp. Thb la w M ROM ar4 &%*, IUD "WA -1 . -'P., I'll, ,-`J�N`Ifl-;�, , 110�1��' I � ". . ", . �,�. r ,'tly'� " . , I -&,&I &ut% . ­Ji,�! %, �',.. ,,�� " I toids, . . ,��11_1 I ,,,I.- , ltmso Ronatid V101ting VI& ho'r ­ PAr-a and nieeb, Mlet Vbr. It alftPuld bo And b ta o%ampl tw I tdo Va 1, ,,,, . ,, s,�, ,., "'. ",".., T. - �* . e 'Vtll� 0 , ,, - i",l.'B.i.­��. I ,� , , . . c "O � , ft. . , . ���4,,'�""4zg(s",",,.,"",',,,�,',; , � d% . P 1. A # A 11 " �, / ., .� _ �, MI knm of 91bWoft, Ila X *ho tnvd been tinig wbrth r4td V"ftble to O& . a W. .8 Z � conveypadbg ft .r . T . �."�,,�'i��,,i, 10M'111`e-`Ili�2­ - - afftn' M, Aft .. T,704-16vo it *0 Ila me� �Ath ft- IT25 ww% F , - � 11 I ­ . .. .. i3m , MAMM . L Oft, r � �Ilk N� ( . / , I -1 rajda " 4 �� 'I I I I � �� . . 1. I , Z916 M ,�� bo*' twndd lhomt�-,,,Mra vft",Dh#U2 W& 'at It,V � 1110%e PRO" ft, , I . '..0 MAIS C!,111da � IT -a", � I'll .... %% I I � . V dftdl) --Rp 'a, 4611L , VT -It" , IM, ....... . . . . . . , it, 11 � -,'a D ro 42 !M- 190 a I I. - u, .. " 3 - Gn4j) _ If " ", � t�"; I 0 ,`�'i'T.� 'M , 1�� � &1� I 0�" dr � I I ,1� ,,, : , . . . I . I "�,:" ,.:� �:;. I . 0* - aftoon No. 2 the Moo of' god go."-, th 8 , . 1. I 11 - . � to' WoPt �p M 66n,010 . 'I"L, -, - ­­ 11 W I- - I . ��, , __ , , ;m I I " , . . '* �, , ­­ ­:­ ­ �­� � ,.". . 1� . I ��,r,.,!�,'.��., XIC2PI. �.�,,,; , - 0. . ,,�;.,',W ,0 i �� '�i, X; A90 ftdlh� , , , %, T, �V = ,,, � 'L� I I . .11 , � - . . D bo holdIft . , ��' . �00 , h Ift 010 =& d %e 4OV6.b. nw-t,two =*St," sro , d *W,' ��' :b ' *."* i4t � - I `.. "' '' ;��', ". . - - I !!I. �,!, '� 0 �!! -t I 10, 1-1 � -I 11 "''. I -1 - : i .1 " 'J. ov 5 5-M , 0, I Ed , , r 11 .V , . ­ . , I . : . � I . _, L, . � : " � I ;. .� ` . .1 . .:.t�,.,;U, `�, ."i, ­­!, ,;.`,'� "'7,:: %�:� �`�, , 11 I . . ., . . . "... . 1, . . I , . , i ,,,'�;,�,�,i","..",�..�l',�,�,.�""Illk�,. . � I I. I I I � I I . r I . .:'I I �. - . 11 . : . .. I 11 I 11 , .� I I , I 1, AQ�i . 0, I 'N ' ", 'I.. -4. 1. . I I � I . . I I . I . . � . ,� I . ... 11 . ?,.'�'A` ' i � � I I . I .1 � .� " ". , . .. I I I g; , 0"I `* �, L�. l",'­'le:.'(j . I . I . . . . . . I . � � .� . : " �. 1, I ..... . . 111. L � I , . 1". ., , . � I ,. .. I I , 1�., .11 . ". . . I'll . �� ", "I' , ,� ­ I I � . . I . "O", I . . . . I , - " .1 . . � I . . I I . 1. . . � "r , , . I . -, "� �,g ..�__. I I I I . , .� ,._ " , . . � ­ � t! � . .It MI; ; ... ;/ I I , 1. . ! .1. . ., . 1. .,­.J"J,�' 6,'.o4,�� �. � �- _.., I -, I I'll . I I , I 1, 1, _ ,�. I , I � - , ' . - I I 1� I�W'­ ­, . . . . I . , I , . ,,,R.,�, V - "I '. , ­ I I .11 ��. ;, �,_ : . 1. I . . . .1 I � . I 1, I 11", I I : � � , I_ " ,. A�".� "l L.":'"" I ;� ,, , � I �,!"N �;'.4,� ',;�'j--6�,',',,,-",,`- I , . � , I ­ , .,�.. . �_­� ,'_'.,,­ I - . . ". , i.,� , � ,. ., � ,� , � I ,,�. ,�­ '. , "�', . , Y I . ­�''­­­j_,;,,:�, ". , , - ,v. ir`­ �'�., � 4'.,. _,,�, - . .. is § � , "', , _ �,� �". ,,�,:�, ,,,,, w " , "Y I � I . i , I I , �_� �1,� , :, , . vlr 11 �1,�,,-,.Y, �j- ". " . , "'' I I 11 1 ,,,,�`�� ,.,�� , I' '. , �..". ,­ I ��,,­,m�,..gll.l ,I" '-.1"'K ... I-. ,'-�­.T � 11 1��i � "... 1. , ", Ill & ... ... ,�­,. ., 1, � 1111� I" �Al' ".1"', �f�,,, v"", Mi-li�,'�,�,,�,�',,�,(,,I,,�4���.;,�,i., o`,�":�,,, 1110� 11 ,.­ , I , ',`l,�' ''(1, 2 N, , "" 'j. �,,]�..',Iit�'�'.I.��;,,,� ,,,;.o,!,�,�,R'A� , '.,6Vp�t'k�:,�,-,,A,, - . , 1V1l­.M.1,'."�, _0 :� - I , ,� �! 1 ".N, , , 1, - 1; - :$��M. �, ,-;, : 1,�",".�"���,:�,;�l!,,,�,i:!�",-,�.�',;�,�-,,� ". " ne,lj:, ,� " -" . :�, "I 1.:� � .,�i I ,­v1­,,�'7.,?M,,­. I � :; ., �,� � " .., , , , ', , � , I �_, "I RW& I �. ., I "'.", "I 11 i. R